THE IC1IIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, Greeks vs. I THE INAUGURAL Michigan Forum De- bate on the independent-affiliated con- troversy succeeded very well in bringing to light the alleged good and bad points of the fraternal system. But although the debate was ostensibly on the topic "Affiliated or In- dependent: Their Opposing Points of View," many students left the meeting convinced that only one aspect had been discussed- what's wrong with the affiliated system. Many affiliated students will readily admit that there are glaring faults in their fraternities and sororities-that they are based on selective grouping, that they foster discrimination and that they may in some cases create "a false feeling of su- periority." But does the University's present dormi- tory system offer an adequate substitute? One of the focal points in Wednesday's de. bate was the charge that when a student confines himself to a rigid group of 40 or 50 individuals in a fraternity or sorority, he loses his individual personality. One might ask, however, just how much individuality is promoted in a dormitory housing 1600 men, or even in a house of 20 men-in a dormitory where a large majority of the residents never meet more than a handful of students living on their own floor. The tremendous difficulty which dorm councils have in drawing out even a quorum for house meetings seems to stand as mute testimony that many students living in the huge residence halls do not consider them- selves individuals in a democratic unit, btt merely boarders in a huge apartment house. It is true of course, that dorm councils such as that in the West Quad have made Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JANET WATTS .C .- N.IEMA At Architecture Aud. ... LAURA, with Gene Tierney, Clifton Webb, Dana Andrews. "LAURA" typifies the who-dunnit-and-why films in which Hollywood excels. Sus- pense builds up from the opening scene to reach several climaxes during the course of the picture. Personalities and motives are examined with something more than Film- land's usual bland stereotyping, and the re- sult is a cast of characters which stimulate interest beyond the confines of the plot. There is the usual array of possible murderers and suspicion is made to center on first one, then another. Instead of pick- ing a butler out of thin air and by devious reasoning pinning the rap on him, how- ever, characterization is sufficiently es- tablished so that there is but one person capable of the crime. "Laura" differs from most murder mys- teries in that the big "surprise" comes in the middle, not the end of the film. Admittedly this makes the conclusion somewhat anti- climactic, but there is enough interest gen- erated to keep you fairly close to the edge of your seat to the end. Although Gene Tierney is not exactly my idea of the warm, spontaneous kind of person Laura is supposed to be, she does extend herself way out of her usual cold potato category. Her main function, though, is to comple- ment Clifton Webb as the dandified esthete who "made her what she is today." His are the best lines, and also his the most complex and provocative character. Vincent Price transcends the rather mediocre writing of his part to make the weak, spoiled playboy a convincing character. -Frederica Winters Fire Drill WEST QUADDERS filed out of their vari- ous houses enmasse one rainy night last week clad in whatever attire they wore or could quickly put on. A fire signal, sounded through the quad's alarm system, was the reason for this hasty evacuation-the first evacuation of its kind in the building's history. Whether or not the fire drill was of any, value is a debatable question, but it has served to focus attention once again on the danger of fire hazards. The Univer- sity's concern about this ever-present men- ace is laudable, but it seems to have been misplaced, overlooking entirely the sources of greatest danger. If the University feels that fire drills are necessary, why aren't they conducted in ev- ery rooming, fraternity and sorority house occupied by students? Why isn't every an- cient wooden escape ladder condemned? And why doesn't the University hold fire drills in Tappan Hall, Haven Hall, Mason Hall and the Romance Language building where the fire threat is emminently greater than it is in steel and stone West Quad? --Bob Vaughn idependents great strides in promoting the welfare of dorm residents and in stimulating interest is house and campus activities. And the Resi- dence Halls officials have done nearly every- thing possible to make students feel that they are individuals in a home, rather than just another name in a 1600-student direc- tory. Nevertheless, these sincere and hard- working student and University leaders have not made the majority of the dormi- tory residents feel that they are really im- portant-or even significant individuals in the dormitory system. We readily admit the faults of the present affiliated system and most certainly can not defend many of its present principles and practices. But it seems obvious that a stu- dent's desire to join a fraternity or sorority stems from a natural desire to assert him- self as an individual, rather than r-nain merely a room number on a dormitory docr. If independent students believe that the affiliated system should be eliminated, they should realize that there must be an ade- quate substitute for those students who feel that they can only retain their individuality in a small compact group-students who might feel completely ostracized in a dormi- tory of 1600 people. At present, the University Residence Halls do not provide this substitute. It may be possible that if present dormitory houses are reduced to their prewar size and student interest is stimulated by a broad social and intellectual program, students may no longer feel the necessity of joining a fraternity or sorority which is blighted by the practice of religious or racial discrimination. But until that time, independent students might well consider the inadequacies of their own system, as well as the failings of affiliated groups. -Jim Brown Library List Andrews, Marshall, Disaster Through Air Power New York, Rinehart & Company, Inc., 1950. Bristow, Gwen, Jubilee Trail New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1950. Clay, Lucius D., Decision in Germany New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1950. Duffus, Robert L., Non-Scheduled Flight New York, The Macmillan Company, 1950. McKenney, Ruth, Love Story New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1950. Vidal, Gore, A Search For The King New York, E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1950. 'p ____________________ _ .___________________________ The Weekend EVENTS of interest around campus SPECIAL EVENTS UNION OPEN HOUSE, featuring water ballet, indoor sports exhibitions, preview of Union Opera, campus talent. Special note to coeds: feel free to use the sacred front door. 1 to 5 p.m., tomorrow. CONCERTS U. of M. SYMPHONIC BAND, conducted by Prof. William D. Revelli, and guest con- ductors Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman, Percy Grainger, Henry Fillmore, and Dr. Frank Simon. The University Choir will assist in the performance of perennial band favorites. 8 p.m., today and tomorrow at Hill Audi- torium. * * * . CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, conducted by Fritz Reiner. Reiner should get the most possible from the orchestra. Pro- gram includes Paganiniana. 7 p.m., Sunday in Hill Auditorium. SPORTS HOCKEY vs: U of Western Ontario. Pos- sibility of setting a new 'U' record for wins per season. 8 p.m., tomorrow at the Coliseum. GYMNASTICS vs.: MSC. Looks promising despite Gordon Levenson's injury. 8 p.m., tomorrow at the IM Building. MOVIES LAURA, with Clifton Webb; Dana An- drews, Gene Tierney. 7:30, 9:30 p.m., today and tomorrow at Architecture Auditorium. See review this page. * * * ONE NIGHT OF LOVE, with Grace Moore. Pre-Grable type musical with some good voices. Through Sunday at the Orpheum. * * * THE FILE ON THELMA JORDAN, with Barbara Stanwyck. Today and tomorrow a4 the Michigan. See review this page. * * * JOLSON SINGS AGAIN, with Larry Parks. Entertaining if you ignore the plot and con- centrate on the music. Today and tomorrow at the State. TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH, with Gregory Peck. Academy Award nominee. Sunday at the State. * * * MOTHER DIDN'T TELL ME, with Doro- thy McGuire. Sunday at the Michigan. DANCES MILITARY BALL, glittering with gold braid. Intermission square dancing. Frank Tinker's orchestra. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., today aj the Union. 'Daily Reviewer' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .r 1 1. r t I- tetteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. New Plan for Assembly Pro . .. IN LINE with the recent League consti- tution revision, Assembly, the indepen- dent women's organization, is preparing to do some housecleaning of its own. At present, house presidents are sounding out the feelings of the co-eds they repre- sent to get a concensus of opinion on the form this constitution should take. One of the plans which has been sug- gested is direct election of the president and vice-president of the group. There are several reasons for advancing this proposal, all of which deserve careful consideration. Assembly officers have long been claiming to be representatives of independent women. But this is at best a meaningless and non- existant claim unless the officers are ac- tually elected by the women they try to represent. A system providing for the in- direct election of officers is a step towards this, but a direct election serves the function even better. If a college education is to in any re- spect prove a training and learning place for its students to be better citizens of democracy, it is up to the organizations on a college campus to put democracy to practice as often and in as many groups as possible in their own college community. Objection to this system has been raised with the statement that people will be vot- ing for candidates they don't know, and that apathy will result in a small turn-out. But near 100% voting can easily be se- cured by having secret balloting within each house, conducted by the house president who could bring the sealed box of ballots to the League the following day to be counted, And a direct election would make it neces- sary for candidates to go to the houses (speaking at meetings, teas, or mealtimes); thus all independent women would have the dual opportunity of meeting the people who are to hold the executive offices as well as selecting them. This method of course brings up the problem of a multitude of candidates with no opportunity for everyone to meet all of them. A solution for this - and the same solution the League is using to prevent its Board of Representatives from having to select from overly large numbers of candi- dates - would be to have an interviewing board review all applicants and nominate not more than two or three for each office. One of the chief problems of both Assembly and the League is gettingbin- active co-eds to join into activities. A system of direct election would do much to encourage new people to enter acti- vitie , by evin-' themn more.knowviedo'g andr Con... JISSLIPSKY'S PROPOSAL for direct election of Assembly officers would be democratic in appearance only. It simply would not work, for two major reasons: 1-An informed electorate would be vir- tually impossible if every woman in every' dorm and league house voted in elections. Candidates for Assembly posts would have to make exhausting rounds of the 32 league houses, seven major dorms, and several other independent women's resi- dences if they wished to make their views and aims known. A mass meeting of all independent women to meet their candidates would be just as impractical from past experience with such sparsely-attended gatherings. 2-Getting out the vote would be an al- most impossible task. Voting within wom- en's residences at house meetings, the only assurance that all women would vote, veers away from democratic prac- tice. An authoritative leader within a residence can easily, even unconsciously, swing her house's vote. , Public ballot-box elections would be im- practical: issues and personalities are not "hot" enough in an organization like As- sembly to draw the spirited vote of a large percentage of independent women, however desirable such a display of enthusiasm might be. I doubt whether Assembly elections either could or should be on the scale of Student Legislature campaigns. It is hard enough to stir up interest in an SL campaign. To attempt to put Assembly elections on this basis would be not only false but ridiculous. An alternative proposal would use a system of representation of all women which is already set up-the Board of Representa- tives created to elect League officers. This Board, with representatives directly elected by independent women in proportion to their numbers, would also elect Assembly officers. The Board members could readily be informed of candidates' qualifications. They could then vote with full knowledge, without bias, and without the completely unnecessary complications that would: be introduced by separate election machin- ery. The ends of democracy would be more fully served. Democracy with a small "d" looks fine in print, but the true test of democracy is how it looks in practice. Independent women have the choice between real representation on their Board of Representatives -- the kind of democracy that works, and an un- workable theory masquerading under the Sororities . To the Editor: JAMES GREGORY wrote a news story about my novel, "Take Care of My Little Girl", and an accompanying review of it in a re- cent issue of The Daily. As an alumna of '45, I would appreciate the opportunity to add a few re- marks to his. The novel is a short, satirical presentation of college sororities. Whatever its merits or demerits, the subject itself is worth discus- sion. If a freshman about to enter college feels constrained (by her family or friends or by her own idealism and curiosity) to investi- gate social fraternities, she ought, by all means, to further her inves- tigation by pledging whichever group appears to be most congen- ial. The 'over-all advantage of any one group over another is deter- mined largely by the number of divergent opinions and personal- ities contained in that group. Without difference there is likely to be stagnation. Similarity can breed a kind of self-satisfied ig- norance, a thwarting of growth. I think too many sororitiy and fraternity people learn to echo, not to experiment, to conform ra- ther than to define. To me, the subject of sororities is important because I believe sor- orities encourage limitations. It is doubly tragic because people do not enter into membership with op- en eyes and minds so once a mem- ber, they are afraid to risk the dis- approval of the group. I think sor- orities are following old patterns, out-dated mores. If college women today saw their institutions as they exist, without a halo effect, they might be less bothered by criticism and more eager to do something to remedy their inade- quacies. They would investigate their racial and religious antago- nisms, for example. As a writer, I am grateful for all reader-reaction, favorable or unfavorable, but from a self- avowed critic I would like a recog- nition of the varied aspects of my subject. In his capacity as a Daily critic, Mr. Gregory has an obligation to exhibit fair-minded journalism on an adult level, just' as I must attempt to profit from his critical conclusions. The writ- er and the critic are mutually res- ponsible, a point that Mr. Gregory seems not to have considered. Lit- erary criticism entails not.only an evaluation of style but of subject. Dean Walter's remarks, it seemed to me, were an example of respon- sible criticism. Incidentally, I have wondered if Miss Cupples, in her statement in Mr. Gregory's news article ("Peggy Goodin is Casey to a T") was mis- quoted. As far as I know, Nancy Cupples and I have never met. At any rate, it's unfortunate that she is unacquainted with the legend and the facts about certain Sisters, including Casey, who preceded me in Chi Omega, however flattering it may be to think that I've in- herited such a fabulous mantle. My own recognition of sorority short-comings came too late in my senior year. That year I won (to the sorority's chagrin and to my 'own surprise) the Chi Omega So- ciology Prize for an essay entitled "A Critical Evaluation of Social Sororities," judged by the Univer- sity sociology department. The prize money was spent on a soror- ity celebration at the P-Bell. I must have been a "misfit" even then, but my under-developed con- science led me to stay safely on the side of the angels. If Mr. Gregory hadn't seen fit to publicize my past sorority af- filiations, Chi Omega would have had no Rushing embarrassment. In fact, they would have had no connection with me or with my book. I asked my publishers to de- lete the name of Chi Omega from the dst-jacket and from all pub- licity, and to date, no other re- viewer or book-seller has revealed it. Obviously the Chi Omegas have no direct relation to the Queens. Chi Omega is simply part of the sorority system. I would like to thank The Daily for airing a provocative subject. -Peggy Goodin, '45 Champions . . To the Editor: N THE LIGHT of recent events, I propose that Michigan's coach- es no longer concentrate on team championships, but embark on an all-out campaign (or Champaign) to produce happy young cham- pions and record-holders. -Tom Keenan * * * The Alternatives .. . To the Editor: EVEN THOUGH the present Russian - American crisis is grave, peace will still result if either of two possibilities occi. The first is an effective world gov- ernment (which we are now trying to organize). The second is a bal- ance of power condition - with each side afraid to make the ini- tial move. As to world government: there are at least two potent reasons why it never will be realized, at least for many years to come. To begin with, people are still too nationalistic to allow their own state to become actually subordi- nate to any world organization. True, nationalism is not nearly so strong as it used to be, and may practically disappear eventually. But, even if it does, we still will have to contend with our growing fear of the Russians. Admittedly, as long as fear of the atom and hydrogen bombs is greater, a world government will be possible. But, we are soon to reach a point (if we have not done so already) of fearing the Russians more than the bombs. When we do, such a union no longer will be acceptable. Further, fear of the Russians is concrete; fear of a totally destruc- tive war or bomb is so unbelieve- able and so far beyond our under- standing that we may never really try to band together against it. As to the balance of power theory: it is very possible that the world eventually will be split up into two equally powerful camps. However, here again sev- eral pertinent factors create doubt that such a condition will ever (Continued from Page 3) Three to five years teaching ex- perience is required of applicants. Women 25 to 40 and men 25 to 50 years of age will be considered. Contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments immediately for further in- formation' and appointments. Approved Student Sponsored So- cial Events for the Coming Week- end: March 10: Couzen's Hall, Delta Delta Delta, Graduate Student Council, Martha Cook, Wenley House. March 11: Alpha Delta Phi, Del- ta Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Del- ta, Hillel Foundation, Internation- al Students Assoc., Lloyd House, Muriel Lester Coop House, Nelson House, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri- angle, Trigon, Zeta Beta Tau. March 12: Phi Delta Phi. -Z Lectures Lecture, auspices of Alpha Kap- pa Kappa Medical Fraternity. "Psychosomatic Problems in Medi- cine." Dr. Walter C. Alvarez, Mayo Clinic, tonight 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium: To- day, 4:15 p.m., Observatory. Speak- er: Dr. A. Keith Pierce, of the McMath - Hulbert Observatory. Subject: Modern Developments in Diffraction Gratings. May Preliminary Examinations in Education: All applicants for the doctorate who are planning to take the examinations will notify the Chairman of the Committee on Graduate Studies in Education, 4019 UHS, immediately. Concerts Two Band Concerts, Hill Audi- torium, Fri. and Sat., Mar. 10 and 11, 8 p.m., University Symphonic Band, William D. Revelli, Conduc- tor, honoring the American Band Masters Association, meeting in Ann Arbor for the 16th annual conference. Edwin Franko Gold- man, Erik Leidzen and Henry Co- well are among the guest conduc- tors who will take part in the two concerts. Both are open to the public.n Events Today University Museums F r i d a y Evening Program: Exhibits in the Museums Building, open from 7 to 9 p.m. Motion pictures: "Water Birds," "Thrushes and Relatives," and "Home Life of the Ruby- throated Hummingbird," 7:30 p.- m., Kellogg Auditorium, auspices of the .University Museums, through the courtesy of the Audio- Visual Education Center. Exhibit: "Water Colors of Michigan Mam- mals," by Richard P. Grossenheid- er. Rotunda, Museums Bldg. Wesleyan Guild: 8-12 p.m., WSSF Dance at Lane Hall. Tickets in Guild Office or Lane Hall. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Sabbath services, 7:45 p.m. Fire- side discussion led by Dean Hay- ward Keniston, College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts. Topic: "Your Professor . . . . Friend or Foe?" WSSF Open Meeting for stu- dents interested in soliciting for WSSF, 7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. SRA: Coffee Hour, 4:30-6 p.m., Lane Hall. U. of M. Theatre Guild: Audi- tions continue tonight for cast of Ben Jonson's "Volpone." 7:30 p.m. T.C.B. Canterbury Club: 12:10 p.m., Holy Communion followed by a luncheon: 4-6 p.m., Tea and Open House for all students and their friends; 5:15 p.m. Evening Pray- er and Meditation. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Membership Committee meeting, 4:15 p.m., at the Foundation. All solicitors requested to turn in money collected. C.E.D. Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Un- ion. Coming Events Union Opera Ushers: Male stu- dents are needed to work as ushers for the Union Opera's "Lace It Up," to be held at the Michigan Theater, Wed., Thurs., and Fri. nights, Mar. 29, 30, and 31. Tuxe- does are required, but not stiff shirts. Anyone interested in work- ing one, two, or all three nights, call the Union, 2-4431, ext. Union Opera. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, Sat., March 11, 1 p.m., 500 BMT. Tuesday Play Reading Section of Faculty Women's Club will meet Tues., March 14, 1:45 p.m., Lea- gue. Russian Circle will meet Tues., Mar. 14, 8 p.m., International Center. Women's Glee Club will rehearse Sat., March '11, 4 p.m., League. Attendance compulsory. Social Research Group Meeting: Sun., Mar. 12, 7:30 p.m., Union. Speaker: Mr. Mort Furay, Regional Director, United Public Workers of America. Topic: Research Needs of Labor Unions. Saturday Luncheon Discussion, 12:15, Lane Hall. Call Lane Hall for reservations by 6 p.m., today. U. of- M. Sociological Society: Party, 2 to 5 p.m., Sat. Mar. 11, 307 Haven Hall. ISA Open House, Sat., 8-12 p.m., 12 International Center.,-pm. '4 '1 N 4 4 Graduate Mixer: 8:30 Rackham Assembly Hall. i p.m., German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30 p.m., Michigan League Cafeteria. Westminster Guild will attend dance at Lane Hall sponsored by WSSF. Baptist Students will have Open House and informal recreation, 8:30, at Guild House. Geological - Mineralogical Jour- nal Club: 12 noon, 3055 N.S. At 12:30 p.m., room 2054, Dr. Clar- ence L. Moody, Division Geologist for the Ohio Oil Company, and president-elect of the American Association of Petroleum Geolo- gists, will speak on "Coastal Plain Igneous Rocks." I.Z.F.A.: Executive council meet- ing, 4:15 p.m., Union. obtain. Americans have never lost a war and do not realize what it means to' be beaten and subfti- gated. Partially as a result, a tir- rible myth of invincibility has been developed in this country. Our fear of losing a war may not be strong enough to make us a willing party to any relationship of this type. Therefore, such a fine equilibrium may never be reached. And, even if it is, the day will come probably when the balance will be upset. -Hessel E. Yntema, Jr. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen..,...........City Editor Philip Dawson.....,.. Editorial Director MaryStein..........Associate Editor Jo Misner..............Associate Editor George Walker.......Associate Editor Don McNeil...........Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor 'Prey Holmes .......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach ....... Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage................ Librarian Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington .... Business Manager Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager Jin Dangl........Advertising Manager Bernie Aldinoff....... Finance Manager Bob Daniels ......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00. BARNABY C.ITDDI irUIIV 11 11 I C P0 oe t xnt~nReg t13.8 Pt '131, .t c . " i . !f .f w.