See Page 4
4:3 att,
Latest Deadline in the State
Search Ends'
For Missing
Jeri Lou Ely
Brief Rest Found
In Chicago Visit
A three-day state wide search
for an 18 year-old University coed
came to an end yesterday as Jeri
Lou Ely, '53, returned to her home
in Berrien Springs, Mich., in her
parents' automobile.
She was found in a Chicago
YMCA men's and women's hotel
from where she had phoned her
14 year-old brother Larry at the
family home at 11 a.m. yesterday
to tell of her whereabouts.
* * *
Press dispatches, her brother im-
mediately contacted his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ely, here in
Ann Arbor. The Elys were aiding
police in conducting the search
which started Monday night after
Miss Ely had failed to return to
her dormitory at the 10:30 sign-in
Mr. and Mrs. Ely immediately
left for Chicago where they con-
tacted their daughter shortly after
6 p.m. yesterday.
Miss Ely told reporters that she
had been studying too hard at the
University and had come to Chi-
cago "to get a good rest. She
chose Chicago because "here I
would be close to relatives and
The small, dark-haired girl said
that she hadn't thought her ab-
sence from school would worry
anyone. "I didn't think about any-
thing," she added.
* * * .
DESPITE the fact that she had
posted a 2.8 average in her first
semester at the University and had
done well in recent examinations,
including a 96 in history, Miss Ely
indicated that it was worry over
her studies that had caused her to
leave school.
"I left school because I was
distraught and overworked in
preparing for school examina-
tios,. she as quted asaying.
One reason she had to study so
hard, Miss Ely said, was to make
up for time that she had lost dur-
ing the two week sorority rushing
period. She pledged Delta Delta
A decision on whether Miss Ely
will return to school this term will
be made later, her parents de-
SL To Renew
xFigrht, rAgainst
H ih Rents
Student Legislature will renew
its battle against Ann Arbor land-
lords who are reportedly charging
students rents above OPA ceilings
Legislator Cal Klyman, '51, who
is handling the campaign, urged
all students who feel they are be-
ing overcharged to report their
suspicions to a Detroit OPA in-
vestigator from 9 to 3 a.m. today
in the City Council Chambers of
the City Hall.
STUDENTS who are unable to
reach the investigator should con-
tact the SL office in the Office of
Student Affairs from 1 to 3 p.m.
These complaints will be relayed
to the investigator by Klyman and
other campus action committee
The campaign, launched two
weeks ago, was renewed when
the OPA investigator teported
that he has received adthoriza-
tion from Washington to initiate
a "compliance survey" to deter-
mine whether students are being
charged excessive rents.
Although the maximum rates
vary with the size and quality of
the individual rooms, the inves-
tigator said that each complaint
will be studied carefully as part of
the survey.
KLYMAN pointed out that his
committee has received reports
that students are being charged
as much as $5 above the ceilings
established by the Fair Rent Act
during the war.
"We feel that in many instances
students realize they are paying
aYhritn. rpmntq hit simnio have
State Department,
Senator Also Attacks U.S. Civil
Service Loyalty Review Board
WASHINGTON-(jP)-Senator McCarthy and the State Depart-
ment fired angry charges and counter charges yesterday in a running
battle over McCarthy's allegations of Reds in the department.
McCarthy also turned his guns on the U.S. Civil Service loyalty
review board, accusing the board of more than a year's delay in re-
viewing the case of one of his alleged pro-Communist suspects.
* * * *
JOHN E. Peurifoy, deputy Undersecretary of State, opened the
day's crossfire by charging McCarthy with reviving "dead, discredited,
disproven charges" in his attacks on'the department.
Union Meet
Proposed changes to the Michi-
gan Union constitution were
hashed over last night at a heter-
ogeneous gathering of Union coun-
cilmen, members of the Union
Board of Directors and students
interested in the changes.
No definite decisions were
reached at the meeting, but, as
chairman Jim Smith put it, "views
both for and against the proposals
were brought up and many points
were clarified."
IN ESSENCE, the changes call
for elections atlarge of the Union
president and recording secretary
by Union members, instead of the
present system of appointment by
a seven man "selections commit-
However, Herb Leiman, '50,
who circulated a petition calling
for the changes, noted after the
meeting that "a second issue has
inadvertently crept in." Leiman
referred to the actual mechan-
isnm under which the projected
changes would operate.
Although pros and cons were
hurled about at the meeting re-
garding the general desirability of
opening the offices to election,
much of the conversation hinged
on the "mechanism" with special
regard to how candidates for the
two posts would be nominated.
GENERAL agreemenwas voiced
on all sides that safeguards should
be attached to methods of choos-
ing candidates.
Leman's petitionstipulates that
a student nominating committee
approve the candidates, but a
Board member advanced a coun-
ter-proposal that the present se-
lections committee do the Job.
This committee is composed of
faculty and alumni men as well as
Union Seeks
Bidders For
A call for potential vice-presi-
dents of the Michigan Union was
issued yesterday by Union secre-
tary Robert Seeber, '50 BAd.
Seeber said the Union nominat-
ing committee will accept peti-
tions from candidates for the six
"veep" posts until the end of next
week. Eligible candidates will be
placed on the ballot at all-campus
elections in April and will serve
during the following school year.
According to the Union consti-
tution, the officers must respec-
tively represent the literary col-
lege and the graduate school, the
architecture and engineering col-
leges, the Medical School, the Law
School, the School of Dentistry,
and the remaining schools and
Seeber asked that candidates
file a petition listing their name,
school and year, and telling their
previous connections with the
Union. "Candidates should show
a sincere interest in the Union and
should set forth any ideas or pro-
grams they might have," he said.
Petitions may be mailed to the
Union secretary, in care of the
Union Student Offices, or they may
be left at the Student Offices,
Seeber added.
Colorado Upsets
The Wisconsin senator re-
torted that Peurifoy was seeking
to "cover up and confuse the
"It would be amusing," McCar-
thy said, "if the situation were not
so fraught with danger."
Meanwhile, Chairman Tydings
(D-Md) said his special Senate;
investigating committee will hear
the State Department's roving am-
bassador Phillip C. Jessup at a
public session on Monday.
* * *
McCARTHY has accused Jessup
of showing "an unusual affinity
for Communist causes" and said
he once sponsored a subversive
Communist-front organization.
Jessup, newly returned from
the Orient, has denounced Mc-
Carthy's charges as having "no
substance at all."
Peurifoy, in a 400-word state-
ment, said McCarthy's "tech-
niques" have harmed the "con-
duct of the foreign relations of the
U.S. government."
Peurifoy strongly defended John
Stewart Service, U.S. career diplo-
mat whom McCarthy had accused
of being pro-Communist. Peurifoy
"It's a shame and a disgrace
that he (Service) and his family
should have to face, once again,
such humiliation.
McCarthy Red
Cry Blasted
By Professors
Sen. McCarthy's implication
that Prof. Harlow Shapley is
playing along with the "enemy" is
utterly ridiculous, Prof. Leo Gold-
berg, chairman of the astronomy
department, and long-time friend
of Prof. Shapley, charged yester-
At the same time Prof. Lawrence
Preuss, of the political science de-
partment, declared that Mrs. Es-
ther Caukin Brunauer, who was
associated with him in the State
Department, is above reproach as
far as her loyalty to the United
States is concerned.
* * *
THE Wisconsin Senator listed
both Prof. Shapley and Mrs.
Brunauer as having Communist
sympathies earlier this week be-
fore a Senate foreign relations
"Having worked with Prof.
Shapley as a fellow scientist and
friend during the past 17 years,
I feel there is no question of his
personal integrity and loyalty
to this country," Prof. Goldberg
He described the Harvard as-
tronomer as a man who believes
that only by working with Russia
can peace and civilization be pre-
* * *
PROF. PREUSS termed Sen.
McCarthy's action toward Mrs.
Brunauer incomprehensible.
"I worked with Mrs. Brunauer
during 1944 and 1945. I saw in her
work only the most rigid political
orthodoxy, a complete loyalty and
utter official disgression."
Sen. McCarthy's whole list of
former State Department affiliates
was deemed a bid for re-election
in the 1952 balloting by Prof. Mor-
gan Thomas of the political science
End Religion
In LifeWeek
Program Said
To Be Success
Religion in Life Week was
brought to a 'successful' close yes-
terday when the relationship of
Christian faith to world social
problems was discussed in two
lecture groups.
The Rev. Dr. Perry Gresham
tackled the complex topic "Can
Christian Faith Build World Com-
munity" while in an afternoon
seminar, The Rev. Dr. John S.
Everton probed into "The Hydro-
gen Bomb and World Peace."
S* * *
DR. GRESHAM pointed out
that religion would seem from its
history to be the cause of blood-
shed and torture rather than an
agent of peace. But, he continued,
"this is only a surface view."
Christianity has a unifying prin-
ciple which other ideologies such
as Communism and even democ-
racy lack-it has an object of de-
votion which can command the
respect of everyone on earth," he
"To have a world community,
it is the individuals who must be
changed," he declared. He feels
Christianity, working through
face to face contact in small
groups, is the only force power-
ful enough to change a war-
accepting populace into true
"Christianity is a great creative
minority, which can easily direct
its efforts toward a world com-
munity," he concluded.
DR. EVERTON presented a con-
troversial issue from a new point
of view.
"When you confront the prob-
lem of the H-Bomb, you face two
vying ideologies," he claimed. The'
individual's social role as inter-
preted in Russia and the U.S., is
vastly different, he said.
"But there is no good reason
to assume that two idealogies or
two different culture patterns
cannot live together," he de-
Since the H-Bomb may make
modern military techniques both
impractical and obsolete, Dr. Ev-
erton pointed out that its inven-
tion may mean the end of all wars.
"The second University Reli-
gion in Life week was particularly
satisfying and successful in the
strength that came from the truly
inter-faith work which was done,"
the Rev. DeWitt C. Baldwin, direc-
tor of Lane Hall, said yesterday, in
summing up the results of a busy
Curb College
Unioln Rolits
EAST LANSING - (') - The
State Attorney General's office
gave unofficial backitig yesterday
to Michigan State College's claim
that a union has no legal right
to bargain for college workers.
Deputy Attorney General Gray-
don G. Withey said a 1949 ruling
prohibited any government agency
from contracting with a union.
Settling wage rates, he added,
was "a legislative matter."
Withey's statement followed a
claim of the United Government
Workers (CIO) that more than
150 MSC employes had joined the
The college replied that it wasn't
against unions, but that college
workers couldn't bargain through
"I can't see that they could
benefit from it," James Dennison,
administrative assistant to Presi-
dent John A. Hannah, said. "State
law prohibits any governmental
agency from recognizing a labor
union as the exclusive bargaining
agent for any of its employes."
: : 1
Acheson Demands
Of Soviet Peace II
Offers Russia
Seven Point
Security Plan
States U.S. Won't
Be World Sucker
BERKaELEY, Cal.,-{AP)-Secre-
tary of State Acheson said yes-
terday the United States won't
be an "international sucker" and
challenged Soviet Russia to prove
her desire for peace by accepting
a seven-point program.
Completing a two-day round of
foreign policy speeches in this
area, Acheson declared:
"We must not, in our yearning
for peace, allow ourselves to be
betrayed by vague generalities or
beguiling proffers of peace which
are unsubstantiated by good faith
solidly demonstrated in daily be-
havior. We are always ready to
discuss, to negotiate, to agree, but
we are understandably loath to
play the role of international
-Dailv-Ed Kozma
MAGAZINE MEN-Three top-ranking "Generation" staff members admire first copies of the arts
magazine which goes on sale today. Left to right they are Norm Gottlieb, business manager; Larry
Kosnett, circulation manager and Don Greenfield, advertising and promotions manager.
Will Make
Debut Today
Making its first appearance on
campus in conjunction with the
opening of the Inter-Arts Festi-
val, "Generation," the news arts
magazine "of, by, and for the,
student body" will go on sale to-
A non-profit "new and inter-
esting" addition to the roster of
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, "Generation," while not
"as extravagant as the new na-
tional magazine 'Flair,' contains
creative material and articles on
all the arts of interest to all stu-
dents," according to Don Green-
field, promotions manager.
"WITH THE size of the maga-
zine in almost a three-to-one ratio
to the price," Greenfield noted,
" 'Generation' compares favorably
in volume with any other student
"The quality of the material
was proven to the editors," he
continued, "when writer Donald
Hope later sold a short story to
'Flair,' and the original of Jus-
tine Enss' lithograph was chosen
for national display in a prize-
winning touring art show. Other
contributors had already won
Hopwoods," he noted.
The magazine,forwhich copy
and ads were made up by art stu-
dents, contains Alfred Slote's one-
act "The Flag's Out There" in
special treatment, and Will Wieg-
and's "For They Shall Inherit the
* * *
PRINTS of student-created in-
formative designs, architectural,
interior and industrial designs are
also distributed throughout the
The 96 page magazine will be
sold for 35 cents on the Diag,in
the League, Union, Angell Hall
and Architecture school,
Student Work Highlights
Today's Arts Festival
With the click of a motion pic-'
ture machine, the artistic undu-
lations of a baton and the sonor-
ous verbiage of a philosophy pro-
fessor, the second annual Student
Arts Festival will get under way
at 8:00 p.m. today in Alumni
Memorial Hall.
Among the more sparkling at-
tractions to greet first nighters
will be the world premiere of a
completely original movie, "The
Well-Wrought Ern," based on the
life of Ern Malley, a one-time Uni-
versity student.
* * * .
WRITTEN and filmed in Ann
Arbor by a group, of students and
instructors, the picture used many
of the more familiar facilities (in-
cluding a local beer dispensary)
of the University and city for sets
and backgrounds.
Although the film was orig-
inally done in pantomine, sound
was later dubbed in.
The inaugural address of the
festival, which is open to the pub-
lic without charge, will be given
by Prof. Charles L. Stevenson.
Prof. Stevenson will consider the
problem "What's the Good of Art,
S * * *
ANOTHER of the opening fea-
tures of the three day festival will
be the performance of "Concerto
for Chamber Orchestra" by Ed
Chudacoff, Grad. The Concerto
will be played under the direction
of Edward Troupin, Grad. SM.
"It is called a concerto,"
Chudacoff explained, "because
it is written in the style of a
Bach Italian Concerto, with pas-
sages for solo instruments, com-
plete orchestral sections and
some for full orchestra.
"The entire composition is, I
feel, quite tonal," he added.
* * *
HITTING another highspot of
the festival, sponsored by Inter-
Arts Union, will be a student art
exhibition display in the north
and . south galleries of Alumni
Memorial Hall. The exhibit, which
will continue through next week,
will contain creative wick in the
fields of painting, sculpture, cer-
amics and photography.
HE SPELLED out the points of
greatest difference which he said
must be reconciled between Soviet
Russia and the non-Communist
world "if the two systems are to
live together, if not in mutual re-
spect, at least ,n reasonable se-
He held out little hope that
the Russians would comply, but
listed these things Russia could
1. Work with the West on Peace
treaties for Germany, Japan, and
Austria which won't turn them
into Soviet satellites.
2. Stop using force or its threat
on existing satellites. Let them be
countries in their own right.
3. Stop obstructing the United
Nations and let it become, in
Prime Minister's Stalin's words,
a serious instrument for build-
ing international peace and se-
4. Join in seeking "realistic and
effective" controls for atomic wea-
pons and general arms limita-
tions. "We believe," Acheson haid,
"that an authority could be es-
tablished which would not be con-
trolled or subject to control by
either ourselves or the Soviet
5. Stop trying to undermine
other countries through Commun-
6. Quit treating diplomats as
"sinister," and "criminals."
7. Let the Russian people know
what goes on outside Russia.
THESE ARE the things, Ache-
son said, "'which, while leaving
much yet to do, would give the
world new confidence in the pos-
sibility of peaceful change."
Yesterday's address followed
one Wednesday in San Francisco.
Dealing with policy toward Asia,
Acheson told his audience then
that Red China would embark
upon "adventures" beyond her
own border at her own peril. He
renewed administration assur-
ances of limited aid to non-Com-
munist countries in Asia.
Spring Vote
Petitions Must
Be File -today
World News Roundup
By The Associated Pres
LONDON-Negro and Indian
blockade of Britain yesterday for
white queen from Bechuanland.
* * *
NORFOLK-Three top offi-
cers on the battleship Missouri
when she ran aground will be
tried by General Courts Martial,
the Navy announced yesterday,
while another has received a
letter of reprimand.
* * *
colonial leaders threatened a trade
banishing Seretse Khama and his
* -* *
PITTSBURGH-A first Violin-
ist, in the Pittsburgh Symphony,
Max Mandel, lost his job yester-
day because he was named as a
Communist by former FBI un-
dercover agent Matt Cvetic.
* * *
GENEVA-Leopold III, exiled king of the Belgians, interpreted
the Sunday referendum of his people as a call to duty and asked
Belgium's Parliament yesterday to make him king in fact or declare
he should abdicate.
Petitions for -this spring's all-
campus elections must be filed
from 3 to 5 p.m. today at the Stu-
dent Legislature Office in the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, according
to Dave Belin, '51, chairman of
the citizenship committee.
All SL petitions must be ac-
companied by a 25 word state-
ment of the candidate's reasons
for seeking election and a 75 word
statement of the present purposes
of SL and what the candidate
feels they should be.
In addition, candidates must
submit a three-inch picture of
themselves which will later be
used for a Diag display during
election week.
Irish' to Celebrate With Green Suds and Duds
Drag out the green duds, a Lib-
erty Street tavern is using the old
ing, but everyone will have to fare
for themselves," he said. "First
come, first served."
just a vegetable dye like that used
on cakes, Caspor explained.
* * *
In the dime stores you could buy
paper carnations (made in Czecho-
slovakia,) in the florist shops green
Irish, though one suds parlor
hoped to offer green hats and