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April 02, 1950 - Image 1

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VOL. LX, No. 127





Local Ballot
Includes 'U'
Voters To Decide
Building Issue
Five University professors and
two faculty wives are candidates
in tomorrow's city-county election,
which will decide the fate of a
proposed Washtenaw County
building and determine whether
five areas will be annexed to Ann
Two of the professors are poli-
tical opponents in the sixth ward
alderman race. Prof. A. D. Moore
of the electrical engineering de-
partment, Republican incumbent
and chairman of the City Coun-
cil's" ordinance committee, has
been challenged by Prof. Frank
L. Huntley of the English depart-
ment, the Democratic candidate.
,e * * *
the sociology department, another
Democrat, is making a bid for the
third ward alderman's seat now
occupied by Republican Frank M.
Reed, Jr., who is running for re-
election. Reed, a teacher at Ann
Arbor High School, has been on
the City Council since 1944.
In the fifth ward, Prof. Hen-
ry C. Eckstein of the chemistry
department is fighting to retain
his position as alderman. Prof.
Eckstein, a Republican, has
served a one-year term. His rival
is Democrat Baird Thomas, a
Prof. Russell A. Smith of the
Law School, a Republican, is seek-
ing to replace Seventh Ward Al-
derman John E. Swisher, also a
Republican. Swisher is not a can-
didate. Democrat Karl Karsian of
the Ann Arbor High School facul-
ty is Prof. Smith's opponent.
MRS. RUTH DANA, a Republi-
can. is running for re-election as
sixth ward supervisor. Mrs. Dana's
husband is Prof. Samuel T. Dana,
dean of the forestry school. She
has served two terms on the board.
Mrs. Jessie E. Coller, wife of
Prof. Frederick A. Coller, chair-
man of the surgery department,
is unopposed as a candidate for
seventh ward supervisor. Mrs.
Coller, a Republican, has held
the office for ten years.
A majority "yes" vote on each
of two proposals is necessary if
construction of the $2,600,000
county building is to proceed. The
proposals involve a special tax and
a bond issue.
* * *
would be built on the site of the
present Washtenaw County court-
house, an ancient red brick struc-
ture at the corner of Main and
Huron. Opposition to the county
building proposals has come large-
ly from groups which are plump-
'c ing for a county building site
southeast of town.
Petitions have been entered to
have five township areas annexed
to the city, and they appear on
c the ballot. To be successful, a
petition must receive both a ma-
jority vote of the area's residents
and a majority of the combined
votes of Ann Arbor's city and
township electors.

Two Faculty
Men Compete
For City Post
The only University professors
opposing each other in tomorrow's
city-county election, Prof. A. D.
Moore and Prof. Frank Huntley,
have been friends for a number of
Explaining why he decided to
oppose Prof. Moore in the sixth
ward alderman race, Prof. Hunt-
-ley, a Democrat, said, "I think
every person should run for office
sometime in his life, and have a
constant interest in public af-
fairs. I like to keep the two-party
system going."
Prof. Huntley favors annexa-
tion of the proposed areas,
greater housing progress, and
improved .recreational facilities



Ministers Adopt
Self-Defense Plan
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands-(AP)-Defense ministers of the
North Atlantic Treaty nations approved a collective plan of self
defense against aggression in less than five hours of discussion yes-
Their agreement on an all for one and one for all basis in uard-
ing the North Atlantic Treaty area was unanimous.
* *. * *
U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Louis A. Johnson presided as








chairman. v ' :a. r
The ministers adopted an outline of general strategy prepared
by their joint chiefs of staff, reviewed the pact powers' financial On Hainan
situation and ordered production chiefs to expedite the standardi--
- bation of military equipment.
The plan adopted was drafted ,
earlier this week by the military COHi1tURiists Lanzd
committee, joining in one instru-
ment a strategic program prepar- At Several Points
ed by the five regional sectors of
the alliance and assigning to each TAIPEI, Formosa-(P)--Chinese
member the role it is to play in Communist troops landed at sev-
,,, "X? aym acci n I - --- .. _ at

MANILA - (P) - The Philip-
pines' principal island, Luzon, was
placed entirely under military
control last night by presidential
order to cope with outbreaks of
the Communist-led Hukbalahap
President Elpidio Quirino said
the order was notbatproclamation
of martial law, but he put the
island under direct charge of Gen.
Mariano M. Castaneda, army chief
of staff, and placed the Philippines
constabulary under the army.
* * *
MANILA ITSELF wa's heavily
guarded owing to rumors of an
impending attack by the outlaws.
At least 54 persons have been
killed and whole villages burned
since the "Huks" went on a
rampage Wednesday.
The latest fighting came yester-
day in a constabulary attack on
guerrillas on Mount Arayat, iso-
lated 5,000foot peak in the cen-
tral Luzon plain. The constabulary
advanced a short distance up the,
mountain, which the Huks have
successfully defended for four
years as the key spot in their posi-
tions in the SierranMadre and
Zambales mountains.
* * *
ELEVEN HUKS were reported
killed in the mountain fighting,
which was continuing. Eight other
deaths were reported earlier in
the day, including the one-year-
old son of the mayor of San Cle-
mente. The Huks took possession
of that town in Tarlac province'
Friday night and held it eight
hours until early yesterday.
President Quirino declared the1
Huk attacks had unmasked Com-
munist plans "to accelerate the
downfall of this nation and turn
it over into the hands of Com-
U.S. Launches
1950 Census

counitering anyaggressin. eral points on the Nationalist is-
land of Hainanv esterdav.hut the


viet Russia by name, Secretary
Johnson laid down the three-fold
objective of the 12 member na-
tions in a speech:
"First we seek to deter ag-
gression, second to defend our-
selves, and finally to defeat the
aggressor if he forces war upon
The ministers' communique said
the military planners, headed by
U.S. Gen. Omar N. Bradley, have
prepared "an estimate of the mili-
tary situation if any attack be
launched against the treaty na-
tions, and prepared plans for de-
fense against such an aggression."'
* * *
THE MINISTERS examined, it
was announced, how the joint
military production and supply
board can make the most effect-
ive use of funds appropriated in
each nation for military produc-

Reports Say
Strachey To
Be Bypassed
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands
-(P)-American and British mili-
tary leaders, it was reliably report-
ed last night, have arranged a new
system of exchanging confidential
military information under which
top secrets will bypass British War
Secretary John Strachey.
The report was immediately de-
nied in London by a spokesman
for the British Defense Ministry.
Strachey w a s transferred
from the Food to the War Min-
istry when Prime Minister Att-
lee revamped his Labor cabinet
a month ago. At that time
Lord Beaverbrook's Conserva-
tive newspapers charged that
Strachey had never disavowed
a belief in Communism.
Strachey denied that he is or
ever has been a Communist. A
statement issued on Attlee's be-
half called the charges "disgrace-
ful." This statement said that
Strachey had made it clear as far
back as 1940 that "he was in fun-
damental disagreement with the
Comunist party."
A Defense Ministry spokes-
man said in London he was
authorized by Defense Minister
Emmanuel Shinwell to deny the
report of a procedure for by-
passing Strachey.
"I have just been talking on the
telephone to Shinwell at the
Hague," he said.
"He authorizes me to say that
there is not a vestige of truth in
the Associated Press story and
that he can not imagine how any
such story arose."

Nationalists said today they were
wiped out or captured in a slam-
bang battle.
It was the latest and apparently
the largest of several Red attempts
to seize a foothold on the big is-
land only ten miles off the Sovh-
ern mainland.
FRAGMENTARY reports said
the invaders landced at points five
and ten miles from Hoihow, the
Hainan capital, and forced the
Nationalists temporarily to aban-
don the Hoihow airfield.
The official Nationalist Cen-
tral News Agency, however,
early yesterday said the defense
had scored a great victory.
It estimated the Red dead at
3,000 and said 50 of the invading
fleet of junks were sunk in a four-
hour battle with the Nationalist
SOME JUNKS managed to land
their troops, but Central News
said the defending ground forces
soundly thrashed the Reds on the
beaches. At one beach, it said,
every man who got ashore was
Altogether about 1,000 Com-
munist troops were estimated to
have set foot on land.
The sounds of battle rang clear-
ly through Hoihow, but the city
was said to be calm under martial
V * )
ONE REPORT said the Civil
Air Transport, airline of retired
American Maj. Gen. Claire L.
Chennault, had pulled out of the
Hoihow airfield when it looked
as if the Reds would win it.
Nationalist air headquarters an-
nounced its planes had sunk eight
cf the Red invasion vessels and
drove off a mysterious high speed
launch that was sighted within
four miles of Hoihow.
Alaska Weak
Defense Link
--E senhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower pointed to
Asaska as the weakest link in the
nation's defense yesterday and
called for increased military out-
lays there and elsewhere.
The wartime allied command-
er put Alaska at the top of a
list calling for spending of from
$300,000,000 to $500,000,000
more during the next fiscal year
than the $14,000,000,000 plus
asked of Congress by President
Eisehower's recommendations,
made in a letter to Chairman El-
mer Thomas (D-Okla) of a Sen-
ate appropriations subcommittee,
listed top priority items this way:
"A. Garrisons in Alaska.
"B. Modernizationnof aircraft
and Army equipment and rein-
forcement of our antisubmarine
"C. Intelligence.
"D. Industrial mobilization."
Calling for an annual outlay of
$1,500,000,000 for airplane buying
by the Air Forces, Eisenhower
warned that this should not be
done by cutting funds for the
Navy or Army. Legislation pend-
ing in the House would give the
Air Force $1,350,000,000 forplane
purchases, and Eisenhower would
increase this by $150,000,000.



Envy U.S.,
Bel gianSays
There is a growing feeling of,
jealousy on the part of many Eu-
ropean nations towards the power-
ful 0United States, despite grati-
tude for Marshall Plan aid, Jan
Goormaghtigh warned last night.
Europeans are satisfied with
their own standards of living, the
director of the Institute of In-
ternational Relations in Brusselsi
pointed out. But America should
not think that Europe must accept
its ways, he added.I
back European unification is the
lack of realization on the part of
the man on the street that he no
longer lives in the world that
existed before the war," Goor-
maghtigh told members of the
American Association of Interna-
tional Relations Clubs.
The Belgian asserted that Eu-
ropeans are looking for a com-
mon philosophy - a unity of
purpose - to follow. They have
not found it in anything of-
fered them now, he said.
Goormaghtigh, however, echoed
the opinion of Michel Dumont of
the French Embassy in this coun-
try when he called for a realiza-
tion of the complexities in Euro-
pean unity, and for a spirit of op-
* * *
DUMONT CITED the Council of
Europe as a great step towards full
unification of the continent and
hailed the United Nations as the
>nly means to continued peace.
He explained that France holds
no ideas of revenge against Ger-
-nany and is anxious to see her
'ecome a working part of a uni-
ied Europe.
Mrs. W. E. Williams, of the Lon-
don School of Economics, remark-
d that Great Britain, which does
only a quarter of her trading on
he continent, must proceed slow-
ly in entering any economic agree-
nents with European councils.

Fools Day' Tradition;
Coeds Lose Inhibition

-Daily-Alan Reic
APRIL TRADITION-Variously bedecked co-eds, Diana Khoury, '52, Peg Ardis, '53, Chris Diamond,
'51, Mary Schumachar, '51, Joyce Robichaid, '51, and Elise Kerlin, '53, applaud the entrance of
housemother Mrs. Marjorie McCoy at Helen Newberry Residence's annual April Fool's Day come-
as-you-please dinner. Newspapers passed for tablecloths and silverware was scarce in the candle-
lit dining room.

April first may be "fools day"
to some, but in the dining room of
Helen Newberry last night it was
a chance to do what you've wanted
to all year, but couldn't.
It began with a lunch-time an-
nouncement by housemother Mrs.
Forum Fails
To Find Rival
For Phillips
The Michigan Forum committee
last night reported that it has
as yet been unable to find a Uni-
versity faculty member to oppose
avowed Communist, Herbert J.
Phillips in a Forum debate on
April 26.
Phillips, who was barred from
speaking at Wayne University
early last week because of his
"subversive leanings,"* was origin-
ally invited to participate in the
Forum debate two weeks ago.
* * ,*
DAVE FRASER, '51, chairman
of the Forum committee, said that
"although we have contacted
more than 15 professors, we have
been unable to find anyone willing
to oppose Phillips'on the debate
"If any students or faculty
members can suggest a possible
debator, we certainly would ap-
preciate their help," he added.
Under the original plan, Phil-
lips was to have debated the issue
of Communists teaching in col-
leges and universities with a mem-
ber of the University faculty. Both
speakers would have been sup-
ported by a student debator.
Fraser said last night, however,
that unless "really qualified op-
position" for Phillips is arranged
by this Wednesday, the committee
will be forced to drop its plans
for the Forum debate.

Marjorie McCoy that, honoring an
old Newberry tradition, co-eds
could "wear anything they
pleased, from bathing suits to fur
coats, to dinner."
* * *
AS RESIDENTS assembled
shortly beforehmealtime, it was
obvious that they had gone all
out on the idea. Bathing suits
flourished, along with bathrobes,
evening gowns, sarongs, and cha-
peaus even more fantastic than
those Anatole of Paris could de-
Upon entering the candle-
lit, bistro-like dining room, the
dressed-to-kill co-eds discovered
tables covered with newspaper
- but empty of conventional
Highlight attraction of the eve-
ning was the grand entrance of
Mrs. McCoy, dressed in dapper
flapper style, complete with cig-
arette holder and a speech satiriz-
ing house rules and residents.
* * *
DINNER WAS distributed rath-
er than served bymale members
of the kitchen crew, while the
waitresses took over the dish-
washing machine.
The men, Chuck King, '51E,
George Shaw, '53E and Jerry
Zinner, '51, donned green uni-
forms and slipping petticoats
contributed by co-ed waitresses,
and tin foil hats for the job.
Also slinging a tray was dieti-
tian Ann Liggett.
In the midst of confusion about
how to eat stew with a knife and
drink coffee from a soup bowl, the
fire gong sounded for a practice
drill, providing time for the
"waitresses" to clear all food away
and suspiciously dressed co-eds to
rob desserts from the kitchen.
* * *'
DINNER WAS concluded with
ice cream and cake (to be eaten
with a knife) and a rendition of
"Don't Send My Boy to Har-
vard" by Mrs. McCoy.

Blasts Spy
As 'Political'
Lawyers Confer
On Libel Action
NEW YORK- (P) -Owen J.
Lattimore, accused by Sen. Joseph
McCarthy (R-Wis) 'of' being a
master spy for Russia, yesterday
called McCarthy a "madman"
making an "obviously political at-
tack upon the State Department."
Lattimore repeated previous de-
nials that there is any basis for
McCarthy's charges, and said he
was consulting his lawyers about
possible libel action.
the question of whether he ever
was a State Department employe.
He said he had been paid by
the department for taking part
in a 1945 reparations mission
to Japan.
In 1949, he said, he took part in
a two-day panel discussion of
China problems and gave the de-
partment a memorandum on his
LAST JUNE, he said, he gave a
lecture to State Department per-
sonnel on Japanese problems.
Except for these instances, he
said, "I have and have had no
connection with the depart-
McCarthy has said that his
whole series of charges against
the State Department-that it has
57 card-carrying Communists in
its emloy-would stand or fall
on his branding of Lattimore as a
Communist spy.
(McCARTHY previously had
called Lattimore Russia's top spy
in the State Department and the
United States. In a Senate speech
Thursday he only said he could
produce a witness who could swear
that Lattimore was a member of
the Communist party, and that he
had documents which he said
prove that Lattimore is a Soviet
agent who received instructions
in Moscow as far back as 1936).
Lattimore . returned by plane
after a mission to Afghanistan
and promptly called McCarthy a
"base and miserable creature."
Senator Asks
For Bipartisan
publican senator took direct ac-
tion yesterday to revive the bat-
tered bipartisan foreign policy.
With two-party cooperation on
world affairs brought to a new
low in the furore over the Sen-
ate's State Department investi-
gation, Sen. H. Alexander Smith
(R-NJ) told a reporter he has
sought Administration assistance
in patching up its differences
with iRepublicans.
* * *
HE SAID that acting as a mem-
ber of the Senate foreign rela-
tions committee, he has asked
Secretary of State Acheson and
a top Acheson adviser, Philip C.
Jessup, for conferences next week
to discuss ways of getting the bi-
partisan international ,approach,
back on an even keel.
Smith acted as a member of
the Senate foreign relations

committee amid new bitterness
stirred by an exchange of
charges between President Tru-
man and Republican critics of
Acheson and the State Depart-
Smith's move to patch up the
bipartisan approach to foreign
policy bumped squarely into oppo-
sition within his own party.
Sen. Jenner (R-Ind) made
it clear that some Republicans
would welcome a clean break with

big door-to-door quiz
launched yesterday
census- takers.

UP) - The
of 1950 was
by 145,000

Four weeks from now - after
visiting every family in the United
States in the 17th nose count in
the nation's history - the enu-
merators will hang up their walk-
ing shoes until 1960, when the
huge tallying job starts all over.
Meanwhile, they will have
learned that the nation's 1950
population totals something over
151,000,000, plus about 4,000,000
more in the territories and posses-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
NEWARK, N.J., - Dianna and Bob Bixby, trying for a new
round-the-world record, flew on toward Paris last night after a
hectic stopover at Newark airport.
The flying Bixbys, both suntaned and blonde, arrived from San
Francisco on schedule at 4:06 p.m. (EST). They hope to break the
globe-circling record set by the late Bill Odom in August, 1947, of
73 hours, five minutes and 11 seconds.
* * * *
GYDNIA, Poland-Valentine WASHINGTON - Attorney
A. Gubitchev, Soviet engineer General J. Howard McGrath
convicted in the United States yesterday asked for time before
the Supreme Court tomorrow
of conspiracy and attempted to argue against segregation of
espionage, arrived on the Polish Negroes on railroad dining cars.
liner Batory yesterday. His The case before the high tri-

Society Frustrates Women Composers

Why are there almost no great
women composers?
"Perhaps it's because most men
aren't secure enough to put up
with a woman who is more pro-
minent than they are." accord-

"Miss Boulanger teaches that
musical forms come from emo-
tional needs of people," Prof.
Finney said. "She believes these
forms have always been taken
from masculine feelings, so that
women have come to feel out of

composers, such as the American
Mrs. A. H. H. Beach, and Cecil
Chaminade, of France.
"Perhaps the European tradi-
tion of keeping women out of
orchestras and other prominent
musical positions is one reason

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