THE UN'S, FAITH VS. SOVEREIGNTY Latest Deadline in the State a i1 CLOUDY, COLD See Page 4 I Or l l l / VOL. LX, No. 130 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1950 SIX PAGES i i Clergymen Sentenced by Prague Court 10 Imprisoned For Revolt Plot PRAGUE - (JP) - The Prague state court sentenced one Roman Catholic clergyman to life im- prisonment and nine others to lesser terms yesterday on charges of treason, spying for the Vati- can and plotting an armed revolt against the Communist govern- ment. Jan Mastilak, director of a Moravian theological institute, drew the top sentence in this first mass trial of Catholic priests in Czechoslovakia since the Commu- nist coup in 1948. THE FIVE-JUDGE tribunal sen- tenced the others-including two abbots and a Jesuit provincial-to terms ranging from two to 25 years. In addition, most of the defendants were fined and de- prived of citizenship rights for 10 years. Mastilak and two others appealed. The official Czech n e w s agency announced the verdicts. Western newsmen were unable to gain admittance to the hear- ing, which opened Friday with- out advance notice. They were told either tickets were not available or there was not enough room in the court. By the news agency's accounts, Mastilak pleaded partly guilty Saturday and "describednall his activities in an innocent light, ' much more innocent than his pre- yious (pre-trial) statenents in- dicate." Four of his co-defendants were reported to have pleaded guilty, two partly guilty and three innocent. * * * THE VATICAN newspaper L'Os- servatore Romano sdid all 10 have the "homage of the Catholic and civilized world." Religion Study Course Hailed By Frankena A. Lauds Columbia's Curriculum Change Columbia University's decision to offer undergraduate courses in t religion next fall was lauded yes- terday by Prof. William Frankena, chairman of the philosophy de- partment, as a "great step in broadening liberal education." Columbia announced recently that beginning next September '36 courses will be taught by outstand-! ing scholars in the major faiths of Protestantism, Roman Catholi- cism, Judaism and Eastern Ortho- doxy. * * * I As one who advocates a similar program at the University, Prof. Frankena said that all universi- ties are recognizing the need to do something about the "religious il- literacy" that exists today, and! this is the best way to do it. "These courses should be taught to get students closer to religion-its beliefs and activi- ties, and not to make them more religious," he said. "Of course such a program is more feasible in a private institu- tion than at a state university," he added. The Rev. DeWitt C. Baldwin, program director at Lane Hall also recognized the difficulty of instituting such a program in a state university. * * .* "BUT," he said, "it is very sig- nificant that a great university is offering such a program at this time." "I feel that this may have re- sulted from the recognition by the faculty and trustees of Columbia that most of the world disorder of today is due to moral breakdown, and that this is part of the answer to the problem of understanding religion," he declared. This indicates the growing feel- ing of appreciation of other faiths besides our own that is necessary to be interculturally intelligent, he added. gFn ci n PP ti ta nn - ' Phillips Rival Found byForum Wernette Agrees To Debate Subject Of "Capitalism vs. Communism" By JIM BROWN Prof. J. Phillip Wernette, of the School of Business Administra- tion, yesterday agreed to debate with avowed Communist Herbert J. Phillips on a Michigan Forum debate program, tentatively scheduled for April 25. Dave Fraser, '51, chairman of the Forum committee, revealed yesterday afternoon that the debate topic has been changed to "Capitalism vs. Communism" and that both Prof. Wernette and Phillips have agreed to participate in the Forum program. "ORIGINALLY the debate was to have been on the question Book Center Planned For AngellHall An expanded student book ex- change will be established next fall in Rm. 18 Angell Hall, ac- cording to a report presented to Student Legislators last night. The used book exchange, which previously has operated from a small room on the Union's third floor, will be able to handle a much larger volume of books, Keith Biers, '51, varsity commit- tee member explained. "WITH a much larger room to work with, and a central location," Biers said, "the new book exchange should be able to more ade- quately serve student needs." Although the Student Legis- lature has done most of the 4 ground work in obtaining the new location, the Interfraternity Council will continue as actual operators of the book exchange, In an attempt to redraft its proposal for calendaring of Uni- versity events by an SL commit- tee, the original of which was re- jected by the Student Affairs Committee, current calendaring organization, the SL adopted the following changes: First, the SL Calendaring Com- mittee will make its decisions as to which organizations should have which specific nights for proposed events, but instead of these decisions being final (sub- ject only to appeal to SAC) the SL committee will serve only as an advisory body, making recom- mendations to SAC for their con- sideration. Housing Plan OK'd by Group WASHINGTON - (P) - Repre- sentatives of the Senate and House reached an agreement last night on a multi-billion dollar housing bill after nearly 12 hours of continuous committee discus- sion. The measure is a sort of catch- all bill dealing with a wide variety of government housing activities. Rep. Spence (D-Ky), chairman! of the House banking committee, said he hoped to win house appro- val of the measure tomorrow be- fore the representatives go home until April 18 for an Easter recess. Among other things, the bill provides for: 1. $2,250,000,000 for the Federal Housing Administration to carry on its mortgage insurance pro-i grams. 2. $300,000,000 for loans to col- leges and universities to provide housing for college students and faculty members. -'Should Communists be allowed to teach in colleges and universities?"' Fraser pointed out, "but we were unable to find a member of the faculty who would debate that issue.", Prof. Wernette, however, had earlier expressed a willingness to debate a question on the rela- tive merits of the capitalis~tic and Communist systems and af- ter checking with Phillips in New York, the Forum commit- tee revised the debate topic. The proposed debate plans were immediately submitted to Stu- dent Legislature last night and' were unanimously approved by the Legislators. A PETITION to hold the debate will now be submitted to the Uni- versity Lecture Committee this morning and will probably be acted upon when the committee meets Saturday, Fraser explained. "We feel that we have an ex- cellent debate topic and two very good speakers," he added, "and I see no reason why the Forum program shouldn't be approved by the Lecture Com- mittee." Phillips, who was fired by the! University of Washington last year because of his membership in the Communist Party, was the center of a storm of controversy last week when he was barred from speaking at Wayne University by President David D. Henry. President Henry branded Phil- lips an "enemy of our national welfare" and charged that "Com-: munists are dedicated to violence,! disruption and discord." * *, * PROF. WERNETTE, who be- came a member of the University faculty a year ago last fall, is a former president of the University of New Mexico. He is now Director of the Bureau of Business Re- search and editorial director of the "Michigan Business Review." Although the two student speakers who will participate in the Forum program with Prof.' Wernette and Phillips have not yet been selected, Fraser was con-! fident that his committee would be able to secure two competent student debators within a day or two. IFC Offers Discipline Plan The Executive Committee of the Interfraternity Council has rec- ommended to the University Dis-1 ciplinary Committee that Phi Delta Theta Fraternity be placed on social probation until June 3 with the further recommendation that the sentence be suspended, according to IFC president Jake Jacobson. The action came as the result of a recent report that three Phi! Delta Theta pledges hazed an ac- tive member in his room, Jacob- son added. Architecture' School Cite FacultyNeed Buildings Wanted By Music School (EDITOR'S NOTE - This is the fifth in a series of articles describ- ing the needs of the various schools and colleges of the University and the extent to which they will be satisfied if the University's $13,- 870,000 appropriation request is granted by the State Legislature.) By DON KOTITE With a combined enrollment of nearly 1300 fulltime students, the architecture college and the music school have requested 1950-51 operating budgets totalling $189,000, for faculty expansions and more adequate laboratory facilities. This figure represents slightly more than one per cent of the $13,870,000 in operating expenses the University has asked the State Legislature for the coming year. It is part of the University's $2,500,000 hike over the present operating appropriation. * * * CITING MORE -top-notch fac- ulty members as 'the College of Architecture's most pressing need, Dean Wells I. Benett noted that the school is "terribly cramped - things are way below pre-war standards." Addition of at least two full professors and three assistants and instructors is necessary for maintenance of the "direct contact" method of teachers and lab students, he pointed out. The faculty currently numbers 40. Dean Bennett stressed that the 700-odd student enrollment is twice what the building and pre- war-sized staff can serve properly. He mentioned one seminar class in particular, normally fitted for 15 students, which has grown to more than four times that size; "even by adding another pro- fessor, the situation there is far from ideal." The college's $130,000 request for 1950-51 includes an item for more building space. Failure to grant this may mean elimination of several classes, he said. "We are now doubling up on tables in most sections, and one class is even meeting in the corri- dor," he explained. * * * ASKING $58,800 for equipment and faculty salaries, Dean Earl V. Moore of the School of Music placed an auditorium for public concerts at the top of his list of requests. As part of a new plant for which the school last year put in a request to the Legislature, this auditorium would relieve the necessity for scheduling re- citals and concerts in other campus buildings, he declared. In line with the gradual in- crease in senior and graduate- level students, Dean Moore plans to hire eight additional profes- sors and instructors to comple- ment the present staff of 68. HE NOTED that graduates, al- though not nominally members of the undergraduate School of Mu- sic, are still serviced by this school. Expansion of the undergraduate program to include more students from other schools is also in or- der, he said. A lack of satisfactory practice rooms, coupled with the short staff, has blocked this ex- tension, he added. Specifically, the school need 70 more practice rooms and about 50 additional pianos to maintain high standards, Dean Moore explained: '~rhMystery Witnesses Soot r- { , Union Board Okays New Amendments Membership Will Have Finial Vote By BOB KEITH Far-reaching amendments to the Michigan Union Constitution were dumped into the laps of student members late last night by the Union Board of Directors. Nine of the amendments were endorsed by the Board. The tenth, calling for popular election of the Union president and secretary, was handed on without endorsement. * * * ALL THE amendments will be submitted for acceptance or re- jection at a special meeting of Union student members. May 10 was tentatively set as the date for this meeting by Union secretary Robert P. Seeber. '5BAd The amendments endorsed by the Board call for: 1. Increasing the number of vice-presidents from six to seven and changing the method of electing vice-presidents "so that they will be more representative of the student members." Vice- presidents serve on the Board of Directors. 2. Elimination of the chairman of Men's Judiciary Council' from the Board. 3. Changing the composition of the "selections committee" from three students and three faculty or alumni members to five students and two faculty or alumni members. The Dean. Sof Students would remain as chairman without vote. 4. Revising the means by which student members can request a general meeting for constitutional revision. The new method would call for a request from at least five percent of the members. At pres- ent 200 members can petition for a meeting. 5. Making five percent of the student members constitute a quorum at a general meeting. At present 400 members constitutes a quorum. 6. Other changes largely of a technical nature. * * * THE AMENDMENT providing for campus-wide election of the president and secretary will be in- troduced by the Board "in order to give students a chance to de- cide if they want the two officers elected," according to Union President Bill Wise, '50 BAd. Election of the Union president and secretary was first called for in a petition signed by 236 stu- dents and submitted five weeks ago by Herb Leiman, '50. Candidates Asked To Clear Status Candidates running for all of- fices in the campus election April 26th and 27th, who have not yet cleared their eligibility and met requirements of the SL Citizenship Committee, should report between 3 and 5 o'clock today to the SL offee, 1020 Administration Build- ing, according to Leonard Wilcox '52. IwaCity J Ury Frees Bednasek- University of Iowa Senior May Be Allowed To Reregister Next Term IOWA CITY, Ia.-(P)-Robert E. Bednasek was acquitted yesterday of the charge he murdered Margaret Anne (Gee-Gee) Jackson, 20 years old, because she didn't love him any more. ' Less than 23 hours after it received the case, a jury of four women and eight men found the 24-year-old University of Iowa senior inno- cent of any crime. * * * * THE STATE CHARGED he strangled the blonde coed during a rendezvous in the "Empty Arms" men's rooming house last Dec. 11. * * * t ne of the jurors said the ROBERTNBEDNASEK ...Not Guilty **4 * Iowa Student Ends Ordeal Tired,_Happy By BILL ZERMAN (Special to The Daily) IOWA CITY, Ia. - Red-eyed exhausted Robert E. (Benny) Bed- nasek slumped to the floor yester- day when he heard a jury of eight1 men and four women pronounce him not guilty of the murder of his college sweetheart. A psychology professor ran to Benny immediately after the ac- quittal and told him to stay here and finish his education. "This is where your friends are," he said. Bednasek's parents were not in the' courtroom. His father was too weak to make the trip yesterday, and his mother waited for him in the defense attorney's office. His ordeal over, Bednasek drove, to the attorney's office with a! priest who had taken communion with him each day since the trial began. As he pinned on his Sigma' Phi Epsilon fraternity pin, whichl the prosecutor had taken from him early in the trial, he sobbingly told his fraternity brothers he could never repay them for what they had done for him. Bob Car-, penter, his lifelong friend, and his fraternity brothers had been with Bednasek since the trial started. May Produce "turning point" was Bednasek's own "truth serum" story that the coed's death was "a tragic, horrible accident." He said the jury didn't even consider the state's request that Bednasek pay on the gallows as "a cold- blooded murderer." The jury's first ballot was 7 to 5 for acquittal. When the jurors retired Tuesday night, three men still were holding out for a man- slaughter conviction. The final ballot which gave Bednasek his freedom came soon after the jury took breakfast yesterday. AFTER RECEIVING the news in an emotion-swept courtroom scene, Bednasek went with his mother to Trinity Episcopal church where he took Holy Week com- munion. Bednasek told newsmn: "I'm so happy but I still can't believe the girl I loved is gone." He received with joy the word from Dean Walter Geotsch that "like any other student" he may apply for registration in the Uni- versity at the beginning of the' next academic session. However, Dean Goetsch said that before Bednasek could be re- admitted to school he would have to appear before the University's d!iscipline committee to answer for "admitted violations of the university's rules and regulations." University rules do not allow women in men's rooming houses and also prohibit liquor in student living quarters. AS HE RETURNED to Cedar Rapids to "sit at homeand think it all over," Bednasek said he wants to return to school but he doesn't know where. He said fi- nances may be a problem. W. Elmer Jackson, socially prominent member of the Iowa Board of Parole, was not present when the case reached its climax. Jackson had testified against Bed- nasek. He had called his pretty daughter-an only child-the in- nocent victim of "a one-sided ro- mance" which ended in violent death. World NewMs Roundup By The Associated Press * SHEFFIELD, Eng. - The Bri- tish Labor government boosted its overall majority in the House of Commons to four last night by winning a special Parliamentary election in the Neepsend division of this cutlery and steel city. * * HONOLULU - The Navy's flying boat, the Marshall Mars, exploded yesterday and burned a mile off Pearl Harbor, but the seven crewmen aboard escaped unhurt. WASHINGTON - The Truman administration is seriously con- sidering proposals to send surplus American food to famine-ridden areas of Communist China where official reports indicate millions face starvation, Secretary of State Acheson said yesterday. * * * WASHINGTON - President Truman has decided to name Claims They Can Back Up His Charges Must Persuade Them To Appear WASHINGTON - Senator Mc- Carthy made tentative arrange- ments yesterday to produce next week the mystery witnesses he says will identify Owen Lattimore as a Communist. It all hinges, the Wisconsin Re- publican said, on his ability to per- suade his sources to appear before the Senate committee inquiring in- to his charges that the State De- partment is infested with Reds. * * * HE SAID HE will go to New York to see the witnesses. If they consent to testify, their day on the stand will be Thursday. The agreement was reached after McCarthy had failed to meet a deadline of noon yester- day for delivery to the commit- tee of the evidence on which he bases his accusation against Lattimore and his other charges. It developed at the same time that President Truman's loyalty review board is after the McCarthy data, too, and wants the commit- tee files as well. * * *. THE WISCONSIN Republican countered a demand for his evi- dence with the offer to bring up his supporting witnesses. The ar- rangement to do that was made at a conference between him and Chairman Tydings (D-Md.) of the Senate Foreign Relations subcoi- mittee investigating his charges. But e cCarthy got a qulek turn-down from Tydings on a request to be allowed to cross- examine Lattimore today when the Far Eastern expert will tes- tify in formal denial of McCar- thy's charge that he has operat- ed as a Soviet spy in the State Department. Lattimore, a Johns Hopkins Uni- versity professor, has called the charge an "unmitigated lie" and termed McCarthy a "madman." Court Upholds Convctions Of Red Lawyers NEW YORK-(P)-The U. S court of appeals upheld today, iS a 2-1 decision, the contempt sen, tences given defense lawyers for the 11 Communist party leaders convicted of criminal conspiray. U. S. Attorney General J. ow- ard McGrath now will decide when the six men--including ugee Dennis, a Communist Party official who acted as his own lawyer- must go to jail. Themlawyers undoubtedly will ask to remain free until appeals in the conspiracy case itself have been decided. Judge Augustus Hand and Je- rome Frank voted to uphold the sentences, imposed by Federal Judge Harold R. Medina last Oct. 14-the day the 11 Communist leaders were convicted of conspir- ing to teach overthrow of the gov- ernment by force. Medina, in passing sentence, ac- cused the lawyers of "working In shifts" to harass him. He imposed six-month sentences on Dennis, Harry Sacher of New York and Richard Gladstein of San Francisco. George W. Croc- kett, Jr., of Detroit, and Abraham J. Isserman of \Newark, N. J., got four months. Louis McCabe of Philadelphia got 30 daysj New UAW Plan May End Strike DfI'ROIT--OP)-A new and different union pension' proposal BACK TO JOE'S AND THE ORIENT: Sad Saga of Main Street Suds Parlors Traced By HARRY REED "... Back to Joe's and the Ori- ent. " That's the line to the popular song, shouted by thousands ontu- multuous football Saturdays, bel- lowed at countless reunions and serenades, always a favorite when university students clink amber glasses and loosen saturated vo- cal chords. "Thank God It's Friday Club." With a little searching through the smoke, daily, not weekly, pa- trons could be found expound- ing their views of the minute, and formulating various sorts of devilish pranks to plague Uni- versity officials. Faculty and professional men of the town had an exclusive "Town and Gown Club" upstairs, the and the table top was ripped off and a new one ordered. His art ban had the usual result, however, and in less time than it takes to quaff a cool one, word of the incident spread. Before long, even the most unsteady patrons were drinking left-handed and carving with their right hands. , * * ' PARKER REALIZED the situ- ation was honpeleg .and then fin- did its-,best to slake campus thirst. * *' * ACCORDING TO its present owner, Willie Heston and other greats of Yost's "Point-a-minute" team did a great deal of their training there. The two places did a roaring business in spite of University disapproval, until the dark and infamous day of May 1, 1918. The Orient degenerated first into a poolroom, then a barbershop, neither of which had any parti- cular appeal to thirsty students. Joe Parker sold out, and a dime store, selling nothing stronger than runny jelly-beans, marks the spot today. In 1948 George Kiros and Joe Roy bought the Orient's location