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April 02, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-02

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Mundt Bill

AN ATTEMPT to extinguish the power of
the Communist Party in the United
mates by exposing its workings to the light
of public scrutiny is now underway in the
Congress. The two nearly identical bills
which propose to do this are Senate bill 2311,
filed by Senators Mundt and Ferguson, and
House bill 3342, filed by Representative,.
The stated purpose of these bills'is to
bring to a halt subversive Communistic ac-
tivity in the United States, but in at-
tempting this, they may at the same time
lead to Oangerous restrictions of civil
While there has been much violent ex-
postulation of late concerning tie many im-
plications of these bills, there has been lit-
tle or no attempt made to clarify exactly
the provisions of the measures themselves.
The following summary of the Mundt-Fer-
guson bill is presented in an effort to do this.
** *
fTiE BILL begins with a statement of the
sweessity for legislation against the world
Communist movement now threatening this
equntry. It characterizes that movement as
totalitarian and presenting a clear danger
to free American institutions. The main part
oZ the legislation is directed against "Com-
munist political organizations" and "Com-
munist front organizations," defining the
former as being substantially foreign con-
jrolled and operated to advance world Com-
Jounism, and the latter as being under the
control of, and operated for the purpose of
aiding a Communist political organization.
It makes it unlawful to perform, or to
ionspire to perform, any act which might
lead to or aid the establishment of a for-
eign-controlled totalitarian dictatorship in
the United States. The passage of govern-
ment information to a person who is, or who
can reasonably be thought to be, a repre-
sentative of la foreign power or a Communist
organization may be punished by a $10,000
fine or 10 years imprisonment or both.
One of the most important sections of
the whole bill is that part which would
require any "Communist political organi-
%ation" or "Communist front organization"
to register completely with the Attorney
General. It would be up to each member
personally to register, and the files thus
compiled would be open for public in-
Failure to comply with a final registration
order would be punishable by a $2,000 to
$5,000 fine or two years imprisonment or
When the liability to register is in any
way in question, the status of the person or
group involved would be settled by a three
man Subversive Control Board. Appointed
for three-year terms by the President with
the consent of the Senate, the Board would
make all determinatiions on liability to reg-
ister, after application by either the Attor-
ney-General or the party involved.
* * *
IN DETERMINING whether or not any
organization is either a "Communist po-
litical organization" or a "Communist front
organization," the Board must take into con-
sideration certain features of the organiza-
tions themselves. Since it is at this point
that the most vociferous criticism begins,
it might be well to itemize these various con-
The bill states that to determine a "Com-
munist political organization" the Board
shall consider:
1-The extent to which its policies are
formulated and carried out pursuant to di-
rectives or to effectuate the policies of the
foreign group from which stem the direction
and control of the world Communist move-
ment; (e.g. the Kremlin);
2-The extent to which its policies and
views coincide with those of the foreign
group (Soviet Russia);
3--The extent to which it receives finan-
cial or other aid, directly or indirectly, from
the foreign Communist government;
4--The extent to which it sends members
to any foreign country for purposes of train-

ing in the principles, policies, or strategies
of such a world Communist movement;
5-The extent to which it directly or in-
directly reports to the foreign Communist
6-The extent to which its principal lead-
ers or a substantial number of its members
are subject to or recognize the disciplinary
power of the foreign Communist govern-
7-The extent to which it operates on
a secret basis; i.e. reluctance to reveal
membership, secret meetings, etc.
8-The extent to which the leaders or a
substantial number of the members con-
sider their allegiance to the United States
subordinate to their obligations to the for-
eign Communist power.
1 HE NEXT PART enumerates the con-
derations to be taken in deciding wheth-
er afn organization is a "Comunist front or-
ganization." The Board would be required to
take note of:
1-The extent to which persons ac-
tive in and representative of any Com-
munist political organization, Communist
foreign government, or the world Com-
munist movement;
2--The extent to which its support, fi-
nancial or otherwise, is derived from the
above groups;
3-The extent to which its funds, re-
sources or personnel are n. n usedto, f mtk

Memorial Hall has lent its North and
South galleries to the Inter-Arts Union for
an exhibit dealing with the visual arts aspect
of the Second Annual Student Arts Festival.
The show, which runs until April 16, is a
pretty mature affair. .
Of course, there are one or two of those
conscientious charcoal studies of the nde
that carve out the anatomy of the human
body with all the motion of a butcher work-
ing over a loin of beef. But these are not
On the credit side, Harriet Thompson's
untitled study of three little girls playing
jacks seems to me to be of superior qual-
ity. Each child remains separated from the
others by her unfocussed glance, and the
general diffuse haze which confines each
to her private universe. But the game it-
self, the triangular composition, and the
extremely subtle way in which the domi-
nant color assigned to each child is re-
peated sketchily as a subordinate hue in
the others-all these things make each
little girls also a part of the plural exist-
ence. It is a paradox of childhood, handled
with exquisite delicacy and tenderness.
I always find it a pleasure to see mobiles,
and the three in the present show are no ex-
ception. Mobiles, it seems to me, are poten-
tially the most significant reflection of our
civilization. A true mobile can only be fully
comprehended in the pattern of its move-
ment. I don't claim to fully understand what
the physicists mean by the fourth dimension,
but I do know that ori the level of our every-
day experience life in America is being lived
more in terms of movement through time,
so that we now often think of spatial exten-
sion in terms of duration and vice-versa. Of
411 the recent visual experimentation with
the problems of movement-analytical cub-
ism, futurism, and so forth--the mobile
seems to me to be the most successful.
Of course, a mobile must not just move,
but move easily and gracefully with the
slightest gust of wind. Some even respond
to the vibrations of music. It is not irrele-
vant that Alexander Calder, the inventor
of this new medium, was a graduate of
the Massachusetts Institute of Techno-
logy. The lack of engineering knowledge
is apparent in this show. The mobiles
don't move easily. And they all look a bit
naked. They have been stripped of their
For example, the mobile by Marty Biesc
in the North gallery makes a pleasant closed
conposition when it is quiet. But it is hung
with a series of chains in such a way that it
cannot be moved in its entirety without a
powerful gust of wind, and then it stutters
and shakes like a cripple. The mobile by Ed
Stevens, on the other hand, is constructed
so as-to open out into space. Given a strong
gust of wind, it will turn with lightness and
grace, even with audacity. But again, it looks
a bit shorn.
I also enjoyed the tempera painting en-
titled Dream, by my old friend and critic,
Kingsley Calkins. It gives a delightful and
sophisticated decorative effect. Calkins has
established one theme from tiny, frilly Jap-
anese parasols, repeated in various sizes,
shapes, and contexts; behind this are placed
starkly simple areas of red, counterpointed
in the most careful distribution from bright
orange to dark crimson.
There isn't space to mention everybody,
but Michigan's artists have done themselves
proud. Hats off to them.
* * *
ACROSS THE WAY in the West Gallery
are many notable objects from the Mu-
seum's ever-growing permanent collection.
Just acquired recently are an abstraction
entitled Tahstvaat, by David Smith, and a

color aquatint entitled Christ on'the Cross,
with Disciples, by George S. Rouault. Smith,
an ex-welder, has produced a powerful up-
ward thrust of rough-finished hard-forged
steel. Rouault is as always the consummate
master of rich colors and profound religious
Nor should one skip The Woman with Red
Hair, by Emil Nolde, recently acquired on
extended loan. The primeval barbaric fires
of German expressionism are here at their
most explosive. It is a particularly good op-
portunity for those who are acquainted with
German expressionism only through books,
and have never had an opportunity to see
this school's unusual handling of color.
* * *
JEAN KLERMAN, writing in The Daily a
few days ago, made the suggestion that
University Museum purchase some of the
objects in the Student Art Festival and thus
encourage local artists. While the purpose is
commendable, I'm sure Miss Klerman does
not really know how desperately limited the
Museum's funds are. Moreover, like any mu-
seum, it has to present a representative se-
lection from as many major periods as pos-
sible, and this will require all its funds for
some time to come.
On the other hand, any of the dormitories
could probably acquire one or more works
just by passing the hat and collecting silver.
A piece in the modern spirit would be parti-
cularly appropriate in the new women's dor-
mitory, Lloyd Hall. It would be as if the
house had just bought itself a fine new Eas-
ter bonnet.
-Robert Enggass


Lobby Probe
WASHINGTON - The widely heralded
" investigation of lobbying by a Select
House Committee is starting off in a very
scholarly seminar fashion, with the appear-
ance of a number of college professors and
experts in government.
That is all very well, one might suppose,
to lay the groundwork. But it would seem
that the committee, if it is really in earnest,
would waste little time in getting down to
practical lobbying as it is now being done by
some of the most powerful special interest
groups that ever concentrated upon Wash-
ington, which have successfully flouted the
public interest.
* * *
SUCH, IT WAS THOUGHT, was the aim of
this investigation when the committee
was created last session. But, judging from
reports about the Capitol, that purpose
seems to have been diluted in the months
since. Political pressure has become opera-
tive, it is indicated, to keep hands off some
of the big special interest lobbies because
of their political power and their influence
with key figures in .Congress.
Considerabe detailed work has been done
by the staff of the Select Committee to
Investigate Lobbying Activities, as it is
called, under direction of Rep. Frank Bu-
chanan (Democrat from Pennsylvania)
chairman. It has amassed a wealth of
material relating to all phases of lobby-
ing in a mechanical, technical and even
philosophical way to the end of improv-
ing the Lobby Registration Act, which is
generally recognized as inadequate.
All of that, of course, is important.
more than that, for it is the public
which has suffered from the special interest
lobbies. What the public ought to know from
this investigation, and what it is entitled to
know, is what interests are blocking meas-
ures for its welfare and how they operate.
That would give a clue to the paramount
question that ought to be explored every so
often in a democracy:
"Who really rules?"
Any member of Congress and any experi-
enced observer knows about these lobbies
and who their agents are in Washington. To
get the story is a simple a matter as calling
these people before the committee, with their
records, and asking some pertinent ques-
tions. That's the way it has been done in the
* * *
GITATION FOR THE current lbbby in-
vestigation grew largely from activity
of the Real Estate Lobby. It has just won a
big victory in elimination of the loans-to-
co-operatives provision in the current hous-
ing bill. Likewise it is trying desperately to
kill off rent control. It would seem, in the
public interest, that an investigation of this
lobby would be one of the committee's first
Equally powerful with the Real Estate
Lobby is the Oil Lobby, and it has influen-
tial friends among Democrats in Congress.
If the Select Committee wanted to do a job
of immediate public interest it could have
opened up this lobby and its operations to
public view, as, for example, in connection
with the Harris-Kerr-Thomas bill to de-
prive the Federal Power Commission of
' egulatory authority over natural gas, which,
.if finally enacted into law, will cost con-
sumers millions annually. It could well look,
too, into the Oil Lobby's activity on behalf
of the' bill to remove jurisdiction over oil-
bearing tidelands from the federal govern-
ment to the states; this, incidentally, was
a factor in the Dixiecrat movement.
The steel industry's lobby to retai the
basing point pricing system, the electr
utility industry's lobby against needed pub-
lic power projects-these and many others
merit investigation to tell the public the
real story of what happens in their Congress.
There is nothing theoretical about all this
-it is very practical.

(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
At The Michigan...
THE HASTY HEART with .Richard'
Todd, Patricia Neal, and Ronald Reagan.
A RECALCITRANT, confused and pug-
nacious Scot finds himself in a Burma
hospital after the war, nearly recovered
from shrapnel wounds, and demands to be
sent home to the land of kilts where he
has something that he has bought and
owns - a wee bit of land. His request
turned down, he is put in a ward with five
soldiers who proceed to give him something
he thought he could never afford - friend-
ship. His heart-softening takes up the rest
of the film and is ironically pointed up by
the fact that he is incurably ill and every-
one, save himself, knows it.
It is not nearly enough to sketch in
the machinery of the plot, because that
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"What If I Should Meet Somebody I Know In There?"




(Continued from Page 3)

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the , Bureau of Appointments,
Tues., Apr. 4, to interview June
graduates who are interested in
the insurance selling field.
Call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
to make appointments for inter-
Summer Positions: Jewish Com-
munity Centers of Chicago an-
nounces vacancies for counselors
in its summer day camps which
are operated in various parts of
the city. For further information
call at Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Adninistration Bldg.
Indian Acr6e Camp for Boys and
Forest Acres Camp for Girls, Frye-
burg, Maine, announced the fol-
lowing vacancies: waterfront di-
rector (man), waterfront director
(woman), music director (man),
dance coach. (woman). They are
also interested in a foreign stu-
dent who would be interested in a
camp situation. Upperclassmen or
graduate students preferred. For
further information call at 3528
Administration Bldg.
Summer Jobs: A few summer
jobs on ,railroads available for
junior civil engineers. Register
promptly in' 1215 E. Engineering
Tues., or Thurs., Apr. 4 or 6, 1-5
p.m., Walter C. Sadler.
Camp Positions: Representative
of Detroit~Y.M.C.A. Camps, Osco-
da, Mich., will be at the Bureau of
Appointments on Tues., Apr. 4, to
interview men interested in posi-
tions in sailing, riflery, archery;
also bookkeeper and truck driver.
Representative of Camp Ta-wa-
ma-ne,Charlevoix, Mich., will be
at the Bureau of Appointments to
interview experienced applicants
for the following positions: sail-
ing (woman), nature (woman),
general counselor (woman), riflry
(man or woman), and camp nurse.
For appointment, call at Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
tration Bldg.

Jack Norman, Tenor, and Jack
Wilcox, Bass. Open to the public.
It will include "Jesu Meine Freu-
de," "O Jesu Christe," "Mein's Le-
bens Licht," "Ein' Feste Burg ist
Unser Gott," and excerpts from
Bach's Mass in B minor.
Student Recital: Helen Cramer
Simpkins, student of piano with
John Kollen, will present a pro-4
gram at 4:15 p.m., Tues., April 4,
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master
of Music. It will include works by
Scarlatti, Beethoven, Mozart, Cho-
pin and Brahms, and will be open
to the public.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall: Second Annual Student
Arts Festival Exhibit and Objects
from the Museum Collections, thru
Apr. 16; weekdays 9-5, Sundays
2-5. The public is invited.




Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman took a
unique step the other day by appearing before a public commission
as a "lawyer for the people."
Chapman's Interior Department is locked in a fight with private
power interests over their attempt to grab half a billion dollars worth
of government-developed power in the central valley of California.
Therefore, Chapman made the unusual move of personally
appearing before the Federal Power Commission to oppose Pacific
Gas and Electric's bid to distribute government power generated
at the King's River project. His appearance was promptly chal-
lenged by a power company lawyer who charged that he appeared
with a "cloak of immunity." Replied Chapman:
"I am not here as a cabinet member. I am here at attorney for
the people. I'll answer questions all day if necessary and debate you
all night. The people's interests must be protected."
SECRETARY OF STATE Dean Acheson gave a Congressional group
some interesting insight recently into why Great Britain broke
ranks with the United States and recognized the Chinese Communists.
"I had been telling Ernie Bevin all along that Britain ought
to be spending more money on her possessions in Asia to build up
their economy and living standards, but Bevin has always insisted
that Britain couldn't afford this, because of pressing economic
problems at home," Acheson reported.
Later, Britain recognized the Chinese Communists, in hopes the
Communists would provide markets for British Asiatic possessions,
Acheson explained. He added that he still thought foreign minister
Bevin had made a mistake and that he, Acheson, probably would say
"I told you so" at the next meeting of Big Four foreign ministers.
Congressmen Anthony Tauriello and Franklin Roosevelt of
New York said they hoped the foreign ministers would act on
another, matter-the banning of British arms shipments to Egyp-
tian Arabs who have warred on Israel. Acheson, however, said
that British arms sales to the Arabs were "negligible."
He added that the hostility of the Arabs for Israel should not
cause alarm, since it was only natural for the Arabs to be hostile,
having been once defeated by Israel.
"They are still eating crow," said the Secretary of State.
"Sometimes it takes a long time for crow to digest."
"Well, those arms shipments may be negligible now, but if it
keeps up, the Arabs will eventually have a preponderance of arms,
and that means war," replied Rep. Isidore Dollinger of New York.
"Unless the British stop these arms sales completely, then the United
States ought to lift its arms embargo to Israel."
* * * *m
Arizona's gentle Sen. Carl Hayden is the kindly, elderly type you
would expect to find feeding the pigeons in a public park, not the
type you would suspect of signing up to fight the Apaches.
The latter chapter of Hayden's life came out, however, during a
recent secret hearing on military appropriations. It was also revealed
that Hayden has a sense of humor.
With a straight face, Hayden turned to Secretary of Defense
"I have a question to ask," began the Senator from Arizona dryly.
"When I was a boy and served my hitch in the army, they signed us
up to go out to Arizona to fight the Apaches. But when we got out
there, we had to haul wood. Only 40 men got to fight the Apaches.
What are you going to do about it?"
Johnson blinked. Finally, as Hayden continued his serious stare,
Johnson retorted: "Senator, I think that took place before I was
Secretary of Defense."
Hayden's solemn face broke into a hearty laugh. It was his way
of sympathizing with the Secretary of Defense who is sometimes
blamed for inefficiencies dating back to the Indian wars.
* * * *
PREDICTION ON TAXES: The new tax bill will fall far short of
President Truman's appeal for an extra billion of corporation taxes.
The new bill will call for a boost of 2 per cent, or about $500,000,000
in corporation income taxes--just half of what the President requested
.. And instead of repealing $650,000,000 of excises, as Truman urged,
the Ways and Means Committee will reduce or eliminate excise taxes
totaling $1,000,000,000-in fact, on everything except liquor, beer and
wine . . . Finally, instead of- reducing excises levied since 1943, as
President Truman suggested, the ways and means committee takes a
leaf from the 1941 schedule and will vote a 50 per cent slash in the
sales tax on automobiles and other excise levies dating from that year.

Events Today
Graduate Outing Club: Meeting
at northwest entrance of Rackham
Bldg., 2:15 p.m. Plans for post-
vacation over-night.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Record program on contemporary
Dixieland in New York, 8 p.m.,
ABC Room, League.
U. of M. Hostel Club.: Breakfast,
bird trip. Meet 5:45 a.m. League
Lobby to drive to Whitmore Latie.
Bring food, utensils to cook break-
fast over open fire,coffee provided.
(birdguides if you have' them.)
Call Jack Young, 34728, by Sat.
noon if you need or can offer
8:15-11 p.m., Lane Hall. Movies
of Europe and U.S. Equipment
used by well-traveled Hostelers
on display.
Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy
Communion followed by Student
Breakfast. 5:30 p.m., Supper and
program: Dr. McClusky of' the
School of Education will talk
on "Relgion in State-Supported
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
4:30 p.m., Lane Hail (Fireside
Room). Rev. Henry Bast of Brand
Rapids, Michigan, will speak' on
the subject, "He is not here, for
He is risen..
Unitarian Student Group: 14o
jneeting today. Students are' urg-
ed to attend services at 11 am. to
hear the sermon on "Man, the
Victor" based on the poetry of Rkv
Kenneth Patton of Boston,Mass.
Congregational, Disciples, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Group: 6
p.m. Supper at Memorial Christian
Church. Rev. Wm. T. Matters,
Congregational minister of Chris-
tian Education in Michigan will
speak on, "Beyond the Local
Wesley Foundation: 9:30 a m.,
(Continued on Page 6)






University Lecture. "Plant Vi-
ruses and Virus Diseases." Freder-
ick C. Bawden, F.R.S., Head of the
Department of Plant Pathology,
Rothamsted . Experimental Sta-
tion, Harpenden, England; aus-
pices of the Departments of Bac-
teriology and Virology. 4:15 p.m.,,
Mon., Apr. 3, Rackham Amphi-
Lecture, auspices of the College
of Architecture, and Design. "Con-
temporary Pottery and Potters'
Problems" (illustrated). Bernard
Leach, well-known English potter.
4:15 p.m., Wed., April 5, Architec-
ture Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: Mon., April 3, 3 p.m., 3001
Angell Hall.AMr. George Brauer
will talk 'on' the subject, "Every
Number' is the Sum of Four
Geometry Seminar: Tues., April
4, 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Prof.
Stewart, Michigan State College,
will speak on "Maximum Over-
lapping of Two Areas."
Organ Recital. The final pro-
gram in the series of Sunday af-
ternoon recitals by Robert Noeh-
ren, University Organist, will be
played at 4:15 p.m., April 2, Hill
Auditorium. The All-Bach series,
presented in commemoration of
the anniversary of the composer's
death in 1750, will be closed with
the playing of Fantasia in C min-
or, Concerto No. 4 in C major,
Trio-Sonata No. 2 in C minor, Pre-
lude and Fugue in G major, two
Chorale Preludes, and Passacag-
lia and Fugue in C minor. The
public is invited.
Student Recital: Mary Delle
Weber, student of piano, with Ben-
ning Dexter will be heard at 8:30
Mon. evening, Apr. 3, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium, in a program
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bach-
elor of Music. It will include com-
positions by Bach, Beethoven, Cho-
pin and Debussy, and will be open
to the public.


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by studenits Of
the University of Michigan under tOe
authority of the Board In, Control of
Student Publications.:
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.......Managing EdtO
Al Biumrosen................Citl Editor
Philip Dawson......Editorial D tedtio
Mary Stein........... Associate Eio
Jo Misner..............Associate tor
George Walker......Associate or
Don McNeil ........... Associate Editor
Wally' Barth.......Photography., Xltor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editkr
Roger Goelz.. Associate Sports EdiUW
Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ad.
Allan Clamage ...............Librarianu
Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarta
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Managel
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manat
Jim Dangi........ Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinofif........Finance Manager
Bob Daniels...... Circulatin Manager
Teplephne 2 3-24-1




University Choir Concert, under
the direction of Maynard Klein, Member of The Associated Prest
8:30, Sun. evening, Apr. 2; in Hill ThAsoitdPessexlsvy
Auditorium, assisted by the Little entitled to the use for republication
Symphony Orchestra and a Brass of all news dispatches credited to it or
Choi. Sooiss intheAll-achotherwise credited to this newspaper.
Choir. Soloists in the All-Bach Allrights of republication of all other
program will be Norma Heyde and matters herein are also reserved.
RoseMari Ju, Soran;,Arene Entered at the Post Office at An
Rose Marie Jun, Soprano; Arlene Arbor, Michigan, as second-class moil
Sollenberger and Gloria Gonan, matter.
ContralSo; Gilbert Vickers and yubscription during the regular uhoo!
Contrlto;Gilbrt Vcker andyear by carrier, $5.00. by mail $6.00.


Barnaby is still sound asleep-
,tw tha is"airv ofather"m.



Isn't it in your drawer?

Funny. I'm practically
I t;v;- ,.na ,cme ba

(M. O'Mal1ey! You
I nnr w,~-. ... A.


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