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April 19, 1950 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-19

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r _ _ _. _.N_,_. _ _. ,. ,_Y

apanese-American Unity Urged

Japanese today are determined
> redem themselves in the eyes
f the world, and it is the joint
.sk of the United States and
apan to accomplish this goal,
rof. Chitoshi Yanaga, of the Yale
niversity political science de-
artment, yesterday.
Speaking as guest lecturer of
ie Department of Far Eastern
anguages, Hawaiian-born Prof.
anaga explained that the des-
nies of the two nations are so
rongly intertwined that the
ostwar problems of Japan have
ecome the post-war problems of
ie United States.
* * *
"ALTHOUGH the problem of
curity is given first place now,
Ze long-term interest of the
orld, the United States, and the

Japanese people will cause the
democranization program to take
the spotlight again soon," the pro-
fessor predicted. He explained that
communism is being successfully
contained in Japan,, but the na-
tion does not yet have the spirit
or the processes of democracy.
"The new constitution .pro-
vides a framework, but only ob-
servance and practice over a
long period of time will give the
Japanese people real democ-
racy," he said.
Education, according to Prof.
Yanaga, is the backbone of the
democranization program. "If it
is carried out on the right scale, a
new program which sends Japan-
ese students to the United States
for study can accomplish more



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than any other single factor," he
But the professor reminded his
audience that the American pub-
lic needs educating also.
"The Japanese trust in the
United States now because they
are confident of the American
sense of justice and fair-minded-
ness," he said, "but we must re-
member that the actions and atti-
tude of the people and govern-
ment of the United States are
under constant scrutiny. Accurate
knowledge of Japan and its people
is important if we are to continue
to handle the Japanese situation
* * *
Claim Japan's
Reds Follow
Soviet Pattern
Japan's Communist Party is cut
on the Moscow pattern, despite
any indications to the contrary,
the Far Eastern Association was
told at its last meeting.
"In spite of the recent denun-
ciation of Sanzo Nozaka, top Jap-
anese Communist policymaker, by
the Cominform, the Japanese
party is Communistic in the Rus-
sian sense of the word," Roger
Swearington, of the University of
Southern California, declared.
Swearington said the Comin-
form blast in January was merely
aimed at Nozaka's poor timing of
party strategy.
Although he believed the party
might suffer some additional loss
in popularity as a result of the
Cominform attack, Swearington
remarked that the organization's
political potential should not be
evaluated on number of members
"Communists polled almost ten
per cent of the vote in January,
1949, elections," he added.
UWF To Debate
US Foreign Policy
United States Foreign Policy
will be debated at a United World
Federalist meeting 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
Debate topic will be "Is the
United States Foreign Policy De-
signed to Prevent or Promote
World War III?"
The panel of speakers includes
Prof. Marshall Knappen and Hen-
ry Bretton of the political science
department, Murray Frank, na-
tional UWF student president and
Irwin Robinson, '50, former presi-
dent of the University UWF chap-

-Daily-Carlyle Marshal
YOUNGEST, OLDEST STUDENTS-Haskel Cohen, '54, and Mrs.
Lena D. Vincent, Grad., compare notes on college life at the Uni-
versity where Cohen is the youngest student and Mrs. Vincent
the oldest, according to University records.
* * * * * a
Youngest, Oldest VoiceTheir
Approval of UniverstLifLae

University life may become anI
ordinary experience for most stu-I
dents, but for Haskel Cohen, '54,
and Mrs. Lena D. Vincent, Grad.,
it has a special meaning.
Cohen, as a sixteen year old first
semester freshman, is the youngest
student in the University this se-'
mester and Mrs. Vincent, who
graduated from college in 1914, is
the oldest student, according to
the registrar's office.

experience. "You're on your own
and you can go after anything you
want," is the way he puts it.
UNIVERSITY LIFE is stimulat-
ing for Mrs. Vincent too. When
she returned to the University in
February, 1947, she found studies
"difficult, but pleasant."
"And I got discouraged too. In
fact, I almost quit after the first
eight weeks. But later I found
T hrlU ia fa krin sin lUdipc

For W ork
Ca ledPoor
Flexible Training
Claimed Valuable
Job-seeking June graduates will
find a less favorable "economic
climate" this year, according to
Ewan Clague, commissioner of la-
bor statistics of the U.S. Depart-
ment of Commerce.
Addressing a conference on
Michigan Employment Trends
held at the Michigan Union, April
13, by the University of Michigan
Bureau of Appointments, Clague
estimated that approximately
500,000,persons will receive college
degrees this year compared to last
year's record total of 423,000.
High school graduates will remain
at about 1,250,000.
* * *
STRESSING "flexibility" as the
keynote of young men and women
searching jobs, Clague declared,
"If employment opportunities are
temporarily limited in the par-
ticular field for which a person is
trained, then he or she should
consider the possibility of enter-
ing some alternate occupation in
which prospects may be better."
Stiff competition for jobs was
indicated by Clague in the follow-
ing professions:
Teaching: in which there is an
acute shortage of elementary
school personnel and a growing
oversupply at the high school lev-
Law: a profession already over-
crowded and likely to become
more so during the next few years.
Engineering: in the next couple
of years, the number of graduates
will probably exceed the number
of openings but the employment
situation is likely to become much
better in the future.
Chemistry: competition keen
for positions without graduate
training with outlook better for
chemists with graduate degrees.
Journalism: the reporting field
is likely to become more over-
crowded in the early 1950's with
jobs easier to get with country
papers, trade papers and house
organs than with daily newspa-
Personnel work: competition is
very keen in this field with em-
ployers insisting on much higher
educational and personal quali-
Business Administration: there
will probably be an oversupply of
graduates with a surplus already
developed in accounting.
Liberal arts graduates: those
with spe'cialized training or work
experience will find it easier than
those with only a general educa-
Clague also predicted good op-
portunities for a number of years
for veterinarians, medical X-ray
technicians, medical laboratory
technicians, dental hygienists,
physical therapists, occupational
therapists and dietitians.

Political Scientists to Hear
Promiinent Men at Meeting


Outstanding leaders in Ameri-
can political affairs will address
more than 200 Midwestern politi-
cal scientists during their three
day annual conference here be-
ginning Friday.
George W. Perkins, Assistant
Secretary of State for European
Affairs, will open the conference
at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. He will 'be preceded
by Provost James P. Adams, who
will welcome the delegates.
* * *
WALTER.P. Reuther, president
of the UAW-CIO, will address the
conference at 4:15 p.m. Saturday
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Cooley Series
Will Feature
Dean Stason
Trhe fourth annual series of
Thomas M. Cooley Lectures will
be delivered by Dean E. Blythe
Stason, of the law school, on the
subject, "Administrative Discre-
tion and its Control" at 4:15 p.m.,
April 24 through 28, in Rm. 150,
Hutchins Hall.
"Extent of Administrative Dis-
cretionary Power" will be the sub-
ject of the April 24th lecture.
"Judicial Review and Other Means
of Control of Administrative Ac-
tion" will follow on April 25.
RIemaining subjects will be
"Uncontrolled Areas and Ad-
ministrative Discretion" on
April 26, "Some Foreign Exper-
ience" on April 27 and "Demo-
cratic Content of Administra-
tive Discretionary Power," April
Commenting on the lecture ser-
ies Stason noted, "The fact that
there is currently pending in Con-
gress such legislation as the
Brannan Farm Bill for agriculture
payments, and the National
Health Service Bill, makes discus-
sion of administration discretion
especially timely."
Funds Available
For Danish Study
Two $600 scholarships will be
awarded by the Nansen Fund to
students who wish to attend the
American Graduate School in
Denmark during the 1950 - 51
school year.
Winners of the scholarships will
be also required to attend the
Oslo Summer School.
Scholarships for study in Nor-
way and Sweden will also be pro-
vided by the fund, which was re-
cently established through the
cooperation of former Secretary
of Commerce Jesse Jones and a
group of Texas businessmen.
Interested students may apply
to the admissions office, 588 Fifth
Ave., New York 19, N.Y.

I act eared taxing up stu ies i
* * more than was really neesesary,
FOR BOTH OF THEM, register- she related.
ing in the University was a mean- Before she came back to the
ingful event. Cohen is the first University, Mrs. Vincent's life was
of his family to enter the Univer- that of a busy wife and home-
sity. Mrs. Vincent returned to the maker. After graduation from
University thirty years after grad- Greenville College inTIlinoissh

Originally from Queens in
New York City, Cohen hopes to
go into Medical School to study
psychiatry. Although he has had
to work hard so far, he main-
tains, "I'm doing fine."
He feels no special disadvantage
in being the youngest student here
and thinks his skipping two years
of elementary school was a big
help to him.
* * *
"I'LL FINISH Medical School at
an age two years younger than the
average student. And being in col-
lege two years early helps a per-
son grow up quicker," he said.
Cohen probably won't have
much difficulty fitting into the
University community, for he's
already gone out for activities
beginning with the freshman
baseball squad. Although he did-
n't play the game in high school,
he spent many of his younger
days on the sandlot diamond.
On the whole, young Cohen
finds University life an interesting

spent some time at the University
as a teaching fellow in the de-
partment of psychology. In 1916
she got her master's degree.
IN SEPTEMBER of that year
she married the Rev. Burton Jones
Vincent, a Free Methodist minis-
ter. With three "inherited" chil-
dren, from her husband, and two
of her own, Mrs. Vincent settled
down to a comfortable family life.
But she kept up a busy, full
life, filled with teaching in
church schools and church work
with her husband. It wasn't un-
til after her husbands death and
her children had married that
Mrs. Vincent thought of return-
ing to the University.
Having completed her doctoral
prelims and required courses, Mrs.
Vincent is now doing research
leading to a re-evaluation of cur-
rent education in the area of spir-
itual values. She became interested
in this field through her years of
work with the church and church-
related colleges.

Both Reuther's and Perkins' talks
will be open to the public.
Also Saturday, the delegates
will divide into panel discussion
groups to consider major politi-
cal questions.
The morning session of meet-
ings will discuss problems of oc-
cupation, state reorganization, in-
ternational politics and political
* * *
SATURDAY night's topics will
include new aspects of interna-
tional politics, the role of the
political scientist in judicial ad-
minstraton, state labor relations
legislation and issues of munici-
pal finance.
A final panel will discuss
"Threats to the Freedom of the
Social Scientists" Sunday morn-
ing before a general assembly
Delegates to the conference will
represent universities and col-
leges throughout the Midwest, as
well government officials and for-
eign students.
This is the eighth year that the
group has met. Prof.. Harold M.
Dorr, of the political science de-
partment is president of the con-
Dimnock Will
Direct Atom
Policy Course
Students in political science will
be given a crack at planning the
atom's future in a proseminar dur-
ing the Summer Session.
A two hour pioneer course, "Pub-
lic Policy and Atomic Energy,"
will be directed by Marshall Di-
mock, former assistant secretary
of labor and assistant deputy ad-
ministrator of the War Shipping
* ** *
DURING THE eight weeks that
the course is to be offered, num-
erous authorities and government
officials in the atomic energy
field will give special lectures
which the public may attend.
"The course will seek to pro-.
vide seniors and graduate stu-
dents of the social sciences with
tools for handling the many
complex problems arising from
uses of atomic energy," Prof. J.
K. Pollock, chairman of the po-
litical science department said
in announcing details of the
new class.
Students will consider the leg-
islative and administrative fac-
tors in the atomic program as well
as coordination of military and
civilian aspects of atomic energy,
governmental relations with re-
search institutions, community
management of atomic energy sites
and international programs for
atomic control.
Offered by the political science
department, the course is part of
the Phoenix project for studying
peacetime uses of atomic energy.
Carvallo To Speak
On 'Loire Gardens'
Francois Carvallo wi ak on
the "Chateaux of th ire and
the Gardens of Villan'" at 4:15
p.m. Wednesday in Rackham Am-
The chateau and gardens which
were built during the Renaissance
were restored by Carvallo's father
between 1906 and 1936. Colored
slides will be used to illustrate the
28 acres of gardens which are
representative of Medieval, Re-
naissance, 17th and 18th centur-







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