9P. In FOUR - THE MICH.IGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAGRCH 25, 1950 . THOMAS L. STOKES: Age of Eye-Aiei WASHINGTON--It is a commentary on our times that the FBI, almost alone of government agencies, was spared the eco- nomy axe when the House Appropriations Committee, in its omnibus appropriation bill, cut over a billion dollars from Budget Bu- reau estimates. Instead of slashing, as in most other cases, the committee accepted intact the Budget Bureau's recommendation of $57,- 400,000 for the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation for the 1951 fiscal year, an increase of $4,800,000 over the current year. The FBI would be authorized to expand its force by hiring 700 more employees, of whom 325 would be agents. This would bring its total personnel to 10,600, and its agents to 4,425 of that number. The salary of J. Edgar Hoover, FBI chief, would be boosted from $16,000 to $20,000, putting him almost in the class of cabinet members and Supreme Court justices, who get $22,500, and above Under Secretaries, who get $18,000. We are, truly, in the era of Dick Tracy, the private eye-and the G-man. * * * THE COMMITTEE, in its report, phrased it a little more prosaically when it said that "it does not feel justified in reducing the estimates of the Bureau in view of con- ditions at home and abroad" and, more pointedly, when it specified that the increas- ed staff was to investigate "clandestine ac-, tivities of the Communist Party and other groups who aim at our national security." The FBI has, indeed, become a big and powerful agency in recent years under Mr. Hoover's direction. This reporter, then a very young man, recalls interviewing J., Edgar Hoover, him- self then also a young man of 29 and little known, on the occasion of his appointment in 1924 in the Coolidge administration as director of the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation. It was quite an assignment for on 4 of his years, though he had been in the Justice Department since 1917. * * * THE FBI was not near so imposing in 1924 as it has become since under Mr. Hoov- er's energetic management. Tucked away then in the old Justice Department building, it has expanded in the new Justice Depart- ment building-with its experts, its elab- orate paraphernalia, its 100,000,000 fin- gerprints. Mr. Hoover, with all the addition- al honors he has gathered in the years, now commands as much space in "Who's Who" as former President Herbert Hoover, one of the six presidents under whom he has ser- ved. The emphasis on the FBI manifest in the current projected expansion, neces- sary as that may be, can become exagger- ated in such an era as this. This was dem- onstrated when the house inserted a pro- vision in the National Science Founda- tion bill which would empower the FBI to pass on the loyalty of students before they could get scholarships. That would clothe it with discretionary authority, whereas it is now confined to an investi- gative function. Luckily, Mr. Hoover, him- self, has opposed such authority, along with the Justice Department. The readiness of the House to accept such a broadening of FBI powers illustrates the dangers that must be guarded against in times like these in dealing with federal po- lice authority in a democracy. Under care- less management it could become harmful and the possibility of such management at some future time, under a change of direc-. tors, must always be considered. Congress sometimes forgets that it is legislating not for just now, but for the future. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) At The State'.'.' new ship as a passenger. There is a girl on board, played by Gail Russell, with whom one CAPTAIN CHINA: with John Payne, of the friends, Jeffrey Lynn, falls in love. Gail Russell, and Jeffrey Lynn. But she seems to be in love with the ex- THIS IS not a very good movie. But it captain, John Payne. They do a lot of talk- ' to bing about the past, and then a storm comes isn't too bad. .u. It is about a captain who gets drunk and up' loses his ship in a storm. Some of the crew The storm is really thrilling. The dash of members lie about what he did so he the wind and the rain is awful. Jeffrey loses his commission. Lynn doesn't know what to do, so he tells To get even with them, he gets on their John Payne to takeover the ship. He does, and it gets safely through the storm. The story doesn't seem very true to Editorials published in The Michigan Daily life, but that really doesn't matter, I sup- are written by members of The Daily staff pose. and represent the views of the writers only. What the situation boils down to is , that if you like to be entertained by inferior movies on a low level, you might just as NIGHT EDITOR: DOLORES LASCHEVER well see this as any other. --Fran Ivick. ON THE r Washington Merry-Ao-Round t WITH DREW PEARSON GetAcheso DEAN ACHESON'S ability and loyalty as our Secretary of State is being question- ed in a get-Acheson campaign. The Daily Worker, which claims he is too tough with Russia, and Hearst news- papers, which proclaim he is too soft with Russia, are helping to promote this cam- paign. Years of experience and effectiveness as a public official speak for Acheson and make the campaign look sick. When Acheson was appointed Secretary of State fifteen months ago he was enthusi- astically applauded by most Congressmen. They had every reason to receive him en- thusiastically. Following Acheson's graduation from Har- vard Law School he became a private sec- retary to the late Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. In 1933 he began government service as New Deal Treasury Under-Secretary. Acheson became influential as a policy maker in 1941 when he became Assistant- Secretary of State. His reputation grew when he was promoted to Under-Secretary of State in 1945. Since he has been Secretary of State, Acheson has worked to prevent the spread of Communism and the political power of the Kremlin. He has worked to win pre- sent Soviet satellites from the domination of Moscow. Acheson has helped to launch the Mar- shall Plan and the Truman Doctrine. He has been instrumental in carrying out the Mil- itary Aid Program, the World Bank and Monetary Fund. Acheson has been coop erative with the UN, which he helped to found. The fact that worries "Life" magazine is another point in his favor. "Life" has been worried because Acheson "in his tortured search for means of agreement tends to look more and more inward to America's defects rather than outward to the enemy's defects." This shows Acheson is aware that our own internal difficulties and faults aid the Communists. Secretary of State Ache- son understands Russian power. He knows that its greatest weapons are the imper- fections of the societies it attempts to add to its sphere of influence. Today Acheson stands out as a figure of major dimensions at a time when the world is filled with men too small for the com- plicated situations they are facing. -Leah Marks Beta Mu THE APPEAL of fraternal living attracts many more than just those who are fraternity members. But these people refuse to become associated with fraternities as long as they are undemocratic and fosterers of social bias. They prefer to maintain their ideal rather than to accept fraternities as they currently operate. Now these people have the opportunity to gain the advantages of fraternal life without having to sacrifice principle. A non-sectarian, inter-racial fraternity, Beta Mu, is being organized on campus. To those who have a yen for fraternity life, this group can offer a really democratic type of brotherhood and togetherness. In addition support of this organization could also go far in dealing a crushing blow against the undemocratic attitudes that most frater nities now hold. -Paul Marx. CINIEMA At The Orpheum .. . REMBRANDT with CHARLES LAUGH- TON, Gertrude Lawrence, Elsa Lanchest- er and Roger Livesey. Directed by Alevan- der Korda. 'HERE'S an entertaining concerto for ham on exhibition down on Main Street this weekend. Ostensibly the story of the monumental ups and downs of the great painter from Leyden, the picture seems much better suited to show off the varied talents of Charles Laughton, the obese Barrymore. Carrying out the concerto idea, a trio of cadenzas have been inserted to let Laugh- ton 1. discourse on women; 2. bring tears to the eye as he tells the story of Saul and David, and 3. read a bit of the Bible. And that's not the end of Charlie's high jinks. At various times he looks like Charles Laughton playing Captain Bligh; at others he's Charles Laughton playing Henry VIII. Sometimes he even might be Charles Laugh- ton playing Rembrandt. But all the time he is Charles Laughton. Charlie's ham is rather well seasoned by good supporting performances, in particu- lar from Gertrude Lawrence and Elsa Lan- chester. But what it all boils down to is: Do you want to go see Laughton battle gloriously against society for 90 minutes. I didn't mind it too much myself. Of course, it would have been nice if Korda had told a little about the real Rembrandt, but then I guess that's ex- "Here We Are Again" ~ %4PI / /ettep4 TO T HE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not In good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors._ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN W ASHINGTON-Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was in New York's Stork Club the other night as the guest of famed toy manufacturer Lewis Marks. Prince Bernhard is a much-loved consort, but hasn't been too good at fulfilling his basic obligation to the Netherlands-supply- ing the Dutch people with a male heir to the throne. Bernhard, who had never been in the Stork Club before, asked his host to point out some of the celebrities. So Marks call- ed popular columnist Leonard Lyons over to the Prince's table and introduced him. "What's so special about him?" whisper- ed the Prince of the Netherlands into Marks' ear. "He," replied Marks, "has four sons." WHEN GOOD-NATURED Sen. Harley Kil- gore of West Virginia finally spoke out against the highhanded methods of Senate Judiciary clerk Richard Arens, noisy Sen. William Jenner of Indiana yelled back in Arens' defense. "I cannot," replied Kilgore calmly, "shout as loud as the Senator from Indiana." . . . So many senators have acquired ghost- writers that sometimes you can't tell the. senator from his ghost . . . The peppery statements of Sen. Ken Wherry of Nebraska are dashed off by Arthur Hachten, former The Weather THE ZULUS have their medicine man. New York State has its new- corps of rain makers. Ann Arbor claims nothing-except fame as the screwiest meteorological pot- pourri in the country. . Witness these facts: One dressed for the nine o'clock yesterday morning with raindrops beating on the win- dowpane. Enroute to class, hail supplanted the rain. During the ten o'clock, one shivered when the huge barrage of snowflakes hit campus, but chalked it up as typical of Ann Arbor ace newsman for Hearst . . . Ghosting for Senator McCarthy is George Waters, former city editor of the Washington Times-Herald. Waters has been especially active in Mc- Carthy's State Department attacks . . . Another McCarthy ghost is Ken Hunter, who master-minded Hearst's "MacArthur-for- President" campaign ... Secretary Acheson will fly to London around May 1 for the Big Three foreign ministers' meeting .. . Congressman Mike Mansfield is smother- ing his bill to prevent deportation of Nazi propagandist Werner Plack. A Montana rancher sold the Congressman on the idea that Plack was a worthy citizen, and he introduced a bill permitting him to stay in the U.S.A. Later Mansfield discovered Plack's real record as an aide to Goebbels, and reneged. SOME MEMBERS of the Joint Congres- sional Committee on Atomic Energy think that the British spy, Dr. Klaus Fuchs, may have given the Russians all except the very latest atomic secrets. They said so after reading a confidential copy of Fuchs' con- fession. If the committee concludes that this is highly probable, then it should take a fresh look at security measures. It would be ridiculous to keep from American sci- entists and engineers what is well known to the Russians. It would also be harm- ful, because lack of information impedes the progress of the American project, as many scientists have pointed out. The Russians have made no comment on the Fuchs case except one. That was when Tass said Russia got no secrets from Fuchs. This is exactly the impression the Russians would want to give. If they can make Ameri- cans doubt that they know what they do know, then the U.S. will continue to hamper itself with out-of-date restrictions. It is not very smart after the horse has been stolen to lose the race by locking yourself behind the barn door. INNER DEMOCRATIC CIRCLES-Demo- ,r-fi la - -c w u r e n n n f ni"Ur -; Unfair Reporting . . To the Editor: WEDNESDAY I was astounded to read the advertisement on the back of The Michigan Daily to the effect that Harold Stassen was appearing on the University campus. The front page was filled and had therefore crowded any article on such a meeting off the front page. There was a high-pri- ority article about Soapy's boy Roth favoring a reduction of the voting age. If this was news it is only months old. Intra-campus functions in East Quad also seem to take a priority over a national figure. Prof. Laing was speaking at East Quad. He may be a fine fellow, but he certainly should not (in my humble estimation) push a former (and possibly future) candidate for the Presidency off the front page of our "fair" news- paper. The Daily is one of the first to take any other newspaper to task for unfairly reporting news. Yet in three years at Michigan, I have seen no evidence of fair report- ing by The Daily. There has been a preponderance of Democratic and Progressive Party news, and a paucity of Republican. I am the first to grant that Republicans of- ten do not make good copy, but that never seems to prevent the printing of Democratic news. For a group who constantly cry for "fairness", The Daily people show a shocking lack of it, if it does not meet their own ideas of what is good. I am not writing in hopes of any improvement, only to express my own disgust with The Daily. -James F. Schoener (EDITOR'S NOTE: We under- stand Mr. Schoener to be referring to our coverage of the local poli- tical groups and their activities. Last semester, The Daily published a total of 46 column-inches of news, excluding the DOB, about the local Young Republicans, Young Democrats and Young Progressives. Of this total, 17 column-inches con- cerned the Republicans, 17.25 col- umn-inches concerned the Demo- crats, and 11.75 column-inches con- cerned the Progressives. This semester, The Daily pub- lished 10 column-inches about the Republicans, four column-inches about the Democrats, and five col- umn-inches about the Progressives - up to and including the issue of sunday, March 19. For news of Harold Stassen, see Page 1.) Free Economy, Yes To the Editor: HOW FREE is our free economy? Time magazine last week, us- ually the Lords' friend (both Spi- ritual and Temporal, that is) re- ports that Congress has repealed the Federal Tax on yellow oleo- margerine. After 64 years of back- breaking churning housewives can take margerine directly from the grocery bag to the dinner table with none of the old ritual in be- tween. But what about the eco- nomic side of repeal. At best it is a hollow victory; 1) margerine must henceforth be clearly iden- tified as such when sold retail, 2) restaurants must serve it in tri- angular pats or use some other identific-ation, 3) sixteen states still prohibit sale of yellow- mar- gerine and six have special taxes against it. This is discrimination; all it means is that the butter boys are using our governmental ap- paratus to maintain their own fa- vored position and to keep oleo at a disadvantage, the while gouging housewife and consumer generally. How free can a free economy be? How can the federal govern- ment bring anti-trust suits against A and P, and at the same time al- low the butter interests to main- tain these anti-competitive prac- tices at public expense. Apparently someone is not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing. All those profs and teach- ing fellows in Bus Ad and Engine School (and anyone else, for that matter) who think this is a free] economy must have holes in their head (and that includes Brother James Gregory, of Plymouth Rock fame). There's more fat boys at work in our national and state capitals than thereever were or will be in the Kremlin. See cover of last week's Time for Kremlin fat boy number 2%2. -Phil Parmenter P.S. In Michigan the use of margerine is prohibited in non- penal state institutions. , Politics & Pedagogy... To the Editor: RECENTLY A letter was publish- ed in The Daily criticizing Preston Slosson for openly express- ing his political views. I must say that I heartily agree with the author of the letter. Students con- stantly declare their political feel- ings and that is at it should be, but to allow professors to do such a thing is quite another story. Pro- fessors have not nearly the exper- ience or background their students do and are therefore not as worth- while to listen to. A man with Preston Slosson's knowledge and experience should surely take a back seat to one of his more quali- fied students. -Nancy Washburne * *.* Sullenberger Acquittal To the Editor: IN RE Dr. Sullenberger . . . We have followed this affair with great interest over a periodhof weeks. It seems to us that there has been a vast amount of hysteri- cal rabble-rousing involved. We know nothing of the actual facts of the case (other than the various versions appearing in The Daily, and several rumors) but we won- der whether these "ravings" which have been appearing in The Daily, couched in words of "bitterness, emotionalism, and complete un- objectivity," have been the result of an honest, sincere attempt to help the position of the Negro; or have they been the more emo- tional ramblings of twisted, bitter minds, who, feeling their own un- importance in life, have selected this form of expression to gain at- tention for themselves and thus compensate for their probably well-founded feelings of inferiority. In other words, are those who write such letters really interested in the Negro, or are they in- terested in seeing their names in print, behind a mask of "intel- lectualism," in feeling that they (Continued fromn Page 2) < Ireland, violist, will be heard in a program at 8:30 p.m., Sun., Mar. 26, Architecture Auditorium. A pupil of Albert Luconi, Mr. Rober- son presents the program in par- tial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Bachelor of Music degree. Compositions by Pierne, Saint-Saens, Bozza and Schu- man. Open to the public. Student Recital: Nathen Jones, flutist, will present a 'program at 8:30 p.m., Mon., Mar. 27, Rackham Assembly Hall. Assisted by Lor- raine Jones, pianist, and Jerome Jelinek, cellist, Mr. Jones will play works by Bach, Beethoven, De- bussy, Honegger, Ibert, Scott, Nor- man Dello Joio, and Lora. The program is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. Open to the public. Mr. Jones is a pupil of Nelson Hauenstein. Student Recital: Carol Neilson, soprano, will present a program in the Architecture Auditorium, Sat., Mar. 25, at 8:30 p.m., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Miss Neilson's program will include compositions in Italian, German, French, and a group of Irish songs. The public is invited. Events Today Fireside with James Crai, So- cial Action Department, United Christian Missionary Society. Con- gregational Disciple Evangelical & have it within their power, that they are now important enough, to make Dr. Sullenberger suffer for his "sin" (even assuming that he DID commit an assault). We feel we are not prejudiced against the Negro, but we wonder would the same amount of fuss have been raised had a doctor al- legedly struck a white woman. Racial tolerance should work both ways. -David L. Summers, Beecher F. Russell. * * * Two LeUtters . . To the Editor: IT HAPPENS quite often that a Daily letter to the editor will rile me so that I feel like flashing back with a reply. But it seldom hapens that three of th'em will come on the same day as they did last Saturday, so for the sake of efficiency I'd better snap up the opportunity to give my emotions full reign. The first, from a Gerald Alex- ander was-so hopeless that I think it can be taken care of by simply pointing out that Tito is no capi- talist and strangely enough the squabble between him and Mar- shall Stalin is essentially the same that capitalist nations squabble about - namely economic rivalry. The second is not so easy and is far more grave in its implications in that it seriously reflects on the character of a member of our faculty who in my estimation is deserving ,o the highest admira- tion on the part of students. Jack Upper in his letter implies that Prof. Slosson's letter to The Daily was simply dogmatizing about the wickedness of Communism. I only appeal to the reader to reread the letter and see if it does not rather appear that it is simply an honest reply to what he believes to be a seriously mistaken point of view and in doing so appeals to apply- ing logic to.observations that have been validated by competent ob- servers and seldom denied by par- tisans of Communism. I have heard Prof. Slosson express his views on academic freedom and civil rights a number of times and I am quite sure that he would be the first to defend Mrs. Robeson's right to speak and even is glad that students have the opportunity to hear an opposing point of view, but lestsome poor uninformed soul accept it as the straight scoop, he is simply pointing out the fal- lacies he sees in it and feels obli- gated to do so since it falls with- in his sphere of professional com- petence. I think it is definitely to his credit that he is one of the few members of the faculty that is truly interested in the way stu- dents feel about things, and de- spite Mr. Upper's assertions, also one of the few truly democratical- ly minded members of the faculty. Whoops! There's three hundred words already. Looks like Mr. Hurd's letter will have to wait til tomorrow after all. Al Wildman. Reformed Guild, 438 Maynard. 7:30 p.m. Holiday Jamboree for Summer Projects, sponsored by S.R.A. and N.S.A., Lane Hall, 8 p.m. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 1 pim., 500 BMT. Union Opera Ushers: Ushers are needed for the matinee perform- ance of the Union Opera's "Lace It Up" to be. held at the Michi- gan Theatre, Fri., Mar. 31, at 3:30 p.m. Suit and white shirt are required. Reporting time will be 2:30. Anyone interested call the Union, 2-4431, ext. Union Opera. A.I.M. Campus Action Commit- tee: Meeting, 2 p.m., Rrm. 3C, Un- ion. "U. of M. Hostel Club: Leader: Dorothy Bell. Leave League at 1:30 p.m., carrying own box lunch for hike along Huron River to home of Amneus' in Pittsfield Vil- lage. Beverage cost shared by group. I.S.A.: Open House, 8-12 p.m., International Center. Coming Events Inter-Guild Council: Meeting, Sun., Mar. 26, 2:30 - 4 p.m., Lane Hall Library. Group discussion on Aspects of Living Religions, Lane Hall, Mon., Mar. 27, 4 p.m. Topic: "The Uni- tarian Approachto Religion." Dr. Redman as leader. Social Seminar of the American Society for Public Administration, Michigan Chapter: "Comparative Administration." Mr. Edward H. Litchfield, visiting professor' of Public Administration, Cornell Un- iversity. 7:30 p.m., Mon., Mar. 27, West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Interested persons invited. Annual French Play: Le Cercle Francais will present "Les Jours Heureux," a comedy in three acts and four tableaux by Claude-An- dr6 Puget, Mon., Apr. 3, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. U. of M. Hot Record Society: Lecture-record program on "The Effects 'of Gold Stocks on Big Band Jazz." ABC room, League, 8 p.m., Sun., Mar. 26. Everyone in- vited. Bowling: There will be no open bowling at the Women's Athletic Building on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings hereafter. Ballet Club: Meeting, Mon., Mar. 27, 7 p.m., Dance Studio Barbour Gym. All interested persons, both men and women, invited. x '-4 t y, t A -4 4 Faculty Women's Club,' Play Reading Section: meeting, 1:45 p.m., Tues.,: League. Tuesday Regular Mar. 28, A I -A r. 1. A. A 'S Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jarofi.........Managing Editor Al Bumrosen................City Editor Philip Dawson......Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil.........Associate Editor Wally Barth......Photography Editor Pres Holmes .......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin....... .Sports Co-Editor Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage..............Librarian Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington... .Business Managel Dee Nelson. . Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff?....... Finance Manager Bob Daniels ......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail. $6.00. .4 'i k. -( BARNABY The decision is up to you, Barnaby. If you arbitrate in favor of the Pixies you'll have I Yeah? What'll your folks say? Barnaby! Jane! Where are you?