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April 05, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

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VOL. LX, No. 129






* * *


JVinson Seeks Extra Air




Tells House
Of Possible
Atomic Blitz
Asks % Billion
Budgt Increase
WASHINGTON- (P) - Chair-
man Carl Vinson of the Armed
Services Committee asked the
House yesterday for $583,289,211
extra for fighting planes because,
he sail, the Russians are building
toward an atomic "Pearl Harbor."
At the same time the heads of
the nation's defense forces started
a review of their needs and their
budget requests, to determine
whether they shall make such a
plea of their own.
* * *
VINSON, a veteran of 36 years
{ in the military legislation field.
told his colleagues in a forma'
speech that the $13,911,127,000 de-
fense budget for the year begin-
ning July 1 "will wither American
air power on the vine."
The Georgia Democrat added
that the sum he asked is the
mininum necessary for an up-
to-date 48-group air force and
an effective air arm in the Navy.
"The atomic blitz of tomorrow
is a real, a genuine possibility,"
he said, and went on:
"IT IS universally known today
that Russia is building the largest
air force in the world. 'What are
they building it for? They are
building it for use whenever their
carefully-timed Pearl Harbor day
comes around."
He proposed $200,00-,000 ex-
tra for the Air Force to give
that service a total of $1,550,-
000,000 for new planes next
year, and $383,289,211 for the
navy, raising the sea forces to
$1,033,289,211 for the same pur-
Secretary of Defense Johnson
told a news conference at the
Pentagon he had asked the joint
chiefs of staff to reexamine the
plane buying figuresfor all ser-
The secretary, in answer to a
question, said he had not seen the
Vinson speech. He said he believes
all the forces and equipment called
for by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
can be had out of the present bud-
Bans Truman
JACKS.ON, Miss.-(P)-Sena-
tors in Mississippi's states rights
legislature unanimously passed a
horse bill yesterday blocking pro-
Tr man use of the Democratic
party label in this state.
"We've seen the reds, the pinks,
the socialists and the welfare boys
move in on the national Demo-
cratic party like a horde of ter-
mites," declared Sen. Fred Jones.
"This bill gives our state Demo-
cratic Party the termite treat-
By a special provision, however,
supporters of President Truman
in Mississippi are not barred from
participation in the August Dem-
ocratic primaries.
The bill requires all state poli-
tical parties to register, but says
"no political party shall use or
A register any name or part thereof
which already has been registered
with the secretary by any other
r political party."
Mississippi state rights demo-

crats already are registered as the
Democratic party in this state, but
Trumanites have not organized or
registered as a separate party.
Top Daily Editors

Engineers Seek One
Percent Budet Boost
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the fourth in a series of articles describing the
needs o the various schools and colleges or the Usiersity and the extent
equets grante by the s at egisl th ui versity's $3,87.,Ot) appropriation
In its request for an operating budget for the 1950-51 year, the
College of Engineering, third largest school in the University, has asked
for an increase of $12,825 over the present year, less than one percent
of the total engineering budget of the year 1949-50.
And this increase is only a fraction of one percent of the Univer-
sity's overall $2,500,000 appropriations boost.
* * * *
IN ADDITION TO the operating request of $1,450,172 for the
ensuing year, the college has asked for a maintenance and equipment
budget of $91,200 to be used for keeping up offices and laboratories as
well as for maintaining and buying equipment, an increase of $3,000.

Lit School
A literary college conference-a
body designed to foster informal
discussion of mutual problems by
students and faculty members-
was launched last night by a group
of students who met with literary
college Dean Hayward Keniston
and Assistant Dean Charles H.
Two broad objectives were spell-
ed out for the conference by Dean
First, the conference should pro-
vide "a regular basis for informal
meetings between faculty members,
administrators and students of the
literary college," he said.
At the same time, the confer-
ence will be expected to tackle
specific problems by making in-
tensive studies of them.
IN ADDITION to students and
faculty members, the conference
will contain a Student Legislature
liason committee. This SL com-
mittee, according to Dean Peake,
will be expected to "knit together
the two groups so that each knows
what the other is doing." .
On the basis of last night's
planning, recommendations of
the conference typically will be
submitted to the literary col-
lege faculty through Dean Ken-
iston as a combined recommen-
dation of students and the fac-
ulty group concerned with the
James Jans, Grad, outlined four
topic areas which the conference
might discuss. These includen:
1. The general purpose of edu-
2. Methods of evaluating the
performance of students /and fac-
ulty members.
3. Teaching and learning meth-
4. Faculty-student relations. I

Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the
College of Engineering said that
part of this $12,825 increase will
be used to add two persons to
the engineering faculty payroll.
"But the entire budget is in-
sufficient to keep engineering
teaching abreast of current de-
velopments, especially in mechan-
ical, electrical, chemical and aero-
nautical engineering," he said.
Even the pre-war budgets were
insufficient to keep up standards,
he added.
* * *
CRAWFORD explained that the
federal government and industry
have endeavored to take men from
the engineering college by offer-
ing them higher pay.
Other colleges are continu-
ally asking for men and offering
them more opportunity f or
higher salaries, he said.
"At the University of Michigan'
we have been able to keep many
faculty members by giving them
the opportunity to do consulting
work outside of the college as long
as it doesn't interfere with their
teaching duties," Crawford de-
* * *
of the members of the present
faculty are now doing sponsored
research work through their de-
partments, he added.
Crawford declared that many
classes at the present time this
and next year are grossly over-
crowded. "Classes range from 45
to 50, particularly in junior and
senior courses, which, because of
the subject matter, should not be
more than 25 or 30 at the outside,"
he said.
In addition to the operating
budget, the college has requested a
special appropriation of $23,200
for new equipment.
"Over a period of 30 years in
several departments the equip-
mert has become antiquated and
obsolete because of the lack of
sufficient appropriations," Craw-
ford declared.

Labor Union
Unity Urged
By Murray
Directs Appeal
President Philip Murray yester-
day proposed creation of a labor
unity committee to work toward
eventual merger of the CIO, AFL
and other major segments of or-
ganized labor into a 16,000,000
member federation.
More immediately, it would
rovide for cooperation between
lig union,, groups on economic,
legislative and political issues.
* * *
MURRAY made his appeal in
letters to the AFL, John L. Lewis'
United Mine Workers, the Rail-
road Brotherhoods and the In-
ternational Association of ma-
Declaring that repeal of the
Taft-Hartley Act and other
legislative alms of laborhave
been blocked by "powerful in--
dustrialists and their reaction-
ary spokesmen in Congress,"
Murray said:
"Only one thing can defeat
them-effective unity of action
on the part of our great organi-
zations which speak for millions
of American families."
The 0C0Ochieftain proposed a
permanent committee represent-
ing the various labor organiza-
tions with authority to carry out
a common program.
Similar moves by Murray in the
past have failed to bring about
any real cooperation. The last
merger discussions were held here
in May, 1947, following a Murray
peace bid. They got nowhere.
World News
By The Associated Press
Swirling, dirty waters, fed by
heavy April rains, lapped at low-
lying areas all over Michigan yes-
terday. Evacuations were under
way in many of the lowlands, as
U.S. weather forecasters predicted
peak-topping river flood crests.
~' * *
GENEVA - The United Nations
Trusteeship Council formally ap-
proved yesterday a statute for in-
ternationalizing Jerusalem, with
only a vague provision for its en-
forcement with the United States
and Britain abstaining from the
final vote.
* * *
KEY WEST - Thdmas
Knight Finletter, long-time
champion of a 70-group air
force, was named by President
Truman yesterday as Secretary
for Air, succeeding W. Stuart
Symington, shifted to the long-
vacant chairmanship of the Na-
tional Security Resources Board.
TAIPEI, Formosa-The Chinese
Nationalists charged yesterday
Russian pilots undoubtedly took
part in Sunday's air battle over
Hangchow Bay in "a flagrant act
of Soviet Aggression."
* * *
JAKARTA, Java-The United
States of Indonesia is willing to
open diplomatic relations with
Communist China, a cabinet
statement said today.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Senate investi-
gators formally demanded yester-

day that Senator McCarthy (R-
Wis.) give them all his informa-
tion and documents bearing on his
charges that Communists infest
the State Department.
A~~ 33 U 1 -

-Daily-Carlyle Marshall
FORUM DEBATORS-Prof. Preston Slosson (left), of the history.
department, and The Rev. Fr. Celestin Steiner, president of the
University of Detroit, argue the question of federal aid for private
schools at last night's Michigan Forum debate at the Architecture

* * *

* * *

Slosson, Steiner Debate
Private School Subsidies

Baby Buggy
--The motorist stopped and just
like the man said, there was a
baby hanging on his front
Glenn E. Snodgrass, the mo-
torist, was hailed down byIH.
V. Puthuff, a milkman.
They found Charles Edward
Potter, two years old, dangling
-his clothing caught between
the bumper and license plate.
A traffic officer's report of the
incident Monday said Snodgrass
apparently snagged the neigh-
bor child when starting his car.
He drove a block before he was
stopped. The child was only
YP Groups
Collar State
Special to The Daily
LANSING - Michigan Young
Progressives and supporters of
their aims swooped down on this
city yesterday in an attempt to
force introduction of five measures
by exerting pressure on Gover-
nor G. Mennen Williams and state
More than 70 strong, the lobby-
ists systematically korralled var-
ious committee heads and legisla-
tors concerned with YP proposals
and determinedly assailed the law-
makers with pointed questions and
asked for frank answers.
* * *
LEGISLATION urged by the
lobbyhconsistedof a bill calling
for the reduction of the voting
age to 18, a fair education bill, a
strong, effective FEPC bill, an in-
crease of .unemployment compen-
sation to $35 a week for 52 weeks
and the memorialization of Con-
gress to ban the H bomb.
In a twenty minute session,
Governor Williams entertained
questions from a representative
group of the lobby composed of
12 members.
Concerning the matter of FEPC,
Governor Williams said that he
had introduced such a measure
which was similar to the New York
bill earlier, but it was defeated in
the Senate and never reached the
* * *
"I THINK AN FEPC Act would
be beneficial and I have done what
I could to bring about passage of
such a measure," he said.
Alvin Lippitt, '50, executive
secretary of the Michigan YP
said, "It is obvious that the gov-
ernor is not determined to over-
come all obstacles in fighting for
an effective FEPC."
Asked whether he would support
an increase of unemployment com-
pensation to $35 a week for 52
weeks, Governor Williams pointed
out that he is not sure that an
increase from 20 to 26 weeks is
possible although he does advocate
the six week extension.
Representative Howard Estes, a
member of the House Committee
on Education, commenting on the
YP lobby said, "this is just one
example of the large number of
high pressure groups that invade
the capitol every session."
The lobbyists represented Wayne
University, Michigan State College
and the University YP campus
Disappaintment with the effec-

tiveness of the YP effort was ex-
pressed by Al Fishman, YP mem-
ber, who said, "it is obvious that
the governor is more worried about
the Republicans than he is about
the people of the state."

Charging that 'federal aid to
private schools would be con-1
trary to public policy," Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson of the history depart-
ment last night asserted that fed-
eral subsidization of religious
schools would eventually lead to
state-controlled religion.
"And it would be a complete
violation of the principle of sep-
eration of church and state to
place religious institutions under
public control," Prof. Slosson said,
speaking on the Michigan Forum's
second debate program on the
federal aid to education issue.
* * *
THE REV. FR. Celestin Steiner,
president of the University of De-
troit, countered Prof. Slosson's
argument, however, with the as-3
sertion that "the principle of}
separation of church and state'
was originally conceived by the
authors of our constitution to
mean religious liberty.
"Of all groups in the coun-
try," Father Steiner said, "no
one wants separation of church
and state any more than the
Catholics who are-and will
probably continue to be-a
minority group."
He asserted, however, that since
this "separation" in reality means
"religious liberty," federal aid to
parochial schools "would there-
fore not be incompatible with the
* * -*
supported Prof. Slosson, charged,
however, that federal aid to re-
ligious schools "would be illegal
under the constitution, since
government subsidization would
necessarily lead to government
control of religion.
Pointing out that religious
leaders have insisted that their
schools be given federal aid
along with public schools, since
they pay federal taxes, Ern-
stein asserted that "all educa-

tion can be free if a person sends
his child to a public school."
"But he must bear the burden
of expense if he sends his child to
a private school," he added.
CITING the equal protection
given to religious groups under
the first amendment, Arthur Petz,
a University of Detroit senior,
said that federal aid to parochial
schools is provided for under the,
"It's simply that the prevailing
view is against the historical in-
terpretation of the constitution
which would have permitted fed-
eral aid to all schools-public and
private," Petz said.
Forum Shifts
In a surprising shift of plans,
the Michigan Forum committee
decided yesterday to change the
topic of its proposed debate be-
tween avowed Communist Herbert
J. Phillips and a University facul-
ty member.
Originally- the Forum debate,
scheduled for April 25, was to
have been on the question "Should
Communists be allowed to teach in
colleges and universities?"
Student Legislature president
Quent Nesbitt, '50BAd, said last
night, however, that the debate
topic probably would be changed
to a more general question con-
cerning the relative merits of
the Communistic or free enter-
prise systems.
"We were unable to find a
speaker to debate the original
question with Phillips, but we
hope to find a faculty member
willing to debate a more general
question not specifically con-
cerned with educational prob-
lems," Nesbitt said.

Faces Seven
Year Prison
Term, Fine
Jury Finds Two
Top Aides Guilty
longshore boss Harry Bridges,
stormy petrel of more than two
decades on the west coast water-
front, was convicted yesterday of
lying when he stated, at his 1945
naturalization hearing, that he
never was a Communist.
"Frameup," immediately snorted
the hawk-nosed labor leader who
previously had beaten two Feder-
al efforts to deport him as a Com-
* * *
NOW THE Australian - born
Bridges, key mover in several
strikes which have paralyzed coast
ports, faced a possible order to de-
port him. Actual deportation,
however, depends on whether Aus-
tralia would accept him.
He will be sentenced next
Monday. Seven yearsand a,$15,-
000 fine are possibilities. y
A federal court jury, ending 31
hours of deliberation, decided
shortly before ,noon that Bridges,
leader of 15,000 longshoremen
and warehousemen on the West
coast, committed perjury at the
1943 hearing at which he attained
his citizenship.
* * *
TWO OTHER top men in the
longshore union were convicted
with Bridges. They were Henry
Schmidt, international represen-
tative, and J. R. Robertson, first
The two werewitnesses fo
Bridges at his 1'04 citlenis'l
hearing, at which he swore he
wasn't a Communist. They were
convicted of conspiracy to aid
and abet perjury, and to ob-
struct operations of the patur-
alization department. Each is
subject to the same prison term
and fine that applies to Bridges.
The tension generated by the
long trial and the long delibera-
tion of the jury, and exploding in
the mass convictions, was still
snapping through the courtroom
as Federal Judge George B. Harris
called the two defense attorneys
before him.
* * *
HE SENTENCED both lawyers
to prison terms for contempt.
Vincent Hallinan got six months,
and his junior colleague, James
MacInnis, three months. Both
will serve the terms in a Federal
institution to be named by the
U.S. Attorney General.
His attorneys said they would
appeal. The court set Monday
noon for hearing of arguments
for arrest of judgment and a new
SL To View
'Dead Week.'
A newly revised plan for a "dead
week" immediately preceding the
final exam periods will be consid-
ered by Student Legislature at 7:30
p.m. today at the Union.
The "dead week" proposal, which
will be presented by Polly Hodges,
'51, calls for a cessation of all as-
signments of papers and bluebooks
in the week before exams in order
that students may study for finals.
* * *
"THE 'DEAD WEEK' proposal

will be presented to the Univer-
sity's Conference of Deans by
Dean Hayward T. Keniston of the
literary' college within a few
The Legislators will also be'
given a report on the Michigan-
Memorial Phoenix Project by
Mary Luebeck, '51, chairman of
the Project's student executive
In addition, Legislator Don Ab-
ramson will give a report on the
campus action committee's cam-
paign for removal of possible dis-
criminatory questions from appli-

Teachers More Lenient;
Students' Marls Higher.

Despite spring weather and all
its implications, chances are Uni-
versity students will earn higher
grades this semester than they did
in the fall term.
At least they will if they follow
the same general academic pat-
tern students have followed for
* * *
THE LATEST University report
indicating the difference between
grades earned in the two semes-

the added zest of spring, according
to University officials.
S * * *
REGISTRAR Ira M. Smith looks
on the average increase as a nat-
ural development since the fall
term is the adjustment period for
freshmen and the academically
incompetent drop out after the
first semester.
He pointed out that about
1,500 to 1,800 students drop out
after the fall term for a variety
of reasons and 'about 1,000 new

Congress Talk 19 Hours per Law

WASHINGTON - P) - At the
current rate of exchange, it takes

law, and enough oratory to spill
over 4,634 pages of the "Record."

It is the committee which shep-
herds the legislation once it

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