FRATERNITIES' POSITIVE VALUES pg~r ItFA6 Pailli See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State SNOW LIKELY SIX PAGES Chinese C VOL. LX, No. 112 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1950 I I I z 18-Year-Old Vote Asked ByWilliams Plans Include 'U' Appropriation By The Associated Press LANSING-Governor Williams' proposed in his message to the special session of the Legislature yesterday that it initiate a consti- tutional amendment to lower the voting age to 18, as Republican Jeers and Democrats' cheers greet- ed his program. Included in his proposed con- struction program was about $14,- 000,000 for the acquisition of 1,500 more mental hospital beds, $11,- 199,000 for new buildings at the University, Michigan State Col- lege, Wayne University and West- ern Michigan College of Educa- tion. Republicans were almost unani- mous in opposition to the Gover- nor's suggestion for a corporation profits tax. They were as vehe- mently opposed to his suggestion for an $18,600,000 appropriation from the general fund for high- way purposes. HIS 18-POINT program, Wil- liams said, included legislation to attack the problem of alcoholism, to aid in the rehabilitation and detection of sex deviates, and a Fair Employment Practices Bill. All these measures, he said, were awaiting recommendations of spe- cial committees. The only point in his legisla- tion he had not previously an- nounced was the proposal that the legislature initiate a consti- tutional, amendment to lower the voting age to 18. Williams presented the law- makers with a budget for the next fiscal year which he said would produce a record $110,600,000 de- icit. His budget totals $340,578,- 472, which is $66,000,000 higher than the current year. * * * WILLIAMS plumped hard for his request the legislature spend $27,928,500 for "expansion and re- pair of the people's physical prop- erties." * * * Local Survey Finds Voting Plan Favored Gov. Williams' proposal to lower the state voting age from 21 years old to 18 years old was backed nearly two to one in an informal survey of students and faculty conducted by Daily reporters yes- terday. Interviewers found a variety of opinions, nearly all of them heat- ed. * * * SURVEY RESULTS showed it made little difference to a student which side of the 21-year-old bar- rier he was on, though there was a slight increase in opposition to the plan in the 21-year-old-plus group. Those backing the proposed change used as their main argu- ment, "If they're old enough to fight, they're old enough to vote." The third on the other side of the controversy empha- sized the "immaturity" of 18- year-olders. A second argument used largely by proponents of the move was knowledge of public affairs shown in the age bracket. Nineteen year old Joe Epstein, '52, declared, 'Eighteen year olds are usually just out of high school where they are taught civics and political science." Stewart C. Hulslander of the school of education said if the question is one of general informa- tion, 18 year olds should certainly vote. "Peonle of 18 are. better inform- ed now than those 21 years old were when the voting law affect- ing them was passed," he said. Fraternities Wait ProbationRuling FACE SAC APPROVAL: Calendar Criteria Established by SL By JIM BROWN Seeking one of the most sweeping administrative changes in the history of student self-government at the University, Student Legislature voted last night to accept a list of criteria as a basis for approving all student-sponsored events to be scheduled on the University caleidar. The Legislature will meet in special session Monday night, how- ever, to determine the extent of the power to approve or disapprove events which they will request from the Student Affairs Committee, which now handles the calendaring. * * * * THE SAC SUGGESTED two weeks ago that the calendaring might be taken over by SL and the proposal was immediately accepted by SL president Quent Nesbitt,L '50BAd, who stipulated only that a binding set of criteria be drawn up by SL before the authorityH was assumed. Although the Legislators over-O whelmingly approved such a set of criteria drawn up by Arnold Miller, '51, several members felt g eo that SL should not have abso- any event, but should merely WASHNGTON-(T)-A fous submit "priority" reconmend- committee which turned down a ations to SAC based on the cri- general program of Federal aid to teria. education Tuesday voted yester- Under the proposed plan, stu- day to take up a measure limited dent groups desiring to sponsor to treasury help to raise teacher dances, lectures, conferences, mov- pay. ies or variety shows would submit But there was considerable feel- their proposals to the Calendar ing in the committee that the Committee in the semester preced- whole thing is still dead. ing that in which the event will * * be held. THERE WERE charges, too, that The committee would then judge the partial resuscitation effort is the various requests on the basis a political gesture. of the criteria approved by SL last At any rate the House labor night and submit their recommen- committee voted 13 to 12 to take dations to SAC for final approval, up on April 17 a measure to help Nesbitt said, however, that he out with $300,000,000 (M) a year was "confident that the SAC on states' teacher salary bills. would make its final decisions on That duplicated the count by the basis of SL's recommenda- which the group turned down yes- tions" , ,terday a Senate-passed bill to put up the same amount toward school THE CRITERIA by which events operating expenses generally. The would be judged include: general aid bill foundered largely 1. Tradition, on the religious issue of participa- 2. Objectives of sponsoring tion by parochial schools. group. 3. Opportunity for financial A Republican member who ask- success and past financial record. ed not to be named, told newsmen 4. Relatve neediforafndsabryr in the face of the vote to consider 4. Reativnefteacher pay contributions: 5. Conflict with campus events "It and all other aid is dead." over which SL has no power such as: (1) Choral Union, (2) ath- g a letic events, (3) University Lec-r ture Series. 6. Applications received after Difrve for U. the calendaring deadline will re- ceive only secondary considera- ion, and tardy applications pre- senting conflicts will probably not - be considered. The defeat of the Federal aid 7. The number of people affect- to education bill by the House ed and the nature of the event. Cotimittee on Labor and Educa- tion will not mean any end to L5.4 Councilagitation for Federal funds for public schools, Dean James B. Ed- TSL monson, of the education school, Ta led bL declared yesterday. "It is unfortunate that the is- sue of the extension of the funds Student Legislature voted last to parochial schools had to enter night to table a motion calling for the picture," Dean Edmonson re- a "Literary College Student Ad- marked. "This religious question visory Council" until after further no doubt means the end of action consultation with the deans of the on the measure in this session of college. a Congress." The Legislators split over the But he asserted that interest- structure of the proposed Council ed people will continue to call and decided to reconsider the mo- for Federal aid, demanding that tion only after receiving a more the administration of the grants definite statement from adminis- be left to the separate States. trative officials as to the most de- Prof. Joseph Kallenbach, of the sireable composition of the group. political science department, ex- SL members also passed a mo- plained that the only way action tion supporting a National Student can be taken on the bill, which Association-sponsored bill for Fed- was defeated by a 13-12 commit- eral scholarships for needy stu- tee vote Tuesday, is to place it be- dents. fore the House. - They defeated, however, a pro- "This can only be done by dis- posal which would have launched charging the committee that con- a campus and district-wide pub- sidered the bill," Prof. Kallenbach licity drive to back the bill, which noted. "And that would require a will be introduced in Congress in petition signed by 218 members a few weeks. of the House of Representatives." world News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON-Three Royal Air Force plane crashes killed 11 men and injured three yesterday as two four-engined Lincoln bombers and an Anson trainer were wrecked in the accidents, none of which were related. Art Festival Set To Open Tomorrow Agenda Features Movie Premiere Dance and drama, poetry and panels, movies and music-all will be included in the three day Stu- dent Art Festival, opening at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Alumni Memor- ial Hall. Combining the talents of stu- dents working in every creative area, the festival will "offer a unique opportunity for students interested in all phases of art to see what their contempories are doing and to discuss, criticize and compare. the works in the various fields," Ed Chudacoff, president of the sponsoring Inter-Arts Union said. TOMORROW'S program, the first of five festival sessions, will present the premiere showing of "The Well-Wrought Ern," a movie written, produced, and directed by W. J. Hampton and R. L. Chat- man, both members of the English department. The 14 member cast of the film include students and faculty members. Preceding the film, a "Concer- to for Chamber Orchestra" writ- ten by Edward Chudacoff, Grad.. will be played under the direc- tion of Edward Troupin, Grad SM. An introductory address on "What's the Good of Art, Any- way?" will be given by Prof. Char- les Stevenson of the philosophy department. * * * ONE OF THE highlights of the festival, a student art exhibit, in- cluding painting, sculpture, pho- tography and ceramics goes on dis- play at the opening session in north and south galleries of Alum- ni Memorial Hall, and will be dis- played through next week. * * 'Generation' To Go On Sale Tomorrow "Generation," the new arts mag- azine, hits the bookstands tomor- row. The Board in Control of Student Publications, which has placed the publication on a trial basis, has promised it a permanent spot on campus if the first issue is well received. * * "WE HAVE NO doubt that it will get into the black - a great demand for the magazine has al- ready been voiced," Norm Gott- lieb, '50, business manager, beam- ed. "Generation" is a pure art magazine containing short stor- ies, a one-act play, dance re- views, poetry and literary, dra- matic and musical compositions. Each issue, however, will be completely different, with no stan- dard format, Gottlieb added. As a regular publication, "Gen- eration" would choose its staff members in the usual campus manner - advancement through the tryout system. The publication, going on sale in conjunction with the three-day Students Arts Festival, will sell for 35 cents. Meet on Union Set-Up Change Will Be Held Proposed amendments to the Michigan Union constitution will be up for discussion at 7:15 p.m. today at a meeting between init- iators of the amendments and members of the Union Board of Directors. Designed to bring about direct popular election of the Union president and recording secretary, the amendments were contained in a petition to the Board which has been signed by 236 students and was submitted two weeks ago. The petition was circulated by Herb Leiman, '50, who said he will attend tonight's meeting, along with several other repre- Acheson Warns Reds Against Aggression .> F McCarthy Will .Reveal Red, Data WASHINGTON-()-Sen. Mc- Carthy yesterday "reluctantly" agreed to give'Senate investigators his long-hidden records on 81 al- leged'Communists and fellow trav- elers in the State Department. So far, McCarthy has named nine of the 81. All have angrily denied or scoffed at his charges. * * * THE WISCONSIN Senator said he hopes to have his evidence ready by Monday and will turn it over "en masse" to a Senate For- eign Relations Subcommittee which has been investigating his allegations of red plotting in the State Department. McCarthy agreed to surrender his documents after chairman Tydings (D-Md.) dropped a new hint that he might resort to a subpoena if McCarthy refused to submit voluntarily to the committee's request for the records. McCarthy has kept his evidence under lock and key for weeks. The Senator said it will be up to the committee to decide wheth- er to make public his list. of 81 suspects. He will not do so on his own initiative, he said. IN COINCIDENT developments: 1. John Stewart Service, U.S. diplomat denounced by McCar- thy as pro-Communist, was or- dered home from India to testi- fy in a new review of his loyalty record. 2. The house voted 368 to 2 to stiffen the nation's internal secur- ity laws and to make it tougher on federal employes caught snooping for foreign agents. Continue Hunt For Missing Coed, Jeri Ely, Police, working on only three slim clues, are still searching for 18 year old Jeri Lou Ely, '53, who has been missing since Monday morning. The missing woman had mailed a postcard to her friend, Barbara Johnson, postmarked 2:30 p.m. Monday, which said simply, "Am going away to rest. Don't worry." * * * IN ADDITION, a friend reported seeing her at 12:45 p.m. Monday and a local bookstore said Miss Ely had cashed a $10 check early Monday afternoon. Police have sent out a state- wide radio alarm and checked local hotels, bus and railroad stations with no results. An earlier possibility that Miss Ely might have gone to California seems to have been wiped out since Jeri's mother reported call- ing her boy friend, David Shat- tuck, by long distance. "He said he hadn't heard from Jeri in two weeks and was wor- ried," Mrs. Ely said. "He promised to call us if he heard anything." The coed's parents attributed her disappearance to worry about her studies, though last semester Miss Ely received a 2.8 average. When last seen Miss Ely was wearing a blue sweater, grey skirt, short white coat and white boots. Anyone with knowledge of her whereabouts after noon Monday is requested to call the Ann Arbor police, 3-4113. Il I -Daly-Wally Bartn DOCTOR IN COURT-A tightly-packed courtroom crowd watches Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger, front, at his assault and battery trial yesterday in Ann Arbor Municipal Court. A jury of four women and two men found the red-headed young doctor not guilty. Jury Free Sullenberger In Hospital Assault Case By JAMES GREGORY Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger was acquitted of assault and battery charges in Ann Arbor Municipal Court yesterday afternoon. It took a jury of four women and two men 25 minutes to return a verdict clearing the doctor, who had been accused by Mrs. Louise Philpot, University Hospital ele- vator operator, of hitting her on Jan. 20 while she was on duty at the hospital. * * * AS THE TRIAL developed, it became evident that the outcome rested largely on whether the jury would believe Mrs. Philpot's story of the altercation or Dr. Sullen- berger's. For the two people's statements were often in direct contradiction to each other, and witnesses revealed that the doctor and elevator operator were alone when the alleged assault and bat- tery took place. Mrs. Philpot repeated the ver- sion of the encounter which she * * * Standing of Doctor Told Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger's status in regard to University Hospital was clarified last night by Dr. Frederick A. Coller, chairman of the hospital's surgery department. "Dr. Sullenberger never was hired or paid a cent by the hos- pital," Dr. Coller said. "He is here as a graduate student on the G.I. Bill." The only people who can discharge a student are the faculty of the Medical School, Dr. Coller noted. He also explained the state-' ment of Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske, University Hospital director, who said that Dr. Sullenberger had been discharged from the hospital: "To the extent that a student works in the hospital, both Dr. Kerlikowske and I have authority to remove him." Dr. Sullenberger was removed from the hospital late in January, according to Dr. Coller. "Dr. Ker- likowske and I agreed to send him out of the hospital," he revealed. "Dr. Sullenberger is now doing heart research in West Medical Building," Dr. Coller added. Dr. Kerlikowske later confirm- ed all of Dr. Coller's statements. originally gave in a notarized . statement. When Dr. Sullenberger took the stand, he stoutly denied that he had ever insulted Mrs. Phil- pot or threatened to hit her. He testified that while they were ar- guing over her refusal to carry him on her elevator, Mrs. Phil- pot reached down and grabbed the foot pedal. "I started to put my hand on the controls. She swung around and had the foot pedal in her hand." Dr. Sullenberger denied that he struck Mrs. Philpot on purpose. "She swung at me. I was afraid and did the instinctive thing. .I put my arm up to ward off 'fe blow. I twisted her arm to get the pedal away." AFTER HE HAD taken the foot pedal from Mrs. Philpot, the doctor related, "She made lunges to get it away. She tore my shirt down the front and made several scrat- ches. I didn't care to fight her. I just took the weapon and went downstairs." Louis Toplosky, Grad., a tea- ching fellow in the engineering department, testified that he came on the scene after the al- leged blow and scratching were over. Hazel W. Powell, a nurse's aide, was on the elevator when Dr. Sullenberger boarded it.- She rode to the floor where the scuffle took place, but left the scene before any physical violence had occur- red. She said that when Dr. Sul- lenberger came on the elevator "I noticed him because he was cuss- ing." But Miss Powell added that she could not remember any of the words exchanged between Dr. Sul- lenberger and Mrs. Philpot. * * * IN HIS SUMMARY to the jury, Washtenaw County Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading said, "The issue is whether in Washtenaw County justice can be administered with equality and fairness for per- sons of the colored race as well as others." Defense Attorney Kenneth Bur- ke countered, "This case wouldn't have been in court if the colored! issue hadn't been injected in it." Burke accused Prosecutor Read- ing of flag-waving, and conclud- ed, "You're not trying any prin- ciple here. This man either as- saulted this girl or he didn't. I say that he didn't." Limited Aid Is Promised To Asiaties Hits Imperialistic. Russian Policies SAN FRANCISCO - WP)-Sec- retary of State Dean Acheson warned Communist China yester- day not to foment trouble outside its own borders. In a foreign policy address be- fore the Commonwealth Club he also : 1. REPEATED Administration assurances of limited aid to Asia- tic countries in the path.of Com- munist aggression. Such aid may be military, economic, or tech- nical, he said. "We must free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. Not 'in our way, but in their way," he empha- sized. 2. DECLARED Soviet Russia seeks only to "pervert" for her own imperialistic purposes the changes sought by half the world's peoples. 3. CITED Red China as an ex- ample of the way Soylet imperial- ism can capture such an inde- pendence movement. He warned China's Red leaders against "ad- ventures" beyond China's own border. 4. PROJECTED America as the real inspiration and leader of "the deep and revolutionary movement of the peoples of Asia." Acheson drew a roar oflaugh- ter at the beginning. "I hope you are not exposing yourselves to unnecessary dan- gers by associating with me," he remarked jokingly, in reference to current charges of Communism in the Department of State which he heads. * * * HE ADDRESSED a luncheon audience estimated at more than 2,000 jammed into the Palace Ho- tel's huge palm garden. He described in some detail the problems to be met in giv- ing aid to Asiatic countries try- ing to resist Communism: "The Asian peoples for the past several decades have been engaged in a revolution in which they have been trying to throw off the po- verty and oppression of past cen- turies. They have been striving for independence, better educa- tion, more widespread ownership of the land and control over their own destiny." Gubitchev Kills Appeal, Will, LeaveCountry NEW YORK-(/P)-Convicted spy Valentin A. Gubitchev with- drew yesterday from further tilts with American courts and said he would go home to Russia next Monday. The 33-year-old Russian re- mained in jail. The decision not to appeal a 15-year prison sent- ence was announced by his at- torney, Abraham L. Pomerantz. * * * SENTENCE IS TO BE suspend- ed on condition Gubitchev go back to Russia "never to return." U.S. Attorney Irving IL Say- pol had insisted that Gubitchev waive all right of appeal from his conviction of plotting to spy for the Soviets with his ex-pal former government girl Judith Coplon. The dark-eyed Miss Coplon was released from the women's house of detention late yesterday after bond of $40,000 was posted for her. She is appealing her conviction. Her brother, Bertram, put up the money in cash. When newsmen asked him where he got it, he re- WASHINGTON-The Senate knocked the key plank out of President Truman's new hous- ing program yesterday with a 43 to 38 vote against a $1,000,000,- 000 cooperative loan plan for WASHINGTON - OP) - Soviet- dominated Poland quit the World Bank and its twin Monetary Fund yesterday with a charge that the United States is using- the interna- tional financial agencies to grab control of Europe. WHOOSH!!! Boden Foresees Rocket Travel a-- u. TTrIVZ IVRV T ~ I . I- - .. . . I