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March 11, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-11

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Latest Deadline in the State


Molotov Says
No H-Bomb
In Existence
Expect U.S.S.R.
Bid for Peace
MOSCOW-(1P) -Soviet Prime
Minister V. M. Molotov declared
yesterday that only lunatics could
hope to frighten the Soviet peo-
ple with a hydrogen bomb "which
dops not exist."
He asserted in an election
speech that while all sorts of
blackmailers from the imperialist
camp had been trying to scare the
U.S.S.R. with a monopoly of
atomic bombs, the U.S.S.R was
successfully mastering atomic en-
ergy and atomic weapons.
"YESTERDAY they terrorized
us with the atom bomb," he said
in a pre-election speech in Mos-
cow which was broadcast by the
Moscow radio.
"Today they are striking ter-
ror with the so-called hydrogen
bomb,which never before exist-
ed in the world.
"Only fools can indulge in the
insane calculation that they can
terrorize the Soviet Union," Mo-
lotov added.
-He is a candidate for the Soviet
Parliament in next Sunday's elec-
MEANWHILE, informed diplo-
mats here predicted last night the
Soviet Union will make some ov-
erture toward a new effort to set-
tle outstanding world problems.
Tlyey said they would pay
particular attention to pre-elec-
tion speeches by Soviet figures
prior to Sunday's parliamentary
The diplomats studied with in-
terest a call by three other polit-
buro members for, peace among
the big powers.
All three - Deputy Premiers
George M. Malenkov, Lavrenti P.
Beria and Andrei A. Andreyev -
cited international peace as to-
day ' prime objective. They made
the declarations in campaign
speeches as candidates for the
Supreme Soviet (Parliament) in
next Sunday's national elections.
I ndict _Three
Men After
Lodge Row
A OTTAWA, Ohio, - OP) - A
* dispute within the Fraternal Or-
der of Eagles erupted yesterday in-
to grand jury indictments against
three national lodge officers.
Three grand Aerie officials and
an Ohio State Eagles officer were
named in 11 separate indictments
- with charges ranging from
blackmail to publicizing a lottery.
* * *
THE SECRET indictments were
returned Thursday. Prosecutor J.
Harry Leopold said they were
r based on efforts to compel the
Ottawa lodge to do these things.
(1) Do business with an in-
surance company and a supply
company affiliated with the
Grand Aerie, and (2) engage in
a fund-raising campaign which
the prosecutor described as a
B. H. Goldstein, Grand Aerie

legal advisor, said the indictments
"were manifestly secured to satis-
fy the spite and venom of the
prosecuting attorney."
Dean Keniston
Cites Student-
Faculty _Rift'
Dean Hayward Keniston last
night proposed a student-faculty
council for the literary college,
claiming the University is too big
for the old student-professor in-
Speaking in a "fireside chat" at
Hillel Foundation, he said he fav-
ored a council composed of liter-
ary college faculty and of students
appointed by Student Legislature.
* * *
"A DANGEROUS rift is growing
among students, faculty and ad-




U.S. Recall
Of Attaches



Defended by Lie

ded 'Unfit'




LAKE SUCCESS - (') - Sec-
retary General Trygve Lie said
heatedly yesterday his plan to
admit Red China into the United
Nations is a surrender to common
sense rather than a surrender to
Russian demands.
His face flushed at times as he
answered questions at a special
news conference he called as the
result of editorial and other cri-
ticism of his proposal.
* * *
HE FLARED UP at the end
when a reporter read from a New
York Times editorial saying that
if Lie feels a surrender to the So-
viet Union is required to save the
UN, Lie should say so.
Ford to Pay:
For .Detroit
A uditorium
DETROIT - (P) - A $2,500,-
000 auditorium for Detroit's new
Civic Center was assured today as
the Ford Motor Company and its
dealers announced they would
foot the bill.
The 3,000-capacity auditorium
will be a memorial to Henry Ford
and his son, Edsel
* * *
FUNDS WILL be donated the
city of Detroit by the Ford Motor
Company fund, a charitable in-
stitution created only this week,
and Ford, Mercury and Lincoln
dealers. The fund will give $1,500,-
000, the individual dealers, $1,-
The gifts were announced to-
day by Mayor Albert C. Cbo,
who expressed "great grati-
Henry Ford II, grandson of the
Motor Company founder, announ-
ced formation of the fund Mon-
day. He said it was designed to
meet the company's "obligations
in the field of charity, education,
public health and hospitalization
and civic and community devel-
FORD DID NOT announce
what amount would be placed in
the fund. His grandfather estab-
lished the Ford foundation, which
announced recently a grant of
$16,500,000 to build a 17-story ad-
dition to Henry Ford Hospital
Besides the Ford-donated au-
ditorium, the new civic center
is scheduled to include a $15,-
000,000 (M) city-county build-
ing, a 17,000-capacity, $12,000,-
000 (M) convention hall and a
multi-million dollar federal-
state building.
It will be located at the foot o
Bates and Woodward Avenues on
Detroit River.
Week's Pledge
Net $3000 In
ZBT, Cheever House
Top Donation List
The next to the last day of
WSSF Week brought campus
blood donations for the World
Student Service Fund up to 200
pledgescworth a total of $3,000,
drive chairman Wym Price an-
nounced yesterday.
Although yesterday was the last
day for pledge booths, Price noted,
slips and boxes for pledges still
remain available in the Parrot,

Dascola's and Lane Hall
THE LARGE turnout at the
blood bank has produced "quitera
bit of congestion," and Price re-
quested students call Lane Hall
before going to the hospital to
find out if they will be able to
accommodate them.
They can also make an ap-
pointment directly with the
hospital, he pointed out.
He also asked that solicitors
with pledges outstanding turn
them in, so the final tabulation of
receipts for the week and the
drive so far may be made.

Lie was asked whether his
planto accept Red China in the
Chinese Nationalist seats here
is a surrender to the Russians.
He shot back:
"Not at all! It represents a sur-
render to international law and
common sense!"
* * *
AT THE same time, Lie 'an-
nounced he refused to extend for
a full year the accreditation of
Nicholas Kyriazidis, Greek Com-
munist accredited as a news cor-
respondent at UN.
His press card was extended
for three months.
Lie called attention to a letter
from the United States govern-
ment saying it may soon renew
deportation proceedings against
Kyriazidis and suggesting that he
be given accreditation for 60 days
or three months.
* * *
MEANWHILE in Washington,
Senator Knowland (R.-Calif.)
told the Senate late yesterday that
Lie was acting "as a partisan of
the Chinese Communists" by sug-
gesting they replace the Chinese
Nationalists in the UN.
Knowland said Lie apparently
had abandoned his impartiality.
States representatives not only
Knowland and Senator Brews-
ter (R Me) demanded tht United
vote against such a move but take
active leadership to prevent ad-
dition of another Soviet Russian
satellite to UN membership.
World News
By The Associated Press
LANSING - Secretary of State
Fred M. Alger, jr., scion of a fam-
ily famed in Michigan politics and
lumbering, announced yesterday
he would seek the Republican
nomination for governor, throw-
ing the GOP primary campaign
into a wide-open five-way race.
Alger thus pitted himself against
four lready announced candi-
dates: former Governor Harry F.
Kelly, former Lt. Gov. Eugene C.
Keye , Cong. Albert Engel of Mus-
kegonI and Mayor Thomas Leith
of B:ighton
BONN, Germany - Political
r arties of all hues lined up be-
And the West German govern-
ment for the first time yesterday
to protest against the recent
French-Saar pact.
Chancellor Kon ad Adenauer
told Parliament he will protest
to the Western Allies.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The Govern-
ment told the railroads yesterday
they can fire up all their engines
and use as much coal as they
please after midnight today.
The order came from the inter-
state commerce commission.
BELFAST, Northern Ireland-
Northern Ireland's second bomb-
ing within the week set Belfast
buzzing last night with talk that
the outlawed Irish Republican
Army is on the loose again.
A tall, bespectacled man tossed
a bomb against a wall behind
the Roden Street police station
today. Some windows were bro-
agreed yesterday to begin voting
Wednesday on a housing bill aim-
ed to meet the needs of 'families
with moderate incomes.

Hungary Acts On
Vogeler Evidence
BUDAPEST, Hungary - ( -
Hungary used the Robert A. Voge-
ler case to demand last night that
the United States recall three mili-
tary officers attached to the U.S.
Legation in Budapest.
The recall of two British lega-
tion attaches was demanded pre-
* * *
THE AMERICAN officers are
Col. James Kraft, military attache;
Lt. Col. John Hoyne, deputy mili-
tary attache; and Maj. Donald E.
Griffin, deputy air attache.
Hungary's Communist govern-
ment declared all "persona non
grata" (unwelcome) on the basis
of testimony in the espionage
and sabotage trial of Vogeler,
the American roving represen-
tative of the International Tele-
phone company, and six co-de-
fendants last month.
Vogeler, who was convicted and
sentenced to 15 years imprison-
ment, testified Hoyne and Griffin
had been in touch with him and
that Kraft "also knew about my
espionage activities as he had been
a close friend ever since we met in
Vienna several years ago."
* * * .
partment officials said the Hun-
garian demand was under study.
(Speculation was that the
three would be withdrawn, since
Budapest declared them person-
ally unacceptable. In return the
United States could oust one or
more Hungarian diplomats, or
break relations. The ouster
course seemed more likely.)
(The British foreign office said
Britain will withdraw their two
attaches, but "wholly rejects"
Hungary's reason for asking their
recall. A spokesman said it was
established diplomatic practice
that a mission member be with-
drawn when he is declared per-
sona non grata.)
Hungary again protested to the
United States against what it
called the "over swollen number of
the staff of this legation."


-Daily-Burt apowitcn
STUMPED-The Union's "Bowery Bill' surveys the massive lock
he must somehow circumvent in order to gain access to the Union
Open House today. Before he tackles the job, however, he plans
to wander through campus accompanied by a fraternity marching
* * *
IourweryBill'lTo Smash
Gate, Let Guests in Union
A shaggy character named "Bowery Bill" will mount the steps of
the Michigan Union at 1 p.m. today and attempt to rip a huge "pad-
lock" off the front doors.
If he succeeds, he will throw open the portals to the thousands
of students and townspeople-male and female alike- who are ex-
pected to attend the traditional Union Open House from 1 to 5 p.m.
A WIDE VARIETY of free entertainment will be offered at the
annual affair, according to staffman Charles Remen, '52. He outlined

School Daze l
ALPINE, Tex., - (A) - Bet
there's no hazing here!
Dad's just a college freshman,
but his son's a sophomore. Moth-
er's a sophomore, too. But Dad has
company. His daughter's a fresh-
man, and so is his daughter-in-
"Dad" is Tate C. Dodd, World
War II veteran, who is now seek-
ing a degree from Sul Ross State
His wife, Eva, is a home econo-
mics student at the college. Rich-I
ard Dodd, 21, their son, is a sopho-a
more at Sul Ross. His wife, Beth,s
is an art major.r
Mayo ,Doctor
Cites MedicalN
Medicine may fall "so horribly"f
behind today-in spite of surgical
advances-because doctors "wor-
ship" laboratory reports instead
of getting to the core of a man's
sickness, Dr. Walter C. Alvarez
of the Mayo Clinic claimed last!
Lecturing on psychomatic prob-!
lems in medicine, Dr. Alvarez de-
clared that "one of the greatest
curses in medicine is that doctors '
stop looking for other possible
causes of sickness after they have
made a diagnosis."
"WHEN YOU have a difficult
medical case, especially of a psy-
chotic nature," Dr. Alvarez ad-
vised, "talk to the sick man's rela-
tives, his wife, and his friends;
you may learn ten times more'
than if you just depend on lab-
oratory reports.
"In other less severe cases,
talk to the patient, take his his-
tory, size him up, and learn to
make a diagnosis from a look or
a handshake," he explained.
Dr. Alvarez said every doctor
should ask his patient two simple
but very important questions:
"Are you happy?" and "Why did
you come here?"
WHEN A direct and pointed
question does not serve its pur-
pose, the doctor should then learn
to gain the information he needs
by asking more general and vague
questions, that gradually draw the
patient out.
Dr. Alvarez cited cases in
which mistaken diagnosesoc-
cured because doctors "swal-
lowed laboratory reports whole."
"These mistakes are made by
even some of the country's lead-
ing internists, and that is why I'm
here tonight making a fuss about
it," he said.
Another difficulty cited by Dr.
Alvarez is that doctors "look for
the rare causes of sickness and'
miss the all-too-common.
French Police
Use Tear-Gas
On Strikers
PARIS-(/P)-French police and
mobile guards used tear gas
against demonstrating strikers in
two French cities last night as
tempers flared higher in the docks
and public utilities walk-outs.
Tear gas grenades were thrown

at Moulins, in central France,
where a crowd of about 600 had
defied police orders and marched
on the prefecture after a meeting
sponsored by the Communist-
dominated General Confederation
of Labor.
SEVERAL persons were slight-
ly injured, and one was arrested.
Strikers who tried to parade
through the streets of Rombas,
near Metz, were dispersed by
mobile guards using tear gas.
One guard was injured, and 15
demonstrators were arrested.
Ther a sa sin . minor disturh-

Russian Spy
Reported Set
To Quit U.S.
GOP Lawmakers
Level Accusation
Republican lawmakers yesterday
accused Secretary of State Ache-
son of "unfitness" for his past for
recommending that Valentin A.
Gubitchev be deported instead of
being imprisoned as a Soviet spy.
Senator Wherry (R-Neb) nd
Rep. Fellows (R-Me) made t at
charge in separate statements
which also asserted that Acheson's
move blocked the execution of jus-
tice in this country.
* * *
MEANWHILE, Valentin A. Gu-
bitchev was reported to have ac-
cepted the government's offer to
leave this country instead of going'
to jail for 15 years.
The convicted spy reportedly
will leave the United States
aboard the Polish liner Batory
on March 20.
Both the New York Times and
the New York Herald Tribune said
they had learned of Gubitchev's
The Times said Gubitchev's wife,
Lydia, would sail with him and
that it was believed his passage
to Russia would be financed by
the United Nations.
GUBITCHEV, a suspended Uni-
ted Nations employe, was given a
15. - year suspended sentence
Thursday on condition that he
return to Russia in two weeks. He
was convicted by a New York
court of conspiring with Judith
Coplon, former Justice Depart-
ment worker, to steal U.S. secrets
for Russia. She was given a 15-
year prison term.
In recommending this treat-
ment for Gubitchev, both the
State and Justice Departments
indicated their hope that the
Soviets may give similar treat-
ment to Americans who may be
involved in court proceedings
behind the iron curtain.
But Wherry asserted that "Rus-
sia's friendship cannot be bought
by bribery."
HE SAID the Soviet "propagan-
da machine already has begun to
call the action of the United
States in the Gubitchev case a
sign of weakness and recognition
that Russia was right all the
Noting that no suspension
was recommended in Miss Cop-
Ion's case, Wherry said, "sen-
tencing one person to 15 years
in prison and freeing another is
a travesty upon justice."
At the same time, lawyers for
Judith Coplon, along with the
Russian, filed briefs with the U.S.
Court of Appeals in support of
their request for bail. The govern-
ment has until Monday to file
Sander Waits
For Ru1ig on
Medical Status
CANDIA, N.H. - () - Dr.
Hermann N. Sander returned to
quiet family life in his big white
colonial farmhouse yesterday to

await consideration of his pro-
medical body of New Hampshire.
Freed from a charge of mur-
der after the death of a hopeless-
ly-ill woman cancer patient in De-
cember, the 41-year-old country
doctor relaxed with his wife and
three children.
BUT STILL to come is a hear-
ing before the state board of re-
gistration in medicine-a five-
man group which will decide what
actin. if anv. it shouild ta~ke in

events ranging from

ping-pang, I



Young Republicans Striving
To Avert Dissension in Ranks

Leaders of the University Young
Republican club are hard at work
to keep the group united as they
prepare to play host to delegates
from 25 visiting colleges at a con-
vention slated for March 24 and
A split in the Young Republi-
cans has been festering in the
ranks, with both sides trying to
avert an open clash until after
the YR Big Ten Convention, at
which Harold Stassen is scheduled
to speak.
BUT BOTH factions, the "con-
servative" element led by Howard
Johnson, president of the group,
and the "liberal" part, led by Dave'
Belin, former president and Leo-
nard Wilcox, candidate . for the
presidential post now held by
Johnson, have said they plan to
bring the fight out into the open
following the convention.
The friction began at a re-
cent election meeting at which
Wilcox and Johnson both de-
livered speeches before the bal-

loting. Johnson, speaking after
Wilcox, criticized the adminis-
tration of out-going president
Belin in charging behind-the-
scenes action.

Johnson was vice-president
the group, and Wilcox secretary
the time.


Drop Charges
PELL CITY, Ala.,-(IP)-Mur-
der charges against a Ku Klux
Klan leader and two other men
were dropped yesterday.
Circuit solicitor Leland Randall
said, on his motion, the charges
were withdrawn against the Rev.
Alvin Horn, Talladega Baptist
minister and organizer for the
Georgia association of Klans;
Jesse Wilson, 55, Talladega coun-
ty farmer, and E. L. Hudson, Tal-
ladega carpenter.

bowling and billiard demonstra-
tions to afloor show andwater
The "Michifish" water ballet
will feature fifty aquatic-~angels
in two 40-minute performances
at 2 and 3:30 p.m. in the Union
Pool, Remen said.
Meanwhile deft campus sports-
men will exhibit their skills at the
bowling alleys, ping-pong tables
and in the billiard room.
* * *
AT '2 P.M., spectators will gather
in the main ballroom for a pro-
gram featuring top talent from the
entire campus. Touching it off
will be selections from the latest
Union Opera, "Lace it Up," now in
the final stages of production.
Elsewhere, the Michigan
Alumni Association will present
"Michigan on the March," a
sound and color movie portray-
ing the progress of the Univer-
sity through the war years.
Free refreshments await open
house visitors, and the basement
taproom will be open to men and
women throughout the afternoon.
Two Pilots Killed
STEUBENVILLE, 0., - (A') -
fwo single-engine Air Force
planes crashed and burned near
here last night, and both pilots
were killed.

Ann Arbor Eyes U.S. Census

You are worth $100 to Ann Ar-
The Michigan Municipal League
has pointed out that a new cen-
sus ruling, which makes students
residents of the cities where they
attend college, means an increase
in state tax revenues for Ann Ar-

The Council was worried be-
cause the University's spring
vacation comes at a time when
census takers will be making
their rounds.
Robert J. Baker, district super-
visor of the 1950 federal census,
has since given assurances that all
the academic noses hereabouts

and rooming houses will be con-
tacted personally by the census
enumerators, unless the count
threatens to last into spring vaca-
tion. In that case, census question-
naires will be distributed to these
units also.
Franncis C .hiel .busines man-

gain approximately $100 per stu-
dent during the next decade.
Thus the University's 20,000
students will bring the city
about $2,000,000.
This estimate is based, however,
on current laws and present econ-
omic conditions, although it is the
best available at this time. An-

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