THE MI LILY Foreign Policy ABOUT three years ago Leonard Engel and E. A. Piler in a book entitled "World Aflame" predicted that a Russian-American atomic war would be touched off in May, 1950. They said that an incident such as that which occured over the Baltic last week would provide the spark which would ignite the conflagration. These pessimists were probably justified in making their assertion by the manner in which we were conducting our foreign affairs then. We were helplessly flounder- ing around in a world that the Russians had just very definitely split in two. And indecision and haphazardness typified our policies. But we have come to realize that dicta- torships conceive of indecision only as a sign of weakness which they must exploit. And at present the State Department is put- ting into effect a program with very definite objectives. It is a realistic program designed to prevent further Communist expansion and to eliminate the situations that might make the Kremlin think they -have some- thing to gain from a war. If the Baltic incident had happened in the period when Engel and Piller made their prediction the chances are that a war would have resulted. But by setting up a policy that is based on firmness, patience and dig- nity we have grown past the stage where popular excitement and passion can lead a nation to war. In the Baltic incident and our recent activities in international relations, what Acheson meant by saying that total di- plomacy is the only path we can follow is beginning to be exemplified. Undoubtedly our major purpose is con- tainment of the Russian sphere. We are attempting to establish democratic institu- tions and economically develop those nations that are jeopardized so that the appeal of Communism will find deaf ears. In Greece and Korea we are promoting, anew, efforts to help them achieve political democracy and economic stability, which the reactionary local governments have hin- dered. We have threatened to reduce eco- nomic aid that is necessary for their very existence if these basic conditions are not met. The Ban on Communists IN the banning of the proposed debate be- tween Herbert J. Phillips and Prof. J. Phillip Wernette, two important points stand out. The first, and the one which has been quite well-voiced thus far, is the regret- table revelation that the University places such little faith in the maturity of its own students. The second is one that has not received much attention, or at least has not come to the fore. That is the possi- bility that there is perhaps an even strong- er reason for the University's refusing to approve the debate than the one proffered by the Lecture Committee. For it is evident that the particular reason offered by the Committee for banning the debate is not a very substantial one; at least, the many students and faculty anter- ed by the decision were in no way placated by the reasoning of the committee. Further- more, it does not appear that the Committee adequately considered the positive values of holding the debate. Phillips was to appear in a debate, not an address. And we must keep in mind the fact that perhaps Phillips would point out some ideas about Communism, that would be worth our consideration. If he is able to do this, then we should be exposed to them at least (we will be,sooner or later), so that we can decide for ourselves their true merit. Then again, he might point out certain deficiencies in the capitalistic system- of which everyone must admit there are some-which in turn might incite some students to set about alleviating them. In this respectPhillips might unwittingly strengthen our form of government; for, when we become too confident that our way of life is superior to every other way, we tend to relax in our efforts to main- tain this state. Regardless of how mighty an orator Phil- lips is, or how capable he may be of swaying his audience, it seems highly improbable that, with as capable a man as Prof. Wer- nette for an opponent, he would be able to leave much damage in his wake. If, however, the University actually feels that this would happen, or that the Phillips debate would be a negative influence in the education of its students, then there is some- thing fundamentally wrong with either the standard of teaching here-which is sup- posed to equip the student with the ability to think for himself-or the students in at- tendance. Considering the reputation that the University of Michigan has in the aca- demic world, neither of these suppositions bears much weight. Hence the Lecture Committee must have had some other, more far-reaching reason for banning Communist Phillips. It is well- known that the University receives con- siderable private donations, in addition to the funds it receives from the State. And the State Legislature, being rather conser- vative in its views, might very well frown upon the University making such a radical step as to let a Communist appear on its campus. Also, the wealthy donors of the University, having done rather well under this capitalistic system of ours, would quite understandably not be any too eager to have someone espousing the cause of Commu- nism talk to Michigan students. It is quite possible, therefore, that the Committee was thinking more of what the reaction of these two valuable sources of revenue would be, than of presenting a singular educational opportunity to its students. If this is so, then insofar as the committee was thinking of the welfare of the University, which of course is de- pendent on these appropriations, its de- cision was perhaps for the best-as far as securing an adequate budget is concerned. Even if the Committee sincerely felt that its decision was the proper one for all con- cerned, which it evidently did, then it is completely ignoring its responsibility to sti- mulate and encourage intelligent discussion. The person who lacks the facts will be the one more prone to make a mistake in judg- ment than one who has them. This University is regarded as one of the best in the world. In September President Ruthven greeted the incoming freshmen and told them that Michigan is better than a great university-that it is the finest university in the world. Consequently, for a university with such giant-like stature, the Communist ban- whether it be because of the fear that the effect of Phillips' appearance here will be to influence students in the wrong way, or for fear of what certain outside pressures will say, or from sheer oversight-is in- deed shameful. To profess to be a fine university, and to take rightful pride in this fact, and then on the other hand to perpetrate such a recreant act, is nothing but hypocrisy._, If a university desires to be great, it must prove that it is by its actions as well as its words: it must be a leader in a matter of this type, especially, and not a follower. If Michigan, so rich with prestige, is to. fall down in its responsibility to those who look up to it, or bow to underlying pressures, then why should some smaller school, less capa- ble of withstanding opposition, bother to crusade for what it knows is right? Again, if the University still feels that its decision is correct, it is definitely not up- holding one that will win it the respect it is accustomed to. Whatever be the reason for its decision, let the University stand up and show observors that they are completely jus- tified in calling Michigan a truly "great" university. -Larry Rothman "Follow That Baby Carriage!" 11 - 17 -- - /ette.* TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters,and letters which for any reason are notin good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. The State Department is seeking to al- leviate the dollar indebtedness of the rest of the world to the U.S. by calling for tariff reductions. and increased American imports from Europe. And of course there is the all-important Marshall Plan seeking to raise the standard of living of western Europe to a level compatible with the tech- nological progress of the twentieth cen- tury. Many describe this program and the other efforts of the State Department as im- perialistic warmongering. These criticisms seem only to be repetitions of Soviet propa- ganda. If Acheson is a warmonger why didn't he blow up the Baltic incident in- stead of handling it in such a dignified man- ner? We have not sent troops to guard our interests in these nations. And we have not been arbitrary and set up puppets to run these governments for the best interests of the U.S. I believe that our current policies are the only ones the U.S. can follow at present with any success. The Soviets have ruled out any negotiation by their constant ob- structiveness and disregard for agree- ments. We can only deal with the Kremlin with steadfastness, cool heads, and steady nerves. And we must concentrate our energies into strengthening the remainder of the free world. Only when the world has become relatively immune to Communist penetra- tion will the Russian attitude change and the conditions exist for successful nego- tiation. -Paul Marx RURRENT MOVIES At The Michign... RIDING HIGH with Bing Crosby, Wil- liam Demarest, Raymond Walburn, James, Gleason, Percy Kilbride. BING CROSBY is very much at home in Riding High, a film about a transient race horse trainer and the company he keeps, which includes to mention a few: an industry Goliath and his marriageable off- spring, savory racetrack types such as the aging and desperate system-maker from Yale and The South, the happy and faith- ful Negro trainer, and the gambling czars, who, while not very savory, do so much to help a plot along. But Bing (even though his toupee is set on rakishly, we don't call him Mr. Crosby) is at home in any situation and, I suppose, there lies his charm. Robert Riskin, scripting this film, has written for Bing the same sort of easy patter he bubbles forth with on his radio show-"School's out, sermon's over;" and which Crosby reads with such nonchalance that one wonders whether or not he makes it up as he goes. Bing is a man I take most easily in con- temporary garb and jargon. He's not my Connecticut Yankee. So when he becomes involved with something so near his heart as horse racing, and is assisted by one of the largest and well-managed collection of bit players, the final product is wholesome, ex- citing, and humorous. A few spots reveal the ON THE Washington Merry- Go -Round WITH DREW PEARSON Michigras ... To the Editor: THE 1950 MICHIGRAS has set many new records. We would like to extend our thanks to all who made it possible. If you were among those who worked long in- to the night constructing floats, despite "Ann Arbor spring" weath- er-you can certainly be proud of the job you did. It has been said that it is the best Michigras pa- rade Ann Arbor has ever seen. And you who put on the big show Fri- day and Saturday nights at Yost Field House can take credit for increasing the profits far above those of the previous Michigras. Though attendance was increased by only a few hundred people, your attractive booths drew in a much larger expenditure per per- son. This can be directly attributed to the originality and hard work shown throughout Michigras. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to the Merchants Association of Ann Arbor and the townspeople who backed and pa- tronized our carnival. To those who helped with the parade, furthered our publicity and contributed pri- zes, we are especially grateful. The cooperative attitude of the faculty helped us in innumerable instances. You, who are included in the 20,000 or so people who attended our show Friday and Saturday nights and the Kiddies' Matinee, were the backbone of Michigras. You have given your direct sup- port to the Women's Athletic Fund, the Fresh Air Camp, and the Michigan-Memorial Phoenix Project. But mostly we enjoyed the fun Michigras brought to Ann Arbor, which was shared by all. It was swell working with you. -Jan Olivier, Bill Peterson, General Chairmen * * * Hitch-Hikers .. . To the Editor: AN ARTICLE in a national mag- azine, condensed from an ar- ticle in another national maga- zine, warns the motorist not to pick up hitchhikers because "Too Many Rob and Kill" and "The FBI has prints of two out of every five thumbs that beg you for a ride," as the drop lines below the title tell you. That is certainly good advice if two out of every five hitchhikers are crooks (if they weren't the FBI wouldn't have their thumb prints). Motorists who pick up hitchhikers - we can call them hitchhikees, for convenience sake -have nothing to gain from such action. Hitchhikers cannot change tires, give you directions and other information, entertain you, or keep you awake when you are dropping off to sleep. But they may be crooks even if they don't stick a gun in your ribs. The article says so. Of course, there is a slight ques- tion of what a crook is doing when he isn't crooking, since "the av- erage hitchhiker - and this in- cludes college boys -- is as able to buy a bus or rail ticket as the average motorist is to pay his own bills." If Joe College can pay, what kind of a piker of a crook have we here? If crime does not pay or does not want to pay for a Grey- hound ticket, what is this country coming to, anyway? This fellow who wrote the arti- cle has it in for college boys. He writes about a motorist who gave a college boy a lift the equivalent of a 26-cent bus ride (tax includ- ed?) and then had years of liti- gation on hand, apparently. be- cause he smashed up the car: "From a motorist's financial view- point the college boy might be called the most dangerous hitch- hiker - injure him and he can sue, whereas the criminal would not think of going to law." You see, you got to watch all the angles. In the next installment, I want to continue this discussion. -John Neufeld * * * Debate Con . . To_ the Editor: PARDON ME while I regurgi- tate but Monday's Daily was really like an emetic. Devoting so much space in a single issue to cryover the fact that a Communist wasn't allowed to talk to us reminds me of a spoiled brat who wasn't permitted to go to the movies to see his favorite cowboy. Don't feel too badly, though. I think we've heard before what he was going to say. -Estelle Raiffa Employment: The Michigan Region office of The National Conference of Chris- tians and Jews announces an op- ening for a June graduate who can type with facility, write unusually good English, and is interested in social work. Apply by letter only to Detroit Round Table of the Na- tional Conference of Christians and Jews, 907 Washington Blvd., Detroit 26, Michigan. University Community . Center: Willow RunrVillage: Tues., April 25, 8 p.m., Bridge; Skit group; Nursery Study Group, Mrs. Comstock. Wed., April 26, 8 p.m., Ceramics. Thurs., April 27, 8 p.m., Ceram- ics; Choir. Lectures The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures, auspices of the Law School and the William W. Cook Endowment. Fourth series, on the general sub- ject "Administrative Discretion and Its Control," by Dean E. Blythe Stason, Law School. Second lecture, "Judicial Review and Oth- er Means of Control of Adminis- trative Action." 4:15 p.m., Tues., April 25, Room 150, Hutchins Hall. Third lecture, "Uncontrolled Areas of Administrative Discretion." Dean E.' Blythe Stason. 4:15 p.m., Wed., April 26, Room 150, Hutch- ins Hall. t University Lecture: "Murals in the San Francisco Post-Office Ad- dition" (illustrated). Anton Re- fregier, of New York, mural paint- er; auspices of the College of Ar- chitecture and Design. 4:15 pm., Wed., April 26, Rackham Amphi- theater. Academic Notices Anthropology 152, The Mind of Primitive Man, will meet In Room B, Haven Hall, Wednesday and Friday .of this week. Physical - Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: Wed., April 26, 4:07 p.m., 2308 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. R. Euler will discuss the evidence for a trimeric acetic acid species. Mr. John Yoke will consider "The Photographic Latent Image." Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m., Tues., April 25, 3001 Angell Hall. "The Edge of Regression of a Surface of Constant Negative Curvature." Prof. Howard Alexander, Adrian College. All interested are invited. Doctoral Examination for Her- man Kleerekoper, Zoology; thesis: "The Biology of the Atherinid Fish Odontesthes bonariensis (Valen- ciennes) in Northeeastern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil," Wed., April 26, 4101 Natural Science Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chairman, K. F. Lagler. Concerts Student Recital: Paul Jackson, pianist, will be heard in a pro- gram at 4:15 p.m., Tues., April 25, Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Master of Music degree. A pupil of Benning Dexter, Mr. Jackson wil play composi- tions by Bach, Haydn, Griffes and Beethoven. The public is invited. Student Recital: Julia Hamrick, student of French Horn with Ted Evans, will present a program at 8:30 p.m., Tues., April 25, Archi- tecture Auditorium. She will be assisted by Anita Bassett at the piano, Wanda Pitman and Joan Patrick, playing trumpets, and Charleen Symmonds, trombone. Given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music' degree, the recital will be open to the public. Student Recital: Dolores DiLor- enzo, pianist, will present a recital at 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 26, Rack- ham Assembly Hall, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Pro- gram: Compositions by Bach, Schubert, Debussy, and Claude Al- mand. Open to -the public. Miss DiLorenzo is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman. Exhibitions Photography by students of the College of Architecture & Design. 1st floor corridor, Architecture Bldg.; through May 8. Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- Jal Ha,11: Chinese Buddlst Bronzes, through May 7; Painting Toward Architecture, through May 14. Weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today University Choral Union Mem- bers are reminded that the re- hearsal will be held on the stage of Hill Auditorium promptly at 7 p.m. Enter through the rear doors. Craft Shop: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Christian Science Organization: Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Square Dance Group: 7 p.m., Lane Hall. N.S.A. Committee of S.L.: Meet- ing, 4 p.m., Rm. 3B, Union. Dele- gates Reports from Aquinas meet- ing. Quarterdeck Society: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3R, Union. Speak- er: Professor Bragg. Sigma Rho Tau, Engineer's Stump Speakers Society: Meeting, 7 p.m., 2084 E. Engineering. Pro- gram: Circles will carry on train- ing and further discussion of M.- V.A. Prof. Shirley Allen, School of Forestry, will speak on "M.V.A.. Today." Everyone welcome. Faculty-Student Mixer, spon- sored by the Michigan Education Club. Faculty members and stu- dents of the Schoolrof Education are invited. Rm. 3A, Union. Chess Club: 7:30 p.m. Union. All welcome. Alpha Phi Omega: Pledge class meeting, Rm. 3L, Union, 6:15 p.m. Pledge exam will be given. Social Research Group. Discus- sion: "The Research Needs of Unions" by Mr. Samuel Jacobs, specialist in Workers Education for the UAW-CIO and Mr. Lewis Carliner, editor of the UAW pub- lication AMMUNITION. 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-S, Union. Women of the University Fac- ulty: Dinner, 6:15 p.n., Hussey Room, League. Election of officers and program, 7:30 p.m. Coming Events Canterbury Club: 7:15 p.m., Wed., April 26, Holy Communion followed by student breakfast. Ninth Annual Luncheon Confer- ence on Supply, Demand and Placement of Teachers in Michi- gan. In addition to report of re- sults of current study, Dr. Earl J. McGrath, U.S. Commissioner of Education, will speak on "Gen- eral Education in.High School and College." 12:15 p.m., Fri., April 28, League Ballroom. Reservations for luncheon should be made at the Bureau of Appointments by Thurs., 6 p.m. Central Michigan Alumni Din- ner Meeting: May 1, 6 p.m., First Methodist Church. Those plan- ning to attend call Mr. Raymond C. Scott, 2-3608 or Mr. Emery Too- good, 6897 by April 28. Airee-Ire: Annual Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Wed., April 26, Allenel Hotel. Mr. H. A. Wagner will speak on the "Economics of Power Plant Planning." Tickets available at E. Engineering Building. (Continued on Page 5) -f e l A S ;A A -N WASHINGTON-Speaking off-the-record to a civilian orientation conference last week, Secretary of Defense Johnson dra- matically declared: "We know - and I say we know - that Russia does not plan to conquer the United States by force or war. She intends to do it by driving us into eco- nomic collapse which will give the Commun- ists an opportunity by infiltration to take over." Johnson went on to explain that Russia doesn't have the resources to attack the United States, but will try to bluff us into bankruptcy instead. He also added: "There is complete agreement in the Defense De- partment as to what the danger is and what we need to meet that danger." The Secretary of Defense was insistent that the real danger from Russia is not arm- ed aggression but economic collapse. "I'm not going to retreat at all on budget economies," Johnson insisted. "In fact, I am going to have more of them." WHO SAID THAT? MAN'S MEMORY is short. It was only a few short years ago that many dis- tinguished and conservative Americans were praising Russia as a wartime partner, and urging cooperation after the war. Printed below is what some of these m Americans said. If you read their quota- tions, while holding your hand over the names at the bottom of the column, it's doubtful if you could guess the authors. However, printed below are the names of the men or newspapers, by number, who made these statements. See how many you can guess correctly. 1-"The world situation at the present time indicates that the hopes of civilization rest on the worthy shoulders of the coura- geous Russian Army ... the scale and gran- deur of this effort marks it as the greatest military achievement of all history!" 2-"The continued cooperation between the United States and Russia is so essen- tial to future world peace that no re- maining differences can be permitted to interfere with it." 3-"We can do business with Stalin! And that business will help our political relations with the Russians, besides . . . . A tenth of the human beings of the world are on the boration in the fullest sense of the word . ...I am confident Marshal Stalin will agree that ,when victory is finally won, it will be our duty to transform this fight- ing alliance into a concordat dedicated to peacetime construction and to the better- ment of the commonweal." ..8-And speaking of quotes, here is one by a famous senator, that Harry Truman does- n't want him to forget. "I think it is pecu- liarly desirable that there be just as little dissension as possible on foreign policy be- tween the executive and the Congress, be- tween the executive and the Senate, be- tween the Republican Party and the Demo- cratic Party." THE AUTHORS 1-Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Feb. 23, 1942; 2-New York Times editorial, Nov. 16,1943; 3-Raymond Moley in Newsweek, Oct. 18, 1943; 4-Rev. Geo. H. Dunne in the Catholic Quarterly, July 8, 1945; 5-Chicago Tribune, June 11,1942; 6-Donald Nelson, chairman of the War Production Board, Jan. 18, 1944; 7-Adm. William Standley, ex-Ambassador to Russia, Nov. 15, 1944; 8-Sen. Robert A. Taft in Senate debate on Moscow Pact, Nov. 3, 1944. MERRY-GO-ROUND Price supports on hogs, barley, and soy- beans will be restored as soon as Congress authorizes more money. The bill still 16s- n't passed the Senate. Live-wire Mike di Salle, popular mayor of Toledo, is picking up strength in his pri- mary battle against Joe Ferguson. Both; are Democrats and both want to defeat Taft. The four big veterans organizationsL American Legion, VFW, AMVETS and the Disabled American Veterans-have been maneuvering to get control of General Ani- line, the giant German film and dyestuff corporation seized by the government during the war. However, President Truman has vetoed the idea, belives that to give the German firm to any one group would be 4gainst the law. i Southwest dust storms will not cause another "dust bowl" as in the 1930's. Soil conservation has covered most of the area with grass. The British, when asked why they send arms to the Arab states, point out that the A I ,#. I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I (Continued from Page 3) ifications: (1) electrical engineers with potential sales ability to act as a sales representative (2) elec- tricfl engineer with an interets in research and development (39) mechanical engineers with an in- terest in construction. For further information con- cerning the above mentioned in- terviews call the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Civil Service examinations and positions: The New York State Civil Ser- vice Commission announces exam- inations for Social Work and Nursing, Personnel Test Develop- ing, Engineering, Bio-Statistics, and Clerical Work. The Municipal Civil Service. Commission of the City of New York announces examinations for Mechanical Engineer and Assist- ant Mechanical Engineer. The Wisconsin Civil Service Commission announces opportun- ities for an Insurance Examiner. Closing date: May 5. The United States Civil Service Commission announces examina- tions for Chemist, Metallurgist, Physicist, Mathematician, Clinical Psychologist, Director of Research, Assistant Director of Research, Engineer, Illustrators, and Archi- tectural Engineer. For further information on the above call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control' of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff......... Managing Editor Al Blumrosen.......City Editor Philip Dawsor .... Editorial Director Mary Stein ... .... Associate Editor Jo Misner ..... .. Associate Editor George Walker.....Associate Editor Don McNeil........Associate Editor Wally Barth ...... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports' Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ...... Women's Editor Barbara Smith..Associate women's Ed. Allan Clamage.............Librarian Joyce Clark. ...... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington .. Business Manager Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl....Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff .....Finance Manager Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other niatters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann ArboreMichigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. 4 d A A BARNABY i Here's the deck, Mr. O'Malley. Mr. Shultz picked a card . , . I [ Q 1160 Cract