HA LX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1950 :IBSON GIRL MAY MAKE COMEBACK: ld Styles Loom as Harbingers of '60 Trend 4-* * * * * * Simplicity To Be Keynote Of Hair Styles This Season REFLECTIONS of Sprinq ,k }Y By JANICE JAMES Members of the current fashion world seem to be predicting a backward trend to the styles of yesteryear. If this proves to be the case, nany a mind will soon commence o ponder the problem as to just what decade each succeeding fem- nine generation will select for re- petition in its wardrobe. * * * PERHAPS THE WOMEN of the L960's will choose to sport the floor ength skirts popular at the be- ginning of the current century. Modesty seemed to reign then what with the tresses of hair which each woman sported wound up in either braids or buns. To complete the fashionable Gibson girl outfit, blouses fea- turing long or three quarter sleeves and neck ruffles added the final touch to a demure and dainty outfit. Hats were large, due to the abundance of hair which was the fashion, and they fitted low on the forehead and surrounded the face with a wide brim which was either stiff or floppy depending on the wear- er's taste. With the addition of ten years o the century, came the removal of ten inches from the length of nilady's hemlines. Women began o take their ankles out of hiding by revealing them beneath full voluminous skirts. WAISTLINES were also on the :ise at this time, as were the stand .ip collars currently being featur- ed. Students attending the first production of the Michigan Un- ion Opera which featured both men and women in the cast, probably had no little difficulty viewing the stage due to the tremendously wide brimmed hats which the feminine members of the audience were sporting. "Yes, We Have No Bananas" was the theme song of the early twen- ties when close fitting hats with rolled brims appeared on the scene. Skirts began to shrink in volume, being straight and nar- row and reaching to the ankles. GLORIA SWANSON was por- traying the "American Wife" in mne of the early flickers and at the same time, the American voman was sporting dresses which featured either very low waists or Jlse no waist line at all. The well known daring and roaring flappers appeared on the scene with the coming of the late twenties. Hemlines rose to a length which was just below the knees, and the waist line was lowered until the two al- most were merged. Blouses were straight and loose fitting giving the wearer a supreme air of cas- ualness. "A Lady of Chance" was the current cinema attraction, and many an American woman took the chance of disrupting a serene and happy home life by paying a visit to the most sacred of all male sanctums, the barber shop! Tired of sporting a head of hair which took a whole day to wash,' and anxious to wear the new close fitting cloche hat, women decided to definitely favor the new close cropped cut. k * * STUDENTS ATTENDING the football games were seen featuring the now fabulous coonskin coat. Cloth coats featured wider collars and cuffs which gave the wearer a bundled look. Clothes for dress- ier occasions dripped with an over- abundance of bangles and beads. The Charleston was the dance of the day, and the short evening dress made its mark in the world of fashion. With the coming of the thirties, hemlines were once again dropped to ankle length, and broad trim- med hats were once again the fad. This time, however, chapeaus re- mained up and off the forehead in comparison to the ones of the early century. * * * IN THIS DECADE, the hemlines couldn't seem to make up their mind as to just what length would take the fashion world by storm. The late thirties and early-forties showed a new rise to knee length with the college woman sporting pleated skirts and the ever popu- lar saddle shoes. Box sweaters and WHEN MOTHER WAS A FRESHMAN-With the carrent trend of fashions to the styles of bygone years, minds are once again pondering the return of the broad brimmed and elose crowned hats popular at the beginning of the century. By NANCY TAYLOR Short and simple will be the key- note of hair styles this year. Designed to flatter the face, styles this year will accentuate and play up the high points of the features, and at the same time they will look simple and unsoph- isticated. * * * FOR EVERY face the hair style will differ according to the indiv- idual features, but for every smart coiffure there are certain basic requirements. First of all it must be short, or it must look short. Very few wo- men can boast a perfect face, and an imperfect face needs a flattering frame to, set it off. For every person the length at which the hair should be cut will be determined by face, figure and personality. Shaped to the head is another requirement of well-styled hair. The style must look like it belongs to the head. It should not look all blown out, nor should it look stringy. A well suited hair style will look well-trimmed and neat. * * * STRAIGHTNESS is also being emphasized this spring. There are fewer curls, waves and intricate rolls. Even with a permanent, one can recognize straight hair. Per- manents are being used merely to givebody to the hair so that it will curl easily and stay in place. No matter what the style, a basic requirement is that well- polished look. Frequent and thorough washing of the hair gives it a neat, gleaming appear- ance. Brushing is also essential to achieve that glossy sheen. A long- bristled brush, one in which the bristles are long enough to reach' to the scalp and firm enough to activate the natural scalp oils is recommended. A firm downward stroke that will pull the oil down to the dry ends and stimulate the flow of circulation to the scalp is good. * * * THERE ARE several common mistakes which can make the hair unflattering and unattractive. Many women go in for hair does that are too elaborate and overly fancy. This type of coiffure us- ually fails to have any basic pat- tern and often detracts from the face which it frames. At the opposite extreme, the too mannish hair style is also unflattering to the face which it is supposed to accentuate. Then there is the too long or too short styles. A cut that is too short and too thinned gives one the appearance of being scalped, while the long, flowing style seems out of place on any but children. Frizziness is another bad fault in some styles. This is usually the result of an overtight permanent, or one that has been improperly set. The best advice to be followed in picking 'a hair style that is be- coming and in vogue is to keep it short and simple, not too straight and not too curly. Let it give the appearance of care and thought - a neat and well-groomed style, designed to accent the individual's own features. Liquid Sachet Hits Market, Liquid skin sachet, a creamy pink lotion, is the latest thing in scents and is taking the fragrance world by storm. This unusual scenting medium is long lasting and easy to use. The fragrance is all sweetness and spice and fits in well with the new feminine trend in fashions. The scent is also characterized by a lilt and liveliness which seems to carry out the theme of the spring season. The sachet is to be used only on the skin and applied as per- fume. According to experts, any type of scent should be applied to "pulse points," where the heat of the body diffuses and heightens the fragrance of the perfume. Such points as the wrists, the temples, the hairline and the sides of the neck are considered most desirable for the application of fragrance -products. The sachet has an extremely high perfume content and the fragrance remains for many hours. It is not greasy and will not stain clothing. This creamy sachet comes in eautifully designed containers, a large flacon for placing on the dressingtable and a plastic minia- ture for carrying in the purse. This tiny bottle is no larger than a lipstick and is unbreakable and leakproof. Actually the sachet is in a tube which is inserted into the bottle and which can be re- moved and replaced by a filler. r the shoulder length bob completed the coed's ensemble. The Gibson Girl reappeared on the fashion scene after the close of the second world war in 1945, when the "new look" de- scended on the world of style. Male disapproval was strongly voiced on the covering of the fem- inine legs, but women stayed true to the law of fashion. Grandma's blouses were dug out of the attic trunks along with her long for- gotten bracelets and Grandpa's watch fobs. Modesty seemed to be the pass word once again in the feminine world. * * * NOW THE DECADE of the fif- ties has fallen on the world, bring- ing with it predictions that the twenties are going to roar once more. The short hair cut has brought an abundance of business to the barbers, hemlines are rising and swift footed dancers are taking lessons from the old folks on the execution of the Charleston and the rah rah collegiate Var- sity Drag. From the fashion viewpoint, styles have repeated themselves throughout this century. Perhaps the next fifty years may bring new and startling changes in mi- lady's fashions, or they may even dip back to the whalebone and hoop skirted styles of the 1800's. Whichever the case may be, it stands to reason that what the rulers of the kingdom of bonnets and bustles decree, their feminine subjects Will pay court to their very will and word. Earrings The latest word in spring fash- ions is longer drop earrings for more and more occasions. Earrings will be worn for very casual af- fairs as well as replacing hats foi evening wear. Modeled by Elaine Madden APEX ORIGINAL Actual Photo (Kozmd) .4 CHECKS REFLECT THIS SPRING'S FASHION CHOICE! This Checked Bolero Suit-$49.95 Other Suits-$17.95 and up 9 Nickels Arcade 217 S. Moin : Cousis' Easter uet . ours alone.. AA < Ff ;: <>< . z} :>:;zrY:>>«. e , { o e e g e f o b en eath y o u r fu rs look in g fresh as a criocus. Miron gabardine in doc, green, wine, navys blue, misses sazes. WVorsted checks in pink or blue, junior sizes. . s .....UITS SECOND FLOOR ,Ct"i).c/ 4I * 4 A I