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March 24, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-24

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


Troops Stop
Red Uprising
East of Rome
Revolt Leads To
Martial Order
ROME - (/P) - Italian armorer
troops put down a Communist-lec
uprising in the Southern Italiar
town of San Severo bloodlessb:
x, yesterday after street fighting it
which 15 policemen and three ci.
vilians were injured. They insti-
tuted a virtual state of siege.
Forty Communists, including th(
wife of a senator,- were' reporter
arrested. Armored cars patrolled
the deserted streets last night.
* * *
THE CLASH was one of a series
of incidents that followed the 12-
hour general strike conducted
Wednesday by members of the
Communist-led General Confeder-
ation of Labor.
Communists set up road blocks
this morning around San Severo,
a town of 38,000 150 miles
Southeast of Rome at the spur
of the Italian boot.
They used hand .grenade.
against small police units which
attempted to pierce the barricades.
A small artillery unit also failec
r to break the barricades, made
up of big empty gasoline drums,
junked automobiles, trucks, mule
carts and at least one steam roller
Late dispatches estimated that
5,000 demonstrators, some firing
from rooftops, fought troops and
police before order finally was
restored. But, despite the fire-
works, no deaths were reported.
Grenade fragments injured 1(
of the police. The other five were
beaten up. Two civilians were
stabbed by a policeman in a hand-
to-hand fight in a butcher shop.
The third civilian, described as an
ex-Fascist, was mauled by Com-
POLICE put in a call for help
from troops at Foggia, the big
wartime air base 18 miles to the
South. The armored column rush-
ed in swiftly; brushed aside the
roadblocks and occupied Commun-
ist headquarters and the Chamber
of Labor.
See No Jump
AIn Local Rents
With Decontrol
Althoughi most Ann Arbor land-
ladies favor removal of rent con-
trols here, they have made no defi-
nite plans to raise rents in their
own rooming houses if controls
are lifted June 30.
Removal of controls in Ypsilanti
and Willow Village, coupled with
a broad Congressional hint that
there may be no federal rent lids
after June 30, appears to have
caused no consternation locally.
* * *
ASKED IF she will raise her
rents in the event of decontrol, a
Cambridge Road landlady declar-
ed, "I haven't raised my rent since
I started four years ago and I have
no intention of raising it."
A student residing in Willow
Village, where controls were re-
moved, said he doesn't expect
his rent to go up, since the fed-
eral government owns the vil-
No complaints of high rents

have been registered in Ypsilanti
pince decontrol went into effect
three days ago. Before decontrol,
more than 100 of that city's prin-
cipal landlords signed a pledge not
to raise rents before Jan. 1, 1951.
The pledge was put on file in Ypsi-
lanti City Hall.
YPSILANTI landlords are still
trying to persuade Gov. G. Mennen
Williams to raise rent controls
himself, because such an action by
the governor would make it im-
possible for the federal govern-
ment to reimpose controls.
In Ann Arbor, Student Legis-
lature's Campus Action Commit-
tee has been working on the
rent problem.
Cnl Klyman, '51, a committee!
member, urged roomers who feel
they are being overcharged to
complain to Thomas Edwards, fed-
eral housing expediter for this
area. Edwards is available for con-
sultation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.



Education Plan
Douglas McGregor, President of Antioch College, charged last
night that America's educational system is highly authoritarian both
in the classroom and in over-all administration.
Speaking on "Human Organization In Higher Education," he
told his Rackham Amphitheatre audience that educational practices
contradict the values of democracy taught verbally.
OPENING a three-day work conference sponsored by the Univer-
sity's Research Center of Group Dynamics, President McGregor asked
"Do we think we can preserve democracy as a way of talking rather
than as a way of living?"
"If democracy is a workable way of life, when are we going
to provide young people with the opportunity to learn that way
of life and how to assume personal responsibility for their be-
President McGregor pointed out that educational administrators
exert remarkable control over many aspects of the private lives of
teachers and students alike, including personal habits such as smoking,
use of cosmetics, rules governing use of automobiles or alcohol and
content of college newspapers.
* * * *
TAKEN IN conjunction with our professed values, these long
standing educational methods, suggest that we believe people learn
nothing from experience, he said.
"We tell them how to live in a democracy, but to be successful
within the educational system they must adjust their behavior to
the rigid patterns of autocracy."
He stated that he was unimpressed with the argument that
"young people in their upper teens or lower twenties do not know or
cannot accept what is good for them, or that they will insist on un-
realistic and extreme reforms."
"OUR EXPERIENCE at Antioch indicates that young people in
college have strong motivation, high ideals and great intellectual
capacity and are entirely capable of being adults if given a reasonable
opportunity and preliminary support."
Despite the somewhat naive verbal idealism of college stu-
dents they are cautious, thoughtful and realistic in determining
policy, whether it be on race relations, the college building pro-
gram, or the nature of the college curriculum, President McGregor
He said he believed that there is a greater degree of student and
faculty participation and democracy in the operation of Antioch
College than in most other institutions of higher learning in this
"EDUCATION, like virtually every other phase of living today, is
beset by the problems of over-specialization," President McGregor
said. "We have too many teachers who are specialists.-n narrow
phases of a single academic subject."
Consequently, the student is ultimately left with a mass of
unintegrated bits of knowledge and unrelated theoretical concep-
tions, he added.
"Before we can resolve the split between the verbal -teaching of
democracy and the actual experience of it and make education a;
process which equips students to live effectively, we must solve the
problems of organizational structure, specialization and coordinationE
that exist on virtually every college campus."1
Mortgages- Rationed As FHAj
Nears Appropriation Limit


Files o


. O

Senate Halts.
Farm Price
Support Bill
By The Associated Press
delayed final action on a compro-
mise farm price support bill yes-
terday after first voting to ap-
prove the controversial measure.
The surprising reversal came
after the lawmakers by a 37 to 33
roll call vote had stamped their
approval on the measure de-
signed, in part, to prevent sur-
plus potato production which has
cost the government $500,000,000
in recent years.
THE BILL also would ease pro-
posed curbs on plantings of cot-
ton and peanuts. Some Republi-
cans and Northern Democrats
hotly opposed these provisions.
They complained that favor-
itism was being shown to the
South, and that easing the re-
strictions would lead to sur-
pluses which would add greatly
to the cost of government price
The dispute over the bill was still
raging when the Senate recessed
for the day leaving the final de-
cision pending.
* * *
MEANTIME the House passed
and sent to the Senate another
farm bill, increasing the capitali-
zation of the Commodity Credit
Corporation by $2,000,000,000 to
meet the rising costs of farm price
The CCC is the agency which
buys up, or makes loans on,
farm products, to keep them off
the market and thus bolster
Two farm state legislators also
advanced a new version of the
plan for putting $1,000,004,-000
worth of crop surpluses into the
Marshall Plan. House debate
opens today on the foreign aid
CHAIRMAN Cooley (D-NC) of
the House Agriculture Committee
said the new plan would earmark
the sum for the economic coop-
eration administration to buy on
the open market crops. declared
surplus by the Agriculture De-
partment. He sponsored it jointly
with Rep. Poage (D-Tex).
Cooley wants to substitute it
for a section of the bill which calls
for chopping $1,000,000,000 out of
the ECA fund and substituting the
same amount of U.S. farm sur-
pluses which the government has
taken over under the price sup-
port program. Farm organizations
assailed this idea as a confused
mixing of price support and ECA

PATIENT VIGIL-Sen. Millard Tydings (right) waits with set jaw for Sens. Joseph McCarthy (cen-
ter) and Bourke Hickenlooper (left) to decide on giving him McCarthy's 81 person list of Communist
sympathizers. The Democratic chairman of the Senate subcommittee investigating McCarthy's char-
ges had cited the Wisconsin Republican for not giving up the list. He did as soon as he finished his
whispered conversation.

Stassen To.
Open GOP,
Harold E. Stassen, president of
the University of Pennsylvania
and candidate for the 1948 Re-

SL To Call All Camnpus
Meeting on Liquor Ban

Student Legislature will sponsor
a precedent-shattering all campus
meeting on April 20 to study the
University's ban on drinking in


iblican presidential nomination, student residences and to work out
ill speak on "Young Sparks in a possible solution to the highly
ie Grand Old Party" at 8 p.m. controversialproblem.
day in Hill Auditorium. Although several other student
Stassen's talk will highlight a groups have made similar smaller-
:o-day Big Ten Young Republi- scale attempts to study the liquor
n Conference opening here this' ban, teLgsauesmeigwl
ternoon. mark the first time that all Uni-
* , * * versity students have been called

eral Housing Administration be-
gan "rationing" its insurance of
more mortgages yesterday. It said-
it is approaching the limit of its
current $6,750,000,000 insurance
FHA doesn't build any homes or
lend any money for construction.
It insures building loans made by
private lending institutions, and
in doing so requires certain stan-
dards of construction and limits
interest rates charged to the build-
ers and home-buyers. The agency
boasts that it is self sustaining,
having paid all operating expenses
out of its premiums and fees for
the past nine years.
* * *
BUT, ALTHOUGH legislation is

pending in Congress to raise the
limit of its permissible insurance
total, FHA is reported to be crowd-
ing close to its present dollar ceil-
Its field offices have been or-
dered to stop making final com-
mitments to insure mortgages,
and to send the applications to
headquarters here for final
clearance. By thus doling out
the insurance, the agency said it
hopes to be able to keep making
commitments another two
Some contractors privately ex-
pressed the view that the FHA ac-
tion was a method of putting
"heat" on Congress to approve the
pending legislation.

De Havilland, Crawford
Win Academy Awards

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A full-fledged
Senate investigation of bigtime
crime was approved yesterday by
the Senate Rules Committee.
* * *
House silence yesterday served
to increase speculation that
President Truman is considering
a new assignment for Secretary
of the Air Force Symington.
Presidential Secretary Charles
G. Ross passed up an oppor-
tunity to quiet the speculation
when he was asked at a news
conference if Symington may be
shifted to the championship of
the National Security Resources
Department was reported last
night to be working on plans to
speed at least token shipments
of American aid to Communist-
threatened Indochina and pos-
sibly Burma.
Secretary Acheson received a

THE ADDRESS is open to the
public and no admission will be
charged, Dave Belin, conference
chairman, emphasized. He guaran-
teed that the talk would be of
interest to everyone who attends.
His address, which will be
keyed. to college interest, will
deal with the role of and the
need for youth in the Republi-
can party and in our government
as a whole, Belin announced.
Following his address, Stassen
will hold a question and answer
period with his audience.
* * *
IN PERSONAL conversationj
with Belin, Stassen praised the
University Young Republican club
for its work in originating the
"Opportunity State" platform and
in coining the slogan. He also ex-
pressed his interest in the idea of
organizing campus Young Repub-
lican Clubs on a conference basis.
The opening session of the con-
ference will be held at 1:30 p.m.
in University High School Audi-
torium. John Tope, president of
the Young Republican National
Federation, will deliver the key-
note address.
The Conference will be covered
by Time Magazine, the New York
Times and both the Associated
and United Press, in addition to
state newspaper coverage, Belin

together to work out a solution to
the problem.
* * *
DEAN OF Students Erich A.
Walter has been invited to attend
the meeting by SL's campus action
committee and will explain the ad-
ministration's viewpoint on the
Plane Crash
Kills Twelve
men were killed yesterday in the
flaming crash of a B-50 air force
bomber on a remote desert area
near Hyder, Ariz.
Two men parachuted to safety.
The public information officer at
Williams air force base identified
them as Capt. J. H. Lee, Gaastra,
Mich., and Lt. W. T. Gentry, Ko-
komo, Ind.
Witnesses said the big plane ex-
ploded and wreckage was scattered
over a five square mile area.
It was the second fatal air force
plane crash yesterday. At Rome,
N.Y., a captain was killed and four
other men injured when a C-47
transport crashed and burst into
flames during a driving snowstorm.
The victim was identified as Capt.
Posie (CQ) M. Clinton of Graham,

problem, tracing the history of the
liquor ban and outlining various
solutions which have been consid-
ered by the University.
George Roumell, '51, chairman
of the campus action committee,
described thetproposed meeting
"an attempt to coordinate var-
ious student opinions on the li-
quor problem and to present a
solid front to the University;"
"Administrative officials have
repeatedly challenged students to
offer a workable solution to the
problem and we felt that it was
about time that SL sank its teeth
into it," Roumell said.
* * *
LETTERS have been sent out to
leaders of IFC, AIM, PanHel, As-
sembly and other major campus
organizations inviting them to at-
tend the meeting, which is being
arranged by Legislator Irv Stenn,
Roumell, however, emphasized
that all students will be invited
to attend the meeting-regard-
less of their campus position or
"We feel that the question of the
University's ban on drinking in
student residences has become a
matter of serious concern to the
entire campus and is no longer
strictly an IFC or an AIM prob-
lem," he explained.
* * *
ALTHOUGH Roumell predicted
that the initial meeting on April
20 may require successive meetings
to further consider propose4 re-
visions of the University's liquor
policy; he was confident that such
a large cross-section of students
will be able to suggest a workable
Any such solution will then be
reviewed by SL and presented to
the University with a strong re-
commendation for adoption, he

Top Red Spy
In US Named,
B y M a th
Clainis Agent in
State Department
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Senators in-
vestigating charges of Communism
in the State Department have sent
a formal request to President Tru-
man for Federal loyalty records,
Senator Tydings (D-MD) said yes-
Tydingsadispatched the request
as chairman of a Senate Foreign
Relations subcommittee investi-
gating the charges, made by Sena-
tor McCarthy.
McCARTHY sent a telegram to
Mr. Truman charging that the
President's "arrogant refusal" to
open loyalty files was "endanger-
ing the security of this nation."
At the same time McCarthy i.
chargedthat the man he has
named as "the top" Soviet es-
pionage agent in the United
States has a desk in the State
Department "or at least he did
four weeks ago."
His charge came on the heels of
a statement by Tydings in which
the State Department claims to
have employed the man in question
only once, five years ago on a four
month mission outside the United
* * *
McCARTHY called Tycdings'
statement "a deliberate misstate-
ment of the facts,. and an ob-.
vious attempt to twist and distort
the truth."
Meanwhile three former FBI
agents have been hired by the
senate committee to run down
evidence on McCarthy's charges.
At various times the Wisconsin
senator has changed his figures
of Communist party members
employed by the State Depart-
Beginning originally with 205 he"
pared the number to 57 in a recent
news conference.
FRIENDS said McCarthy was
visibly nettled at reports that the
Tydings Committee was checking
up on him, rather than on alleged
Senator Morse (R-Ore) joined
in the discussion about government
loyalty records saying that any
Congressional investigating com-
mittee is "entitled to inspect any
evidence which the executive
branch may have bearing on the
loyalty of government officials."
Without mentioning McCarthy
by name, Morse also told newsmen,
"Those who are charging disloy-
alty within the govenment should
either present convincing proof or
pull in their horns.
"Our people do not appreciate
the goring of reputations of un-
substantiated accusations."
House Votes
More Money
To SpyProbe
House gave its Un-American Ac-
tivities committee $150,000 yester-
day to spend on new spy probes
and to prepare a million-name _
"bible of subversive activities" in

this country.
This sum is in addition to a
$200,000 allotment the committee
has received since January, 1949,
to carry out its investigations
which have been concerned main-
ly with Communist activities.
THE MONEY grant was approv-
ed on 347 to 12 vote after Chair-
man Wood (D-Ga) told the House
more funds were needed for the
"hhland fnw. o-. in,.i-io -1

HOLLYWOOD - (P) - "All the
King's Men," the story of a back-
woods hick who almost reached
the political heights, took three of
the top awards last night in the
annual Oscar derby.
The picture itself was named
the best of 1949, and Broderick
Crawford, it's demagogue - like
star, took down the best male
acting statue.
TO OLIVIA De Havilland, for
her nerformance as a socially in-

ing was by some 2,000 academy
members, from nominations made
by nearly 11,000 workers in all
branches of the motion picturel
THE RESULTS followed to the
letter form charts drawn up after
industry polls. There wasn't a
surprise in the entire evening.
Crawford's speech was brief:
"I thank you all and I thank

OCampaign For New Comop Launched

An all-out campaign for loans
with which to buy a new Co-op
....... - - ,.1-..

as three per cent will be paid if

turn to these sources for the ini-
tial money for the new house ac-
! nr-n a nrP Iip-r

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