ThE MICHIGAN AIL rDAV, TVIAACA lfi, 19.50, 4 - . ~ - .-y - .- ---. m mime ,__ - e : Generation~ AN EXCITING experience is the best way to characterize the first issue of GEN- ERATION. In attempting an integration of the arts, the all-student staff of the maga- zine has provided not only a medium for student expression, but a focus of stimulation for the entire campus. From the physical angle alone, GENER- ATION is a work of art with its interest- evoking cover, superior art work extending even to advertisements, two types of paper, and beautifully conceived layout. But there's much more to the magazine than nearly perfect technical execution. Writing throughout is of a high calibre, and great sincerity is evinced in the arti- cles dealing with aspects of various arts. GENERATION does not limit itself to presentation of finished artistic productions, but includes discussions of art forms in the making. Such excursions behind the arti- fact are extremely valuable to those inter- ested in creative processes. Here, the dis- cussions have special relevancy as they deal with the specific problems involved in speci- fic works. Witness Edward Chudacoff and Bernice Weinberger's cogently written arti- cle on "Music and Dance as Adjuncts to Drama" applied to the recent Inter-Arts production of "Murder in the Cathedral." "This Dancing Dust," by Jack Huebler and Murray Gitlin provides informational as well as inspirational background on, the history and purposes of modern dance. Other arts hard to confine to paper, such Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER as music and architecture are represent- ed by a ballad by Grant Beglarian and Strowan Robertson accompanied by a transcribed discussion dealing with its composition, and perspective, elevation and section drawings of an air terminal by C. E. Holland, J. W. lid, and N. A. White. Photographs of sculpture by Jim Trumbo and Tom Yamada are remarkable for their depth and clarity. A head reminiscent of Modigliani, done by Janet Gallup is typical of the fine quality of the photographed work. Outstanding among the paintings 4 and sketches which enhance GENERATION'S pages are the lithograph, "Night and Day," by Justine Enss, Nancy Wheeler's illus- trations for "No Price Tags on a Second Hand Bike," and a plastic oil, "Girl with Beads," by Mary Poppe. In prose that at times needs only linear rearrangement to be poetry, Donald Hope writes of the heartlessness and peculiar understanding of children in "No Price Tags on a Second Hand Bike." William Wiegand's penetrating short story, "For They Shall Inherit the Earth," lays bare the twisted psyche of a third-grade bio- logy teacher. C- Alfred Slote's one-act drama, "The Flagg Out There," describes the mental and moral degeneration that sets in among soldiers on a Pacific island. Especially worthy of note in the poetry, are Daniel Waldron's bitterly satiric "The Cave" and "Four Poems by Five Authors," by Marsh Campbell. GENERATION deals competently with a= large slice of the art world. Reading it, one has feeling that with their first issue as precedent they will continue to utilize their sources of material and expand and explore all the facets of integrated artistic endeavor. -Fredrica Winters THOMAS L. STOKES: What We Have To Fear WASHINGTON - Frankln D. Roosevelt's admonition in his first inaugural address in March, 1933-"All we have to fear is fear itself"-has its timely application today in relation to a different set of circumstances. He was appealing then for a bold spirit to attack the depression that had brought our economic system almost to the point of collapse. The nation took his counsel to heart and we got out of that dilemma by The Weekend In Town EVENTS of interest around campus. INTER-ARTS FESTIVAL TODAY: Unparalleled opportunity to view student productions in the arts. For details see Page One. "What's the Good of Art Any- way?" address by Prof. Charles Stevenson. "Concerto for Chamber Orchestra," written by Edward Chudacoff, directed by Edward Troupin. Premiere showing of "The Well- Wrought Ern," satiric film produced by members of the English department. 8 p.m., at Alumni Memorial Hall. TOMORROW: Music, poetry, architecture panel, at 2 p.m. Song, poetry, drama, art panel, 8 p.m., at Alumni Memorial Hall. SUNDAY: Music, ballet, modern dance, poetry, discussion of "Time Orientation of Artistic Materials." 2 p.m., in the Union Ballroom. "The Function and Potentiality of an Inter-Arts Organization," moderated by Oliver Edel. 8 p.m., Alumni Memorial Hall. ART EXHIBIT: Student work in paint- i n g, sculpture, photography, ceramics. Through next week, north and south galler- ies of Alumni Memorial Hall. MOVIES THE LOST ONE, film version of "La Tra- viata." Through Sunday at the Orpheum. DAKOTA LIL, with George Montgomery. Western. Today and tomorrow at the State. Starting Sunday, WHEN WILLIE COMET MARCHING HOME, with Dan Dailey. THE LADY TAKES A SAILOR, with Jane Wyman, Dennis Morgan, starting today. Sunday, Jane Powell and Ann Sothern in NANCY GOES TO RIO. PRISON WARDEN, with Warner Baxter, plus a Gene Autrey film, THE COWBOY AND THE INDIANS, today and tomorrow at the Whitney. THE STORY OF SEABISCUIT, with Shir- ley Temple and Barry Fitzgerald, today and tomorrow at the Wuerth., organizing the free forces of our democ- racy. Today we are plagued by strange fears growing from the terrifying bombs we have created which, of themselves, magnify our fear of Communism as an ideology in com- petition with democracy. The sensible way to meet this dilemma is to rely upon the strength of our democracy and its institu- tions, of which freedom is the essence. In- stead, some would narrow that freedom- which embraces freedom of speech, of as- sembly and association, and of thought-by setting up additional police controls in the state. * * * CURRENT EXAMPLE, which comes rather close to thought control, is the so-called Mundt-Nixon Bill, sponsored jointly by Senator Mundt and Rep. Nixon, the latter still an active member of the House Un- American Activities Committee, the former previously a member when he was in the House. How timid politicians can become in con- fused times such as these is revealed by the fact that this measure, which the Senate refused even to consider in the Republican 80th Congress, now has won the approval of its Judiciary Committee with only a lone dissenting voice, that of Senator Langer (R., N.D.). The House passed it overwhelm- ingly in the 80th Congress and Rep. Nixon has introduced it there again as a result of the Senate committee victory. It is pre- sumed he will push it vigorously in the House as he is running for the Senate in California and is being promoted on the reputation he made on the Un-American Activities Com- mittee as a spy-hunter, notably in the Alger Hiss case. But this measure goes far beyond hunt- ing of actual spies, for which we have plenty of law and plenty of agencies. It enters the very broad realm of political thought and action through its vague de- finitions that leave far too much discretion to enforcing officers. For example, it brackets "Communist front organizations" with the Communist Party in requirements for registration with the At- torney General, disclosure of finances, iden- tification of anything sent through the mails as "Communist front" as well as "Commun- ist Party," and listing of officers. The Com- munist Party also must list every member. WHAT IS A "Communist front organiza- tion"? Some, of course, are obvious. But in these days when those who work for federal health insurance, for public housing, for civil rights, and other reforms are la- beled as "Communist" in some quarters, that leaves a broad area susceptible to persecu- tion. The avenue is open through a proviso that so-called "Communist front" organiza- tions that do not register can be reported to the subversive control board of three to be appointed by the Attorney General to administer the proposed law. The board can compel them to register and can hold public hearings, if requested, to determine whether they should. This would make it easy to throw suspicion on an organization that might have a very laudable and American purpose and destroy its usefulness. Arts Festival INTER-ARTS UNION'S second annual Student Art Festival, which is being presented this weekend, provides an un- equalled chance for everyone to see the results of campus artistic activity as well as an opportunity to hear lectures and panels on the arts. We expect that it will be a resounding success, and we think that anyone who glances over the program will agree. There are musical compositions, poetry, a film, ballet and modern dance, and lectures and panels on various aspects of the arts, as well as a continuing ex- hibit of the visual arts - all by stu- dents and faculty here. But the success of the Festival de- pends partly on everyone, not just those who participate in it. We urge our readers to attend as much of the Festival as possible. We believe that it will be some- thing in which the University as a whole, including all of us, can take great pride. -The Editors. Frats Again MAYBE it's due to lack of something better to do, or maybe it's Spring Fever, but the fraternity men and the independents are at it again. Let's try, for a change to look at the situation from both sides. Both sides are right in certain aspects. The independents are correct when they say that fraternities are not democratic. No fraternity man in his right mind will try to tell you that they are. No organization with restrictive clauses and "blackballs" can be democratic. On the other hand, the fraternity men are right when they say that a closer, more social form of living is to be found in a fraternity house. Let's again try to be intelligent and recog- nize the fact that in all probability, fratern- ities are here to stay. If you want to destroy fraternities, do it by pulling out the roots. Remove the causes of fraternities and they will die and even the staunchest of fratern- ity men will not mourn their passing. Fraternities are here at Michigan and campuses throughout the nation because there is something lacking in dormitory life. Despite the fact that the rooms are better in the dorms, men flock each year to the fraternities because the food is un-. fit for human consumption in the dorms, the social life is almost non-existent, and the guidance of the staff sometimes of a very poor quality. Fraternities are a last resort for those who can't find what they want in the dorms. If and when the day comes when the dorms and private rooming houses can offer the students the positive social advantages of the fraternity without the financial and dis- criminatory disadvantages, then and only then will there no longer be any need for fraternities and they will cease to exist. -Dick Ehrenberg SL Rent Aid FOR YEARS students have been complain- ing that they are being charged excessive rents by Ann Arbor landlords. But since there has been no University authority to investigate the complaints since the OPA took over all rent control during the war, students have only been able to gripe about their rent charges among themselves. Today, however, Student Legislature will renew its study of the local rent problem and has asked all students who feel that they are being overcharged, to report their suspicions to a special OPA investigator at the Ann Arbor City Hall. And unless there is a significant response to this drive, SL will probably chalk it up as another defeat at the hands of student apathy. Undoubtedly there may be cases of flag- rant violation of OPA rent ceilings in stu- dent rooming houses. But students them- selves must assume responsibility for re- porting these violations to the proper author- ities, rather than sit back and wait for someone else to do it for them. -Jim Brown CURRENT MOVIES] The LADY TAKES A SAILOR with Den- nis Morgan and Jane Wyman. T'S pretty lonely in the movie houses when they show the opus at one o'clock; this makes it difficult to know whether or not just little you or the audience in general thinks a comedy is funny. I snickered through this film; although as I look back on it now, the only other person I remember laughing was a girl with the long loud laugh that usually accompanies a vacant brain. The sailor is Dennis Morgan who sails a top-secret, one-man submarine and the lady who takes him is Jane Wyman, who heads an enormous consumer testing bureau and who meets Jules Verne Mogan when his surfacing sub pops her out of her skiff and into Long Island Sound. He rescues her, and after a cozy tete-a-tete four fathoms deep, Xet teA4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Communist 'Liberty' .. . To the Editor; HAVE BEEN disturbed at read- ing newspaper accounts of re- cent talks by Mrs. Robeson and Mr. Mandel to the effect that in Russia and other Communist countries there exists real liberty and democracy. I understand that their actual remarks were not quite so sweeping as those report- ed, so I am answering in this let- ter not so much the speakers themselves as these concepts. Thus both speakers pointed to the fact that the Russian people had votes. So did the Germans under Hitler and the Italians un- der Mussolini. A real vote is a choice; where a choice is not per- mitted a vote is an empty form. No one, I think, will have the har- dihood to imply that a conserva-; tive, capitalist or bourgeois party would be allowed to exist, let alone carry on active propaganda, any- where east of the iron curtain. But the wholesale liquidation of Socialists, peasant party leaders, dissident Communists themselves (whether "Trotskyist" or "Tito- ist") shows that no real choice is permitted even among the sub- varieties of Marxism. As to liberty, let us for the sake of argument discount all hostile accounts of the political trials and take the official accounts at face value. One impressive fact is that Communist-directed trials, like Communist-directed elections are always predictable in advance; they never come out unexpectedly, as elections and trials so often do in all free countries. Can anyone name even one important political trial in any Communist country, of all the thousands which iaave taken place, which resulted in an acquittal? Again, counsel for the defense rarely ventures to do more than ask for mercy. Again, pris- oners are held incommunicado before the trial. Again, the trial usually terminates not only in a conviction but in an abject con- fession, apology and recantation. If I knew only those four facts about a political trial in Babylonia in 1950 B.C., or in any other time or place, I would know that the trial was a fake one, and state that as a fact, on my reputation as a historian. shallow, his copy will be shallow; if blatant, his copy will be blatant. If the writer is sincere, reasonable and persuasive, his copy will be sincere, reasonable and persua- sive." In contrast to business or such professions as law or engi- neering, "where the performance of certain known and prescribed physical functions can, to a large degree, accomplish the desired end, in copywriting the accomplishment of that end demands and depends almost solely upon the projection of that mysterious and intangible entity known as Self." Inasmuch as copywriting is an art, formulas, research findings and psychological principles must still be applied subjectively. "Copy- writing cannot be approached sci- entifically. To become a fully rounded copywriter, you must first become a fully rounded human be- ing." The title of Mr. Weir's talk was "The Making of a Copywriter." The answer, as he presented it to his audience, was that the aspirant must develop within himself the qualities of a "thinking, analytical, understanding and sympathetic human being." Mr. Weir brought to this campus a significant and important mes- sage. Not only is he, as president of anadvertising agency, in a po- sition to practice what he preach- es, but also what he says is having increasing influence on the whole of advertising. And that is of im- portance and significance to us all, since the influence of advertis- ing in our society, for better or worse, is something from which none can escape. It was unfortunate, then, that your report missed the substance and chose to feature a remark that became headline material only when it had been lifted out of its context. At no point in. his address did Mr. Weir claim, as your headline stated, that wealth is created by advertising. What he did say, as supplemental to his major premise, was that advertis- ing is an important function of "free, dynamic, industrial capital- ism-and cannot be looked upon as unworthy if (it is) to function to worthy ends." And the "worthy ends" of capitalism to which he re- ferred were likened to those of Christianity. "Both share, in com- mon, a movement to a higher and eventual goal . . . Neither promises the easy way, but both offer the ultimate in reward." It was ironic, too, that Mr. Weir should have been the victim of superficiality, that very plague of communications against which he has campaigned consistently and vigorously. -Edmund Wooding, Visiting Associate Professor In Charge of Advertising Department of Journalism. We all live not in Europe with age-old religious dissensions, but in the United states of America, where no one tells anyone else where or how or whether he must worship. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch The suspense is over. Stalin has been re-elected. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch "Do We Still See Him?" [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 11 1 ' II (Continued from Page 3) of Near Eastern Studies, 2023 An- gell Hall, Fri., Mar. 17, between '4 and 5:30 p.m. Bureau of Appointments: The United States Civil Service Commission announces an exam- ination for Wildlife Management Biologist and Fishery Management Biologist,.Grades GS-7, 9, 11 and 12. Also, ar examination for Bio- logist (Federal Aid Supervisor), Grades:GS-J, 11 and 12. First United States Civil Serv- ice Region announces an exam- ination for Research Psychologist, Grades GS-7 and GS-9. Appli- cants fo both grades must have completed a full 4-year course in an accredited college which has included or been supplemented by at least one course in statistics and one course in experimental or phy- siological psychology. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lectures University Lecture. "The Flight from Time." Dr. George Boas, Pro- fessor of Philosophy and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University; aus- pices of the Department of Phil- osophy. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Mar. 22, Rackham Amphitheatre. Academic Notices Seminar on Current Topics in Paleontology: Fri., Mar. 17, 4 p.m., 1523 University Museums. Discus- sion leader: Dr. G. W. Sinclair. Topic: Carpoids as Early Chord- ates. Electrical Engineering Colloqui- um: Fri., Mar. 17, 4 p.m., 2084 E. Engineering. Mr. H. C. Early, Re- search Engineer with the Engi- neering Research Institute, will speak.,on "Preliminary Research on a Low-Pressure Ionic Wind Tunnel." Concerts Student Recital: Jeanne Tin- dall, flutist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Mar. 17, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Mrs. Tindall is a pupil of Nelson - Hauenstein, and her program will be open to the public. She will be assisted by Nancy Joan Lewis, pianist, Rose Marie Jun, soprano, Donald Miller, violinist, David Ireland, violist, and Har- riet Risk, cellist. Exhibitions Exhibition of Prize Winning De- signs from the Chicago Tribune's Third Annual Better Homes Com- petition: First Floor Exhibition Corridor, College of Architecture and Design; through Mar. 20. Events Today Westminster Presbyterian Guild: 8 p.m., "Fun Frolic." Meet in the church parlor. Lutheran Student Association: Party, 8 p.m., at the Center. Wesleyan Guild: St. Patrick's Day Party, 7:30 p.m., Lounge. Baptist Students: St. Patrick's Day Party, 8:30 p.m., Guild House. Canterbury Club: 12:10 p.m., Holy Communion followed by a lunch in Page Hall. 4-6 p.m., Tea and Open House. 5:15 p.m., Evening Prayer and Meditation. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Sabbath services, 7:45 p.m. to be followed by a fireside discussion led by Dr. Ronald Freedman, So- ciology Department. Topic: "Sur- vival or Extinction." Grad Outing Club: Meet (7:15 at Rackham or 7:30 at IM Bldg.) for swimming, volleyball. Bring appropriate equipment. Student Art Festival: Student art exhibit, Alumni Memorial Hall; Fri., Mar. 17, 8 p.m., Alumni Memorial Hall. Concerto for Chamber Orchestra, Edward Chu- d a c o f f. Introductory address: "What's the Good of Art, Any- way?" Prof. Charles L. Steven- son. Movie: The Well-Wrought Ern. Young Progressives Party: 8 p.m., ABC Room, League. SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30-6 p.m., Lane Hall Lounge. C.E.D.: 4:15 p.m., Union. Student-Faculty Discussion, spon- 't sored by the Intercultural Depart- ment of Student Religious Associa- tion. Topic: International Rela- tions on Campus. Phone reserva- tions to Lane Hal. Transporta- tion will leave Lane Hall at 8 p.m. for Mrs. Harold Fisher's home. University Museums Friday Eve- ning Program: Exhibits in the Mu- seums building, 7 to 9 p.m. Motion pictures: "Sea Urchin" and "Shell Fishing." 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi- torium, auspices of the University Museums, through the courtesy of the Audio-Visual Education Cen- ter. Exhibit: Portraits of Michi- gan Mammals, by Richard Philip Grossenheider. Rotunda, Museums Building. India Students Association: 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3S, Union. Lecture- Discussion, Dr. Tetiev will speak. on "Cultural Continuity in India." Movie: "Vale of Kashmir." The AIEE-IRE will meet with the Mich. Section of IRE, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Speaker Dr. Nierenberg. Topic: "Electron- ic Equipment and Circuits in Cos- mic Ray Research." German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30 p.m., League Cafeteria. Students and faculty members invited. Coming Events SRA Saturday Luncheon Dis- cussion: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Call Lane Hall for reservations. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: "Moonlight Cruise," informal Dance, League Ballroom, Sat., Mar. 18, 9-12. All-campus dance. Student Art Festival: Student art exhibit, Alumni Memorial Hall. Sat., Mar. 18, 2 p.m., Alumni Memorial Hall. Sonata for violin and piano, Grant Beglarian; Arch- itectural Panel, "Evaluation of Modern Trends in Architecture;" student poetry; string trio, George Wilson. 8 p.m., Alumni Memorial Hall. Visual Art Panel: "Does Contem- porary Design Meet Current De- mands?" Songs by Lee Eitzen and Grant Beglarian. Three Duologues. I.S.A.: Open House, 8-12 p.m., Sat., International Center. U. of M. Hostel Club: Sun., Mar. 19. Leave League at 10 a.m., drive to Winans Lake for cookout and hiking. Bring cook kits and food for meal. Call leader if you need, or can offer, transportation. Ph. 2-1687. Sports Night: IM Building, Sat., Mar. 18, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Facul- ty members, wives, children, and guests invited. Swimming, squash, and badminton at 7:30 p.m.; vol- leyball and basketball after the gym meet. For further informa- tion, phone Mrs. W. J. Eiteman, 5474. ffir~gat 1Mg _tf K 4 4 4 i. 'I. .4 4. .r -Preston Slosson ** * Copywriter . .. To the Editor: THE REPORT appearing in Thursday's issue of The Daily on the address of Walter Weir, presented under the auspices of the Department of Journalism, was so distorted, inaccurate and mis- leading as to require clarification. For the benefit of the editors and readers of The Daily who were not present, I should like to summarize the content of Mr. Weir's thought- ful and original thesis. His major premise-clearly stat- ed and thoroughly developed-was that advertising copy, and hence advertising, can only be as good as, and no better than, the people who create it. "If the writer is Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen ..............City Editor Philip Dawson......Editorial Director Mary Stein.............Associate Editor Jo Misner............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil..........Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes....r....Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz..Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage.................Librarian Joyce Clark.........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.... .Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jim Dangi.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff'....... Finance Manager. Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail. $6.00. 1; *1 A, DREW PEARSON Washington s Merry-Go-Round CHIANG'S STRATEGY - Secret intel- ligence reports reveal that Chiang Kai-Shek BARNABY l - ll