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March 30, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-30

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Job Outlook
SENIOR WOMEN seeking jobs after
graduation will receive some con-
crete advice on the ins and outs of ap-
proaching prospective employers at the
League's Job Outlooks Workshop today.
This conference, the first of its type
in Ann Arbor, will provide the basis
for what its organizers hope will be a
greatly expanded program next year.
Plans for the Job Outlook program to
be set up next fall not only to help
seniors get jobs, but to assist sophomores
and juniors, as well as seniors, decide
what field they want to enter.
Today's meeting, the first in this
newly-launched project, will, besides
offering helpful advice to 1950 gradu-
ates, provide the League with an in-
dication of how much interest exists
in such a program.
It is a case of much needed advice be-
ing made available, and its success as a
conference will depend on the interest
shown by those for whom the conference
has been arranged.
--Roma Lipsky.
County Building
NEXT MONDAY, when civic minded voters
of Washtenaw county go to the polls,
they will find themselves resting squarely
on the horns of a dilemma. The dilemma
that I refer to concerns the passage of a bond
issue to finance the construction of a new
county building.
No one will deny that Washtenaw
County needs a new building to house
the many offices which are essential to
its operation. But this, although it might
seem so from the actual wording of the
issue to be voted on, is not the simple
question to be decided.
For several months now, a severe contro-
versy has raged over the choice of the site.
The leading contenders have been the pre-
sent site, situated in the heart of down-
town Ann Arbor, and another, located just
east of the city limits, near the intersection
of Stadium Boulevard and Washtenaw Ave-
nue. Last month, the County Board of Su-
pervisors voted to decide the location of the
proposed building. Although the bulk of re-
ports submitted by authorities on site selec-
tion favored the Washtenaw Avenue loca-
tion, the Board of Supervisors voted strictly
along partisan lines, and the downtown Ann
Arbor site won by a vote of 21 to 14.
The members of the Board apparently
voted simply according to where they
were from, with each member from Ann
Arbor and westward voting for the down-
town site, and all from east of Ann Ar-
bor, mainly Ypsilanti, voting for the
Washtenaw site. Sheer weight of numbers
decided the issue, and it is evident that
no rational consideration of the quality of
the site was taken. There was no chance
for the voters of the county to express
their opinions.
But this vote has not decided the matter
completely, because it is up to the voters to
approve the bond issue that will finance the
construction. And that brings us directly
back to the dilemma.
The question resolves itself thus:
should the bond issue be passed upon at
this time, and a new county building be
built on a relatively poor site, or should
the issue be defeated in favor of a new ex-
amination of sites at a later date? It is
very probable that it will be defeated, and
so delay even longer the construction of
the building.
Personally, I feel that the Washtenaw
site is infinitely superior. However true that
may be, the question of the choice of site
might well have undergone a referendum in-

stead of being so arbitrarily settled by the
County Board of Supervisors. Had they
taken more rational and judicious action
when they had the chance, both the un-
necessary ill-will between Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti and the possible delay through the
defeat of the issue might have been by-
-Chuck Elliott.

City Editor's ' A
WAYNE UNIVERSITY'S president has un-
fortunately succumbed to the sound
fury of the current fear of Communism to
the point where he has banned Communist
speakers from his University.
In doing this, he has thrown out what-
ever faith he may have had in the intel-
ligence and integrity of his student body
and in the process of exchange of ideas
which has been the basis of our educational
Solutions to the problem of Communists
in America do not come simply. The easy
way out, the one taken by President Henry,
is simply to try and blot out Communism
and refuse to recognize its existence. The
difficult but more effective way is to face it
and beat down on its own grounds.
Mark Twain's story, "The man who Cor-
rupted Hadleyville" is good reading for any-
one who, like the president of Wayne, wants
to defeat Comunism by Suppressing it,
The story concerns Hadleyville, a small
town which h'ad a long standing reputation
for honesty. The reputation made Hadley-
ville famous and the fame went to the towns
head. It brought up its children to be honest,
telling them about the towns reputation and
As long as there was no temptation, the
town kept its reputation, but when the man
who Corrupted Hadleyville came along,
there was nothing but the remains of a tra-
dition and he had no trouble.
THE possible effect of such actions as
President Henry's is well illustrated by
what happened here two years ago, in De-
cember, 1947, when Communist Gerhart
Eisler wanted to speak at the University.
Eisler had to speak at Felch Park, be-
cause University officials had denied him
permission to use a University building
under the old ban on political speakers.
The evening he came, a deep, wet snow
fell, making good ammunition for approxi-
mately 2,500 college students who ganged
up around the park waiting to see "that
dirty Communist."
Eisler drove around the crowd which was
having fun pelting snowballs at any moving
or stationary object it could see and decided
that discretion was in order. He retired to
the home of student Ed Shaffer, avowed
Several Daily staffers got wind of Eisler's
whereabouts and we traipsed through the
snow to Shaffer's small second floor front
room over on Hill Street.
Eisler, a buddy of his, a few supporters
and some local left-wingers were sitting in
Shaffer's room. Outside a noisy mob of 150
students gathered and began to throw snow-
balls at the room. The combination of snow-
balls thumping off the walls and a mob
chanting outside was more than unpleasant;
it was frightening.
Some of the mob broke into the house,
cut off the electricity and plunged us into
darkness. Shaffer lit candles, passed out
coke bottles for defense when someone
shouted "they are coming upstairs."
Calmer heads prevailed momentarily and
it was agreed that Eisler would go out on
the porch and talk to the people. We went
out with him, and the group of allegedly
educated people who milled in front of that
rooming house is unforgettable. No motion
picture producer has ever filmed as fright-
ening a scene of a slowly gathering mob.
They asked insane questions; I can only re-
member one. "What is Communism?"

Eisler gave a stock answer "From each
according to his ability, to each according
to his need."
The crowd roared bitterly. A voice in
the back answered, "You're crazy, that's
not Communism, that's Christianity."
And so it went. After a breath taking half-
hour of "discussion" Eisler managed to get
to his car and leave. A leader could have
brought on violence with no trouble at
all. Fortunately, there was no leader.
BANNING the Comunists from speaking is
not the answer. The answer is to be found
right here or from almost any student you
care to question anywhere in the country.
A couple of days ago, managing editor Jaroff
gave part of that answer in an Editor's
Note. It consists in taking that dogma that
Communists are now peddling and tearing
it to shreds.
President Henry tacitly admitted that
he didn't want his students to face Com-
munism, because some people are afraid
that those students will not be able to
beat it down. A totalitarian ideology has
never, and will not now appeal to the
youth of this country.
Pressure was on the President of Wayne.
It's too bad he could not, or would not,
stand and face it. Maybe he didn't want to
lose his job or his appropriations, but in
taking the "easy" way out and giving in to
the temptations of Hadleyville he has
thrown open the door to far greater evils

"Wolf Wolf!"
OIVSIVW - 4 P44;a"3 ~r-0
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



(Continued from Page 3)

Labor Youth League.. ..
To the Editor:
THE second editorial on the La-
bor Youth League stated that
"Some of its leaders are (Commu-
nists). Some of its statements fol-
low party-line." The LYL is com-
posed of Communists and non-
Communists alike who are, inter-
ested in the study of scientific so-
cialism, Marxism-Leninism. Some
of our statements do follow the
the 'party-line', as do some of the
statements of the NAACP, the
CIO, the Friends Committee and
numerous other groups. The
Mundt-Ferguson-Nixon Bill would
establish a three-man group that
would need nothing more than
that sentence by McNeil to con-
vict an organization as a "Com-
munist-Front"! Witness the fact
that in Maryland, the first vic-
tims of the so-called anti-Commu-
nist Ober Bill were three Quakers
interested in peace!
Despite McNeil's claims, I doubt
very much that romanticism
"lures" young students to the LYL.
If it did, we should have thousands
in our group! It isn't the least
bit romantic to place a future po-
sition and present security in jeo-
The League is not a secretive
organization-we invite and wel-
come the participation of all in-
terested persons in our group dis-
cussions and meetings. We intend
to apply for recognition as a cam-
pus organization this semester.
Such editorials can only assist
men like Sen. McCarthy and Sen.
Mundt in their attempt to des-
troy freedom. The LYL joins with
the American Civil Liberties
Union, the CIO, AFL, ADA, AVC,
NAACP and more than 30 national
organizations in asking citizens
to write to Sen. Lucas demanding
the defeat of the Mundt-Ferguson
thought-control measure
-Hy Bershad
Chairman, LYL
To the Eidtor:
HOORAY for Al Blumrosen! I
wish there were more like
Douglas McGregor around here.
I only disagree with Al (inform-
ally) in his first line of his arti-
cle appearing on page four of
Tuesday's Daily. His statement:
"Just about all the students who
read the report of Douglas Mc-
Gregor's speech in Friday's Daily
must have nodded their heads
and said, 'I've heard that before'."
I found more students saying, "I
just skimmed through it and it
seemed pretty good. What was it
about, anyway?"
With the exception of subjects
relating to the technical fields (for
which degrees are given), one of
the most well known idols of wor-
ship is the STATUS QUO. Yes,
even the students follow the same
old line. I recognize the fact that
there are a number of organiza-
tions on campus who show desires
for making changes, but this
seems to cover only a small per-
centage of students. Also -some
of these organizations try to rush
issues a bit.
I'm foin favor of starting the
SPCSARAWLA-the Society for

Proving College Students Are Res-
ponsible Adults When Left Alone.
The three main objections would
probably arise as follows: Regents
-We can't let them run wild,
ATIONS. Parents-But they are
just CHEELDREN. Some Stu-
dents-Suppose I get in trouble;
who can I turn to to get me out
of it? Yes, yes, and old Mother
Michigan keeps on rolling along.
Hooray for Al Blumrosen and
Douglas McGregor, anyway. I
hope they set the alarm clock for
more students and educators than
-Don E. Kory
A Proposal . *.
To the Editor:
W HEREAS Senator B r i d g e s
charges that Russia put ho-
mosexuals into our State Depart-
ment because she wants them
Whereas 91 homosexuals were
kicked out of the State Depart-
ment some time ago;
Whereas an unfriendly country,
like the Soviet Union, can be ex-
pected to provide beautiful ladies
to entertain our civil servants;
Whereas the Coplon-Gubitchev
case shows that even our female
employes are not safe from at-
Therefore be it resolved, that
our civil service be entirely made
up of eunuchs, who would not so
easily succumb to the philosophy
of Joseph Stalin. China's and
Turkey's top advisers were eu-
nuchs as recently as 40 years ago.
-John Neufeld
** *
New Criminology . .
To the Editor:
THE WONDERFUL spirit of co-
operation displayed by the
Office of Student Affairs in pre-
paring a list of under-age students
for the local police must not go
unpraised. Such willingness to aid
law enforcement agencies is far
too rare in our society. If only
more people had the courage to
ignore the label "stool pigeon",
the job of enforcing our laws
would be immeasurably easier.
And certainly the idea of list-
ing potential criminals is a com-
mendable one. For in this way,
the police will know just whom to
watch. I was so fascinated with
this new idea that I thought of
applying it to even broader fields
than liquor regulations.
Perhaps the Office of Student
Affairs could prepare other lists
of potential law breakers, such as
a list of people who can drive
(why should anyone who can't
drive steal a car?) a list of ac-
counting majors (it is a well
known fact that more account-
ants embezzle than any other so-
cial group), and perhaps a list of
ambidextrous students (lock pick-
ers are invariably ambidextrous).
This is only a beginning; the
job will only be completed when
the police have a list of potential
criminals for every law on the
books. Then these lists could be
coded with a code number for
each list. The next step is to iden-

Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15
p.m., Fri., Mar. 31, at the Ob-
servatory. Speaker: Dr. Bengt G.
Stromgren, Royal Observatory,
History 50, Midsemester exam-
ination: 2 p.m., Fri., Mar. 31. A-H,
Room B, Haven Hall; I-R, 25 An-
gell Hall; S-Z, 231 Angell Hall.
Biological Station: Application
for admission for the coming sum-
mer session should be in my of-
fice before Apr. 15, when all ap-
plications will be considered.
An announcement describing the
courses offered can be obtained
at the Office of the Summer Ses-
sion or from the Director. Appli-
cations should be made on forms
which can be secured at 1073 N.S.
from 1 to 5 p.m. Mon. through
A. H. Stockard, Director
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
will be Saturday noon, Apr. 8. A
course iay be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instruc-
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF
INCOMPLETES will be Saturday
noon, Apr. 8. Petitions for exten-
sion of time must be on fie in
the Secretary's Office on or before
Saturday noon, Apr. 8.
Law School Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the April 29,
1950 Law School Admission Test
are now available at 110 Rackham
Bldg. Application blanks are due
in Princeton, N.J., not later than
April 19.
Medical College Admission Test:
Application blanks for the May
13, 1950 Medical College Admission
Test are now available at 110
Rackham Bldg. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N.J., not later
than April 29.
Physical Education, Women Stu-
dents: Registration for the next
eight weeks' classes in physical
education for women will be held
in the fencing room, Barbour
Gymnasium, as follows:
Fri., Mar. 31: 7:30 a.m. to 12
noon, 1-4 p.m.
Sat., Apr. 1: 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all June candidates
who have not already taken it
on Fri., Mar. 31, 1437 U.E.S. This
is a requirement for the teacher's
Organ Recital. The final pro-
gram in the series of Sunday af-
ternoon recitals by Robert Noeh-
ren, University Organist, will be
played at 4:15 p.m., April 2, Hill
Auditorium. The All-Bach series,
presented in commemoration of
the anniversary of the composer's
death in 1750, will be closed with
the playing of Fantasia in C min-
or, Concerto No. 4 in C major,
Trio-Sonata No. 2 in C minor, Pre-
lude and Fugue in G major, two
Chorale Preludes, and Passacag-
lia and Fugue in C minor. The
public is invited.
Student Recital: Alan Squire,

graduate student in Music Educa-
tion, will be heard in a program
at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 30,
.Rackham Assembly Hall, given
in partial fulfillment of the Master
of Music degree. Compositions by
Aubert, Andre, Litaize, Bax and
Scubert. Open to the public. Mr.
Squire is a pupil of William Stub-
Events Today
Congregational - Disciples - Ev-
angelical and Reformed Lenten
Chapel service, 5 p.m., Guild
house chapel.
How to Meet Human Frontiers.
7:15 to 8:15 p.m. at the Guild
House, Congregational - Disciple -
Evangelical & Reformed Guild.
Wesley Foundation: 5:30 p.m.,
Kappa Phi Supper and Program.
Topic: Famous Men and Women
in Methodism.
Canterbury Club: 10:15 a.m.,
Holy Communion, 12:10 p.m., Len-
ten Lunch and meditation, 5:15
p.m., Evening Prayer and Medita-
Social Ethics Forum: 7:15 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Craft Shop will be open from
3-5 p.m., Lane all.
IZFA "kum-zitz," 8 p.m., Hillel
Freshman - Sophomore confer-
ence: 7:30 p.m., 2039 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Topic: "Recreation in
the Forest." All freshmen and so-
phomere foresters are expected to
Michigan Education Club: Open
meeting, 7:15 p.m., Rm. 3-A, Un-
ion. Dean J. B. Edmonson will
speak on "Why The University of
Michigan Is a Great University."
The Atom, Tool or Tyrant? Pan-
el on social and political aspects of
the Atomic Age. Speakers: Dean
Keniston, College of Literature,
Science & Arts; Prof. Newcomb
Depts. of Sociology and Psychol-
ogy; Dr. Efimenco, Dept. of Poli-
tical Science. Sponsored by A. V.
C. 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Men's Judiciary Council: Meet-
ing, 4 p.m., Union.
Student Science Society: 7:30
p.m., 1300 Chemistry. Lecture:
"Stone-Age Man." Prof. R. C. Hus-
sey, Geology Department. New
members bring eligibility cards.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Full
rehearsal for "Iolanthe," 7:15 p.m.,
Union. All members urged to be
present, because stage action will
be rehearsed.
(Continued on Page 5)
lAirlftgu Jaw & j










A brilliant, hard-hitting first act, a group
of first class songs and excellent chorus
and solo work made "Lace It Up" one of the
finest and funniest theatrical productions
seen here for a long time.
But the whole opening performance was
marred by what appeared to be first-night
jitters-the timing was off in many instan-
ces. The opera needs just a bit more polish,
which will surely come for its remaining per-
"Cupid's Aid Lingerie," a rousing, ribald
song and dance routine got the show un-
der way in fine style, and showed off the
Opera's singing and dancing choruses to
the best advantage.
The rapid pace of this opening was main-
tained throughout most of the first act,
with a series of excellent production num-
bers such as "Boogie-Woogie Trolley" and
"Bathing Beauties on Parade." Rating
praise in any league was the tuneful duet
"When a Boy Meets a Girl Like You," as
sung by hero Herb Wolfson and heroine
Jimmy Lobaugh.
George Boucher and Allen Jackson added
further glitter to Act I with a novelty rou-
tine called "Anna and the King of Siam."
And, of course, Al Wistert, Dick Kempthorn


tify each student so that one
could instantly determine what
lists he is on.
The method for solving the
identification problem was origi-
nally suggested by that brilliant
sociologist Hal Walsh. He advised
tatooing the upper lip of each
University student with the de-
sired information.
If only the Office of Student
Affairs would adopt this plan, it
would reduce the haphazard art
of crime" detection to a cold sci-
ence and we could enjoy a Uni-
versity free from crime.
-James P. Jans
Harold E. Stassen says Joe Sta-
lin looked about 10 years older
when he last saw him in 1947 than
in his recent official photograph.
Maybe the Generalissimo has
switched to bourbon.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
lLeon Jaroff.......... Managing Editot
Al Blumrosen .............City Editor
Philip Dawson......Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner............Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.......... Associate Editor
Wally Barth....... Photography Editor
Pres Holmes .........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin............Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goez....Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith...Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Clamage...............Librarian
Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dang.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Bob Daniels ..,...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Moma b 4 ThA dcn4eo d Pc



KING LEAR: by William Shakespeare,
produced by the speech department.
"KING LEAR," one of Shakespeare's four
great tragedies, is notoriously hard to
produce successfully. Replete with a gory
gouging of Gloucester's eyes, several on-stage
deaths accompanied by such remarks as "I
die!" and a childish old king for a hero, the
play in places is a test of any group's pro-
jecting powers and any audience's believing
John Sargent, as King Lear, rather tried
the audience's imagination in the opening
of the play by playing with too much ener-
gy the "four-score and more" king. But
improving with time, along with the whole
production, he met the challenge in Lear's
stormy mind-snapping, and achieved a
truly beautiful quietude and humility at


_ emero i ) F ssocaGU eac ress
The Chinese Communists, de- The Associated Press isexclusively
The hinee Cmmunstsde-entitled to the use for republication
termined to take advantage of all of all news dispatches credited to it or
the lot emstodern improvements, otherwise credited to this newspaper.
the at mstoernAll rights of republication of all other
are tearing down the Chinese wall matters herein are also reserved.
and substituting for it the Iron Entered at the Post Office at Ann
and ubsttutig fr itthe ronArbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Curtain. matter.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch Subscription during the regular school
-St.Loui Pos-Disatch year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $0.00.

. ;


IWhat's the matter withi Rarnabi? r1

IWhe*reai re ou a inn dearAre yu1

Ellen! The LIGHTS! And listen!

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