IN THIS CORNER PF See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State A6F :43 a t t, CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LX, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1950 SIX PA SL To Hold Meeting On Liquor Ban Dean Walter Will Outline 'U' Policy By JIM BROWN An unprecedented all-campus meeting to study problems created by the University's ban on drink- ing in student residences will be sponsored by Student Legislature at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow at the Union. The meeting, arranged by SL's campus action committee, is de- signed "to enable students to ex- change views on the liquor ban and to work out a possible com- promise plan to be submitted to the University administration," according to Legislator George Roumell, '51. * * * ALTHOUGH similar meetings have been held in the past by indnvndual campus groups, Rou- mell pointed out that tomorrow's meeting will mark the first time that all interested University stu- dents have been called together to study the campus liquor problem. The meeting will be chaired by Irv Stenn, '51, of the campus action committee, who will open the program with a brief out- line of existing state and local laws concerning the sale and consumption of alcoholic bever- ages. Stenn will then introduce Leg- islator Keith Beers, '52, who will trace the history of the liquor problem here on campus and re- view earlier proposals to amend the University's regulations con- cerning drinking in student resi- dences. * .* * THE administration's view-point on the problem will be presented by Dean of Students Erich A. Walter. Dean Walter will outline the University's liquor policy and answer questions often raised by students, Roumell said. "We realize that it may take several subsequent meetings to work out an adequate solution to the problem, but we feel that by assembling students from all sections of the campus we may be able to draw up a unified plan to present to the University. Letters of invitation have been sent out to leaders of all major campus organizations and Rou- t mell urged any other interested students to attend the meeting. A * * * SL Initiates Protests On xLecture Ban Student Legislature will launch a vigorous campaign tonight to protest the University Lecture Committee's rejection of a propos- ed debate on "Communism vs. Capitalism" between avowed Com- munist Herbert J. Phillips and Prof. Phillip J, Wernette, of the School of Business Administration. SL president Quent Nesbitt said that a strongly-worded protest of the Lecture Committee's action has been drawn up by the Cabinet and will be submitted to the Leg- islature for approval at 7:30 p.m. tonight, at the Union. * * * CONFIDENT that it will be overwhelmingly supported by the Legislators, Nesbitt said that the policy statement will probably be sent to members of the Board of Regents and other state officials to "clarify the Legislature's stand on the issue." Several Legislators were also reportedly pushing for a meet- ing on the subject between the Cabinet and the Board of Re- gents. Nesbitt said the possi- * bility of seeking such a meet- ing will be discussed tonight. Meanwhile, Dave Fraser, '51, co- chairman of the Michigan Forum committee, which had originally' attempted to sponsor the highly Ruthven To Talk About 'Phoenix By JOHN DAVIES President Alexander G. Ruthven will discuss the reaction of President Truman and the Atomic Energy Commission to the Mich- igan Memorial Phoenix Project at an unprecedented meeting of June graduates at 10 a.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Purpose of the meeting, called by President Ruthven, is to inform the seniors about the Phoenix Project. THE SENIORS-and all students terminating their studies in June-will be excused from 9:50 to 11 a.m. to attend the meeting, the first official gathering of students and Project leaders. Chester H. Lang, national executive chairman of the Project, will speak at the meeting. A dramatic presentation given by the speech department will also be included on the program. * * * * ALTHOUGH ONLY June graduates will be excused from 10 o'clock classes, all students may attend the meeting. There will be no solici- tation of funds at the meeting.; Calling for full attendance at the meeting, Pres. Ruthven said that "a manifestation of enthusiastic interest on the campus To Members of the University who are completing their academic work in June: This meeting is an unusual event because It relates to the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, which is in itself a Uni- versity venture of unusual importance. I want you to know more about this Project as a student and as a prospective alum- nus before you leave the campus in June. I shall deeply appreciate your acceptance of my invitation to the meeting. -Yours sincerely, Alexander G. Ruthven will have an important influence upon the success of the Univer- sity's effort among all members of the Michigan family. Pres. Ruthven went to Washington, D.C., last week to interest Pres. Truman and the Atomic Energy Commission in the Project. He was accompanied by Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.), who spoke about the Project on the Senate floor, and Douglas G. Mode, a Wash- ington attorney. The Phoenix Project is a $6,500,000 program devoted to peacetime implications of atomic energy. BIG BLOW: Twin Tornadoes, Floods Sweep Alabama, North 'U.S. Note Demanids SOVie Indemnity For Plane -o* * * 6 LOSs Cite Maragon Bank Balance In Perjury WASHINGTON-()-A govern- ment witness testified yesterday at the perjury trial of John Maragon that the former man-about-the- White House admitted he had a Texas bank account after swear- ing to the contrary. Maragon is accused of+ lying when he allegedly concealed, de- posits of $120,000 in a San Anton- io, Tex., bank over a five-year per- iod in which he claimed an income of $30,000. YESTERDAY'S witness for the government was Carmine S. Bel- lino, a certified public accountant, who worked for a Senate investi- gating committee during last sum- mer's "five percenter" probe. The prosecution contends that Maragon lied four times during the Senate inquiry into his busi- ness affairs. The 58-year-old de- fendant is a onetime Kansas City bootblack who became a crony of President Truman's military aide. * * * BELLINO testified that last July 28, the day after Maragon appear- ed before the Senate committee, Maragon showed up at a confer- ence on Capitol Hill and admitted he had an account at the San An- tonio National Bank of Commerce. In his sworn testimony, Mara- gon had said his only bank ac- count in the 1945-46 period un- der scrutiny was in a Washing- ton bank. The witness said he did not re- ceive- documentary proof of the account's existence until some 24 hours after Maragon testified- and that was when Maragon ad- mitted it, he said. Truman Starts. Hi-Partisan ForeignPolicy WASHINGTON,- (A) -Presi- dent Truman started setting up regular machinery yesterday for a bi-partisan foreign policy but bumped into Republican questions on how far he will go. There were also objections in his own party to the way he went about it. THESE WERE the moves and their early results: 1. The President and Secretary of State Acheson called Sen. Brid- ges (R-NH) into an unusual White House conference on joint planning in foreign relations. 2. In a statement afterward the President pledged that he and Acheson will consult the Republicans at all stages and take their views into "serious ac- count" with the aim of keep- ing up "a true bi-partisan for- eign policy." 3. Bridges welcomed what he called an "eminent gesture" but said the test will be whether GOP leaders are taken into counsel while policy is being formed. 4. Chairman Connalley (D-Tex) of the Senate Voreign Relations Committee criticized the selection of Bridges for the White House meeting. Experts Say Deficit WillNear 7 Billion WASHINGTON - (A) - The ex- perts who advise Congress on taxes figured yesterday that President Truman guessed $1,200,000,000 too low in estimating this year's gov- ernment deficit. They calculated that the treas- ury will find itself $6,700,000,000 in the red by June 30, end of the 1950 fiscal year, instead of $5,- 500,000,000 as Mr. Truman esti- mated in his January budget mes- sage. Meet Plans Closer MSC, U' Relations Special to The Daily EAST LANSING-A long range program for closer relations be- tween the University and Michi- gan State College was launched here last night by representatives of the student governments of the two schools. Members of the University Stu- dent Legislature and the MSC Student Council met with adminis- tration officials from the two schools and decided on a definite plan of action for next fall. * * * THE MSC GROUP invited the SL cabinet, the city editor and managing editor of The Daily, and officials from the Office of Student Affairs, to attend a foot- ball game here September 23 to start off the program. Representa- tives from the University will be guests at a banquet and party in the evening. The University delegation in- vited the entire MSC student body to be guests at the Michi- gan-MSC game in Ann Arbor the following week. SL presi- dent Quentin Nesbitt, '50BAd, who headed the University group, said the program would call for parties and open houses following the game. "Two large schools with so much in common should have close re- lations culturally and socially as well as on the football field," Nes- bitt declared. "I hope this will mark the start of a permanent program to better link the students of the two great Universities," he said. COMMITTEES from the Uni- versity and MSC will work out de- tails of the fall program. Nationalists Claim Crushing Victory BY THEIR appraisal, the gov- ernment seems to be suffering from a case of limping revenues which do not appear to have ham- pered its spending arm. Senator George (D-Georgia), chairman of the joint Senate- House Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, presented a new fiscal forecast prepared by the Committee's tax experts. The committee's formal report said the staff took account of "the disappointing collections, especial- ly from individual income tax, since January of this year." LOOKING ahead to the 1951 fiscal year which starts next July 1, George said the staff figured the government would go over seven million into the red for that period. President Truman esti- mated the '51 deficit at about five million and predicted that the country would be "moving toward budgetary balance in the next few years." The staff's estimates were bas- ed on an assumed national in- come of $212 billion in calendar 1950, dropping to $207 billion in the first six months of 1951. Thus its estimate disregarded any cuts-or additions-Congress may apply to its appropriations, or any possible changes in the tax laws. The chance for a cut in excise taxes this year was beginning to look pretty dim. There is no lack of enthusiasm among the law- makers for cutting back or abol- ishing some of these federal sales levies, but Mr. Truman has served notice he is prepared to veto any excise cut that doesn't provide for making up the revenue somewhere else. * * * U.S. Budget Needs Balance Now -Nourse DETROIT, - (A') - Edwin G. Nourse, once President Truman's chief economic adviser, declared here last night "if we are going to keep the country on a solid basis, we have got to get back into the black and begin to do it now. A continualy unbalanced bud- get is creating a situation that "is serious-potentialy tragic," Dr. Nourse told the Builders Associa- tion of Metropolitan Detroit. "The expression of a sober and sound and determined pub- lie opinion," he said, "can change By The Associated Press Twin tornadoes ripped into the Mobile, Ala., area Tuesday top- pling houses, trees and power line poles and sending 14 persons to hospitals. Far to the north, flood-swollen rivers, fed by melting snow, drove several thousand persons from their homes in North Dakota and Minnesota. However, a surge of World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Senator Mc- Carthy yesterday asked subpoenas for two former FBI agents to bol- ster his "stand or fall" case alleg- ing that Owen Lattimore is Rus- sia's No. 1 spy in the United States. SAN FRANCISCO-CIO Long- shore Leader Harry Bridges yes- terday filed a $500,000 damage suit in Superior Court-charging Special Prosecutor F. Joseph Don- ohue with libel and slander. * * * AMSTERDAM-A union sea- men's organization yesterday or- dered into effect forthwith a boycott originally voted Nov. 25, 1948, against ships flying Pana- ma's flag. * * * WASHINGTON - James Bruce, wealthy businessman - diplomat, has submitted his resignation as director of the Foreign Arms Aid Program. cold air from Canada brought the prospect of another freexe. This would remove temporarily the threat of new flood damage. * * * THE ALABAMA tornadoes hit four communities on opposite shores of Mobile Bayi One batter- ed residential sections in the Mof- fett Road, Whistler and Saraland communities. The second, of less- er force, blasted the Spanish Fort community 13 miles east of Mo- bile. All the injured were in the three communities near Mobile. Destruction was estimated in the tens of thousands of dollars. The twister tore a four room house from its foundations in Sar- aland and tossed it upside down about 200 yards away. OVERFLOWS from scores of rivers, creeks and ditches spilled over lands in western and eastern North Dakota and Western Minn- esota. The area was swept by a bliz- zard April 8 and a sharp rise in temperatures started a fast thaw. An overnight freeze was fore- cast, but much snow still remains on theg round. Observers said a re- turn of high temperatures could cause critical conditions in sev- eral sections. The Red Cross declared an emer- gency and set up relief stations in four cities. It estimates 1,280 families are homeless. In Ann Arbor ,meanwhile, the sun shone for two days in a row. ,0 gA fl- «f ,~/FNLANL) t _W tSc# ho Ms *US SITE OF RAFT-The Cross in- dicates the Baltic Sea area where a British freighter found a dere- lick American life raft. The raft is believed to be part of escape equipment belonging to the American Navy Privateer plane . which mysteriously disappeared April 8. Labor Party Cuts Yearly Income Tax By The Associated Press LONDON-The Labor govern- ment handed Britain's middle class taxpayer a yearly income tax cut amount to $33.25 yesterday. In a budget for 1950-51 fash- ioned to make friends in the next national election - which may come at any time-Sir Stafford Cripps, chancellor of the excheq- uer, also took these steps: 1. Doubled the gasoline ra- tion to allow 180 miles of travel a month, at the same time rais- ing the price of gasoline to three shillings (42 cents) a gallon by increasing the tax nine pence (10V cents). 2. Authorized a three per cent increase in the strength of beer to half its pre-war kick-without an expected hike in the tax. 3. Called a halt in rising costs for the government's welfare services, especially the state medical service. 4. Trimmed food subsidies-- which keep down the prices of basic necessities to the con- sumer. 5. Cracked down on some big industrialists by proposing a retroactive tax which will fun- nel into the treasury nearly all the 1949 bonuses they received. THE INCOME tax cut benefits the middle income groups whose vote is the balance of power in British elections. Sees Chrysler Strike Over 'This Week' DETROIT-(A')-A Federal mediator said last night the 84- day Chrysler strike "should be settled this week if everything goes well." E. M. Sconyers made his pre- diction as negotiators for Chrys- ler Corp. and the CIO United Au- to Workers recessed their talks until 10 a.m. today. . . * HIS OPTIMISM was shared by Union Chrysler Director Norman Matthews, who told a rally of UAW members "we have the ball on the five-yard line and expect to push it over for a touchdown." At the same meeting, Auto Workers President Walter Reu- ther agreed "real strides" had been made in recent days to- ward settlement of the means of financing $100-a-month pen. sions, including social security benefits, for 89,000 striking Chrysler production workers. Another hint that agreement was near came from the bar- gaining talks themselves. The ne- Legislators Add Support To Warnn Say Peace Aims Not Furthered By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The United States filed a stern indemnity de- mand on Russia yesterday for what it termed the "unprovoked destruction" of an unarmed American patrol plane and the. loss of ten crewmen in the Baltic Sea. It also called for steps to pre- vent a "repetition, under what- ever pretext, of incidents of this kind." The attack on the plane, the U.S. government said, exposed the "insincerity" of Russian claims of desiring peaceful relations with the west. * * * THE STATE Departments in de- livering the stiffly-worded note to Moscow, rejected outright a Rus- sian protest that the navy patrol plane, missing since April 8, fired on Soviet fighters over Soviet- controlled Latvia. Investigation shows, it said, that the plane at no time few over Soviet territory and "it must be concluded that Soviet aircraft fired upon an unarmed American Plane over the open- sea." The American government alo called on Russia to give prompt and severe punishment to thoee. responsible for the incident which has-put fresh strain on this coun- try's troubled relations with the Soviets. THE STATE Department stand found quick support on Capitol Hill. ' Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of the House Armed Services Com- mittee, seeking a big boost in US. air power, told newsmen the Unit- ed States "must be prepared =to back up" any diplomatic notes it sends to Russia. Senator Connally (D-Tex) chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said T thoroughly approve the State Department note." "It's time our country stood up for its rights even when dealing with Russia." ALONG with its note the State Department released an even more sharply worded statement which praised the Scandinavian countries for their help in the search for the missing plane, then said: "By contrast there has not been the slightest evidence of any con- cern on the part of the Soviet gov- ernment over the fate of our plane and its personnel. This seems an astonishing lack of common inter- national courtesy and an unusual disregard of human life" "The cause of peace is not fur- ! theed when the U.S.S.R. osten- tatiously decorates Soviet airmen in a manner calculated to give the impression that they are be- ing rewarded for shooting down a defenseless American plane." Announcements Will Go On Sale Graduation announcements, booklets and cards will go on sale from 1 to 5 p.m. today, tomorrow and Friday in the Administration lobby, according to announce- ments chairman Lois Schwartz, '50. The materials will be available to allseniors except those in law, medicine and dentistry. Three types of materials will be on sale, Miss Schwartz said. Book- lets, containing a list of degree candidates, class officers, com- mencement activities and five campus pictures are available in two prices, 65 and 35 cents. our national financial picture." TAIPEI, FORMOSA-()-Ju- Dr. Nourse, who finally broke bilant Nationalist dispatches last with President Truman and night said 3,000 Red invaders of quit, said the federal budgets Hainan had been killed yester- for the current year and 1951 day, remnants were surrendering will add a total of 10,500,000,000 and a final, crushing victory was to the national debt. near. "To assume that. we can have Only a short time earlier t 'managed inflation' or that such Nationalist air force asserted 2,0( an inflationary process can be of the invaders had perished at 'contained' is, I thing, taking a sea or on the beaches from aerial risk way beyond what the trustees assault alone up until Monday of the American economy are jus- evening. tified in taking," he concluded. $5,000 In Loot To Be Given Away: Michigras To Offer Luscious Blond as Prize * * * By BOB KEITH A luscious blue-eyed airlines hostess will top the huge slate of prizes on tap at Michigras this week. Pert, sandy-haired Joan Carl will step down from the skyways to become probably the most un- usual "give-away" offer in the riuial' shistorv ners of Michibucks-those treas- ured little certificates which are{ awarded at the 15 game booths. IT WILL TAKE 200 Michibucks to capture Miss Carl. And the first person to report to the central prize booth with that number may claim her, Downey said. Dinner' wit MicrlA.' thaenin. An drawl that she's "eagerly looking forward" to her Michigras date. A sleek convertible will carry Miss Carl in the hilarious Michi- gras comedy parade Friday after- noon. * * * AS LAST minute touches were put on parade plans yesterday chosen tonight in a "kiddie beau- ty contest" to lead the parade dressed as Daisy Mae and L'il Abner. * * 41 WINNERS from more than 50 competing parade floats will re- ceive first. second and third prize I *,.- ~ -