WAR WEAPONS See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State I:ait f b/ A t..4... DRIP, DRIP, DRIP VOL. LX, No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1950 EIGHT PA( m Regents OK Compromise At California Y Plan Replaces Old Loyalty Oath By DICK HAFNERIL Special to The Daily DAVIS, Calif. - The University of Californa Board of Regents yesterday accepted by a vote of 21 to one a compromise proposal for its anti-Communist "loyalty" oath which was termed "A more effective implementation of the Regents' policy than the present oath," but was bitterly attacked despite a plea by President Robert G. Sproul to welcome it. Drawn up on the University's agriculture campus here just nine days before the University's "sign the oath or quit" ultimatum dead- line, the compromise is the product of investigation by a special alum- ni association committee. IT REPLACES the special oath by a contractual letter disavowing Communism, along with the pro- viso that anyone. unwilling to sign could petition for a hearing. At a meeting. of 700 faculty members protesting the propo- sal in Berkeley, a psychology professor said that even the political test for employment compromise plan constituted a and he would not sign the sub- stituted letter. He appealed to others not to sign. Opponents have contended all along that they are neither Com- munists nor Communist sympa- thizers and that Communism is not the issue, but rather: Can the Regents set up arbitrary rules leading to dismissal? * * * CONDITIONS precedent to em- ployment or renewal of employ- ment of American citizens shall be, as put forth by the plan: 1. Execution of constitution- al oath of office required of pub- lie officials of the State of Cal- ifornia. 2. Acceptance of appointment by a letter which shall include the following provisions: Acknowledgement of acceptance of the position and salary named, a statement that the employee is A not a member of the Communist Party and that the employee has no commitments in conflict with his responsibilities with respect to impartial scholarship. Reuther Fails To Appear at Meeting Here Delegates Continue Panel Discussions 1 Walter Reuther, pr$sident of the UAW-CIO, disappointed an au- dience of nearly 500 people yester- day when he failed to show up for an address before the eighth an- nual conference of midwest poli- tical scientists. Reuther, who was scheduled to be the high point on the day's program, notified conference of- ficials that he was forced to miss the meeting so that he could at- tend an unexpected bargaining session with the Chrysler Corpor- ation. * * * OTHER PLANS for the day's activities came off without a hitch, however, as more than 200 delegates to the conference pooled their resources to discuss the world's top political problems in numerous roundtable groups. * * * :Political Theory.,. Four political theorists lashed out at the present shortcomings of their own field and emphasized the need for more careful scientific approach to research and revita- lized theory, in a panel 'on present i day political theory. The four, Prof. David Easton of the University of Chicago, Prof. Donald Smithburg of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Prof. b Samuel Eldersveld and Prof. David Spitz of Ohio State University par- ticipated in a round table discus- sion on "Political Theory Today: How Does It Relate to Research?" at the Midwest Conference of Po- litical Scientists. SCHOLAR'S JOB: Davis Stresses Responsibility By ROMA LIPSKY Scholars should pass more of their knowledge on to the general public, and in a form the public can understand, Elmer Davis told members of Phi Beta Kappa last night. Speaking at the annual PBK dinner at which 104 University students were initiated into the national honorary association, Davis pointed to the special responsibiltiy on scholars in a time of peril. I * * * UNTIL RECENTLY, not enough of them were making world con- ditions their concern, he said. Those who have a superior ability to discriminate between probable truth and almost certain falsehood have a special res- ponsibiltiy also, he said, for this is "a quality which is badly needed today, perhaps more so L than at any other period in hu- SL Aimsofor man history." Strongly lashing out againstS the dangers of illogical thinking oudefs madV ote of both fascism and communism Of 10,00 ELMER DAVIS * * * Davis urged his audience to "sub- mit intellectual discipline to the test of stubborn and undeniable fact." "I KNOW OF NO OTHER test to which human thinking can be submitted," he declared. In the world today, many peo- ple turn to the scholar for gui- dance-f o r a "conscientiously See TOP, Page 8 drawn road map, with any un- certainty about the detours scru- pulously noted, but still the best map he can now devise, and a map they can read." Interview "The best way to fight commu- nism is to bring it out in the open and tear it to pieces," com- mentator Elmer Davis said last night in an interview preceding his address at the Phi Beta Kappa banquet. The noted newscaster declared that in a case such as the Uni- versity's recent ban on allowing Herbert J. Phillips to speak on campus, "it would have been much simpler to let Phillips talk and have a good Michigan professor take him apart." " I DO NOT WANT to criticize the administration of the Univer- sity, but you know what you are going to hear from any Commu- nist and easily refute him in the open." * * * DAVIS, who intermingles his news programs with commentaries on the news, stressed the need for and dangers of interpretive re- porting. "Journalists are on a tight rope," he said. "The danger of in- terpreting is that you may be mis- interpreting." By JIM BROWN A gigantic campaign to get out 10,000 votes in the all-campus elec- tions Wednesday and Thursday was formally launched by Stu- dent Legislature's public relations committee yesterday. Although the committee has been quietly conducting a "whis- pering" campaign for more than a month, the "10,000" promotion was officiallybmade public for the first time by Legislator Tom Cramer, '51, yesterday afternoon. "We have set a goal of 10,000 votes," Cramer said, "and with good luck-and weather-I think we will make it." HUNDREDS of posters reading simply "10,000" have been distri- buted in University buildings and student residences all over campus and public relations committee members have chalked "10,000" on blackboards in nearly all class- rooms, he' said. In addition, the number 10,- 000 'has been 'stamped on nap- kins and placemats in dormitor- ies, fraternities and sororities, League houses and local res- taurants, and more than 2,000 brochures containing informa- tion on each candidate have been distributed around campus. To encourage further a 10,000 vote-nearly 3,000 more than all previous records-the SL citizen- ship committee is planning to dou- ble the number of voting booths this semester. A staff of more than 300 stu- dents, drawn largely from cam- pus honor societies, has been re- cruited to man the voting booths under the direction of Legislator Jim Storrie, '50. The polls will open at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning and close at 5 p.m., reopening for the same period on Thursday. Cooley Lectures Begin Tomorrow The fourth in the series of Thomas M. Cooley Lectures on the subject "Administrative Discre- tion and Its Controls" will begin tomorrow at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 150 Hutchins Hall. The lecturer for this year will be Dean E. Blythe Stason of the law school. Stason will continue alternating the lectureship be- tween members of the University law school and legal authorities from other law schools. U.S. Checks Rafts From BalticSea Possible Bullet Holes Discovered STOCKHOLM, Sweden-(P)- American naval officers are ex- amining two rafts, picked up last Sunday anc. Thursday to see if they belonged to a U. S. navy privateer patrol bomber plane missing over the Baltic since Ap- ril 8. A Swedish state police officer at Visby, on Gotland Island, was quoted as havinghsaid the second raft appeared to have been hit by bullets. THE U.S. GOVERNMENT has accused Russian fighter planes of shooting down the unarmed priva- teer, with a crew of ten, and has demanded damages from the U.S. S.R. The Soviet Government re- jected the American note, claim- ing Russian craft had fired on a U.S. B-29 superfortress which had flown across the Russian border in Latvia. In addition to a large hole in the middle of the raft, appa- rently caused by fire, the police- man said he had noted several other holes of a type which caused him to remark the raft "appeared to have been hit by bullets." In rejecting American demands for compensation for the plane and its crew of 10, the Russians said. their fighters encountered a B-29, not a privateer, and chased it out of Soviet territory after an exchange of fire. The U.S. replied that the pri- vateer was the only American plane in the Baltic area that day, and that none of its B-29s is miss- ing. The privateer, like the B-29, has four engines, but is much smaller. World News Roundup By The Associated Press TAIPEI, Formosa - Communi- cations ceased abruptly during the night with Hoihow, suggesting thatcapital of Hainan Island may have fallen. Official reports had said that the Communists, w h o stormed ashore Monday from the nearby mainland, had fought into Hoi- how's outskirts. * * * TOKYO - Wreckage of a missing army C-54 transport plane was found yesterday scat- tered over the south slope of nearby Hirugatake Mountain. There was no sign of life among the 35 Americans aboard. * * * DETROIT - Chrysler and Uni- ted Auto Worker negotiators went back into a showdown peace ses- sion yesterday, faced with still another stalemate in their 88-day- old strike. WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Dean Acheson said last night in a national broadcast that the United States is Rus- sia's chief target in a drive for "dominion over the entire world." *P * * PRAGUE - Czechoslovakia sen- tenced two of her nationals to thej gallows yesterday on charges of high treason and spying for the United States. National 0 -Daily-Barney Laschever FUN FOR ALL-Fast-moving mechanical rides outside Yost Field House provide thrills for the crowds that took part in two days of Michigras festivities. The spinning ferris wheel, merry-go-round and tilt-a-whirl were chief attractions at a special youngsters matinee yesterday afternoon when game booths and-girlie shows were kept closed. Labor Dispute M ay Caus * * * Phone TOO IMPORTANT FOR POLITICS: Pillsbury Says U.S. Needs Special Food Com n ission "Food is too important to too many people-and to world peace- to .be in politics anY.longer," Philip W. Pillsbury asserted yesterday,= at a simulated stockholders meeting of a Minneapolis milling company, a feature of the Twentieth Alumni Conference of the School of Business Administration. More than 250 alumni and students were "stockholders" at the meeting in which Pillsbury, assisted by J. I. Beatty, a vice-president, gave an annual report to thet * * * stockholders and answered their questions. THE UNITED STATES needs a bi-partisan food commission simi- lar to the Hoover Commission to study the food problem immediate- ly, Pillsbury claimed in answering a "stockholder's" question. "Politicians are using food is- sues as vote-getting bait and surplus upon surplus pile up while half the world is going hungry," he declared. "Governmental interference in- to the free market makes hedging marketing difficult," Pillsbury pointed out in 'answering another "stockholder's" question. "Because of this, there is more risk in capital investments," he concluded. "The stockholders meeting had a dual purpose," Pillsbury remark- ed, "it gave those who attended a sample of an actual stockholder's1 meeting, and gave us an oppor- tunity to get suggestions from the alumni and students of the School of Business Administration." Cooky Speaks On Purposes, Of FrearBill "If investors are to supply the necessary funds to finance the high level of business activity in our country today, they must have confidence in the securities of- fered or at least in their appraisal of the risks involved," Commis- sioner Donald. C. Cook of the Se- curities and Exchange Commis- sion said yesterday. Speaking at the twentieth Alum- ni Conference of the School of Business Administration, Cook advocated passage of the Frear Bill as a means of keeping stock- holders more informed on the sta- tus of companies in which they hold investments. The proposed bill would require periodic financial statemehts to be filed with the Commission which would be open to public inspection, full disclosure in con- nection with solicitation of prox- ies, and whenever insiders trade in their own company's securities. Michigras Packed for Secontda Total Michigras attendance soared to- an estimated; 19,000 -last night as another capacity crowd jammed Yost Field House. Although complete figures. will not be known until later, it seemed certain that the thousands partici- See PICTURES, Page 8 pating in the gala festivities smashed all previous records. S*4 * NO INFORMATION was avail- able on money taken in, but a full report will be made next week, according to financial chairman Herald Hughes, '50. General co-ehairmuen Jan Oli- vier, '50, and Bill Peterson, '50 BAd, expressed "sincere thanks" for the enthusiastic support shown by patronsuand partici- pating groups alike. "The exceptional cooperation and effort put forth by everyone has made this a record-breaking Michigras," they said. AS THE TWO-DAY spectacle drew to a close, booth co-chairman Hal Sperlich, '5lE, asked that all booths be cleared from the field house by noon today. One minor accident occurred last night when Bill Norris, '52E, was slightly injured by a pop bot- tle dropped from the balcony. And Michigan Union staffi en bemoan- ed the theft of a large emblem from their float in the Comic Ca- pers parade. 'e -u p Indiana Rift'J Endangers 43 States Sudden Threat Blocks Peace NEW YORK - (A) - An isolate ed dispute in the midwest threat- ened yesterday to spark a coast- to-coast tie-up of telephone in- stallation services tomorrow. The threat came from Ernest Weaver, President of Division 6, CIO Comunication Workers of America, representing 10,000 in stallation workers in 43 states and the District of Columbia. * a HE SAID the strike would be called unless Western Electric Co. manufacturing and installation unit of the American Telephon and Telegraph Co., adjusted a dis . pute in Indiana. If it comes, the strike would be two days before the end of a 60-day truce obtained by Presi dent Truman in an overall wage fight between various CWA di- visions and A.T. & T., parent company of the nationwide Bell system. Because of the truce, Weaver said his union would not do any picketing before Wednesday, thus precluding the likelihood that te rest of the CWA's 200,000 members would be kept off their jobs to, morrow. THE SUDDEN strike threat, temporarily overshadowing overall telephone contract negotiations, stemmed from a relatively minor disagreement at Souti Bend,, md4 There, 104 telephone 'installa- tion workers struck on March 27 when a crew according to te union, was denied pay after refused to walk more than half a mile through a muddy field to' work on a television tower. Sympathy walkouts flared Fri- day at scattered points across the country. s s WEAVERSAID that if talks to- day with Western Electric repre- sentatives are "any real indication of the company's attitude, you can bet your bottom dollar that we will walk out Monday." And,ahe added, "we will stay out until we win reasonable conces- sions or until hell itself freeget over." He said his union considered the Indiana dispute "part of our over- all struggle" with the compa which he accused of "outrigh welching" and of thinking it e "just too damned good to deal' with his union. Heart Attack Proves Fatal To Schorling Prof. Raleigh Schorling, head 0o the mathematics department o TJniversity High School, died sud denly yesterday after a heart at. tack. He was 62 years old. * * * A NATIONALLY KNOWN edu- cator, he had been a member o the University faculty since 192 when he organized and becamt principal of University Higi School, a position he held for fou years. For more than 27 years he directed the teacher training program and the mathematics curriculum in the school. Prof. Schorling had been in the teaching field since 1904. Before coming to the University, he serv ed as principal of two high schools IN ADDITION to his Universit; work he was active in state an national educational affairs, serv ing on 17 investigative and stud, committees of educational organs zations. He was past president of the SHAMIAN SATIRE TO SHAKESPEARE: Ann Arbor Drama Season to Feature Stage,_Screen Stars By DAVID WEAVER Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Basil Rathbone, Vera Zorina, Joan Mor- gan and a galaxy of other stars will appear on the Lydia Mendel- ssohn stage during the Ann Arbor Drama Season, May 15 through June 17. Opening the season will be Wil- liam Shakespeare's "The Tem,- pest" in which Vera Zorina will star as Ariel and Arnold Moss as The fast-moving comedy will star John 'Alexander and Joan Morgan. Both starred in the Broadway production of "Born Yesterday." Basil Rathbone will star in Ter- * * * ence Rattigan's "The Winslow Boy" which deals with the terrible injustice done to a small boy and the problems and method of his vindication. The play which will be a return appearance for Rath- bone who was in last season's "The * * * Heiress," will open on May 30 and play through June 3. THE NEW music-drama, "The Barrier," libretto by Langston Hughes and music by'Jan Meyero- witz, will be the fourth proluc- tion of the season. Performing the * * * difficult leaping role of a negro housekeeper whose son is half black, half white, will be Muriel Rahn who sang the title role of "Carmen Jones" on Broadway. Based on Hughes' drama, "The Mulatto," which had a long New * * * York run, "The Barrier" will play{ June 5 through June 10.' George Bernard Shaw's satire "Getting Married," starring Sir Cedric Hardwicke will be the final production of the season on June 12-17. Shaw's humorous touch appears in such scenes as the pair of young people who, rebel against the marriage laws when the wedding guests are already assembled in the church. Hardwicke, at home both on .... ............ samme name