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April 18, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-18

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UNION OPERA fails conspicuously to bring
the best in 'Michigan entertainment' to
the thousands of alumni, prospective alum-
ni and friends who view it on tour.
It is impossible for an all-male cast
to really put over the romantic interest
and the love songs which abound in a
good musical. For instance "Why Should
Our Love Come to This End" might have
been a pretty terrific romantic ballad
until it was made part of the obvious mas-
If Union Opera were produced only for a
campus audience, following the same ideas
as JG)P, there would not be so much room
for objection.
But the men's production has to be some-
thing much greater. They hire a Broad-
way director, the Michigan theatre, spend
hundreds ofadollars on costumes and sets,
and finally, take the show on the road.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

The reason for the tour is pretty ob-
viously to interest parents of prospective
Michiganders and to show off the talents
of the new crop to old grads.
The best way to accomplish that end would
be to include all the talent on campus in
one bang-up show. I mean, let the women
That women have some talent is in-
disputable, as shown by the records - of
Soph Cabaret, JGP, and the University
sponsored operas. Women can write music,
act, carry off humorous solo numbers,
and good dance routines-in short, put
on a good show. It's equally indisputable
that a male chorus line brings out deep
guffaws, and female impersonation is a
highly comic art.
But both get boring after two solid hours.
For the best possible results, women and
men should collaborate all the way through,
working together on plot, music and pro-
duction. And women should be on stage, as
chorines and stars.
In this way the tremendous expense of a
'Union Opera' would be justified, and the
alums and students would see the best that
Michigan can offer.
-Rosemary Owen





1 I

At The Michigan.. .
THE THIRD MAN, with Joseph Cotten,
Valli, and Orson Welles.
Just to surprise us, the American movie-
magnates have gotten some good talent to-
gether and managed to combine it into a
movie worthy of the effort expended.
Background for the Graham Greene
story is post-war Vienna, in which Ameri-
can black-marketeers are stealing and di-
luting penicillin, thus bringing death and
disablement to the population. Wild West
story writer Joseph Cotten is plunged into
the midst of unscrupulous marketeers and
unintelligible international police.
Arriving in Vienna, he finds his long-time
friend and prospective employer Orson
Welles being buried. Circled around his
grave are the principles in the story, quick-
ly introduced to put the story into action.
Against background of zither music, the
situation becomes more involved with pass-
port forgeries, missing persons, and wide-
spread suspicion as to the authenticity of
the friend's accidental death. To clear up
the question, Cotten and the police set out
to find the third man who was seen at the
scene of the accident.
In some excellent photography, the story
follows the principals through the streets
and shambles of bombed-out Vienna, end-
ing in a final harrowing chase through
the city's sewers. Visually, the turns and
twists of the underground tunnel pro-
vide a very dramatic background.
Cotten, Welles, and Valli, as Welles' still-
devoted lover, apport themselves admirably
in their roles, making up for past shortcom-
ings. The supporting players, mostly un-
knowns, are up to their standards, also.
Perhaps the most memorable character in
the movie is the round-faced little boy who
plays the nuisance son of one of the racke-
teers' victims.
-Fran Ivick

At The State . .
CINDERELLA: created by Walt Disney
FULL of wonderful whimsy and delight-
ful Disney characters, this latest re-tell-
ing of the first and foremost success story in
all literature-fairy, fiction or otherwise--
turns out to be one of the finest in anima-
The animation itself is up to Disney's
usual high par of imaginative ingenuous-
ness, full of starlight and twinkling fire-
flies at appropriate moments, and bubbling
a scene of scrubbing drudgery into beauti-
ful song scene patterns.
While wafting you into fairyland with
wonderful colors and scenes, Disney takes
liberties with, the original tradition-bound
story, humanizing the original characters
and developing on the mice mentioned in
the original tale as merely the pumpkin-
carriage pullers.
Best of the additions are Jacques, a canny
mouse-leader in the fight against the eter-
nal diabolical enemy, Lucifer, the cat, and
Gus (short for Octavious) a willing rolly-
polly henchman to Jacques. Largely added
too are the warm, hot-tempered King-
straight satire from out some bouncing op-
eretta-and his orderly, the Grand-Duke.
A humorous development of the fairy
god-mother-who has trouble keeping track
of her wand (Mr. Disney must have been
reading "Barnaby" when he contrived her)
and a set of birds and animals that gener-
ously solve Cinderella's servant and seam-
stress problems, complete the picture. And
as for the famous couple themselves--ah,
that Prince!
-Phoebe S. Feldman

WASHINGTON-A striking paradox exists
in our country today-high-level pros-
perity with nearly 58,000,000 employed and
yet over 4,000,000 people who want jobs out
of jobs.
Why this has happened is a significant
story that has come out in connection with
President Truman's request to Congress to
expand and improve our existing unemploy-,
ment insurance system. He recommended
uniform payments of $30 a week up to a
maximum of 26 weeks in all states to re-
place the present varying systems in which
payments range from $15 to $27 weekly and
the time from 12 to 26 weeks, depending
upon the state. He also proposed to include
6,000,000 persons not now under the system.
In the last few years a million more
people have entered the labor market each
year than have left it. These are largely
young people who have finished their edu-
cations, either high school or college. This
year the largest number of college gradu-
ates in our history will be out looking for
jobs-500,000-of which 250,000 are war
veterans. In addition, there will be the
usual large number of high school grad-
uates who will not go to college.
While the number looking for jobs has
increased, available jobs have not increased
commensurately, even though employment
has remained high and all indices in our
economy have remained generally favor-
able, including industrial production, con-
sumer income, and business profits, which
are at a peak.
* * *
ONE FACTOR in the gap between workers
and jobs is that industry is producing
more with the same number of workers due
to the addition of new plants and equipment
and an adequate flow of raw materials which
were short for some time after the end of the
war. We are, to put it one way, a bit too
efficient for our own good, though that is
no answer.
The big, over-all, long-range problem,
if we are to remain prosperous, is to ex-
pand our economy to take up the slack,
as President Truman emphasized over and
over in his message to Congress.
The immediate problem of over 4,000,000
unemployed is, in the first instance, a hu-
manitarian one, to meet their needs. It is
for that reason that the President is asking
higher benefits-they averaged only $20 a
week last year.
EXPERIENCE has demonstrated, too, that
they should run longer if they are to
meet this personal, human need fully. It
takes longer now to get a job. There are
now a million people, one out of every four
unemployed, who have been out of work for
over 15 weeks. Many are no longer receiving
benefits payments, and some states where
unemployment is heavily concentrated have
had their resources strained. The President's
program includes federal grants to such
A year ago only 420,000 persons had been
without jobs for 15 weeks or more. The year
before at this same time the number was
330,000. Similarly, there were 3,000,000 per-
sons looking for work during the first three
months of last year, and 2,500,000 in 1948-
compared with the average of nearly 4,500,-
000 looking for jobs in the first quarter of
this year.
BUT, ASIDE from the human problem,
there also is a basic economic problem
involved, which is to keep up purchasing
power. Higher payments are justified on
this strictly business basis, as well as on the
human basis. In 1949 a total of $1,700,000,-
000 was paid out in benefits to more than
7,000,000 persons, the highest in the history
of our unemployment insurance system.
Changes proposed by President Truman
would have meant $850,000,000 more in

benefits and that much more in the stream
of purchasing power, as well as reducing
the number of unemployed whose pay-
ments were exhausted to half what it was
in 1949 when benefits ran out for nearly
2,000,000 persons before they found new
Both Presidents Roosevelt and Truman
sought immediately after the war to improve
and expand the unemployment insurance
system, but were blocked in Congress. Presi-
dent Truman has tried repeatedly since. It
is high time the job were done.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer.
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Economic Curves

Forum Debate
To the Editor:
I think it is extremely regret-
table that the University Lec-
ture Committee has found it ex-
pedient to withold approval from
the proposed debate sponsored by
the Student Legislature Michigan
Forum between ex-professor Phil-
lips and Professor Wernette on
the subject, "Capitalism vs. Com-
munism." In the present struggle
of ideologies it is vital that we
know what we are fighting for,
and what we are fighting against.
I believe that by such debates as
this we can bring Communist
thinking and theory into the cold,
hard light and expose it to criti-
cal evaluation. Ifeel assured that
Prof. Wernette could easily meet
any challenge put forth by Phil-
lips, and put the lie to any ques-
tionable claims made for the Com-
munist system. In the last war,
and ii the present trembling peace
America's position has been char-
acterized by uncertainty and fluc-
tuation as to aims and purposes
in the world situation. We won the
war, but darned near found our-
selves in the midst of another
one just because we didn't have a
carefully and clearly < thought
through knowledge of just what
went into our system of American
capitalistic democracy. Even more
important, we didn't have a clear
knowledge of the political and eco-
nomic systems of our enemies and
of our allies. Now, one of our for-
mer allies is our enemy, and I am
afraid we still don't know what
we are fighting. against. If we
could only hear an able and intel-
ligent propoient of our way of life
answer the Communist challenge
we would be a long way along the
road to meeting this challenge
wisely. Unfortunately, we will not
be able to hear such an intelligent
presentation of our position. Per-
haps the Lecture Committee won't
agree with me, but I believe that
no ideal worthy of the name was
ever harmed by openly defending
it against criticism and attack.
-Ed Reifel, Member
SL Cabinet
* * *
To the Editor:
WILL VERY MUCH appreciate
your printing of the enclosed
open letter which I have sent to
Dr. Brandt.
Dear Dr. Brandt:
Please permit me to extend to
you my sympathy for the posi-
tion you took on Dr. Phillips. I
can understand your decision.
You, an educator in a capitalist
society, must justify the existence

of capitalism. This indeed is a
most difficult task.
For four years you along with
the rest of the administration
have the supreme opportunity to
mould the opinions of the stu-
dents. In the administration's
hands rests the final decision on
what subjects are to be taught,
who is to teach them, and what
texts shall be used. Besides, the
administration has the help of
the radio, the movies, the newspa-
pers, the television, and the gov-
ernment in expounding the glor-
ies of free enterprise.Yet with all
these wonderful facilities at its
disposal you still dare not expose
the student body to the words of
a Communist in a debate which
would not last more than two
hours. Your fears of the conse-
quences of such a debate must
certainly be very well founded.
I know, as well as you do, that
your job as a capitalist educator
is an impossibleone because the
existence of capitalism cannot be
justified. It can offer the world
only wars and depressions. Just
think forsinstance what a terrible
shape our economy would be in
if our government stopped spend-
ing billions for armaments. The
present 4.5 million unemployed
would overnight triple or quad-
ruple. Out of this situation a vic-
ious cycle can develop.
In order to keep the capitalist
economy from collapsing the mil-
itary expenditures may have to
be greatly increased ... Soon the
military machine can grow so
large thatitacanebecome what it
was designed to prevent--a strain
on the economy. At this point the
usual capitalist solution is the use
of the military machine, which
means war, followed by post-war
reconstruction, followed by a de-
pression whose end is sought
through preparations for another
American students like the rest
of the American people want nei-
ther another war nor depression.
They want merely the right to
live decent lives free from fear
and want. When they see, as they
eventually will, that the capitalist
"form of government becomes de-
structive of these ends" they will
exercise their right as set forth
in the Declaration of Indepen-
dence "to alter or abolish it." This
fine American tradition undoubt-
edly causes considerable anxiety
to you and all others who must
justify present day society. The
words of a Communist today
might find too many receptive
ears ...
-Edward H. Shaffer, '48
University Community Center,
Willow Village.
Tues., Apr. 18, 8 p.m. Wives'
Club. Program presented by Vil-
lage Church Fellowship Choir.
Wed., Apr. 19, 8 p.m., Christian
Education Study Group; Ceramics.
Thurs., Apr. 20, 8 p.m., Choir,
Ceramics, Cooperative N u r s e r y
Sat., Apr. 22, 9-12 p.m., Wives'
Club Square Dance. Small fee. Ev-
erybody welcome.

tion, Yale University; auspices of
the Center for Japanese Studies:
and the: Department of Far East-
ern Languages and Literatures.
4:15 pim. Tues., April 18, Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
University Lecture. "Chateaux of
the Loire." M. Francois Carvallo,
of Chateau Vilandry, France; aus-
pices of the School of Forestry
and Conservation. 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
April 19,. Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
.Botanical Seminar: Open Meet-
ing, 4 p.m., Wed., April 19, 1139,
Natural Science Building. Papers:
"Plant Virus Studies," by Russell
Steere and "Culture Studies in the
Genera Pleospora, Clathrospora,
and Leptosphaeria," by Emory
Mathematics Colloquium: 4:10
p.m., Tues., April 18, 3011 Angell
Hall. Dr. R. K. Ritt will speak.
Doctoral Examination for Wal-
ter Olof Hanson, Forestry & Con-
servation; thesis: "The Mountain
Goat in South Dakota," 2 p.m.,
Tues., April 18, 2045 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Chairman, W. W.
Doctoral Examination for Irv-
ing George Kagan, Zoology; the-
sis: "Life History of Neoleuco-
chloridium Problematicum (Ma-
gath, 1920) New Comb. (Trema-
toda: Brachylaemidae) and Re-
vision of the Subfamily Leuco-
chloridiinae Poche, 1907," 2 p.m.,
Tues., April 18, 1562 E. Medical
Bldg. Chairman, G. R. LaRue.
The' University Extension Ser-
vice announces the following
Ceramics for Beginners. A study
of the materials and forms of pot-
tery. Basic ceramic design applied
to the potter's wheel and simple
use of glazes. Class limited to 20.
Priority ini enrolling will be given
to those who have not had a pre-
vious class. Noncredit course,
eight weeks, $8.00. Materials, $5.00.
Prof. Grover Cole. Wed., April 19,
8 p.m., 125 Architecture Bldg.
Painting and Composition. Open
to those who are interested in do-
ing creative work in painting and
composition, using still life, model,
or freely chosen subject matter.
Lectures, group discussions, and
studio activities. Noncredit course,
eight weeks, $7,50. Frank Cassara.
Thurs., April 29, 7:30 p.m., 415 Ar-
chitecture Bldg,; Prof. Jerome
Kamrowski, Mondays, beginning
April 17, 7:30 p.m., 415 Architec-
ture Bldg.
Applicants for Combined Curri-
culums: Application for admission
to a combined curriculum must be
made before April 20 of the final
preprofessional year. Application
forms may be obtained now at
1010 Angell Hall and should be fil-
ed with the Secretary of the Com-
mittees at that office.
Concert Cancelled: The Little
Symphony Orchestra concert, pre-
viously announced for Wed., April
19, in Hill Auditorium, has been
canceled, due to the absence of
several members on tour abroad.
Faculty Recital: Arlene Sollen-
berger, Contralto, assisted by Pa-
tricia Pierce, pianist, and Paul
Doktor, violist, will be heard in a
program at 8:30 p.m., Tues., April
18, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. It
will open with three songs by Han-
del, followed by Chants d'Au-
vergne, arranged by Canteloube,

and Sunless by Mussorgsky. After
intermission, Miss Sollenberger
will sing Brahms' Zwei Gesange,
Op. 91, and Zigeunerlieder, Op.
103. The public will be admitted
without charge.
Events Today
Tea at the Guild House, 4:30 to
6 p.m. Congregational - Disciple -
Evangelical & Reformed Guild.
Craft Shop Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Materials will
be available at cost.
Square Dance Group meets at
Lane Hall, 7 p.m.
Michigan Student Christian
Convocation registration blanks
are available at Lane Hall. Return
completed blanks.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Illustrated Lecture: Mr. Walter
0. Hanson, United States Forest
Service, Greybull, Wyoming. "The
Mountain Goat in South Dakota,"
7:30 p.m., West Lecture Room,
Rackham Bldg.

Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Full
rehearsal for "Iolanthe," 7:15 p.m.,
Graduate History Club: 7:30
p.m., Clements Library, Program
on Okinawa.
Coming Events
Canterbury Club: 7:15 a.m.,
Wed., April 19, Holy Communion
followed by student breakfast.
ASCE: Meeting, "Municipal En-
gineering." Mr. G. R. Thompson,
city engineer of Detroit. Slides 'of
Camp Davis. 7:30 p.m., Wed., April
19, 311 W. Engineering Bldg.
Actuarial Club: Meeting, 4:10
p.m., Wed., April 19, 1018 Angell
Hall. Mr. A. B. Campbell, The Tra-
velers Insurance Company, Hart-
ford, Connecticut, will spear on
business, social, and study life of
an actuarial student, and will dis-
cuss the various insurance fields
of The Travelers, the casualty field
in particular.
Phi Beta Kappa: Initiation of
the Alpha Chapter of Michigan,
4 p.m., Sat., April 22, League Cha-
pel. All new members are expected
to attend.
Phi Beta Kappa: Initiation Ban-
quet, 6:30 p.m., Sat., April 22, Lea-
gue Ballroom. "The Scholar in a
Time of Peril." Mr. Elmer Davis,
American Broadcasting Company.
Reservations should be made with
Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, by
Thursday afternoon. Members of
other Chapters invited.
Concert: U. of M. Women's
Glee Club will present their an-
nual Spring Concert, 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., April 19, Lydia Mendelssohn
Premedical Society: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Wed., April 19, 1400
Chemistry Bldg. Election of offi-
cers for the coming year and ar-
rangements for hospital tours this
U. of M. Rifle Club: Practice,
Training and Qualification match,
7 p.m., Wed., April 19, ROTC rifle
Le Cercle Francais: Soiree
Thurs., April 20, 8 p.m., League.
All members urged to attend.
Guests of honor: actors of "Les
Jours Heureux" and all those who
helped in its performance. Special




April 19,

& Folk Dance Club:
7:30-9:45 p.m., Wed.,
Women's Athletic Bldg.

Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30
pm., Wed., Union. Election of of-
United World Federalists Open
Forum Debate: Is U.S. Foreign
Policy Designed To Promote OR
Prevent World War III? Faculty
vs. students. 7:30 p.m., Wed., April
19, Union. Students and faculty
Women of the University Fa-
culty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed., April
19, fourth floor clubroom, League.


ashington Merry- -Go Round H



WASHINGTON-With Congress facing an
early, election-year adjournment, one
of the worst legislative log jams in history
is piling up in the Senate and threatening
to stall the Truman Fair Deal program.
Despite this mountain of unfinished
work, however, Democratic leaders have
found time to take up two bills completely
contrary to the Fair Deal program - the
Kerr natural gas bill and the basing point
bill, driving loopholes in the antitrust
As a result, some Republicans are think-
ing of reversing the tables on Truman and
making a whistle-stop campaign of their
own. They would use Truman's own speech-
es against the 80th Congress to attack the
81st Congress.
Disregarding the politics, however, here
is the legislative outlook:
Congress has less than four months to
go before adjourning for the election cam-
paign. Even now, Senators and Congress-
men are slipping away to make campaign
Nevertheless, the Senate hasn't even call-
ed up the civil rights bills, the appropria-
tions bills, or tackled the complicated task
of liberalizing the social security laws to
include 12,000,000 new workers and increase
the unemployment benefits .
The Brannan farm plan, to support farm
income and get rid of unmanageable food
stockpiles, is bogged down in the Senate
Agriculture Committee, while Herbert Hoov-

4 program to give technical assistance to
backward areas.
The blunt truth is Congress has a great
deal to do, and little time to do it in. Mean-
while, the House, taking a leaf from the
President's Key West book, took a leisurely
Easter vacation, while both Houses took
time to push two bills, aiding the natural
gas companies and the big monopolies.
.* * *
CIO leaders have been telling Walter
Reuther that his tactics of cracking down
on all the auto companies will soon leave
the U.S.A. with only one big company -
General Motors. Ford, Chrysler and the
smaller companies can't stand the continued
round of union demands, and if they should
close, the union would be out of luck.
Smart GOP Senator Hugh Butler of Ne-
braska is working with Alaskan business
interests to delay hearings on Alaskan state-
hood. He thinks he can outmaneuver easy-
going, gracious chairman Joseph O'Mahoney
of Wyoming.
Senator Kerr's proposed new judge for
Oklahoma, Robert Wallace, is being re-
examined by the Justice Department. Of-
ficials seemed surprised that Wallace was
65 years old and served 25 years as a Soco-
nny-Vacuum attorney. Kerr not only wants
the Kerr bill on the law books, but also
wants his hand-picked judge to administer
the law.
Ed Rivers, son of Georgia's ex-governor,
once considered pro-Ku Klux Klan, is now
onerating a radio station in Decatur. Ga.

THE AMERICAN election system is no
longer in operation.
It has not been in operation since the
Republican party embraced the welfare
state and the "bi-partisan" foreign pol-
icy. The last two GOP platforms have
promised the voters bigger and better
bribes from government. The campaigns
'have been waged solely on the contention
that the Republicans could run the social-
ist state more efficiently than the Demo-
crats could.
The left has claimed Democrat victorie
as triumphs for socialism. That is wrong.
The voters were not allowed to choose or re-
ject socialism; they were merely asked to
choose between two brands of socialism.
The same is true of foreign policy. The
"bi-partisan" program is really a uni-par-
tisan nrogram. The internatinnhists have


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff......... Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson.... ,. Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner .......... Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil......... Associate Editor
Wally Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes ........ Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz .. Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor
Barbara Smith.. Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Clamage .........Librarian
Joyce Clark....... Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington .. Business Manager
Dee Nelson Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl........dvertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff ...... Finance Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The AssociUted Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00,

(Continued from Page 3)
chemists who are expecting B.S.
or M.S. degrees this June. They
are interested in men for their new
Ashtabula, Ohio plant who are
interested in sales, service or pro-
duction. For further information
and interview appointments, call
the Bureau of Appointments, 3-
1511 ext. 371.



University Lecture. "The United
States and Japan." Chitoshi Yan-
aga, Lecturer in Japanese Civiliza-


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