THE MICHIGAN DAILY WDNESDAYAP 9X: _ ________________________________________________ ___ ____________ r 5. ALFRED KOHLBERG--Big importer of lace hankies, does a business of $1,500,000 a year with China, and admits he finances his American China Policy Association-a pressure association-partly out of that business. Kohlberg is close to the Kuomin- tang lobby, hates Owen Lattimore and be- lieves anyone not a rabble-rousing anti-Red is automatically a Communist. 6. OLD-LINE CAREER DIPLOMATS- Most are loyal to Acheson. But one or two disgruntled extremists, sore at the new blood injected into the State Department, have sent exaggerated reports to McCarthy. * * m "Nobody Here But Just Us 100% Americans" I' ay T 0- ~ XettQe TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. 'Idiocy. ..' To the Editor: / !rd Under the laws of this state, Communist Party members would ,be automatically dis- qualified from the teaching profession be- cause they could not take the teacher's oath, and the Communist Party would very proba- bly have to be barred from the ballot. The Lecture Committee's opinion, if adopt- ed would limit freedom of discussion much more narrowly than any of our present laws, court decisions, or the current bill intro- duced in Congress by Senators Mundt and Fergidson. - IN SHORT, I think the Lecture Committee has badly misinterpreted the Regents' pro- hibition. And I do not believe this is a matter of opinion. The Lecture Committee is so clearly in disagreement with the courts, the federal government, and the Congress that its error could not be more plain. It is bad enough that they should have denied students the privilege of hearing a debate on the subject of Communism, and thus made it doubtful that this Univer- sity is living up to its professed educa- tional aims. It is worse that five University faculty members, whom we have learned to respect for their academic standing and:their pre- vious rulings as members of the Lecture Committee, should have put forward a line of reasoning which can be most charitably described as fallacious. --Philip Dawson Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PHOEBE FELDMAN Phoenix Meeting PRESIDENT Ruthven has called a special meeting for all University seniors at 10 a.m. today to explain the purposes and goals of the Michigan-Memorial Phoenix Project -the University's "living" memorial to its sons who were killed in the last war. The importance of this meeting cannot be under estimated. More than 1500 students will be graduat- ing from the University this June and with them rests the responsibility of carrying the Phoenix Project into cities and villages all over the country. As the most recent gradu- ates of the University-the persons more truly representative of campus opinion than any other individuals-it will be their job to publicize and promote the Phoenix Pro- ject among the residents of their commu- nities. It will be their duty to convince their friends and their business associates that the Project-devoted to research in the peacetime applications of atomic energy-- is destined to play an important role in the lives of thousands of American citi- zens. The program planned for the unprecedent- ed senior meeting is outstanding. A unique pHE exhibition of Chinese Buddhist bron- zes which will be on display at the Uni- versity of Michigan Museum of Art in Alum- ni Memorial Hall until May the 17th is in physical dimension undoubtedly one of the smallest shows ever run in our galleries, yet in importance one of the largest. These tiny exquisite objects, fashioned for individual devotion in the home, constitute the first exhibit ever held in America devoted ex- clusively to Chinese Buddhist bronzes. John Hadley Cox, of Michigan's Department of Fine Arts has scoured the country to as- semble these small gilded treasures. The Fogg Museum at Harvard, the Allen Art Gal- lery at Oberlin, the Nelson Gallery in Kansas City, and the Art Museum in Seattle are only a few of the contributors. The one hundred examples, reflecting a dazzling vari- ety of a sculptural styles, have been drawn from those eight hundred years which fall between the fourth and the twelfth cen- turies. In conjunction with the exhibition is a special photographic display of enlarge- ments, permitting the observer to grasp the sculptural details of these images, some of which are little more than an inch high. Since these objects are in some cases worth many thousands of dollars, the museum visitor cannot be given the op- portunity to pick them up in his hands to examine them closly, as did the peo- ple for whom these devotional objects for household shrines were made. More- over, the enlargements give some idea of the larger stone temple statues from which these smaller bronzes were copied. I am not a student of Oriental art, and the iconography is over my head, but the language of grace and rhythm, of solemnity and furor, is universal. There is, for exam- ple, a little sixth century Warrior Guardian, lent by Laurence Sickman, which is hardly more than two inches high, but whose ab- stract slashing contours will not yield in expressionistic vigor to the most powerful works of twentieth century German sculp- ture that I have seen. I found the Bodhisattva lent by Langdon Warner especially striking (a Bodhisattva, sometimes called "Goddess of Mercy," is an individual who has given up personal sal- vation to remain on earth in order to help others). This somewhat larger bronze fig- ure presents in posture and facial expression a firm and unshakable dignity and yet the many scarves clothing the figure sway and flutter in the breeze with an elegance and feminine grace strongly reminiscent of French Rococo (though preceding it by more than a thousand years). The result is a startling juxtaposition of seemingly incon- gruous moods to produce a total sensation not unlike that of the metaphysical conceit as used in English poetry in the early seven- teenth century. Another fascinating object lent by Mr. Sickman is a complete Buddhist shrine, dated 599, giving the whole hierarchy of in- dividual guardians, both man and beast, of monk-disciples, attendants, bodhisattvas, and so forth. Without doubt, the most famous figure in the show, and to my mind the most superbly wrought, is the relatively large (11/2 foot) Maitreya from the Art Institute in Detroit. In 520 A.D., while all the West- ern world wallowed at the low noint of Goodwin, who collected $65,000 from the Kuomintang lobby in two years, was not such a good friend of the Chinese before, he got on the payroll. Shortly before Pearl Harbor he wrote a letter not unfavorable to the Japanese, and critical of the Chi- nese; while, on Oct. 25, 1941, just a few weeks before Pearl Harbor, Goodwin wrote a letter to Senator Connally of Texas de- fending Hitler. "Why should America destroy Hitler?" he asked. "As between the two nations, we are the violators of international law, not Ger- many." Goodwin has been coming down to Wash- ington from New York almost every week for more than two years, buttonholing Congress- men, and spilling vitriol against "crooks and thieves" in the State Department. Now he is putting the same accusations in the mouth of Senator McCarthy. These are some of the backstage figures helping inspire one of the most spectacular and irresponsible Senate tirades since the harum-scarum days of Huey Long. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Kerr Bill Veto THOUGH he may have acted for purely political reasons, President Truman de- serves a considerable amount of credit for his recent veto of the Kerr natural gas bill. This bill, sponsored by millionaire oil- producer Sen. Robert Kerr of Oklahoma, would have made it illegal for the Fed- eral Power Commission to regulate prices charged by the so-called independent pro- ducers of natural gas. These independents control approximately 86 per cent of the nation's gas reserves. Be- cause they have always charged reasonable prices in the past, the FPC has never bother- ed them. Recently, however, several FPC members have been thinking of regulating these prices, since gas rates have been boost- ed in many instances. Whether or not the FPC actually regulates independent pricing, it certainly should have the power to do so, if the public interest is to be served. Presence of this power should be sufficient to prevent outlandish price in- creases by gas producers. Thus, the President acted wisely in veto- ing a measure which would have removed this vital prop in the structure which regu- lates an important public utility. The decision to veto the Kerr bill was not an easy one for Mr. Truman to reach. Its sunnorters included many large oil THIS IS a letter. One of many which should arrive at The Daily office en masse at the re- quest of an English 12 teacher in the engineering school. This pres- sure movement on the part of the instructor (I shall call him Mr. X to spare him public embarrass- ment) drives me slightly nutty. Mr. X's other students, if like me, will feel no desire to write an ex- pose on criticism. (or what have you!) This arrangement, in my opinion, is unfair, both to his stu- dents and to the readers for the following reasons. First, letters to the editor should be written by people who sincere- ly want to expound on something - not by students who are forced point blank to say something, or else! A person should have enough interest in what they want to put across to the other students to write without being forced. Secondly, a student writing un- der the conditions imposed by Mr. X might, in desperation for a topic, be forced to say something he doesn't actually believe. I firmly believe that forced edi- torial writing is, in most cases, a faux pas. Engineers are supposed to be ignorant in affairs aside from engineering, but I believe that someteachers have their due share of unclear thinking. -Gene Brunelle, Jr., '53E * * * Sidewalk Courtesy ... To the Editor: WHAT CAN BE done about the bicycle hazard on Campus? During the winter the pedestri- an walking on the campus had two choices: 1-Stay on the walk and risk being hit by an oncom- ing cyclist; 2-Walk in the deep snow on the ground adjacent to the regular walks and hope that the passing cyclist would not fol- low him. Now with spring here the situation is more intense be- cause more students are riding bi- cycles. My special grievance is the situation on a rainy day. None of us want to get wet or plan to walk through large puddles but the cyclist seems to delight in speeding down the walks, head- ingfor a large puddle and becomes elated at the number of people he splashes or forces to walk in the mud. I do not propose to prohibit bicycle riding but I do thinksome rules governing their usage would make the campus more pleasant for walkers. In order to give the walker an even chance some type of horn should be compulsory. If sidewalk riding was eliminated it would help considerably. Small inexpensive macadam paths could give the cyclist access from the street to the various buildings on campus. I am sure cooperation is needed from the cyclist as well as the pedestrian, but a workable agreement seems possible which would benefit everyone. -Robert W. Keyser | * * * Sidewalk Courtesy... To the Editor: during inclement weather are at present numerous and will un- doubtedly still exist in the years to come. To improve walking con- ditions during foul weather would necessitate a rebuilding program which the city can not afford. We might just as well grin and bear the situation and look for other possibilities of improving present conditions, as bigger and better sidewalks are out of the question and Mother Nature is not likely to accommodate our desires. On my return to Ann Arbor in February after a one year absence, the lack of sidewalk courtesy was ,very obvious. Already I am be- ginning to accept this as a part of a college education, but before I fall into this rut it would be a good thing to pass on my obser- vations, as those of an outsider, which can be beneficial to every- one concerned. The use of sidewalks can be facilitated without any expense other than the use of a little en- ergy. Group-walking is not being condemned, but the use of com- mon courtesy by these groups would greatly improve walking conditions. If these groups would make a practice of breaking up their huddles and allow others to pass, campus conditions would be greatly improved. This lack of courtesy is more likely due to the fact that students are only. sub-consciously aware of it and not due to ill-breeding as a resident remarked the other day. This might be used as an excuse, (for what purpose, I am not sure) but with the arrival of Spring everyone should be in a good mood to practice a little beneficial cour- tesy. No one really expects "Sir Walt- ers" to converge at the diagonal tomorrow, while a modification of such would be a friendly gesture to your classmates. If you are skeptical of my observations, make it a point to observe the present conditions for yourself. Then, if your observations are the same at least make an attempt to rise up and get out of the rut while Spring is still in the air. -Neil Will West Quad Protest... To the Editor: I would like to make a few com- ments on the article on the "West Quad Protest" that appear- ed in The Daily on April 5. First of all, I see no reason for a protest from the men of the West Quad at this late stage for the University has taken action to remedy the overcrowded conditions by build- ing the new South Quadrangle *Furthermore, these same condi- tions exist in the East Quad. Most of the complaints which I appeared in this article will be eliminated when the new Quad is L completed. In regard to th "Navy" tables andrthe inadejuat closet space, it is rather ridicu- lous to believe that the University will add new desks or build addi tional closets in the rooms when these overcrowded conditions wil be eliminated within the very nea future. As for the soiled blanket and dusty easy chairs, more fre quent maid-service would be abou the only solution to this prob lem. An increase in maid-servic would undoubtedly raise the resi dent fee which I believe would be strongly opposed by the residents. Therefore, I think that if the men of the West Quad will be patient for about another year that niay"of these problems will be solved. Also they should keep in mind that the East Quad men are suffering just as much as they are. -Eugene Fleeger * * * West Quad Protest .. . To the Editor: RECENTLY many letters have appeared in The Daily com- plaining about the food situation in the West Quadrangle. These letters have gone into great de- tail criticizing the food so that now anyone on the campus knows it to be fit for neither man nor beast. Although the food is de- plorable, I believe the food ser- vice is even worse. An example of this poor ser- vice is given to the men who enter the dining room near closing time. Usually the evening meal is by far the best served in the Quad. Yet the last men to eat do not re- ceive the benefit of this good food. Instead these -mep either do without part of the meal or get remains from lunch or other previous meals. Since this hap- pens around four times a week, many of the late dinersebecome very annoyed. The kitchen staff, after many years, should know how many men eat the meals, and should prepare adequate food for them. After all, the men last to eat pay just as much money for food as the men who eat first. Another example of poor service is provided by the delays of food from the kitchens. After the din- ing room has been open about thirty minutes, these delays in- crease until a prospective diner will suffer two or three of these waits before he reaches his food. These delays coupled with long lines make the act of eating a meal a time consuming process. Now it is rumored that the men of the South Quad will eat their meals next semester in the West Quad. This added burden to the poor service will make the time necessary to stand in line much longer. Any resident of the West Quad will tell you that the food is not woatl a long wait. -Richard McCord, '53E Discrimination . . . To the Editor: THROUGHOUT the past year, there have been many letters and editorials published in The Daily concerning discrimination. Recently, the CED paid for a full page advertisement relating to the potentially discriminatory ques- tions appearing on the Medical School application, and in a later issue, Mr. Bogue denounced these methods and proposed more re- liance on the SL committee to study discrimination. I think both methods of combating the prob- lem are poor ones. The method used by the CED in some cases only increases the problem of discrimination. I re- member an incident that occur- red a few years ago as the result of a much publicized speech on the subject by Mrs. Eleanor Roos- evelt. The colored domestic help in a Southern orange grove re- gion asked for higher wages. The white land owners fired all these workers not because they were asking for a raise, but because they were colored. The employers became more set in their preju- dice and increased the friction as a result. Mr. Bogue's solution is equally as poor in my opinion. He sug- gests we, place reliance on the SL committee to study discrimina- tion. However, this cannot pro- duce the desired result of ridding the University and the country of prejudice. Instead, we must all show our lack of prejudice. We must showour beliefs and feel- ings by our actions-by conspicu- ously not practicing discrimina- tion. By setting an example in this manner, instead of using a loud campaign or relying on someone else, we cap clear up the problemr more easily and more efficiently, -Sam Plice ** * Why Not? ... To the Editor: e RAISE the question -,why not more power to thie studen y body? Certainly they are repre - sented by the Student Legislature 1 but essentially the governing 1 board of the college has its owr r way on most matters. The stu- s dent body paying tuition and thi - parents of the state of Michigar t students paying state taxes, shoulc - have more to say about the func- e tioning of the school. I do not want - to sound radical, but the control, ling board does make some actions which seem unfair. A grievance common to the stu- dents living in residence halls is paying for meals which they do not eat. Also the meal tickets are non-transferable, so no one gets advantage of them. No bne other than the University, which has made the ruling. If a meal is paid 'for, does it harm the Uni- versity who eats it? If small matters, as the one mentioned above, were brought before the controlling board, I think it would lead to elimination of petty grievances; thus, making the residence halls more unified. Perhaps the University sets up these rulings to protect itself, bift I think they should review them and give the student an even standing. --H. Alan Koski Faculty Evaluation . . To the Editor: DURING the week preceding spring vacation, the Engineer- ing News, published by the En- gineering Council, printed an ar- ticle concerning the need for an evaluation of the faculty by the students every semester. I am in favor of the idea and would Ike to see definite plans made for its enactment. Although I am a freshman and did not participate in the previous faculty evaluation, I can see a need for such a pro- gram. The main function of a semes- terly evaluation would be to point out to instructors the students opinions of their teaching methods. If a teacher is doing his job well, the evaluation will give him a well deserved pat on the back. If however, the students do not think an instructor is doing a good job, the evaluation could points out his weaknesses. The student evaluation may indicate to some teachers that they are not suited for their job and thus allow them to make an early change, Only the students can make a practical evaluation of the teach- ers. They can be rated on their administrative work by the he- partment heads, but as for their ability to teach a class-only their students know the teacher's value. The student who has a class sev- eral days a week, for fifteen weeks, will be able to judge fairly whether or not the teacher is able to get tht subject across to the students. The evaluation program should not consist solely of giving each teacher a grade (A, B, C, D, or W) , but should give true or false an- swers to several questions concern- ing the teacher's approach and teaching methods. The student evaluation of the faculty every semester is needed on campus, and steps should be taken to incorporate the plan into the school program ... now! -James D. Butt 'I' * * West Quad Protest.. To the Editor: TIE DAILY'S article of April 5, -concerning crowded living con- ditions in the West Quad has stir- red up a great deal of controversy (Continued on Page 5) Vf iA /' X ii A S , At Y Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen........ City Editor Philip Dawson ...... Editorial Director Mary Stein...........Associate Editor Jo Misner .......... Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil .......... Associate Editor Wally Barth.... .. Photography Editor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.....Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz .. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ...... Women's Editor Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed. Allan Camage.. .... Librarian Joyce Clark....... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington .. Business Manager Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff ...... Finance Manager Bob Daniels .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all ot er matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office-at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $8.00. , - .. .* Ai OMPLAINTS about1 tion of sidewalks in the condi- Ann Arbor -, I BARNABY There. A little of your mother's Eau de Cologne and your old Fairy I 1 ,, _- i I r My quick thinking averted any serious consequences when I fell I'm thinking of what might have happened . My self-respect demands that I leave this house. But I feel itI. . - - _. _t _ I I I I