THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAf1TJRIAY, APRIT 2~2, 1950 Umum __ IJ'P Bill fh AT long last, five years after the end of the war, the United States has adopted a sensible program for admitting displaced persons. "You Cli See What I'm Trying To Save You From" In a lengthy midnight session, ate finally succeeded in passing gore bill, which eliminates the restrictions of the 80th Congress sure. the Sen- the Kil- shameful DP mea- The Senate fight was mainly against one man, who has consistently hampered the establishment of a liberalized DP program -Senator Pat McCarran of Nevada. In a ten month struggle against the bill, McCarran has put on one of the most dis- graceful showings this nation has wit- nessed. As a climax to his fight, McCar- ran's opposition kept the Senate in session for 12 hours before the bill reached a vote. Some 137 amendments were proposed, 50 of them by McCarran himself, in an at- tempt to retain the discriminatory pro- visions of the previous DP bill. When the new measure, sponsored by Senator Harry Kilgore, was voted upon, the split was 58 to 15. The new pP act makes these changes: 1-Cancels the provisions that of all per- sons admitted 40 per cent be from Baltic states, and 30 per cent be farmers; 2-Moves up the "cutoff" date from De- cember, 1945 to January, 1949. The earlier date at which persons had to have entered the western zones of Germany or Austria to qualify for admission as a DP arbitrarily barred many Catholics and Jews; 3-Extends the DP program for another year and raises the number to be ad- mitted to 344,000. Both Democratic and Republican plat- forms have long been pledged to the passage of such a measure. The delay is deplorable, but the bill which the Senate has now sanc- tioned provides for a creditable DP program. -Roma Lipsky Wise Obstinacy WHEN President Truman let it be known that he would ignore the subpena from the Senate subcommittee for the FBI in- vestigative files, Senator Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.) remarked, "What the President says is that five senators on the Foreign Relations subcommittee are not as compe- tent to look at the files as 23 appointive members of a loyalty board." Exactly. Particularly when one of the members of the committee is Bourke Hickenlooper and the accuser, who presumably would also see the files, is Joseph McCarthy. The members of the loyalty board are ap- pointed because of their personal reputations for ability and integrity to give confidence that the loyalty review system will be both sound and just. Senators may or may not be of high ability and integrity. And their mo- tives may be ulterior. The Red hunt and the smear have become standard political tac- tics. And it is a fact admitted by senators themselves that little that is told to congress- men can be kept secret. The Joint Con- gressional Committee on Atomic Energy rec- ognizes this and therefore refuses to be told how many atomic bombs the United States has. The reasons for opposing release of the files given by J. Edgar Hoover and Attorney General Howard McGrath are good reasons: That it would destroy the effectiveness of the FBI investigative procedures and sources, and that inevitably injustice to innocent persons would be done. The tradition of the President's independence from Congress in matters such as this one is strong and clear right from the days of George Washington's first administration. Senators, who are so quick to oppose presidential encroachment upon legislative authority, should recognize that the separation of powers works bc h ways. -St. Louis Star-Times CIINIEMA At The OipheiTm .. . PASSIONNELLE - A French film from a story by Emile Zola. YOU'VE GOTTA watch those copy writers. For this mostly innocuous little thing they've come up with the adjectives "daring" and "shocking," and then they've topped these off with a tagline which usually is most effective in drawing people to a film, especially if it's French: "Dealing with forbidden themes," the ad writers blurb. Now I don't want to seem overly dense, but I didn't see any forbidden themes dealt with last night. True there were a couple of hand-some scenes which some might be shocked or dared by, scenes which our Breen Office, I must admit, would not let pass, but which the franker French take as a matter of coarse. Now come to think about it, the forbid-' den theme might be piccolo playing. You see, that's what starts it all. The hero-a lonely but young postal clerk-is just set- tling down for his evening piccolo practice, when he glances in an open window across the street and sees a vision of young de- shonabilleovelne sftr a winkinL- court.. I feel that these merchants de- serve some return for this sup- port and that the students might well note these advertisers and show their appreciation by trading at their establishments. By this I do not mean that students should avoid those merchants who failed to advertise. It is very possible that they were not approached or felt financially unable to help us. At any rate we might mentally note the merchants who advertise in the Michigras pamphlet and such programs as those of the Union and Gilbert and Sullivan operas. Also take note of those merchants who give prizes at the carnival and support other campus activi- ties during the year. These mer- chants are helping to make these activities possible and these acti- vities are an integral part of our University. There may be many legitimate gripes against the mer- chants of Ann Arbor, but let's not condemn them for their faults until we have also considered their virtues. -Bill Elson Debate - Pro . /ete'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason areanot In good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Debate - Pro >ledge. The Lecture Committee 0 0 i To the Editor: IT IS MY OPINION that it is a fundamental principle in our government that there are but two ways of checking the progress of sentiments deemed erroneous and injurious to the public good: by law, or by argument. Whatever these can not reach, it is useless and criminal to attempt to sup- press by force of whatever extra- legal kind. I believe that in the absence of any law to the contrary, we are obligated to defend the right of Prof. Phillips to speak, quite as earnestly as we would de- fend that of Prof. Wernette. To do otherwise implies either a con- sciousness of error on our part or a distrust of tie ability of truth to defeat error in free discussion. In any case, to allow discretionary power, without any basis in law, or without argument, to prostrate free speech is a virtual surrender of the foundation of our civil gov- ernment and of all toleration. The Lecture Committee of the University of Michigan has clearly surrendered to mob pressure,' which is the prelude to mob force, the absence of all respect for law and reason: The committee has indicated its willingness to be mov- ed by the unreasoned, momentary passions of the multitude, in ut- ter disregard for the process of law and of democratic discussion; it has indicated its lack of faith in the ability of free discussion to de- feat a philosophy it chooses to consider false; it has betrayed its grave doubt of the ability of a de- fense of democracy and capitalism to prevail over a defense of Com- munism; it has betrayed its lack of faith in the ability of free dis- cussion to defeat a philosophy it chooses to consider false; it has betrayed its grave doubt of the ability of a defense of democracy' and capitalism to prevail over a defense of Communism; it has be- trayed its lack of faith in the com- petence of the students of this University to discriminate between truth and error; it has thus by indicating its complete lack of faith in the most fundamental of American ideals manifested its own unfitness to continue to func- tion as an administrative com- mittee of the University of Michi- gan. Our duty now is not, I think, to show our loyalty to this Univer- sity, as Prof. Leslie of the history department gratuitously informs us; our duty is rather to be faith- ful to the ideal of free inquiry which is basic to our form of gov- ernment. Indeed, if that ideal is to be abandoned, I am not sure that I desire even the continued existence of the University of Michigan. -M. Dellon ** * Debate - Pro . . To the Editor: O UNDERSTAND his place in society, I think that the edu- cated man~should be well-informed on the existing conflict of Com- munism vs. capitalism. Here at Michigan we find it hard to be- come informed on this conflict. A group of rational students ar- ranged for a debate on the sub- ject. No one wanted to become a Communist. We just wanted know- bans the debate by interpreting a rule that a year ago was not even considered when Phillips spoke on this campus. How come? Furthermore, some students are considering having Phillips speak off-campus. I don't favor this! Do students have to go off campus to gain information that will be pertinent in their future lives? I'd like to point out that the library subscribes to the Daily Worker and Pravda. What about this? What about explaining the Russian system of government in Political Science 52? What about that article called The Little Red School House? Come now, members of the Lec- ture Committee, this is Michigan -a leader in education. -George Roumell, '51 * * * Debate - Pro . To the Editor: I WAS MORE than pleased to read of your position on the proposed debate. I think I under- stand only too well why the Re- gents of the University refused to permit a discussion on Capitalism vs. Communism. They are not worried about Communism. What they are worried about is Capital- ism and they know the less said on the subject the better. I was graduated from the liter- ary department of the University many years ago, and it seemed to me that what we got even then was mostly propaganda. When it was all over I felt like suing the University for fraud and misre- presentation in holding itself out as an institution of higher learn- ing. Today both the student body and the instructors must knuckle down or immediately find them- selves in hot water. I hope you have the guts to keep on insisting for open and free discussions of issues that actually mean life or death to us all. -Charles C. Lockwood * * Merchants . . To the Editor: MANY COMPLAINTS have been lodged against the merchants of Ann Arbor by the students of the University. In fact I feel that it is the general consensus of stu- dent opinion that these merchants are guilty of charging entirely too much for their merchandise and services. I feel that these charges might well be justified; however, I also feel that there are certain services rendered to the students by these merchants which are; and should not be, overlooked. Recently I have been working on one of the Michigras commit- tees. It was my jol to solicit the merchants for advertising in the complimentary program which will be distributed to those at- tending Michigras. This advertis- ing helped defray the cost of printing, and the material bene- fit to the merchants from such advertising is negligible. I do not think any of the merchants would have suffered appreciably by re- fusing to help us in this all campus activity. Some of them did re- fuse, but the support I encoun- ered on the whole was overwhelm- ing. To the Editor: IT IS AS ABSURD as it is sad to watch the attempts of Univer- sity authorities to stay in the good graces of "the powers that be". The ban on the debate "Com- munism vs. Capitalism" is a case in point. If producing the best athletic teams in the Big Ten is not the aim of higher education, if edu- cation is this aim, then we must ask what the subject matter of this education is to be. There are two alternatives. Either there should be some body which legis- lates the revelent subject matter or an educational institution should endeavor to make available to its students all the subjects which the students manifest an interest in studying. By denying Prof. Phillips the right to debate Communism this University accepts the first alter- native of benevolent paternalism. The paternal body is the lecture committee which has democratic- ally decided (they voted) that Communism is not a relevent sub- ject for students to study. Why Communism shouldn't be studied (except in the hands of anti-communists) is not quite clear. Nearly half the world has at present a Communist govern- ment (and so does the U.S. ac- cording to some distinguished Sen- ators) and, if the newspapers are any guide, the other half is very interested in what these Commun- ists are doing and saying. Thus, unless the members of the lecture committee are isolationists, we might suppose they would be quite happy to hear first hand what a real, live, and capable American Communist has to say for himself. But apparently this is not the case. Why? Do they fear him? They say that Communists are out to violently overthrow our govern- ment (do they mean they once heard one). Does this mean they fear Phillips would try to assasi- nate his business administration opponent? or throw bombs at the bourgeois students? More likely they fear what he has to say, either that his capital- istic opponent could not counter his arguments or that students might e taken in by his silly ways. If this is true then addition- al measures are logically in order. Our library contains many books written by Communists. In fact, we have one of the world's largest collections of radical literature. Surely if Communism is an unde- sirable subject for an open debate then it is even less desirable that books which can be read in private with no counter argument pre- sented should be available to the gullible student. Let's be consistent. Either we should be allowed to hear Phillips or a vast book burning should be coming up soon. -Jack Barense, George Witt gaged in a war with Russia. To be sure, this is merely a political ane economic war but this has a habit of turning into a shooting war. The time has come for us to choose our sides - demo- cracy or Communism-while we are still in a position to make a choice. To encourage or even tol- erate believers in Communism ii our society is to invite weakness and dissention. In other nations, weakness has acted as an invita! tion to Russian aggression. It could happen here. What harm could result from allowing an avowed Communist to speak at the University of Mi chigan? Some of these immature students, because they do not comprehend the world conquest aim of Russian Communism, would certainly be swayed by the high-sounding, apparently sincere, but utterly false statements which such a speaker would make. The students which fall for this guff make our nation only that mucl weaker in resisting Russian pres- sure. A united nation is the fundamental defense of our ideal against foreign aggression. Because we are lacking in a re- alistic understanding of our pre- sent precarious position in world affairs, the faculty committee ha taken it upon themselves to do our thinking for us. If we are so stu- pid as to ignore the very real and present danger to our freedom, then we deserve to have our think- ing regulated by a faculty cdm- mittee. -Charles Remsburg Debate - Pro . . To the Editor: I AM TRYING to become more' than a thing that keeps the wheels of a factory going. Thank God for the humanists and the really human scientists among us. But no thanks to the Lecture Com- mittee, to all the frightened and senseless people for whom life has. been too much or never anything' at all. I seriously propose that the University appoint a dozen promi- nent Communist scholars to its faculty. Whatever their defects, they at least dare to defend fre speech and should be honored for that. I also in all earnestness sug- gest, because most of the world quotes and misquotes, loves and hates, defies and transports to hell Messrs. Marx and Engels, that they be given a special place of honor in the curriculum of any student who will ever hope to be a living part of democratic govern- ment. That course should be taught by Communists, socialists and non-Marxists who are not anti-Marxists with blood-shot eyes. And it should be called a course in Marxism, and no one should be forced to keep silent, and even the writings of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin should be on reserve in the study hall. I am afraid that such proposals are( merely a form of self-torture and realize that it is said to be harm- ful for anyone to make them. But I am trying to become more than a thing that keeps a factory going, and wish more people would fee like that. -Jack A. Lucas +~rj~u~u~ Bill Crane, Leon Brown * * * 0 Debate - Con . . To the Editor: THIS IS ADDRESSED to that seemingly large and voluble group of students who have ex- pressed their disagreement with the recent decision made by the University Lecture Committee in regard to Mr. Phillips. The mem- bers of this committee evidently feel that most students are imma- ture and in need of adult super- vision. How right they are! If our national goyernment were to adopt the political opinions of Univer- sity students, I for one would start digging myself a nice deep fox- hole. Students are so obsessed with their protection of academic free- dom that they utterly disregard the hard fact that we are now en- Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of, Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leolf Jaroff .........Managing Editor Al BlumrosenC............ity Editor Philip Dawsor .... Editorial Director Mary Stein . .... Associate Editor Jo Misner ....'. ... Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil........ Associate Editor Wally Barth ...... Photography Editor' Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger*Goel .. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach...... Women's Editor; Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage .............Librarian Joyce Clark....... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington .. Business Manager Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl...Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff ...... Finance Manager Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication,. of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY All set, Barnaby. I'll open I | the nrogram with a few vocal I rA nd then you'll do some magic-- Cushlamochree, Barnaby! If I walk in there and YOU go in. Ask Mr. Shultz to take a card-Any card. I