SCRATCH PAD See Page 4 Y A6 A f l 4bp 471- l ' Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1950 CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES SIX PAGES Labor Party Beats Down Tory Threat Plans to Reduce British Spending LONDON-UP)-Prime Minister Attlee's Socialist Labor Party last night thwarted a new Conserva- tive attempt to oust it from office after promising to be more vigil- ant henceforth on matters of gov- ernment spending. By a vote of 308 to 289, the La- borites defeated a Conservative * move to censure Attlee's cabinet for. not keeping within the bounds of the budget in the past. THIS WAS the third Conserva- tive challenge in six days that the Laborites have beaten down. Laborite, whips apparently confident of victory last night, despite the fact that their party has only a six-seat major- ity in the house of Commons. This time, ailing Labor members were spared from appearing in the House. In the earlier tests some had been rushed to the chamber from sick beds. * . * HAD ATTLEE'S government lost last night's vote it would have been obliged to resign, thus bring- ing about a new general election in Britain. Attlee's government won by 19 votes this time compared with margin of 14 and 25 votes in the two earlier tests. Labor's victory followed by a' few hours a statement by its Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stafford Cripps, that a halt will be called in the expansion of Bri- tain's costly national health ser- vice. Further, Cripps warned all other government departments to adhere from now on to their over- all budget estimates. * t * WINSTON Churchill's Conser- vatives made a determined at- tack on overspending by various f government departments of 1949- 50 budget estimates. So far, the departments have asked 148,402,365 pounds ($415,- 526,622) extra for the year end- ing March 31. More than half this amount-98,730,000 pounds ($276,404,00)-is sought by the National Health which has the task of providing free medical care for residents of the coun- try. The service originally was alloted 260,000,000 pounds ($728,000,000) for the year. CRIPPS TOLD the House that Britain cannot afford to go on in- creasing its outlay on the national health service. He even hinted that spending for this purpose may have to be cut, saying: "We must bring expenditure on health into its proper proportion with food subsidies, education and all the other matters that vitally concern the safety and happiness of our people." CITY COMBED!: State-Wide Search For Missing Coed Police have issued a state-wide alarm for an attractive 18 year- old woman student who has been missing since 8 a.m. Monday. The student, Jeri Lou Ely, '53, did not return to her room in Hinsdale house, new womens residence Monday night. She had gone to the romance language building for her 8 o'clock class that morning with her roommate, but never attended the class. She has not been seen since. HER PARENTS, Hubert and Mrs. Ely, came here hurriedly yes- terday after Miss Ely's absence was discovered when she did not * * * return to the dormitory by 10:30 p.m. Monday. Local police have sent out a state-wide radio alarm and her description has been broadcast over local radio stations. Ely attributes his daughter's actions on worry about her stud- ies in spite of the fact that she was a good student. She got Sen. M Vore cCarthy( 'Statesmen as Four JERI LOU ELY .. . missing coed City Names Hunter Fire Investigator Thomas A. Hunter of the Col- lege of Engineering will handle the inspection of multiple dwell- ings in Ann Arbor for the city, it was announced yesterday by the city engineer's office. Hunter's hiring clears the last obstacle in front of an inspection program which will cover student rooming houses. The city has been searching for a suitable man to fill the job since January, when the Ann Arbor Common Council okayed funds for the inspections. * * * IN ANNOUNCING the, program, the first one since 1943, City En- gineer George Sandenburgh de- clared, "The city is launching this inspection because we want to do everything possible to avoid a large-scale fire disaster involving University students." Some very bad situations in some of the rooming houses and multiple dwellings have recently been called to the attention of his office, Sandenburgh said. Hunter, an instructor in engi- neering mechanics, will complete the inspections during the next few months, working on a part- time basis. BULLETIN As the Daily went to press last night, Police Headquarters re- ported they are checking the possibility that Miss Ely might have "headed to California to visit a boy she was fond of." Police said the boy was reported to have been involved in an acci- dent recently. three B's and a C last semester and was more confident when she came back for the spring term, Mrs. Ely said. "She was up until 4 a.m. Monday morning studying for an examina- tion at eight, but she never took the examination," Mrs. Ely said. MISS ELY had rushed, and pledged a sorority, Delta Delta Delta, and hadn't had time to doi much homework in the last two INHERENT RIGHT: Meilejohn ees Need For Freedom of Speech Description Here is a description of Miss Jeri Lou Ely. Anyone who has seen her or knows of her where- abouts since 8 a.m. Monday is requested to notify the Ann Arbor Police at 3-4113 immed- iately. Miss Ely is brunette, five feet, two inches tall, weighs 111 pounds, has large bluish green eyes. She is 18 years old. eyWhen last seen she was wearing a blue cashmere sweat- er, grey skirt, black and white saddle shoes and bobby socks. She was also wearing a short white coat and white boots. weeks, her parents explained. They think that she may be somewhere in Ann Arbor, "just resting." Police combed local hotels yes- terday without success. House Labor Group Kills Education Bill WASHINGTON -(UP) - General federal aid to education died amid angry hubbub yesterday in the -House Labor Committee. The officially assigned reason was inability of the committee to work out a formula that would avoid federal control over local school systems. The real infight- ing through six weeks of hammer- and-tongs committee work, how- ever, had been over the religious issue of letting parochial schools share in the program. * * * THE MORE stubborn advocates of a general aid bill planned an- other effort today, but committee leaders agreed the effort probably will be futile. To an accompaniment of loud voices and gavel-pounding, the committee voted 13 to 12 against a senate-passed $300,000,000 aid plan to supplement states' school outlays. Sulienberger Jurors Caliled Nine Ann Arbor residents were subpoenaed last night to appear as potential jurors in the assault and battery trial of Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger, which will begin at 9 a.m. today in Municipal Court. Conventioll To Feature. Student Art Cultural Trends To Be Discussed Student Art Festival, the second annual student art convention sponsored by the Inter-Arts Union, will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Alumni Memorial Hall and the Union Ballroom. The festival will include presen- tation of University students' work in drama, poetry, dance, music, painting, movies, photography and sculpture. * * * PANEL DISCUSSIONS by stu- dents and faculty members with the audience participating will dis- cuss modern architecture, art form, contemporary design and popular demand, communication and art time orientation. The opening session, 8 p.m. Friday at Alumni Memorial Hall, will feature a Concerto for Chamber Orchestra by Edward Chudacoff, Grad; an introduc- tory address by Prof. Charles Stevenson on "What's the Good of Art, Anyway?" and the pre- miere showing of "The Well- Wrought Ern," a movie written and produced by members of the English department. Saturday afternoon's program, beginning at 2 p.m., includes an architectural panel on "Evaluation of Modern Trends in Architec- ture"; a Sonata for Violin and Piano by Grant Beglarian, '50SM; reading of a group of five poems; performance of a String Trio by George Wilson, '51SM; and a dis- cussion of "Formal Organization of Artistic Materials." * * * THE EVENING events, begin- ning at 8 p.m. will feature a visual art panel on "Does Contemporary Design Meet Current Demand?"; performances of five songs; three one-act plays and a discussion on "Verbal and Non-verbal Commun- ication." Both programs on Saturday will be held in Alumni Memorial Hall. The festival which moves to the Union Ballroom for Sunday after- noon's program, begins at 2 p.m. and includes an April Overture, written by Lee Eitzen, Grad, and performed by the University Sym- phony Orchestra; dance presenta- tions by the Ballet and Modern Dance Clubs; reading of four met- rical psalms by Leslie Bassett, Grad, and a discussion of Time Orientation of Artistic Materials. ax Retur ns Due Students must file income tax returns today, at the local tax of- fice in Rm. 207 of the First Na- tional Building. The office will be open until 8:00 p.m. Confused students may get aid from SL's Better Business Bureau from 3-5 p.m. LSA Council To Be Topic Of SLParley Student Legislature will con- sider a proposed "Literary College Student Advisory Council" at 7:30 p.m. today at the Union. George Roumell, '51, chairman of the campus action committee, will introduce a motion calling for an "advisory literary college council of 10 SL members who are students in the college." THE COUNCIL will be "design- ed to advise the literary college administration on student opin- ions concerning education policies and curricula programs," Roum-' ell said. The original suggestion for the proposed council came from Dean Hayward B. Keniston of the literary college, who pointed out that "the University is too big for the old student-professor intimacy." ' Facing one of their most heavily jammed agendas of the semester, the Legislators will also vote on an SL-sponsored meeting of cam- pus leaders to discuss the highly controversial University liquor ban. THE MEETING, proposed by the campus action committee, will be called to consider possible solu- tions to the liquor problem which SL will present to University ad- ministrative officials. Pointing out, that the problem "has been kicked around by near- ly all campus organizations," Roumell said, "We feel that it's time that SL step in and attempt to uncover a workable solution. Minutes of Monday's cabinet and tentative agendas for to- night's meeting will be available from 3 to 5 p.m. today at the SL office in the Office of Student Affairs. Smith Says Individuals Create World Problems <. World problems are created by individuals, whom only Christ can change, the Rev. Dr. Robert Smith said yesterday. Dr. Smith, chairman of the de- partments of philosophy, sociology and Christian education at Du- buque University, spoke in the Congregational church in connec- tion with Religion in Life week. "THE ONLY hope for the world is a living faith in Christianity World News Roundup PRAGUE CZECHOLSLOVAK- IA-Vlado Clementis, Czechoslov- akia's suave foreign minister for two years, was replaced yesterday by a tough, Kremlin-trained un- derground fighter. The official news agency said Clementis asked to be relieved of his duties and that President Kle- ment Gottwald acceptedhis resig- nation at the weekly cabinet meet- ing yesterday. Then Gottwald handed the job over to Viliam Sir- oky, Deputy Premier and a pro- duct of the Moscow Communist training center. * * * WASHINGTON -- Harold Christoffel was sentenced yes- terday to serve two to six years in prison on his second convic- tion of lying when he told a Congressional committee *he had never been a Communist. * * * LANSING - Money-where to spend it and how to get it-held the stage last night as Michigan's Legislature assembled for today's opening of the 1950 special ses- sion. which will change egotists into al- truists," he said. Dr. Smith blamed men, not intangible forces, for thesg basic paradoxes of the age: SCIENCE: Atomic energy, a po- tential blessing, is used only for destruction. "We must fear, not atomic power, but the men who use MEDICINE: Despite sweeping advances great areas are com- pletely without modern methods of preventing and curing disease. EDUCATION: "In the age of the AB and Ph.D., over 60 per cent of the world population can neither read nor write.". ABUNDANCE: While the United States worries about "overproduc- tion" the world is starving. International Relations: "We have made 'One World,' but there are still enormous cleavages among races and areas." TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS 4:15 p.m. - Seminar on "Christian Science in Student Life," James Watt, C.S., Rack- ham Auditorium. 4:30 p.m. - Radio Program: "Let's Talk About Books" (WUOM) with Dr. John S. Ev- erton, and Don DeGraff. 5 p.m.-Dr. John S. Everton, "Faith and Christian America," Congregational Church. 8:30 p.m.-Open Forum Dis- cussion on the extent of Papal Infallibility, St. Mary's Chapel. FREEDOM: "In an era which boasts of freedom, the world has never seen so much tyranny." The cause of these paradoxes, Dr. Smith concluded ,is man's self- satisfied rebellion against Christ's leadership. "Christ alone can right mankind," he said. JET-PROPELLED AUTO-The British auto industry's biggest postwar secret, a jet-propelled car, was recently unveiled at a test run in Towcester, England. The grey, sports coupe, powered by twin kerosene-fed jet turbines, was clocked at nearly 9) miles an hour. Unusual gadgets on the car in- clude air vents on the side, and a gas-expulsion vent in the rear. 'Reds' "a Kenyon Calls All Charges 'Outrageous' Senator Accuses Prominent Men WASHINGTON - W) -Senator McCarthy cited four new names yesterday in his charges of Red influence in the state department. Then he left before his "case no. 1," Miss Dorothy Kenyon, took the stand to denounce his charges against -her as "outrageous." The Wisconsin senator's charges also drew quick and angry denials from most of the new "case his- tories" he named in a forenoon session. MCCARTHY WENT to lunch and was absent when Miss Ken- yon, peppery 62-year-old former New York judge, testified yester- day at a jam-packed hearing be- fore a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee. Thus an expected face-to-face meeting did not ma- terialize. Miss Kenyon had previously denounced McCarthy as a cow- ardly liar. McCarthy charged at the outset of his four-day-old presentation that Miss Kenyon, a former State Department of- ficial attached to the United Nations, was affiliated with at least 28 Communist-front or- ganizations. Speaking in a clear, rapid voice, at times shrill with anger, Miss Kenyontold the committee.: "I AM NOT and never have a Communist. I am not and never have been a fellow traveler. I am not and never been a supporter of, a member of, or a sympathizer with any' organization known to me to be, or suspected by me of being, controlled or dominated by the Communists. "As emphatically and unre- servedly as possible, I deny any connection with Communism or its adherents. "If this leaves anything unsaid to indicate my total and complete detestation of that political phil- osophy, it is only because it is im- possible for me to express my sentiments. I mean my denial to be all-inclusive." THOSE McCarthy named as pro-Communists yesterday were: 1. Dr. Harlow Shapley, 64, Harvard astronomer - lecturer and former American delegate to a United Nations commission. McCarthy said Shapley has been connected with at least 36 Com- munist-front organizations. At Cambridge, Mass., Shapley called McCarthy's charges "grossly untrue" 'and said he was "frankly bored' with such "nonsense." 2. Dr. Frederick L. Schuman of Williams College, who once accepted a State Department invitation to give a one-hour training lecture to U.S. diplo- mats on U.S. relations with Rus- sia. McCarthy called Schuman "one of the closest collaborators and sponsors of Communist- front organizations in America." 3. Spanish-born Gustavo Duran, former State Department official now working in the United Na- tions. McCarthy said he had re- ceived a "confidential report" that Duran wa recommended for his present post by amember of President Truman's cabinet. Gubitchev To Stay IniJail NEW YORK--() -Convicted spy Valentin A. Gubitchev chose yesterday to stay in jail rather than give up the right to appeal his conviction. His decision meant that he prob- abl wov un't 1rsiicfnr lhi., t,.livy Unqualified freedom of expres- sion is necessary for a self-govern- ing democratic society to determ- ine the public will, Prof. Donald Meiklejohn said at Rackham yes- terday. The best answer to the problem of civil liberties is found in the unqualified language of the First Amendment to the Constitution, he declared. * * * PROF. MEIKLEJOHN, who spoke under the joint sponsorship of the philosophy and political science departments, teaches phil- osophy at the University of Chi- -ago.' He discounted Justice Holmes "clear and present danger" test for the limitation of freedom of speech, assenting that only when speech does not aid in de- veloping rational public opinion should it be curbed. "When an evil brought about by free discussion cannot be counter- acted by more speech and educa- tion, it can be said that there is i a r t t 'LIGHT-BULB MAN' SHOCKS CLASS: Comic Kilowatt Hero Electrifies Physics Lecture * * * * -Daily--Carlyle Marshall PROF. MEIKLEJOHN ties other than those to the politi- cal state, he said. * * -* HE EMPHASIZED that religious and other non-political groups By ROSEMARY OWEN Reddy Kilowatt, a thin little man with a light bulb for a face, electrified students of Prof. Wayne E. Hazen's Physics 71 class yester- day afternoon. The hero of a comic book de- signed to educate students who seem unable to grasp the intrica- cies of electricity, Reddy scored an instant hit among the would- be physicists. "IT'S YOUR whole lecture, in easy form," murmured Michael Lanio, physics custodian, as he the professor? Lanio dodged this query neatly by saying it carried a lot of sense, but, he quickly added, it also carries a lot of nonsense." "At least it breaks the monotony. You kids study too hard anyway," he concluded. * * * REDDY IS THE high-powered press agent copy-righted by one of Michigan's leading electric light and power companies. "What a way to study," sighed one student happily as he scan- ned the page where an animated, S?:s