AID TO EDUCATION Att See Page 4 VOL. LX, No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN * * * * * * 4 Telephone Strike Called Off Independents 'To Continue Wage Fight Nation's Service Remains Normal NEW YORK-(MP)-A general x strike by telephone employes throughout the nation is off. An independent strike by some 10,000 telephone equipment work- ers will continue. But the equip- ment workers union last night abandoned plans to picket ex- changes in nearly every state. * * * THUS ALL indications pointed to phone service continuing nor- mal. A twice-postponed walkout of more than 200,000 Bell employes from coast to coast had been scheduled to start at 6 a.m., local time today. Joseph A. Beirne, president of the CIO Communications Workers of America, announced its indef- inite postponement a little more than 12 hours before the deadline. * * * A POSSIBLE clue as to the rea- son for Beirne's action came from another union official here who said Division 10, CWA, has settled its wage dispute with Bell and that some Long Lines workers will get more than $5 a week in wagein- creases.' The official, Vice-president Robert T. Creasey of Division 10, said the settlement would apply only to his 21,000 long lines workers but might set a pat- tern for other telephone em- ployes. * * * BEIRNE . SAID the telephone equipment workers would decide for themselves whether to halt their day-old walkout. Officials of the equipment workers union said in New York that their strike was still on. Earnest Weaver, president of the CWA Equipment Workers Union, said last night negotiations with Westren Electric Co., would continue. He said he was confident the company, the Bell System's manufacturing arm, "will move toward a settlement before the night is over." Teacher lls President Of State College PERU, NEB.-(P)-A psychol- ogy professor scheduled to lose his job, shot and killed the presi- dent of Peru State Teachers Col- lege and another professor yester- day.. Less than an hour later, County Attorney Fred C. Kiechel found the body of the slayer in his nearby home. * * * BESIDE the body was a note saying in part: "Willie (the college president) tried to fire the wrong person." Slain as they sat at their desks were Prof. William L. Nicholas, 48, years old, the president, Prof. Paul A. Max- well, 56 years old, head of the southeastern Nebraska school's Department of Education. Found dead at his home was Prof. B. K. Baker, 54 years old, teacher of psychology under Dr. Maxwell. Kiechel said there would be no °. inquest. "IT'S iobviously a double mur- der and suicide," he declared. TO HOLD OFF CAMPUS: Slosson To Oppose Philli psIn Debate By PETER HOTTON Twice barred from speaking at the University, Communist Herbert J. Phillips will finally get a chance to debate, with Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department, "Capitalism vs. Communism," this time in a cafeteria at 211 S. State Street. Scheduled for 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, the hotly-contested debate is the result of the work of a special "committee" of 84 students and 30 faculty members. At the same time, however, University officials put an emphatic "no" to former University of Washington professor Phillips' talk -_->slated for a closed meeting of the -Carlsie Marsnail ELECTION PREPARATIONS-Student Legislators Dave Belin, '51, (left) and Tom Rice, '50BAd, (right) place blank ballots in the all-metal ballot boxes which will be used in today's all-campus elections, while Legislator Jim Storrie, '51, hastily checks last minute details with his staff of special assistants who will super- vise the 18 voting booths. RAIN RAIN GO AWAY- Weather Officials All Wet After April.Predictions By RICH THOMAS With April 25 days old, Willow Run weather officials are already eight days off in their predic- tions of the amount of rain which Crowds Set New Records For Michigras Twenty-one thousand fun-seek- ers spent approximately $17,000 during two nights an4 an after- noon of Michigras festivities last week, according to figures released yesterday by the carnival's central committee. The thousands who attended shattered all previous records, ticket co-chair'man Bob Smith, '50, asserted. Financial reccids also fell as gross intake topped that of the 1948 Michigras by 26 per cent. * * * BUT NO ESTIMATE of profits will be available for several weeks, according to finance chairman Harold Hughes, '50. Total expen- ses will not be known until then, Hughes said, but he predicted the cost of the carnival would run 10 per cent higher than in1948. Sponsored jointly by the Union and the League, this year's Michigras will provide funds for the University Fresh Air' Camp, the Phoenix Pro- ject and the proposed new wo- men's swimming pool. Smith bld his attendance es- timate on 17,000 paid admissions, 1,500 complimentary admissions and an estimated turnout of 2,500 at the free children's matinee Saturday afternoon. will fall in Ann Arbor this month. At the beginning of April, wea- ther men reported that their rec- ords showed that over the last four years the average number of rain-swept days in the month was 12 for Ann Arbor. * * * AS OF YESTERDAY, 20 of this April's first 25 days have yielded some sort of precipitation-rain or snow. A few quick calculations show that if the present rate of rain- fall continues, there will be four more days of rain before May puts in its tradtionally sunny appearance. This would make a total of 24 rainy days for April, 1950. Weather bureau officials were at a loss to explain this watery phenomena. "ALL WE have is our records to go by," one weather man said. "You can't expect individual months to come out right on the average e ery time." As to prospects for the next few weeks weather in Ann Ar- bor, a long range forecast which runs to the midle of May anti- cipates the following: A period of "excessive precipi- tation" and of "low temperatures." "The 'low temperature'," the weather man explained, "means average temperatures will run about 5 degrees below the normal 57 degrees averages for May." * * * THE PREDICTION for tomor- row: cloudy, windier, cool, with possible but highly improbable light snow flurries. What this all adds up to is anybody's guess, but the obvious implication is that its still too early to put the topcoat in the mothballs for the summer and that it would be prudent to keep your rubbers handy. loover Plan Supported ByStudents A student section of the Citi- zen's Committee for the Hoover Report was set up last night at a meeting under the auspices of the Student Legislature. Prof. James K. Pollock, head of the political science department and a member of the Hoover Com- riission, outlined the purposes and goals of the movement to give public backing; to the Com-A mission's governmental expense reduction proposals. * * , * QUENT NESBITT, '50, was se- lected as chairman of the campus group, and a steering committee of five was set up. Len Wilcox, '52, was appointed secretary. Prof. Pollock pointed out that the public must actively support the Hoover Commission pro- gram if its provisions are to be made law. Tracing the history of the Hoo- ver Commission and the Citizen's Committee set up to advocate use of the Commission, Prof. Pollock noted that Congress had already passed about 25 per cent of the proposed legislation. * * * THE CITIZEN'S Committee had realized soon after its inception that a "college and university" branch was needed, and one was accordingly organized, Prof. Pol- lock said. The new ,campus group would be part of it. Students interested -in working with the new organization may contact Len Wilcox, at 9602. Attlee Faces Crucial Vate LONDON-(P)-The nine Lib- erals in the House of Commons de- cided last night to oppose the gov- ernment in two life-or-death votes today. The decision placed the Labor Government of Prime Minister Attlee in greater danger of a de- feat which would force it to re- sign. The issues on which it is being challenged are the increased gas- oline tax and new purchase tax on trucks. The Labor Party now holds 311 seats in the House, against a com- bined total of 305 for the Conser- vatives and Liberals. Acolytes, a philosophy club, in the Rackham Building. He was to have talked on "Some Problems of Philosophy." MAIN reason why the debate will finally come off, open to the public, and why the private talk was banned is because the debate will be held off campus, where the University has no jurisdiction, despite its sponsorship by students and faculty members. Dean Erich A. Walter summed up the University's decision and stand on the Acolyte talk in four points: 1. The University Lecture Committee, in its interpreta- tin of a Regent by-law, unani- mously decided against any Communist speaking on cam- pus. 2. The issue of Phillips speak- ing arose from a proposed debate sponsored by Student Legisla- ture, a representative organiza- tion, and not from a lecture to a closed group. 3. The Acolytes have not sent their membership list to the Of- fice of Student Affairs and are therefore not a recognized stu- dent organization. 4. Action has already been taken on barring Phillips from campus, and it would be a dis- courtesy to the University for an unrecognized organization to in- vite him on campus. * * * DEAN WALTER said "The University community must ac- cept the decision of the- Lecture Committee, unless it wants to ap- peal the action through Univer- sity channels to the executive of- ficials of the 'University and/or the Board of Regents. Confusion in some student's minds was cleared up when he ex- plained that the Lecture Commit- tee's decision applied to both open and closed meetings. . * * WHEN THE POLITICAL speak- ers ban was lifted by the Regents last spring, the rule allowing poli- tical speakers to talk before closed student meetings was also drop- ped, he said. The Acolytes, after reconsid- ering the matter, decided to drop their plans. In a letter to The Daily, the program committee said, "After being informed ... that Mr. Phil- lips' talk would have to be ap- proved by the Lecture Committee, we concluded that our petitioning for such approval for the Acolytes would interfere or endanger any steps which may be taken by the faculty or student body to have the ban of the Phillips-Wernette debate rescinded." An Editorial... Student government has won its greatest victory since being reactivated on this campus four years ago. In the significant letter reprinted below, Deans Bromage, Walter, and Rea have for the first time publicly expressed their confidence in Student Legislature and their respect for its accomplishments. They have recognized that SL has reached maturity; that it is the sober and intelligent voice of the student body. We are certain that the Deans are sincere in their promise of granting SL a greater role "in the determina- tion and governing of student affairs" as it gains increas- ing support from the student body. And we know that the large student vote in recent elections has been the most convincing argument for increasing the scope of student government. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that a smashing vote of confidence be registered at the polls today and tomorrow. SL has set a goal of 10,000 votes-3,000 more than ever cast before. Admittedly, it has set its sights high. But an aroused electorate, fully aware of the benefits to be reaped, can achieve this goal. Contribute your share by voting today or tomorrow. -The Senior Editors Letter from the Deans ... Dear Mr. Nesbitt: We have noted with keen interest the Student Legislature's "10,000" drive aimed at getting out a record vote at this spring's campus election, where half of the Student Legislature is to be elected. It has been the pleasant experience of our offices to work with the Student Legislature in many areas of student interest or activity in which it has done a commendable job of represent- ing the student body. We believe that as it continues to develop as a permanent organization and gains increasing support from the student body, the Student Legislature will be able to .assume an increasingly larger role in the determination and governing of student affairs. We can sympathize with the Student Legislature in its drive for a larger vote because it faces the same type of voter apathy which is all too evident in the society at large. I the Student Legislature can secure a larger campus vote for te representa- tives to the body which represents the students in many areas, it will not only have strengthened its own position but will have helped develop the habit of voting which is an important part of citizenship in our society. We wish you every success in your 10,000 vote campaign. Mary C. Bromage , Walter B. ReaU Erich A. Walter Cleveland Editor Claims Israel Must Solve Four Problems SL To Seek Record Vote Ballot Booths Sel To Handle Crowd By JIM BROWN With Weather Bureau officia1f predicting clearing skies and ris. ing temperatures, the campus wil go to the polls from 8 to 5 p.m today and tomorrow in the semi annual all-campus elections. Student Legislature official encouraged by the fair weathe: forecasts, confidently predicte that 10,000 students would cas their ballots in the huge election -topping all previous records b more than 3,000. The voters will elect 26 SI members, six Union Vice-presi- For a comprehensive election survey, see page 6. dents, class officers in the liter- ary and engineering colleges ad one student member of the Boar in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics. IN a desperate attempt out the record-smashing 10,004 vote, the SL citizenship commit- tee has set up 18 voting booth more than twice the numberI any previous selection. The polls, gaily decked out with colorful posters and huge balloons, will be located at An- gel.' Hall, Alumni MemoriM' Hall, Union, League, Law Quad- rangle, General Library, Chem- istry Building and at the north- west end of the Diag. Other voting booths will be see up at the East Quad, Business Ad- ministration Building, Couzen Hall, New Women's Dorm, Jordar Hall, Stockwell Hall, Racl han Building, Engineering Arch anc on the sidewalk adjacent to th President's Home. They will be manned by a staf of nearly 500 volunteer studen workers, drawn largely from cam pus honor societies and servc organizations, m* SL officials emphasized tha- students must present their M cards in order to vote. All stu- dents--both graduate and under- graduate-are eligible to vote fo the 57 SL candidates, who will be elected under the Hare propor. tional rating system. Senior class officers in the literary college and senior, junior and sophomore class offi- cers in the engineering college will be elected only by those students in the respective class- es of the two colleges. The six Union Vice-presidente will be selected by those male stu- dents enrolled in the college: which the individual candidates seek to represent, while the on Athletic Board member will be elected by the campus at large CENTRAL headquarters fto: the complex election machiner will be located in Room 3D of the Union. Legislator Jim Storrie, '51 of the SL citizenship committee will maintain close supervision over the 18 voting booths witi the help of a staff of special assis- tants equipped with portable wire. less radios. All of the ballot boxes will be collected promptly at 5 p.m. by election officials, carefully watched by members of the Ju- diciary. Council, and will be takn to an unknown location for storage tonight. Although no votes will be count. ed until shortly after 6 p.m. to. morrow night, Storrie said that e "Israel is faced with four prob- lems which it must solve,-Arab adjustment, immigrant absorbtion, the housing shortage and indus- trial development," Spencer Ir- win declared at the United Jewi'h Appeal kick-off meeting last night. Speaking at Kellogg Auditorium on "A Christian's View of Israel," the associate editor of the Cleve- land Plain Dealer declared that "there has been more plain and fancy lying in the United States about the Israeli Arab problem than about anything else." * * *A CITING Mrs. Mark Ethridge'sl figure of 900,000 displaced Arabs in refugee camps, Irwin noted that "there never were more than 700,- 000 Arabs at any time in all Is- rael." "These disproportionate es- timates derive from the prac- orm tice of tabulating camp popu- lations from the number of din- ners ordered each day-and it was common camp practice to order three portions apiece for each meal, one Arab frankly re- marked to me in conversation," Irwin explained. Noting that the Israeli govern- ment has had the problem of absorbing immigrants into the country in the past two years "comparable to 85 million des- cending on the U.S." "But there is no possibility of a Communist coup in Israel," he de- -clared, "because many of these people have escaped from Russian satellite countries, and want noth- ing further to do with a system they learned to hate." National Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - New confer- ences aimed at settlement of a la- bor dispute which threatened a strike on four major railroad sys- tems will start in Chicago tomor- row morning. A record of 240,000 five concessions tickets were Smith added. cent sold, PROPOSE PLAN FOR SOUTH QUAD: Council Leaders Discuss All Freshman i 1wmnunnc. nmF ThFr.isCho.. .. «. .. __.. SL 72. SL t. 1L. .. TT... S..e+.... ;-4--+o A +1-%n vianelz nfl