THE -MITASN DAIT SUNDAY, MARCH 2G, 1950 -I uph TAi CORNER... b IT IS unfortunate that racial and religious prejudice is so often and so unintelligent- ly discussed that it becomes the- yawning point in most conversations. People seldom change their minds very much, and ap- parently on this kind of issue they're almost beyond the reach of fact and reason. A recent example of this was the in- cident involving Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger, who was charged with striking a Negro elevator operator in University Hospital. The controversy that swirled around that one episode was enough to disgust anyone interested in humane and rational justice. One reason for this might have been that the whole affair was badly handled from the start. IT WAS two months ago that Dr. Sullen- berger and Mrs. Philpot got involved in the celebrated altercation. At that point, it was fairly simple: Dr. Sullenberger rang for an elevator in the Hospital, became im- patient when it sped past him, and when it finally stopped began to swear at Mrs. Philpot, who was operating the elevator. She replied with defiance, and a scuffle occurred from which Mrs. Philpot emerged with a minor facial injury and Dr. Sullen- berger with a torn shirt. The administration of the Hospital, upon learning of the incident, took disciplinary action. Dr. Sullenberger was transferred from the Hospital, where he had been a postgraduate student in surgery, and as- signed to heart research in the West Medi- cal Building. Mrs. Philpot was suspended from work for a week. But instead of candidly informing the press of what had been done, the ad- ministration of the Hospital then pro- ceeded to do a number of unwise and ethically questionable things: They con- cealed what had actually happened to Dr. Sullenberger and led people to be- lieve that he had been fired from the Hospital; and they attempted to cover up the whole incident-by ordering em- ployes not to discuss it, by reportedly allowing copies of The Daily, in which it was reported, to be destroyed wholesale at the Hospital, and by refusing to say anything about it except that as far as they were concerned the affair was settled. There has been a lot of talk to the effect' that if the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People had not entered the case, much harmful contro- versy would have been avoided. Although this is not the whole story, it is true. It is also true that if the Hospital administra- tion had fully and fairly disclosed the facts, the matter could have been dealt with in something approaching a peacable and sensible manner.a ANYHOW, a number of people who were enraged by the incident did enter thel case. They convinced Mrs. Philpot that she should sign a complaint so that the doctor could be prosecuted on charges of assault. They worked extremely hard digging up evidence and finding out who had wit- nessed the altercation. And they issued leaflets ponting out that Dr. Sullenberger is from the South and asking whether dis- crimination is the pattern at the Hospital. Unfortunately, when the case came to trial, not all the evidence they had found was presented; amid acrimonious dis- cussion, Dr. Sullenberger was acquitted. Whether deliberately or not, the county prosecutor bears the responsibility for the omission of this evidence and this is the most regrettable part of the whole affair, bacause it casts doubt upon the moral validity of the jury's verdict. Neither Dr. Sullenberger nor Mrs. Philpot could have wanted an inconclusive trial. Personally, I do not believe that the omit- ted evidence would have led the jury to con- vict Dr. Sullenberger. Even with eye- witnesses-and there were none-it would have been difficult to get an all-white Ann Arbor jury to convict in a case of this sort. For this reason alone, my own opinion is that the NAACP was unwise to press for prosecution of Dr. Suellenberger, and unwise to distribute the leaflets. LEGALLY, the issue in the case was whether Dr. Sullenberger was guilty or innocent of assault and battery. The issue was not whether he' is a competent sur- geon, whether the NAACP was "stirring up trouble," whether there is constant discrimi- nation in the Hospital, or any of the other questions that have been brought in. The legal issue has now been settled, more or less. It would still be possible for Mrs. Philpot to bring a civil action against Dr. Sullenberger; but the doctor has been acquitted of the crime with which he was charged. There is a great deal more than the legal issue in the case, however. One of the few thoughtful contributions to the public dis- cussion of this case was Al Eglash's letter to the editor, in which he pointed out that both Mrs. Philpot and Dr. Sullenberger yielded to an emotionally-charged situation. He suggested that the affair should be handled with understanding rather than me re ondemnation th t hath Mrs Phil- THOMAS L. STOKES: New Doctrine on Loyalty WASHINGTON-A strange, but apparent- ly seductively appealing doctrine has come from the District of Columbia Court of Appeals' majority decision upholding the firing on charges of disloyalty from the Federal Security Agency of a woman named Dorothy Bailey, 39 years old. * * . IT IS, briefly, this: We are "in a world sit- uation in which not merely two ideolo- gies but two potentially adverse forces pre- The City Editor's SCRATCH PADS By AL BLUMROSEN HAROLD STASSEN gave a good speech Friday evening. He got the audience to laugh at the be- ginning, and his trick of repeating verbatim the questions tossed at him caught the fan- cy of the audience. One of his strongest rounds of applause came when he repeated an extremely long and complicated question quite accurately. No doubt about it, the man's a crowd pleaser. And he is probably sincere in what he said. But when you stop to think back, he didn't say much. Aside from his Remarks About Stalin, which caught the eye of all the newspaper people present, his approach was two-fold and simple: 1. Youth has got to get to work, and 2. We shouldn't have a "negative" pol- icy toward Russia. All this is very nice and true, but aside from its value as a political campaign plat- form, it does not have any particular im- portance for American youth except as something that we can all agree on. FOR SOME SIX MONTHS now, it has been clear that the Young Republicans here on campus are really Democrats in disguise, or as YR man Dave Belin almost said yesterday, "Sheeps in wolves clothing." Their "Opportunity State" platform, for all its vague evasiveness, is a liberal docu- ment, just about completely divorced from the stream of thought of the Republican Party. And they have about as much chance of getting it through us Chur- chill does of becoming the next Premier of Russia. At the lecture, a couple of us were talk- ing to a person fairly high up in the Young Republican circles, one who holds a nation- al office. This person admitted that what the Young GOP needed was "five or six high class funerals" in the Republican Old Guard ranks before they could do anything. At present, the Old Guard looks mighty healthy. Stassen hit upon this point in answering the final question of the evening as to why a young man or woman should pick the Young Republicans instead of the Young Democrats. His reply, naturally favoring the Young Republicans, was that the Dem- ocrats are a "quasi-liberal" group and that there are dangers in centralizing power in the hands of one administrator when gov- ernment functions are increasing. This is what he said, stripped of its political color wording. Part of this is very true. There is great danger in centralizing power in the hands of administrators. That is probably the greatest problem facing "democracy" to- day, but it is not exclusively the problem of the Democratic party. It is and will be the problem of any party in power. The reason it looks like a Democratic prob- lem is that the Republicans haven't been running things in the last twenty years and have not had to deal with the diffi- culties of "big government." Despite what Stassen said, the established rule of thumb still stands: If you are not inclined to broaden the base of political influence in the nation, join the GOP. If you think maybe the farmers and labor should have a say, try the Democrats. But what bothers me is the blissful ig- norance of the Young Republicans, who think they can carve out the world they want with the too-blunt edge of what once was a potent instrument-the Republican Party. sently exist." The President and Congress cannot ignore it and must protect our gov- ernment from the technique of the other ideology, which is infiltration of the govern- ment. Innocent people may get caught in this, but that is just too bad. They must be sacrificed. The court's majority-Justices E. Barrett Prettyman and M. Proctro-is pained about this. They feel sorry about Miss Bailey. Her situation "appeals power- fully to our sense of the fair and just." But her case "must be placed in context and perspective." What about the individual, Miss Bailey? She was accused of belonging to the Com- munist Party and various "front" organi- zations. She denied under oath that she ever had been a Communist or had be- longed to the organizations, with the ex- ception of one, of which she had been a member for a time years ago. In her public pronouncements and on issues before her union she took an anti-Communist posi- tion. Seventy volunteer witnesses spoke on behalf of her loyalty. No one appeared against her. The decision as to her disloyalty was based on FBI reports from persons unnamed who, under loyalty procedure, cannot be revealed to the ac- cused. Two loyalty boards, that of FSA and the Loyalty Review Board, based their judgment on these. Under the system, act- ing for the President, they found her dis- loyal. No one, of course, has a vested right to a government job, as the court's majority decision properly pointed out. Her job was not in what is called a "sensitive" agency. She had access to no "secrets." She is out of that job. * *1 * HER CASE was put in one sentence by Judge Henry W. Edgerton in his minor- ity opinion: "Without trial by jury, without evidence, and without even being allowed to con- front her accusers or to know their iden- tity, a citizen of the United States has been found disloyal to the government of the United States. Judge Edgerton is being called naive about facts of the world today and old-fashioned. He would seem as old-fashioned as Thomas Jefferson and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. The fashion with us always has been to protect the rights of the individual un- der due process of law. * * * TH.E NEW DOCTRINE, making those rights secondary, can lead us far astray. It has infiltrated Congress already. For example, on the day following the Bailey decision and with no connection, the House Civil Service Committee took up a bill by its chairman, Rep. Tom Murray (Democrat of Tennessee), which would go another step and give complete discretion to certain de- partment and agency heads to fire em- ployees for disloyalty, a discretion which only the President now posseses. The Pres- ident could extend such discretionary au- thority to all department heads under the bill. It was under pressure by the Civil Ser- vice Committee in the Republican 80th Congress, which reported there were per- sons of "questioned loyalty" in the gov- ernment, that President Truman set up the loyalty system originally. It is interesting-and hopeful-that the Republican chairman of the committee at that time, Rep. Edward H. Rees (Kansas), now ranking minority member, refuses to go along with the proposed extension of authority to department and agency heads as provided in the Murray bill. He protests that it would not give employees sufficient protection and it would, indeed, permit the play of mere whim or other flimsy pretexts. He urges modification of the measure. In all these issues there is still recourse to the supreme court, which will have an opportunity to pass on the Bailey and re- lated cases. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. "Stand Up Like An Elephant" y *; 4. " ,.. 5 t1lp Xettei' TO T HE E DITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publlsh all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will e torndensed, edited, or withheld froni pubilcation at the discretion of the editors . ' Yf '.t Labor Youth League.. . To the Editor: SHE TWIN editorials in The Daily on the Labor Youth League represents a serious misin- terpretation and distortion of the objectives of that group. Mr. Jaroff's article fastened up- on three minor stories in the LYL publication, "Challenge," in order to "prove" that its members were "hopeless Russophiles." The first of these articles was a story about the recent price reductions in the Soviet Union (even the 'Daily' car- ried this). The fact remains that while unemployment has reached its lowest point in ten years in this country, that a Socialist state can afford to reduce its prices and in- crease the value of its currency! Shouldn't this be news to 6 million unemployed; to the 3%M2 million unemployed young people? The second article dealing with the complete equality and freedom of Negroes in the Soviet Union points up the disgraceful, undemo- cratic treatment accorded the Ne- gro people in this country. Two months ago, a Negro worker (not a Communist) asked to be allowed to go to the Soviet Union so that his son would not have to grow up in the poisonous atmosphere of Jim-Crow that permeates our so- ciety! But the overwhelming ma- jority of Negro people with their white progressive allies remain in their homeland to strive for a bet- ter, truer democracy which will eliminate all forms of discrimina- tion! It's likely that Jaroff for- gets Peekskill, Peoria Street in Chicago, the quota system and segregated housing here, the 19 out of 21 barber shops that refuse to cut the hair of Negro students! The last story is about the fight game. Does any reasonable citi- zen believe that the profit motive isn't the prime mover in that 'sport'? Ring Lardner's expose, which recently appeared on the screen, portrays the corruptness and profit-seeking of those who feed on the blood of their fighters. And so, after repeating an ab- breviated version of Sen. McCar- thy's charges against humanity, Mr. Jaroff declares, "that such an organization exists on campus is no cause for general alarm.. . they are harmless individuals .. . their political discussions consist of dogmatic cliches, evasive an- swers and monstrous rationaliza- tions." Believe it or not Mr. Jar- off has NEVER ONCE ATTENDED AN LYL MEETING OR GROUP DISCUSSION! I venture to say that Jaroff has never had a politi- cal discussion with ANY MARX- IST on this campus about the LYL or its program! This is the warm- ed-over phrase-mongering of a Pegler or Bingay and is not the factual presentation that one would expect from a University student with normal intelligence. -Hy Bershad, Chairman, LYL The present record college en- rollment of 2,500,000-a million more than pre-war days-has not yet reached its peak. Within ten years-possibly long before that- the enrollment may go to 3,000,- 000, thus doubling the "normal" student body of the peacetime period Higher education faces a stu- pendous task in trying to absorb this huge additional student load. But the fact that so many new institutions are being founded, or in some instances reorganized, is an indication of the far-sighted attitude of the nation's respon- sible educators. We know that an educated citizenry will mean a stronger democracy. -The New York Times citals by Robert Noehren, Univer- sity Organist, will be played at 4:15-p.m., Sun., Mar. 26, Hill Audi- torium. It will be devoted to The Greater Catechism, from the Cla- ierubung, Part Three, by Bach, Open to the public. The final pro- gram will be presented at the same hour on Apr. 2. University Choir Concert. The University of Michigan Choir, Maynard Klein, conductor, will present the first of two concerts at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28, Hill Auditorium. It will include 16th, 17th and 18th Century Choral Music as well as modern composi- tions. The second program, to be given on Sun. evening, Apr. 2, in Hill Auditorium, will be devoted to compositions by Bach. Both are open to the public without charge. Student Recital: Larry Owen, student of violin with Gilbert Ross, will play a recital at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Mar.:28, Rackham Assembly Hall, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Compositions by Vivaldi, Chausson, Bach, and Pro- kofieff. Open to the public. Student Recital: Nathen Jones, flutist, will present a program at 8:30 p.m., Mon., Mar. 27, Rackham Assembly Hall. Assisted by Lor- raine Jones, pianist, and Jerome Jelinek, cellist, Mr. Jones will play works by Bach, Beethoven, De- bussy, Honegger, Ibert, Scott, Nor- man Dello Joio, and Lora. The program is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Open to the public, Mr. Jones is a pupil of Nelson Hauenstein. Student Recital: Durward Rob- erson, clarinetist, assisted by Dav- id Hildinger, pianist, and David Ireland, violist, will be heard in a program at 8:30 p.m., Sun., Mar. 26, Architecture Auditorium. A pupil of Albert Luconi, Mr. Rober- son presents the program in par- tial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Bachelor of Music degree. Compositions by Pierne, Saint-Saens, Bozza and Schu- man. Open to the public. Joint Musicale by Phi Mu Al- pha, Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsilon, 7 p.m., Sun., Mar. 26, Hussey Room, League. All mem- bers and faculty are invited. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Second Annual Student Arts Festival Exhibit; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Student Religious Groups: Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy Communion followed by student breakfast. 5:30 p.m., Supper f ol- lowed by program. 8 p.m., Evening Prayer. Westminster Presbyterian Guild: 5:30 p.m., Supper in Social Hall. 6:30 p m., program, "The Christ of Christianity," Rev. Barney Roe- pcke. Lutheran Student Association: 4:30 p.m., Choir rehearsal. 5:30 p.m., Meeting and supper. 7 p.m., Program in charge of Student Center and Chapel Committee. Unitarian Student Group: 7 p.m., meet at the Church for eve- ning of poetry. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club: 5:30 p.m., Supper and program. Speaker: Rev. E. ERos- sow, Northville, Mich. Congregational, Disciple, Evan- gelical and Reformed Guild: 6 p.m., Supper at Memorial Chris- tian Church. Dr. James Crain, De- partment of Social Welfare and Social Action of the United Chris- tian Missionary Society, will speak on "The Struggle for the Souls of Men." Wesley Foundation: 9:30 a.m., Seminar; topic: "The Last Week." 5:30 p.m., Supper and Fellowship in Social Hall. 6:30 p.m., Worship and Program. Rev. Justus Olson, director of the Wesley Foundation, University of Wisconsin, will speak on: "Individual Commitments." Inter-Guild Council: Meeting, 2:30-4 p.m., Lane Hall Library. Social Research Group: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3S, Union. Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Benne, De- partment of Social Philosophy, University of Illinois. "What Pre- judices Does the Social Scientist Need?" U. of M. Hot Record Society: Lecture-record program on "The Effects of Gold Stocks on Big Band Jazz." ABC room, League, 8 p.m. Everyone invited. Wolverine Club: Special trips committee meeting, 2 p.m., Lea- gue. All members must be pre- sent. Coming Events Electrical Engineering Research and Journal Discussion Group: 4 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28, 3072 E. Engi- neering. Mr. Robert W. Olthuis will discuss "An Electronic Coup- ler." Social Seminar of the American Society for Public Administration, Michigan Chapter: "Comparative Administration." Mr. Edward H. Litchfield, visiting professor of Public Administration, Cornell Un- iversity. 7:30 p.m., Mon., Mar. 27, West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Interested persons invited. Employment Interview: Mr. Frank Coe, of Chance Vought Aircraft, Dallas, Texas, will be in 1521 E. Engineering on Thurs. and Fri., Mar. 30 and 31 to interview Mechanical or Aeronautical engi- needs who will graduate this spring. Additional information and interview schedule on the Aero bulletin board. Applicationblanks in 1079 E. Engineering. Gothic Film . Society: Meeting, 8 p.m., Mon., Mar. 27, Rackham Amphitheatre. Films: "Dead of Night" (British; with Michael Redgrove), and "The Well - Wrought Ern" (Ann Arbor: The Company; 1950). Members may bring guests providing arrange- ments are made inadvance with either president Hampton or trea- surer Whan, ext. 2784. Pi Sigma Alpha, national politi- cal science honor fraternity: Mem- bership meeting, Tues., Mar. 28, East Lecture 'Room, Rackham Bldg., following the Graduate Roundtable scheduled to begin at 7:30. National membership dues lue. Group discussion on Aspects of Living Religions, Lane Hall, Mon., Mar. 27, 4 p.m. Topic: "The Uni- tarian Approach to Religion." Dr. Redman as leader. Graduate History Club: Meet- ing, 8 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28, 1007 Angell Hall. Elections. All history grads and faculty invited. Bowling: There will be no open bowling at the Women's Athletic Building on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings hereafter. Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour, 4-6 p.m., Mon., Mar. 27, Interna- tional Center. Movies. Political Science Graduate Round Table: 7:30 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28, Rackham Assembly Hall. Topic: "What's Cooking in China?" La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m, Mon., Mar. 27, Grill Room, Lea- gue. Ballet Club: Meeting, Mon., Mar. 27, 7 p.m., Dance Studio Barbour Gym. All interested persons, both men and women, invited. Inter-Racial Association: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28. Agenda: Discrimination in hous- ing and FEPC. CEOg 1MU17~3~tUEk-1 i p A A :,, {I A &. 4. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1l Q , i NIGHT EDITOR: DON KOTITE CONGRATULATIONS to the music school and its carillonneur for its timely ren- dition of Stephen Foster's "Swanee River" at noon Wednesday. Coming as it did amidst the drizzle and slop of the Ann Arbor spring, it gave the students who heard it a happy moment. I never knew the Swanee River could sound so good. (Continued from Page 2) Mathematics Orientation Semi- nar: 3 p.m., Mon., Mar. 27, 3001 A.H. Miss Ingersoll will talk on "Pascal's Theorem and Axioms in Geometry." The University Extension Serv- ice announces the following course: Bird Study. Planned primarily for beginners, though any inter- ested person may enroll. Through study in the field during the spring migration season, the group will learn to identify birds by such characteristics as size, shape, flight pattern, markings, color, song, and behavior. Attention will also be given to the environments in which various birds nest as well as to types of nests, nesting materials, incubation, and behavior during the early part of the breeding sea- son. Five of the eight weekly ses- sions will be early morning field trips on Saturday and Sunday. "Parents who register for the course may bring their children on the field trips at no extra fee. In- structor is H. Louis Batts. Open- ing session, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28, 2116 Natural Science Bldg. Registration, $5. -Concerts University of Michigan Varsity Band under the direction of Jack Lee will present a, concert in the Michigan Union Ballroom, Sun., Mar. 26, 3 p.m. In addition to com- positions of Fillmore, Bach, Le- Gassey, Kern, Sousa, and others, compositions of two of 'the mem- bers of the School of Music fac- ulty are being performed, one of which, Jack Lee's "Highland Suite," will be performed in pub- lic for the first time. Open to the public. Organ Recital. The second pro- gram in the current series of re- Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen..... .....City Editor Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil............Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Edlitor Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz... Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage.................Librarian Joyce Clark..........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.... .Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. 4 4. A. -* The Future of Television MAN DOES amazing things with the ob- jects he creates, and television is prov- ing to be no exception. Babies he spanks. Automobiles he uses for decreasing the population. Furniture he carves his name on. Fences he climbs. Of course, man does do other more rational things with his creations. For instance, babies, grown up, make fine soldiers. Auto- mobiles occasionally take him places in a less tedious way of bringing about the mora- torium. Even a new type of TV set which eliminates the large glass window and the peculiar people which pop up therein would do away with all eyestrain currently en- volved in televiewing. Then the watchers could concentrate on the oft-beautiful cab- inet and perhaps extract some degree of entertainment from it. Any use, at any rate, would obviously be an improvement over its present task as re- A -I BARNABY 1 iii i i 1F . 1 ( - - I I I I I