, _THE MICHIGAN DAIL:Y WE]DNtSDAY, MAACTI 22, 1950 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __- -__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _- , . ._- - - - - - . - -- - -.. -_-. - . . ~ . . ._ _ E McCarthy THE WISCONSIN SENATOR with the red brush and the long list of Communi~t sympathisers continues to get his pound of copy on the front pages of the American press. That this is Sen. McCarthy's basic mo- tive in his "Red" witch hunt sebms quite evident. But perhaps there is an end in the Senator's campaign other than this fundamental one. That is to paint the whole Democratic State Department red. Here would be an admirable way for the Republicans to put the present administra- tion to shame in the 1952 political race; show the public that the men they had elected appointed Communists and their fellow trav- elers to high government offices. And it is not too doubtful that this is the strategy that the GOP was planning. A constant outcropping of accusations against Democratic office holders with radical tinges 'has pointed the way to a final all-out ex- pose. Sen. McCarthy could have been another link in this movemnlt. But it seems that he has jumped the gun, and is going ahead on his own to accomplish what the whole right wing of the Republican party had intended to do. He may have spoiled it all At the right time Sen. McCarthy's ac- cusations may have been just the thing to sway a people fired up with campaign is- sues. Even in its presently mild hysteria, a section of the public seems to be reacting favorably to the charges from the Senator's standpoint. At Passaic, N.J., the Marine Corps League named him the winner of its 1950 award for national Americanism. He was cited for rousing the nation to the men- ace of bad security risks in our government. But the Wisconsin Republican mad his move nearly two years too soon. What a dilemma for the leaders of the movement. If they publicly slap the wayward disci- ple's fingers, they will seemingly deny his "facts." If they allow him to go on th' campaign will no doubt flop. In the two years tnat will elapse before the election struggle begins there witl be time for the victims to make denials - maybe even proe them. Charges may fall flat.and with them the' entire issue. When the voters think it over they ought to be pretty disgusted with Senator McCarthy and the rest of the Republican party. -Vernon EmIrson Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PETER HOT'TONI *l Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Here are some situations which most Americans don't know about, but which concern them vitally: SITUATION No. 1-The future atomic- hydrogen defense of Washington, D.C., ac- cording to atomic scientists, must require a ring of fire stations fifteen miles out of the city and completely around the city. Present fire stations inside the city would be wiped out and futile in case of an enemy attack. It will require from 10,000 to 15,000 regularly trained and paid firemen to man these stations . . . the defense of New York, a city nine times the size of Washington, would require at least nine times as many firemen - about 100,000 - and cost nine times as much. In brief, the defense of our big cities against future hydrogen bombing would just about bankrupt us ... peace will be cheaper. SITUATION No. 2-In Paris, French for- eign minister Schumann told critics of American arms under the Atlantic Pact that these arms would permit France to de- fend herself against Germany. He did not mention Russia, the nation which actually inspired the North Atlantic pact . . . Some Europeans are now wondering whether we ourselves really mean business in opposing Russia ... the U.S.A. is caught in a Euro- pean cross fire - Communists who hate us and non-Communists who think we are gov- erned by Communists. The latter have been reading Senator Joe McCarthy ... only brief cables regarding the McCarthy charges are carried to Europe. Cable tolls are expensive, newsprint precious. As, a result, European non-Communists are confused, the Commun- ists gleeful. McCarthy has done a great job for Moscow. THE SENATE RESTAURANT - Every noon when Republican Senators sit down at lunch they ask each other: "How's Joe doing?" They are referring, not to Joe Stal- in, but to their colleague Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin. They agree that Joe isn't doing well, but they think he's winning votes for Republicans. Senator Taft, now the leader of the party, expressed it this way: "I told Joe," he said, "to keep talking. I don't think he's got anything. -But the longer he talks, the more people will think he has some- thing." MIDWEST OPINION-Partly inflamed by the Chicago Tribune, partly worked up by astute political speeches, the drift toward isolation continues. Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a scholar more than a politician, has lost so much political appeal that some THOMAS L. STOKES: This Loyalty Business "And Keep An Eye On A Cake My Wife Has In The Oven" - I I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . WASHINGTON-Opening of loyalty files to a Senate committee, as now being arranged in response to the charges of Sen- ator Joseph McCarthy about State Depart- ment employes; is an exceedingly delicate- problem involving potential danger to cher- ished rights of American citizens. The danger is magnified in an election year, such as this, when politics encourages carelessness. This already is clear in the way Senator McCarthy has broadcast all over the country baseless insinuations about people, notoriously, for example, in the case of Dorothy Kenyon, who fortunately had the ability to take care of herself and dis- prove the slander. Others, unfortunately, are not always so situated. * * * THE FLIMSY nature of some of the mater- ial with which the Wisconsin Senator glibly regaled the Senate, under his Con- gressional immunity, in his speech about the 81 "cases" involving "Communism" or "pro-Communism" a month ago was demon- strated by his refusal to submit it under oath last week when challenged by Senator Student Art AS A RESULT of the inspired work of the Inter-Arts Union a renaissance of the arts occurred this weekend. From Friday night to Sunday afternoon unique opportuni- ties were offered for students to enter in a world where art was being created out of the raw materials of their own contempor- ary experiences. The students, faculty, and townspeople showed their support for this Inter-Arts Festival by attending the programs in un- expectedly large numbers, and by respond- ing enthusiastically. It is now the Univer- sity's turn to acknowledge the artistic achievements of its students. By purchasing these paintings and sculpture and keeping them in a special room, a Michigan Hall of Fame, the Uni- versity would be giving especially talented students the honor and i cognition they deserve while they are still on campus. Not only would such a collection be a source of pride to the University, but it would also stand as a stimulus to the other young and gifted students. The necessary money for this project can be taken from the art department's purchase fund, or if it is not feasible for the University to extend the financial support, the alumni should be ap- proached. But however the money is ob- tained, there could be no better tribute to student achievement. -Jean Klerman Tydings, chairman of the Foreign Relations investigating subcommittee. Already, to give one pause in this'strange and disturbing era in Washington; it ap- pears that the secrecy imposed by an executive order of the President on loyalty system proceedings recently has been brok- en for the benefit of Senator McCarthy. Somebody informed him that the loyalty review board had asked the State Depart- ment to review again - for the fourth or fifth time - the record of John S. Service, veteran diplomatic officer, who has been recalled from India. Presumably the con- fidence has been violated in the loyalty review board somewhere for, according to the time-table of events, the Senator re- vealed this before the State Department had been notified. President Truman decreed that proceed- ings of the loyalty system be kept confiden- tial for the very simple reason that all sorts of information, including gossip, hearsay, and innuendo, is often included in reports on individuals gathered by the FBI and others which is winnowed out and proved unfounded when evidence develops. It seems superfluous to say that this sort of material should not get into the hands of irrespon- sible persons who would use it maliciously-. for political or other purposes. THE FBI GATHERS information by the investigating process. It does not evalu- ate it, or make judgments. That is not its function. It is not assigned such a function because that would give a federal police force discretionary powers that could be- come dangerous and could produce a "police state," as the Justice Department has said in its denunciation of a provision in the National Science Foundation bill passed by the House that would give the FBI author- ity to pass on loyalty of students who receive fellowships. J. Edgar Hoover, FBI chief, joined in opposition to any such powers for his agency. The tendency in Congress just now to go to extreme lengths in such matters is exhibited also in the Mundt-Ferguson- Nixon bill, recently approved by the Sen- ate Judiciary Committee after passing the House, which would impose wide discret- ion in a subversive board created in the Justice Department and contains other vague provisions that might be .misused. It is being fought by the American Civil Liberties Union. The danger is that in this time, under the stress of fear, precedents may be estab- lished and laws passed which could be cor- rupted for vicious and un-American pur- poses in the future, and maybe not too long a future, and destroy the bases of :freedom on which our democracy rests. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)' ? ," s SILLS NVFSrIO-ArloWS OF PEOPLE m No ySF t c T . wo/PK r r 2F r i LiuiillMM - pYALZ t ZRp6RAt S A ' .2 .oo 019V ,a AS1N '-Nts s /ettep4JTO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be codensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the I * - (Continued from Page 3) Hall, Green House, Henderson House, International Students' Assoc., Kappa Alpha Theta, Lamb- da Chi Alpha, Michigan House, W.Q., Nelson International House, Osterweil Coop House, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Ep- silon, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Tyler House, Wenley House, Zeta Beta Tau. March 26: Alpha Delta Pi, Hil- lel Foundation, Kappa Nu, Theta Delta Chi, Sigma Alpha Mu. University Community Center, Willow Village: Wed., Mar. 22, 8 p.m., Women's sports group; Christian Education Study Group, and Ceramics. Thurs., Mar. 23, 8 p.m., Ceramics and Choir. Fri., Mar. 24, 8 p.m., Lenten Service. Lectures University Lecture. "The Flight from Time." Dr. George Boas, pro- fessor of philosophy and chairman of the Department of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University; auspi- ces of the Department of Phil- osophy. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Mar. 22, Rackham Amphitheatre. University Lecture. "Human Or- ganization in Higher Education." President Douglas M. McGregor, Antioch College; auspices of the Research Center for Group Dyna- mics, 8 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 23, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. A0c4demic Notices Five-week grades for all Engi- neering Freshmen are due in Dean Crawford's office not later than Fri., Mar. 24. Astronomy 30, Section 2 (11 o'clock) Wed., Mar. 22. The one- hour examination will be held in Natural Science Auditorium. Bacteriology Seminar: 9 a.m., Thurs., Mar. 23, 1520 E. Medical Bldg. Speaker: Dr. V. H. Dietz. Subject: "Intracutaneous Tests with Pathologic Pulp Filtrates." Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed., Mar. 22, 1139 Natural Science Bldg. Subject: "A Mycologist in Cuba," by F. K. Sparrow. Open meeting. Physical - Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: Wed., Mar. 22, 4:07 p.m., Rm. 2308 Chemistry. Mr. R. M. Suggitt will discuss "Deuterium Substitution in Studies of Hydro- gen Bonding" and Mr. P. Girardot will talk on "The Heat of Sublim- ation of Graphite." I U' Fire Hazard IT'S AMAZING what inconsistencies can develop in a University such as this. Fire protection has produced a multitude. The University is fully determined that no fire shall be allowed to cause loss of life here. With that fine goal before them, resi- dence halls officials have set.up a complex and supposedly adequate system of fire warning, complete with instructions of what to do when fire strikes. They have gone so far as to organize fire drills, taking place in miserable drizzling rain - such as the one West Quadders ex- perienced a few short days ago. Although some residents would disagree, this is certainly a step in the right direc- tion. The fire drill certainly cleared the buildings in a few minutes. But what would have happened, had the fire drill not been planned in advance? In the West Quad all doors but one lead- ing into the streets are locked tight by 11:30. The courtyard gates are padlocked and chained shut. One exit is available for 1400 men. Picture if you will a major fire raging through the dormitories. Fire bells sound and thousands of students rush from the corridors into the courtyards. Pandemonium reigns. Somewhere in this melee stands the per- son with the keys to the gates. His chances of ever reaching those gates are question- able. Needless disaster is the inevitable result. You say this can't happen. The Quad- rangles are supposed to be fireproof. But Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberify Residence Halls certainly are not. Fires in these buildings are not a remote possibility, but an ever-present menace. Fire drills are a common occurrence in these two dormi- tories. Yet in a drill that took place several days ago, the fourth floor alarms did not ring, in Helen Newberry. This is a glaring and dangerous incon- sistency in any single plan for fire pre- vention, serving to negate the very protec- tion plan itself. And while fire protection plans are being administered in the dormitories, the neither been tested nor refilled. No Univer- sity policy of inspection had ever been en- forced. In the very institutions, fraternities, which the University pretends to guard against other dangers, moral, physical and fi- financial, fire prevention is considered un- necessary. But most fraternity houses are at least built of brick! Surrounding the campus, and especially on the west side of State Street, stand blocks of frame boarding houses, whose most prominent protection structure seems to be a wooden fire ladder. A fire started in one of those buildings, by a careless cigarette, could, if the wind was right, burn out an entire block of buildings, with a l tragic death toll. Those buildings, and ' the students that live within them are under the University jurisdiction, "in loco parentis." The Univer- sity, secure in the thought that a major catastrophe has never yet struck, has ex- ercised no control in any of those struc- tures. Some even lack fire extinguishers, or a telephone to call the fire station from, in case of danger. Just looking around campus- we find a dozen University buildings that were built in the days of long ago, and whose fire potential must rate high and up. Some of these buildings like Romance Language, provide one stairway for .hun- dreds of students. Should a fire start, that dried wood, antiquated staircase would be the first thing to go up in a blaz- ing fury, leaving the students th "lter- native of jumping or dying. More so, one entrance to the building is available. The West entrance was- blocked off years ago to give office space to the faculty. Even during normal school hour, the changing of classes chokes that single en- trance, so that it looks like a New: York subway station at rush hours. Should a fire break out, the :trmpled bodies could be scooped up with steam shovels, and trucked away. No fire drills have ever been attempted here. Cinema and Criticism... To the Editor: IT SEEMS to me that the dra- matic artistry of the curren film, Twelve O'clock High, merit a more accurate critical interpre. tation than Fran Ivick has giver it in the March 14th issue of Th Daily. I have the feeling that Mis Ivick has presented a rather su- perficial review, neglecting th real thematic significance of thi excellent film .... The major dramatic conflict ir this film is the struggle betweer the general's glacial military ex- terior and his essentially humar interior. The emergence of humar attributes and sympathetic feel- ings breaking through that rug- ged exterior gives us character de- velopment and precipitates the dramatic crisis in the film. Gener- al Savage is fundamentally n different from the benevolent and sensitive commanding o f f i c e whom he has relieved. He is firsi a man and then a general. As the general's very wise and very un- derstanding adjutant tells us, the only difference between Genera: Savage and his sympathetic pre- decessor is that "General Savage is about three inches taller." In her column, Miss Ivick quite simply and superficially convey the impression of the general a a kind of robot whose machine has finally worn down because hc has "driven himself beyond the point of endurance." Thus she has not, it seems to me, clearly dis- tinguished him from any other stereotyped military Simon Legre obsessed with the burden of hi own responsibility . . . And while Miss Ivick was award- ing her laurel to Gregory Peck for his "restrained" acting in this picture, she should not have dis- missed so abruptly the fine work of Dean Jagger whose portrayal of the adjutant was as natural and as "restrained" a piece of acting as I have seen in any re- cent film. There has been a growing ten- dency of late for motion picture critics to adopt the pseudo-so- phisticated "New Yorker" vogue of criticism-the flippantly des- tructive rather than the conscien- tiously constructive. These modern movie critics have formed a kind of critical coterie. Indeed the re- viewers spend so much time at- tempting to concoct a sort of brisk slapdash of sophistication in their comments on trivial aspects of a film that they tend to ignore fun- damental themes and to disregard cinematic artistry when it does come along. If praise is forthcoming, let's deliver appropriate and thought- fully critical eulogies just as ener- getically as we have been launch- ing scathing invectives against Hollywood's bungling. Maturity of critical perception, in the past generation or two, has given Am- erican literature new stature and there is no reason why it can not do the same for the American movie. -John B. Wall, Grad. OPEN LETTER to Dean Kenis- ton: You displayed an admirable at- titude last week in decrying the abyss which exists between the fa- culty and students in the lit school, and any attempt of yours to narrow the gap will be ap- plauded by both. It seems to me, however, that the best way of beginning the re- form is to eliminate the vast rift within the faculty itself. No one can be a student in this University for many years before he realizes that there are really two faculties here: those who teach and those who administer. As long as a student stays with the herd, he'll have no trouble. But let him transfer schools, or even departments within the lit school, or do anything else out of the ordinary; then his troubles begin. For he is faced with the impossible task of reconciling the utterly disparate attitudes of the two faculties. There are the advisers who talk every underclassman into taking Glacial Paleontology or Roman Band Instruments, so that the ad- viser can get rid of the group re- quirements headaches. There is the legion of language teachers who have their classes loaded with people who hate for- eign languages, can't learn them, and whose only background is a course in Caesar in Beltintheback (Mich.) High School. There are the departments which hand out C's as if they were doing the studentssa favor, and those which think than an occas- ional B will encourage the stu- dents to take more work in that department. Adam Smith would have got a 2.5 average in Econo- mics, but Joe Palooka could do the same in History. There are the grad students who get B for doing the same calibre of work as the undergrad who gets C-plus. You have only to talk to anyone who grades papers to know that. Maybe appointing a committee can cure it, but probably more rapport could be achieved if the administrators did a little more teaching and the teachers did a little more administering. Then the students could talk the same language to both and be answer- ed with something more than a blank stare. -George Walsh Leopold III is not king of the Belgians but only king of the Flemings to many of his country- men. The advisory popular refer- endum which Leopold barely won has only served to accentuate that fact, and to aggravate existing so- cial and economic divisions in the country. A wave of protest strikes among Socialist workers is in prospect and the bitter debate over Leo- pold's personal probity, and over the question of whether he ex- ceeded his constitutional author- ity when he surrendered the Bel- gian armies in 1940, goes on. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch ,' Technology & Politics. To the Editor: Congregational Disciples Evan- ,gelical and Reformed Guild: Sup- per Discussion at the Guild House. Phone reservations to 5838. Wesley Foundation: 4-5:30 p.m., Do-Drop-In Tea, Lounge. 6 p.m., Pot Luck Supper, Social Hall. Fol- lowed by Devotional Service. Speaker: Rev. Schmale. "Best in the Evangelical and Reformed Faith." 10 p.m., Sigma Theta Ep- silon, Lounge. Film program for students, fac- ulty, and general public. "Films on Britain: Cambridge, The Great University, and Shrine of a Na- tion, Westminster Abbey." 4:10 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium, auspices of Audio-Visual Education Center and the University Extension Service. No admission charge. Industrial Relations Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3B, Union. Speaker: Mr. Russell Smith, Chair- man, Michigan State Board on Labor Law Committee. Topic: "Preparation and Trial of Arbi- tration Cases." Residence Staff Institute: Meet- ing for staff members of women's residences, sororities and League houses. 10 a.m., League. Topic: "The Role as Consultant: Prob- lems of Improving Group Meet- ings." ASCE: 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3S, Union. Discussion on "Construction Prob- lems" led by Mr. C. E. Bottum, vice-president of Michigan Sec- tion, Associated General Contrac- tors. Departmental data sheets will be available at the meeting for juniors interested in summer em- ployment in the construction field. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting one-half hour early, 7 p.m., Rm. 3L, Un- ion. Movies of Boyne Mountain and Aspen, and plans for the As- pen Trip. Japanese Movies: 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Far Eastern Languages and Literatures and Center for Japanese Studies. Open to the public without charge. Premedical Society: Policy meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3K, Union. Sound movies: "Life of Pasteur" and "Use of Antibodies." Ques- tionnaires will be distributed. All members are requested to attend. Michigan Education Club: Ini- tiation Party, 3:15-5 p.m., Union. U. of M. Rifle Club: Postal match with University of Nevada. All members to fire. 7-9:30 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range. Photography: Any persons inter- ested in the study of photography and picture developing, contact Al Boyce at Lane Hall. (Continued on Page 5) i 4 a Psychology 31, section 4_ Beardslee). Hour exam, 7:30 Thurs., Mar. 23, 2203 Angell (Mr. p.m., Hall. . b The University Extension Serv- ice announces the following cour- se: Introduction to Music Litera- ture. A six-week series of lectures devoted to the programs of the 1950 May Festival. No previous knowledge of music is necessary for enrollment in this course, which is nontechnical in' nature. Noncredit, six weeks, $7.00. Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch. Wed., 7 p.m. 206 Burton Memorial Tower. The Teacher's Oath will be ad- ministered to all June candidates for' the Teacher's Certificate on Wed., Mar. 22, 1437 U.E.S. This is a requirement for the teacher's certificate. Concerts Faculty Concert: Gilbert Ross, violinist, and Helen Titus, pianist, will present a sonata recital at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 23, Rack- ham Assembly Hall. Works by Schubert, Brahms, and Prokofieff. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Brooklyn Museum Third Print Annual, through Mar. 22; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Westminster Presbyterian Guild: 5 p.m., Lenten Vespers, "Which Way From Jerusalem?" Regular tea, 4-5 p.m. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Discussion: les- sons 9 and 10 in the booklet "Therefore Go." Canterbury Club: 5:15 p.m., Evening Prayer and Meditation. t L Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student PublicatiQps. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen.......... .City Editor PhilipDawson........Editorial Director Mary Stein..........Associate Editor Jo Misner............. Associate Editor George Walker........Associate Editor Don McNeil ........... Associate Editor Wally Barth...... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin....... .Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz.. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor BarbaraSmith...Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage.................Librarian Joyce Clark........ Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.... .Business Manager Dee Nelson..Associate Business Manager Jin Dangl........Advertising Manager Bernie Aid inoff ....... Finance Manager Bob Daneis .....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of aii other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the rewilar mehool near by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. 4 "i .4 .a. BARNABY 1 inn hnrt4lw wrrif fn rand fho rn/ mne. r - - i i I Ill--H iI I I,-.. ~., - - ii r^.._Ll .y__L___ e_____L_. II I