PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1550. PAGEFOU TTJSDA, MRCH 8,_ _( a American Interest' In Viet Nam SWINGING TEMPORARILY from West- ern Europe and Northern China, the fo- cus of international power politics has ap- parently now centered on Southeast Asia. Secretary of State Dean Acheson recently crystalized this rapidly developing problem with a curt warning to the Chinese Com- munists that any attempt at aggression against Southeast Asia "would violate the interests of the United States." But just where do these American "in- terests" lie and are they worth the risk of precipitating another world cataclysm? Apparently Mr. Acheson was speaking primarily of the French-controlled republic of Viet Nam (French Indo-China), located in the southeast corner of the Asiatic main- land. Both the United States and Britain are reportedly considering sending aid - both financial and military - to the little country which stands between the Chinese Communists and the rich mineral deposits of Malaya and Indonesia. But Viet Nam, itself, is already. deeply split internally. In the northern sector a strong Red force led by Communist Ho Chi Minh is battling with the forces of the pro- French Bao Dai government for control of the republic. On the surface then, it would seem that Mr. Acheson's American "interests" do in- clude financial support for the Bao Dai gov- ernment, which might serve as another block in the path of the rising tide of Commun- ism. Many observers have reported, how- ever, that the Bao Dai government is oppos- ed even by the anti-Communist citizens of Viet Nam - on the grounds that it is nothing more than a French puppet domi- nated by the French army stationed in the country and designed only to perpetuate France's Asiatic colonial interests. In an effort to rally the support of its critics and to throw off the bonds of French domination, the Bao Dai government two weeks ago appealed to the United States for aid directly - without French supervision. Paris officials, however, have insisted that all aid must be handled by themselves, claim- ing that the Bao Dai government is incap- able of administering an aid program. If the United States should give aid di- rectly to the Bao Dai government it could quite possibly instill a feeling of loyalty to the Western world in the minds of the anti-Communist Viet Nam peoples and would substantially extend the Truman program of aid to the underdeveloped areas of the world. If, however, the aid is given to Paris officials to administer as they choose, it will only perpetuate a decadent and collapsing French colonial empire. Certainly the Amer- ican "interests" of which Mr. Acheson speaks do not include the perpetuation of such a colonial system designed to subjtgate dependent countries in the interests of a greedy mother country. -Jim Brown ON THE Washington Merry-Gto -Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-A few bored Senators sat on the floor yawning. Afternoon had dragged on to night. Still the debate on the middle income housing bill went on, With the air of a man completely fed up, Charles Tobey, the statesmanlike New Hampshire . Republican, arose and said tartly: "When will we grow up? Senators rise to speak on this important matter, but no one hears them. Words fall on the vacant air. They place things in the re- cord, in the vain hope other senators may read them. Could there be anything more ridiculous than the procedure policy of the Senate?" Looking about him sorrowfully, Tobey con- tinued: "We must change the rules so words of wisdom and pure gold, when, as and if they flow from lips of senators, will fall on fertile ground and not on arid soil." Sadly the Senator from New Hampshire walked off the floor. * *. * REACTIONS TO THE VOICE AMERICAN DIPLOMATS bring home word that the Voice of America is definitely, though slowly, penetrating the Iron Curtain. Part of its news is passed around by word of mouth, since few people have radios. However, here are a few letters sent to the U.S. in answer to the Voice: Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JANET WATTS A GROUP OF RUSSIANS: "Everyone to whom freedom is dear listens to your broad- casts. When we left home (they had been sent to a concentration camp), we gave our word to send regards to the free voice of America. It is only after great hardship this opportunity offered itself to smuggle out this letter. "We ask you to broadcast that Andrei Vishinsky deceives the world when he says Soviet listeners are indignant at your broad- casts. Quite the contrary. Make every ef- fort to overcome the jamming. We listen." A RUMANIAN: "At least 90 per cent of radio owners have found your frequencies and spread the news to those who cannot listen. Systematic jamming in the times of the Germans and now the danger from the new masters discourage no one." A GERMAN (just returned from four years as a prisoner in Russia): "I built a large transmitter in the camp and operated it. I was often called out of bed at night to tune in Western stations for the Russian officers. Even the highest chiefs of police ex- pressed their joy withzout reticence when they heard America or London. Despite all jamming, the broadcasts are heard with the greatest enthusiasm." The letters also show a strong skepti- cism of Soviet propaganda about the U.S.A. One Iron Curtain listener wrote: "Is it true that a capitalist who has in- vestments in five different states can vote five times in the same election? This was used in school to explain the defeat of the Communists in the elections in the U.S.A." (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) The City Editor's- SCRATCH 'PAD By AL BLUMROSEN Just about all the students who read the report of Douglas McGregor's speech in Friday's Daily must have nodded their heads and said "I've heard that before." And they have. President McGregor stated expeatly just what every student who has gotten involved with the University Admin- istration, has had in mind at one time or another. He accused our educational sys- tem of being 'authoritaian. This University is a good example of what he was talking about. He asked the same question that we have been asking for years: "If democracy is a workable way of life, when are we going to provide young people with the opportunity to learn that way of life and how to assume personal responsibility for their behavior?" This is a good question, and the Admin- istration thus has failed to give a satis- factory answer. In rare instances, such as with The Daily, the University has let students go ahead on their own, but generally, any power given to students to determine their own way of living has grudgingly slipped from University hands. This is not to say that there are no Ad- ministrators who realize that an educa- tion is far more than what you get out of books, is really learning how to live and developing your total personal capacities. Many of them do, but as one said last year, there is a lot of inertia around here and any step forward must come very slowly. * * * here is no point in quibbling about ex- act fields where organizations like the Student Legislature should be allowed to operate. That can be worked out. The main thing I object to is the attitude that, This is big place, and its job is to get people through with a minimum of trouble so that they get their degree and every- body is happy. Well, everybody isn't happy. Every year the University issues a batch of diplomas to people who have spent four years here without ever having a chance to find out what they are capable of, without knowing how well they can fit into an active organization, The obvious answer to this is that stu- dents should prove themselves capable of accepting responsibility before it is given them. This is a nice tail-chasing way of getting out of a lot of difficulties. How can students "prove themselves capable" unless the responsibility is thrust on them. And unless the University plunges in and throws this responsibility out saying, "Here it is, we will help you if necessary but it's yours," they are falling down badly on their job. *a *x * Another aspect of this tail chasing regard- ing the SL comes up when officials say that the student government does not repre- sent the camoys when only 7,000 students vote in elections. This is just another example of cir- cular reasoning, although more subtle. As far as most of the students on cam- pus are concerned, the SL doesn't mean a thing; it is another student activity and that's all. And they are just about right. They are right because very few people will go out of their way to show interest or vote for some group which will have little influence on ther lives. It is only when the organization becomes important, begins to affect the way they live, that students will vote. But one administrative view insists on putting the cart before the horse every time. Students who find responsibility thrown upon them will find leadership and group harmony to do the job. They will make mistakes, but it is better to make mistakes in college, than in later life where a job or a future may depend upon it. After all, and this is a point over- looked by too many people, the Univer- sity is here for the students, not the students for the University. I do not think that this editorial, nor President McGregor's speech, will have much effect on people who are doing a big job the way they see it. Any change of attitude would entail tre- mendous effort on their part. But until they accept this responsibility and try to ful- fill their purpose here, they are depriving many students of the chance to learn leader- ship and responsibility that should be a part of college life. Musings on Royalty IT ILL BEFITS a newspaper in the heart of America to have strong feelings for or against the return of King Leopold III to the Belgian throne. Nevertheless, we do ask, what is the point of a king in a modern' democracy? There is only one answer: to serve as a symbol of national unity. Fifty-eight per cent of the Belgian voters want Leopold to come back; forty-two per cent don't. A majority of the Flemings are pro; a majority of the Walloons are con. Over the issue the Belgian government fell. East Pole - West Pole Expedition ours, .% -AR- /ett&e' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publiciation at the discretion of the editors. !' r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Sullenberger Case ... . To the Editor: CONGRATULATIONS, Mir. Edi- tor, on the insight which you show in printing the letter which you have mistakenly entitled "Sullenberger Acquittal." The let- ter demonstrates quite effectively to what ends individuals who give lip service to the fight against discrimination will go to under- mine the efforts of those who can onlybe accused of indiscretion in their tactics. For my part, giv- en a choice, I find it easier to ac- cept the motives of these so-call- ed "twisted, bitter minds" than I do the motives of these characters who have the gall to generalize to the extent that they hold that all these individuals who actively participate in the fight against discrimination are only trying to "compensate for their 'probably well-founded' feelings of inferi- ority." Take off your masks of self-righteousness and ignorance Mr. Russell and Mr. Summers - step to the mirror and look at yourself. What do you see? To a degree, we are all preju- diced against the Negro - you gentlemen included - because it takes intellectual honesty and courage to unlearn the false as- sumptions upon which our preju- dice is based. I quite agree that it would be wise to try to forget the Sullen- berger Case. Dr. Sullenberger has been acquitted in a court of law. If he DID commit an assault he has not been acquitted in a court of conscience. If he, is guilty of racial discrimination, is he any more guilty than the rest of us? We recognize that discrimination against the Negro exists and we know that there is no logical basis for such discrimination and yet many of us rationalize our posi- tions by criticising the honesty and sincerity of ALL who do not sit back and wait passively for the Negro race to acquire the re- spect which it deserves under God's law of equality among men. May I suggest that we set up a reading room on campus in which a collection of books and mater- ials could be kept where each of us who is interested could go to read and study rationally the ram- ifications of this problem of ra- cial and religious discrimination? -Paul H. Graffius * * * Sunday Dream . . To the Editor: LAST SUNDAY in my midnight rest, I slept and had a dream In which my soul was sore oppressed Whilst tears my eyes made dim; And dreamt about the little birds, Oft rapted and enslaved And forced to tennant ironguards, In vulgar language-caged. ** * Sight cannot see, nor hearing hear The outpourings of woe From of these creatures of this air: That they are treated so; Their muffled sorrows are too high For human beings to know. Were birds not made by God to fly And men to walk below? . * * No one would like to be enslaved However fair the chains. True Liberty is heart-engraved In all with blood-filled veins. All living creatures on this Sphere Have equal claims to live! Why some should live in constant fear E'en God may not conceive! Which one of us would like his child To be in such a plight, To be enslaved, however styled, From home, by wit or might? Treat all as you would treat yourself, Both man, and bird and beast. For none can measure wordly pelf With Freedom, in the least. -Edward Mackay * * 'I, Quad Life . To the Editor: THE MOST common criticism one hears on life in the resi- dence halls is that the student los- es his individualism and becomes merely "a number on a dormi- tory door". This is due, it is further asserted,hto the large num- ber of students living in the houses or the quadran e. This may be partially true, however I feel that the progenitors of this argument have not completely investigated and analyzed the situation. The difficulty that is encountered within the halls is one which is inherent in almost every campus activity and organization today. It is of course student apathy. We in residence hall government are trying to break down this apathy in the residence halls by concen- trating on the smaller unit, the floor, a group of about 50 men. Such things as individual floor representation and informal floor meetings with sandwiches and coke are just coming into the fore. We are trying to establish, what might be called an "esprit de house", a spirit which will encour- age the residents to partake to a greater extent in the abundant ac- tivities that are found in the house and quadrangle. These activities are plentiful and diversified. The great variety of activities is due to a large ex- tent, to the great number of in- terests that can be found in larg- er groups. Some of the activities and projects that "Johnny East Quadder" can participate in are, a camera club, a radio station WEQN which broadcasts through- out the quad, 3 literary groups which include creative writing, newspaper work and evaluation of the great classics, a music ap- preciation group, a choral group conducted and accompanied by students, language tables, 2 big annual dances, one of which util- izes all four dining rooms, an ex- tensive intramural sports program as presented by the I.M. staff, sports dinner, honors dinner, house government, quad government, debates, and Sunday Musicales.. . In smmary, in the house and quadrangles one may find many activities and projects, some of which are only possible in organ- izations with large membership. (Continued from Page 3)- Hill Auditorium, will be devoted to compositions by Bach. Both are open to the public without charge. Student Recital: Mary Margaret Poole, pianist, will present a pro- gram at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Mar. 29, Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Com- positions by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and Brahms. Open to the public. Miss Poole is a pupil of John Kollen. Student Recital: Larry Owen, student of violin with Gilbert Ross, will play, a recital at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28, Rackham Assembly Hall, .as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Compositions by Vivaldi, Chausson, Bach, and Pro- kofieff. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Second Annual Student Arts Festival Exhibit and Objects from the Museum Collections, thru Apr. 16; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Christian Science Organization: Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Craft Shop will be open from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Lane Hall. Canterbury Club: 5:15 p.m., Eve- ning Prayer and Meditation. 7:30 p.m., Seminar on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. N.S.A. Comiittee of S.L.: Meet- ing, 4 p.m., Union. Committee re- ports. Electrical Engineering Research and Journal Discussion Group: 4 pm., 3072 E. Engineering. Mr. Rob- ert W.nOlthuis will discuss "An Electronic Coupler." No one is coerced into participat- ing in these projects. The men are free to chose their own friends from a large heterogeneous group. Along with these many opportun- ities that the house and quads af- ford, they do not offer discrimi- nation, selective grouping, or an atmosphere conducive to creating an "air of superiority" on a racial or religious plane. The residence halls are therefore, fulfilling to a great extent their function as "a corollary to formal education." -Ray Litt, President, East Quad Council * * * Mundi-Ferguson Bill.. . To the Editor: EVERY YEAR just about this time the U.S. Congress, that patriotic defender of American freedom, conducts its annual hysteria drive. This year the boys are in exceptionally good form. In the Senate we have Sen. Mc- Carthy from Wisconsin who is carrying the ball against the sub- versives in the finest tradition of Thomas, Rankin, Mundt, Fergu- son,Nixon, Gerald L.K. Smith and Goebbels. In addition special considera- tion must be given to our own Sen. -Ferguson. His contribution this year is the Mundt-Ferguson Bill. This bill, although defeated twice before by Communist domi- nated people, was reported out of Committee by a vote of 12 to 1. Under this law it will be very dif- ficult for subversives to escape attention because organizations are judged as Communist and Communist front by the following considerations: (1) the extent to which the organization's "views and policies do not deviate from those of such foreign government" (USSR) or any Communist or- ganization, (2) if it "fails to dis- close" its membership, or its "meetings are secret." This covers just about everybody except the Senate. The bill sets up a "Subversive Activities Control Board" which does the investigating and pre- pares the lists. Sen. McCarthy should undoubtedly be a member of this board, if the law is passed. In order to expidite matters I have prepared a list of organiza- tions, individuals and churches which will make the grade, and for lack of a better title have called it "The American People." The bill should be on the floor of the Senate any minute now. Please don't mention this fact to anybody, because then a lot of subversive people would write letters to their senators and com- plain about it. ,-Al Lippitt. Graduate History Club: Meet- ing, 8 p.m., 1007 Angell Hall. Elec- tions. All history grads and faculty invited. Graduate Student Council: Meet- ing, 7 p.m., Rackham Bldg. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Rehearsal of full chorus of "Iolan- the," 7:15 p.m., League. Prompt- ness is urged because rehearsal must be dismissed at 8:10, due to Choir Concert. Alpha Phi Omega: Pledge meet- ing, 7 p.m., Rm. 3K, Union. Political Science Graduate Round Table: 7:30 p.m., Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Topic: "What's Cooking in China?" Pi Sigma Alpha, national politi- cal science honor fraternity: Mem- bership meeting, East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg.. following the Graduate Roundtable sched- uled to begin at 7:30. National membership dues due. Wolverine Club: Meeting, Un- ion Rms. 3K and L. All members 'attend, coeds invited. Square Dance Group will meet at Lane Hall 7 to 10 on Tuesday. Chess Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. New members always wel- come. Inter-Racial Association: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m. Agenda: Discrim- ination in housing, FEPC, and election of officers. Coming Events Employment Interview: . Mr. Frank Coe, of Chance Vought Aircraft, Dallas, Texas, will be in 1521 E. Engineering on Thurs. and Fri., Mar. 30 and 31 to interview Mechanical or Aeronautical engi- neers who will graduate this spring.eAdditional information and interview schedule on the Aero bulletin board. Application blanks in 1079 E. Engineering. Canterbury Club: 7:15 a.m., Wed., Mar. 29, Holy Communion followed by Student Breakfast. University Flying Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Mar. 29, 1042 E. Engine Bldg. Interested people welcome. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting, Wed., 7:30 p.m., 1035 Angell Hall. Mov- ies, and final plans for Aspen Trip. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regu- lar rehearsal, 7 p.m., Wed., Rm. B, HH. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet- ing, 12:15 p.m., Wed., Mar. 29, 2054 Natural Science. (Continued on Page 6) I , A A Ik, { . JI .. I & . C R EINlT AEO I ' At The Michigan .,.. YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN, with Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall, and Doris Day. F YOU LIKE a sweet trumpet, you should like this film. If you like Kirk Douglas, you may like it. But if you're expecting a top-drawer production, you'll be disappoint- ed. Essentially, what the film is trying to do is transplant "The Champion" from fight ring to band-stand. Douglas is again the simple young lad with great ability who is led astray by a woman. Unfortun- ately, the plot and the supporting cast is nowhere near the standards of the earlierh film. Also, the producers are trying to make too much of a good thing. This fact, coupled with artificiality of the happy ending and a bad mis-casting of Lauren Bacall as a mis- fit medical student, go a long way toward making the film hum-drum. Along with the above faults, the bushwah the various char- acters dish out as artistic theory is not only low romantic drivel,. but furthermore is in- compatible with the facts. Douglas is supposed to be a simple, yet highly skilled and artistic trumpet player, who has no language aside from the music he plays. The music turns out to be ele- mentary variation on well-known songs, with a few prosaic jazz numbers thrown in. As for dialogue which points up the At The State .. . SWORD IN THE DESERT, with Dana Andrews, Marta Toren, Stephen McNally. THE SUBJECT of this film (the under- ground work of the Jews against the British in Palestine) is important enough to be treated as something more than guerrilla romance. I think the producers of the film realized the contemporary urgency of na- tionals who want their own sovereignity, but lacking either the ability to construct a mature drama or fearing reprisals from Jew- ish or English spokesmen, they brought forth a piece that ended up half-way between drama and melodrama. (In essence, drama vocalizes that which is important; and in melodrama, the action itself and not the comment is of chief interest.) Lacking a true plot line, the film dean with the illegal entrance of Jewish refu- gees into Palestine, and just how the Jew- ish and English communities reacted to them. To get melodramatic interest into the' situation, the American sea captain who runs the blockade understandably enough for money, becomes enmeshed with the Jewish patriot group and eventually takes-for rea- sons the film attempted but failed to show -the Jewish side. In order to show that the Palestine struggle was futile, and that men are bro- thers, the captain's hard-headedness and the group's militant idealism are made to clash in tricked-up plot that shows through in many places. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Edito! Al Blumrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George Waiker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil..........Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goeiz...Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Alian Clamage..............Librarian Joyce Clark ......... Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jin Dangl........Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $8.00. -4 r: n. k BARNABY You'll have to decide, Mom. But don't forget how my Fairy Godfather looks afeme a d,,e m af 4fro'uhla- If you vote for the Pixies they'll go back to work- But my Fairy Godfather You mean we can have heat and light and things and get rid of your Fairy b Arn7 I II I i i