THE MICHIGAN DAILY r THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1950 I _________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE conflict between Senator Joseph Mc- Carthy and Professor Owen Lattimore will finally take on real meaning when former Communist Louis Budenz testifies at an open hearing today whether Latti- more was, or was not, a member of the Com- munist Party. McCarthy's whole case against Lattimore rests on the evidence Budenz gives. If he claims that Lattimore was not a Commu- nist all of the Senator's previous accusations will fall through. It would then appear that his whole headline campaign has been per- petrated strictly to smear Truman and the State Department and its policies, and not to help our government in exposing Com- munists within it. It would also appear that Senator McCarthy had been worrying about his own chances for reelection and the fu- ture of the Republican party. If, on the other hand, Budenz labels Lat- timore a Communist then a complete and sane investigation should begin, one that would include all facets of the government. It should be conducted by an impartial group of responsible men representing both major parties and, also, non-politicos. Then, and only then, would the American public truthfully know to what extent Com- munists have infiltrated our government. Thus far,' Senator McCarthy's wild antics have proven nothing. -Joel McKible Baltic Incident ONCE again, in the incident of the Ameri- can Navy plane shot down over Latvia, the Russians have evidenced anything but a willingness and a desire to settle contro- versies in a manner befitting a nation which is seeking peace. For the clamor that the Russians have stirred up, in claiming that they were forced to engage an American plane in a gunbattle, is certainly a roundabout way to evince their professed desires. Indeed, in this affair they have done their best to depict the United States as the blackest of villains., Just what has happened to the missing plane we do not know for certain. The Rus- sians, however, not only say that they know what happened to it, but what its mission was, also. In an indignant editorial entitled "A Dark Affair of American Adventurers," the official Communist paper, Pravda, de- clared that an American plane had crossed into Russian territory without having gained permission; that it had deliberately and in- tentionally sought to engage Russian planes that encountered it in a battle; and that its true mission was to spy on Russian-held land. This biting editorial goes on to laud the Russian planes that eventually shot down this "trespasser," and expressed the hope that this would serve as an example for the future. ' ON THE Washington MerryGo-Round WITH DREW PE.ARSON WASHINGTON-Louis Budenz, .star wit- ness in the Senator McCarthy charges, was educated at St. Xavier's College and St. KVary's College. Budenz forsook his re- ligion to become one of the most effective Communists in the United States, though at first he worked with the right-wing American Federation of Labor. His first job was as editor of "The Car- penter," official newspaper of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Later he became an executive of the German-American Verein in St. Louis, leaving it when World War I broke in Europe. During the period of the first war he worked for the St. Louis Civic League and the federal Electric Railways Commission. He had no war service. Shortly after the war, Budenz went back to labor activities as editor of Labor Age for a 10-year-period - 1921-31; though during part of this time he was also special strike organizer for the A. F. of L., and handled such important strikes as the Paterson silk strike of 1930, the Toledo Auto-Lite strike of 1934. IT WAS shortly after the Toledo Auto-Lite strike that Budenz went over to the Communist Daily Worker first as its labor editor, later as its president and managing editor. There he remained for approximately 10 years, until 1945, Monsignor Sheen per- suaded him to return to his original Catho- lic faith. Since then he has been teaching econo- mies at two Catholic universities, Notre Dame and Fordham, and has also been a star witness in the trial of the 12 lead- ers of the Communist Party. Budenz has also published numerous magazine articles and a book which have been extremely helpful in letting the out- side world know the inner workings and machinations of the Communist Party. A new book, "Men Without Faces," to be Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE THOMAS PRESIDENT Truman can scarcely deny the truth of the very serious charge level- ed at him by Senator Taft. The President, says Mr. Taft, "assumes the innocence" of all persons in the State Department accused by Senator McCarthy of being Communists and agents of the Soviet Union. Thus the President appears to be guilty of a rather old-fashioned attitude in these matters. Surely he must be aware that the presump- tion of innocence that used to surround an American accused of crime went out of vogue at the beginning of the age of disloyalty. Of course, the Prfesident's presumption of innocence respecting the accused State De- partment employes is not so completely an adherence to an outworn American tradi- tion as Senator Taft makes it seem to be. The presumption in these cases is backed up by careful investigation by the FBI; it has the support of a painstaking study of the employes' records by the State Depart- ment's Loyalty and Securitly Board and by the Civil Service Commission's Loyalty Re- view Board. But apparently these afford no excuse in Senator Taft's view for doubting the word of an anonymous informer or ques- tioning the omniscience of a former Commu- nist. Senator Taft made another charge con- cerning the President that seems to have published by Harpers in May, is already in galley proofs. Today, Budenz is testifying that Frederick Field, a millionaire Communist, and Earl Browder, former head of the Communist Party, told him about Lattimore and re- ferred to him in such a way as to indicate he was being used by the Communist Party or was even a member. However, it is significant that in all his previous writings, including the new book already set up in type by Harpers, Budenz never mentioned Lattimore's name. In the forthcoming book for Harpers, Budenz tells about the Institute of Pacific Relations, of which Lattimore was a mem- ber, and names Philip Jessup, now of the State Department, as a member of the Institute. He also names a great many others, but not Lattimore. Furthermore, in all his magazine writings and in the large volume of original infor- mation he gave the FBI, Budenz also failed to mention Lattimore's name. Budenz spent days on end with the FBI earlier, telling them every detail about the operation of the Communist Party; but up until last week, after he was appealed to by Senator Mc- Carthy, he had not told the FBI anything about Lattimore. ** ,*, BUDENZ is extremely frank, and in one Collier's article he states: "It was then that I was assigned to work with a Russian police agent in forging the murder ring which ultimately assassinated Trotsky." Budenz' description of how the Commu- nists used well-meaning and well-known Americans as fronts is especially revealing. For instance, when the Soviet government staged its famed purge trials, the American reaction was bad. So American Communist agents set out to get a list of leading Ameri- cans who would approve the Moscow purge trials. THEY selected as their top name, Corliss Lamont, son of the J. P. Morgan partner, whose Wall Street background would give solidarity and respectability to their list. From that point on they enlisted 150 names of "Amercan artists, writers, com- posers, editors, college professors and Broadway figures." "Few, if any of those who signed the whitewash of the trials," wrote Budenz, could possibly know that the idea was hatched by top Communist officials in conference with NKVD agents." Budenz went on to tell how he had set up another front organization, with Mrs. Roosevelt as honorary chairman and Harry Truman as a member, to serve as a screen for Marshall Tito, then under Moscow's wing. "As editor of the Daily Worker," he wrote in Collier's, "I reported the launch- ing, in 1944, of the American Committee for Yugoslav Relief. Under the guise of charity, this was simply an innocents' front to help Marshal Tito fasten his fangs on his country. "But Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt became hon- orary chairman. Among the sponsors were the then Senator (now President) HarryeS. Truman, Dr. Albert Einstein, Rita Hay- worth, William Green and Philip Murray. These names speak volumes for the skill with which party-line boys handled the project. These and other sponsors dropped out when the Communist influence became increasingly evident in the following years. Over $3,000,000 was collected from soft- 1 ,.A Ame ,s 1" It is important to compare the reactions of the Russian and American govern- ments to this matter when it first began to evolve. While Pravda was quick to con- demn the United States, Washington con- ducted a careful investigation of the in- cident, and then in a State Department note to Moscow declared that the missing Navy patrol plane could not possibly have fired on the Russians because it was not armed; that the American plane did not fly over Soviet territory; and therefore it must be concluded "that Soviet aircraft fired upon an unarmed American plane over the open sea." Hence it would appear that not only were the Soviets unjustified in their claims, but that they themselves could very well be the ones deserving of blame. Since the plane nor its 10-man crew has been found, what this amounts to is our word against theirs. Regardless of which nation is correct on the details of the incident, however, the re- grettable part of it is the manner in which the Soviets disclosed their side of the story. Instead of, by a calm and rational state- ment of the facts in the matter, attempting to bring about some semblance of harmony between the two countries, they merely in- creased the already gaping breach in our re- lations. Had the Russians brought up this mat- ter of an American plane crossing its borders-if it did-and asked the United States to make an explanation, then un- doubtedly the root of the matter would have been reached with far less friction and hostility, and both nations would be in a more cordial state at the matter's conclusion. However, these "little incidents," as well as the larger issues, when handled in the aforementioned manner, provide the ob- stacles which make it so exasperatingly dif- ficult to come to any sort of understanding with the Russians. As long as this attitude on their part persists, it is difficult to per- ceive the sincerity of their professed de- sires for peace. -Larry Rothman O utlawing Communists IF the federal government cannot end the Communist menace in America then it is up to the states to do it. This seems to be the theory behind the Wolverine All-Ameri- can Conference on Subversive Activities de- mand that the Communist Party be banned in Michigan. The American Legion sponsored group seems to deem it better that State govern- ments should crush the Communists out of existence now rather than wait for the national government to decide if it can take that step constitutionally. Some Michigan officials are accepting the plan with favor. Fred M. Alger, Jr., Secre- tary of State, backed the proposal, poo- pooing the idea that if the movement is driven underground it will be a greater threat than it already is. He denounced the Communist movement as a conspiracy against the government. The whole thing is a part of a grow- ing all-out campaign on the part of small units of influence and power-such as local and State governments, pressu~re groups and educational institutions-to finish off the Communists. And it is all pretty futile. In the first place any law which outlaws the Communist Party will end up waiting for consideration by the Federal courts. There would be no practical gain by such action; it would only give the Party a temporary burst of publicity. The fact that outlawing the Communists would force them to operate underground can not be passed over as lightly as Alger would like to do. It is true that if the Party were forced Outside of the law pink tinged groups would perhaps stray from it. And it is also true that most Communists are vir- tually underground now because of adverse public opinion. But after a minor mix up it is probable that in the long run they would be tied together for more effective and more dangerous action. No law will stop Party methods unless it can be strict- ly enforced. The whole fallacy in the present drive lies in the fact that the protaganists refuse to recognize the Communist Party as a minority political faction in the American scene. They are set upon denying it the very right to exist. They visualize it as an armed terror that is ready to march on Washington and destroy us the day after tomorrow. These people do not see that the Com- munism we are fighting is essentially an external rather than an internal danger. Our real problem is our relationship with th Cnvit Vnnn Ma n-ltina --twil /etteJ/ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letterswhich for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from pubication at the discretion of the editors. "He Claims To Be An Officer" 1 - 3,"rss RY Unemployment... To the Editor: EVERY person has his ideals which he dreams about. He imagines what a fine world this would be if only some moss en- crusted legislatures would enact his ideals, but this is out of reality. Day dreamed ideals are not made law because they are out of reality. This is the impression that I received upon reading about the Young Progressive's trek to Lan- sing in order to lobby for, among other things, a law making avail- able to the state's unemployed $35 for 52 weeks. If the Young Pro- gressives' ideal is realized by leg- islative enactment, just who will pay for this lavish unemployment compensation? Somebody must pay, and of course it is' the tax- payer. Who is the taxpayer? It is you or will be you, the productive element of society. Somebody has to labor in order to earn profits that can be taxed. Those laboring persons will be you. The present great burden of taxa- tion will have to be augmented in order to support unemployment compensation. If Gov. William's Administration cannot balance the budget without an unemployment compensation law, how can it ex- pect to do so with such a law? Maybe, by increased taxation? An added tak burden will take away from the present employer the power and the means to hire new workers and the means to increase production. Now we come to another impor- tant question. Does the unemploy- ed person want this $35 a week ,charity in the guise of "It's your right as a citizen?" No, I rather think, that the unemployed person would rather have the opportunity of creating his own employment or of giving to a potential employ- er the opportunity of creating a job for him. The means of pro- duction are in private hands, and these means of production, our factories, mines, and our farms are what produce taxes. They em- ploy the people that are taxed and are taxed themselves. If great chunks of profits are taxed away, a man will be less likely to risk his money to create new jobs, well knowing that his profits will not sufficiently reward him. Therefore the caring for the un- employed is not solved by unem- ployment compensation of $35 a week. Here is the crux of my argu- ment: the common good is not ob- tained by taxing the productive and distributing the funds to the unproductive (unemployed). The common good is obtained-and this is not in the ideal-by lessen- ing the tax burden and giving, as a right to the individual, the op- portunity for self employment, without excessive tax burdens and giving to the corporation the op- portunity to expand its production facilities, thus creating more em- ployment and more goods. -Ronald Seavoy * * * Ad Nausem . To the Editor: pHE "TOTAL diplomacy" policy of repressing all opposition to the cold war struck the Univer- sity on April 7. The representa- tives of 20,00 students, the Student Legislators, were brutally told that student government must conform, not to the wishes of the students, but to the fear-crazed war mong- ers. The Student Legislature asked Prof. Phillips, a Communist, to debate the question of "Capitalism vs. Communism" with a Univ:-, sity professor. On April 7, Prof. Brandt, speaking for the Lecture Committee, let it be known that the debate would not be held. The Capitalists, with their press, radio, predominantly conservative facul- ty and hand picked texts - with a mountain of advantages - were unwilling to expose themselves to criticism in a debate! With the usual slander that the Communists advocate forceful and violent overthrow of our govern- ment, the Lecture Committee at- tempted to purify its collective conscience. Let's see if not the op- posite is in fact true! Who can we hold responsible for 5,000 lyn- chings in the South - the Com- munists or the white-supremacist capitalists? Who was responsible for the attack upon Gerhardt Eis- ler in Ann Arbor a few years ago? In fact, it is the University ad- ministration that "forcibly" re- fuses to allow free speech, that "forcibly" retains the infamous quota system,tsegregated housing, ad nauseam! This is nothing less than the acceptance of the Hitler- ian doctrine of choking off free speech and the democratic strug- gles of the Negro people under the guise of anti-Communism. We must demand, not ask, but demand, that Prof. Phillips be al- lowed to speak here and that the University officials concern them- selves with the removal of Jim- Crow practices rather than the further abridgement of democracy! -Hy Bershad, Chairman, LYL " G_ .--- . ,z ..w -r- ai9rn Twc wnSN: r61ov prr Rorschah Variables: II. The In-1 fluence of a Complex Set." Thurs.,: April 20, 3121 Natural ScienceI Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, M. L. Hutt. Doctoral Examination for Ber-1 nard Manning, Chemistry; thesis:7 "The Absorption Spectra of Some P - Acylamino - benzenediazonium Salts and Double Salts." Thurs., April 20, 3543 Chemistry Bldg., 3 pm. Chairman, L. C. Anderson. Medical College Admission Test:, The Association of American Med- ical Colleges and the University of Michigan Medical School in par- ticular, strongly urge that all stu- dents who consider entering a medical school in the fall of 1951 take the Medical College Admis- sion Test to be given May 13, 1950. Since applications for this test are due in Princeton, New Jersey not later than April 29, 1950, they should be sent in immediately. Ap- plication blanks and additional in- formation can be obtained at the Bureau of Psychological Services, 110 Rackham Building. Concerts Student Recital: Charlotte Lew- is, cellist, will present a program at 4:15 pm., Thurs., April 20, Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theater, in par- tial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Oliver Edel, Miss Lewis will play Concerto in D by Haydn, Suite No. 2 (for cello alone) by Bach, and Sonata No. 2 by Martinu. The public is invited. S t u d e n t Recital: Genevieve Shanklin, violin student with Gil- bert Ross, will be heard at 8:30 p.- m., Thurs., April 20, Rackham As- sembly Hall. Compositions by Ver- acini, Samuel Barber, and Franck. Played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, it will be open to the public. Carillon Recital: The first pro- gram in the Spring Series of re- citals by Percival Price, Univer- sity Carillonneur, will be played at 7:15 Thursday evening, April 20. It will include two harpsichord pieces, Sonata for 47 bells com- posed by Professor Price, and four French-Canadian airs. Student Recital: Patricia Ellen Letz, pianist, will play her reci- tal in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the Bachelor of Music degree at 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 21, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter. A pupil of John Kollen, Miss Letz has planned a program to include compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Debussy and Shubert. It will be open to the public. Student Recital: Millard Bush, pupil of Ava Comm Case, will pre- sent a piano recital in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Fri., April 21, Architec- ture Auditorium. Compositions by C.P.E. Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, and Skryabin. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art: Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Chinese Buddhist Bronzes through May 7; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today How to Meet Human Frontiers at the Guild House, 438.Maynard, 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Congregational- Disciple-Evangelical & Reformed Guild. Job Outlooks: "Management Opportunities." Mrs. Edith Wheel- er, Manager of the Michigan Lea- gue. Thurs., April 20, League. Her talk is part of the League Council's Job Outlooks Workshop. Open meeting. Camp Davis Geology Meeting: 7:30 p.m., 2054 Natural Science Building. All geology students who plan to attend Camp Davis this summer should be present. Infor- mation circulars and application p.m., 1121 Natural Science. Dr Miller, Bureau of Psychological Services, will speak on "Person- ality Development in Childhood.'* Beacon Association: Social an lecture, Speaker: Professor Bishop. 8 p.m., Rm. 3D, Union. Varsity Debate: Michigan var. sity debaters who have, "or will have, participated in one (1) or more intercollegiate debates during 1949-50, are requested to be' at the RENTSCHLER STUDIOS, 319 E. Huron, 4 p.m. UNESCO: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Harriet Gleuck House. Urgent that all members attend for prepara- tions for World Cooperation Week program. La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.4 Grill Room, League. Michigan Crib: Meeting, 8 p.m. Kalamazoo Room, League. Guest speaker, Prof. Russell A. Smith, Secretary, U. of M. Law School. Topic: "Admission to the Lw School at the U. of M." Everyone invited. Internationl Center Weekly Tea: 4:30 p.m.-6 p.m. U. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., at Lane Hall to plan spring trips. European hostel trip slides will be shown. Everyone welcome. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular rehearsal will be postponed to 7 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting' to prepare for Michigan Invita- tional Regatta. Shore school. 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering. U. of M. Young Republican Club: General membership meet- ing, -League, 7:30 p.m. Club poli- cy for the coming year will be for- mulated. Le Cercle Francais: Soiree 8 p.m. League. All members urged to at- tend. Guests of honor: actors of "Les Jours Heureux" and all those who helped in its performance. A special program will be presented. Coming Events Acolytes Meeting: Prof. Theo- dore Newcomb: "Social Reality." Fri., April 21, 7:30 p.m., West Con- ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Open to public. Physical Education - Women Students: There are some vacan- cies in the following Fly and Bait Casting classes offered this sea- son: Monday and Wednesday, 2:10 and 3:10; Tuesday and Thursday, 3:10. Women students interested may register in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Visitors' Night, Department of Astronomy: Fri. April 21, 7':45 p.m., Angell Hall. A short illus- trated talk will be given by Mr. Kenneth Yoss in 3017 Angell Hall. Following the talk the student ob- servatory, fifth floor, Angell Hall, will be open for observation of the (Continued on Page 5 A c t. t a ,A Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and mahaged by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 4. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN blanks will be handed out plan'. for geology summer courses will be discussed. Poonia Club: Meeting, p.m., International Center. dents of Polish descent friends invited. and field 7:30 Stu- and (Continued from Page 2) erican Journal of Public Health. 4 p.m., Mon., April 24, School of Public Health Auditorium. Anyone interested is invited. Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar: 9 a.m., Thurs., April 20, 1520 E. Medical Building. Speaker: Mr. Robert E. Chamberlain. Subject: Methods for Study of Bacterial Allergy. Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Thurs., April 20, Rackham Amphi- theater. "Germ Cell Cycle of Me- galodiscus temperatus (Stafford) ", by Anne Miller. "Life History of Neoleucochloridium problemati- cum" (Magath, 1920), by Irving Kagan. Doctoral Examination for Karl Edward Pottharst, Psychology; thesis: "The Influence of Varied Experimental Sets upon Certain University of Michigan Socio- logical Society invites the soci- ology and social psychology stu- dents to its regular Thursday af- ternoon Coffee Hour. 307 Haven Hall. University Choir: Rehearsals today and tomorrow 3 p.m., Haven Hall. U n d e rgraduate Psychological Society: Discussion Group in Clin- ical Psychology: Meeting, 7:30 Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........1Managing Editor Al Blumrosen ............ City Editor Philip Dawson .......Editorial Director Mary Stein...........Associate Editor Jo Misner .......... Associate Editor George Walker .......Associate Editor Don McNeil..........Associate Editor Wally Barth ...... Photography Editor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin........ Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ....Women's Edi ' r Barbara Smith.. Associate women's E. Allan Clamage ..........Librarian Joyce Clark...... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington .. Business Manager Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl....... Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff-......Finance Manager Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or - otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY A -.. . 198.9(4aeka Johenoe IJet f on pfltc I " i sirv lj^&A I 1 ii