SUNDAY, AfltIL23 19 0
... _
'ECENTLY an Army Chemical Corps gen-
eral told a group of chemists in Detroit
a revolutionary new nerve gas that prom-
s to have a profound effect on the present
ncept of modern warfare.
The gas which is easily transported has
lie ability to reduce the will of an enemy
o resist. Its use would result in great
ictories without enormous physical de-
When it has been thoroughly refined the
s might easily prove to be the greatest
dition to weapons of warfare since the
omic bomb. Actually it has possibilities
even overshadowing the atomic bomb.
At the present we attempt to change man's
.nd by physically beating him down and
turn hoping, that his mind will be made
thodox. The numerous wars of history
,ve proven this method quite inefficient:.
gardless of how severely a man may be
ysically beaten he may still carry in his
nd the seeds of an idea that is alien to
e victor.
With the advent of total war in the last
years the necessity of mentally defeating
every member of the enemy has risen 1b,
paramount importance. If man's ideology
could be changed without the use of phy-
sical violence, much of the waste, suffering
and heartbreak of modern war would be
eliminated. Bursting bombs and chattering
machine guns would be replaced by super-
propaganda and fantastic communicative
Now may be the time to re-evaluate our
concept of power weapons. We have car-
ried physical destruction just about to the
ultimate. If the millions of dollars and
man-hours now spent on perfecting phy-
sical destroying weapons were devoted to
research on how best to bring man to our
ideology the bloodless war might lie in the
not-too-distant future.
The cold war is an example of a conflict
of ideas. But the prevailing ingredient is
not conflicting ideas, it is the fear of guided
missiles and atomic bombs. The image of a
battle between opposing creeds and ideas is
much more appealing than the conventional
concept of modern warfare.
-Ron Watts
Regulation Controversy
WASHINGTON - The consuming public
won a signal victory that it could see,
out in the open, when President Truman
recently vetoed the Harris-Kerr-Thomas bill
designed to exempt "independent" natural
gas producers from regulation by the Federal
Power Commission.
But the story is not ended. The public
still might lose some effects of that victory
and that takes us to a part of the govern-
ment process often overlooked by the pub-
lic. That is the commission that adminis-
ters regulatory laws under commission
form of government. Such commissions
have wide discretion, and can make laws
really effective or dilute them.
Involved in this instance is the Federal
Power Commission and the 1938 Natural
Gas Act over which there has been constant
friction within the FPC as to its scope. The
Supreme Court held that under that act the
FPC could regulate "independent" producers{
but the FPC has approached the issue divid-
ed and warily. The purpose of the Harris-
Kerr-Thomas bill was to make sure it did
not exercise such power by a specific prohi-
bitory statute, a familiar technique in recent
years, and that measure squeaked through
Congress by close margins under pressure
from big oil interests that own the bulk of
natural gas reserves.
THWARTED BY THE Truman veto, spon-
sors of that bill now have concentrated
upon the FPC in an effort to recoup in the
administrative agency. They include politi-
cally powerful figures, notably Speaker Sam
Rayburn, to whom the President is beholden
for his legislature program and who took the
floor i talfy a- n'fe iWthrougfi the
House by two votes. Another is Senator Bob
Kerr, who has considerable influence among
oil men - of which he is one - who have
been generous with campaign contributions
to the Democratic Party.
They want the President to reappoint to
the FPC its current chairman, Nelson Lee
Smith, a Republican, who is sympathetic
with their position. His term expires
June 22.
Chairman Smith was not only for the
Harris-Kerr-Thomas bill and wanted the
President to sign it, but in the 80th Con-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
gress he was for amendments to the 1938
Natural Gas Act that went beyond exemp-
tion from regulation of independent pro-
ducers to include also a new rate-making
formula. In that view he was supported
by commissioner Harrington Wimberly, a
Democratic member from Oklahoma.
THOSE WHO FOUGHT the broader Riz-
ley-Moore bill of the 80th Congress and
the Harris-Kerr-Thomas bill which Presi-
dent Truman vetoed are hostile to Mr4
Smith's reappointment because of his atti-
In recent years the Commission has been
sharply divided over the extent of natural
gas regulation, with continual strife.
When the Risley-Moore bill was before the
80th Congress, the FPC, on which there was
then a vacancy, divided two and two, with
Commissioners Claude L. Draper, Republi-
can, and Leland Olds, Democrat, opposing it
vigorously and Chairman Smith and Com-
missioner Wimberly supporting the amend-
ments which were regarded as of about the
same effect as the Rizley-Moore bill.
O THE VACANCY President Truman ap-
pointed Burton N. Behling, head of the
FPC's natural gas investigation staff. When
it was revealed that he sided with Chairman
Smith and Commissioner Wimberly on the
proposed amendments and thus would break
the tie in the commission in favor of the oil
and gas industry position, such a protest
arose that the President finally withdrew
the nomination. Instead he appointed
Thomas C. Buchanan of Pennsylvania, a
Democrat, who had served for several years
on Pennsylvania's Utility Regulating Com-
This gave the strict regulationist faction
a temporary edge until the term of Leland
Olds expired last year. He was reappointed
by the President, but the oil and gas in-
terests, ever watchful on the administra-
tive as on the legislative front, succeeded
in defeating his confirmation after a bit-
ter fight. To that vacancy President Tru-
man named his old friend, Mon C. Wall-,
gren, ex-Senator and ex-Governor of
Washington, who sided with strict regula-
tionists in support of a veto by the Presi-
dent, which seems again to give the ma-
jority to that viewpoint.
However, proponents of regulation are
taking no chances and want to prevent
Chairman Smith's reappointment and, if
that happens, his confirmation by the Sen-
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
ONE OF THE most fantastic features of
the current red herring chase in Wash-
ington is the spectacle of the battered old
GOP elephant stumbling along in the wake
of head mud-slinger Joe McCarthy, patheti-
cally hoping that the nice man will unearth
a red peanut which can be used to beef him
up for the coming election.
Fantastic not because the elephant is
looking for a peanut but fantastic because
this weary pachyderm has trod the same
herring-scented path again and again
without finding more than a few old shells
and husks.
It appears that with elephants, as is often
the case with humans, experience is not the
great teacher it is commonly thought to be.
What prompted the elephant to start out
on his ludicrous trek this time was a bulging
brief case from which the nice man prom-
ised to pull either 205 or 81 or 57 or just
about any number of peanuts that an elec-
tion-starved old elephant could want.
To date, although the nice man has
noisily opened his brief case and riffled
through it vigorously, he has succeeded not
only in discrediting himself, smearing a
loyal American, and throwing a monkey
wrench into the conduct of American for-
eign policy (none of which seems to bother
the elephant), but also he is further dam-
aging the elephant's already-blighted re-
Instead of concerning himself with the
haystacks of major issues which face the
nation, our elephant grovels in the mud
seeking small delicacies which never ma-
How he can shamble on and on in pur-
suit of this sort of meager ration when
these inviting bales of worthy election fod-
der abound on every side is something of
a mystery.
The explanation probably lies in the fact
that our elephant's brain is remarkably
small and his hide is remarkably thick
and mice are sometimes known to inhabit
But one of the things which should be
clear to the old fellow by now is that
peanut husks, even those of the red variety,
don't make a very satisfactory diet when in
training for an election.
-Dave Thomas
WHILE THE State Department's attention
was turned towards the Baltic incident,
and congressional and executive leaders
squabbled over McCarthyism and natural
gas, the focus of news moved away from
the now occupied former enemy, Germany.
A comfortable illusion current in the
United States that the defeat of Hitler
ended the Nazi political and military po-
tential has shoved the German news from
the headlines to page nineteen in Ameri-
can newspapers. ,
Current events in Germany seem to in-
dicate that more careful scrutiny of German
news dispatches is in order.
The Nazi menace seems far dead.
All over Germany today political splinter
groups have formed-far to the right-which
if ever combined could recreate the Nazi,
party in full.
The denazification program, the Allies re-
cently conducted, has been called scandaloT
in reports to the State Department. More
than 87 per cent of the individuals tried were
acquitted. Many of those acquitted have re-
turned to political offices held in the days
of Hitler.
Meanwhile a supernationalism seems to be
rapidly developing. A few days ago, Chan-
cellor Adenauer of the Allied-controlled1
Bonn government called upon an audience to
sing "Deutschland Ueber Alles," the German
national war anthem that had gone unsung
since the last days of Adolph Hitler. Aden
auer insists the song is harmless. The Brit-
ish government however thought differently,
and sent a formal note of rebuke to the
German chancellor.
At the same time a Senatorial investi-
gating committee reporting to Truman on
the seamier side of German national poli-
tics stated that "from Western Germany
come intimations of political blackmailers
who threaten to jump into the arms of
Stalin each time a new demand is not met.
These are elements seeking to sabotage the
Allied policy and waiting for the occupa-
tion withdrawal, to seize power at the firsty
favorable moment.'
Anti-semitism, the old platform of Nazism
is slowly making its appearance again. In-'
cidents of desecration of Jewish cemeteries,
bombing of homes and veiled accusations in
the press, bear witness to the failure of the
"new German democracy."
Five years after the war's end, the decar-
telization of the Ruhr industries is still pro-,
gressing at snails pace. In Duesseldorf the
British had to force out the Krupp chief
executive for foinenting anti-British feeling
among the Germans. Senator Gillette stat-1
ed a few days ago in a report to the Presi-
dent that a reindustrialized and rearmed
Germany could be the deadliest menace in
the world! Yet the Ruhr talks drag on, with
the German cartel-war magnates still bid-
ding for power.
"Joe - Yoo Hoo - Joe"
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
generalinterest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
(Continued from Page 2)
gram at 4:15 p.m., Tues., April
25, -Rackham Assembly Hall, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music
degree. A pupil of Benning Dexter,
Mr. Jackson will play composi-
tions by Bach, Haydn, Griffes and
Beethoven. The public is invited.
Student Recital: Julia Hamrick,
student of French""Born with Ted
Evans, will present a program .at
8:30 p.m., Tues., April 25, Archi-
tecture Auditorium. She will be
assisted by Anita Bassett at the
piano, Wanda Pitman and Joan
Patrick, playixig trumpets, and
Charleen. Symmonds, trombone.
Given in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree, the recital will be
open to the public.
Events Today
Student Religious Groups:
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
4:30 p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside
Room)."Dr. Leslie R. Marston,
former Uniiversity of Michigan in-
structor in psychology, and pre-
sently Bishop of the Free Method-
ist Church, will speak on the sub-
ject: "Moral Reform or Regener-
Westminster Presbyterian Guild:
5:30 p.m., supper in Social Hall.
6:30 p.m., Dr. Lemon will speak
on "What Do 'Orthodox' Chris-
tians Believe?"
Unitarian Student: 7 p.m., Meet
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Morris, 723 Lawrence. Weather
permitting, the group will go out
for a wiener roast.
Congregational - Disciples - Ev-
angelical and Reformed Guild: 6
p.m., supper at the Congregational
Church. Program: "And So To-
morrow," presented by members
of the Guild.
Lutheran Student Association:
5:30 p.m., program and supper.
7 p.m., speaker: graduate student,
"Moral Implications of Journal-
Wesleyan Guild: 9:30 a.m., sem-
inar in the Pine Room. Donuts
and coffee. 5:30 p.m., Supper and
fellowship, followed by a talk by
UncleCy Baldwin in the World
Religions Series.
Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy
Communion followed by student
breakfast and discussion. 5:30
p.m., supper and meeting; "Pub-
lic Relations and the Church."
Prof. Wooding, Journalism De-
World Cooperation Week: In-
ternational Pageant. 2-5 p.m. Mu-
sic and dances of different cultures
represented by foreign and Amer-
ican groups. Pattengill Auditorium,
Ann Arbor High School. Tickets
at International Center or door.
6:30 p.m., Arab dinner, featuring
native Arab dishes.
Grad Outing Club: Meeting, 2:15
p.m., Rackham Bldg. Final plans
for overnight (April 29-30); reser-
vations still available.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Record program on New. Orleans
jazz, ABC room, League, 8 pJm.,
Study Group in Leaderhip
Training: 102 Mason Hall (Con-
ference Research Room),3 p.m.
Work Shop Discussions, spon-
sored by the Inter-,rts Union.
The first in a series will take place
this evening on the topic "Con-
tempory Song." For further infor-
mation call Joyce Edgar, 2-3119
between 12:15 and 2 p.m.
League Record Concert: 3-
8:30 p.m., League Ballroom. Bee-
thoven's Third Symphony ("Ero-
ica") and Ravel's La Valse will be
Coming Events
University Choral Union Mem-
bers are reminded that the re-
hearsal Tues., April 25, will be
held on the stage of Hill Audi-
torium promptly at 7 p.m. Enter
through the rear doors.
Sigma Rho Tau, Engineer's
Stump Speakers Society: Meeting,
7 p m. Tues., April 25, 2084 E.
Engineering. Program: Circles will
carry on training and further dis-
cussion of M.V.A. Prof. Shirley
(Continued on Page 5)
Debate - Pro...
To the Editor:
I FULLY AGREE with Professor
Hobbs that the trouble with the
modern Communists is not that
they have an erroneous economic
theory but that they are apologists
for a totalitarian despotism. But
I do not draw his conclusion that
they should not be allowed to
speak on the campus. On the con-
trary, I want them to present their
case, as fully and forcibly as pos-
sible, so that they may the more
easily be shown up. To gag one
side of a discussion is, in effect, to
gag both sides. Of course, one
may still make a speech on behalf
of capitalism, but half its effect
is gone when opponents can sneer
"They don't dare let us speak."
I am of Milton's opinion that truth
never loses out in a free and open
As for the Regents' ruling that
speeches must not be made advo-
cating the overthrow of the gov-
ernment, there is no evidence at
all that the, speaker was going to
advocate anything of the sort in
that speech. What he may have
advocated, or his party may have:
advocated, elsewhere is not rele-
vant. Suppose there was a ban
against advocating atheism or free
love. Would that mean that Shel-
ley (who advocated both) would
not be allowed to speak on the
theory of poetry? The forum stat-
ed its question, not as democracy
versus violent revolution, but as
Capitalism versus Communism in
the economic sphere. Originally
the speaker had suggested as a
topic the banning of Communists
from colleges. Neither topic neces-
sarily involves at all the question
of violence or of revolution. (Per-
sonally, I would not fear letting
any student organization invite
anyone to the campus to talk
about anything; so great is my
confidence in student sanity; but
that is another matter). Even on
the basis of the Regents' ruling
there was no case for banning
a purely economic debate from the
campus. Let us hope that if it can-
not be held on the campus, some
church or other hall can be ar-
ranged so that it can be held in
Ann Arb'or, anyhow.
A final word to the Communists
and their sympathizers. We who
believe in freedom are contending
for your rights, but until some one
of the many Communist govern-
ments in the world is willing to
permit open debates on Commun-
ism versus Capitalism you only
look ridiculous in pretending to be
friends of freedom and civil rights,
and everyone is laughing at your
y rs -Preston Slosson
* * *
Debate - Con ...
To the Editor:
about the impression you make
reference your issue of the 18th on
Phillips being rejected for debate
on Communism vs. our system.
If you were writing for the Daily
Worker or for Pravda you couldn't
have made more ado over the mat-
ter, which should have been dis-
missed in a paragraph with cap-
tion, "Who Cares but the Com-
You should realize you are being
played for suckers by being propa-
ganda tools and should know bet-
ter than to get so far out on a
rotten limb.
Does it matter whether Phillips
has personally advocated violent
overthrow of our system? He
sponsors a system that has over-
thrown by militant minority action
Russia itself, and many of its near
neighbors and has others strain-
ing to hold to denocratic process-
Your mistake is in assuming
Communism to be a political party
in our accepted sense. Why tag
them with such an innocent label
whenthey actually constitute a
conspiracy, the most dangerous
one yet conceived. Of course they
have trained their advocates in
plausible argument and hot denial
like Phillip's own denial cited
above. Naturally, seeking admis-
sion into the society they intend
to destroy, they cannot be perfect-
ly frank unless they believe us
to be sub-morons. So they hope
we will accept their words - for
instance in the proposed debate.
At. the same time they hope we
will overlook their deeds. What
deeds? To mention a few:
1-Overthrow of governments by
violent minority action.
2-Crippling the economy, if
possible, of those countries that
they have not as yet been able to
3-Propaganda of lies and hate
against all countries and forces
and history and thoughts not serv-
ing their ends.
World War II ended with us
holding out the hand of friendship
to our Russian ally, and we have
been rebuffed, victimized and in-
sulted until we belatedly realize
we better prepare to defend our-
selves if we hope to live any ex-
cept a vassal's life.
And The Michigan Daily wants
to debate the subject. What has
to hit you before you wake up to
the role you are playing?
-Anson H. Keeler, '16E
Debate - Con.. ..
To the Editor:
THIS letter is written to those
individuals who, in the past
few days, have been vehemently
denouncing the administrators of
our state and University.
The issue seems to have stem-
med from some attempt on the
part of an avowed Communist to
come to Ann Arbor and expound
to the student body his ideas on
the advantages of Communism.
Now, I don't want to take part
in this affair one way or the
other. I would, however, like to
make a suggestion to those stu-
dents on campus who believe
their education is sady lacking
without an opportunity to listen
to Communist speakers on cam-
pus. My suggestion, is that these
students forsake our biased cam-
pus and go someplace else where
all of these advantages, of which
they are deprived at Michigan,
are available. There is one place
where I am sure that they could
not complain about lack of Com-
munist environment and I'm sure
the people there don't call the
WashWington Merry-Go ROun
Communists subversives (cruel
name), they don't dare. The
place? Why, where else, but the
university in Moscow. I'm sure
that some of these people would
be a lot happier if they were
there, or so it seems by the way
they talk, and, I might add that
some of us contented "stay at
homes" would be a lot happier
If these people do have the cour-
age of their convictions and do
take this journey, (extremely
doubtful)I am sure of one thing,
this same trip will be a final re-
buttal to all of their arguments
and accusations about our filthyl
capitalistic biased and juvenile
legislature and University admin-
-John C. Tobin
* * *
Editorial Policy .. .
To the Editor:
Hobbs' indignant letter and
The Daily's inevitable rebuttal;
indeed, with reference to the whole
tenor of The Daily's editorial poli-
cy, the following remarks are of-
Unlike a commercial newspaper
whose editors may make it an
instrument for the dissemination
of private opinion, a college news-
paper has an obligation to the
University which generates it (stu-
dents, faculty, institution, etc.) to
represent the cross-section of Uni-
versity character in a balanced,
undistorted manner.
It is little wonder that Prof.
Hobbs, who is one of the worth-
while progenitors of the current
stature of America, criticizes The
Daily's crass dalliance with our
hard-won American excellence,
which the left compares so glibly
with the virtues behind the Iron
Curtain. The point of my remark
does not deal with the merit of
the Lecture Committee's judge-
ment, but with the unethical man-
ner in which The Daily allows only
one side of an issue to prevail. The
instant anyone speaks up in de-
fense of an action which the edi-
tors oppose, the last words (and
of course the preponderance of
words) are printed in defense of
the individual editor's opinions.
T'±is is not journalistic integrity.
An unbiased observer would con-
clude from The Daily's handling of
the Mrs. Robeson affair, the Phil-
lips affair, and in fact after not-
ing the whole year's selection of
editorials and manner of presenta-
tion of news, that the University
of Michigan is much pinker than
it really is. In fact, some of the
present editors of The Daily have
proselyted the publication into a
private organ of persuasion rather
than making it a newspaper of
integrity, truly reflecting the
character of Michigan.
As a correction for this situation,
I suggest either of two possible
1. That editors recognize their
responsibility to the University,
and discharge this responsibility
with self-effacing trust.
2. That all political, social, and
other pertinent characteristics and
intentions of the aspirants to edi-
torial offices be stated at the time
of appointments.
-Taylor Drysdale
;fftr1 af 7 att
WASHINGTON-A well-dressed, slightly
pompous gentleman boarded a plane to
Cincinnati during the middle of the last
Presidential primaries, sat down beside a
fellow passenger and immediately engaged
in conversation.
"My name is Goodwin," he introduced
himself, "William J. Goodwin. I'm for Taft."
And during the flight to Cincinnati, Good-
win unfolded various interesting informa-
tion about the Taft campaign. He said he
had just been to Nebraska to round up dele-
gates for Taft and was now going to Cin-
cinnati to get the Archbishop to support
Taft. Goodwin was sure the Archbishop's
blessing would put a large part of the
Catholic vote in Ohio behind Taft.
In fact, there was almost nothing Goodwin
didn't tell his fellow passenger except that
he drew a salary of $25,000 a year as lobbyist
for Chiang Kai-Shek.
As the trip neared it's end, however, Good-
win finally got around to asking the name
of the gentleman to whom he had imparted
all this valuable information.
"My name is Kroll - Jack Kroll," said
the fellow passenger.
Goodwin's eyes bulged. Kroll did not need
to add that he was the head of CIO-PAC,
the labor group busily engaged in raising
Topping the list is Rep. Charles A. Buck-
ley of New York, whom this column once
dubbed "the Phantom Congressman" be-
cause he seldom shows his face in Washing-
"The Phantom" missed 241 of 368 aye-
and-nay votes and quorum calls since the
81st Congress began in January, 1949. In
other words, he was absent 66 per cent of
the time.
Two other members of New York's "I T
and T" Club (In on Tuesday and out on
Thursday) are close behind Buckley --
James Murphy of Staten Island and Adam
Clayton Powell of Harlem were absent 235
and 227 times respectively.
Fourth worst Democratic attendance re;
cord is that of charming Thurmond Chat-
ham of North Carolina, with 214 misses.
INSURANCE COMPANIES are jubilant over
the decision of U.S. Judge T. M. Ken-
nerly for his ruling that the federal
government, not the insurance companies,
has to pay $200,000,000 damages for the
Texas City fire. The insurance companies
had underwritten the big chemical plants
where the fire took place, but now, unless
higher courts upset Kennerly's ruling, the
Amria.rn a,,+vX.s.vP,.v r not+ke,. iymiir.nv,fr 1.yn -
FiftpyNinth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen...........City Editor
Philip Dawsor .... Editorial Director
Mary Stein .. .... Associate Editor
Jo Misner ...... .. Associate Editor
George Walker....... Associate Editor
Don McNeil .. ......Associate Editor
Wally Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ........ Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin........ Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz ..Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach....Women's Editor
Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Clamage.......Librarian
Joyce Clark....... Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington .. Business Manager
Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republicatipp
of all news dispatches credited to it Ar
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office. at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by -mail, $6.00.
Look at the foreign situation, Baxter, It's-
T' Tkea cr.
The point to bear in mind...
As 1 was cln..
Y _.._-___ _ s.