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Foreign Policy,
TI Republican Party must abandon the
bi-partisan" foreign policy.!
Even those Americans who are satis-
fied with the pr.sent internationalist
foreign policy must agree to this, for
they must see that any coalition of the
two parties which prevents the people from
exercising a clear choice on a major prob-
lem defats the republican system of gov-
The Republican Party must realize that
it cannot win with a "me-too" foreign policy
any more than it can win with an imitation
of the New Deal domestic program. The GOP
has not won since 1928. It has not tried
saince 1936.
Each campaign brings the Republicans
further to the left. After each defeat the
party's "liberals" shout: "We must root ou
the Old Guard. We must become more pro-
gressive." But in trth the Old Guard was
rooted out long ago, and the party has
almost "progressed" itself out of existence.
Now it appears that the conservative side
of the Grand Old Party is again gaining con4
trol. There are indications that the 1952
platform and candidate will truly oppose
the Democratic March to the Left. Nominal
opposition is changing to actual opposition
on the domestic front.
But on the foreign front no pretens is
made: The Republican party openly
pleads, "Nolo contendere."
What the Republicans must realize is that
the "bi-partisan" policy is the Democrats'
,policy. The New Deal sowed it; the New
Deal will reap it, for good or evil.
Where was this "bi-partisan" foreign poli-
cy born? It was conceived in 1940, when the
Democrat and Republican platforms were
equally isolationist, and the candidates were
equally internationalist.
Both promised non-intervention; neither
meant it. Profiting by a lack of opposition
on foreign policy, Roosevelt won by Willkie's
default. The payoff came after the election
when Willkie was sent off by FDR to dis-
cover that this is, after all, "One World."
In 1944 a cry of "Unity!" stifled all
real opposition to Roosevelt's handling of
foreign affairs. It may have been a futile
time to probe past skeletons in diplomatic
closets - such as the why and who of
Pearl Harbor. But was it not the duty of
the opposition party in a republic to in-
quire what commitments th-1 Commander-
in-Chief was making to other nations
without the Senate's consent? These were
commitments which would bind us after
the conflict, after the emergency which
0hmanded Unity, Silence, Obedience.
The final surrender of the Republican
party's voice in foreign affairs came in
1945, when 'the internationalist set, led by
ex-isolationist Vandenberg, Stassen, and
Dewey, threw in its lot with the Democratic
conception of how. the Brave New World
should be run.
These Republicans, and later most of the
rest of the party, were tricked, flattered.
"Here is a policy so obviously virtuous that
we needn't consult the people," the Demo
crats cooed. "And just think, we're going td
let you share the rewards with us."
The 1948 election shows what rewards
the dul-d Republicans shared.
This foreign policy is the Democrats' baby.
If the people like it, the New Deal gets the
reward. If the people don't like it - where
can they turn?
Despite their opinion of the policy it-
self, all who truly believe in representative
government will agree that the Republicai
party must abandon the "bi-partisan" for-
eign policy. This will give the GOP at least
a chance of victory. More important, it will
give the people their first voice in foreign
affairs in two decades.
-Floyd Thomas.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
QUARTET, with a host of excellent per-
ONE HEARS ON leaving Quartet, "Well, I
like the first and the fourth, and I don't
care what you thought of them." Quartet,
being four short stories cinematized, com-
parisons are easy (and odious, I'm told) but,
for me, I'll take numbers three, four, one,
and two in that order.
We have through all the films examples
of Maugham's sort of humor: cute and the
same time lewd (especially in "The Facts
of Life," the first film). We have through
all the films Maugham's way to social
success: "Do nothing, old chap, forget it.".
We have in other words, Maugham as he
described himself: "competent, superficial,
flippant, childish, and entertaining.
The Kite (the third), a story about a mad
English family that flies kites every Satur-
day afternoon, is the best because it sus-
tains a point of view implied throughout.
The Colonel's Lady (the fourth) is fine,
being a story about a tweedy, philandering
Englishman (Cecil Parker) whose wife
German Nazis Revive,
"Why Keep It Tied? You Can Just Sit And Watch it"
THE SPECTER that stalks the dreams of
every high commissioner in the German
sector is personified by Dr. Fritz Dorls.
Dorls, leader of the right wing Socialist
Reich party, in an interview with the New
York Times correspondent Jack Raymond
arrogantly announced that his party
stood for an elite state under Prussian
leadership modeled after Mussolini's cor-
porate stat3.
Dorls' statements and actions have a fai..
miliar ring of a certain paper hanger of
the 1930's. His party also has had a ph.
nomenal growth. In October of 1949 it
consisted of two members. Today Dorl
claims 60,000 registered followers.
The party likewise is designed to appeal to
youth. About 75 per cent of the members are
under 40 years of age. The membershi
drives and speeches have been marked by
brawls. It uses the magic words of "Reich"
and "Socialist." It has a military hero in
the person of Maj. Gen. Otto Remer, tha
man who foiled the plot against Hitler's
life in 1944.
Dorls, who holds a degree of Doctor of,
Philisophy in History, makes no bones about
where he learned his tricks. He emphasized
""I was a Nazi party member from 1929
to thevery end - to the very end." He
demonstrates his art by substituting the
name Roosevelt for Wilson in the statement,
"Roosevelt is the real criminal of today,
Acheson Ouster
WASHINGTON-Politics is regarded as a
devious game - particularly by the un-
initiated. It often is, too, at the lower levels.
But, in the big leagub, at the level of
presidents of the United States, the most
successful politics frequently is to be"
natural, to act like an ordinary human be-
ing, to appeal to other through the simple
virtues that we all admire-.
Whatever his shortcomings, President
Truman has this essential simple human
quality in politics more than any other presi-
dent in a long time. What was it that car-
ried him through victoriously in 1948? It
undoubtedly was his dogged fight against
heavy odds. Our people love a scrapper. He
was that - right up to the end. No devioud
politics here - just being natural and
Loyalty to friends and faithful lieutenants
is another quality our people admire. Harry
Truman has that, and sometimes in cases
where it seemed misplaced for a President o
the United States. Republicans have ham.
mered away at loyalties that were vulner
able, and often with sound reason as a mat-
ter of good government, but the peosle were
not greatly agitated. In many another ad-
ministration, for example, General Harry
Vaughan would have been ridden right out.
He is still at the side of the President.
* * *
NOW, in an entirely different category and
on the top level, a strenuous fight is be-
ing made to oust another administratio
figure, Secretary of State Dean Acheson.
Here the President's loyalty is well-placed,
for Dean Acheson is an able public servant.
The President has great respect and ad-
miration for him and, beyond that, likes
him prsonally. He has let it be known
from his retreat at Key West that he is
going to stand by his Secretary of State
and is ready to fight for him. Quickly the
President dispelled rumors that pop--d up
over the weekend among the professional
slate-makers that Dean Acheson was to
be removed and Chief Justie Fred M.
Vinson would replace him. The rumors
were magnified when the Chief Justice
was called to Key West by the Prsident.
Some Democrats in Congress have been
worrying about Dean Acheson as a possible
political liability in the fall elections. Poli-
ticians become unusually skittish in an elec-
tion year and are ready to clear out any
controversial figure in high places who might
hurt their chances for re-election. This fear
in the case of the Secretary of State was
transmitted to President Truman.
Mr. Truman is, himself, a shrewd politi-
cian, as is now well known. Confident him-
self of his Secretary of State's ability, he has
chosen to stick loyally by him and depend
on the people to see his way eventually in
regard to Dean Acheson. He has much at
stake politically, himself, in the Congression-
al elections, but he doesn't frighten as easily
as do some members of Congress.
* *.*
CIRCUMSTANCES already are developing
in his favor. It is becoming obvious now
that the latest crusade against the Secre-
tary of State, that of Senator McCarthy, is
beginning to boomerang as the senator's
house of "red" cards that he tried to build in
the State Department is collapsing about
his head. Responsible Republicans have shied
away from this one and are letting their
colleague go it alone, but he has, neverthe-
less, stuck his party with it, at least tem-
There is a valid issue which could be
made against Secretary Acheson as to
broad policy, which is, of coursa, admini-
stration policy. This is the adamant posi-
tion the Statia Department took, with the
President's backing, against any new ap-
proach to Russia for which there has
been a wide public demand in recent
weeks with the H-bomb development.
This now has been modified somewhait
responsible for the tragic disunity of Ger-
In explaining his program he goes on
to say, "The idea of a United Europe is
acceptable even if it must be accomplished./
through war. This is a revolutionary per-
iod and every revolutionary period devel-
ops into th dictatorship of an elite and a
single group of victims. A German Reich
is required, and to it must belong all
those peoples with the natural right to be
Dorls is a shining example of the pitiful
job the Allies have done in attempting to
de-nazify the German people overnight;
They have falteringly tried to do in five
years what should have taken 50 years. Thr
have discovered that the only people capR-
able of aiding the occupying forces in run-
ning the country are former Nazis or com-
The outcome of this bungling is easily
foreseen. And it can happen. The Nation
points out that if all the small parties of
the right wing combine, Germany wouldi
become one of the strongest states Europe
has yet to see.
There is a real danger that the fascist
pustule underlying the political skin of
Germany will erupt and infect the en-
tire continent of Europe.
What is the answer to this nerve-racking
jumble in Germany? Possibly it lies in a
statement by Dorls, "The only danger to
our plans is an understanding between the
United States and Russia. If that happens,
of course we are lost - but then that can-
not happen."
-Ron Watts.
WASHINGTON - Bible-quoting Robert
Kerr of Oklahoma is really rolling up
the bulwarks to protect his oil and gas
Senator Kerr's oil and gas lands are valu-
ed at approximately $100,000,000 and his
gross income is around $14,000,000. The net
income from his Kerr-McGee Company last
year was $1,218,627, on which the company
paid only $6,949 in taxes. His preferred
stock earned $22.63 a share and his common
stock $1.40 - all of which isn't bad for a
However, the gentleman from Oklahoma
is not content with these lush profits and
low taxes. He has already put his brother,
Aubrey Kerr, on the federal payroll with
the RFC. He has been lobbying ceaseless-
ly to pass the Kerr bill which would in-
crease the price of natural gas to almost
every northern city - and also increase
his own dividends.
But on top of all this, the Senator now
wants to appoint a federal judge who for
years has been in the pay of the, oil com-
panies, and who - human nature being
what it is - might find his rulings from
the bench leaning toward his old clients.
The proposed judge is popular W. R. Wal-
lace of Oklahoma City, long-time attorney
for the Magnolia Oil Company, a subsidiary
of the giant Socony-Vacuum. Wallace has
wandered back and forth between the Re-
publican and Democratic parties, but has
always been as good a friend to Bob Kerr
as he has been to the oil companies.
* * *
about the Capitol with the eagerness of
a Boy Scout at his first camp. He listens
intently to the Senate speeches. He shows
up bright and early at all committee meet-
ings. When the bells jangle through the
Senate Office Building for a quorum, he
dashes off like a fire horse, trailing assist-
ants behind him.
This quietly dressed, bald man with an
intelligent face and pleased-as-punch look
is Herbert Lehman. He has been a suc-
cessful banker, the governor of the largest
state longer than any other man in his-
tory, and Director of UNRRA. But most
of all he likes being a Senator.
Fact is that Lehman is finally realizing a
dream of 12 years. In 1938, he was all set
to run for senator when a call came through
from the White House. Franklin Roosevelt
asked him to head the Democratic ticket in
New York as governor.
Now, 12 years later, he has finally realized
that ambition, and from his first day in
the Senate, January 3, has shown a zest that
dismays and wearies even the young mem-
bers of his staff.
SENATOR LEHMAN has given only a few
speeches. But when he does, he works
over them like an artist over a masterpiece.
Mrs. Lehman sits proudly in the gallery, and
when his oratory is over the Senator rushes
to inquire, "How did it sound?"
He is the same way with his statements.
When big issues come up, some Cbngress-
men prowl the halls searching for re-
porters to get their statement in print.
But Lehman is no shoot-from-the-hip
artist. He likes to think about the problem
overnight, write out his views and then go
over the words with a sharp pencil.
But even an old hand at government, such
as Lehman, is bewildered at the variety of
business dumped in his office. On a normal
day his mail runs 1,000 to 6,000 letters. They
* .
j" l
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Hung for a Sheep ...
To the Editor:
CONSIDER myself a fancier of
Rabelais, the gallows' humor,
and perhaps even the bloodthirsty
Grand Guignol, but I was not
amused at the well-written .but
ill-conceived account of the jail-
ing of four Indians in Idaho. Per-
haps I may be allowed to quote a
couple of paragraphs written by
Harold L. Ickes, who does not use
his sardonic wit on the unfortun-
ate underdog, appearing in The
New Republic, Jan. 2, 1950:
"Out in Idaho recently (2/2
months more recently than The
Daily's recently) four youthful In-
dians became entangled with the
law . . . . These young Indians
were sentenced on October 11 to
a combined total of 56 years in the
penitentiary for the theft of one
sheep in Juliaetta, Idaho. To be
sure, the sheep, which may have
been worth all of $15, was return-
ed alive to the owner. To be sure,
also the prosecuting attorney had
assured them that if they would
plead guilty, they could count on
the leniency of the court.
"They did plead guilty, where-
upon the promised "leniency" was
jerked out from under their feet
and each was precipitated into
jail for 14 years. Then too late,
they employed counsel. His plea
for leniency, or at least consent
that the four Indian youths, aged
19 to 21, might enter a plea of
"not guilty," was rejected by the
stern judge, who probably never
in his whole righteous lifetime
had so much as slightly fractured
the least of the laws of his state."
Further down in his column,
Ickes quotes the U.S. Commission-
er of Indian Affairs saying, in
making a comparison between
this case and one where a white
man got five years for allegedly
absconding from a bank with
thousands of dollars: "Somehow I
cannot help feeling that the less
one steals, especially if he is an
Indian, the heavier the sentence."
This is not the day to hang for
a sheep.
-John Neufeld
Reply to Gregory ...
To the Editor:
yIES, MR. .GREGORY, it's a
cruel, hard world; full of
"ashamed" affiliated, and lonely,
misunderstood independent stu-
dents. But must we suffer such
defeatist conditions?
One solution would be for the
IFC to hire a staff-psychoanalist
to rid the frat men of their perse-
cution and inferiority complexes
and to convert them to wholesome,
energetic and free young men
again. But this might culminate
in the feared extinction of the
glorious fraternity life: for becom-
ing free,amature, and independent
individuals again, the boys might
have gained sufficient inner emo-
tional strength not to need the
artificially created, external "feel-
ing of belonging." (What a weap-
on for Mr. Failer and the AIM!)
But you might ask how I as an
independent can so fully under-
stand and sympathize with the
fraternity men? Well, I have prob-
lems similar to yours, Mr. Gregory;
I too feel insulted by your dis-
criminatory clauses and I too fear
extinction - the extinction of the
true independent.
In many ways my dorm life is
like your frat life: as the frat
houses all sorts of brothers -
athletes, lawyers, engineers - so
does the dorm. Whites and Ne-
groes, Protestants and Catholics,
Jews and Mohammedans, as well
as your class of people are found
in dorms. Yes, we even have some
frat men living here! And in spite
of our lack of selectivity of mem-
bers, no one is ignored. You see,
the only difference between your
frat and my dorm is a minor dif-
ference: slight difference between
your operational definition of
"complete democracy" and mine.
Thus, Mr. Gregory, it must have
become obvious how closely relat-
ed the independents and the af-
filiated are: both want "democ-
racy." And in this spirit of uni-
versal brotherhood, I would like
to suggest that should any frat
man, pledge or rejected rushee
need emotional help and support,
I am sure that Mr. Failer, Mr.
Klyman or any independent will
guide him toward maturity and
-Arthur Hecht
"But (the Mundt-Nixon bill)
provides a dangerous short-cut to
thought control and police-state
regulation. This is precisely the
pattern of legislation set by the
Nazis and police state governments
for accomplishing the destruction
of the rights of the people."
-William O'Dwyer,
Mayor of New York
University Lecture, complimen-
tary to the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts, and Letters. "The
Promotion of Beauty, an Essential
Element of Wise Living." Dean
Gilmore D. Clarke, College of Ar-
chitecture, Cornell University. 4:30
p.m., Fri., Mar. 24, Rackham Am-
University Lecture. "Human Or-
ganization in Higher Education."
President Douglas M. McGregor,
Antioch College; auspices of the
Research Center for Group Dyna-
mics, .$:pm., Thurs., Mar. 23, in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Deadline for students who wish
to apply for admission to the Doc-
toral Program in Social Psych-
ology as of Sept., 1950, is Sat.,
Mar.. 25. Applications may be ob-
tained in the ,program office, 306
Mason Hall.
Seminar in Elliptic Differential
Equations (and Seminar in Ap-
plied Mathematics): 4 p.m.,
Thurs., 247 W. Engineering Bldg.
Speaker: Mr. L. A. Jehn. "Gen-
eralizations of Green's Formulas."
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations
in Economics: will be held during
the week beginning Mon., Apr. 24.
Each student planning to take
these examinations should leave
with the secretary of the Depart-
ment not later than Fri., Mar. 31,
his name, the three fields in which
he desires to be examined and his
field of specialization.
Band Concert Canceled. The
concert by the University Sym-
phonic Band, previously announ-
ced for Tues. evening, Apr. 4, has
been postponed. The new date
will be announced later.
This cancellation does not effect
the program by the Varsity Band
to be given at 3 p.m., Sun., Mar.
26, Union Ballroom.
Student Recital: James W. Mor-
ton, Clarinetist, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Fri.,
Mar 24, Architecture Auditorium.
He will be assisted by Bethyne Bis-
choff, pianist, and David Ireland,
violist. Program: Works by To-
masi, Hindemith, Schumann and
Mozart. Mr. Morton is a pupil of
Albert Luconi. Open to the public.
Faculty Concert: Gilbert Ross,
violinist, and Helen Titus, pianist,
will present a sonata recital at
8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 23, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Works by
Schubert, Brahms, and Prokofieff.
Open to the public.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall: Second Annual Student
Arts Festival Exhibit; weekdays
9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 10:15 a.m.,
Holy Communion; 5:15 p.m., eve-
ning prayer and meditation; 12:10
to 1 p.m., Lenten lunch followed
by prayer and meditation.
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Union.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
International Center. Future plans
to be discussed. Students of Polish
descent and friends invited.
Michigras P a r a d e: General
meeting: 4 p.m., Rm. 3R, Union.
All groups entering Michigras Pa-
rade are requested to have a re-
presentative present. Parade peti-
tions are due at this time.
La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, League.
Student-Faculty Hour honoring
Economics and Political Science
departments, 4-5 p.m., Grand Ra-
pids Room, League.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Re-
hearsal of men's chorus only, 7:15
p.m., League.
How to Meet Human Frontiers:
Congregational - Disciple - Evan-
gelical & Reformed Guild. 7:30
U. of M. Sailing Club: Business
meeting and shore school, 7:30
p.m., 311 W. Engineering.
International Center Weekly Tea:
4:30-6 p.m.
Undergraduate Botany Club:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1139 Natural
Science. Speaker: Prof. A. H.
Smith. "Spring Fungi."
Deutscher Verein: Open meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Hussey Room, Lea-
gue. Speaker: Prof. NormanL.
Willey. Topic: "The German Lan-
guage and its Neighbors,"
University Marketing Club: "De
veloping the Market for a New
Product." Mr. Louis P. Butensch-
oen, manager, Solvents Sales, Dow
Chemical Company. 7:30 p.m.,
130 Business Administration Bldg.
Open meeting.
IZFA: Open meeting, Hillel
Foundation. Special presentation
by Haoleh, IZFA chalutz group.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Open
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Round-table discussion by 5 for-
eign students on a subject con-
cerned with the life of a student
in countries from which they have
Michigan Crib: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
Kalamazoo Room, League. Topic:
"The Adoption of the Proposed
Constitution." All members are re-
quested to attend.
C.E.D.: Meeting, 4:15 p,m., Un-
Coming Events
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday evening services, 7:45 p.-
m. to be followed by a fireside
discussion led by Dr. Ralph D.
Rabinovitch, Chief of Children's
Service, N.P.., University Hospi-
tal. Topic: "The Child is Father
to the Man."
Women's Glee Club: Rehearsal,
4 p.m., Fri., instead of Thursday
evening in the League.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., Fri., League Cafeteria. All
students and faculty members in-
Hiawatha Club: Mixer, 8:30 p.-
m., Fri., Grand Rapids Room, Lea-
gue. All U.P. students invited.
International W e ek Student
Groups: Meeting of representa-
tives of all groups participating
in International Week, 4:30 p.m.,
Fri., Mar. 24, International Cen-
ter, Recreation Room.
Russian Circle: 8 p.m., Mon.,
Mar. 27,MInternational Center.
Speaker: Mr. Orel, Department of
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy: Fri., Mar. 24, 7:45
p.m., Angell Hall. A short illus-
trated talk will be given by Mr.
Edward Lewis in 3017 Angell Hall.
Following the talk the student ob-
servatory, fifth floor, Angell Hall,
will be open for observation of the
Moon and Saturn, with the tele-
scopes, provided the sky is clear.
Children must be accompanied by
University Museums: Fri., Mar.
24. Exhibition halls will be open
from 7 to 9 p.m. Movies: "Roots
of Plants," "Seed Dispersal," and
"Plant Traps," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg
Auditorium; auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums, through the
courtesy of the Audio-Visual Ed-
ucation Center.
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen..............City Editor
Philip Dawson......Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Mvisner............ Associate Editor
George walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Wally Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin...... .Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz...Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith.. .Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Camage..............Librarian
Joyce Clark ......... Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
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Subscription during the reglar chool
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(Continued from Page 3)
and Tues., Mar. 27 and 28 to in-
terview candidates for the Ford
Field Training Program. Appli-
cants must have the following
qualifications: (1) Be at least 20
and not more than 26 years of
age. (2) Rank in scholarship in
the upper 25% of his graduating
class. (3) Give evidence of leader-
ship and enterprise best indicated
by participation in extra-curri-
cular activities. (4) Be in good
health. Applicants must be can-,
didates for a degree in June. No
specific course or specialized train-
ing is required.
For further information and
appointment to interview, call the'
Bureau of Appointments 3-1511,I
Ext. 371.
Tell the Pixies to appoint a committee.
We'll arbitrate at once. In the cellar.
Well,_bring her along. If she's
up on her shorthand she can
So O'Malley wants to talk it over, huh?
i... al. ...