MAY FESTIVAL PROGRAMS See Page 4 Y 4t Dati' C 7 CLOUDY, SNOW SIX PAGES Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 21,1950 McCarthy's Accusations Denied By Jessup SL Passes Plan For 'U' Calendaring SAC To Ponder Draft Next Week ? A final plan for the calendaring of student-sponsored events at the University by Student Legislature was passed by SL in a special ses- sion last night and will be submit- ted to the Student Affairs Com- mittee for approval next week. The plan formulates a set of criteria to be used by a special comnmittee of the SL as a basis for approving and dating an event proposed by a student organiza- tion. * * * THE CRITERIA, formally ap- proved in the regular SL meeting last Wednesday, were reconsidered and amended last night. They in- clude: 1. Tradition, 2. Benefits to students and the nature of the lvent as enter- tainment.' 3. Opportunities for financial success. 4. Relative need for funds. 5. Conflict with events over which we have no jurisdiction, such as Choral Union, athletic events and Lecture Seri-s. 6. Applications after the dead- line will receive secondary con- sideration. In the event of a con- flict, they probably will receive no consideration. 7. The number of people ef- fected by the event. The SL plan also stipulated that petitions by organizations for ma- jor events for the fall semester, such as IFC Ball, Assembly Ball, or Senior Ball, must be submitted before May 15. For smaller events, a deadline of Nov. 15 was set. * * * TO ESTABLISH a working rela- tionship of power between the SL Calendaring Committee and the SAC which now handles calendar- ing, the SL suggested to the SAC the following procedure: 1. The Calendar Committee shall be given the power to pass on all requests by student organizations to hold events on campus and establish the date for them on the University's activity calendar. 2. The committee shall act on the basis of the criteria adopted. 3. A negative recommendation denying the holding of an event of any time within the year shall be based solely on the group's finan- cial stability. 4. That SAC automatically ap- prove actio of SL Calendar Com- mittee except on appeal by an or- ganization which feels itself wronged by action of that com- mittee. 3 Fraternities On Probation YAfter Party After a week of uneasy waiting, three campus fraternities were officially placed on social proba- tion yesterday by the University Discipline Committee. The fraternities, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Upsilon and Psi Upsilon, ad- mitted that they had jointly held an unauthorized mixed party on March 4, at a ranch club near Brighton. Last Tuesday, the fraternities were unofficially informed of the committee's decision. Official con- firmation was delayed because of the absence from Ann Arbor of Deans Erich A. Walter and Walter B. Rea. Representatives of the fratern-' ities also admitted that the party was held without the authoriza- tion of the Office of the Dean of Students, that there were no of- f ni1rh11 nann nrnsnnt tnr t d hat. Assault Affidavit, Testimony Differ An affidavit, a photostat of which is now in The Daily's possession, indicates that the recent acquittal of Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger on charges of assault and battery was not based on complete evidence. The affidavit was signed by Louis Toplosky, teaching fellow in the engineering college a month before he testified in court. Toplosky witnessed the altercation between Dr. Sullenberger and Mrs. Louise Philpot, University Hospital elevator operator, on Jan. 20. * * * * THERE WERE important discrepancies between the affidavit and court testimony given by Toplosky. The affidavit indicates that Dr. Sullenberger was the aggressor in the scuffle, while the trial testimony tended to place equal guilt on the two participants. Polish Reds Terminate .Local Rule WARSAW, Poland - (R') - The Polish Parliament yesterday abol- ished local governmental authori- ties, thereby taking a further step toward modifying the nation's ad- ministrative system along Russia's lines. The act either eliminated the local organs of government or transferred their personnel to the centralized civil service. Their ex- ecutive and administrative func- tions were placed in the hands of a "National Council." HITHERTO regarded as the most moderate of the group of nations following the Soviet Union on the road to socialism, Poland now has taken at one jump the course previously forced gradually on other Communist-Dominated countries. World News Roundup By The Associated Press ROME - (A) - Communist-led workers crippled Italy's big north- ern industrial cities today with strikes and violence. * * * WASHINGTON--The House voted yesterday to allow land- grant colleges to disregard spe- cial federal benefits they now receive in computing educatioril costs for veterans under the GI Bill of Rights. * * * NEW YORK-Valentin A. Gub-' itchev went back to Russia yester- day with a hug and kiss from his wife and a lukewarm good luck wish for the "other woman," Jud- ith Coplon. VacationTrain Rates Offered Special Student vacation trains to New York City, Buffalo and Chicago will be available for the -pring vacation exodus according to Dick Allen, secretary of the Vul- cans, senior engineering honorary. Reserved seats at a twenty per- cent saving are offered to studehts taking advantage of the special trains, he said. Tickets will be sold from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow through March 31 in the lobby of the Administra- tion building. In the affidavit, signed Feb. 13, 1950, Toplosky stated, "Dr. Sullenberger was shoving her (Mrs. Philpot) and had in one hand the foot lever which he brandished in a threatening manner." At the trial, Toplosky said that the two "were engaged in, a fight. The foot lever was in Dr.\ Sullen- berger's hand." No mention was made of the doctor's threatening Mrs. Philpot with the lever. * * * "I DID NOT dare restrain him because of the metal lever in his hand," Toplosky said in the affi- See LETTERS, Page 4 davit. At the trial he merely said, "I didn't dare to step in bodily." The affidavit states, "He con- tinued to shove and maul her while I shouted at him a num- ber of times to stop." Toplosky declared at the trial, however, that "There were thrusts from both sides. I didn't see any direct hits to the body. There were a lot of blows parried." The affidavit continues, "He stopped after a few seconds, but continued to abuse Mrs. Philpot orally." In court on the other hand, Toplosky testified, "I didn't recall hearing any profanity." Douglas K. Reading, Washte- naw County Prosecutor, learned of the affidavit while questioning Toplosky before the trial. How- ever, he has not seen it as yet, he said last night. Strike Called In Protest To ing Leopold _ U BRUSSELS, BELGIUM-(A')-- Anti-Leopoldist Socialist action committees last night voted to call a 24-hour general strike in Brus- sels and southern Belgium Friday. The action was taken as a spokesman for Belgium's largest' political party, the Social Chris- tians, declared they would bring exiled King Leopold back to his throne "to stay" despite the wave of Socialist strikes. * * * THE SOCIALISTS, who have announced they would call a series of 24 hour strikes until Leopold abdicates, tied up 128 ships at An- twerp yesterday with a walkout of 11,000 dockers, ship repairmen and other workers. The main sea lojk was blocked when lock operators refused to move a Norwegian ship. Other ships were stranded for lack of pilots. About 20,000 other strikers closed down foundries and engin- eering plants in Brussels, Huy and Ghent and street car service in the textile city of Verviers. Chinese Reds Block Return' Of Americans General Protest Scheduled Today HONG KONG-('P)-The Chi- nese Communists last night-at the eleventh hour - arbitrarily blocked departure of more than 400 Americans and 1,204 other foreigners from Red Shanghai. Fifteen foreign consulates in Shanghai scheduled a general protest meeting this morning. J. J. Berryman, Hong Kong manager of the American President Lines, said this was a "last ditch" effort to get the Reds to go through with the carefully-laid original ar- rangements. PERSONS WHO have witnessed frequent Communist stalling prac- tices in the past predicted the Reds ultimately would back down, but only after exasperating de- lays that might run into many days. The program for the special evacuation via the APL's Gen- eral W. H. Gordon was knocked in the head when the Reds re- fused to let two civilian-manned American former tank-landing ships come into Shanghai to take off the foreigners. Use of these shallow-draft ves- sels to ferry passengers out to the Gordon in international waters off the Yangtze River mouth had been planned because the Chinese na- tionalists say the entrances to Shanghai are mined. THE GORDON now is at Hong Kong, already having postponed its departure for the Yangtze mouth three times. The LST's, manned by Ameri- can President lines crews flown especially from the United States, are now en route from Nagasaki, Japan. They are due off the Yangtze Wednesday. It was generally believed that the Communists were motivated by two things: "Face" and money. The efforts of so many foreign- ers to get out (after having pass- ed up chances to leave during the earlier period of the Communist regime) and including all Ameri- can diplomatic personnel, con- stitutes a stinging loss of face- an important consideration in China. Officially. ere Spring Shows FrigidSpirit Spring sprang frigidly in last night without any sign that spring had actually sprung. It arrived officially at 11:36 p.m. trying to hold the tempera- ture at a damp 36 degrees. The Willow Run Weather Bureau was pessimistic however, expecting a drop to 32 degrees before morn- ing. * * * BUT MARCH in this part of the state knows no rules. In 1943 both the highest and lowest tem- peratures for that month were recorded. The temperature rang- ed from three to 77 degrees dur- ing that period. Even the U.S. Weather Bureau admitted last night that "the weather is off schedule." --aily--WallyBarth IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING-Four University women, minds appropriate footwear, trudge warily along what is probably a side- walk on the north end of campus. Three engineering college pro- fessors, after giving the puddle problem considerable thought, were, thankful that the responsibility lies upon other shoulders. Flat 'U' Campus Dooms LocalPuddle-Hoppr By DAVIS CRIPPEN Those puddles currently adorn- ing the campus' sidewalks probab- ly will be with us on and off as * * * long as there are sidewalks and storms, according to a trio of en- gineering college professors who've made such problems their life studies. The three, Earnest Boyce, chair- man of the department -of civil engineering, Chester O. Wisler, professor of hydraulic engineering and Robert H. Sherlock, professor of structural engineering, all pull- ed long faces on the problem of puddle ridding. PROF. WISLER . declared, "I don't know that there's anything that can be done except at exces- sive cost." What he had in mild was yanking out the present walks and relaying them three or four inches above the ground. But Prof. Sherlock put a dam- per on this idea when he de- clared that even if such a pro- gram were carried out, the flat- ness of the campus and Ari Arbor weather would combine to* quickly bring the puddles back. He explained that the expand- ing of frozen water in the ground under the sidewalks would cause sections of them to "heave." * * * FLAT AS THE CAMPUS is, he( went on, only a little heavingI would be necessary to throw the delicately balanced drainage sys- tem off-and produce puddles. Failing other solutions, Prof. Boyce turned to a more fanci- ful way to relieve this problem. which has been on the minds- and under the feet-of Univer- sity students since the first rains came last fall. "Maybe we could," he said, "put a big umbrella over the whole campus." "Or, more practically, maybe we could all learn to wear rubbers." Rabies? ALBANY, Ga.-(A)-A little white hen was fastened up in the dog pound yesterday after she furiously attacked in suc- cession a dog, a hog, a horse, a cow and a child. Her captors thought she might have hydrophobia. Health Commissioner &M.M. Wolfe said, though, he never heard of a chicken with rabies. He suggested the hen may have become mentally unbal- anced. She was held for ob- servation. Government Hits UMWVV, Coal Tactics WASHINGTON -- (IP - Justice Department attorneys charged yesterday that John L. Lewis' back-to-work orders in the recent soft coal strike were a "sham and a pretense." They asked for pun- ishment of the Union. The Government laid its brief before the Circuit Court of Ap- peals in urging that it over-rule District Judge Richmond B. Keech who cleared Lewis' United Mine Workers of contempt after 370,000 miners flouted the court's order Feb. 11 to return to work. * * * LEWIS followed Keech's anti- strike order with messages asking the miners to go back to work. But the Government said that Lewis acted with "tongue in cheek." The strike finally ended March 6. The case involves a civil con- tempt charge punishable by a flne. Arguments will be heard April 2. Meanwhile, it was learned that the FBI is looking into the story of Lloyd H. Sidener, ousted presi- dent of the UMW local at Canton, Ill., that Lewis secretly ordered the soft coal miners to disregard the District Court injunction. Sidener said at Canton last week that a series of secret signals went down through the ranks to con- tinue the strike. New Charge Made Against Doctor Sander MANCHESTER, N. H.-(/)-- Only hours after two Catholic hos- pitals announced banning of Dr. Hermann N. Sander the Hillsboro County Medical Society said last night a charge has been made against him. Dr. Lloyd L. Wells, society sec- retary, i4sued this brief state- ment regarding the young country doctor who was acquitted March 9 of a murder charge in the, death of cancer victim Mrs. Abbie Borroto, 59.. * * * - "A CHARGE has been made against Dr. Hermann N. Sander. The Hillsboro County Medical So- ciety's constitution and by-laws govern all procedures. No further official comment will be made un- til these procedures are complet- ed." The nature of the charge was not disclosed. Earlier the Notre Dame and Sac- red Heart Hospitals announced that their staffs voted to ban the 41-year-old Candia physician from practicing in their institutions. Opera To Give Extra Matinee Heavy demand for tickets has resulted in the scheduling of a special matinee performance of "Lace It Up," this year's Union Opera, at 3:15 p.m. Fri. Mar. 31 in the Michigan Theatre. Tickets for this matinee will be available from 1 to 5 p.m. tomor- row at the box office in the Union lobby. Matinee tickets are priced at $1.80 and $1.20. according to Senator Aids Reds, Claims Ambassador Truman Defends Dean Acheson By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Ambassador Philip C. Jessup yesterday angrily denounced Senator. McCarthy's charges that Reds infest the State Department as "utterly irrespon- sible," a blow at American foreign' policy and an actual aid to world Communism. And supported by General George C. Marshall and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jessup sweepingly denied the Wisconsin Republican's attack on him as having an "affinity" for Commun- ist causes. He said the Senator ad shown "a sshocking dsregard for the interests of our, country."., THE STATE Department's rov- ing envoy and No. 1 diplomatic trouble shooter topped off a 3,500- word blast against McCarthy by submitting letters from Marshall, former Secretary of -State, and Eisenhower. Gen. Marshall said he was "shocked and distressed" by the attack on Jessup's integrity. Gen. Eisenhower said no one who has known Jessup would question "the depth or sincer- ity" of his devotion to "the prin- ciples of Americanism." But at the end of a stormy three- hour session on Capitol Hill, Mc- Carthy still insisted that if Sen- ate investigators could get a look at the complete files on Jessup, "the importance of taking action will be demonstrated." THE SENATO also throabened: to boycott future hearings before a Senate Foreign Relations Sub- committee unless the committee permits him to cross-examine wit- nesses. Testifying under oath, Jessup contended that McCarthy's charges of Communists and Red sympathizers in the State De- partment have had the effect of aiding the international com- nunist movement. And at Key West, Fla., President Truman demonstrated his all-out support of Secretary of State Ache- son yesterday with the declaration he is running the State Depart- ment "admirably" and will stay on the job there. * .* * ACHESON has been under fire from Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) whose complaints of Communist links in the State Department pre- cipitated an investigation by a Senate Foreign Relations subcom- mittee. He also was bombarded with criticism recently in connection with failure to aid the Chiang Kai- Shek government of China. A TOP White House source also disclosed that Mr. Truman, in the interest of "clearing innocent men," may grant Chairman Tyd- ings (D-Md) and other members of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee investigating Mc- Carthy's "spy ring" charges lim- ited access to loyalty files. 'U' Forum To Plan Education DebateToday The Michigan Forum committee will hold open meetings for all in- terested students and faculty members at' 4:30 p.m. today and tomorrow, at the Union, to discuss the Forum's forthcoming debate on federal aid to education. The debate, tentatively sched- uled for April 4. will feature a dis- cussion between two students and two faculty members of the ques- tion "Should Federal Aid be Given Only to Public Schools." * * * "THE MEETINGS today and to- morrow are designed to enable stu- -Daily-Alan Reid MR. ENSHINE-A harbinger of spring was Dale Lawsonu, '53 Arch., as he sauntered down the diag in his Sunday attire. He carried a large sign which read: "Spring Is Here and So Is the 1950 'Ensian." Yearbook promotions men explained that there are only 450 copies of the yearbook left on sale at the Publications Building. HOUSE GROUP ULASTED BY HOFFMAN: FC ATo Get Farm Surplus, COmmittee Votes By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Overriding administration protests, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted yesterday to hand a billion dol- lars worth of farm surpluses to! Uj a .r....-irnn ad s s f of in surpluses now held by the Com- modity Credit Corporation. "We don't like to be put in that kind of a strait jacket," ECA Chief Paul G. Hoffman told ..n-r.ra . ffs- r ta f m mittn "merely a scheme for unloading American surplus." He discounted that argument and said all his proposal amounts to is giving the Marshall Plan hma : - s fnn ... nh rn..i- o- propriations Committee tenta- tively approved some $16,000,000,- 000 in spending for almost every federal agency except the Defense Department. After approving that much of tire omnibus bill sent to the House. Also in Washington, the 25- member House Republican Pol- icy Committee decided unani- --n t ny f n 16. ara mT.,.