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March 31, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

' VOL. LX, No. 125







* *

Reject Cuts
In Aid Bill
3 Billion Dollar
Vote Due Monday
ministration got back in control
in the House yesterday, and ward-
ed off all further attempts to
whittle down the foreign aid bill.
The big vote on the $3,000,000,-
000 bill now is expected to come
IN CONTRAST to previous
days, when tie Administration.
took three straight lickings, the
House today:
1. Beat down, by 154 to 103, an
amendment offered by Rep. Wint
Smith (R-Kans). Smith wanted
to drop from next year's fund the
sum of $150,000,000 which is ex-
pected to be unspent at the end
of this fiscal year on June 30.
2. Approved $100,000,000 for
econmie aid to the Republic of
South Korea.
} . Gave new authority to
spend about $100,00000 of
China aid funds left over from
previous authorizations.
4. Wound up the section which
deals with aid to western Europe,
Korea and China.
STILL UP for argument: $27,-
450,000 for relief of Arab refugees
from the Palestine war areas, and
President Truman's controversial
"Point Four" program.
"Point Four," so-called because
it was the fourth point in a presi-
dential foreign policy statement,
calls for $45,000,000 to help under-
developed areas.
Meanwhile, Senator Tom Con-
nally disagreed with the State
Department about cutting the
United Nations in on the Presi-
dent's "Point Four" program.
Connally said he feared the UN
would "mess it all up."
Truman Gives
NSRB Chair
To Symington
KEY WEST, FLA.-(P)-Presi-
dent Truman yesterday disclosed
he is appointing Secretary of the
Air Force Symington as Chair-
man of the National Security Re-
source Board.
The President also announced
that he was naming Budget Direc-
tor Frank Pace, Jr. immediately
as Secretary of the Army to suc-
ceed Gordon Gray.
Gray was designated to serve,
until he becomes President of the
University of North Carolina, as
special assistant to the President
to mobilize government agencies
in an effort to reduce the disparity
between exports and imports.
Frederick J. Lawton, now an as-
sistant, is succeeding Pace as
budget director, and Elmer Statts
is moving up from special assis-
tant to assistant director.
Leon Blum
Dies inParis
PARIS-(AP)-Leon Blum, a mil-

itant Socialist who was thrice
premier of France, died unexpect-
edly of a heart attack yesterday
at his home in Joy-en-Josas, a
Paris suburb at the age of 77.
The first Socialist to become
Premier of France, Blum was ac-
tive in the government almost to
the end. He would have been 78
on April 19.
Blum had been in failing
health for more than a year, but
friends said he seemed strong
and in good spirits at a recent
party. The party was held to
mark the 100,000th subscrip-

-Daily-Alan Reiu
OPEN CONFERENCE--Speakers and officers who participated in
the initial meeting of the AAIRC here yesterday are, front row,
left to right, Provost James Adams; Mary Shadow, Tennessee
legislator and Mrs. Lillian Parker and H. E. Wilson, both of the
Carnegie Endowment. Back row, left to right, Arnold Miller, presi-
dent of the University's IRC; E. R. Pipping; Mary Hanrahan;
Louis Hill and Helen Randolph, all top officers of AAIRC and
Prof. L. H. Laing, the University's IRC adviser.

* * *

* * *

IRC Talks Cite Morals
As World Order Basis
The only practical way to achieve world order is by waging the
war for it on the basis of moral issues, University Provost James P.
Adams and Tennessee State Legislator Mary Shadow, said yesterday.
Speaking at the opening meeting of the American Association
of International Relations Clubs, Miss Shadow declared the practical
man will use ideas, rather than stockpiles of atomic weapons, in the
fight to end world chaos.
* * * *
CALLING FOR A long range outlook on international problems,
the young political science instructor from Tennessee Wesleyan charg-
ed the IRC members with the responsibility of aiding in the estab-
lishment of a strong moral foundation at home.
"The first duty of the American citizen is to keep himself
informed," she said. "Only then can he know that his Congres-
__ - 4 sional representative is acting in

Union Opera
Matinee Seats
Still Available
Final local performances of
"Lace It Up" are scheduled for1
3:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. today at
'he Michigan Theatre.
'While tickets are sold out forl
the evening performance,"some
;ood seats are still available for
the matinee," Cliff Rogers, Grad.,
Opera promotions manager, re-
ported. *I
THE MATINEE performance
was added to the local schedule
because of the early sell-out of
evening tickets. It will be exactly
the same show which entertained
?vening audiences last night and
Wednesday night, according to
While the 1950 Union Opera will
Say farewell to Ann Arbor after
tonight's performance, it will be
>resented four more times during
;pring vaction when it embarks
n a road tour.
* * *
OUT-OF-TOWN performances
ire scheduled for April 10 in Buf-:
alo, April 11 and 12 in Detroit
and April 13 in Toledo.
Tickets for these performances
may be obtained from University
alumni clubs in the three cities
Lace It Up" will play, Rogers

the interests of the United
States and the world commun-
Miss Shadow said that more
members in Congress are needed
who will stand up against local
interests in favor of the nation's
needs, even at the cost of their.
own political careers.
* * *
PROVOST ADAMS, in welcom-
ing the delegates, urged them to
consider the establishment of a
council of statesmen-free from
politics-tohandle the country's
foreign policy.
He stressed the need for the end
of the atom menace in future wars,
and called for an economic policy
that would allow European goods
to compete in American markets,
regardless of their effect on busi-
ness here.
Hold Atomic
Atop the agenda for the third
annual conference of the Ameri-
can Association of International
Relations Clubs is an open panel
discussion of atomic energy con-
trol at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Acting as chairman . for the
panel will be James T. Shotwell,
President of the Carnegie Endow-
ment for International Peace and
long-time professor of history at
Columbia University.

Data Offered
By McCarthy
Truman Brands
Him Red Asset.
WASHINGTON - (') - Senator
McCarthy reported yesterday he
has documentary evidence and a
mystery witness to prove his char-
ges that Owen J. Lattimore is a
Russian agent who has shaped
this country's China policy into
a Communist mold.
made that claim in the course of a
four hour and twenty minute
speech to the Senate which set off
these chain reactions:
1. President Truman branded
McCarthy, along with Senators
Bridges (R-N.H.) and Wherry (R-
Neb.) as the greatest asset the
Kremlin has.
In a statement which he per-
mitted newsmen at Key West
to quote directly, Truman con-
demned the "bipartisan attempt
in the Senate to sabotage the bi-
partisan foreign policy of the
United States."
2. Lattimore also fired back at
McCarthy, labeling his accusations
as an "unmitigated lie."
The Johns Hopkins professor,
and one time StateDepartment
consultant made that report in
London during a stopover on his
flight back to the United States to
answer the senator's charges in
* * *
3. SENATOR Bridges curtly re-
plied to the President's blast that
the "only sabotage I'm trying to
create is to sabotage some of the
subversive security risks so that
they are thrown out of key spots in
the government."
4. Senator Wherry also issued a
rejoinder saying that the "best way
to show who are the agents of the
Kremlin" is for Truman to open!
the loyalty board's files to the Sen-
ate group investigating McCar-
thy's charges that the state de-
partment is infiltrated with Com-
munists. This the President has
refused to do.
World .News
By The Associated Press
Verna, a 26-year-old convicted
arsonist, committed to the Belle
Vista Sanatorium for mental
treatment, admitted after a three-
hour grilling yesterday he set the
fire that suffocated nine fellow in-
mates Wednesday night.
* - .*
PRAGUE, Czecholslovakia-The
Czechoslovak government yester-
day accused eight Czechs of kid-
napping in engineering the mass
aerial escape of an anti-Commun-
ist group to West Germany last
week, and demanded that the
United States hand the eight over
for trial.
In addition, the government
called for punishment of the
American officials who questioned
all Czechs aboard the three planes
* * 'I
NORFOLK, VA.-The former
commanding officer of the bat-
tleship Missouri pleaded guilty
to neglect of duty in the ground-
ing of the vessel in a painful
ordeal of self-accusation before
a navy general court martial

LANDS-The International Court
of Justice, inits first test of' peace
treaty provisions of World War II,
ruled yesterday that Hungary,
Romania and Bulgaria must f ol-
low those provisions in settling
disputes with western nations.
Grad Job Chances
Seen 'Worst Ever'

The Michigan Forum Commit-
tee voted overwhelmingly yester-
day to go ahead with its plan to
invite avowed Communist, Her-
bert J. Phillips to participate in
a Forum debate on April 25, here
at the University.
Disregarding the action of
Wayne University president David
D. Henry. who barred Phillips
from debating at Wayne because
of his Communist background, the
committee voted to seek approval
for the debate f:om the University

Signs AEC
' Contract For

Lecture Committee next week if
a qualified faculty member can be
enlisted to oppose Phillips.
* * *
A PETITION to hold the de-
bate, which will be on the ques-
tion, "Should Communist be
Permitted to Teach in Colleges
and Universities?" was submitted
to the Office of Student Affairs
earlier this week, but action was
postponed until the list of speak-
ers has been completed and ap-
proved by the Lecture Committee.

University Officials Request
Increases in Faculty Salaries

RADIATION RESEARCH-University Provost James P. Adams and Vice-President Robert P. Briggs
put their signatures to a $202,240 contract with the Atomic Energy Commission while Dr. Frank
H. Bethell and Deans Albert C. Furstenberg, of the medical school, and Ralph A. Sawyer of the
graduate school look on. The money will be used for study of the effects of radiation on living tis-
sue and methods of protection against radiation injury.
Forum To Invite Communist Speaker

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the second
in a series of articles describing the
needs of the varios schools and col-
leges of the University and the extent
to which they will be satisfied if the
University's $13,870,000 appropriations
requuest is granted by the State Legis-
In presenting its $13,870,000'
operating budget request to the
Legislature, University authorities
pointed out that part of the $2,-
500,000 increase which they are
asking over the current year's ap-
propriation is needed for faculty
salary increases.
These increases are a necessity
if the University is to retain its
best teachers and attract capable
new ones in competition with the
higher salaries paid by govern-
ment, business and other institu-
tions, they declared.
* * - *
STATISTICS show that the real
income of University faculty mem-
bers has decreased by 10 per cent
since before the war.
To bring the salaries of the
entire University academic staff
up to the 1939 real income level
would require more than $750,-
000, University officials said.
The appropriation requested
from the Legislature would not
provide for an increase of this
size but would make possible a
"partial adjustment," administra-
tors said.

Five Years

THE REQUESTED increase in
appropriations is particularly
needed in the law school where
additional teaching assistants are
badly needed to meet an antici-
pated increase in enrollment next
fall, according to Dean E. Blythe
H9 pointed out that some of
the law school classes are cur-
rently running over 100 students
and additional professors are
needed even now to ease the
Salary increases are necessary to
retain the present faculty, he de-
* * *
"FURTHER appropriations are
also needed for a new program of
teaching research of statute law,"
Stason emphasized.
Speaking in the absence of Dean
Russell A. Stevenson, Prof. Mer-
win H. Waterman of the business
administration school noted that
the business school was also faced
with a shortage of teachers.
"At the present we need more
men of the rank of instructor and
above. Some of our discussion
groups are running from 85 to 90
people when actually, 30 to 40,
persons is the ideal number," Wat-
erman said.
He pointed out that additional
money was needed to expand their
service to businessmen and in-
crease the scope of extension work.

Dave Fraser, '51, co-chairman
of the Forum committee; said
that although no faculty mem-
ber has been obtained to op-
pose Phillips on the debate pro-
gram, the committee "expects
to have a qualified opponent
lined up in a day or two."
If the list of speakers is com-
pleted by next Wednesday, the fi-
nal debate program will be sent
to the Student Legislature for ap-
proval and then be submitted to
the University Lecture Committee
Thursday morning.
* * * -
Forum committee's action, SL
president Quent Nesbitt, '50BAd,
"We are aware of the unfav-
orable publicity which Phillips
has received from the Wayne
incident," Nesbitt said, "but we
feel that if competent opposi-
tion is enlisted, the debate
should afford a well-balanced
discussion of a controversial is-
He pointed out that the pro-
posed debate will be styled after
the Forum's initial debate pro-
gram two weeks ago.
Librarian Dies
In U' Hospital
Mrs. Pauline Grant Waite Skar-
shaug, a University librarian and
curator since 1928, died yesterday
afternoon at University Hospital
after a month-long illness.
The 48-year-old library worker,
active in state and national bibli-
ographical societies and listed in
"Who's Who in American Edu-
cation," was admitted to the hos-
pital March 7.
* * *
MRS. SKARSHAUG was Assist-
ant Curator of Rare Books at the
General Library from 1929 to 1942.
From 1942 until last month, she
served as Senior Divisional Li-
brarian in the Graduate Reading
Surviving is her husband, Emory
C. Skarshaug, of 1433 White St.
Funeral arrangements have not as
yet been made.

Radiation Effects
ObjectOf Study
(Daily City Editor)
University scientists, will probe
into the effects of atomic radia-
tion on human bodies under a
$202,240 contract with the Atomic
Energy Commission.
The contract, signed yesterday,
calls for a five-year research pro-
gram and supplies funds for one
year's operations and the estab-
lishment of laboratory facilities
in the Palmer Building.
RESEARCHERS will investi-
gate how the body tissues and the
blood react to exposure to atomic
radiation. They will attempt to
find methods to protect the vital
organs against the effects of ra-
diation, according to Prof. Frank
H. Bethell of the internal medi-
cine department of University
hospital and chief investigator for
the project.
The project will use information
from other sources, including data.
gathered at the two A-bombed
cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
and the Bikini and Eniwetok ex-
periments, and concentrate its re-
search on five areas, Prof. Bethell
said. They are:
1. The problem of infection
following radiation exposure
and the use of such' drugs as
penicillin to control infections.
2. The use of hormones like
ACTH to help repair tissues dam-
aged by radiation exposure.
3.. The effects on growth 94
blood cells and production of
substances to fight infection by
shielding some vital organs from
4. The problem of clotting and
bleeding difficulties which lead to
hemorrhage as a result of expo-
sure to radiation.
5. Other investigations with
changes in tissue of blood forming
organs, using radio active tracer
technique to study these changes.
* * *
facilities for the study of blood
diseases were cited as one of the
reasons the AEC decided to con-
duct the research project here.
Prof. Bethell said that experi-
ments would be conducted at
first with X-ray and later with
radioactive substances.
Dean Ralph A. Eawyer of the
Graduate School, who is chairman
of the preliminary planning com-
mittee for the Phoenix project
said that "this is just the kind
of research the Phoenix Project
wants to see here." Phoenix lea-.
ders are in the midst of a $6,500,-
000 fund raising drive for more
research into the peace time usea
of atomic energy.
Officials hope that the research
program itself can get underway
by July 1.
Approximately 17 people will be
involved in the project Prof. Beth-
ell explained. He said that Henry
J. Gomberg, now in charge of the
University's -radioactive isotope
laboratory would direct the work
in radiology, that Dr. Mark A.
Hayes would supervise experimen-
tal surgery and Dr. Arthur L.
Krutchmar conduct work in He
') Rutgers
Debate Here
Government owlnership a n d
control of industries working for
the public welfare was argued by
University and Rutgers Univer-
sity debaters last night.
On the affirmative team for the
University were Mert Krause, '52,
and Robert Ernstein, '50.

They argued that impediments
such as misuse of resources, high
prices, poor quality of goods, and
depressions resulted from private
ownership of such industries.
"We need clearly defined fields

Daily Want Ad Brings
Dates for Union Opera

A tlantic Pact Obsolete --

Three students are convinced
today that Daily want-ads really
pay off.
The men - Neel Robertson,
'52E, Tom Reigel, '52 and Leo
Wasserberger, '52 - found them-
selves early this week in a familiar
quandary. They were in posses-

Cooley. In a short. time, dates
were made with three co-eds.j
But that was only the beginning'
- more and more calls streamed
into 211 Cooley. It was necessary
to put a man on phone duty dur-
ing the lunch and dinner hours.
At day's end, 41 eager co-eds and
one man with a falsetto voice had

E firnenco

If Russia has the atom bomb,
it has control of Europe and the
Atlantic pact is obsolete, N. Mar-
bury Efimenco of the political

If Russia has the bomb, the
balance of power has shifted
to the Soviet orbit and cold war
policy must be changed, he add-

solutions, he added: (1) to keep
up the atomic arms race; (2) to
form a temporary atomic truce,
or; (3) to establish a perman-
ent international atomic con-
trol commission.

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