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April 18, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-18

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It 43UU



Latest Deadline in the State

% VOL. LX, No. 132





* *



Senate Group
Votes Down
Taft Resolution
Gets 94_Support
ate Expenditures Committee voted
9 to 4 yesterday against Pres. Tru-
man's proposed reorganization of
the National Labor Relations
Board which would abolish the of-
fice of General Counsel Robert N.
Four Democrats lined up with
five Republicans on the Committee
in support of a resolution of dis-
approval introduced by Senator
Taft (R-Ohio), co-author of the
Taft-Hartley Labor Act.
THE COMMITTEE also adopt-
ed, by a vote of 8 to 3, another
resolution to disapprove a presi-'
dential reorganization plan for the
Treasury Department.
A third reganization plan
ran into trouble in the Senate
Judiciary Committee. That group
authorized Senator Wiley (R-
Wis.) to introduce a resolution
on behalf of the Committee dis-
approving a plan that would
give the Secretary of Commerce
new powers over the U.S. Patent
Each resolution is subject to ac-
tion by the Senate. Adoption of
the resolution-meaning death for
that specific plan- requires the
votes of 49 senators, a majority of
the entire Senate.
TRUMAN submitted 21 reor-
ganization plans to Congress on
March 13. They will become effec-
tive automatically unless either
the Senate orathe4House vetoes
them before May 24.
Truman said the plans are in
line with the recommendations of
the bi-partisan Commission on
Government Reorganization head-
ed by former President Herbert
Taft assailed the plan to abol-
ish Denham's officeiand transfer
his powers to the five-man labor
board as part of an effort to "nul-
lify" the Taft-Hartley act by in-
direction after the Administration
tried unsuccessfully to repeal it.
Burke Resigns
Position with
Civil Service
Ann Arbor Attorney George J.
Burke, Sr., resigned from the;
Michigan Civil Service's merit
board in a sharp letter to Gov.
Williams Sunday citing criti-
cism of the board's power to
abolish state employe's jobs as the
cause of his resignation.
Burke, a founder of the state's
civil service system, said his ac-I
tion was prompted by criticism be-
cause the board restored Louis A.
Kunzig as business manager of the
State Liquor Commission.
Kunzig's position was abolished
by the State Liquor Commission
last August, despite Civil Service
Commission action. Last week the
Michigan Supreme Court agreed
with the Civil Service Commission

by ordering the reinstatement of
Kunzig and affirmed the right of
the merit board to supercede any
department's attempt to abolish
a job.
Gov. Williams said he would
accept Burke's resignation "with
sympathetic understapding."
Burke has had his non-paying po-
sition on the Commission since its
founding 10 years ago.
Phi Delt Social 1

-Daiy-AUen Jackson
Thief Steals 800 Names
From Asti-Bias Petition


An unknown vandal yesterday
stole 800 names from Inter-Racial
Association's petition to the State
Legislature for passage of two
anti-discrimination bills, accord-
ing to IRA chairman Patrick
Doyle, Spec.
Clear Former
Of Accusations
WASHINGTON,- (P) -In less
than two hours yesterday, a Fed-
eral District Judge cleared former
Missouri Congressman Roger C.
Slaughter ofycharges that he vio-
lated the Lobbying act.
Slaughter waived a jury trial
and District Judge Alexander
Holtzoff rendered the decision.
The Government presented only
two witnesses, Slaughter none.
The former House member was
indicted in 1948. The Government
charged that he got $25,000 salary
aand $18,599.13 expenses for try-
ing to influence legislation in the
80th Congress on behalf of the
Chicago and Kansas City Boards
of Trade and the Minneapolis
Grain Exchange; and $7,500 sal-
ary and $2,258.44 expenses from
North American Export Grain As-
sociation of New York, for similar
Slaughter maintained that his
services were those of an attorney,
and did not include lobbying work.
His counsel conceded he had not
registered as a Lobbyist.

The petition, asking for passage
of Fair Employment Practices and
Fair Education Practices legisla-
tion, had collected 1000 names
during the week before the vaca-
tion it had been in the diagonal,
Doyle said.
DOYLE FOUND the damaged
petition yesterday in the Main Li-
brary basement, where it was stor-
ed when not in use on the diag.
An anonymous note, hurriedly
scribbled in pencil, was found in
place of the missing names:
"Red! Red's a lovely color, isn't
it? Think of it. A dull red brick
smokestack crowned with an in-
finity of clowd-jeweled blue, arro-
gantly scanning the low, unfriend-
ly factory and the smoking slag
heap of humanity. In the bull ring
in Madrid, the two-legged monster
holding a flapping red skin, mad-
dening, frustrating, until you low-
er your head to tear it from the
beast; suddenly you are on your
knees after a perfect media veron-
ica. The altar at : You
are Agamemnon: Plunge the dag-
ger into her breast, watch the
Iphagenaic blood flow forth hot
and red and eager, full of her
waning life.
"See that sister dressed in red?
"She ain't got religion in her
* * *
voted unanimously to display the
remains of the petition on the
diag again this week in attempt to
restore the missing names. Doyle
said that the Association will take
more precautions.'
The group will seek University
help in identifying the vandal,
"either by handwriting compari-
sons or fingerprints," Doyle said.

Special Meet
On Phoenix
On Project Plan
To Provide Facts
A precedent-shattering meeting
of all June graduates has been
called for 10 a.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium by President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven to provide in-
formation ofi the vast Michigan
Memorial Phoenix Project.
All seniors will be excused from
classes from 9:50 to 11 a.m. to at-
tend the meeting.
* *
the first official presentation of
information to students on the
University's project for peacetime
atomic research.
Chester H. Lang, national ex-
ecutive chairman of the Phoenix
Project will address the meeting.
The program will also include a
dramatic presentation by the
speech department.
"A full attendance and a mani-
festation of enthusiastic interest
on the campus will have an im-
portant influence upon the success
of the University's efforts among
all members of the Michigan fam-
ily," President Ruthven said.
Although only seniors will be
excused from classes for the meet-
ing, it will be open to all students.
There will be no solicitation of
funds at the meeting, President
Ruthven said.
LAST WEEK President Ruthven
called on President Truman in
Washington to enlist the Presi-
dent's interest in the Phoenix Pro-
Pretsident Ruthven told Pres-
ident Truman how the project
for atomic energy is being fi-
nanced by a gigantic $6,500,000
fund-raising drive among stu-
dents and alumni.
Explaining why no federaFunds
are sought, President Ruthven said
that "the University aims to show
that civilization can more quickly
and more efficiently adapt itself
to the atomic age through free
enterprise than through govern-
mental control and direction."
Senator Ferguson (R., Mich.)
and Douglas G. Mode, Washington
attorney, accompanied Pres. Ruth-
ven on the White House visit.
World News
By The Associated Press
Court yesterday refused to strike
down the unique county unit pri-
mary election system by which
Georgia law gives added political
power to rural areas.
The vote was 7-2. Justices
Douglas and Black protested bit-
terly that the action failed to
plug up what they called the last
loophole in the court's decisions
which guarantee negroes the
right to vote in primaries.
* * *
Auto Workers made some im-
portant concessions last night
as bargaining talks to end the

83-day-old Chrysler strike con-
last night passed a $1,840,000,000
Waterways Authorization bill af-
ter beating back all attempts by
Senator Douglas (D-Ill) to reduce
the total.
Action by the Senate, after
more than a week of debate, sends
the bill to a conference with the

An Editorial...,
The unfortunate decision of the University Lecture
Committee denying an avowed Communist permission
to debate on campus can do nothing but lower the Uni-
versity in the esteem of the academic world.
There is little doubt that the Committee went into
its momentous meeting on April 7 determined to prevent
Herbert Phillips from speaking here. Its major problem
was to design a good excuse.
But the pseudo-legal interpretation of the Regents'
by-laws released to the press that afternoon was an in-
sult to the intelligence of those it was designed to con-
* * * *
It is obvious that the Committee was motivated by
fear. But fear of what?
They cannot seriously have believed that students
would march down State Street in a mass uprising after
hearing a Communist debate against a professor from
the business administration school.
And they had no reason to think that the Regents,
who recently removed the ban on political speakers, or
the State Legislature would crack down on the University.
We believe that the Lecture Committee was under
the influence of irrational panic-the same groundless
fear of ideas so prevalent in both Russia and this country
The result of this fear is deplorable. In a world
where the crucial issue is Capitalism vs. Communism, the
faculty of an educational institution have decided that
students shall not be allowed to hear that issue discussed.

or of the State."
* *

Bar All Reds By
Committee Act
(Daily City Editor)
The University Lecture Committee yesterday stood firmly by its
rejection of a proposed debate on "Communism vs. Capitalism" which
was to include Herbert J. Phillips, Communist teacher who was fired
from the University of Washington.
The committee's decision in effect barred any member of the
Communist Party from speaking in University buildings.
Student groups, learning of the action, prepared sharply-worded
protests to the Lecture Committee.
The Committee's decision came a week ago Friday as students
began streaming out of Ann Arbor for the spring vacation. Prof. Carl
G. Brandt, secretary of the committee, said that he had received the
request for the debate on Thursday afternoon and that the committee.
had acted as soon as possible.
Basis of the Committee's decision was a Regents bylaw which
states that "no addresses shall be allowed which urge the destruction
or modification of the government by violence or other unlawful
methods" and that there will be no "advocacy of the subversion of the
government of the United Statest * * *


-The Editors.

SL Names Fourteen Students
To Attend NSA Congress Here

IN AN OFFICIAL statement, the
Lecture Committee said:
"In view of the present fact
situation, which includes the
findings of the courts and other
governmental agencies concern-
ing the Communist Party and its
leaders, the Committee is of the
opinion that any Communist
who seeks to promote the in-
terests of the Communist Party
is advocating the subversion of
the government and the over-
throw of the government by vio-
lence or other unlawful methods
within the meaning of the Re-
gent's Bylaws."
Prof. Brandt stated that there
had been no outside pressures on
the Lecture Committee and that
the' decision of the group was
unanimous. He said that the Com-
mittee had no information about
Phillips when it reached its de-
MEMBERS of the Lecture
Committee, contacted yesterday,
stood by their statement and would
not elaborate on it. Prof. Brandt
said that the Michigan Forunm
committeee, which had proposed
the debate, could appeal to the
Regents, or back to the Lecture
Committee, but he inferred that
the Committee's decision was final.
When informed of Phillips' de-
nial that he advocated the over-
throw of modification of the gov-
ernment by force and violence,
Prof. Brandt would not say
whether that would have any bear-
ing on the Committee's decision.
* * *
IRONICALLY, it was a year ago
yesterday that Phillips spoke here
under the auspices of the Young
Progressives with the approval of
the Lecture Comiittee. At that
time, he described his dismissal
from the University of Washing-
ton and said that charges that
Communists favor violent over-
throw of the government were
"without foundation."
Dean Hayward Keniston of
the literary college, who met
Phillips at the time, said yes-
terday, "I know Phillips slight-
ly and I have a high regard for
him as a man of personal in-
* * *
THE ACTION of the committee
followed a week of feverish pre-
vacation activity by the Michigan
Forum Committee, which was un-
able to find an opponent for Phil-
lips on the question whether Com-
munists should be allowed to
teach. The Forum Committee lat-
er switched the debate topic to
"Communism vs. Capitalism" and
Prof. J. Phillip Wernette of the
See FORBID page 6

Never Urged
Use of Force,
Cites 'U' Action
As Dangerous
special to The Daily
NEW YORK-"I have never
urged the modification or destrue-
tion of the government of the
United States by violence," de-
clared Herbert J. Phllips in 1iV
interview here last week.
This was the reply of Phillips,
an avowed Communist, to the deci-
sion of the University Lecture
Committee, which refused to allow
him to debate on campus by in-
voking a Board of Regents by-
law which forbids any address that
urges the destruction or modifica-
tion of the government by violence.
"I HAVE SPOKEN on more than
50 American campuses including
Michigan, and in every one of
those appearances I have explicit-
ly condemnedthe doctrine of force
and violence as a means of social
change and control," said the for-
mer University of Washington
philosophy professor.
"I have said that it is a fascist
doctrine so inimical to demcra-
tic institutions as to warrant any
sanctions a democratic society
may find practicable to discour-
age its propagation," Philllp
"Had I been allowed to debate
on the subject of Capitalism ver-
sus Communism, my main theses
would have been that we are now
experiencing what an unplanned,
profit economy promises for the
No more eloquent argument for
the decadence and moribundn3ss
of capitalism could be given than
the present world-wide tendency
to press in the direction of war,
economic insecurity and fascism,
Phillips said.
* * *
PHILLIPS expressed a great de-
sire to speak before Michigan stu-
dents either through a reversal of
the committee's decision or at an
off-campus meeting and said, "in
no case would my remarks sup-
port the doctrine that urges social
change by force."
He said the decision of the
Lecture Committee is the typ
of action that represents the real
danger to democratic institu-
"Truly undemocratic is the re-
fusal of the committee to allow a
community of inquiring people an
opportunity to hear and cross-
question a person who can give
important testimony on the most
influential political philosophy
of the modern world," Phillips
"The action of the nmmitte

Fourteen students have been
named to represent the University
at the annual National Student
Association Congress in Ann Arbor
next August, acording to Dorri-
anne Zipperstein, '51, chairman
of the local NSA committee.
The 14 delegates and alternates
were appointed by the Student
Legislature Cabinet and approved
by the entire Legislature just be-
fore classes were recessed for the
spring holiday.
* * *
STUDENTS appointed to full
delegate positions are Tom Walsh,
'51L, Leonard Wilcox, '51, Ralph
Sossin, '52L, Ed Lewinson, '51, Ed
Reifel, '51, Robert Bentley, '51 and
Dave Fraser, '51.4
The alternates include Janet
'Klein, '51, Gordon MacDougall,
'52, Keith Beers, '52E, Connie
Newman, '52, Irv Stenn, '51,
George Roumell, '51, and Phil
Berry, '52.
The Congress, which will be
held from August 23 to 31 here on
the University campus, will be
built around the theme of "The
Role of the Student in the Edu-
cational Community."

Keynote speaker at the opening
plenary session at Rackham Lec-
ture Hall will be Ralph E. Him-
stead, General Secretary of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors.
In addition, the delegates, rep-
resenting colleges and universities
all over the country, will be offi-
cially welcomed to the University
by Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
Outlaw Reds,
Asks Group
Special to The Daily
LANSING-Demand for a State
law outlawing the Communist
Party in Michigan has been made
to Gov. G. Mennen Williams and
the Legislature.
The resolution, which was mAde
by the Wolverine All-American
Conference on Subversive Activi-
ties demanded action in the cur-
rent legislative session. The con-
ference was sponsored by the
Michigan American Legion.

Three 'U' Projects To
Split Michigras Profits

A swimming pool, a 300-acre
plot of wooded land and a multi-
million dollar atomic research
center were each named yesterday
to reap benefits from this year's
gigantic Michigras all-campus car-
General co-chairman Bill Peter-
son, '50BAd, revealed that pro-
ceeds from the two-day fun-fest
Friday and Saturday will go
towards the Women's Athletic As-
sociation swimming pool fund, the

campus carnival bounty. The
Fresh Air Camp was added to
the list in 1947.
Situated 24 miles northwest of
Ann Arbor on Patterson Lake, the
camp has served for 27 years as
a summer haven for underprivi-
leged children. Present plans call
for "winterization" so the camp
can also be used by University
* * *

Fun,_HardWork MarkOpera* Tp

By PAUL BRENTLINGER alumni entertained the Opera cast
Uproarious fun was mixed with at a special reception at the Buf-
verish work during the Union ( falo Athletic Club immediately
nera. vnar + t nrwhinh +or "T an. Iafter the nerformance in Buffaln

boys as soon as they hit the dress-
ing rooms.
This hasty action was necessary
a ea +, -h mnvin' vnn w 1 rhich-



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