'AMERICAN INTEREST' IN VIET NAM See Page 4 A6F A6P ifitr t, an -1 9 xi1 RAIN, COLDER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1950 SIX PAC U U.S. Defenses Called 'Safe' By Johnson President Asks Jessup To Stay KEY WEST, FLA.-('P)-Secre- tary of Defense Johnson declared yesterday the nation's defenses are adequate despite Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning they are below the safety point. Johnson made the statement af- ter a two and a half hour con- ference with President Truman in his vacation White House at the naval base here. * * * THE President himself, in a brief statement, announced that Philip C. Jessup has been persuad- ed to remain as ambassador-at- large. Jessup has been under fire from Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) in the senator's drive against alleged Communists in the State Department. Eisenhower, as President of Columbia University, has agreed to extend Jessup's leave of ab- sence from the University to permit him to continue his role as the State Department's chief "trouble shooter." In a press conference after his talk with the President, Johnson announced that Stephen T. Early has been given an indefinite ex- tension of his leave from the Pull- man Company to permit him to continue as $24,000-a-year deputy Secretary of Defense. He had been slated to step out on May 2. * * * JOHNSON, queried about Eisen- hower's N'ew York speech last week on the adequacy of the coun- try's military program, declared: "I think that the nation's de- fenses, as 'worked out in the budget, are sufficient unto the needs of the moment." Johnson flew here from Wash- ington-at the President's re- quest-for a conference preside;i- tial Secretary Charles G. Ross said covered North Atlantic defense as well as vacancies in vital defense posts at Washington. SAC To Vote Today On SL Calendar Plan The fate of Student Legisla- ture's new plan for the calendar- ing of student-sponsored events will be determined by the Student Affairs Committee at 4 p. m. to- day. The SAC will review the calen- daring plan, finally drafted by SL Monday night, and will probably vote to accept or rejct the propo- sal this afternoon, according to SL president Quent Nesbitt, '50BAd. * * * * IF THE SAC members accept the Legislature's plan, all student organizations seeking to sponsor special events would submit their requests to the SL calendar com- mittee, shelving the present sys- tem of direct petition to the SAC. The calendar committee would then judge each event on the' basis of the SL criteria which will be considered by the SAC. These criteria include tradition, benefits to students, financial position of sponsoring organiza- tion and the number of people effected by the event. To establish a working relation- ship of power between the SL cal- endar committee and the SAC, the Legislature proposal stipulates that the calendar committee deny the holding of an event only on the basis of the sponsoring group's financial stability. The SAC would then approve the calendar committee's recom- mendations-except on appeal by an organization "which feels it- self wronged by the calendar com- mittee's action." SL Candidates To Assemble Student Legislature's citizen- ship committee will hold a meet- ing for all SL candidates in the Dennis Decision Upheld By Court WASHINGTON-(A)-The Supreme Court yesterday upheld the contempt of Congress conviction of Eugene Dennis, U. S. Communist Party secretary. It rejected his argument that he did not have a fair trial because the jury included seven government employes. Dennis was convicted of contempt for refusing to appear before the House Un-American Activities three years ago. He was sentenced to serve a year in prison and pay a $1,000 fine. . * * *- DENNIS ALSO is under sentence of five years and $10,000 fine on conviction of conspiracy to overthrow the government. He was tried with ten other Communist leaders in New York last year and has appealed. The New York case has no connection with yesterday's Supreme ,> Court decision. Storms Hit Portions of US.,_10 li~e', KANSAS CITY-(P) -Violent winds, kicking up dust in the mid- west and reaching tornadic pro- portions in the South, caused at least ten deaths over the week- end and left heavy property and soil damage. Tornadoes struck at the Little Rock, Ark. area and at Paden, Miss. A small twister also was re- ported at Ellsinore, Mo. NO ONE was killed in the tor- nadoes but dust storms in Kansas, Texas and Nebraska caused eight traffic deaths Two young bro- thers, Phillip Bell, 9, and Kenneth,1 7, were killed in Kansas City by aI tree, blown over during the storm. The Baptist Church at Paden was blown away by a tornado there yesterday and the Court- house was among 12 to 15 buildings badly damaged. Three persons were reported in.jured at the midway community, 15 miles from Paden. As winds diminishedminKansas, wheat growers began sizing up the damage. The crop does not appearI to be hurt, as much as first re- ported, but thousands of acres ofc rich topsoil was blown away. Topsoil loss was heaviest in Kansas, Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle. High winds also swept .New Mexico and Nebraska. Snow fell this morning at Pam- pa in the Texas Panhandle but the weather bureau reported it was local. Skies cleared over most of plains states yesterday but wind still continued at some points, whipping up local dust storms. AIM Declaresr ElectionPoliey In a statement of policy, Asso- ciation of Independent Men last night voted to support representa- tive voting-as distinguished from bloc voting-among independent men in the forthcoming Student Legislature elections. President Marvin Failer also announced appointment of Ralph Greenwood as new AIM treasurer. He also selected two new commit- tee heads-Ned Belcher, Inter- residence Halls and Arthur Fleet- wood,\Campus Action Committee. Independent students not serv- ing on AIM Council, who wish to take part in committee work, were urged by Failer to apply from 4 to1 5 p.m. any weekday at the AIM office, Rm. 3C of the Union. ! The Court's review of the con- tempt appeal was limited to the question whether- government workers could properly serve on! the jury which tried him. * * IT RULED they could, splitting five to two. In the majority were Justice Minton, who wrote the Court's opinion, Chief Justice Vin- son, and Justices Reed, Jackson and Burton. Justice Black wrote a sharp dissent in which he spoke of the "prevailing pattern of loyalty investigations and threatened purges" in which federal work- ers live. Justice Frankfurter also wrote a dissent. Justices Douglas and Clark, who was Attorney General when Den- ris was prosecuted, took no part in the case. MINTON SAID for the major- ity that Dennis had failed to show that any of the seven federal workers who sat as jurors at his trial had any actual bias against him. He continued: "Vague conjecture does not convince that government em- ployes are so intimidated that they cringe before their govern- ment in fear of investigation and loss of employment if they do their duty as .jurors, which duty this same government has upon them." When the Court ruled 5 to 4 ifn 1948 that federal workers are not; barred from federal juries here unless actual bias exists, Jackson dissented. World News Roundup By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS-Soviet dele- gates verbally attacked Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt twice yes- terday and walked out of two more United Nations Commissions af- ter failing to oust nationalist China's representatives. This boosted to 17 the total of U.N. or- gaps hit by Soviet boycotts. WASHINGTON - Republican policy makers in the House de- cided yesterday to press for a re- duction in the $3,372,450,000 for- eign aid bill now under debate. The Senate refused yesterday to accept House changes in a Science Foundation Bill, send-I ing it to a Senate-House con- ference committee. The House wrote in an amendment requir- ing the FBI to pass on the loy- alty of persons employed by the proposed foundation or given scholarships by it. * * * TOKYO - General MacArthur yesterday spared the lives of six Japanese war criminals sentenced: to death for the murder of three American fliers. Seven others maya be executed Friday. - _ YR Leaders Call Confab 'Successful' Contrast Big Ten, Local Platforms The Big Ten Young Republican Conference held here last week- end was called an "outstanding success" yesterday by leaders of the University Young Republican1 Club. "As the first event of its kind attempted by either party, the Conference was a vital step for-' ward in setting precedence," Dave Belin, chairman of the Confer- ence, declared. HE SAID the two-day conven- tion would have a definite effect in arousing the national party to take a more active interest in college YR clubs. "The Conference has also en- couraged delegates from key schools in the midwest to aid in organizing Young Republi- can Clubs in other midwestern schools," he added. About 90 percent of the origin- al "Opportunity State" platform was accepted by the Conference, Belin estimated. * * * "THE Michigan platform is the better platform because we didn't have to compromise, but the Con- ference platform will naturally have more prestige," he said. Howard Johnson, president of theYR's, said he preferred the Michigan platform because it is "more liberal." "The Conference platform is conservative by omission, but it was in many points more definite than our own," he added. "Work done by the Conference on the platform was based on a positive approach to policy," ac- cording to Howard Hartzell, chair-: man of the platform committee and originator of the "Opportun- ity State" platform. HE EXPRESSED satisfaction with the platforms turned out on civil rights, labor, foreign affairs and taxation. But, he continued, "the agricultural plank needs more clarification." "On welfare I regret that the time element caused the Con- ference to pigeon-hole the medi- cal problem and federal aid to education," he added. The three leaders expressed the feeling that the conference "has served to draw the Young Repub- lican Club together all the more to make it push for even bigger things."{ Johnson emphasized that al- though the Michigan delegation was divided on technical points and new proposals arising from the floor, it was united on liberal issues and especially on all planks based on the original "Opportun- ity State" platform. SL Approves Training Plan For Leaders A new experimental "Student Leadership Training Program" was approved by the Student Le- gislature Cabinet yesterday and will be submitted to the entire Legislature for lapproval next Wednesday. The program, arranged by Le- gislator Tom Walsh, '51L, is de- signed to offer students prytical training in meeting leadershipt problems which arise in campus organizations. * * * IT WILL be chaired by two student "cooperators" - Jerry Aile, Grad., and Vic Schneider, Grad. If SL approves the program next Wednesday, all of the Le- gislators interested in taking the course will be asked to submit petitions to the Cabinet that night. The Cabinet will later select 15 SL members to parti- cipate in the program. Explaining that the course will have to be limited to a maximum of 15 students for an effective working group, Schneider said that the initial program will be restricted to SL members, since it will be merely a pilot course for a larger program next year." "ALL *PARTICIPANT in the Bridges H as MVaster Spy O Safari A wild muskrat outsmarted seven West Quad "hunters" Sunday night for twenty min- utes before it was finally cap- tured. The furry intruder held his ground in the window well of Adams House recreation room until a careful strategem was devised by Dale "bring 'em back alive" Clark, '52, to ferret out the animal. 55 Says Russu Named MADAME MINER-Ted Cerankoski fingers some coal as his wife Naomi, does some figuring at the couple's coal mine near Barnes- boro, Pa. Mrs. Cerankoski, 28, operates the tipple, loads trucks and even delivers coal while hubby does the digging. STATE APPROPRIATIONS: 'U' Student Athletic Fee Boost To Meet Problems in Budget A proposed hike in the student athletic fee appeared today to face a stretch of heavy weather ahead a's an appropriations storm front continued to pile up in the State Legislature. Directly at stake in the power- ful cross currents and thunder- clouds of the Lansing election- year storm scene is the Univer- sity's operating request of $13,- 870,000 for the 1950-51 fiscal year. * * * BUT THE determination of the GOP-dominated Legislature to U.S. Success Blocks Cited By Litchfield The United States can not hope to meet Russia adequately in Eur- ope unless she roots out absolutist elements in such conquered na- tions as Germany, Prof. Edward H. Litchfield declared last night at a meeting of the Michigan Chap- ter of the Society of Public Ad- ministration. Admitting that the American philosophy denies supression of even absolutists, Prof. Litchfield, however, noted that only by im- planting our culture on the lands in which we hope to develop a democracy can there be any possi- bility of success. THE FORMER head of the Civil Affairs Division of Gen Clay's Military Government in Germany pointed out that from this stand- point we have failed in our occu- pation of Germany and Japan. Ie cited Gen. Clay as a man possessing the desire to allow all factions of the public to ex- press themselves to the point of not squelching elements danger- ous to the American cause. Prof. Litchfield will speak on the "East-West Conflict in Ger- many" again at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. balance the state, budget with existing revenue may affect the plea of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics for an in- crease in the present seven dollar annual student athletic fee. In their annual report to the regents, the board declared that additional revenues from the student fee were necessary to finance the Athletic Depart- ment's long-proposed $6,000,- 000 building program. High University administrative officials declined to comment on the chances for a boost in the student fee. PROVOST James P. Adams confined himself to saying that the Regents will consider the re- quest at a future meeting. A similar request for additional revenue for the Athletic Depart- ment was made last year but nothing came of it. Further complicating the scene this year is the budget battle being waged in Lansing. An economy-minded Republi- can majority in the Legislature has announced its intention of holding next year's operating ex- penditures within the 1950-51 revenue estimate of $235,000,000. In his budget message to the Legislature, Gov. Williams has al- ready pruned the University op- erating request by $1,370,000, and more axe-wielding may be forth- oming. * * * A SLASH in State jappropria- tions always brings up the pros- pect of a tuition hike. This is what happened last spring when the University announced its third tuition hike in three years as a result of what was termed "inadequate" appropriations. All this adds up to trouble for the Athletic Department. For, faced with a possible cut in State appropriaitons, the University would probably balk at allocating any more of the current tuition to the athletic fee, and a tuition jump to provide more funds for the Athletic Department would seem an ,equally remote possibil- ity. To Phoenix Committees A total of 55 students were named to the nine student drive working committees of the Michi- gan Memorial-Phoenix Project, LaVerne Schmitkons, '51, chair- man of the personnel committee announced yesterday. The appointments were made by the student Executive Committee from a total of more than 200 who petitioned for committee seats. * * * THREE MEMBERS of the Stu- dent Executive Committee did the interviewing for the positions. A meeting of the appointed students will be held 4 p.m. Thursday in the Rackham Am- phitheatre, Mary Lubeck, '51, chairman of the student drive, announced yesterday. Students appointed: Speakers Committee: Marth Bryant, '51, Robert Matusoff, '51, Patricia McLean, '51, Mary Helen King, '51, Robert Powers, '50BAd. * * * PERSONNEL Committee: Dan Burlingame, Beverly Clarke, '52, Herbert Kravitz, Gordon Lindland, Nancy Upjohn, '53. Publicity: Nancy Bylan, '51, John Davies, '51, Joseph Ep- stein,, '52, Leonard Newland, '52, Wendy Owen, '51, Jane Peter- son, '52A&D. Fe a t u r e s Committee: Pat Adams, '51BAd, Robert Atkins, Raffee Johns, '51, Valerie Lem- per, '51, Philip Reicher, Justine Votypka. FRATERNITIES Drives Com- mittee: John Banzhaf, '51BAd, William DesJardins, '50E, Joseph Hirschhorn, '51, David Lauer, Stephen Marzo, Ralph Stribe, '52, Robert Vedder, '52. Men's Dorms Drives Commit- tee: Robert Baker, '52, George Boucher, '51, Eugene Coleman, '51, Doug Cutler, '52, Richard Gorman, '51E, Seymour Man- dell, '53A&D, Harlan Pergande, '52, Jerome Sluggett, '52, Charles Volk, '52. Sororities Drives Committee: Sue Dwan, '52, Judy Harger, '51, Sally Hughes (Gresham), '52A&D, Tulane Itkoff, '52, Geraldine Ma- raulo, '52. * ** * WOMEN'S Dorms Drives Com- mittee: Carry Higley, '52, Ann Koncar, '52, Joan Mintzer, '52, Marceline Vetter, '51, Joyce Simon, '51, Christine Linderman, '51, Martha Tomkins, '52. Other City Students Drives Committee: Sanford Cain, 52, Marilyn Dreher, '51, John Hall, '52, Mary Peterson, '52, Sara Jane Stephenson, '51. Chairman of the nine working committees were appointed late last semester. "There will be positions open for many more students on the Phoenix Project later in the sem- ester and next fall," Lubeck said. Hre Attack Opens Campaign T Get Ach son Truman Defends Top Cabinet Man WASHINGTON-(RP) - Sena- tor Bridges (R-NH) charged yes- terday that Russia has planted a "master spy" in the American gov- eriment -who is "using our State Department as he wills." He said homosexuals and sub- versive agents had been put in the State Department "because Rus- sia wanted them there." * * * "HOW DID Stalin manage it?" Bridges asked the Senate. "Stalin is no superman. Stalin had help. Unless and until we find that master spy-we cannot hope to deal with Stalin on an equal basis." Making no attempt to idel- tify the "master spy," Bridges reeled off a series of questions about state department opera- tions and demanded that a sen- ate investigating committee call Secretary of State Acheson o- answer them. Bridges' attack on the Depart- ment apparently was the open- ing gun in a new campaign of sev- eral senate Republicans to get Acheson. Bridges said Saturday that a parade of them would be "going after" the Secretary -for weeks. * * * The NEW HAMPSHIRE Senator struck out at the State Depart- ment in a Senate speech after FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover had warned Congress that disclosure of the FBI's secret files in the Senate's State. Department inves- tigation would cripple the agency and "smear" innocent persons. A White House source reported late last night that President Truman has decided to deny loy- alty files of state department em- ployes to a Senate committee hunting Communists and spies. Meanwhile, President Tru- man, on vacation in Key West, Fla., r a I1 i e d administration forces for an all-out defense of Acheson. Aides of the President said Mr. Truman is backing Acheson "to the limit" and is looking to his congressional leaders to stand by him in the face of the new GOP attack. In his senate speech, Bridges de- manded that a Senate committee which has been probing Republi- 'can Senator McCarthy's charges of Reds in the State Department 'go and find'out who is and who has been wrecking the- United States' efforts for world peace through manipulation of spies in our State Department." * * * "WE CAN NOT escape our ob- ligation," Bridges said. "We must find the master spy, the servant of Russia who moves the puppets, Hiss and Wadleigh and others, in and out of office in this Capital of the United States, using them and using our State Department as he wills." Rea Watkins In'U'Hospital Two University officials. Wal-- ter B. Rea, associate dean of stu- dents, and Herbert G. Watkins, secretary of the University, are patients in University hospital. Watkins has been under obser- vation for seven days and is ex- pected to be released sometime this week. Dean Rea underwent an opera- tion to relieve calcifications that APRIL SHOWERS: Local Monsoon Season To Bring 12 Days Rain Button up your overcoat, itI looks like rain-for the month of April at least According to statistics obtained from the Willow Run Weather Bureau, 12 of April's 30 days will bring us the watery stuff Ann Ar- bor's monsoon season annually features BUT EVEN this formidable fore- dirt roads into virtual quag- mires, and caused the closing of four of the area's schools. The Automobile Club of Michi- gan warned that practically all downstate unpaved roads are im- passible. * * * WITH STREAMS throughout the state at flood stage or rising to that, pint, the Tittabawasee Riv- TONSORIAL TRICKERY OF 1901: FreshmeFled 'Scalping' Hars By JIM BROWN But by 1901 it had become soI the onslaught of the mother of a