PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1950, I9 . . - THOMnAS L. STOKES: Fear, War, xA nd McCarthy WASHINGTON-Do you remember that very strong and vocal movement of a few weeks back, on the heels of the H-bomb announcement, for some new effort to get peace in the ,world, for some new approach to Russia, directly or through the United Nations? It was set off by prominent public leaders in and out of Congress, including Senators McMahon (Democrat of Connecticut), chair- man of the Joint Atomic Energy Committee, and Tydings (Democrat of Maryland), chair- man of the Armed Services Committee, and Harold Stassen, now president of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. It brought a wide- spread public response. * * * THAT WAS SO because it represented the best aspirations o the American peo- ple, as well as their earnest hopes. The public pressure got so powerful that it appeared that President Truman and Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who has been unreceptive, were on the point of beginning new explorations in this direction. Whether it had anything to do with it or not, this hopeful public movement wilted away with Senator Joe McCarthy's tom- tom calling, of various and sundry people in the State Department Communists and pro-Communists and such. He turned the Senate into a veritable whispering gallery. So now what do we see and hear? NOT ONLY those wrongfully and reck- lessly accused, but everybody connected with the State Department and our foreign policy, now vie with each other in denoun- cing Russiaand all her works. The proof of purity has now become how many names one can call Russia and how righteous one can get on that subject. Some of the statements of renunciation go to silly extremes. But this is, indeed, a silly season. It creates a strange and unreasoning basis on which to conduct foreign policy in times like these. From this center here, the national cap- ital, the "hate" waves radiate outward among the people and the suspicions generated by the Wisconsin Senator multiply whisper by Whisper. The result is a paralysis of sound and sober and constructive thinking about the big over-all problem today of peace in the world, which is rather important, and which is being shoved further and further pinto the background. Less and.less do people dare raise their voices lest they be called Communist or pro- Communist. It is a poisonous sort of atmos- phere. * * * IT IS NOT UNTIL you back away and recall events of the last few weeks, the announcement that we would make the H- bomb, the real movement that immediate- ly developed for some new approach toward an adjustment of our differences with Rus- sia, and then its sudden wilting away under the McCarthy attack, that you see in per- spective what has happened. It makes you wonder. Perhaps it is significant. The fear and suspicions aroused by the McCarthy campaign have had an effect, too, in other directions - on our domestic front, so-called. They have given an impetus in Congress to pending bills designed in various ways to tighten security and get at Communists and spies, but which are so broad and vague that they could threaten our basic liberties. The McCarthy fright technique has made it more difficult to fight such measures. We already have plenty of laws that give the FBI and other security agencies sufficient scope within which to work to catch actual spies. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PETER HOTTON Extending the Franchise "Guess I'm Sure Of Another Term, Anyhow" Hawaii & Alaska .,.*. T HE PERENNIAL efforts of the advocates of Hawaiian statehood have again come to a climax in the bill recently passed by the House of Representatives and now before the Senate. A similar bill was passed in 1947 by the House, but died in a Senate committee. . This year a new obstruction has present- ed itself. The statehood of Alaska is a part of the same bill. But there is no logical reason why the two territories should be considered together, when there are such marked differences in their qualifications. Different reasons have been presented by both of the territories in their application for statehood. Hawaii has emphasized her advanced political, social and economic de- velopment as obvious evidence of her pre- paredness for admission. Alaska, on the other hand, wants statehood because of the misrule under the present territorial form of government., Hawaii has a population of 540,000, which is six times the size of Alaska's, which is be- tween 80,000 and 90,000. Hawaii's popula- tion is larger than that of any other state at the time of its admission to the Union, with the exception of Oklahoma. Today Hawaii's population exceeds that of Nevada, Wyoming, Delaware and Vermont. But one of the major objections to the ad- mission of Alaska is its small population an' the fact that having two Senators in Con- gress would give a voter in Alaska 60 times as much influence as a voter in a more pop-> lated state such as Michigan. Hawaii is economically well developed, its industry being largely agricultural with sugar and pineapple the predominant pro- ducts. Alaska is not so well off economical- ly and its industry is concentrated largely in fishing, mining and furs. Furthermore, Hawaiian industry is predominantly un- der local control, while major Alaskan in- dustry is run by absentee ownership. Fifty-seven per cent of the land in Hawaii is privately owned, whereas in Alaska tw6 per cent of the land is owned by individuals. The federal government's disposal of the re- maining 98 per cent of Alaskan land which is now public domain, if Alaska should be- come a state, would be a highly controversial issue. The fiscal policies of Hawaii and its eco- nomic conditions now and for many years have demonstrated its fitness for statehood. It is not a burden to the United States, bu as a territory now pays to the federal Trea- ury more than 14 states do. The percentage of individuals in Hawaii filing federal tax returns exceeds that of 26 states. The government of Hawaii is patterned after our state governments and has prov- ed itself to be a well-administered one. For more than 40 years Hawaii has had complete local self-government except for the appointment of Governor, Secretary and the Judges. It is self-supporting and pays all the expenses of territorial and county governments. The interest of its people in public affairs is aptly demons' strated by the fact that 85 per cent of registered Hawaiian voters voted in their last election. (in the United States 51 per cent of the eligible voters cast ballots in the last presidential election.) When the House of Representatives passed a bill to enable Hawaii to become a state, in 1947, the bill was sent to theCommittee on Interior and Insular Affairs in the Senate, who refused to act upon it without further investigation. The bill died in committee be- cause the Senators wanted to postpone ac- tion until those who wished had visited Ha- waii. The fact that the House of Representa- tives has again passed a bill favoring state- hood for Hawaii proves that the Congress- men still find Hawaii has met all the re- quirements exacted for admission to t; Union. Many political observers feel that Hawaii's strong Republican party traditions will to the major obstruction to the granting of i@ statehood in the current session of the Sen- ate, unless Alaska, which has always been Democratic, is admitted at the same time. But it is unfortunate that both terri- tories have been included in the same bill. The only similarity that exists be- tween the two is that they are both stra- tegic land areas and are separated from the land of the present United States. In deciding qualifications which would make a territory a beneficial addition to the United States, each territory should be judged on its own merits and action taken accordingly. -Joan Willens District of Columbia . . "PITY THE POOR HAWAIIAN," seems to be the plaint of a goodly number of my editorial colleagues these days. And certain- ly their arguments for Hawaiian statehood are absolutely valid. But while the subject of new states and new voters is being boot- ed around, I think another situation under the same heading should be kept in mind, namely: the denial of votes to the residents of the District of Columbia. We Washingtonians are a sad but apt ex- ample of what the lack of voting rights can do. Congressmen, naturally enough, pay at- tention first to the wants of the people back home. But we in this Potomac "paradise" are the "people back home" to no legislator. Therefore we get the crummiest crumbs of attention from the table of Congressional action. Of course we've been fighting for decades to get a voice, even a faint one, in our gov- erning, but without those votes we're up a creek. A real vicious cycle, that. The reasons for our not getting the vote are obscure. Plebiscite after plebiscite has shown that we are overwhelmingly in favor of the move. There are numerous commit- tees of us paddling about telling all and sun- dry - mainly Congressmen - how we feel, yet the home rule bills always seem to get mired in committee. There is some talk that it's the southern Congressmen who are keeping us voteless. Afraid to let the Washington Negroes get the vote, you see. But people who say that are probably Communists, of course. But probably the real reason behind our votelessness lies in the surprise with whch most people hear about it for the first time. The country at large just doesn't seem to realize the thralldom we live under. Thus, if this condition so patently unfair, were publicized throughout the country enough, I think that sooner or later it would be rem- edied. So go right ahead. Pity the poor Hawaiian, but while you're doing it, don't forget to re- member the voteless Washingtonian. -Davis Crippen .8-Year-Ods .. WITH THE blessing of a Republican can- didate for governor-Fred M. Alger, Jr., Michigan's secretary of state-the 18-year- old vote issue has become something more than an issue to be opposed because Gover- nor Williams happened to introduce it. While the most common argument in fav- of of the 18-year-old vote seems to be "if he's old enough to fight, he's old enough to vote," it does not seems to be the soundest. All that argument means is "if he's old enough to fight, he deserves to vote," re- gardless of whether he is capable of doing so. Being in the army requires a minimum of individual responsibility; intelligent vot- ing, nearly the maximum. So the basic issue in the 18-year-old vote would seem to be whether the 18-year-old is mature enough to accept the responsibility of intelligent voting. Being mature enough to vote requires essentially, three things: first, being ma- ture enough to accept the responsibility of merely going to the polls; second, dis- criminating intelligently between the bet- ter or best candidate available once at the polls; third, some basic idea of what gov- ernment is all about. It would seem that, inasmuch as the aver- age 18-year-old has just graduated from high school, where he has most probably been trained in his civic responsibilities, that he would have the first and third qualifi- cations. But there is perhaps some question as to whether he is still young enough to be swayed by skillful vote-getters who are also inferior candidates; whether his train- ing would enable him to pick the best candi- date. If the 18-year-old is not capable of accept- ing these responsibilities, will three years of knocking around make him so? An examina- tion of the present voting population-ex-J cepting Georgia, where 18-year-olds do vote -seems to indicate that very little is ab- sorbed in three, or 33, years. If 50 per cent of the eligible voters turn out for an election, it is considered a minor miracle. And the fact that most people tend to vote either as their parents' did, or as their region does, would seem to indicate that other influences-such as platinum oratory or bribery-is a minor element in vote swaying. Certainly the 18-year-old would tend to vote much more like his par- ents or friends-who vote regionally-than the older citizen. And the make up of Congress and var- ious legislatures does not seem to indicate that the present electorate has any infal- ible talent in selecting the better or best candidate. There is some opposition to the 18-year- old vote on the grounds that it may lead to juvenile office-holders or loosening of res- trictions on minors, such as drinking regu- lations. The latter seems, in most cases, a problem, since the 18-year-old vote would not probably mean that the 18-year-old would be legally an adult; it would only mean he is voting as a minor. LP4J -i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I (Continued fromPage 3) Interviews for men and women for the rest of the week will be listed in the Daily Tues., April 18. Several are now arranged and others pending. Lectures University Lecture. "La Langue francaise d'aujourd'hui: le fran- cais commun, son evolution," M. Charles Bruneau, Professor of the History of the French Language and Director of French Studies, The Sorbonne, Paris; auspices of the Department of Romance Lan- guages and Literatures. 4:15 p.m., Wed:, April 5, Rackham Amphi- theatre. University Lecture. "The Craft Movement in Japan" (illustrated). Bernard Leach, well-known Eng- lish potter; auspices of the Depart- ment of Fine Arts and the Cen- ter for Japanese Studies. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 6, Rackham Amphi- theater. Academic Notices tetteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will bp condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Geology 12: All students take their exa ,inations at same time on Wed., April 5. will the Stassen's Speech, To the Editor: HAD to make my weekend brief I in order to listen to Mr. Stas- sen's speech, the other day. The man is a politician and he knows how to please the young genera- tion; to make them laugh, and to make them happy; but that is only for a moment. What was the constructive value of the speech? Looking back at the statements of Mr. Stassen, I didn't see any thing he said to have any value, as a directive to the students on the great social and economic changes taking place now before our own eyes. In the midst of a "total diploma- tic" war or Cold War. In his speech, he concentrated on the Russians as if they were the force which directs the present's politi- cal and economic crisis. The statement about Stalin, that he met with misfortune is another sensationalism coming from a man who has seen Stalin in person; and all newspapers took this view as news and a fact from the former governor of Min- nesota, now president of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. This is wishful thinking and if it's true, it would not help the present cri- sis in the U.S. to eliminate the taxes, to reduce the seven million unemployed. Stalin is an indivi- dual and his death will not af- fect the future of the world as the death of our great President Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn't affect the winning of the World War II individuahl. He blames the underproductivi- ty of the British labor under So- cialism to bring these crisis that there is nothing better than free enterprises for prosperity in Eng- land. Mr. Stassen knows it was not true Socialism in England, New Zealand, and Australia. The Labor government still retains its colon- ial and private ownership policies. Such a government is not Socialist in the true sense of the word. It still retains the King and the Queen. But Mr. Stassen had to throw out these facts to justify capitalism which, at the begin- ning, hundreds of years ago, was progressive but has now become reactionary and does not function right. It is not like it used to be; depressions come often, the wars become more brutal, and now, the future war will be fought with A-bomb. It is not like it used to be, now we have about seven mil- lion out of work, in other words, unemployed. Mr. Stassen didn't say a word about these social problems and what is their solu- tion. -George D. Moskoff Hospital Fees*.. To the Editor: S a present patient in the Uni- versity Hospital may I offer my comments on the increase in rates recently announced. I have had opportunity to talk to the many various workers here in the Hospital: resident physi- cians and surgeons, internes, sen- ior medical students, nurses, stu- dent nurses, nurses' aides, practi- cal nursing students, ward atten- dants, and maintenance help. If I have overlooked the clerical help it has been because I have not had the chance to talk to them (as yet) nor yet to Dr. Kerlikowski. It is my general impression that without a single exception all the above-named personnel are poorly paid, are aware that they are poorly paid, and are aware that their chances for a raise are ex- tremely slim. An interne here re- ceives approximately $88 a month. A practical nurse student, who does almost the work of a nurse receives $3 per day, not including meals. I could continue these outra- geous examples of exploitation (a chief resident after five years of hospital experience gets $150 a month) but I wish to come to the point: none of the increase in rates appears to be budgeted to alleviating the distressing exploi- tation racket imposed on these skilled people. Are machines and equipment then more important to Dr. Ker- likowski and his Board than people? I understand the turnover in in personnel is quite large here. It is understandable and I should like to attempt to explain it in a future letter as well as to expose some of the seamier sides of the Hospital. As you see, I do not object to the raise in patient rates, at least not strenuously. It is only the mis- uses of these raises I am under- scoring, -Edward Tumin, '47 * * -* YL... To the Editor: PEOPLE are again petitioning for candidacy to the Student Legislature and before long we shall be in a flurry of campaign- ing again. About a thousand dol- lars will be spent on campaigns and a great many more hours. We will all be exhorted dozens of times to vote-and for what is it all done? Around election time, I think we ought to ask ourselves this. We know that the Legislature sponsors several events a year, makes recommendations to the SAC, attempts to calendar campus events, and purchases pins for re- tiring members. Do these activi- ties merit all the time and money they cost? Perhaps they could be performed with less trouble-say by a competent clerk or a group of volunteer students. Another consideration: Every- one knows that the Legislature is not a fairly representative group and for that reason neither stu- dents nor administration have much faith in its decisions. These questions deserved to be asked: Is the Student Legislature worth its salt? Does it merit con- tinued support? Should it be over- hauled? I realize that I have pre- sented considerations leading to negative answers. However, I don't recommend this conclusion be- cause more information should be available. When the facts are known, how- ever, students should make their opinion felt. Let's not vote just to flatter the egos of prestige-seeking groups and individuals, as many Doctoral Examination for Hu- bert Odell Waldby, Political Sci- ence; thesis: "Public Personnel Practices in Oklahoma State Gov- ernment," 10 a.m., Thurs., April 6, 304 South Wing. Chairman, C. F. Heady.' Bacteriology Seminar: 9 a.m., Thurs., April 6, 1520 E. Medical Bldg. Speaker: Mr. L. Jack Bren- ner. Subject: Hormones and Re- sistance to Infection. Engineering Mechanics Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed., April 5, 101 W. En- gineering. Mr. Lawrence 'T'albot will discuss "Elementary Charact- eristic Theory." All interested per- sons welcome. Physical - Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: 4:07 p.m., Wed., April 5, 1400 Chemistry. Prof. Leo Gold- berg will discuss "Infra Red Spec- troscopy of the Earth's Atmos- phere." Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday noon, Apr. 8. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instruc- tor. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will be Saturday noon, Apr. 8. Petitions for exten- sion of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Saturday noon, Apr. 8. Concerts University Symphony Orchestra, Waynie Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard in its annual spring concert at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., April 6, Hill Auditorium. The program will op- en with "An April Overture," by Lee Eitzen, a graduate student in the School of Music. It will be fol- lowed by "Don Juan" by Richard Strauss, "Suite No. 2 in B minor" for flute and strings by Bach, and "Symphonic Metamorphosis o f Themes by C. M. von Weber," by Hindemith. Nathen Jones, gradu- ate student of flute, will appear as soloist. The public is invited. Student Recital: Joyce Edgar, mezzo-soprano, will be heard in a recital at 4:15 p.m., Wed., April 5, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Bachelor of Music degree. A former pupil of Philip Duey, liss Edgar is studying at present with Arthur Hackett. Pro- gram: Works by Purcell, Handel, Sibella, Rossini, Franz, and Block. Open to the public. Faculty Concert: Paul Doktor, violist, and Benning Dexter, pian- ist, assisted by Lare Wardrop, obo- ist, will present a program at 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 5, Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater. Program: Sonata in F minor by Pietro Nardini, Trio Sonata in F major by C. P. E. Bach, Sonata in A minor by Ross Lee Finney, another member of the School of Music faculty, and Sona- ta in F minor, Op. 120, No. 1, by Johannes Brahms. The public is invited. of us have done in the past. Rther_ we should vote only if the Student Recital: Irene Assik, pi- anist, will present a program at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 6, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial ful'fillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Hindemith and Debussy. Open to the public. Miss Assik is a pupil of Helen Titus. Events Today Canterbury Club: 7:15 and 10:15 a.m., Hold Communion. 5:15 p.m., Evening Prayer and Meditation. 7:30-10 p.m., Rev. and Mrs. Burt are at home to all students and their friends. Wes t minis t er Presbyterian Guild: 5 p.m., Lenten Vespers. "Defeat-Victory." Tea, 4-5 p.m. Lutheran Student Association: Wednesday Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center, 4 to 5:30 p.m. Economics Club: "The Use of Sample Surveys for the Analysis of Consumer Behavior." Dr. James N. Morgan and Dr., Lawrence R. Klein, Research Associates, In- stitute for Social Research. 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Accounting Students: "Theory vs. Practice." Mr. Donald J. Bevis, Partner of Touche, Niven, .Bailey, and Smart. 8 p.m., 131 Business Administration. Coffee hour. At- tendance at this talk will serve as the basis for determining the in- terest in an Accounting Club. English, Graduate Journal Club: 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Thomas Ross will discuss "A Method of Revalua- tion: William Dunbar." Discussion of methodology and the 15th cen- tury Scottish poet. " English Department Coffee Hour, sponsored by the Union Staff, 4-5 p.m., Terrace Room, Union. All students and faculty invited. Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m., Ann Arbor Room, League.. Dis- cussion of "Fern Hill." Student Legislature: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3RS, Union. Pick up Agenda in SL Office any time today. Library Science Discussion Group: 8:30 p.m., 110 General Library. Topic: College Library Problems. Discussion led by Mr. H. A. Bru- baker of Lawrence College. Grad Outing Club: A list has been left at the desk at Rackham where grads may sign up (and leave a fee) by today for over night April 29-30. Delta Sigma Pi: Business meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., chapter house. (Continued on Page 5) tart Uait I } S -11 A,, }1 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff......... Managing Editor Al Blumrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson......Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner............. Associate Editor George Walker.......AssociateEditor Don McNeil.........Associate Editor Wally Barth ....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.......Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz..Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith... .Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage................ Librarian Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager Bob Daniels......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press S I ,. I It - tl DRM SLdeeressupot ndony o The Associated Press is exclusively SL deserves support and only for en titled to the use for republication candidates of the same quality. of all news dispatches credited to it or The SL-sponsored Michigan otherwise credited to this newspaper. hgn All rights of republication of all other Forum recently has been looking matters herein are also reserved. for debate topics. Why not use Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal the issue presented here? matter. Dvies rSubscription during the regular school --James Dve year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. 'p :. LES JOURS HEUREUX, with Judith Raub, Ernestine Masters, Arthur Hanson, Patricia Sly, Warren Bunyan, and Owen Loveless. CLAUDE-ANDRE PUGET'S psychologi- cal study of five youngsters left on their own for 24 hours by their parents received extremely well at presenting the awkward mannerisms of a 17-year-old school boy and Miss Masters seemed to be enjoying her most dramatic moments to the fullest. As Pernette, the 16-year-old girl in love with the aviator, Patricia Sly had what was perhaps the most difficult role. She A BARNABY Are you all right? Can you get out, Mr. O'Malley?- S-S-S-See what I mean, B-B-B-Barnaby? 1--if you hadn't had your F-F-Fairy rli Y-Y-You might hao in that treacherou ve f-f-fallen s creek- A 1...._... _ . =. _