THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1950 " rr rillrWYY iy r lll .. . '.: Ir~ll ITUES ."".YY":APRIL 4. 1950""r U ._________________________________________________ Kerr Bill LAST WEEK Congress passed a bill which, if it becomes law, will knock the teeth out of the federal government's authority to regulate a vital public utility-the natural gas industry. On the surface, this legislative atrocity looks rather harmless. It merely would prohibit the Federal Power Commission from regulating the price of gas delivered to pipelines by independent producers for interstate transmission. Up to now, these prices have been low enough so that the FPC has not bothered them, even though a Supreme Court decision a few years ago indicated that it has the power to do so. However, recent hikes in gas prices have caused a good many FPC mem- bers to think that the commission should use such power. The bill in question would make such action impossible. Why is the power to regulate these in- dependent gas producers so important? To begin with, something like 86 per cent of the nation's gas reserves are controlled by these so-called independents. A list of them would include some of the world's largest oil companies which are capable of a considerable degree of monopoly action. If prices of gas which these producers sell are unregulated, the regulation of gas pipe- line companies by the FPC and the regula- tion of local public utility companies by state commissions could do little to protect the public against excessive prices which might be charged by this naturally mono- polistic industry. In the Interstate Natural Gas case of 1948, Chief Justice Vinson clearly pointed out the dangers of lack of control at the producer level. In his words, "Unreasonable charges ex- acted at this stage of the interstate move- ment become perpetuated in large part in fixed items of costs which must be covered by rates charged subsequent purchasers of the gas, including the ultimate consumer." Thus, the legislation in question could very well lead to higher prices for the gas which you and I and every other consumer of natural gas purchases. What is the purpose of this bill? It looks very much as if it were designed to bring higher profits to gas producers. Its chief backer, Sen. Robert Kerr (D.- Okla.), happens to be a large independent producer of natural gas. The Kerr bill drew most of its support from Congress- men representing gas producing states. Right now, it looks as if the Kerr bill will become law. According to most reports, President Truman plans to sign it. If he does, the public will be left way out on a limb, thanks to the influence of certain oily interests which might be counted upon to grease the way for campaign bandwagons this year and in 1952. -Paul Brentlinger Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DOLORES LASCHEER - - - - - - - - -,. A cheson and the Cold War IT IS IRONICAL that Secretary of State Acheson has been accused by Senator McCarthy of harboring Communists in the State Department, when in fact it is be- cause of Acheson's negative policy toward Russia that we are accomplishing very little in the way of ending the cold war. He has refused to acknowledge anything said by the Russians as sincere, and has defended this stand by saying that he would like to agree and compromise with' the Russians but past experience has proven that impos- sible. Acheson has, however, been most con- siderate in giving the Russians one more chance to prove that their claims for peace are honest ones. They are to comply with the fololwing seven points: 1-Agree to unify Germany under a free government and cooperate in treaties for Austria and Japan; 2-Withdraw Soviet "military and police force" from the satellite countries; 3-End "obstruction" in the UN; 4-Agree to "realistic" atomic control; 5-Refrain from using the "Communist apparatus" to subvert Western governments; 6-Treat U.S. diplomats with "decency and respect; 7-Stop distorting the picture of the U.S. in Russia. These conditions, while they are perhaps the minimum steps to peace, were too over- whelming in their immediate demands for any nationally minded nation to acquiesce to. Any nation, when approached in this un- conditional and dogmatic manner, would have answered no as Russia did. And not any willingness on ourspart to compromise was suggested in these seven points. Russia will not accept the Baruch atomic plan but the U.S. has refused to substitute another one. There are other voices in Washington, weak as they may appear to be, amid the roars of Senators Bridges and McCarthy. Men like Senators Brien McMahon and Millard E. Tydings have offered concrete suggestions. Tydings has asked for a gen- eral disarmament conference, while Mc- Mahon urged that a whole new approach be made; that 50 billion in gifts and loans over ten years be offered to nations every- where, including Russia, in exchange for effective suppression of atomic weapons. These ideas and others have been ignored by Acheson. The chief fault with Acheson's policy is his attitude of cynicism and antagonism. We have become as old and tired as failing Eur- ope. The forces that once made America great, invention and optimism, have now dis- appeared. In the eyes of the world we offer no new positive steps to peace. Acheson is afraid to say yes to anything as "idealistic" as MacMahon's many proposals for fear -of losing face. What no one seems to realize is that we will lose much more than just face if we continue this unrelenting negative po- licy. -Jean Klerman The 1950 Egg Hunt - P ?RpGR ' 'KL' t - 7 . ~Mt ( roU ette/o4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. DAILY OFFICIAL' BULLETIN- (Continued from Page 3) THOMAS L. STOKES: Injuries from McCarthy The CED CED's only accomplishment hasI . . . WASHINGTON-Senator Joe McCarthy has done enough damage to our govern- ment and to its prestige and that of our nation abroad in a very critical era by his wild and slanderous charges about innocent, upright, patriotic persons in the State De- partment from behind the cloak of his Congressional immunity. But he has started something even more insidious and poisonous here at home. It affects the lives of innocent people of probi- ty and decency, their right of privacy and freedom from annoyance and persecution. And if it spreads, it could set neighbor against neighbor in a ghastly, un-American fashion. Because of the terrible significance of what has happened here to decent, law- abiding citizens, and their families, the ex- periences in two cases, is recited, at the expense of redundancy, as they were told to the Senate Foreign Relations subcom- mittee investigating the McCarthy "charges." ** * SPEAKING, in the first instance, is Mrs. Esther Caulkin Brunauer, who has served faithfully in the State Department: "In my household there are two small children and an elderly grandmother, be- sides myself and my husband. We are all upset and bewildered. Since March 13 (when Joe McCarthy made his charges about her) we have received anonymous telephone calls at all hours of the day and night, accompanied by threats and profanity, with such advice as 'get out of this neighborhood, you Communists, or you will be carried out in a box.' "All of you who have families will realize the effects this has on the atmosphere of a home. You know how much you would feel it if it was happening in your home. "Senator McCarthy may have his own reasons for what he has done and the way he has done it, but I will never understand them." be able to * * * Speaking, in the second instance, is Haldore Hanson, former AP reporter during the China-Japanese War, who has been in the State Department for four years. He told how in the farm community in which he lives in nearby Virginia one neighbor had called him "a Russian spy" and "that Communist." "My latest information of this kind," he said, "concerns a meeting of a county agri- cultural committee at Leesburg at which a Virginia state official from Richmond, in the presence of a large number of farmers, denounced the growing number of Com- munists in government and named me as one of them. As far as I know, he had never heard of me until Senator McCarthy's charges." THAT'S WHAT'S happening in the lives of people, American citizens. It reads like something from behind the Iron Curtain, or from the annals of Nazism in Germany. It's a fearful state for our country: whispers, suspicion. We'd better take thought - and care. Mr. Hanson challenged Senator Mc- Carthy to say outside what he had said about him under his Congressional im- munity and he would sue the Senator for libel. But the Senator does not ac- cept the challenge, though he said in his speech in the Senate, February 20, when he began making his charges about State Department personnel: "I will not say anything on the Senate floor which I will not say off the floor. On the day when I take advantage of the se- curity we have on the Senate floor, on that day I will resign from the Senate. Anything I say on the floor of the Senate at any time will be repeated off the floor." That was his pledge. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) To the Editor: MR. BOGUE and Mr. Laurets have missed the essential point in CED's campaign when they complain that we have not found evidence of discrimination in the Medical School. We have no clear proof of this, and unlike Mr. Bogue, do not make unsub- stantial charges. CED's campaign is not, as Mr. Laurets writes, "againsththe Medical School." It is for the reputation of the Uni_ versity. Repeatedly, responsible groups and individuals in American life have considered these questions good cause for ugly suspicions. The current issue of "Look" con- tains an article documenting the situation, and in answer, Univer- sity officials were forced to deny the use of a quota system. Why should they as administra- tors, and we as students, be forc- ed to defend the University against charges which have too often proved well-founded in the case of other colleges? Since these questions are not used as criteria in accepting stu- dents, they need not appear on application blanks at all. Several deans have declared that they could be answered after a student's admission, at the cost of additional trouble. We think the University's reputation is well worth the additional trouble. Michigan should no longer sup- port the practices of other insti- tutions-which do not use the in- formation for vicious purposes-- by keeping these questions on its blanks. -Allan Silver * * * To the Editor: MUSIC been to gain "publicity for the left-wing groups which seem to steer its policy." No clique of groups has consis- tently formulated our policy. And to add to Mr. Bogue's sparse store of facts, he should know that the Young Republicans, Democrats and Progressives all approved the content of CED's recent full-page advertisement- nor did any other group vote against it. Let Mr. Bogue now ad- duce proof for his charge of "left- wing" domination - as if the phrase itself were not a precious example of "rabble-rousing" at its worst! Mr. Lauret's criticisms are more pertinent. But we think he errs in linking "positive convictions in his religion and pride in his people" with one's objections to giving his race and religion on an application. Surely, one may be proud and unashamednof being a Negro, Catholic or Jew, but yet be aware that such questions are often used for discriminatory pur- poses and suspicious when asked them! And Mr. Laurets' desired lists of individuals who object to answering these questions will be forwarded to him if he notifies CED that he needs it in deciding whether to sign our petition. -Chuck Bisdee, For the Executive Board Committee to End Discrimination Two Great Pillars... To the Editor: "THE TWO great pillars upon which all human well-being and all human progress rest are the spirit of religion and the spirit of science, or knowledge." So stated Dr. Robert Millikan, the noted scientist, in a recently de- livered address over CBS. Dr. Millikan cited universities and research institutions as pri- marly being devoted to the second of these pillars. However, he add- ed, "But the supreme personal and individual opportunity of every- one, without exception, is with respect to the first." Students at a university are, naturally enough, apt to think only in terms of the spirit of knowledge. Especially so, when pressurized by professors who worship the Sacred Cow of science. At our university, how- ever, the establishment of Lane Hall emphasizes the need for the spirit of religion also. Now, college students in Michi- gan have the opportunity of at- tending an annual one-day, in- spirational and educational meet- ing, held every spring and devoted to the furtherance of the spirit of religion as an important part of human progress. Started in 1947, the Michigan Student Christian Convocation is now probably the most important single event of the school year for Christian stu- dents in the state. On April 22nd the third annual Convocation will be held at Kala- mazoo College with Elton True- blood, author and philosopher; Nels Ferre, author and philoso- pher; and Roy Smith, publishing agent for the Methodist Church, as main speakers. "The Christian interview men interested in posi- tions in sailing, riflery, archery; also bookkeeper and truck driver. Representative of Camp Ta-wa.- ma-ne, Charlevoix, Mich., will be at the Bureau of Appointments to interview experienced applicants -for the following positions: sail- ing (woman), nature (woman), general counselor (woman), riflery (man or woman), and camp nurse. For appointment, call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg. a Indian Acres Camp for Boys and Forest Acres Camp for Girls, Frye- burg, Maine, announced the fol- lowing vacancies: waterfront di- rector (man), waterfront director (woman), music director (man), dance coach (woman). They are also interested in a foreign stu- dent who would be interested in a camp situation. Upperclassmen or graduate students preferred. For further information call at 3528 Administration Bldg. Summer Positions: Jewish Com- munity Centers of Chicago an- nounces vacancies for counselors in its summer day camps which are operated in various parts of the city. For further information call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Employment Interviews: Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Company, Chicago, Illinois, will be in the Office, April 6, to interview accounting majors graduating in June for positions in their Gen- eral Accounting Department; also mechanical engineers who are available for immediate employ- ment. -Application blanks and booklet of information are avail- able at the Bureau, 3528 Admin- istration Bldg., hours 9-12 and 2-4. Lectures University Lecture. "La Langue francaise d'aujourd'hui: le fran- cais commun, son evolution," M. Charles Bruneau, Professor of the History of the French Language and Director of French Studies, The Sorbonne, Paris; auspices of the Department of Romance Lan- guages and Literatures. 4:15 p.m., Wed., April 5, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Lecture, auspices of the College of~ Architecture and Design. "Con- temporary Pottery and Potters' Problems" (illustrated). Bernard Leach, well-known English potter. 4:15 p.m.; Wed., April 5, Archi- tecture Auditorium. Academic Notices} Camp Davis. Engineering stu- dents who intend to attend the Camp this summer should notify Prof. Bouchard of their intention, if they have not already done so. Doctoral Examination for Rob- ert Simion Feldman, Psychology; Student Looks at FAITH and AC- TION" will be the theme. Students are invited to attend from the University of Michigan and any- one interested can pick up a regis- tration form at Lane Hall. This is an excellent' opportunity for students to consider the first of the "two great pillars." -Lloyd Wm. Putnam * * * College Movie-Goers .. . To the Editor: I'M NOT A Michigan student, but I frequently go to the thea- ters in the University district and judging from the usual occurences I'd say the school needed a class in courtesy. There are always a couple of boys who, whenever the screen bores them, hold their own con- versations in a normal tone of voice, and no amount of looks or "sh's" can shush them. Then there are always the pseudo-sophisticates who loudly guffaw at anything bordering on the trite or sentimental in the picture. These annoyers probably make up less than one per cent of the college movie-goers, but one of them goes a long way-a long way toward ruining the movie for those within shouting distance. -Gloria J. Frank thesis: "The Relationship between Guidance and the Specificity of the Fixated Response in the Rat," 4 p.m., Tues., April 4, West Coun- cil Room, Rackham Bldg. Chair- man, N. R. F. Maier. Engineering Mechanics Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed., April 5, 101 W. En- gineering. Mr. Lawrence Talbot will discuss "Elementary Charact- eristic Theory." All interested per- sons welcome. Geometry Seminar: Tues., April 4, 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Prof. Stewart, Michigan State College, will speak on "Maximum Over- lapping of Two Areas." Mathematics Colloquium: 4:10 p.m., Tues., April 4, 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will speak "On the Neglected Part of the Riemann Tensor." Physical - Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: 4:07 p.m., Wed., April 5, 1400 Chemistry. Prof. Leo Gold- berg will discuss "Infra Red Spec- troscopy of the Earth's Atmos- phere." Concerts Student Recital: Helen Cramer Simpkins, student of piano with John Kollen, will present a pro- gram at,4:15 p.m., Tues., April 4, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music. It will include works by Scarlatti, Beethoven, Mozart, Cho- pin and Brahms, and will be open to the public. Faculty Concert: Paul Doktor, violist, and Benning Dexter, pian- ist, assisted by Lare Wardrop, obo- ist, will present a program at 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 5, Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater. Program: Sonata in F minor by Pietro Nardini, Trio Sonata in F major by C. P. E. Bach, Sonata in A minor by Ross Lee Finney, another member of the School of Music faculty, and Sona- ta in F minor, Op. 120, No. 1, by Johannes Brahms. The public is invited. Student Recital: Joyce Edgar, mezzo-soprano, will be heard in a recital at 4:15 p.m., Wed., April 5, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Bachelor of Music degree. A former pupil of Philip Duey, Miss Edgar is studying at present with Arthur Hackett. Pro- gram: Works by Purcell, Handel, Sibella, Rossini, Franz, and Block. Open to the public. Exhibitions Exhibition of Japanese Pottery from the Collection of The College of Architecture and Design, and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hall, through April 17, First Floor Cor- ridor, College of Architecture and Design. Presented in conjunction (Continued on Page 5) i A -ti k 4, i J BACH WAS ONE of the world's two great- est composers (though there may be a certain amount of controversy about who the other one is) and it is no more than fitting that the University Choir should have commemorated his death as they did Sunday evening with an excellent concert. The pro- gram, including a motet, a cantata, and cxcerpts from the great Mass in B-minor, was pcrforrned increasingly well as the con- cert progressed. The first work-the motet entitled "q Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht"-suffered somewhat from the fact that the brass choir was slightly too loud. In the cantata, "Eirn feste Burg ist unser Gott," the Choir achiev- ed notable success. Beginning with the mighty opening fugue, and preceeding through a number of wonderful arias and an extremely well-sung unison chorale to Bach's powerful setting of the Lutherap hymn tune, the work received skillful treat- ment from all concerned. But the excerpts from the B-minor Mass were the most stirring music of the evening. Following the opening "Kyrie eleison," the duet "Christe eleison" was beautifully sung by soprano Norma Heyde and contralto Gloria Gonan; this in turn was followed by the second, fugal "Kyrie eleison," which I felt surpassed even the first one. The Choir then sang three choruses from the Gloria section of the Mass, the first being the "Et incarnatus est." The moving "Crucifixus,"-and especially its final dra- matic modulation to G-major-was sung with great feeling and skill. The rousing "Et resurrexit" followed directly, as in the Mass. It is ecstatic music, but the performance was slightly marred by several slips in the high and difficult trumpet part, and there was a tendency for the soprano and bass sections to drown out the others. The "Sanctus," with octave leaps for the Choir's powerful bass setion and the -npn_- RECENT CRITICISMS by editorialist Bogue ter-writer Laurets show of CED and let- both a e__ - -- A ON THE Washington Merry-EGoEARound WITH DREW PEAR[SON III I II ------ - ---------------- - -- - - .- --------~--- _________________ II WASHINGTON-When it comes to turn- ing over loyalty files to the Senate, the Republicans are up against the fact that William Howard Taft, father of their top leader, sided against them and with Harry Truman. So did six other presidents of the United States and a House Judiciary Com- mittee. President George Washington was the first to say flatly "no" in 1796 when he re- fused to give the House a copy of instruc- tions to U.S. diplomats who had negotiated a treaty with Great Britain. President Thomas Jefferson continued the precedent by refusing to allow two cabinet members to supply documents at the Aaron Burr trial. President James Monroe also declined to give up papers about the conduct of naval officers, while Andrew Jackson was ordered by the Senate to supply a memo read by him to his cabinet on removal of public money from the Bank of the United States. He refused. Later President Grover Cleveland backed up his attorney general who would not give the Senate documents on the removal of a district attorney. President John Tyler even sent a message acquired for the purpose of enabling him to discharge his constitutional duties. if he does not deem the disclosure of such in- formation prudent or in the public interest." In 1879 the House Judiciary Committee even rebuked an investigating committee for trying to pry out State Department records regarding the conduct of George F. Seward, a consul-general in China. "Under our theory of government," the Judiciary Committee ruled, "all the records of the executive departments are under the control of the President. Whenever the President has returned (as sometimes he has) that in his judgment it was not con- sistent with the public interest to give the House such information, no further .pro- ceedings have ever been taken to compel the production of such information. Indeed, upon principle, it would seem this must be so. The mischief of the House calling for documents might easily be a very great one." (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) New Books at the Library . . Cahn, Edmond N., The Sense of Injustice. L.nndon ( (nYvf ,TTnirrs- .' in- e 1 QAT- lack of the facts and questionable interpretation of them. Mr. Bogue writes that we have "resorted to the most obnoxious forms of rabble-rousing" and "a' series of blasts and smears." If to publish a number of closely reas- oned and carefully documented appeals is all this, then we plead guilty. Otherwise, we request that Mr. Bogue choose his words more carefully, or at least furnish a shred of proof. If he cannot, let the students judge who is doing the smearing. M. Bogue disapproves of our campaign and recommends "more reliance" in SL's committee. We fully support and approve SL's work and have maintained close contact with it, but our functions are not the same. We believe that adequate train- ing in the techniques of demo- cracy demands the participation of students in problems of com- mon concern. We have done our best to inform and mobilize opin. ion according to the truth as we see it. Why not credit students with an interest in their Univer- sity's welfare and a desire to give their ideas weight? Mr. Bogue disdains to take is- sue with, CED on the specific ar- guments we have advanced, but resorts instead to undocumented charges and appeals to political prejudice. Thus, he writes that Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaros.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen............... City Editor Philip Dawson......Editorial Director Mary Stein..........Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil..........Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres H olmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz.Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage..............Librarian Joyce Clark.........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi........ Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 m i _- Member of The Associated Press Ideals are like stars; you will The Associated Press is exclusively not succeed in touching them with entitled to the userfor republication your hands. But like the seafar- of all news dispatches credited to it or deset o watrsotherwise credited to this newspaper. ing man on the desert of waters, All rights of republication of all other you choose them as your guides matters herein are also reserved. and following them you will reach Entered at the Post office at Ann and ollwin thm yo wil rachArbor, Michigan, as second-Glass mail your destiny. matter. -Carl Schurz subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. BARNABY Right upstairs, Mr. O'Malley-Get out of '- those wet clothes and hop right into bed-i %, There! How's that Mr. O'Malley? 1'11 . )/ h-1ein nf~a n n III II I