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March 25, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-25

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Latest Deadline in the State






King's Foes
Strike, Riot
In Belgium
Political Crisis
Reaches Climax
BRUSSELS- (W) -The Belgium
government sent mounted police
with drawn sabers into action last
night against anti-Leopoldist riot-
ers who damaged scores of Brus-
sels street cars being operated in
defiance of a Socialist-sponsored
general strike.
A 100-man police detachment
crashed its way through a crowd
of about 1,000 strikers and stu-
dents attempting to halt rush hour
traffic by pulling trolleys of
smashing windows. Three of the
strikers were trampled by the
THIS WAS THE Interior Minis-
t'-answer to hours of disorder
the strike, protesting the
sible return of exiled King Leo-
-pold III. The street cars were
manned by members of ,the pro-
Leopold Christian Workers' Union.
The police blow came in the
Porte De Namur, a large square
in upper Brussels surrounded by
numerous cafes. Most of the
demonstrators moved to that
section from the North Station
Plaza, attacking street cars one
the way.
The mounted officers were wait-
ing in various side streets. They
charged out through the crowd
like a scythe through wheat. The
demonstrators scattered for re-
fuge in the cafes. Motorized pa-
trols cordoned off the district.
* * *
down in the mounted charge es-
caped with minor bruises. The
known injured of the day totaled

Architect Asks For
Beauty in Cities
Cornell Dean Cites Importance
Of Automobile in Nations of Future
"We must provide well-planned homes in well-planned cities if
we are to survive as a great nation," Gilmore D. Clarke, dean of
Cornell University's architecture school, told a Rackham audience
yesterday in a special session of the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters.
But in spite of the home being the kernel of our civilization, the
motor vehicle's use will continue to be expanded, and we must com-
Ane our efforts to make this kind of travel as safe and as attractive
as we can, he said in a lecture entitled "The Promotion of Beauty,
An Essential Element of Wise Living."
* * * *
AND THE MORE attractive we make the highways, the more
attractive our general living will become, he said.
Clarke declared that the attention of specialists in problems
of beauty is not enough, and issued a plea for every citizen to
* * * ' take a personal interest in the












Stasseii Hits


There was some minor trouble
elsewhere in the country.
A power plant explosion shut off
all electrical power in the town
of Ghent, but officials said it was
r accidental and had no connection
with the strike.
* * *
THE NATION'S two-week old
political crisis reached a climax
late in the wh en Regent Prince
Charles, brother of the king, sum-
moned Franz Van Cauwelaert to
work out a solution.
Van Cauwelaert is a veteran So-
cial Christian leader. If he is asked
to form a government he is ex-
pected to name an all Social Chris-
tian cabinet pledged to bring Leo-
pold back from Switzerland as
soon as possible. It is doubtful,
however, that such a government
could get a vote of confidence
from Parliament. Parliament
meets Tuesday.
More Czechs
Escape From,
Iron Curtain
FRANKFURT - (P) - Three
planes loaded with 85 Czechs flee-
ing their Comunist-ruled home-
land landed in American-occupied
Germany yesterday.
It was the largest mass escape
from behind the Iron Curtain, U.-
S. Army officers said.
Officers at Erding Field, just
Northeast of Munich, said the re-
fugees were being held incom-
municado pending instructions
from Airforce Intelligence Head-
quarters at Wiesbaden.
THE FLIGHT to freedom coin-
cided with widespread reports -
denied by the Czechoslovakian
government-that Deputy Czech
Premier Zdenek Fierlinger had
been assassinated by underground
anti-Communist fighters.
Regarding the flight, there
were also these reports, both un-
1. Several top ranking Com-
munists and one or two govern-
ment officials were aboard.
2. The flight had been plan-
ned several months ago when a
new Communist group seized
control of the government in a
"palace revolution."
SPlanes carrying small numbers
of fleeing Czechs have landed oc-
casionally in Western Germany
since the Communists seized Pra-
gue. Those planes, however, were
taken over in the air by small
groups of desperate passengers

* *' *
Welch Asks
Water Li-fe
Six recommendations aimed at
achieving better protection for
Michigan's valuable biological re-:
sources were presented last night
by Prof. Paul S. Welch, of the
zoology department and president
of the Michigan Academy of Sci-
ence, Arts and Letters.
In his "imnological View of the
Inland Waters of Michigan," Prof.
Welch described a limnologist as
one who is interested in "water
as a producer of living things,
large and small, plant and ani-
* * *
HIS SIX recommendations for
safeguarding such life, which he
said was largely neglected in the
state, are:
1. Control of contamination.
2. A complete inventory of the
state's biological resources. "You
can't protect something if you
don't know what you're trying to
protect," he warned.
3. Conflicting interests in the
use of water must be harmon-
4. Development of more exten-
sive programs of water manage-
met, by preserving some of the
state's inland lakes, saving watcr
by more dam construction andi
more knowledge and use of arti-
ficial fertilization of water.
5. More education of the gen-
eral public of Michigan so that
they would take an interest in
lakes and streams other than
6. More extensive research in
basic aquatic biology.

orderly and the comprehensive
development of all areas in
which we live and move about
in order to expand beauty with-
in and without the community.
Engineers in their projects do
not readily warm up to the term
"beauty," in fact they consider
it a more or less effeminate word,
he said. Nevertheless, it is an es-
sential element which must be an
inherent factor in all motorway
projects we build, he added.
* * * ,
"ALMOST every element intro-
duced into the design of the high-
way which serves to improve the
appearance, also serves to increase
the efficiency and safety of the
facility," Clarke asserted.
So if engineers took an aes-
thetic as well as technical view,
of their constructions, the ul-
timate project would be better,
he explained.
"This, and other important con-
siderations, such as the elimina-
tion of billboards, the ugly gas
station and the equally obnoxious
hot-dog stand, should be con-
sidered in the design of our mo-
torways if we are to keep pace
with the development of the mod-
ern motor vehicle."
* * *
"IF WE FIRST aim to solve
the traffic problems in our com-
munities, then we are in a better
position to tackle the still more
serious problem of housing,"
Clarke said.
"Order and beauty should not
be the sole concern of fine arts
commissions or of architects and
artists, but as well the concern
of, all: statesmen, churchmen and
laymen," Clarke declared.
See MICHIGAN, Page 5
Blasts Defense
ing from General Dwight D. Eis-
enhower that America is danger-
ously underarmed got him a
prompt invitation yesterday to tell
Congress how to spend money
where it's needed.
Eisenhower said the country
had disarmed below the safety
point in some directions. A Senate
appropriations subc o m m i t t e e
working on the 13,028,000,000 an-
nual military department money
bill voted with one voice to ask
him for his advice.
Eisenhower, now president of
Columbia University, sounded his'
warning in a speech at New York
Thursday night in which he said
it is dangerous to trim our de-
fenses as much as we have unless
all nations do the same.

Thinks Stalin
Has Met With
"We've been losing the cold war
by following a negative policy of
containment," Harold E. Stassen
declared yesterday in an address
at Hill Auditorium highlighting
the Big Ten Republican Confer-
Deploring Secretary of State
Acheson's recent "total diplomacy"
as a mere "catch phrase," he call-
ed for "dynamic" action on the
part of the United States in end-
ing its policy of "waiting for the
dust to fall."
Communism cannot be "con-
tained," he warned.
STASSEN ALSO hinted that
"something serious has happened
to Stalin in the past few weeks."
He based his observation on
the circulation of a "faked" pic-
ture of Stalin voting in the re-
cent Russian elections.
Not only has it been proved that
a picture of Stalin's head was su-
perimposed on another picture, but
the marshal appears younger in
the photograph than he did at the
time of my conference with him
in 1947, Stassen explained.
* * *
HE WARNED, however, against
thinking that the world situation
would change by the death of any
member of the Politboro.
"The cold war will probably
continue for a full generation,"
Stassen observed. There may be
quiet for awhile, or there may
be armed conflict, but the clash
of ideologies will continue," he
He advocated that the United
States maintain an "alert defense
system" until an effective interna-
tional police force is created.
"NO NATION ever proved it
wanted peace by making itself
weak," he asserted.
"If world government develops
without war, it will do so by a
slow evolution out of the United
He predicted a rewriting of the
charter a few years in the future.
There is no veto in calling a con-
vention for that purpose, he ex-
,Bridges Asks
'Why Attack
WJR Owner'
Bridges (R-N.H.) yesterday de-
manded to know whether the
owner of radio station WJR in
Detroit had been "singled out"
for a Federal hearing because he
is an Administration critic.
Bridges in a statement charged
that the Federal Communications
Commission "at the request of
James Roosevelt, has invoked
seldom-used powers" against G. A.
Richards, owner of KMPC in Los
Angeles and WGAR in Cleve-
land, as well as of WJR.
RICHARDS is accused in a
hearing under way at Los Angeles
of telling members of his news
staff at KMPC to present the
Roosevelt family unfavorably in
the news. Bridges said he was told
that the station owner is a form-

or New Deal supporter who broke
with the party in 1940.
Bridges urged the Senate
Commerce Committee to see if
Richardsis being "singled out
while other station operators
are given complete freedom to
support the party line of the
Administration in violation of
the Communications Act."

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
DINNER DISCUSSION-Officials of the Big Ten Young Republican Conference meet with con-
ference speaker Harold E. Stassen last night at a dinner. They are, front row, left to right, Dave
Belin, conference chairman, Stassen, and Len Wilcox, in charge of arrangements. Back row, left to
right, John Donaldson, program chairman, Bob Wijliams, of Minnesota, vice chairman, and Jasper

Stassen Voices Disfavor
Of College Loyalty Oaths

Loyalty oaths have no place in
our universities, Harold E. Stas-
sen, president of the University
of Pennsylvania, said last night in
an interview.
He expressed disapproval of the
University of California Board of
Regents which recently set up a
loyalty oath for members of the
. .*
All Eligibles
Declares Tope
The failure of eligible persons to
vote is permitting President Tru-
man to continue his flirtation.
with Socialism, John Tope, chair-
man of the National Young Re-
publican Federation, declared be-
fore the opening session of the
Big Ten YR convention yesterday
af ternoon.
"I am convinced that a large
majority of the American people
are opposed to the present admin-
istration in Washington, especial-
ly to the gradual weakening of the
country's -economy by deficit
spending," Tope asserted, "and if
this spending is continued, it will
lead to national insolvency."
One and a half million college
students of voting age must be
brought to action politically,and
the Young Republican organiza-
tion should be the one to reach
those votes, Tope declared.
"Our platform should be des-
criptive of our slogan, 'Opportun-
ity State,' and should constitute
a come-back to President Tru-
man's 'socialistic' planning," he

vania instructor who believes in
Communist thought and theory
would be judgedsolely on the ba-
sis of his teaching competence
rather than his beliefs, he said.
"Only if an instructor falsi-
fied statements and twisted fact
to party line would his position
be in jeopardy. And then his
competence would be judged by
fellow members of the faculty."
Asked if a state university was
justified in requesting information
on race and religion on applica-
tions to their schools, Stassen re-
plied that he definitely prefers
not to have them but that the im-
portance of these questions is
sometimes misinterpreted.
* * *4
"A PERSON'S status should
not be hidden in order to gain ac-
ceptance, but people should be
accepted on individual merit only.
"Perhaps a transition period is
needed in which questions of this
sort would not be asked, until fi-
nally a person's known status
would not be a factor of accept-
ance," he said.
British Politician,
Harold Laski, Dies
LONDON - (/) - Harold Las-
ki, 56, former chairman of the
British Labor party, died last
Laski was considered one of Bri-
tam's most brilliant political scho-
lars, although his philosophy was
frequently under fire in conserva-
tive camps both in this country
and abroad.
He was chairman of the Labor
party in 1945-46 when it rose to

Peace Near
in Chryler-
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Yesterday's develop-
ments boosted hopes for a quick
settlement of the 60-day old
Chrysler Corporation strike.
Chrysler Corporation offered its
89,000 striking workers a $30,000,-
000 pension plan and other major
benefits. But Union leaders turn-
ed down the offer saying it was
only half good enough. They came
up with a counter-proposal.
* * *
halt until tomorrow in the fast-
moving peace talks. They said they
wanted to give each side time to
think over the other's latest
Here is what has happened l
Chrysler offered to back its
guarantee of $100-a-month pen-
sions, including Federal Social Se-
curity, with $30,000,000 set aside
immediately as a trust fund. It
also offered to liberalize eligibil-
ity requirements for retiring work-
ers and raised its hospital-medi-
cal-insurance benefits.
* * *
THE CIO Auto Workers Union
said it would go along with the
lump sum finding arrangement
for pensions. But it said another
$16,020,000 would have to be put
into the fund during the proposed
five-year agreement to make the
plan sound.
It also insisted on. far higher
hospital - medical insurance
benefits and improvements in
non-economic sections of the
old Chrysler-UAWcontract.
The Union said the company's
offer was "a step in the right di-

Get Data On
Red Suspect
Name of 'Agent'
Still Undisclosed
WASHINGTON - () - Data
from secret FBI files has already
been given to Senators investi-
gating charges of Communism in
the State Department, the Justice
Department said yesterday.
An announcement said FBI
Chief J. Edgar Hoover gave mem-
bers of the Senate investigating
committee "a complete analysis
of the FBI file on one principal'
The name of the person involved
was not disclosed.
HOOVER was summoned yes-
terday to testify at a public hear-
ing Monday on the controversial
question of disclosing Federal
loyalty files to Senate spy investi-
Chairma'n Tydings (D-Md.)
told the Senate that Hoover
and U.S. Attoney General J,
Howard McGrath have both
agreed to appear before a Sen-
ate foreign relations subcom-
mittee at the outset of a busy
week's schedule in the current
Republican Senator McCarthy
ofWisconsin, who has been firing
charges of Red influence in the,
State Department for weeks, said
Thursday he is willing to "stand
or fall" on the case of a man he
named as "the top Soviet es-
piohage agent in this country."
McCARTHY SAID the man is
connected with the State Depart-
ment and had a desk there until.
recently. The department insisted
that the individual was never con-
nected with the State Department
except on a four-month diploma-
tic mission abroad about five
years ago.
The Wisconsin Senator, gave
the name of the man to a Senate
foreign relations subcommittee
at a secret session Tuesday.
Yesterday's announcement by
the Justice Department gave no
details about the "one principal
case," nor did it link this case
with McCarthy's case of the al-
leged Soviet spy chief.
statement that U.S. Attorney Gen-
eral J. Howard McGrath, FBI Di-
rector Hoover and other top aides
discussed the case in McGrath's
office with members of the Senate
subcommittee headed by Chair-
man Tydings (D-Md.).
It said McGrath and Hoover
gave the committee "a complete
summation" of the FBI file on the
* 3' *
Cvetic's List
Missing From
House Files
WASHINGTON-(P)-A list of
Congress members who have con-
tributed to the American Slav
Congress, or corresponded with it,
h a s disappeared mysteriously
from the office of the House Un-
American Activities Committee.
The case of the missing list _
came to light yesterday whie the
committee was questioning Mat-

thew Cvetic of Pittsburgh. Cvetic
is the former FBI under cover
agent who for several weeks has
been testifying about Communist
activities in the Pittsburgh area,
including their penetration of the
Slav Congress, an organization
branded as subversive in 1948 by
the Attorney General.
CVETIC SMID he had turned
various files and papers over to
the Committee when he began his
testimony and had since asked
for their return.
"One file is missing," Cvetic
said. "It was a file-a document
of the American Slav Congress,
letters, correspondence and con-
tributions of Congressmen, Sen-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
NASHVILLE-A big truck loaded with 20,000 pounds of dyna-
mite caught fire and blew up with blockbuster force on U.S. Highway
41-A, 20 miles north of here last night. At least two men were killed,
and several other persons injured.
* * * *
WASHINGTON - The United TAIPEI, Formosa - Sources
States has ended the assign- which should know reported yes-
ments of three military officers terday that the Chinese Com-
attached to the U.S. Legation in munists now have some sort of
Hungary because tl Hungarian air force that sent a scout plane
Communist government said over Formosa three days ago
they had to be removed. They and forced down a Nationalist
probably will not be replaced. fighter on the mainland recently.

False Phoenix Facts Fool Too Many

j a vr~w va, ..... a.vv va.. .., s. a. ., .., .....

WASHINGTON-A farm price bill, winner in a curious best-two-
out-of-three voting test in the Senate, finally was sent to the White
House last night.

Two Phoenix Projects seem to
exist in the minds of many Uni-
versity students, accord4ng to Stu-
dent Drive Chairman Mary Lu-
beck, '51.
One is the Project as it actually

about the phoenix bird which
flies to an altar every 500 years
and promptly proceeds to burn
itself as a sacrifice, Lubeck said.
Then a new phoenix bird arises
from the ashes, and flies grace-

ply basic atomic materials for
University a t o m i e research,
which is limited to peacetime
applications, Lubeck comment-
Misconceptions about the date

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