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April 04, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State




- - - - ---

VOL. LX, No. 128




- r.aata a fawn ar r

New County
Buildinig Plan
Voted Down
Moore, Eckstein,
Snit Win Posts
Washtenaw County voters yes-
terday turned thumbs down on a
new county building, while three
University professors and two fac-
ulty wives won city and county
Four out of five annexation pro-
posals were successful, with the
Barnard Heights-Stadium Hills
area voting to remain outside the
city of Ann Arbor.
THE FIVE victorious University
people are all Republicans.
Prof. A. D. Moore, of the elec-
trical engineering department,
was reelected sixth ward alder-
man, defeating Prof. Frank L.
Huntley, of the English depart-
ment, by a vote of 381 to 275.
Prof. Moore is chairman of the
City Council's ordinance com-
4c mittee.
This was the only electoral con-
test in which professor was pitted
against professor.
the sociology department, bowed
to Frank M. Reed, Jr., in the third
+ ward alderman contest. The vote
was 570 for Reed to 244 for Prof.
In the fifth ward, Prof. Henry
C. Eckstein, of the chemistry de-
partment, edged out Baird
Thomas by a 151 to 149 vote,
thus keeping his alderman's
Prof. Russell A. Smith, of the
i Law School, defeated Karl Kar-
sian in the race for seventh ward
alderman, by a vote of 905 to 688.
Mrs. Ruth Dana was elected
sixth ward supervisor for the
third time. Her husband is Prof.
Samuel T. Dana, dean of the
forestry school. Mrs. Dana de-
feated Lilburn L. Woodworth
by a vote of 411 to 237.
Mrs. Jessie E. Coller was unop-
4 posed as a candidate for seventh
ward supervisor, and received
1,193 votes. A supervisor since
1940, she is the wife of Prof. Fred-
erick A. Coller, chairman of the
surgery department.
Here are the results of the
other Ann Arbor electoral con-
FIRST WARD alderman: James
E. Green, Democrat, 213; Robert
L. Nichols, Republican, 170. First
ward supervisor: Fitch D. For-
sythe, Republican, unopposed, 215.
McGrath Asks
Court Ban on
WASHINGTON- ()P) -Attor-
ney General McGrath asked the
Supreme Court yesterday to out-
law segregation of the races as
"a form of inequality and dis-
crimination" which violates the
Arguing the first of three major
cases dealing with the racial~
' issue, McGrath urged the Court
to strike down the 54-year-old
doctrine that "separate but equal"
facilities for Negroes are permis-


Grad School Status
Slipping - Sawyer
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the third in a series of articles describing the
needs of the various schools and colleges of the University and the extent to
which they will be satisfied if the University's $13,870,000 appropriations
request is granted by the State Legislature.)
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school has added his
voice to those of other University deans in warning that the Univer-
sity's requested $2,500,000 boost in state-appropriated operating funds
is essential if the University is to retain ts present reputation in the
field of higher education.
"As far as the graduate school is concerned, we are not maintain-
ing our position among the great universities," he declared.
IN ITS REQUEST to the State Legislature, the University has
asked for an operating budget of $13,870,000 for the fiscal year 1950-
51-an increase of approximately $2,500,000 over the current operating
The insufficiency of faculty salaries, over-sized classes and
increased teaching load were cited by Dean Sawyer as the most
pressing problems facing the graduate school program.
Although the graduate school serves only in an administrative
capacity and does not employ a faculty staff, it is directly affected by
the conditions in the undergraduate schools of the University.
Because of crowded classes and overstrained faculties of these
schools, more than one-third of the students applying for admission
to the graduate school for the fall of 1950 have been rejected, according
to Dean Sawyer.
* * * *
DEAN JAMES B. EDMONSON of the School of Education sup-
ported Dean Sawyer's statements, declaring that the permanent staff
of the school is not adequate to provide adequately for the present
load of graduate work.
"An increased demand for consultative services, off-campus
courses and short term institutes has further over-loaded our
teaching staff. We have had to employ non-faculty lecturers to
meet these extension needs."
"In view of the growing importance of selection in the matter of
teaching candidates," he said, "it is imperative that overcrowded
classes be reduced to a size that makes personal contact between
instructor and student possible."
Philip pine Red Threat,
Magnified S.ay AStudents
The Communist menace in the Philippines has been greatly ex-
aggerated by American newspapers, according to several Philippine
students on campus.
Their comments followed the action taken by President Elpidio
Quirino last Saturday, when he placed Luzon, the Philippines' princi-
pal island, under military control to cope with outbreaks of the Com-
munist-led Hukbalahap guerillas, commonly called the Huks.
THE GENERAL opinion of the students was that this action was
merely a climax tp a series of government activities against the Huks
which have been going on for years, and was nothing unusual.
Nolasco Angeles, G, whose home is located in the province
where the recent rampages of the Huks have occurred, said that
the letters he has recently re- (o.

Eastern P


* *

* *

Donay Ft
Continues 'To
LOS ANGELES-A submarine
sighted by two sailing yachts Sat-
urday near Santa Catalina Island,
20 miles off the southern Cali-
fornia coast, was identified by the
Navy early today as the U.S.
Charr, on a practice cruise out of
San Diego.
mysterious disappearance at sea
of a man who wrote that he lived
in constantadread of deportation
after a wartime conviction for
treason baffled authorities yes-
Missing is German-born Theo-
dore Donay, 51, of Detoit. He was
sentenced to six and one half
years, imprisonment in 1943 for
misprision (concealment) of trea-
son. He was charged with failing
to report the presence in Detroit
in 1942 of an escaped Nazi flier,
Hans Peter Krug.
* * *
FOUND AT SEA, empty save
for a suitcase of clothing, was the
18 foot motorboat a man giving
the name of Theodore Donay, of
Detroit, rented at Avalon, Cata-
lina Island, Saturday.
A note saying "the outlook
for my future is very dark" and
"goodbye to my good friends,"
signed "Theodore Donay," was
found in the missing man's
Avalon hotel room at about the
time the Navy said an unidenti-
fied submarine had been report-
ed sighted off the Southern Cal-
ifornia coast.
Officials said they have been
unable to determine whether
there is any link between the two
* * *
A NAVAL OFICER said he be-
lieved he had made instrument
contact yesterday with one or;
two unidentified underseas boats
about 17 miles offshore.
Officially, the Western Sea
Frontier, which ordered the hunt,
said: "Results and comment, neg-
ative." It added the search had
been discontinued "pending fur-
ther developments."


Ce onl ar
Abandonment of
By The Associated Press
Owen Lattimore disclosed yesterday he advised the State Depart-
ment seven months ago that the U.S. should "avoid premature or
excessive strategic deployment in the Far East."
Lattimore made public the views he submitted to a State Depart-
ment advisory group last August in a confidential memoranda follow-
ing a demand by Senator McCarthy (R-Wis). McCarthy has charged
Lattimore with being a "Soviet Agent" and the "architect" of Far East
* * * *
THE STATE DEPARTMENT had declined some hours earlier to
make the Lattimore recommenda-
tions public, saying that they were
"solicitated in confidence." N ationalist
Among Lattimore's recommen-
dations in the memorandum
were that the United StatesPnes Fe led
should abandon further sup- r fCin a-hk o
port of Chiang Kai-Shek, not
attempt to bring trade pressure
on Communist China, and with-
draw from what he called "en-
tanglements" in South Korea as TAIPEI, Formosa- (/P) -The
soon as possible. Chinese Nationalists announced
In a statement accompanying today that planes of Russian ori-
his release of the memorandum, gin shot down two Nationalist
Lattimore said there was nothing fighters over Red China Sunday.
novel about his views, and that The announcement implied that
McCarthy's charge that he was the the planes bore Chinese Commu-
Kremlin's top agent in the State nist insignia but gave no clue to
Department was an "unmitigated nationality of their pilots.

PRESS CONFERENCE-Owen J. Lattimore, named by Senator
McCarthy as top Communist agent in America cheerfully denies
McCarthy's allegation, adding that the irresponsible charges were
hambering U.S. officials abroad. He and his wife arrived in New
York Saturday.
Phillips Says WayneeU
Ban Prompted by'Fear'
Avowed Communist Herbert J. Phillips yesterday charged that he
was barred from participating in a debate on the Wayne University
campus because of "a fear that my remarks will be effective in helping
to expose the falsehoods about the Communist Party which are being
implanted in the people's minds."
Writing in an open letter to Wayne president, David D. Henry-
who vetoed the proposed debate after it had been approved by a
joint student-faculty committee-Phillips asserted that these "false-
hoods" are part of "the present drive to silehce all opposition to war."
"IT IS DIFFICULT to see," he wrote, "how my appearance
on your campus, particularly in a debate where the dissenting view

"FACILITIES segregated on the
basis of race or color are not, and
" never can be equal in any full
sense of the word," he said.
The case was appealed to the
high court by Elmer Henderson,'
a Washington Negro. He said
that, when serving as a repre-
sentative of the Fair Employ-
ment Practices Commission, he
was unable to get a meal on a
Southern railway c o m pa n y
diner during a 1942 trip to Bir-
mingham, Ala.
Southern railroads later adopt-
ed a policy of setting aside with
curtains or ropes one or two tables
for Negroes in their dining cars.
The railroad's practice was ap-
proved by the Interstate Com-
merce Commission. That brought
the ICC into opposition to the
Justice Department. ICC has ask-
ed the high court to affirm its
Vuleans End Sale


ceived from home have hardly
mentioned the disturbances.
Napoleon Campomanes, G, said
that the persistence of the Com-
munist Huks is due to economic
problems and that it would cease
if the tenant farmer and lanlord
problem were settled.
the fall of Nationalist China had a'
great deal to do with the intensi-
fied riots of the Huks. He said
there were many Chinese and
Russians in the Philippines help-
ing the Communist cause.
According to Leon Gamut, G,
about 5,000 of the 16 million
people in the Philippines are
Communists. She said the Huks
were composed mostly of illiter-
ate lower classpeasants.
Stewart Newblatt, '50, an Amer-
ican student who was a member of
the army's Criminal Investigation
Division in the Philippines for a
year, said that in 1946 the Huks
were merely a reform group fight-
ing against American economic
interests and for land reform.
"When I was there, the aims of
the Huks weren't Communistic,
and I felt their struggle for econo-
mic independence from the United
States was justified," he added.
Candidates To
Meet With SL
All candidates for student of-
fices in the coming all-campus
elections should call at the Stu-
dent Legislature office from 3 to
5 p.m. today to check the spelling
of their names as they will appear

Idaho Citizens
Honor Ruthven
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven, who is on a tour of the North-
west to help raise special gifts for
the Phoenix Project, has been
made an honorary citizen of
Boise, Ida.
The certificate of citizenship
was presented to President Ruth-
ven by Boise Mayor Potter P.
Howard in the presence of Idaho
Governor C. A. Robins.
It praised President Ruthven
for insisting that the University
devote itself to the development
of peacetime ,uses of atomic ener-

Talent Needed
Business staff tryouts and
literary contributions are need-
ed for the May issue of "Gener-
Business staff tryouts will
meet at 4 p.m. today in the
Student Publications Building.
Manuscripts for' the May is-
sue should be taken to Rm. 2213
Angell Hall or placed in Mar-
vin Felheim's box in the Eng-
lish office. The deadline for
contributions is April 24.

is given, can be objectionable.
"Any community of inquiring
people should welcome the op-
portunity of hearing and cross-
questioning a person who, be-
cause he has been a member of
the Communist Party for more
than 14 years, can give impor-
tant testimony on the most in-
fluential political philosophy in
the modern world," he added.
Asking President Henry "how
can we assure ourselves of a fair
presentation of a doctrine when
all its open advocates are barred,"
Phillips said that Wayne's action
"has dangerous implications for
the cause of academic freedom."
* * *
MEANWHILE, the Michigan
Forum commttee, which has in-
vited Phillips to participate in a
Forum debate on April 25 here at
the University, reported that it
has not yet obtained a speaker
to oppose Phillips on the debate
"Unless we have obtained
another speaker by 4 p.m. today,
we will be forced to drop our plans
for the debate," Fraser added.

* * *
Forum Debate
Set ForToday
The Rev. Fr. Celestin Steiner,
president of the University of De-
troit, and Prof. Preston Slosson,
of the history department, will
exchange verbal blows over feder-
al aid to education on the Michi-
gan Forum's second debate pro-'
gram at 7:45 p.m. today, in the
Architecture Auditorium.
Debating the question "Should
Federal Aid to Education be Giv-
en to Public Schools Only?" Prof.
Slosson will be supported by Ro-
bert Enstein, '50, while Father
Steiner will be teamed with a
University of Detroit senior.
* * *
THE FORUM, patterned after
the "Town Meeting on the Air"
programs and the famed Oxford
Union, will feature 10 minute
talks by each member of the op-
posing teams, followed by a 15
minute roundtable discussion of
the debate question.

It Happens Every Spring!

Lattimore gets his chance to
answer McCarthy's charges in pub-
lic Thursday before the Senate
Foreign Relations Subcommittee
investigating the Republican Sen-
ator's claims.
MEANWHILE, in Washington,
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.,
condemned the Senate's State De-,
partment investigation as dam-
aging the United States before the
world. He called for a bipartisan
commission to dig out the truth.
In Cleveland, Henry Miller
Busch, a candidate for the Dem-
ocratic nomination for U.S. Sen-
ator, said that Senator Robert
Taft is "the man behind the
McCarthy probe."
"Taft is the backstage Edgar
Bergen who pulls the strings and
puts the words into McCarthy's
mouth," he claimed.
World News
By The Associated Press.
WASHINGTON - Dependent
husbands and widowers of WACS,
WAVES and other women war
veterans are granted veteran's de-
pendency benefits in a bill passed
by the House yesterday.
Mayor Williams W. Voisine, of
Ecorse, Mich., yesterday was
convicted of lying to a Congres-
sional Committee when he de-
nied in 1948 that he took over-
payments for steel in the post-
war shortage days.
LONDON - Sir Waldron
Smithers, Conservative M.P.,
began circulating petitions yes-
terday seeking removal of War
Minister John Strachey and
his superior, Defense Minister
Emanuel Shinwell, because they
"have in the past expressed
their sympathy with Commu-
nistic aims."
* * *
NEW YORK - Radio commen-
tator Henry J. Taylor said last
night many 'flying saucers" really
are U.S.-controlled experimental
jet fighter planes. But in Wash-
ington the Navy also said last
night the nearest thing to a flying
saucer it ever developed has not
flown since 1947.
Cooperation Asked
By Census Taker

THIS WAS the first aerial op-
position encountered by the na-
tionalists in four years of civil
Nationalist air headquarters
said the attack occurred over
Chapu, on Hangchow Bay 45
miles Southwest of. Shanghai,
as the Nationalist Mustangs
were strafing Red junks at low
Four or five Russian planes
made the attack, it said. One
Nationalist plane was shot down
immediately and the pilot of the
other had to bail out a little later.
The second pilot returned safely
to his base.
* * *
THE announcement alleged that
large numbers of Soviet planes re-
cently had arrived at Suchow, 220
miles Northwest of Nanking. It
said Suchow was the main Red
air baes.
It-stated that at Suchow
Soviet insignia had been painted
over with a Chinese Red star, se
that the planes ostensibly were
part of a Chinese Communist
air force.
Air headquarters also stated
that Soviet troops had installed
and were manning antiaircraft
batteries and radar detection sta-
tions in the Shanghai-Hangchow
area, the region which has been
hardest hit by the Nationalist air
forces in almost daily raids.
Athletic Board
Tennis Fee
The hotly opposed tennis court
fee system will come up for re-
view again Thursday before the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics, but what action the
Board will take is still unknown.
H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler, athletic
boss of the University, said that
he had reviewed the fee situation
himself and would make recom-
mendations to the Board. He
would not say what he would
RUMORS HAD reached The
Daily that + the tennis fees had
been quietly lifted by the Board
three weeks ago, but Crisler denied
them. He said he would have a
statement after the board meeting
Thursday evening.
The tennis court fee system,
in effect since 148, as been a
bone of contention for sports
minded students. The system
last year called for a payment
of a 25 cent fee for an hour's

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