THE MICHIGANDAILY FRIDAY, 1ARCH 24, 1950, _____ ____ __ .__ _ _. CORNER 0@s (dit'r4 The te CAMPAIGN SPEECHES are campaign speeches, and nobody expects very much of them. But Senator Joseph McCarthy's recent blasts in the Senate, in which he has charged that the State Department is in- fested by a large number of Communists masquerading as distinguished individuals, are as weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable as any statements we have read in a long time. It might almost be considered fortunate that this hapless blunderer has produced such baseless accusations as these. By reducing the campaign "issue" of Com- munists-in-government to an absurdity, he has shown it up for what it was under- neath all the time. But McCarthy's charges represent only an extreme expression of views that many mil.. lions of people hold. If that were not so, even he would not think it worthwhile to express them. Furthermore, when a House committee ia- serts in the National Science Foundation bill the unprecedented requirement of loyalty certification by the FBI for those who are to receive scholarships under the bill; when Republican Senator Homer Ferguson is able to get the Mundt-Ferguson-Nixon bill through the Senate Judiciary Committee; when so many people are worried about loy- alty and so few are actively worried about what we ought to be loyal to-when all this fear is in the air, it has become time to take McCarthy's accusations as a real threat, not just the ravings of a crackpot or the bom- bast of a stump speaker. * * * WE'RE THE PEOPLE who are supposed to be for liberty and democracy; our side is the one that offers the opportunity of free- dom; it's the, Russians who punish people for things they never did, who -require sci-; entists to be loyal to an ideology first and science afterward, who hound organizations which "deviate" from their particular party- line. Yet here we are, being asked to do all these things. In order to maintain "loy- alty." Self-appointed loyalty-testers like McCarthy and Ferguson would have us scare people into line by legislation. They are apparently willing to fix our political organization in a permanent mold of op- position to Russia. They are ready to take a long step toward sacrificing such adapt- ability as we have left. They are prepared to make a war with Russia as nearly in- evitable as it can be made. The question these gentlemen cannot ans- wer is, if we fight Russia to avoid the dom- ination of a monolithic state, and erect one hers in the process, what have we gained but destruction? The choice they are heading us for is no choice at all: either you're "loy- al" and you get destroyed by bombs, or you're "disloyal" and you get destroyed by the U.S. government. -Philip Dawson Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. By LEON JAROFF ANY DOUBTS that the controversial La- bor Youth League had established a campus chapter were dispelled last week by the appearance of Challenge, a publication identifying itself as "Young America's voice for peace, jobs and freedom." My first contact with Challenge was made the night that a pleasant, but slightly fur- tive salesman visited my dormitory room and offered to place my name on Challenge's subscription lists for a nominal fee. But a quick glance at the the paper and visions of a contents of triumphant Pte THE EFFECTS of Congressional Commu- nist probes were brought home to the campus yesterday with the revelation that a chapter of the Labor Youth League exists here. Although in the organizational stage since last summer they have been forced because of the Communist scare to keep their activities quiet. The reason is that it's considered eco- nomically unhealthy for a person to be con- nected with a group that may be labeled subversive by the Un-American Activities Committee or the Attorney General at any time. He automatically loses his chance to get a government job and may face black listing by employers. So organizations like the Labor Youth League go under ground. They DON'T, and this is important, stop their activities. Rather, they carry them on in a way which protects them from the limelight which has already done damage to a lot of definitely non-Communist in- dividuals. Whether or not the Labor Youth League is Communistic or not, I don't know. Some of its leaders are. Some of its statements follow party-line. The campus, evidently, will not get a chance to judge. Because, fearing the at- tacks of the red hunters, the group pre- fers to keep its meeting place secret; keep its membership lists secret; keep the gen- eral public unaware of what its discussions are about. A lot of young people who have a normal academic desire to study Marxism must adopt the cloak and dagger method to do so. This, in some quarters is considered romantic. It also develops a feeling of * martyrdom to a cause, and a paranoiac feeling of persecution which would not have occurred had they been study facts in the cold light of day. It enables Communist doctrine to go un- challenged among them. It is a factor we should consider in weigh- ing any benefits of the work our Un-Ameri- can Activity groups in national and state government are doing. -Don McNeil. Senator McCarthy revealing me as a sub- scriber resulted in a low-voiced transac- tion out of which I emerged with just one copy. Challenge proved a worthwhile invest- ment, for it explicitly exposed the goals and motives, the scope and the constituency of the Labor Youth League. In a statement of policy, the publishers revealed that the LYL is "an organization that meets the interests and fights for the needs of young men and women, Negro and white . . . that stands with the working class on the side of peace, security and progress . . . that looks to a happy future in a land of free and equal people, an America of Socialism." ANOTHER VOICE ,UPPORTING the LYL's avowed purposes, } Challenge was filled with articles blast- ing discrimination against Negroes, pumping for full employment and decrying prepara- tions for war. But scattered throughout the paper were other articles which indicated that LYL was not exclusively a voice for young Americans. Somehow, another voice had entered the picture. "Prices Cut 4th Time in USSR," one of the headlines boasted. An article reprinted from Soviet Rus- sia Today told of the "complete equality and freedom" accorded to Negroes in the Soviet Union. Under the headline, "Laverne Roach Vic- tim of Money-Ruled Ring," Challenge indi- cated that the young boxer's death never would have occurred under the "Soviet Union's socialist sports code which takes the profit out of sports." * * * "RUSSIA GOOD, U.S. BAD" AND SO, between blasting "U.S. imperial- ism" and lavishing praise on mother Russia, . the true voice of LYL made itself heard. Over and over, like the sheep in George Orwell's Animal Farm, it chanted, "Russia good, U.S. bad." That such an organization exists on campus is no cause for general alarm. There is no need for a 1950 version of the Callihan committee to visit Ann Ar- bor, nor is any action by the University called for. One need only speak to campus members of LYL to realize that they are harmless in- dividuals, completely absorbed in Marxist theories, hopeless Russophiles, and blind to any and every defect in the Russian sys- tem of government. Their political discussions consist of dog- matic cliches, evasive answers and mon- strous rationalizations. * * * THE LYL THREAT UNFORTUNATELY, however, LYL con- stitutes one very definite threat which canot be taken lightly - and that threat is to the very measure it advocates. By associating itself with liberal campus organizations, labor unions, and peace and anti-discrimination movements, LYL at- taches a stigma to these groups which can completely destroy their effectiveness. But we must let LYL rave on and do everything in our power to avoid granting it what it must certainly want most - martyrdom. "Where Do I Come In?" HOUSING - -_ OUl - ,, e Xet tei TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. NIGHT EDITOR: JANET WATTS The Weekend In Town EVENTS OF INTEREST AROUND CAM- PUS. LECTURES HAROLD STASSEN: "Young Sparks for the Grand Old Party," sponsored by the Young Republicans. 8 p.m., today, in Hill Auditorium. GILMORE D. CLARKE, Dean of the Col- lege of Architecture, Cornell University: "The Promotion of Beauty, an Essential Element of Wise Living." The lecture will be ir? conjunction with the Michigan Acadejmy of Science, Arts, and Letters. 4:30 p.m., today in Rackham Amphitheatre. DRAMA J.G.P., THE REAL MCCOY: 8 p.m., to- day; 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., tomorrow in Lydia Mendelssohn. CONCERTS ORGAN RECITAL, Robert Noehren, Uni- versity Organist, in an all Bach program. 4:15 p.m., Sunday in Hill Auditorium. VARSITY BAND CONCERT: 3 p.m., Sun- day in the Union Ballroom. MOVIES QUARTET: Four of Somerset Maugham's stories skillfully dramatized. Superior film- fare. Today and tomorrow at the Michigan. THE PRIVATE LIFE AND LOVES OF REMBRANDT, with Charles Laughton, Gertrude Lawrence. Through Sunday at the Orpheum. CAPTAIN CHINA, with John Payne, Gail Russell. Today and tomorrow at the State. SWORD IN THE DESERT, with Dana Andrews and Gail Russell. Sunday at the State, YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN, with Kirk DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN }f THOMAS L. STOKES: Next: The Socialists Harold Stassen .. . To the Editor: HAROLD E. STASSEN, frequent- ly regarded as the shining hope of the Republican Party, is speaking to the Young Republi- cans this evening. Perhaps a bit of background information is in order. Mr. Stassen's activities in the past have included the following: 1-Recommendation that Mar- shall Plan funds be strictly with- held from countries currently placing any industry under public ownership and control. This would play directly into the hands of the Russians and other critics of the U.S. who now falsely charge that we are using our economic super- iority as a means of forcing an un- wanted capitalistic structure upon western Europe. 2--Warm endorsement of oleo-, margarine taxes. 3-Recommendation that in- come taxes, which now run up to 88% in the top brackets, be re- duced to not in excess of 50%. This would be a bonanza to movie stars, radio comedians, and cor- poration executives, but it might prove puzzling to the lower income brackets, whose taxes would neces- sarily have to be raised. 4-A plea for the denial of ba- sic civil liberties to Communists, in defiance of the best of our dem- ocratic traditions. 5-A special speaking tour in Nebraska a few years ago to fight the Senatorial candidacy of George W. Norris. In addition, Mr. Stassen has been attacking the British Health Plan by means of such typical distortions as the following: He asserts that British mortality rates during the first year since the introduction of National Health Insurance are higher than for the preceding year. But he conveniently ignores the fact that mortality rates were considerably higher the second year prior to the inception of the new health pro- gram than for the first year fol- lowing it. He deliberately seeks to create the impression that the Health Act is responsible for the long queues waiting for admission to the Bri- tish hospitals. He is not fair enough to tell the public that in London alone, immediately prior to the Health Act, some 30,000 persons had applied for hospital] admission, but had been denied entrance due to the shortage of hospital beds, nurses, etc. Many other misstatements or half-truths could be culled from his recent articles in the Reader's Digest but perhaps these will suf- fice. If Mr. Stassen is the shining hope of the Republicans, then that party is indeed shrouded in dark- ness. -Reo M. Christenson * * * * Marx Again .. . To the Editor: HIS IS in reference to my let- ter, in your issue of March 15, in which I voiced strong opposi- tion to the overemphasis and play- ing up of Mrs. Paul Robeson's talk at the University. Your editorial director, in his columra the following day, saw fit to attempt to justify the position of The Michigan Daily in its treat- ment of the news story in ques- tion. He saw fit, furthermore, to twist the clearly-stated meaning of my letter and to subject it to his own confused and misleading interpretation. It is apparent to the present writer that The Michigan Daily displays a woeful lack of editorial judgment. It is an elementary rule of journalism that the degree of emphasis placed upon a story -i.e., a story's position,. length, headline type, question of a pic- ture - is a direct reflection of the judgment of prevailing policy- making forces of the newspaper regarding the importance of a story. Your editorial director chose en- tirely to disregard this, the basis of my letter's argument, prefer- ring, instead, to accuse me of be- ing opposed to reading Commun- ist propaganda. Just for the record, let me state that I am not at all opposed to reading Communist propaganda. On the contrary, Red propaganda has given me chuckles for years. It just so happens that, political- ly, the world has evolved into a struggle of two super-powers, and that front-page Communist prop- aganda is not to be laughed at anymore in a total ideological and diplomatic struggle. It is up to all of those who be- lieve that democracy can survive best under a truly free, capitalis- tic society to exercise the utmost judgment in all our public pro- nouncements and deeds. It is imperative that The Michi- gan Daily exercise journalistic dis- cretion, for all its writings are of the public realm. This writer still believes that your overemphasis ofrCommunist propaganda is an irresponsible performance, an unforgiveable er- ror in editorial judgment, and an untrue and discreditable reflection upon the University. -Gunther Marx, Grad. (EDITOR'S NOTE: There are two kinds of editoria judgment: the judgment that someone's expressed opinion is important, and the judg- ment that it is correct or acceptable to readers. The Daily attempts to judge a statement's importance by its value as news, not by its"truth" or general acceptance. Either Mr. Marx was maintaining that Mrs. Rob- eson's speech was unimportant as news-in which case we emphatical- ly disagree-or else he was saying that we think Mrs. Robeson was correct, in which ease we reserve our judg- ment for the editorial page. It is the confusion of these two types of edi- torial judgment that vitiates Mr. Marx's original criticism in regard to our coverage of Mrs. Robeson's speech. Thereal question now seems to be whether Communist propaganda is important enoughrto be given front- page space. As Mr. Marx points out, "politically the world has evolved in- to a struggle of two super-powers" Communist propaganda has thus ac- quired more influencethroughout the world; for this reason it is more important as news. Furthermore, by referring to Mrs. Robeson's remarks as "propaganda," Mr. Marx implies a prejudgment as to the truth of what she said; it is thisprejudgmentwwhich no news- paper is entitled to accept in determ- ining the importance of such state- ments as news. Incidentally, in regard to mislead- ing interpretations, Mr. Marx is gui ty of his own accusation.) (Continued from Page 3) terview candidates for the Ford Field Training Program. Appli- cants must have the following qualifications : (1) Be at least 20 and not more than 26 years of age. (2) Rank in scholarship in the upper 25% ofdhis graduating class. (3) Give evidence of leader- ship and enterprise best indicated by participation in extra-curri- cular activities. (4) Be in good health. Applicants must be can- dioIates for a degree in June. No specific course or specialized train- ing is required. For further information and appointment to interview, call the Bureau of Appointments 3-1511, Ext. 371. Lectures University Lecture, complimen- tary to the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. "The Promotion of Beauty, an Essential Element of Wise Living." Dean Gilmore D. Clarke, College of Ar- chitecture, Cornell University. 4:30 p.m., Fri., Mar. 24, Rackham Am- phitheatre. Mathematics Lecture: Prof. C. C. MacDuffee, University of Wis- consin, will give a lecture on Lor- enzian Groups, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Mar. 24, 3011 Angell Hall. Academic Notices English 60: On Fri., Mar. 24, Mr. Mueschke's class will meet in 231 AH instead of the regular classroom. Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m.; Mon., Mar. 27, at the Obser- vatory. Speaker: Dr. Charles R. Burrows, director, school of Elec- trical Engineering, Cornell Uni- versity. Subject: "Radio Astron- omy Investigations at Cornell Uni- versity." Deadline for students who wish to apply for admission to the Doc- toral Program in Social Psych- ology as of Sept., 1950, is Sat., Mar. 25. Applications may be ob- tained in the program office, 306 Mason Hall. Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics: will be held during the week beginning Mon., Apr. 24. Each student planning to take these examinations should leave with the secretary of the Depart- ment not later than Fri., Mar. 31, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be examined and his field of specialization. The University Extension Serv- ice announces the following course: Bird Study. Planned primarily for beginners, though any inter- ested person may enroll. Through study in the field during the spring migration season, the group will learn to identify birds by such characteristics as size, shape, flight pattern, markings, color, song, and behavior. Attention will also be given to the environments in which various birds nest as well as to types of nests, nesting materials, incubation, and behavior during the early part of the breeding sea- son. Five of the eight weekly ses- sions will be early morning field trips on Saturday and Sunday. Parents who register for the course may bring their children on the field trips at no extra fee. In- structor is H. Louis Batts. Open- ing session, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Mar. 28, 2116 Natural Science Bldg. Registration, $5. Concerts Band Concert Canceled. The concert by the University Sym- phonic Band, previously announ- ced for Tues. evening, Apr. 4, has been postponed. The new date will be announced later. This cancellation does not affect the program by the Varsity Band to be given at 3 p.m., Sun.,. Mar. 26, Union Ballroom. Organ Recital. The second pro- gram in the current series of re- citals by Robert Noehren, Univer- sity Organist, will be played at 4:15 p.m., Sun., Mar. 26, Hill Audi- torium. It will be devoted to The Greater Catechism, from the Clav- ierubung: Part Three, by Bach. Open to the public. The final pro-' gram will be presented at the same hour on Apr. 2. Student Recital: Carol Neilson, soprano, will present a program in the Architecture Auditorium, Sat., Mar. 25, at 8:30 p.m., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Miss Neilson's program will include compositions in Italian, German, French, and a group of Irish songs. The public is invited. Student Recital: James W. Mor- ton, Clarinetist, will present a pro- gram in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Fri., Mar. 24, Architecture Auditorium. He will be assisted by Bethyne Bis- choff, pianist, and David Ireland, violist. Program: Works by To- masi, Hindemith, Schumann and Mozart. Mr. Morton is a pupil of Albert Luconi. Open to the public. Joint Musicale by Phi Mu Al- pha, Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsilon, 7 p.m., Sun., Mar. 26, Hussey Room, League. All mem- bers and faculty are invited. Events Today Wesley Foundation: 7:30 p.m., "Fun and Frolic" at the Guild. Square dancing. Canterbury Club: 12:10 p.m., Holy Communion followed by lun- cheon; 4-6 p.m., tea and open house; 5:15 p.m., evening prayer and meditation. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Friday evening services, 7:45 p.m., followed by a fireside discussion led by Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, Chief of Children's Service, N. P. I., University Hospital. Topic: "The Child is Father to the Man." Saturday morning services, 9 a.m. Westminster Presbyterian Guild: Square dance, 8:30 p.m., Social Hall. Lane Hall Coffee Hour: 4:30-6 p.m., Lounge, Lane Hall. International W e e k Student Groups: Meeting of representa- tives of ;all groups participating in International Week, 4:30 p.m., International Center, Recreation Room. University Museums: Exhibition halls will be open from 7 to 9 p.m. Movies: "Roots of Plants," "Seed Dispersal," and "Plant Traps, 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium; auspices of the Uni- versity Museums, through the courtesy of the Audio-Visual Ed- ucation Center. German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30 p.m., League Cafeteria. All stu- dents and faculty members in- vited. Hiawatha Clu4: Mixer, 8:30 p.- m., Grand Rapids Room, League. All U.P. students invited. Visitors' Night, Department of Astronomy: 7:45 p.m., Angell Hall. A short illustrated talk will be giv- en by Mr. Edward Lewis in 3017 Angell Hall. Following the talk the student observatory, fifth floor, Angell Hall, will be open for observation' of the Moon and Sat- urn, with the telescopes, provided the sky is clear. Children must be accompanied by adults. (Continued on Page 5) I x a } ;{ 4' r 1 WASHINGTON - Republican national chairman Guy George Gabrielson ap- parently is taking up where Senator Joe McCarthy (Republican, Wisconsin) leaves off. From stalking "Communists" in the gov- ernment, at which the Wisconsin Senator has had little luck, Mr. Gabrielson promised to go further and begin stalking socialists in a speech at Lincoln at a Nebraska Republi- can founders' celebration. "Behind the Communists," he said, "we have the socialists. A socialist is a person who has not yet learned that socialism is just the first step toward Communism, that when you rob men and women of their incentive, opportunity and right to progress the next step is compulsion-the police state. "Here again we find a foreign nation, Britain, being used as the pattern to which America is supposed to adapt itself. Let me emphasize this point, for the socialists, bor- ing from within for government ownership of industry, first, and agriculture, second, are not as well known. We haven't got to spotlighting them. "But I promise you we will." WHO'S GOING TO BE the McCarthy for the socialist hunt? Will the "police state" methods now so familiar, the slander broadcast throughout the country, be adopt- ed? Will it be limited to "card-carrying'' Socialists, or will it be expanded vaguely- borrowing phrases from Joe McCarthy-to "pro-socialists" or "sympathetic with social- ists" or, without bothering with all that, just plain "subversives?" Andter Sofialictq - next 4 best for his purposes, also New Dealers and Fair Dealers. After giving them quite a go- ing-over, he wound up: "We have the right to demand of Presi- dent Truman, and will demand it repeat- edly, that he either accept the label of socialism in his administration or else eject those who believe in socialism. And that would mean rejecting the support of his off-color political party, the Americans for Democratic Action." So there, Harry Truman. Come clean, sir! In a nicely nostalgic passage, chairman Gabrielson recalled his college days in Iowa before the first world war when the students argued about politics and social questions --"For you know most college boys are politicians and economists and social pion- eers at heart." There were, he said, "Liber- als" in the truest sense of Thomas Jefferson' "that government is best which governs least," which presumably included him, and a few socialists and some "who were furthet to the left of center even of socialism, al- though such terms as left and right and right of center still had not penetrated this country from abroad." Then they were all Americans, he said. He seems to think college boys are different to- day. SOME NATURALLY would disagree with him today, as then, but college boys probably haven't changed too much. There are lots of Republicans among them still. There are Young Republican clubs in 400 colleges today, many of them in Deep South Democratic territory. All of their membelf wouldn't agree with the Republican chair- man, but he'd find them interesting and, Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by 'students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blunrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner............. Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil.........Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin...... .Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz..Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage............... Librarian Joyce Clark....... .Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. >Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. : . r, ,4 4 BARNABY It's not that we don't want to work- It's either him or us- I didn't mean that, Mr. O'Malley-You could t1