THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCHI 31, 1&50 tI_ I A WASHINGTON - President Truman real- ly poured it on mud-slinging Sen. Joe McCarthy in a long-distance phone confer- ence from Key West with Congressional leaders in Washington this week. "What's wrong with that fellow, any- way?" exploded Truman. "Doesn't he know that he is doing irreparable harm to his government by all this loose talk?" The President commented that Mc- Carthy's uyupported charges that the State Department is "loaded with pro-Commun- ists" already had seriously undermined the morale, and perhaps the efficiency, of this vital branch of the government. "Think of the great numbers of loyal personnel in the department who have given their whole lives to their government," he said, "and think what McCarthy has done to the spirit of these people. It wouldn't surprise me if many of them were thinking of resigning. They probably figure that 'they'll be next on McCarthy's list and they don't want to have their families dragged tlugh utch -anordea"' The effects of McCarthy's character as- sassination and reckless rantings were even more damaging on U.S. prestige abroad, Truman emphasized, particularly in Western Europe, where we must keep our heads high in the cold war with Russia. He added that McCarthy had made the job of our foreign diplomats "doubly dif- ficult," because they are afraid to be seen talking to anyone who might be ac- cused of pro-Communist leanings in At Architecture Aud...* FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT, and THE WELL WROUGHT ERN LIGHTNING-PACED action and a series of strategically timed climaxes make "Foreign Correspondent" one of the glossi- est of the Hitchcock nifties. All the cinematic devices that have made his name synony- mous with suspense are given free reign in a plot replete with shrewd spies, shrewder reporters, lovely women, foreign settings, and even Robert Benchley. Joel McCrea, the intrepid American re- porter, does a good deal of the leg work in the course of tracking down his story, but it is to George Sanders, his British compatriot, that most of the credit for astute brain work goes. Laraine Day, poor thing, just gets shunted back and forth among the gentlemen of the press, her father, and the cloak and dagger boys. Sent to England in the days just before September, 1939 to find out what's what in the European situation, McCrea doesn't know much about it when he gets started. After a few Channel crossings to Holland, however, he has enough inside information to make him target par excellence for the forces of evil. There's hardly a tight situation in the books that reporter McCrea doesn't squeeze into, from being caught in a lady's boudoir in just his dressing gown to narrowly missing being pushed off a church steeple in London. Convincing casting is highlighted by Al- bert Basserman's portrayal of an aged, discouraged Dutch diplomat, and Robert Benchley as an unhappily-on-the-wagon foreign correspondent. Direction and sit- t a or^ l . . "A ho mn_ __a_ , 416.. MERRY-GO-ROUND The Reserve Officers Association knows how to keep sweet with the administration. It dedicated its new song to Harry Truman,, with special credit to Harry Vaughan. Florida is a long way from Washington state. But George Fuller, the West Coast lumber lobbyist, intervened in Florida poli- tics recently against Sen. Claude Pepper. This ties in with heavy GOP interest in backing Rep. George Smathers against Pepper in the Florida primary. The Young Republican committee of Volusia County, Florida, has now even come out in the open in support of Smathers. An uncle of Congressman Hugo Sims claims he watched a flying saucer for 15 minutes in South Carolina. This report brought Congress's leading scholar on fly- ing saucers, Andy Jacobs of Indiana, hot- footing it to Sims' office for a detailed ac- count. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) THOMAS L. STOKES: GOP, McCarthy WASHINGTON-The Senator McCarthy "Communists-in-the-State-Department" flimflam has shoved the Republican Party into an obviously uncomfortable hot spot. This was dramatized when one of the party's elder statesmen, Henry L. Stimson, took pen in hand to disclose the danger, both to the party and to the nation, of the whole shabby episode in a staunch defense of Secretary of State Dean Acheson whom he commended for his "extraordinary record of able and distinguished public service." He warned his party against "the little men" who are seeking to make a political issue out of the attacks by the Wisconsin Repub- lican Senator which Mr. Stimson frankly recognized as a political attack aimed at the present Secretary of State. NOTHING HAS CAUSED such a stir about the Senate during the McCarthy "case" as the stinging condemnation by the dis- tinguished leader who, himself, has served as Secretary of State, which was in the Hoover Administration, and twice as Secretary of War, first in the Taft administration and most recently and notably during the second World War. It was significant that his letter to the New York Times giving his views was in- serted in the Congressional Record with approval, by Senator Ives, Republican of New York, a member of the more pro- gressive and international-minded wing of the party. Another in that wing of the party, Senator Saltonstall (Republican of Massachusetts), likewise publicly approv- ed the former War Secretary's statement. This issue seems to divide the party along familiar lines. FOR IT IS THE MIDWEST "nationalist" wing of the party that set up the hue and cry against Secretary Acheson, and is whipping up the McCarthy witch hunt. Noisiest is Senator Wherry of Nebraska, Republican floor leader; while Senator Taft of Ohio, chairman of the party's Senate Poli- cy Committee, has given his support to the Wisconsin senator's still-fruitless search for Communists in the State Department by re- vealing he had urged his colleague to push the matter "and if one case doesn't work to bring up others." This, and his statement that the reaction to the McCarthy charges "seems to be good on the whole," disturbed some of the Ohio senator's friends and ad- mirers because of the frank political conno- tation. The progressive wing of the party ap- parently has taken sharp issue with such an attitude. It obviously shares the opin- ion of Mr. Stimson who concluded his letter by saying that "this is no time to let the noisy antics of a few upset the steady Purpose of our country orsdistract our leaders from their proper tasks. "This is rather a time for stern rebuke of such antics and outspoken support of the distinguished public servants against whom they are directed." THE NERVOUSNESS of Republicans over the position in which Senator McCarthy has put them was best revealed in a Senate speech by Senator Smith, Republican of New Jersey, who placed himself timidly on all sides of the issue. He did not want it in partisan politics. He said, on the one hand, that he is supporting Senator McCarthy; but, on the other, he regretted to see inno- cent people injured. Then he urged that the rest of the proceedings be in closed ses- sion. He seemed to want to get the show off the boards as quickly as possible, which is understandable; but this cannot happen in fairness, of course, until persons publy maligned by Joe McCarthy have an oppor- tunity to testify in their own behalf. Who, it might well be asked, put the mat- ter in politics? Mr. Stimson - though he never used Joe McCarthy's name - seemed to un- derstand easily enough, and he said that "the man who seeks to gain political ad- vantage from personal attack on a Secre- tary of State is a man who seeks political advantage from damage to his country." That was strong language and would ap- ply, of course, to others who are doing that. He also said, pointedly: "It is already obvious that in any test of public confidence the men of honor, in both parties, will choose to stand with the Sec- retary." (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Absurd Secrecy THE MARCH ISSUE of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reprints a chapter of a book describing in detail the theory of the thermo-nuclear bomb, alias the hydro-, gen bomb. Behind this reprinting is the story of one of the absurdities of America's policy of secrecy. The book, "Die Geschichte der Atom- bombe," was written by an Austrian physi- cist and published in Vienna in 1946. It was read widely throughout Europe and, undoubtedly, in the Soviet Union. But none of the reviews of the book that ap- peared in American magazines mentioned this chapter: Professor Louis Ridenour of r 1/IEso "You Mean I'm Supposed To Stand On That?" 1* jif?, r - q.t--- + sag...o {O fse trNr w. sH ucroH osr to t/ettei' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. The CED IN ATTEMPTING to bring about any kind of reform, the greatest results can always be most easily attained, not by long and loud protests, but by a sensible, restrained campaign conducted along logical lines. A sensible and logical campaign has a way of winning much needed public sup- port, where a series of blasts and smears serves only to antagonize people and move the desired goal further away. On this campus, a number of student groups have joined together to form an or- ganization know as the Committee to End Discrimination. Instead of becoming an in- tegral part of the Student Legislature, the official source of student action, the CED has gone off on a tangent by itself. It has resorted to the most obnoxious forms of rabble-rousing, bluntly attacking University administrative officials. By its actions, the CED has been continually mak- ing student groups unpopular in the eyes of both University officials and a great many students. It has accomplished only one thing. It has gained a great deal of notoriety for the left-wing groups which seem to steer its policy. I have yet to find any real discrimination at this University; and by its own statement in the full page advertisement in The Daily, the CED hasn't uncovered any concrete evidence of discrimination either. The CED has just gone into a field where there is no trouble to try to create some. Such antics as this can only be used successfully for the purpose of getting jots of publicity. In my opinion, the CED is doing more harm than good and should be disbanded. In place of the CED, more reliance should be placed in the Student Legislature's commit- tee to study discrimination. This is a sub- committee of the Campus Action Committee which has been working with the deans, and has gained their support through its con- structive approach to the problem. Rather than storming one school at a time, it has been holding quiet discussions with the deans of all the schools, and has been mak- ing real progress in this way. New Criminology. . To the Editor: IN REGARD to the letter by James P. Jans, the idea now being used by the University fa- thers of listing potential criminals is nothing new. Mr. Jans suggests we further this list to enable us to prevent all crime. If Mr. Jans had investigated further, he would have found that all cities and states now have such a list. It deals with potential sex deviates. It is called, in order to conceal its real purpose, the Department of Vital Statistics, Birth Recording Division. Mr. Jans is obviously a frustra- ted, under-age, under-grad who has a great desire to sin. My ad- vice to you, James, if I may call you James (after all, one is ex- pected to regard age with respect) is wait until your 21st birthday, at which time you will leap from adolescence to full maturity. -Seymour L. Muskovitz The CED .. . To the Editor: T HURSDAY NIGHT a solicitor of the CED was requesting signatures for the current cam- paign against the Medical School. When I refused to sign, the soli- citor asked for my "reasons." We were attending a lecture at the time; someone else was sup- posed to make the main address. There was no time to launch a de- bate. I suggested that, The Daily editors permitting, I would give those reasons in the letters col- umn. Here they are: 1-In all the CED publicity there has been no evidence that discrimination is practiced by the Medical School. 2-I feel the Committee to End Discrimination is not at all sin- cere. Their interest in discrimina- tion is biased toward race and re- ligion. Whatabout age? What about sex? Discrimination, if there was any,-would certainly focus on these items of the application be- fore it would on any others. Why does the CED neglect age and sex? Why are they so self-conscious about race and religion? 3-Action by a "committee" al- ways assures anonymity. Before signing any such petition as the CED is passing around, I should like to know what individual(s) . whether in or out of the organi- zation, objects to stating his race and religion? Unless an individual can maintain positive convictions in his religion, pride in his peo- ple and trust in himself, he will be a very miserable individual in- deed. Possibly one not even fit for a professional role in adult life. -Richard Laurets * * * County Buildin .. . To the Editor: IN THE'editorial on the proposed new Washtenaw County Build- ing, Chuck Elliott takes the Board of Supervisors to task for not listening to some experts (who- ever they are) and thereby shift- ing the site of the building from downtown Ann Arbor to a point outside the city limits in the di- rection of Ypsilanti. The Super- visors and, I presume, the people from and around Ypsilanti wanted this; but if they are to be solely considered, let's carry their plan out one further step for their benefit and move the site to Ypsi- lanti. The proposed Washtenaw site would be inconvenient for the 40,000 odd residents of Ann Ar- bor. The people who consult the records on the other services of the County Building are located near the present site and occa- sional users can combine their business with a minimum of lost time. The last time I used the County Building, my business was over in ten minutes. With the new site it would have taken me much longer just going and com- ing. The new site doesn't help Ypsi- lanti residents too much. They still have to go out of their way to use the County Building and a slight decrease in their journey and trouble cannot compensate for the additional bother and the loss of time that would be forced on the much larger population of Ann Arbor. The argument that the center of the County's population is shifting eastwards is not good enough to call for a shift to a Washtenaw site, an isolated spot inconvenient to all. -Ralph L. Christensen Cold War . . To the Editor: MR. STASSEN, in his Friday night appearance at Hill au- ditorium, was asked a question the gist of which was 'Can the Chris- tian ethic of love be applied to our present-day foreign policy?" He answered, in effect, "No, the Christian ethic is not practical in our situation." This being the case, is it not imperative that we find a practi- cal policy, applicable to the sit- uation, outside of Christianity? Having done this, is it anything but reasonable to ask that we openly declare the Christian ethic to be the fraud that our actions recognize it to be? If we acept Mr. Stassen's words as representing reality, it is high time that we gave up the hoax that our foreign policy is Chris- tian-oriented and accept the fact that it is oriented to some other philosophy. The cold war can then be shorn of its Holy War glamor and we may become able to watch the activities of Senator McCarthy and the State Department in something approaching a reason- able state of mind. -Bruce Vreeland * * * Labor Youth League ... To the Editor: IF IT weren't that we are getting such big laughs we'd surely ask Al to button his Lippitt!' -H. F. Harrington Publication in The Daily Official1 Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office o the Assistant to the President, Room 255 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1950 VOL. LX, No 125 Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Meeting,; Mon., Apr. 3, 4:10 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall. AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of March 6, 1950 (p. 1585). 2. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with t.he call to this meet- ing. a. Executive Committee, Prof. L. G. Vander Velde. b. Executive Board of the Grad-' uate School, Prof. Leo Goldberg. c. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, Associate Pro- fessor B. W. Wheeler. No report. d. Deans' Conference, Dean Hay- ward Keniston. 3. Prof. L. E. Vredevoe, Director of the Bureau of School Services. 4. Elementary courses intended for students who do not plan to pursue further studies in the sub- ject. 5. Announcements. 6. New business. Employment Interviews: A representative of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Mich., will be at the Bureau of Appointments to interview June graduates (women) for stenogra- phic positions, on Fri., Mar. 31. A representative of The Mid- land Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, Columbus, Ohio, will be at the Bureau of Appointments, Tues., Apr. 4, to interview June graduates who are interested in the insurance selling field. Call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments,k3528 Administration Bldg., to make appointments for inter- views. Approved Student Sponsored So- cial Events for the Coming Week- end: March 31: Alice Freeman Palm- er House International Students Assoc., Journalism Society, Kappa Sigma, Michigan House, W.Q., Mo- sher Hall, Phi Sigma Delta, Theta Delta Chi. April 1: Acacia, Adams House, Adelia Cheever, Allen - Rumsey House, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Al- pha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Anderson House, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Graduate Student Council, Hinsdale House, International Students Associa- tion, Lawyers Club, Lloyd House, Michigan Cooperative House, Nel- son International House, Phi Al- pha Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Pi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Tri- gon, Williams House, Zeta Psi. April 2: Betsy Barbour Resi- dence, Jordan Hall, Phi Delta Phi. The Connecticut State Person- nel Department announces an open competitive examination for Di- rector of Labor Statistics, salary range $5,880-$7,080; closing date Apr. 6. Applicants must be citi- zens of the United States and prove residence in the State of Connecticut for at least one year prior to filing application. Candi- dates should have graduated from college and have six years employ- ment experience in the field of labor statistics or a doctor's degree in economics and 3 years experi- ence, or an equivalent combina- tion of experience and training. The Wisconsin Conservation De- partment, Madison, Wisconsin, an- nounces an examination for Chief Conservation Engineer, closing date Apr. 14. Candidates must, have completed registration as a professional engineer or architect in the State of Wisconsin or eli- gibility therefor.; For further information on the above, call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration. Bldg. Summer Jobs: A few summer jobs on railroads available for junior civil engineers. Register promptly in 1215 E. Engineering Tues. or Thurs., Apr., 4 or 6, 1-5 p.m. Walter C. Sadler. lectures University Lecture. "Belleza y Caricatura en los 'Caprichos' de Goya" (illustrated). Dr : Jose Lo- pez Rey, Department of Fine Arts, New York University; auspices of the Department of Romance Lan- guages, 8 p.m. today, Rackham Amphitheater. Academic Notices History 50, Midsemester exam- ination: 2 p.m., today. A-H, Room B, Haven Hall; I-R, 25 Angell Hall; S-Z, 231 Angell Hall. Political Science 366 will meet at 4 p.m. today ,instead of 3 p.m. Law School Admission Test: Ap- plication blanks for the April 29, 1950 Law School Admission Test are now available at 110 Rackham Bldg. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J., not later than April 19. Seminar on American Literature (Prof. Warren), will not meet to- day. Sports Instruction for Women: Women students who have com-. pleted their physical education requirement may elect physical education classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, April 3, 4, and 5, in Barbour Gym- nasium. Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m., today, at the Observatory. Speaker: Dr. Bengt G. Stromgren, Royal Observatory, Copenhagen. The Teacher's Oath will be ad- ministered today to all June can- didates who have not already tak- en it, 1437 U.E.S. This is a re- quirement for the teacher's cer- tificate. Medical College Admission Test: Application blanks for the May 13, 1950 Medical College Admission Test are now available at 110 Rackham Bldg. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J., not later than April 29. Concerts University Choir Concert, under the direction of Maynard Klein, 8:30, Sun. evening, Apr. 2, in Hill Auditorium, assisted by the Little Symphony Orchestra and a Brass Choir. Soloists in the All-Bach program will be Norma Heyde and Rose Marie Jun, Soprano; Arlene Sollenberger and Gloria Gonan, Contralto; Gilbert Vickers and Jack Norman, Tenor, and Jack Wilcox, Bass. Open to the public. It -will include "Jesu Meine Freu- de," "O Jesu Christe," "Mein's Le- bens Licht," "Ein' Feste Burg ist Unser Gott," and excerpts from Bach's Mass in B minor. Student Recital: Mary Delle Weber, student of piano, and Ben- ning Dexter will be heard at 8:30 Mon. evening, Apr. 3, in the Archi- tecture Auditorium, in a program in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bach- (Continued on Page 5) i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I t Ai K '4' t I. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Biumrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Mary Stein..........Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil.........Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz..Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ....... Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Cdamage...............Librarian Joyce Clark..........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. IAll rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. SEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. A i BARNABY I I vpgV Barnaby! People simply don't believe in Pixies THUMPETY nowadays! Everything's working because the men -My Fairy Godfather signed the paper THE STRIK agreeing not to bother the Pixies, so they | Once more E IS OVER! e. intelliaent |