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April 26, 1950 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-26

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2 Student Candidates id Vigorous C r



_ _. __


SL Candidates. Answer
Daily ElectionQuestions
Seven hotly debated questions now going the rounds of inter-
ested students and campus groups were ventured by The Daily to the
58 candidates vieing for 23 Student' Legislature seats in the all-
campus elections today and tomorrow.
The questions, drawn up by Daily editors with the help of SL
officials, are a. part of a campus campaign to acquaint candidates
with voters and to whip up a hoped-for record of 10,000 votes.
* *
CANDIDATES HAD THREE choices in their answers, which ap-
pear below: "Yes," "No" and "No Opinion." In The Daily's candidate
questionnaire, questions left unanswered appear as "No Opinion."
Below each set of answers is the candidates statement on "Why
I am running for SL."
The questions are:
, 1. Do you think that Student Legislature should be given full
power to approve or disapprove student events to be placed on the
University's calendar of events.
2. Do you'think that Student Legislature sh ld work actively
to secure removal of possible discriminatory questions from appli-
cation blanks to University undergraduate colleges and professional
3. Do you feel that Communist Party members should be al-
lowed to participate in the Michigan Forum debate programs if
opposed by a competent speaker.
4. Do you think that Student Legislature should ask the Univer-
sity to set a time limit within which fraternities and sororities would
be forced to remove all discriminatory clauses (based on race, re-
ligion or national origin) from their constitutions, or be denied Uni-
versity recognition.
5. Would you favor a "student activities tax" of $.10 per stu-
dent to be levied at the time of registration, the proceeds of which
would be used to support Student Legislature.
6. Do you think that Student Legislature should launch a cam-
paign for making the Michigan Union a co-educational organization
- rather than its present status as a "men's club."
7. Do you feel that University campus police should be permit-
ted to enter student residences to search for liquor or evidence of
student drinking.
BECAUSE OF LIMITED SPACE and time, candidates were not
able to qualify their answers. In question 2, some candidates felt that
the questions on application blanks were not discriminatory and
answered "No."
In question 4, many candidates qualified their answers by stipu-
lating a certain time limit on removing discriminatory clauses from
fraternity and sorority constitutions.
StudentLegislature ...

Dave Bailey, '51
1. Yes 2. No opinion 3. No op-
ion 4. No 5. Yes 6. No 7. No
For years, both the students and
the faculty have wanted to be
closer to eaclf other-with friend
to friend relations, and not com-
pletely separated. I think I'd like
to help make that a reality and
make their dream and mine come
Pris Ball, '51
1. No opinion 2. Yes 3. Yes 4.
No 5. Yes 6. No 7.' No opinion.
If reelected, I will work toward
better organization and efficiency
in SL. I want to see .the ideas for
projects presented in SL carried
to completion (not lost in Com-
mittee), and complete records
compiled of all work done, for the
beneft of future legislators and to
prevent duplication of effort.
Margee Brewer, '52
1. Yes 2. No opinion 3. Yes 4.
No opinion 5. Yes 6. No. 7. No.
I would like to serve on the
Student Legislature since I am in-
terested in student government
and feel that I could ably repre-
sent my segment of the campus.
In addition to this, I believe that I
am qualified because of my ex-
perience in various campus organ-
Dave Brown, '53
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
The biggest single problem SL
faces is that with 8,000 votes it
can not really claim to represent
the student body. A bigger vote,
however, won't be obtained by
merely asking students to vote as
has been done in the past. They
must be shown what SL has done
and can do. SL has to be sold to
the students, grads as well as un-
dergrads. When it is, and only
then, wil it have full student sup-
Phyll Butterfield, 'S1Ed
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. Yes 7. Yes.
/ I believe that WSSF has not as
strong a committee- in Student
Legislature as it should, have. I
,would like to help strengthen this
committee, making WSSF an im-
portant Student Legislature pro-
Marty Chandler '51A&D
1. No 2. No opinion 3. no opin-
ion 4. No 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. No.
I wish to serve on Student Leg-
islature because I am sincerely
interested in student affairs and
am willing to assume responsibili-

quate programs and leadership for
achieving the goals desired by the
students. I have always been in-
terested in student government
and during the past year I have
been able to gain much experi-
ence in student problems.
Tom Dudley, '53
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No opinion 4.
Yes 5. No 6. No 7. No.
I want to see the Thank'sgiving
holiday lengthened. I would like
to see an International Students
Association formed on the cam-
pus. I want to see this business
about CED settled once and for
all. For these, and other reasons,
I desire to serve on SL.
Dill Eggleston, '52
1. Yes 2. No opinion 3. Yes 4.
No 5. No 6. No 7. No.
I believe that any student who
is interested in his school should
try to participate in the student
Jim Fitch, '52
1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes
6. Yes 7. No.
I would like to serve on the Stu-
dent Legislature because I am in-
terested in campus affairs and the
promotion of better student gov-
ernment. I feel that I can best be
of use to the SL by working on

Take This
List to Polls
In this edition The Daily pre-
sents a comprehensive survey of
the all-campus elections today
and tomorrow. Clip .it out and
vote intelligently.
a* * *
WHEN-8 to 5 p.m.
* * *
WHERE-Angell Hall, Union,
Alumni Memorial Hall, Law
Quadrangle, General Library,
President's Residence, Business
Administration Building, East
Quadrangle, Engineering Arch,
Natural Science B u i 1 d i n g,
Chemistry Building, League,
Rackham Building, C o u z e n s
Hall, New Women's Dormitory,
Jordan Hall, Stockwell Hall.
University student, including
graduates, for Student Legisla-
ture and the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics. Any
second semester junior in the
literary college for senior class
officers in the literary college.
Any sophomore, junior and sen-
ior for the engineering college
sophomore, junior and senior
class officers, respectively. Un-
ion vice-presidents are elected
by the students in their respec-
tive schools or colleges.
*; 4 *
must present I.D. cards and
scholastic transcripts if class is
not given on cards.
the opinion of the student body,
but once Student Legislature has
decided what the students desire,
it should see that some definite
action is taken in order to get
the students what they want.
Howard Hartzell, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I am interested in furthering
the new Michigan Forum, the
LS&A council and like projects
which hold great promise for Mi-
chigan's student government.
shall contribute ideas toward a
sane improvement of SL's struc-
ture and procedure. To facilitate
study of the many possibilities, I
am backing a "Little Hoover
Commission" for the legislature.
Jack Heikkenen '52F&C
1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes
6. No 7. No.
If I am elected to the Student
Legislature, I will try and do a
better job than is being done now.
I believe that I would represent
a part of the University that is
not at the present time being re-
presented, namely the School of
George Irving, '51
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
There is a great need for Legis-
lators, not only to be representa-
tive of the students and their
higher ideals, but to be responsible
to the students and the Univer-
sity in seeing that better govern-
ment takes precedence over per-
sonal desires. I believe that only
through responsible legislators
can the Student Legislature attain
the responsibility that it is fight-
ing for.
Charles Jaquith, '53
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
No. 6. No 7. No.
I feel that the Student Legisla-
ture, as it stands today, does not

represent a big enough portion of
the students. Hence, I feel that the
membership should be increased,
thus making a fairer representa-
tion and also giving to more stu-
dents, the experience of office. I
also feel that school spirit needs
strengthening, for it is only
through a mutually united front
that we can make the University
very strong.
Morris Katz, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No opin-
ion 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. No.
I believe it is the function of
the SL to initiate and promote ac-
tion dedicated to the best inter-
ests of the student body at large.
It should further reflect the opin-
ions and interests of the student
body and should, in relations with
the administration, be the official
spokesman for the students.
Henry Jarecki, 53
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No opin-
ion 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. No.
Right now students have practi-
cally no say on what is to take
place on campus. The Student
Legislature is an organization that
should assume the role of pro-
moting the prestige of students'
responsibility, both in eyes of the

with other campuses (through the
NSA), and coordinator of campus
groups. The SL must be energee,
responsive to student wishes, res-
ponsible, and effective in carrying
out its aims. I would like to utilize
my experience and ideas to
strengthen the position of SL and
increase its contributions to the
student community.
Jeff Knight, '51F&C
1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I desire to serve on the Student
Legislature because it would give
me an opportunity to serve a two-
fold purpose: one, to represent and
promote the best interests of Che
majority of students; and *Ovo,
through working with SL to gain
for myself the valuable experience
that goes into furthering a demo-
cratic group effort.
Allen Krass, '53Eng
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. No
6. No 7. Yes.
I feel that any government
worthy of that name should have
the power of limited taxation, but
the proposed 10c fee would be
nothing more than a gesture in
the right direction. At the present
time the Union, an organization
with a two and one half million
dollar surplus, receives seven and
one half dollars per year from
each male student's tuition. If
from fifty cents to one dollar of
this fee would be diverted to the
SL the Union's efficiency would
not be impaired, while the SL
would be in a position to carry
through such beneficial plans as
a student bookstore, student polls,
and others which have been shelv-
ed for lack of capital.
Jerry Kremer, '52
1. Yes .2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No opinion 7. No.
It is my opinion that the SL has
not been able to carry out its pro-
gram effectively simply because
of its lack of authority. The lack
of delegated power can be attri-
buted to the fact that the Univer-
sity feels that the SL is not repre-
sentative of the entire student
body. It is therefore essential that
everyone votes in the coming elec-
tions to both insure a good legis-
lature and prove to the University
that the SL deserves more power.
Diana Lahde, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes
6. No 7. No.
I think a student governing body
is an important part of any edu-
cational institution, because it is
the voice of the students. The past
has clearly shown what SL can
do to improve our campus. I think
part of the job of SL on our cam-
pus is to make school as beneficial,
interesting and enjoyable as pos-
sible for the students. I would like
to be on the inside of our student
government working for what I
think should be done, rather than
standing on the outside and telling
others what to do.
Ted Laird, '51BAd
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes
6. No 7. No.
I desire to serve on the Student
Legislature because I believe my
ideas reflect the majority of stu-
dent opinion and because I wish to
participate actively in Student
government here at the University.
Arlene Lange, '52Eng
1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. No
6. No 7. No.
I desire to serve on SL because
I firmly believe in the principles
of student government and I want
to see the student government we
do have act as the voice of the ma-

jority of the students and not as
the voices of the select few who
compose the Student Legislature.

~ I
D l
Daily-Al Jackson

and calibre. By acting as an outlet
for student opinion an active,
working Student Legislature can
freely express student feelings on
administrative policy.
Ray Litt, 52Eng
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. Yes 7. No.
As a very interested student at
the University, I feel that work-
ing on SL would enable me to aid
student government in attaining
its proper place in student repre-
Bill McIntyre, '53
1, Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No opin-
ion 5. Yes 6. No 7. No opinion.
I desire to serve on the Student
Legislature because of my sincere
interest in student government. I
desire to utilize past experience
in student government and present
knowledge of student problems, in
acting as capably and conscien-
ciously as I am able-both as an
agent and as a trustee of the stu-
Paul Malkus, '50
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
No 6. Yes 7. No.
The Student Legislature is the
legal and effective voice of the stu-
dent body. As such, it is the nor-
mal place for me to present and
work for plans that will benefit
both the University Administra-
tion and the student body. Co-
operation for mutual benefit is
my aim.
Leah Marks, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No opinion.
Although my main purpose in
running for SL is to aid in the
removal of potentially discrimi-
natory questions from University
admission applications, I also have
a great interest in establishing a
regularly published SL Newsletter
which would keep everyone in-
form about the individual SL
members and general projects.
Doris Melleky, '52
1. No 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. Yes
6. Yes 7. No.
I'd like to work toward making
the Student Legislature a more
powerful organization represent-
ing the student body; also to see
that the students -get justifiable
legislation on their opinions of
campus affairs.
Jim Moran, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I would like to see the service
functions of the Student Legisla-
ture continued and expanded. SL
could act as a center for all cam-
pus activities, not only in calen-
daring but also in providing ex-
perience, information, and assis-
Al Murphy, '51
1. No 2. Yes 3. No opinion 4.
No 5. Yes 6. No 7. No.
If elected to the Student Legis-
lature, I hope to further the work
of the Legislature in representing
the student body and to especially
promote those interests which are
most beneficial to the majority of
students, independent as well as
Jim Nesbitt, 51BAd
1.Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes
6. No Opinion 7. No.
Our student legislature should
be an active working body. Since
its formation several years ago, it
has taken tremendous strides in
this direction. If it continues to
do so, both student-wide interest
and the SL's financial position
must be improved. Increased funds

for the SL will increase its activity
and strength. Two of my primary

Other Posts
Sought by
35 Students
More than 35 candidates for
senior class officers in the literary
and engineering colleges and for
six Union Vice-president posts will
share the spotlight with Student
Legislature candidates in today's
all-campus elections.
A total of 16 students are seek-
ing election to the positions of
president, vice-president, secretary
and treasurer in the literary col-
*~ * *
THE FOUR candidates finally
elected will be responsible for the
administration of the senior activ-
ities next year and will remai:a in
office until the class' first reunion
in 1956.
In the engineering college 19
students are running for senior,
junior and sophomore class offi-
ces. The senior class will elect
four officers, while the junior
and sophomore groups will
choose only a president and a
The Union Vice-presidents will
be elected from amongs16 candi-
dates in the various schools and
colleges of the University. Stu-
dents will vote only for those can-
didates representing the school or
.college in which they are enrolled.
* * *
CANDIDATES for senior class
offices in the literary college are:
For President: Frank Butorac,
Ed Lewenson and Chuck Murray.
For Vice-president: Jack Ar-
buckle, Hugh Greenberg, Earl
Keim, Fay Pankow, Kathie Gei-
genmueller and Ross Tandourjian.
For Secretary: Pris Ball, Doris
Gardnar, Cal Klyman, Mary Ken-
nedy and Pat McLean.
For Treasurer: Dave Belin and
Tony Palermo.
* * *
IN THE RACE for senior class
officers in the engineering college
For President: Robert Brungra-
ber, Ned Hess and Gordon Saxon.
For Vice-president: Robert Pres-
ton and Tom Ebinhard.
For Secretary: Donald Hall and
Ray Ladendorf.
For Treasurer: Walt Du Blanica,
Charles A. Fronian and Robert
Junior engineering class candi-
dates include William Hickman
and William Morris for president;
and Keith Beers and Chuck Good
for secretary.
Running for president' of the
sophomore engineering class are
ThomasEAuch, Harry Criel and
Robert Erf, while Judith Davies
and Ronald Foulds are candidates
for secretary.
CANDIDATES for Union Vice-
president are:
Literary college: Gerald J. Mehl-
man, Thoburn Stiles and William
E. Stirton.
Combined Schools (BusAd, For-
estry, Music, Education, Pharmacy,
Public Health): John F. McCar-
thy, Robert M. Bristor, Robert
Waldon, William E. Peterson.
Dentistry School: Joseph L.
Law School: James W. Callison,
and William H. Bates.
Medical School: Merlin C.
Townley and W. Webb Wilson.
Engineering and Architecture
Schools: Richard C. Allen, John
A. Lindquist, William H. Race and
James W. Root.
background in organizing and co-
ordination which I desire to put
to constructive use in working for

an effective student legislature;
one which will command the sup-
port and respect of the student
body, faculty, and the administra-
John Ostnundson, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I would like to serve on the Stu-
dent Legislature primarily because
I am deeply devoted to the Uni-
versity of Michigan and am sin-
cerely interested in campus activi-
ties. I would like to add my ideas
to those of other legislators to
promote a better, well-rounded
life on this campus.
Spence Parsons, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. Yes.
As a member of the Student
Legislature I will work for a co-
sponsored Student Legislature --
IFC book exchange, the continua-
tion of the school spirit program
as initiated by Bill Gripman and
for a better understanding between
independent and affiliated organi-
Jay Pike, '51

Five University students will battle right down to the election
wire today and tomorrow for one vacant seat on the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics.
Elected for a, two-year term, the two student representatives on
the Athletic Board act as a liason between the athletic department
administration and the student body.
* * * *
Paul Anderson
I would like to become a member of the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics because it controls the athletics on campus. I
have been a participant in athletic activities and because of this ex-
perience I would now like to have a voice in their administration.
* * * a'
Bill Konrad
If elected to this office, I will take an active part in its business
and activities. I will represent the interests of the student body as best
I can. Naturally, in such a large University there is a wide difference
of opinion, but always there is a majority. If elected, this is the
group I will represent.
* * * *
Don McEwen
"I believe the students should have good representation on the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, and I would like to give
them that representation. I feel qualified, partaking in athletics my-
self, and being a student of the University, to represent the students'
interests as fairly and squarely as is humanly possible."
Jerome Segal
The Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics sets the athletic
policy of the University. Since every student is affected by the deci-
sions of this board, I feel that 'the student voice on this board should
represent the majority opinion of the students on campus on such
issues as tennis court fees, football ?programs and such. I will repre-
sent the students.


Five Contestants Battle
For Athletic Board Seats


tion because I would like to see the
Legislature get interested in some-
thing more concrete in connection
with the students, rather than the
theoretical work it has been do-
ing. One example is the Purchase
Card System, which should be
worked out fully to its completion.
Nancy Porter, '52 -
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I am running for SL because I
would like to work in integrating
the activities and objectives of the
various organizations to which I
belong, and because I feel that the
League, WSSF and Inter-Guild
should be well represented.
Ed Reifel, '51
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No opinion 7. Yes.
In my past year on the Legisla-
ture I have gained invaluable
knowledge and experience that I
would like to put to use to make
a more representative and recep-
tive Legislature for the student
Jeri Rich, '51
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes "4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No opinion.
I've always been extremely in-
terested in campus activities, and
have , worked at the Michigan
League. I would like to work on
another phase of campus activi-
ties and I feel that I would not
only gain experience; but also I
would be able to contribute to the
Student Legislature.
Loretta Roche, '53
1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No opin-
ion 5. Yes 6. No 7. No.
I wish to be a member of Stu-
dent Legislature in order to assist
in the equalization of representa-
tion on the campus of the Univer-
George Roumell, '51
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
No 6. No 7. No.
In the past year that I have
served o nthe Student Legislature
I have become active in furthering
the efforts of student government
on the Michigan campus and
would like to add more efforts
toward this gigantic task.
Herb Ruben, '51
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
There are conditions that I have
observed on campus which I
should like to see changed. The
best place to start these changes
is from the Student Legislature.
Robert Schemm, '51Law
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
No 6. No 7. Yes.
My candidacy is absed upon a
sincere desire to make student
government more responsive to
student opinion; there is too much
legislating in a vacuum at present.
Judy Sinclair, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I have always been interested in
the Student Legislature and feel
as though I would like to take an

ity to help in this work' and in
making SL an even more demo-
cratic, efficient, vital student
Jim oStorrie, '5iBAd
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I have worked with the SL for
the last two years. During this
time, I have helped organize and
have served on the Citizenship
Committee. I would like to con-
tinue my work on this committee
by improving the Legislature's effi-
ciency in helping Michigan stu-
dents strive for fuller lives while
on campus.
Dal Turley, '51
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. Yes 7. No.
It is my desire to have a Student
Legislature which is more respon-
sive to the body which it repre-
sents. This can only be effected
through a close association with
the various activities of the stu-
dents. It is therefore desireable
to have a wider area of control
with greater discretionary power
over University regulations. It is
to this end that I enter the cam-
paign for a seat in th Student
Hank Tyson, '51
1. No opinion 2. Yes 3. No
opinion 4. No 5. Yes 6. No 7. No.
The purpose of the Student Leg-
islature is to represent the student
body and to further its interests
in every way possible. With this
in mind, I seek election, to the
Student Legislature because it is
my desire to represent the students
at large, while serving no single
organization and representing n
one group.
Hal Ward, '52
1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes. 6. No 7. No.
There are a number of things I
feel the Student Legislature should
do to aid the student body. There-
fore I should like to be elected in
order to see if these things can't
be done.
Spider Webb, '52
1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. No
6. No 7. No.
I believe that I have something
to offer the SL and that through
my associations on the SL I will
be able to help promote a more
energetic electorate and a more re-
sponsible membership in that
council. Only with such a founda-
tion can SL hope to achieve good
government for all.
Dick Webber, '52Eng
1. No opinion 2. Yes 3. Yes 4.
No opinion 5. No 6. No 7. No.
Before I came to the University
I was very interested in organiza-
tions like Student Legislature. I
have had a great deal of exper-
ience in that line and would like
to use it for the benefit of all the
students I will represent.
Leonard Wilcox, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. Yes 7. No.
Student Legislature faces the
most serious problem since its be-







student projects and by
better relations among
f erent student groups.

trying to
the dif-

Hugh Fleetwood, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5.
Yes 6. No 7. No.
I feel that the Student Legisla-
ture is the organization wherein it
is possible to carry on certain ac-
tivities impossible to other or-
ganizations. I wish to do this for
the persons electing me.
Chuck Good, '52
1. No 2. No opinion 3. No op-
inion 4. No 5. No 6. No, 7. No.
I believe that the Student Leg-
islature should work with the Ad-
ministration rather than against
them, considering the dependence
of the State Legislature on the
University for financial backing
and that without State funds the
students of the University would
lose scholastically as well as acti-
Hugh Greenberg, '51
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. Yes 7. No.
. I wish to run for SL because I
have a deep interest in the func-
tion of students government and
feel that the experience I have had
may prove valuable in the future



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