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March 14, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


















Plebiscite on
Belgian King
Brings Split
Leopold Gets 57
Percent of Vote
The leaders of both Government
Parties, Social Christians and Li-.
berals, split yesterday in a deeper
crisis than ever as a result of the
plebiscite on King Leopold.
Two factions of the dominant
Catholic and pro-Leopold Social
Christian Party raced to Switzer-
land with conflicting advice for
the exiled King.
Premier Gaston Eyskens, was
reported on his way to Leopold's
chateau to recommend his abdica-
* * *
Leemans, aide to staunchly Leo-
poldist Foreign Minister Paul van
Zeeland, was enroute to Geneva
with the. King's secretary and
campaign manager, Jacques Pir-
enne, with a completely contradic-
tory recommendation.
The 48-year-old monarch,
who incurred unpopularity for
his early surrender to the Ger-
mans in 1940, received a 57.6 per
cent majority in the nation as a
whole in an advisory plebiscite
Sunday, but failed to win the
French-speaking South.
The Liberals, whose votes in
Parliament could be the deciding
factor in any decision to invite the
King to return, also split. One
leader said the party should stick
to its pre-Plebiscite position-that
Leopold could. rxturn- only if he
won a majority in allithree of the
nation's main divisions.
These divisions are Flanders,
the Flemish-speaking north (72.2
per cent Leopold), the -Southern
Walloons (40.2 per cent Leopold)
and nearly evenly divided Bra-.
bant (50.2 per cent Leopold).
Vernon Sees
Unrest If King.
Should Return
King Leopold III of Belgium
would be making a politically stu-
pid move if he should elect to re-
turn to his throne now, according
to Manfred Vernon of the political
science department.
"If Leopold takes the plebicite
held in his country Sunday as a
sign of the Belgian peoples' ap-.
proval of his return, he will stir
up serious unrest," Vernon de-
HE NOTED that the slim 51
percent vote in favor of the exiled
King's resumption of the nominal
leadership of Belgium was far too
small for anyone to say that Leo-
pold stands in the good graces of
the people.
"The king of a country of
such diverse lingual and eco-
nomic factors as Belgium should
be a symbol of national unity,
above party strife."
Vernon charged that -Leopold
could not hope to fufilli such a
The very fact that he has shown
a desire to attempt a return,
knowing that such a move would
set off party battles, has lowered
him from any nonpartisan sym-.
bolism, Vernon explained.
N *
AND THE people have not for-

given their former king his seem-
ing betrayal during the last war
when he surrendered Belgium to
the Nazis, he remarked.
"They expect him to perform
as his father, King Albert, did
in the first world conflict. Al-
bert never surrendered and re-
mained with his troops until the
end of the war."
Vernon pointed out furthermore
that the Belgians have not fully
accepted their former leader's
play-boy actions while in exile.
WSSF Drive Gains
Tabulations on the WSSF drive
hit 240 pledges yesterday, accord-
nsin~a lrimp Cni m. ,i..P

British Order Air Tragedy Investigation

Accuses Key State
Department Aides


80 Killed in
Worst Crash
In History
Only 3 Survive;
One Near Death
CARDIFF, Wales-()-Britain
ordered a full public inquiry yes-.
terday into history's greatest air
disaster-the crash of the huge
chartered airliner that killed 80
persons near here Sunday.
Lord Pakenham, Minister of
Civil Aviation, through his chief
Parliamentary secretary, an-
nounced in a hushed House of
Commons he had ordered a court
of inquiry to attempt to fix the
cause of the crash which ruined
the triumphant homecoming of
Welsh football fans.
* * *
AIR FORCE Marshal Donald
Bennett, who left active service to
enter commercial aviation, also
examined the shattered plane. He
said last night "as far as I can
see everything was in correct or-
der. The 83 people on board was a
load well within the certificate of
airworthiness requirements for
this particular machine."
The giant Tudor airliner, de-
veloped from the wartime Lan-
caster bomber into Britain's
largest commercial plane, has
been dogged by misfortune. Two
earlier versions of the plane dis-
appeared on trans - Atlantic
No date has been set for the
public inquiry.
King George VI and Prime
Minister Clement Attlee led the
nation in mourning the death of
75 Welsh football fans and five
* * *
THEY MET their death when
the plane undershot the airport
on its return from Dublin. The
fans had flown to Dublin en route
to Belfast to watch their team win
a football match and had picked
up the plane in Dublin on their
way back.
Only three of the 83 persons
aboard survived the crash as
the plane came in for a landing.
One of the three survivors is in
a critical condition, though im-
proved after Sunday night when
he was not expected to live.
The other two apparently owed
their lives to the fact they were
securely strapped to their seats at
the rear of the fuselage which
suffered the least damage.
T' .Awarded
Cancer Grant
Grants totalling $17,800 were
awarded the University yesterday
by the National Cancer Institute
for continuation of laboratory and
clinical cancer research.
Prof. Robley C. Williams, of the
physics department, $2,786 for iso-
lation and physical characteriza-
tion of the causative agent of
lymph tumors in birds;
Dr. Albert H. Wheeler, of the
University Hospital, $6,666 for the
immunological study of inhibitors
of tumor growth in mice;
Dr. Frank H. Bothell, $8,348 for
study of metabolic effects of the
administration of pteroyl-glumat-
ic acid antagonists.

Honest Joe
SLONDON-WG)-The Moscow
radio said yesterday that 99.96
per cent of the eligible voters
cast their ballots in the Soviet
Union's election Sunday.
The candidates for the Su-
preme Soviet (Parliament)
were unopposed. Prime Minis-
ter Stalin was re-elected unani-
mously, the broadcast said.
The radio said 110,964,172
persons voted.
Uoover Plan
Given Boost
By Trumtan
21 Changes to
Be Attempted
WASHINGTON-- OP)-Abolition
of the maritime commission and of
the semi-independent office of
general counsel of the National
Labor Relations Board headlined
21 reorganization plans President
Truman filed with Congress yes-
Each plan becomes effective in
60 days unless either the Senate
or House votes disapproval of it.
* * *
Truman predicted that adoption
of the plans would save sums of
money ranging from "modest" to
"substantial" amounts. All, he
said, are based on recommenda-
tions made last year by the com-
mission of government reorgani-
zation, headed by former Presi-
dent Herbert Hoover.
About 20 percent of the Hoov-
er Commission's recommenda-
tions already are in effect, the
President estimated, and adop-
tion of today's 21 proposals
would bring the total up to al-
most 50 percent.
As the new plans went to Con-
gress, Truman himself was aboard
his tossing yacht off Cape Hat-
teras, en route to Key West, Fla.,
for a three weeks vacation. Equal-
ly rough seas seemed in prospect
for some of his reorganization pro-
* * *
abolition of the five member Mari-
time Commission, aroused advance
opposition from shipping interests
and some members of congress
from seacoast states.
Plenty of opposition seemed
likely, too, for the proposal to
abolish the office of General Coun-
sel of the National Labor Rela-
tions Board, a post held by Rob-
ert N. Denham.
Truman said the change he re-
commended would "end the con-
fusion which has resulted from
divided responsibility."
Denham has been at odds with
the board majority for months
over handling enforcement of the
Taft-Hartley labor relations law.
He has said publicly that the
board has a bias in favor of labor.
In turn, several labor spokesmen
have demanded Denham's removal
from office.
A majority of the reorganization
proposals are designed to streng-
then the authority of cabinet of-
ficers and of the chairmen of the
boards which operate independent
agencies regulating business, fi-
nance and labor.

Lists Hanson, Lattimore, Brunaner;
Charges Acheson 'Shifting Blame'
WASHINGTON--(P)-Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) yesterday at-
tacked three key State Department aids as having shown Communist
sympathies-and demanded investigation of °a Navy civilian scientist
whom he described as working on "topmost defense secrets."
* * * *
TESTIFYING UNDER OATH, at a crowded hearing before a
Senate foreign relations subcommittee, McCarthy cited the following
persons as having displayed Communist sympathies:
1. Haldore Hanson, 37, head; of the State Department tech-
nical staff for President Truman's proposed "point four" program


-Daily-Burt Sapowitchl
SPEAKS ON RELIGION-Political columnist Dorothy Thompson, center chats with friends at are-
ception at Lane Hall after delivering the keynote speech of Religion in Life Week last night.
* * * *

Petitions for
Spring Voting
Due Friday
All students who have taken
out petitions for this spring's all-
campus elections should file them
at the Student Legislature office in
the Office of Student Affairs by
Friday afternoon, according to
Dave Belin, '51, chairman of the
SL citizenship committee.
Thus far the candidacies for
Engineering class officers have
been few in number, according to
Belin, and all engineers interested
are urged to apply before the 5
p.m. deadline today.!
Although petitioning for the 23
vacant SL seats has been closed,
Belin said that students still in-
terested in becoming candidates
for senior class offices in the liter-
ary and engineering colleges may
obtain petitions from 3 to 5 p.m.
today at the SL office.
In addition, students may still
take out petitions for presidentl
and secretary of the sophomore
and junior engineering classes.

Columnist Sees Religitn
As Cure For Moral Ills
"The principle characteristic of the epoch in which we live is al
lack of restraint, moral and social, in our actions," columnist Dorothy'
Thompson declared last night in the keynote speech of Religion In'
Life Week.
She attributed this lack of restraint to the current breakdown
of religious ties.
* * * *
"AT THE TURN of the century, everyone believed in an intermin-
able progress on the basis of a great new science leading to a bright'
*new socialistic-Shavian world of

to help under-developed' coun-n
tries. H^ is a former Associated
Press reporter.
2. Owen J. Lattimore, 49, a
State Department consultant on
Far East affairs, now director of
the Walter Hines Page School
of International Relations, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Md. A Harvard graduate, Latti-
more served as political adviser
to Gen. Chiang Kai Shek in
1941-42 and was a deputy direct
for of the U.S. Office of War In-
formation from 1942 to 1944.
3. Mrs. Esther Caukin Brun-
auer, 48, a $9,706-a-year official
on the State Department's Unit-
ed Nations staff.
He said he wanted an inquiry
covering Stephen Brunauer, hus-
band of Mrs. Brunauer, a Navy
commander during World War II.
now employed in the explosives re-
search division of the Navy bureau
of ordnance.
* * *
McCARTHY also asserted that
Secretary of State Acheson is try-
ing to "shift the blame" in de-
thew Ovetic told the House Un-
American Activities Committee
yesterday that William Patter-
son, National Executive Secre-
tary of the Civil Rights Con-
gress, is a Communist.
Cvetic, who rose to high of-
fice in the Communist Party
while serving as an FBI under-.
cover agent, also identified as a
Communist Alex Wright, des-
cribed as Western Pennsylvania
Vice Chairman of the Progres-
sive Party.
Cvetic said "all the planning,
all the programming" of the
Civil Rights Congress in West-
ern Pennsylvania was done by
the Communist Party.

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Convicted spy
Judith Coplon won freedom yes-
terday on $40,000 bail after Valen-
tin A. Gubitchev, convicted with
Miss Coplon of plotting to spy for
the Russians, announced he would
accept the offer of the U.S. gov-
ernment and return to Russia.
preme Court agreed yesterday
to pass upon constitutionality of
President Truman's three-year-
old loyalty program aimed at
ridding the government of any
disloyal employees.
WASHINGTON--A proposal to
authorize direct government home
loans to veterans was attacked as
unnecessary by Senator Cain (R-
Wash) yesterday.
hound i1
of symbols, Prof. C. S. Coe said.
"IT BEARS a vague resemblance

Writer Asks
For Outlawing1
Of RedParty
Coming out in favor of outlaw-
ing the Communist Party in the
United States, political analyst
Dorothy Thompson remarke d
wryly in an interview yesterday
that "we retain the Communist
Party as legal and then persecute
the Communists."I
"I'd rather have the issue set-
tled so that we'd all know wherej
we stand," she explained.
* * *
SHE DECLARED that she be-
lieved no country would ever use
the H-Bomb "because it would
lead to total demoralization, caus-
ing the end of all governments en-
Miss Thompson also said she
favored the creation of a United
Europe and the constructive use
of Europe's resources.
Terming Communism an "ersatz
religion of black mgagic, organized
of doubters worshipping icons of
secular gods," she declared that
democracy cannot digest Com-
munism, but must either beat it
through the use of the superior
faith of Christianity, or be beaten
by itself.
"Fbr no one can believe in
Christianity and be a Communist,"
she concluded.

material plenty and altruism," she
"Reason was to replace faith
and religion with an atheistic
humanism, and God was gone
before the onslaughts of an em-
pirical science. The cry was al-
ways for solid proof."
"But today scientists have dis-
covered that the world is not
made up of little bumping billiard
balls-the basic fallacy of com-
munist theory-but only of en-
ergy and radiation," she stated.
"NOW THE MOST advanced
scientists are beginning to wonder
what that energy and radiation
is. Some call it thought; others
Todav's Highlights
4 p.m.-Seminar on the "New
Testament in the Twentieth
Century," under Dr. Milton
Froyd, West Conference Rm.,
5 p.m.-"Faith Speaks to
World Problems," Dr. - Robt.
Smith, Congregational Church.
7:30 p.m.-Christian Science
(open) Testimonial Meeting,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
religion. In the old days-of se-
curity and a forseeable future-
they had a name for it: God."
"Today we are being led by mor-
al idiots," Miss Thompson declar-
"The concept of good and evil
-tied up with religion-is virtual-
ly gone, and no one anywhere in
any country is secure. Anything
may happen to anyone anywhere,"
she concluded.

M andel Calls':
Soviet Rule
Calling the Soviet system "a
government of the people, by the
people and for the people," Wi-
liam Mandel declared last night
that Sunday's election in the Sov-
iet Union was democratic.
Mandel, the author of "A Guide
to the Soviet Union," and "The_
Soviet Far ast and Central Asia,"
attended Moscow University for a
year in 1931 and 1932. He spoke at
the Unitarian Church.
"IT IS difficult to see why the
average Soviet citizen would not
vote for the government," he said,
because of the tremendous social,
economic and scientific improve-
ments the government has made
for the people.
The Soviet Union has a gov-
ernment of the people, he de-
clared, because every one of Its
leaders is a man of the people,"
"in the humblest log cabin-
If Franklin D. Roosevelt had
been a poor workingman's son,
he continued, he probably would
not have become president "in our
The Soviet government is more
truly "by the people" than that of
the United States because of the
greater participation in public
affairs in the Soviet Union, he
The Russian Communist party
has six million members, he said,
who give up many of their person-
al freedoms to work for what they
consider the welfare of the coun-
To Try Doctor
The assault and battery trial of
Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger, former
University Hospital staff member,
will open at 9 a.m. tomorrow in
Ann Arbor Municipal Court.
Washtenaw County Prosecutor
Douglas K. Reading is scheduled
to conduct the prosecution of the
doctor, accused of striking Mrs.
Louise Philpot, University Hospit-
al elevator operator. Attorney
Louis E. Burke will defend Dr. Sul-
The trial will be held before six
jurors and Municipal Judge Fran-
cis O'Brien.
Mrs. Dorothy Griffel, president
of the local chapter of the Nation-
al Association for the Advance-.
ment of Colored People, revealed
yesterday that "a lawyer, at Mrs.
Philpot's request, will sit in on the
trial to witness the whole proceed-
*"We are anxious that there be
a vigorous prosecution of the case
and that the jury act impartial-
ly," Mrs. Griffel said.
Attlee Government
Outvotes Censure
LONDON-W)-Prime Minister
Attlee's Socialist Labor Govern-
ment last night won its second
confidence vote in less than a
week, beating down a Conserva-

fending the alleged loyalty suspect
cases which the Wisconsin senator
has been airing on Capitol Hill.
"This is all being cleverly load-
ed onto the shoulders of a harm-
less and likeable young man by
the name of John Peurifoy, De-
puty Under Secretary of State,"
McCarthy said.
"I hope the secretary will have
enough guts to stand up and say,
'this is my baby,' and take the
blame for it. I suggest that Mr.
Acheson stand up like a man."
* * *
PEURIFOY has acted as the
State Department's chief spokes-
man in countering McCarthy's al-
legations that the department is
honeycombed with Communists
and fellow travelers.
Once again, as partial evidence
to substantiate his charges, Mc-
Carthy offered newspaper clip-
pings, magazine articles and
books - plus statements that
some of those he named were
sponsors of Communist front or-
The State Department was quick
to defend both Hanson and Mrs.
Brunauer. Michael McDermott,
press officer, said they have been
"thoroughly investigated" and the
department is "satisfied they are
loyal Americans."
BRUNAUER denied to newsmen
that he was ever a member of the
Communist party or ever told as-
sociates he was. Between 1923 and
1927, he said, he was a member of
a youth group in New York which
advocated "Communist principles."
Since then, he said, he has joined
no subversive organizations.
I l + (Ym,~!A-,-l1Yb Q1 ib


A complicated and profound-
looking equation taking up a full
blackboard in an Angell Hall class-
room may have amazed students
yesterday afternoon, but it's all


according to mathematics profes-
The formula, cryptically entitled
"Demonstration of Lariophraslun
in finding the value of the Fusch-
ian function V, by using the topo-
logical method of proving the ex-
istence of integral equations," is

formula, instructing students to
"see Prof. Coe if you are inter-
ested in the details of this," is
all part of the gag, he said.
The identity of the authors of
the equation remains a mystery
to both Prof. Cos and Prof. Gail

BLUE CHALK notices on the
blackboard requestingcthat the
work not be erased and an an-
nouncement stating that there
will be "no class today after copy-
ing this you may leave" are signed
"Prof. Young."
"I'm sure he didn't write it,"
Prn (hp %i- "f hA a sa ri

to equations which might arise
out of Einstein's theory of rela-
tivity, but it doesn't mean a
thing," he said.





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