A A I PAGE FOUIR S'HE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 16, -1944, _.... .. .._ ._ : _... _. ., 9 .... ,.._ f .._ 71 I' I fn 714 a - CORNER a GUNTHER MARX, in a letter to the editor yesterday, made a number of statements which we believe would have extremely dan- gerous implications if they were accepted. In criticizing The Daily for playing up an "out- rageous" front-page story on a speech by Mrs. Paul Robeson, he indicated that he is not only opposed to Mrs. Robeson, he is opposed to reading what she said. Marx's point was that our "editorial fea- turing of one woman's transparent impres- sions" gives rise to legitimate criticism of our editorial policy. This, of course, is nonsense: Marx implies that because we report what Mrs. Robeson said, we agree with her. Yet we also publish what Sena- tor McCarthy says, at even greater length, as well as the remarks of numerous other people including Gunther Marx himself-- possibly, therefore, we can claim a sort of innocence by association. But underneath his criticism is the more important implication that because Mrs. Robeson's remarks were "nothing more than unadulterated Soviet Russian propaganda," we should not have printed them, or should not have given them such space. In other words, "Suppress Mrs. Robeson's speech; she's a Commie." Or, "Don't report what Communists or pro-Communists say." Or possibly, "Don't print what I don't agree with." Perhaps our relations with Russia have deteriorated to the point where we cannot stand Soviet propaganda; perhaps we should shut off all communication with Russia; perhaps we must stop the public expression or reporting of any pro-Russian point of view. Apparently Gunther Marx, and there must be many more like him, think we should. We believe that it is unnecessary to "pro- tect"tour readers from propaganda of this sort, that the cold war has not yet gotten so hot that we must suppress pro-Russian views, and that there is a positive value in being aware that there are people who think like Mrs. Robeson and in knowing what they think. -Philip Dawson Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Fraternities' Positive Values DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IT IS TIME for affiliated students to stop being ashamed of themselves. They must drop their defensive role and make a positive stand for their sway of college life, or it may be wiped out forever. Attacks on fraternities and sororities are coming from many quarters and with in- creasing frequency. But affiliates, in the face of this barrage of criticism, seem to have their backs against the wall. They adopt an apologetic air, or they fall into a sullen silence. Why? Because fraternities and sororities today are obsessed with a fear of extinction. This fear, a natural result of the stings to which they have been subjected, makes affiliated students believe that anything they say may be used against them. The positive side of fraternal living is overlooked both by affiliated students, who take it for granted, and by their ac- cusers, who are ignorant of it or choose to overlook it. Fraternity .ias~ THE CAMPUS DISCRIMINATION issue, already dogged. from so many criminal browbeatings from groups and individuals unaware of what stand to take, was the victim of another onslaught last week. At an informal discussion sponsored by the East Quad Council, conservative and progressive views were ailed at what turn- ed out to be another gross -misinterpre- tation of the problem - namely, failure to establish independent-affiliated har- mony. Gordon MacDougall, speaking frankly but unwilling to give much credit to fraternity and sorority feeling, claimed that these groups were insincere in most anti-bias ac- tion they have either originated or felt was necessary. He further blamed affiliat- ed groups for laxity in that not one group was associated with Committee to End Dis- crimination. I feel such an association is unnecessary, detrimental to the very rights of affiliated organizations as individually - functioning housing units, and a means through which an independent group would attempt to dictate discriminatory policies to a body over which it should have no control what- soever. The only suitable approach to the fra- ternity-sorority bias problem - as one of the discussion listeners pointed out in the question period - seems through grant- ing each organization the privilege of doing what that group feels is best, and abolishing unwarranted "time limits" in removing bias clauses from constitutions. After all, fraternity and sorority members constitute a self-sustaining group; in order to maintain their "individual" status, those groups shouldn't be subject to a series of this-is-the-way-things-must-be demands ex- ercised by other bodies knowing little or nothing of the way affiliated organizations are run. -Don Kotite These are the criticisms most often made of the fraternity-sorority system: That it is warped by racial and religious bias. That it strangles individuality. That all its members come from the same social and economic level. That it is undemocratic. I want to try, not only to defend the system, but to show the values which make it worth defending, worth preserving. This is a very personal editorial, for the values themselves are very personal. But though they are personal, they need not be kept secret. Bias clauses are being removed from fraternity charters-not all at once, but singly, as the younger elements in each national fraternity fight to assert their beliefs. Most affiliated people in college today regard the clauses as an insult, not only to other races, but also to themselves. The clauses imply that college students are not fully capable of choosing their own friends. What has been said up to now is a mat- ter of public record. But I can best state the rest of my case by telling you about my own fraternity, since it is the one I know best. The proof of the following statements lies in the fact that they have been lived. My fraternity does not strangle individ- uality. Political opinions range from ultra- liberal to a position slightly to the right of Alexander Hamilton. Consequently, there is much argument-but no resent- ment. Any belief thoughtfully arrived at is not only tolerated but respected. Our house holds engineers and business administration students, writers and lawyers, athletes and activities men, and a number of people who would resent being classified. My brothers come from many social and economic levels. But except in editorials, none of us ever thinks of it, for we know it doesn't matter where friendship is con- cerned. During rushing, no consideration is given to a person's wealth or family back- ground. Usually, we don't even know it. My fraternity is democratic. It is true that a rushee must have the unanimous approval of all members present at rushing, before he can be pledged. But if this be minority rule, then everyone has an equal chance to be the minority. This is done through respect for individual wishes, and in an effort to prevent hostility later on. In a dormitory or roooming house, if you don't like someone you ignore him. But fra- ternities were not established for isolation's sake. Throughout our rushing, we sincerely try to do what is best for everyone con- cerned. No one in our house feels superior to inde- pendents. We respect everyone's right to choose the way in which he will live and the people with whom he will share his life. Within my fraternity, complete democ- racy exists. There are no cliques. Every- one is equal, regardless of background. The greatest gift my fraternity gives me is a feeling of belonging, of togetherness. It is a good gift to carry with one in a world of loneliness and misunderstanding. -James Gregory (Continued from Page 3) Lectures Lecture. "Religion and the World Community," Dr. Perry Gresham, Central Christian Church, Detroit; auspices of the Religion in Life Week Program. 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 16, Rackham Lecture Hall. Academic Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshman five-week progress reports are due Fri., Mar. 17, Academic Counsel- ors' Office, 1210 Angell Hall. History Make-up 18, 10-11, 12, Lecture Section II, examination, Sat., Mar. Rm. G. -Daily-Al Jackson "Oh, well, he's just a mean little kid." Xette,/ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in. good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN DAVIES 'Merc'Cases T SEEMS that there are still those who conclude that the recent acquittal of Dr. Herman Sander in New Hampshire was a victory for the supporters of mercy killings. At least Rosemary Owen in her Sunday edi- torial would have us believe so. Legally speaking, the case made no prece- dent. No judge or no jury will ever use the case of New Hampshire vs. Sander as a legal precedent for mercy killings. The euthanasia aspect, hovering over the courtroom like a poised leopard during the whole proceedings, was never given a chance to develop. Dr. Sander was acquit- ted solely' because the jury felt that he did not end the life of Mrs. Borroto. In both the Sander case and the Carol Ann Paight case the defense realized the possi- bility of their trials turning into precedent- making decisions for or against euthanasia. Both defense attorneys, being trained in the law, must have felt that if their cases ever boiled down to a question of euthanasia, their clients might as well give up. Lawyers realize that unless the law books are changed, a so-called "mercy killing" becomes murder. That is why Carol Ann Paight's attorney changed his defense to one of temporary insanity, and that is why Dr. Sander's counsel fought his case entirely on the basis of fact, dis- counting all theory on euthanasia. If the recent mercy killing trials proved anything besides their parties' immediate guilt or innocence, it was that the supporters of euthanasia will have to turn to the legis- latures and not to the courts for their satis- faction. The legislature makes the law. It is the court's job to interpret the law. So long as mercy killings remain off the stat- utes, as such, they will continue to be treated as murder. -Harland Britz DREW PEARSON Washington Merry-Go-Round FIVE PERCENT ISN'T BAD "MOREOVER, it's about time we re-ex- amined our attitude towards the so- called 'five-percenters.' The fact is that the government needs certain supplies, that there are small businessmen who have the stuff for sale, and that the man who brings them together is performing a service to the THOMAS L. STOKES: There's Still an England WASHINGTON-There may not always be an England. But there still is, for- tunately. In a bad, mad world, there's something stabilizing and comforting in the pomp and ceremony of Parliament, with its an- cient symbols and quaint artifices-and that queerest paradox of all, a king of a still vast empire reading a canned speech handed to him. And now, Heaven help us, a king's address ghost-written by social- ists! Shades of Henry VIII. Where in all the world can you beat that? A ghost reading a ghost-written speech. Since England herself has reduced her king to a nice. household figure, one may safely present an imaginary scene in Buck- ingham Palace. "Y YDEAR, have you got your speech?" From a queen with that wise, wifely grin. The King reaches for his inside pocket hurriedly, furtively, and the sudden scared scowl disappears as suddenly when he feels it there and, with husbandly annoyance, growls impatiently: "Of course." Then coyly, if like most wives: "Is it a good speech?" No answer. They look about to see if they are in or- der, get in that handsome old coach with the four white horses, and ride down the street amid their subjects and, just as centuries ago, flanked by the household cavalry with breastplates and plumes, ready to meet the French at Agincourt, or the Scots at Cul- loden. Or Clement Attlee in the House of Com- mons. * * * THERE, in the presence of his ghost-writ- er, the King rises and reads his address, speaking ever and anon about "my govern- ment" and "my ministers" and feeling per- haps for a brief few minutes like a real king of old. indecisive election, and this all breaks out, after the pomp and ceremony, when Win- ston Churchill serves notices that he will challenge "my ministers" and "my gov- ernment" on the big issues of the day about which the King said nothing, no- tably nationalization of steel, in what are called "amendments" to His Majesty's address. And, as a consequence, there may be another election presently, and another scene like this, and the King again speak- ing of "my government" and "my ministers," only it may be a different set of ministers and a different ghost-writer, Winston Churchill perchance-and certainly, in that case, a brighter and livelier speech "from the throne." But the same King. * * * ABOUT ALL he can do is to read those speeches. If, in these days a king would like to step out on his own, such as this King's brother, and take unto himself an American wife, oh no. That takes you right off the throne, as he found out. But a ghost- writer is ready for that sort of emergency, too. And there's always a king to read those speeches and a queen to ask: "Have you got your speech, dear?" And so England goes on, and it's all very consoling somehow in a bad, mad world. The people still rule and keep their king there to denote the permanence of change. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Book Review YOU CAN BUY it now - the third edition of Einstein's "The Meaning of Relativ- ity," containing "Appendix II," which tries to unify the theories of gravitation and elec- tromagnetism. But be on guard :TIt contains errors. Hospital Affair.. . To the Editor: ONLY PEOPLE thoroughly ig- norant of University Hospital routine, or the routine of any hos- pital, or of everyday adult life any- where save on a college campus, and indifferent to the welfare of either principal in the recent hos- pital incident, would act in the way certain student groups and individuals have. These people choose to regard the doctor-elevator operator fight solely as a case of calculated and brutal oppression. Although our courts have received the case, they insist that justice cannot be done unless "public opinion is aroused," and that nothing short of the ex- tinction of the physician's profes- sional career will placate this "jus- tice." Those who keep their heads willhrecognize this ultimatum-it is the lynch law. Only one principal has made a statement, in which can be read- ily seen, by those who permit themselves to see, some provoca- tions to a tense and hurried indi- vidual. Having made a notarized statement, she is requested by a hospital official to say nothing further to a reporter. The fledg- ling propagandists rephrase her statement for their circulars, ig- nore its unilateral origin, and see in the simple protective request of the hospital vast repressive ma- chinery. Like Jacobins, they de- mand more bloody heads. There are positive social values threatened by this rigid and sadis- tic attitude, which will be hard to replace if it must be appeased. There is the rebuilding of hospital morale to accept a situation where ignorant adolescents may dictate policy when they choose. There is the sacrifice of skill developed by years of training in a complex surgical specialty, as Dr. Sullen- berger has received, skill which could someday be needed by one of these people who would now eagerly erase it to punish one hasty action. The courts which will handle this case consider the charge as simple assault, for which suitable penalties are prescribed. The char- arters who have run up shouting, "Help! Murder!" see it only as a case of wanton white brutality to- ward thecolored man, and will never see less or more. It was they who injected the racial issue and the motive for what was actually a complexly determined action. Yet if they get the pieces of these human lives distributed over the landscape to their liking, others, whose spectra extend beyond mere whites and blacks, will have to pick them up again. -Robert M. Edwards, M.D. James B. Ludwig, M.D. * * * To Each His Own .. . To the Editor: I READ WITH rapt interest Leah Marks' editorial espousal of mercy killing, but the bother in- volved in putting the cases up to a board of doctors and a court of arbitrators seems to me so much unnecessary fiddle-faddle. Who knows better than the patient himself if he's ready for a slow boat ride across the Styx? Be- sides, how can some friendly mur- derer with a mickey in his hypo be brought to trial at all if the patient handles the case? In view of these provocative questions, which show the considerable ad- vantages to be found in the "to each his own" system, I would suggestion the following four- point program so that it may be practiced with the greatest amount of physical and moral efficiency: 1-Equip each human beyond the age of seven (generally accept- ed as the age of reason) with a box of lethal but sweet tasting Ex- terminator Pills ("Look for the Big Red Harp on the Box"). If a severe attack of the grippe, a fit of melancholy, ordisappointment in a love tryst, takes everything out of life for you, simply take yourself out too. Just gulp down a pill. 2-For the sake of convenience and' sanitary reasons, install a number of Bury-terias around town. This would enable the po- tential faithful departed to stand oi the edge of a freshly dug grave, insert a nominal cover charge in the coin slot, and let the machine handle the rest, including com- memorative flowers for the first month. 3-For the neater, hard-to- please persons, who prefers less muss, install a Hot-o-Mat. After making out an address label to his next of kin, the subject would stand on a platform, pay the fuel tax, take his pill, and after he had collapsed, be flung into a fiery crematorium. The machine would automatically stamp and mail a monogrammed urn con- taining his ashes to any point in the United States, Canada, or Newfoundland, free of charge. 4-In order to balance the larg- er number of departures for the Great Beyond and equalize the distribution of happiness, set up a Mercy Fertilization Clinic for worthy and desirous maiden lad- ies. Over here please, Mr. Joyboy, somebody got a cigarette in their monogrammed urn ... -H. B. Maloney, Grad. To the Cleaners... To the Editor: "DRY CLEANING at its best." This situation is prevalent in Ann Arbor. Ask for a receipt for your garments, and you are given an arduous smile. Ask for a refund on marred or lost garments and all liability is disclaimed. Formal gowns are torn, trousers are rip- ped, jackets are shrunk, and the familiar reply is-"that was the condition in which it was brought in." How much longer will this pecuniary extortion exist in Ann Arbor? Are YOU still being taken to the cleaners? -Stan Gould Foreign Language Examinations for the A.M. in History. 4 p.m., Fri., Mar. 17, Rm. G, Haven Hall. Use of a dictionary is permitted. Students taking the examination must register in 119 Haven Hall, before Friday. Electrical Engineering Colloqui- um: Fri., Mar. 17, 4 p.m., 2084 E. Engineering. Mr. H. C. Early, Re- search Engineer with the Engi- neering Research Institute, will speak on "Preliminary Research on a Low-Pressure Ionic Wind Tunnel." Seminar on Elliptic Differential Equations (Seminar in Applied Mathematics): Thurs., Mar. 16, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engineering. Speaker: Mr. L. A. Jehn. Topic:, "General- izations of Green's theorems to n Dimensions'' Wildlife Management Seminar: 7:30 pm., Thurs., Mar. 16, 1139 Natural Science Bldg. Prof. Donal H. Haines, Journalism Depart- ment, will speak on Conservation Journalism. Concerts Zino Francescatti, violinist, will give the tenth program in the Choral Union Series, Mon., Mar. 20, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Program: Hindemith Sonata No. 2; Bach Partita No. 2; Milhaud' Suite; Saint-Saens' "Havanaise"; and Sarasate's "Zigeunerweisen." Tickets are available at the of- fices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tow- er; and will also be available at the Hill Auditorium box office on the night of the performance after 7 p.m. Organ Recital. The first in a series of three recitals by Robert .Noehren, University Organist, will be presented at 4:15 p.m., Sun., Mar. 19, Hill Auditorium. All are devoted to the organ music of Jo- hann Sebastian Bach and will be open to the public. The first will include his Concerto in A minor, Chorale Preludes on "All Glory Be to God on High," Prelude -and Fu- gue in A minor, Trio-Sonata No. 5 in C major, and Toccata and Fugue in D minor. The second and third programs will be on Mar. 26 and April 2. Student Recital: Jeanne Tin- dall, flutist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Mar. 17, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Mrs. Tindall is a pupil of Nelson Hauenstein, and her program will be open to the public. She will be assisted by Nancy Joan Lewis, pianist, Rose Marie Jun, soprano, Donald Miller, violinist, David Ireland, violist, and Har- riet Risk, cellist. Student Recital: Warren Bellis, claripetist, will be heardat 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 16, Rackham As- sembly Hall, in a program present- ed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. A pupil of William Stubbins, Mr. Bellis will be assist- ed by Eva Havas, pianist, Robert Pfeuffer, bassoonist, and John Crawford, clarinetist. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Brooklyn Museum Third Print Annual, through Mar. 22; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. Events Today Religion in Life Week: 4 p.m., Seminars: "The Hydro- gen Bomb and World Peace," by Dr. John S. Everton. Henderson Room, League. "Is the Bible the Sole Rule of Faith?" by Mr. Rob- ert Woznicki. St. Mary's Student Chapel. 4:15 p.m., Christian Science Or- ganization: Seminar, Mr. James IZFA "kum-zitz," 8:30 B'nai B'rith Hillel House. (Continued on Page 5) p.m., Watt, C.S., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. 8 p.m., Class in Scholastic Phil- osophy, Rev. John F. Bradley. St. Mary's Student Chapel. 8:30 p.m., Protestant Assembly, Rackham Lecture Hall, Dr. Perry Gresham. Wesleyan Guild: 5:30 p.m., Kap- pa Phi supper and program. To- pic: The United Nations. Canterbury Club: 10:15 a.m., Holy Communion. 12:10-12:50 p.- m., Lenten lunch followed by ser- vice of prayer and meditation. 5:15 p.m., Evening Prayer and Medita- tion. How to Meet Frontiers: 7:15 p.- m., Guild House. Congregeational, Disciple and Evangelical & Re- formed Guild. Society of Automotive Engineers present Mr. L. M. Jones with films and a talk on ]docket Firing, 7:30 p.m., 348 W. Engineering Bldg. International Center Weekly Tea: 4:30-6 p.m. Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., International Center. Student Fac- ulty Tea. All members and inter- ested students invited. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Full rehearsal, 7:15 p.m., League. All expecting to participate in "Io- lanthe" performance must be pre- sent. Tenors especially invited. Undergraduate Psychological So- ciety: - The Discussion Group in Clinical Psychology will present Dr. Max Hutt, 7:30 p.m., 3121 Natural Science. Dr. Hut.t's sub- ject: "The Diagnostic Problems Confronting the Clinical Psychol- ogist and the Methods Used to Solve Them." Pre-professional stu- dents in psychology invited, Student Science Society: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Speaker: Prof. F. G. Gustaf- son, department of botany. Topic: "Plant Growth Hormones" (illus- trated). Michigan Arts Chorale: Report at Rackham at 8 p.m. Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m., 1007 Angell Hall. La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, League. U. of M. Young Republican Club: Generalmembership meeting to decide club delegates and alter- nates for next week's convention. 7:30 p.m., Garden Room, League. ..U. of M. Sailing Club: Shore School, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engi- neering. Two classes: Rigs and knots, racing rules. i1 -i 1* :, A ,, Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control .of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.......... Managing Edit Al Blumrosen.............City Editor Philip Dawson......;Editorial Director Mary Stein ...........Associate Editor Jo Misner.....e........Associate Editor George Walker.. .....Associate Editor Don McNeil....... .Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin...... .Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaitenbach....... Womenx's Editor Barbara Smith... .Associate Women's'Ed. Allan damage..............L"*ra** rak Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian Business Staf Roger Wellington....Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jin Dangl.......Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff...... Finance Manager Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it.or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Anil Arbor, Michigan, as second-class uail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. wI BARNABY W A