THE MICHIGAN DAILY Capital Sees Paul Revere RideAgain WASHINGTON-(A)-Paul Re- vere rode again yesterday - 175 years after his famous the "Brit- ish-are-coming" gallop. Only this time there was no wild dash through the Middlesex farms. A fellow making like Paul rode down Washington's busy F Street. In front of him went a police car, behind him came an- other. THE WHOLE shebang moved at a leisurely walk. And while he was riding, ladies along the sidewalk passed out pamphlets entitled: "Paul Revere rides, again with a ballot for citizens of Washing- ton, D.C." * * * HERE WAS the idea: Almost a million people now live in Washington. Yet citizens here can't so much as elect their own dogcatcher. The President names the commissioners who run the city. Congress passes its laws. Now the Central Suffrage Com- mittee is trying to drum up in- terest in a bill introduced by Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn.). This bill has passed the Senate and is now in the House District Committee. It would set up a council-city man- ager plan of government for Washington, and would give citi- zens the right to run their own affairs. But they still wouldn't be able to vote in national elections nor would they have representa- tives in Congress. THE BALLOT passed out while Paul rode asked such questions as: "Do you believe in the demo- cratic form of government-that is, 'government of the people, for the people, by the people'?" "Do you believe in the prin- ciple of 'no taxation without representation'?" People were urged to fill in the ballots and mail them to head- quarters. Nobody seemed much ex- cited. Many threw them away without bothering to read them. -Dalny-Carlyie Marsnali ON ONE LIKE THIS-Max Shulman, popular satirical author, shows Daily staffers a battered typewriter in the Student Publications Building just like the one which he used to write the book that made him famous. Shulman wrote "Barefoot Boy With Cheek," a burlesque on college life, after spending six years at the University of Minnesota. He stopped in Ann Arbor yesterday on a three- week tour of universities and colleges to publicize his new book. * * Si * * * * * * Shulman, With Shoes, Visits Here l J t s tE V+ a: By JANET WATTS Max Shulman, the "Barefoot Boy with Cheek," arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday-with shoes on. The popular author is on a blistering three-week tour of Mid- west colleges where he hopes to drum up sales for his latest book, "Sleep Til Noon." While in Ann Arbor he autographed copies of his work at a local store. SHULMAN is probably best! known for "Barefoot Boy with Spring Tryouts I Tickets for the production may be purchased at the box office which will open at 10 a.m. Mon- day. Mail orders are now being accepted. Coming! Who will be Mr. Formal at MICHIGAN f f r :: ,,i } ,I ,* i" rtf.' f f,' 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Is she or is she not "A BLINKER?" (Continued from Page 5) Concerts Concert Cancelled: The Little Symphony Orchestra concert, pre- viously announced for Wed., April 19, in Hill Auditorium, has been canceled, due to the absence of several members on tour abroad. Student Recital: Charlotte Lew- is, cellist, will present a program at 4:15 p.m., Thurs.,.April 20, Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theater, in par- tial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Oliver Edel, Miss Lewis will play Concerto in D by Haydn, Suite No. 2 (for cello alone) by Bach, and Sonata No. 2 by Martinu. The public is invited. S t u d e n t Recital: Genevieve Shanklin, violin student with Gil- bert Ross, will be heard at 8:30 p.- m., Thurs., April 20, Rackham As- sembly Hall. Compositions by Ver- aeini, Samuel Barber, and Franck. Played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, it will be open to the public. Carillon Recital: The first pro- gram in the Spring Series of re- citals by Percival Price, Univer- sity Carillonneur,.will be played at 7:15 Thursday evenirg, April 20. It will include two harpsichord pieces, Sonata for 47 bells com- posed by Professor Price, and four French-Canadian airs. Events Today Lutheran Student Association: Wednesday Tea and Coffee Hour, 4 to 5:30 p.m., at the Center, 1304 Hill Street. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible study in Lane Hall (Upper Room), 7:30 p.m. Discussion: 1 John, Chapter 1. Supper Discussion at the Guild House, 438 Maynard. For reserva- tions call 5838. Congregational - Disciple - Evangelical & Reformed Guild. Canterbury Club: 7:30-10 p.m., Rev. and Mrs. Burt are at home to all students and their friends. Staff Positions: Anyone inter- ested in reporting on a small jour- nalistic enterprise is urged to ap- ply at Lane Hall for a staff posi- tion on the Student Religious As- sociation weekly Newsletter. Research Club: Meeting, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. "The Rivers of Western' Michigan: a Place Name Study." Albert H. Marckwardt, Professor of English; "Vertebrates of the Late Cenozoic of the High Plains." Claude W. Hibbard, Associate Professor Geology. Actuarial Club: Meeting, 4:10 p.m., 1018 Angell Hall. Mr. A. B. Campbell, The Travelers InsuranceI Company, Hartford, Connecticut, will speak on business, social, and study life of an actuarial student, and will discuss the various in- surance fields of The Travelers, the casualty field in particular. ASCE: Meeting, "Municipal En- gineering." Mr. G. R. Thompson, city engineer of Detroit. Slides of Camp Davis. 7:30 p.m., 311 W. En- gineering Bldg. Concert: U. of M. Women's Glee Club will present their an- nual Spring Concert, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Delta Sigma Pi: Business meet- ting at chapter house, 7:30 p.m. Record Concert: 7:30-8:30 p.m., at the League in the Concourse. Program: Brahms Symphony No. 1 and Enesco's Rumanian Rhap- sody No. 1. Pi Kappa Lambda: Initiation of new members, 7:30 p.m., East Con- ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Regular members are requested to attend. Square and Folk Dance Club: Meeting place has been changed from the Women's Athletic Build- ing to Barbour Gymnasium. 8-10 p.m. Premedical Society: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Bldg. Election of officers for the coming year and arrangements for hospi- tal tours this semester. U. of M. Rifle Club: Practice, Training and Qualification match, 7 p.m., ROTC rifle range. United World Federalists Open Forum Debate: Is U.S. Foreign Policy Designed To Promote OR Prevent World War' III? Faculty vs. students. 7:30 p.m., Union. Stu- dents and faculty invited. (Continued on Page 7) of I I M I i I Cheek," a satirical account of col- could come home, take off his uni- lege life. He also wrote two other form and start a normal peace- books, "Zebra Derby" and "Feath- ful life," er Merchant." The idea for his latest book, The young author finds it a burlesque of middle class life, "gratifying that the kids still occurrred to him when he at- remember me. After all it's been tended a few- parties given byt six years since 'Barefoot Boy' people of the middle class "oft came out." which I recently became a mem-t College had an important ef- ber when I sold some books." feet on his career, for his college Right now Shulman is writingI newspaper column led to his first short stories about "college kidsI book. After reading the Shulman and foolish young love" for nation-I column in the Minnesota Daily, a al magazines. And next year hef book publishing company editor hopes to start work on a play, a asked him if he'd like to write a domestic comedy "in which the book and Shulman was off on his characters are so loveable that thef writing career, audience will leap out of theiri * * * seats and onto the stage to em-$ brace them." WRITTEN IN three months, ther t book was the easiest for him to ®U write because he had "all the in- formation right at my fingertips. I'd been in college for six years." He graduated from the University of Minnesota with a journalism de-I gree in 1942. STAN "When I wrote the book my knowledge of college was limit- ed to what I knew about Minne-f The K U TA L sota. But since then I've found that college students are essen- tially the same throughout the w country," he said. wh Shulman is always on the look- SHIFT out for story ideas. "You've got toFREO when you have a large family toFE support." Though his books are not personal revelations, most of his ideas are based on his own ex- periences, he said. o *I easy - ONE BOOK came from his f®1s. knowledge of the army in which' he served during the war. And af-W ter the war when people began planning for the return of the veterans he got another idea "be- cause no one thought a veteran&® APPLICANTS will not be al- owed to take their family to Japan, Okinawa or Guam but hey can take their family to Ger- many or Austria at their own ex- pense, Dr. Purdom explained. Qualified personnel who kre in- erested should contact the Uni- versity's Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information as soon as possible for appointments, Dr. Purdom said. Regents Appoint Three To Faculty The Board of Regents made three appointments to the facul- ty and accepted gifts amounting to $36,652.65 at a meeting yester- day. Dr. Benjamin F. Bart, Jr. was appointed assistant professor of French, Dr. Neil C. Van Deusen as professor of library science and Bruce Gilbert Johnston as pro- fessor of structural engineering. Among gifts received were $1,000 from the Cranbrook Foundation, for the George bG.Booth Travel- ing Fellowship in Architecture and $1,000 from St. Joseph Mercy Hospital of Detroit. EW, FULL-SIZED DARD PORTABLE COMPA NION. PLUS TAX COMPLETE WITH CARRYING CASE 115 W. Liberty St. Phone 8950 j 'a ," VR 14 *w 14 I-; ! r Who can tell??? But one thing is for sure THlE NEW 1950 Studyi Europe THIS SUMMER INCLUDES ALL THIS: SIX WEEKS at the University of Bordeaux; in- tensive training in French plus 48 lectures on the culture of France, her problems, and her people. Room and board at the dormitory All tuition and fees . . . and .. . ROUND TRIP AIR TRANSPORTATION THIS IS ONLY ONE of many excellent low-cost .,..unnnrtni.esa. amu;,urt a n,,,. n ive ite.;; The new Fabric in Ladies' and Men's wear, a combina- tion of Virgin wool and Nylon inherits both their finest qualities. N NYLAINE is a lightweight fabric which automatically makes it a heavy favorite in today's competitive fashion . , . h ring. ENSIAN Y Summer Courses UNIVERSITY of MADRID Study and Travel It is built to take punishment. NYLAINE is made in beautiful soft color effects. Come in and see this new fabric now in ten spring- smart shades, to be made to your individual measure. 1I i A.. ,. 0 su "nu FV~L~dIL4R I I i I 11 , I " II 1