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April 02, 1950 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-02

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Paper Wor
The bane of a League president's
e is not committee meetings or
ficial conferences, but finding
ne to do English papers.
At least that's how it looks 2o
arge Flint, '50, who spends the
ajor part of each day "running
clearing house for all women's
tivities on campus."
-workers at the League are in
re of her even-tempered, level-
aded nature. "She never com-
ains or gripes," one of them de-
ared, "but once in a while we
ar her moaning about 'that-
iglish paper'."
In addition to spending sev-
ral hours every day answering
etters, attending meetings and
iandling complaints, Marge
.as to keep in touch with every-
hing that's going on in the
many groups in the League or-
"What's more," she sighed, "I
i consulted on everything from
p rallies to blood donations by
ople who want to know 'how the
>men should be approached
out this."'
* * *
ads like a railroad schedule. It's
,t unusual for her to have four
pointments in one afternoon-
erything from conferences with
can Bromage to Daily inter-
ews. She usually has to rush
ray early from one meeting to
t to the next.
An interest in personnel work
nd a desire to help make the
,les of the University led
Marge into League activities,
lthough she admits to having
shopped around a bit before
ettling down."
At the end of her freshman
ar, Marge petitioned for sopho-
ore side to Women's Judiciary
'uncil. The following year she
plied for a junior position on
e Council.
* * *
"THAT WAS BACK in the days
hen judic members were still

Plagues League President
* * * *5

Balloons To
Be Featured
In Parade
Twenty huge helium balloons,
monstrous rubber heads, five
marching bands and a calliope will
transform this year's Michigras

Psych Students 'Guinea Pig' Selves

W *

* * *

. . *

parade into a Midwestern edition
of a, Rose Bowl spectacle.
The balloons are in the shape
of a duck, elephant, kangaroo and
a dragon 16 feet high and more
than 70 feet long. They will lead
the parade, scheduled for April 21.
* * *
THE BALLOONS will be carried
by a number of students wearing
gigantic rubber heads reminiscent
of Mardi Gras splendor.
Following the balloons, inter-
spersed with 40 student floats,
will be five marching bands, in-
cluding the University's. Also in-
cluded in the line will be an au-
thentic circus calliope.
Parade co-chairmen Jerry Mehl-
man and Valerie Lemper have pro-
vided students with detailed in-
formation as to float construction,
and have procured materials for
the entries at discount price. Some
trucks have been lent by local
For the student floats, there will
be three prizes and three runners-
up selected by the parade judges.

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
BUSY COED-Marge Flint, League president, examines some
pictures of Junior Girls Play, just one of the many women's
activities with which she must keep in touch. In spite of long
hours at committee meetings and conferences, Marge finds her
job "extremely satisfying."
* * *

wearing black robes and acting
like the arm of some -great judi-
cial organ-and I wanted to make
some changes."
Marge has been planning
since her junior year to attend
a school of professional social
work, but her experience as
president of the League has al-
most persuaded her to take up
personnel work instead.
In addition to sports-she's an
important asset to the Alpha Phi
basketball team - Marge likes
foreign movies, grey clothes and
potato chips.
She is also an inveterate "room-
hopper," frequently staying tp
into the early hours talking with
her sorority sisters, who consider
her "the best-liked girl in the
house." They only have one com-
plaint. "We just don't see enough
of Marge."

Read Daily Classifieds

HOW LARGE?-Don Nichols, '50, tries to match the band of light (right) to the size of a cigarette
(left) as Prof. Lauer gives instructions. For this experiment, Nichols, a heavy smoker, went with-
out a cigarette for 24 hours. Theory of the experiment is that the deprivation will cause the cigarette
to be more important, and thus appear larger, to the subject.

Schools Debate Rights
Of Women Students

Colleges took stock of the role of
amen in the campus community
st week, as schools considered
e extension of coed's hours, wo-
en cheerleaders and female poli-
University of Wisconsin students
l vote Wednesday on whether
amen 'should be granted a half
ur more time on all nights. The
oposed referendum would allow
eds an 11 p.m. closing hour in-
ead of the usual 10:30 time. And
i week-ends women would stay
.t as late as 1 a.m.
* * *
fly an advisory effect, for the ac-
al power to change women's
urs rests in the hands of the
omen's 'Self-Governing Board.
Designed as a measure of stu-
lent opinion, the referendum
etion followed, a 1000-name pe-
ition from campus women who
hought hours for freshmen,
,ophomores and juniors should
e the same as for seniors.
Women at the University of Illi-
'is seemed ready to take over
other masculine role-that of
eerleader. And students were ap-
,rently ready to accept them, for
campus poll revealed that stu-
nts favored coed cheerleaders,
n to one.
* * *
SOME FEARED that there "is a
,nger of exhibition from women
eerleaders." But supporters of
e plan countered with the idea
at a special screening committee

would eliminate the problem of
And as they saw it, women
would definitely stimulate cheer-
ing and eneoujage new pep and
A woman's place may not neces-
sarily be in the home, but it cer-
tainly is not in the Harvard club.
Or so some austere Harvard stu-
dents argued last week when a
Harvard-Radcliffe group relations
committee suggested that Rad-
cliffe women be allowed to join
Enemies of the proposal feared;
the menace of the emancipated
Radcliffe women and believed thatj
acceptance of women could only'
mean the undoing of the HarvardI
Soup to Dessert

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Story by
Roma Lipsky
Pictures by
Carlyle Marshall

Act in Roles
Of Subj ect,
Invest igator,
Tests Conducted
In Classrooms
If you've ever wanted to know
how an experimental guinea pig
feels, or to test a formulated hy-
pothesis, the psychology depart-
ment is the place to go.
A full-scale program of indi-
vidual research on the graduate
level, plus trial testings in experi-
mental undergrad classes keep the
lab rooms of Natural Science
building occupied almost 24 hours
a day.
** *
AND ALTHOUGH the experi-
mental class is known as one of
the toughest courses on campus,
it provides an opportunity for ex-
perimental work under actual test-
ing conditions.
Prof. Donald Lauer, in charge
of the year long course, a basic
requirement for all psych ma-
jors, describes its several aims
1. First hand experience in the
various areas of psychology, such
as learning, motivation, person-
ality, clinical and social psychol-
2. Familiarity with standard
equipment and basic techniques
of measurement used in psychol-
3. Survey of the basic experi-
mental designs with their appro-
priate statistical methods; -
4. Learning to read, write and
evaluate reports of experimental
* * *
EXPERIMENTS run off in class,
with students alternating between
experimenter and subject roles, in-
clude everything from reversed
perception to deprevation. In a
recent test, subjects were required
to draw a star by looking at it
through a mirror.
After two lab hours of watch-
ing the world through a looking
glass, one of the subjects report-
ed that "everything looks inside
out. I feel as if I'm going back-
wards every time I take a step
forward. "
Latest experiment was a test of
how depriving smokers of cigar-
ettes for varying periods of time
affected their perception of the
size of a cigarette.
Results of this run-off will be
published as soon as all the data
is analyzed.
ON THE graduate and teaching
levels, experiments, in which both
students and animals are used as
subjects, are part of any day's
Prof. Lauer is currently study-
ing learning in dogs, and has
been training dogs to respond to
bells and buzzers.
Another series of experiments
now in operation uses white rats
as subjects in a learning series.
Here, the rats are being taught to
press a lever to receive a metal
ball, then put the metal ball in a
slot for food.
"This is comparable to working
for money, and making purchas-
es," Prof. Lauer said.
* * *
includes everything from human
mazes to lopsided rooms, as well
as a complete stock of paper .and
pencil tests.

All in all, the department's pro-
gram is organized to give students
a well-rounded academic psychol-
ogy program, as well as practical
experience working areas and with
equipment used in psychological
studies, Prof. Lauer said.
Students are taught to relate
scientific methodology to know-
ledge of psychology, to use proper
caution in making generalizations
and to recognize the limitatiqns of
the field.



HUMAN MAZE-A standard psychology experiment has rats
running through complicated mazes. Here Doris Smith, '50, tries
the same sort of operation in a specially designed maze. The cor-
rect path is marked with red pencil for the experimenter to follow,
but Doris' goggles cut out the red numerals.

C '






LOPSIDED PERCEPTION-John J. Wright, '50, is placing a jug inside a slated walled miniature
room. When viewed from a certain point, the walls of the room appear straight and the jugs,
exactly the same size, look as if one is much larger than the other. This model was built by members
of the psychology department.


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