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March 10, 1950 - Image 1

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,iCt an



Latest Deadline in the State





Ruthven Set
For Phoenix
Project Trip
President Will
Tour Northwest
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will leave Ann Arbor Monday on a
month-long tour of the plains and
mountains of the northwest where
he will do official spadework for
the University's rapidly inush-
rooming Michigan - Memorial
Phoenix Project.
The trip is the second of a ser-'
ies of itineraries on which Presi-
dent Ruthven will criss-cross the
nation to explain the Phoenix
Project to the University's 130,000
alumni before the -kickoff of the
fund drive in the fall.
*e in
PRESIDENT and Mrs. Ruthven,
who have hardly gotten settled
after returning from a similar trip
of the southwest two weeks ago,l
will visit 10 cities in an area which
contains 4,000 University alumni1
before returning to Ann Arbor,
April 7.
Paced by a crew of publicity
men and fund drive officials, the
president will tell the Phoenix
story to alumni groups and fund
0+14v- ch-irmen in Des Moines,
Omaha ,Cheyenne, Spokane, Se-
aule, 'Tacoma, Portland, Denver,
Boise and Salt Lake City.
The series of tours was planned'
in response to insistent appeals
by alumni clubs for more informa-
tion on the $6,500,000 war-mem-
orial research project into the
peacetime uses of atomic energy.
PRESIDENT Ruthven declared
himself "thoroughly gratified" at
the response which met his recent
junket through the southwest.
"Everywhere we went, there
were large turnouts, not only of
alumni but of other interested
and prominent citizens as well."
The organization for the fund-
raising campaign is practically
complete in the southwest section,
according to President Ruthven.
"Nothing but praise is due the
efforts and genuine cooperation
displayed by alumni, fund chair-
men, press and radio on the trip,"
he declared.
* * *
Deadline Set
For Student
Phoenix Posts
Tomorrow marks the last chance
for students to seek seats on the
nine Michigan-Memorial-Phoenix
Project student drive working com-
mittees, Marx Lubeck, '51, drive
chairman, said.
Appointments for interviews for
the posts will continue to be made
today and tomorrow in the Office
of Student Affairs, 1020 Adminis-
tration Bldg., he added.
Members of the committees will
plan and manage the student
drive. They will not do the solic-
iting themselves, Lubeck explained.
The interviewing for the com-
mittee positions, which total more
than 50, is continuing to be done
in Rm. 3511, Administration Bldg.
Five of the committees will run
the soliciting of the students whose
goal for the drive will fall some-
where between $100,000 and $200,-
The other committees will con-

trol the speakers, personnel, spe-
cial projects and publicity for the.
student drive, Lubeck said..
Students who have been inter-
viewed for committee chairman-
ships are asked to register in the
Office of Student Affairs, but will
not require an interview, Lubeck
Further information on the stu-
dent drive is available in the Office
of Student Affairs.
Speed Stops Leak
T i - -s s -. -- .. - w. w--r . n -n L.---.

Court Sentences
Cop ion, Russian
NEW YORK-(P)-Twice-convicted Judith Coplon was senteneced
to prison for 15 years yesterday as a treacherous betrayer of her
Her convicted co-spy, Soviet engineer and diplomat Valentin A.
Gubitchev, drew a similar sentence-suspended, however, on condition
that he be sent back to Russia within two weeks "never to return."
* * * *
FEDERAL JUDGE Sylvester J. Ryan tongue-lashed the defendants
as he handed down the sentences. He said they would serve as a
solemn warning against working "with others outside of our borders
who would take from us our liberties."
Pale little Miss Coplon, 28 years old, now may have to serve up
to 25 years behind bars. Today's 15-year sentence is in addition to
the 40 months to 10 year term imposed in Washington after her
-' conviction last July on charges
of stealing secret papers for the
E1 Pt ZRussians.


LANSING-(I)-Governor Wil-
liams yesterday asked all groups
interested to join in drawing up a
Fair Employment Practices law
(FEPC) for submission to the
special legislative session.
The governor asked for a meet-
ing between Democratic and Re-
publican leaders and the Michigan
Committee on Civil Rights to agree
on a FEPC bill.
* * *
nounced plans to ask for a liberal-
ization of the Michigan Unemploy-
inent Compensation Law.
The Governor asked legislative
and civil rights leaders to meet in
his office for a conference on the
question March 16, the day after
the legislature convenes.
* * *
THOSE INVITED included the
Most Rev. Francis J. Haas, Bishop
of Grand Rapids and honorary
chairman for the Committee for
Civil Rights; Senator Harold D.
Tripp (R-Allegan); Senator Hen-
ry R. Kozak (D-Hamtramck);
Speaker of the House Victor A.
Knox (R-Sault Ste Marie); Lt.
Gov. John W. Connolly; Rep. Wil-
liam Romano (D-Van Dyke) ; Rep.
Robert M. Montgomery (R-Lan-
sing); Dr. J. L. Leach of Flint,
Michigan President of the Nation-
al Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People; and Geo.
Schermer of Detroit, chairman of
the Committee on Civil Rights.
Williams proposed the following
changes in the unemployment
compensation law:
1-Increase the maximum bene-
fit period from 20 to 26 weeks.
2-Increase the maximum bene-
fit from $24 a week to $30 a week
and the additional benefit for each
dependent child from $2 a week to
$3 a week, making the maximum
for four or more dependent chil-
dren $42 a week.
3-Modify several disqualifica-
tions now in the law.
irect Concert
Twenty-eight leading bandmast-
ers will direct the Symphony Band
in the first of two concerts at 8
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Marking the high point of the
four-day American Bandmasters
Association Convention which be-
gan here yesterday, the concerts
will feature famous band music
and songs by the University Choir.
The concerts are open to the pub-
Visiting conductors who rehears-
ed with the band yesterday voiced
unanimous praise for the music-
makers and director William D.
Ohio State band director Man-
ley R. Whitcomb commented, "A
famous bandsmen once said that
he wouldn't give five cents for
anyone who didn't say his own
band was the best. The highest
nomnlman. na . r on na

Ryan first sentenced blond, 33-
year-old Gubitchev to 15 years
imprisonment. Then he announced
that Secretary of State Acheson
and Attorney General J. Howard
McGrath "have recommended that
this sentence be suspended and
that you be sent out of the coun-
The judge said he had to follow
the recommendation. He de-
nounced Gubitchev as a betrayer
of the cause of peace, but said he
would suspend sentence "if ar-
rangements are made for your im-
mediate deportation."
IN WASHINGTON, a spokes-
man said the State Department
thinks expelling Gubitchev rather
than imprisoning him "would best
serve the public interest."
This country, the spokesman
said, doesn't want to risk "pre-
judicing the situation of Ameri-
can citizens now in eastern Eur-
Gubitchev, speaking in rapid
Russian, before he was sentenced,
denied that he was guilty of any-
thing. He accused the FBI of
framing him, and assailed his ar-
rest and trial as a violation of in-
ternational law.
By The Associated Press
Rules Committee refused yester-
day to give clearance to the Lodge-
Gossett Constitutional Amend-
ment to abolish the electoral col-
lege and establish a new way of
electing the President.
* * *
Sittler, former Michigan Tech
professor facing deportation for
aiding German Nazis in World
War II, may get a new hearing.
His scheduled deportation is
being held up because of a re-
cent Supreme Court Ruling in
another case.
* * 4
voted 44 to 28 yesterday to keep
rent controls going until June 30.
Lewis and the hard coal opera-
tors today ratified a contract
agreement and five-day produc-
tion was back.

End Russian
Urges Country
To Enter Fight
of State Acheson called on Ameri-
can men and women last night to
join with their government in a
concerted, everybody-in tussle to
defeat Russia's plans for "world
He called it "total diplomacy."
The totality he had in mind ap-
peared to be hardly less compre-
hensive than total war . . . with-
out the dive bombers and trench
* * *
ACHESON said the free world is
engaged in a struggle fully as de-
cisive for mankind as the success-
ful fight against Nazism. But-,
he said:
"We clearly are not focusing
our total resources on the win-
ning of that struggle."
He said that total diplomacy
means that all branches of the
U.S. government must work to-
gether - he included Congress
along with the executive depart-
ments-and that other institutions
of American life such as business,
agriculture, labor, press and radio
'must agree voluntarily' to direct
their efforts to the single purpose
of the struggle.
* * *
forth in a heretofore secret speech
released by the State Department
with his approval in an effort to
enlarge and clarify the kind of
foreign policy line which he isj
presently following.3
This policy holds that a Tru-
man-Stalin talk, for example,
would not solve any cold war is-
sues at this time and that those
issues can only be solved after
expanding Russian power has
been matched and cancelled by
American and allied western
power in critical areas of the
Acheson's speech, making clear
this definition of his policy, was
delivered at a meeting of the ad-
vertising council, a private organi-
zation of leaders in the field of ad-
vertising who frequently help the
government on public causes.
Senate Hit By
McCarthy Tiff
WASHINGTON-(/P)-A crack-
ling two-hour row broke out in the
Senate caucus room today when
Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) ac-
cused his Democratic colleagues of
acting as a "tool of the state de-
partment" in their probe of his
disloyalty charges.
The flarcup, witnessed by more
than 20 spectators, came as
McCarthy launched into the
second day of his allegation that
scores of Communists are or
have been employes of the State
The public hearings are being
conducted by a Democrat-con-
trolled subcommittee of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.

-Bill Hampton
"Look,-this is very kind of you Mr. Schultz-but in your case
we'd be perfectly willing to make an exception.
* * * *
WSSF Seeks 'U' Blood
For Overseas Students


Doctor Acquitted
In 'Mercy Death'
MANCHESTER, N.H.-(P)-Dr. Hermann N. Sander was found
innocent in 71 minutes yesterday of charges he murdered a hopeless
cancer patient in an "act of mercy" to end her suffering.
A 12-man jury freed the mild-mannered country doctor who t6,4
newsmen he hopes to resume his practice "within a few weeks."
* * * *
CONFIDENT THROUGHOUT the 14-day trial that drew world-
wide attention, Dr. Sander smiled happily and kissed his loyal wife
who has been by his side from the day the case broke.
"It's wonderful to have it over with," said the 41year-old
Women spectators and others in the courtroom sounded
cheers despite the warnings of Judge Harold E. Wescott against

(1 -i

"Student blood for service mon-
ey," will be the cry of World Stu-
dent Service Fund drive captains
today, as they seek to seep more
of the life-giving fluid into the
University blood bank, to provide
money for needy students abroad.
With five days of WSSF Week
gone, Fund Chairman Wym Price
announced the total pledged do-
nation at 134 pints-amounting to
$2010. "Added to the pre-WSSF
contributions of $1500, this means
there's $3510 pledged so far," he
* * *
BOOTHS for students to pick
Last Day For
SL Petitions,
Belin Warns

up and drop pledges will still be
up today-the last day-at the
League, Union, Administration
Building and Angell Hall lobby.
Boxes for pledges still. remain in
the Parrot, Dascola's, and on the
Returns from three more or-
ganized houses were reported
yesterday with seven for Phi
Sigma Delta and Helen Newber-
ry Residence and six for Mosh-
er. 'But Zeta Beta Tau's 20
pledges remain untouched, ac-
cording to drive captains.
Students may also still make ap-
pointments for donations-worth
$15 a pint-by calling the Uni-
versity blood bank directly, Price
said. He reminded students under
21 that they would need a signed
permission slip from parents, and
noted that WSSF had such pre-
pared blanks available at Lane
Hall or at pledge booths.
** *
BLOOD DONATION is relative-
ly painless, according to blood
bank officials, who pointed out
that in addition to aiding j'ie
WSSF Fund for students abroad,
donors would also be helping the
blood bank to build up its reserves
for transfusions.
Students who have contribut-
ed have testified in surprised
fashion to the ease with which
donation takes place.
According to bank officials, the
liquid volume of the blood donated
is replenished by the body in only
a few hours, and most important
elements return to the blood in a
couple of days.
The only effect is a slightly
lowered resistance for about two
months until the red blood cells
are rebuilt, according to blood
bank officials
Donation takes a half hour.

And even county solicitor Wil-
liam H. Craig, who helped prose-
cute Sander, grinned.
* * *
BUT SEEMINGLY happiest of
all was 71-year-old Louis E. Wy-
man, white-haired chief defense
counsel who came up with a not-
able victory in his first murder
trial in a legal career that has
carried over a half-century.
Attorney General William L.
Phinney, 40, the chief prosecutor
and long-time friend of Dr. San-
der, quietly left the courtroom
after the verdict was announced,'
Earlier, he had frankly admitted
to the jury it was "particularly
difficult" for him to ask conviction
of the doctor he's known since
* *.*
BUT HE HAD demanded justice
on the grounds Dr. Sander had
"taken the law into his own hands"
when he injected air into Mrs.
Abbie Borroto, 59, Manchester
Dr. Sander had maintained
throughout that the 59-year-old
woman-a close family friend as.
wellas patient - was already
dead before he made the injec-
tions after "something snapped"
in his mind.
Mrs. Borroto's husband and
daughter testified at the trial and
told jury they still felt "kindly"
tot! ard him.
But Dr. Sander's acquittal does
not necessarily mean the end of
his troubles.
Laborites Win
In Test Vote
LONDON-()P)-Britain's Social-
ist Labor government won its first
formal test of strength in the
House of Commons last night by
14 votes. The result put off, for the
time being at least, a new parlia-
mentary election.
By a count of 310 to 296, the La-
borites of Prime Minister Attlee
beat down a Conservative motion
of censure on state ownership of
the iron and steel industry.
Laborites were jubilant over
their victory, in view of their
shaky overall majority of only
seven seats in the House of Com-
mons. Government leaders were
aware, however, that they are still
not out of the woods.

All students planning to


election to Student Legislature in
this spring's all-campus election
must pick up their petitions at
the SL office in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs by 5 p.m. today, ac-
cording to Legislator Dave Belin,
Although 49 students have al-
ready withdrawn SL petitions and
several more are expected today,
Belin predicted that this year's
election race "will be wide open."
* * *
HE POINTED out, however, that
only four students have taken out
petitions for Senior Class officers
in the literary college and only
one person for the senior officers
in the College of Engineering.
Petitions are also available for
students desiring to seek election
to one of two student seats on the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate

House Group
Bars Bias In
Education Bill,
House Labor committee decided
yesterday that if it authorizes any
federal aid to schools, there must
be no racial discrimination in dis-
tributing the money.
It is not at all certain, however,
that the committee is going to ap-
prove any aid bill. A bitter argu-
ment has been raging since last
year over whether parochial and
private schools should be allowed
to share in some of the projected
benefits, such as bus service for
President Truman told his news
conference yesterday he still wants
the legislation passed, bul said
it's up to Congress to settle de-
tails in dispute.
The committee is working over
a Senate-approved bill 9uthoriz-
ing $300,000,000 a year in federal
help, but leaving it up to the
states to say what schools get the
By a vote of 10 to 5, the com-
mittee adopted an amendment by
Rep. Powell (D.-N.Y.) which would
do three things:
1. Prohibit racial discrimination
by requiring that federal aid be
apportioned at the school rather
than the district level, meaning
that all pupils would share alike.
2. Give about 19 "needy" states
-principally in the South-enough
federal aid to bring the average
total expenditure up to a minimum
of $60. a year per pupil.
3. Provide non-needy states with
federal aid amounting to $5 per
pupil a year, so apportioned that
all districts must be brought up
to a minimum outlay of $100 per
pupil per year.
City Lawyer
To QuizRFC
subcommittee investigating the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. yes-
terday chose George Meader, vet-
eran of the Senate War Investiga-
tions, to head its staff..
.Meader is a Washington and
Ann Arbor lawyer and a Republi-
Chairman Fulbright (D.-Ark) of
the subcommittee told a reporter
Meader will head the investiga-
tion's staff and serve also as chief
The group is inyestigating RFC
lending and administrative poli-
cies. Among other things, it is
expected to look into disputed RFC
loans totaling $37,500,000 to the
Lustron Corp., Columbus, Ohio,
pre-fabricated housing firm placed
in receivership Monday on RFC
foreclosure action.
IFC Elects Three
Bill Duerr, '50E, yesterday was
elected vice-president of the Inter-
fraternity Council.

MacDougall Questions Sincerity of Affiliates


"No campus fraternities or sor-
orities at present are sincere in
any form of their anti-discrimina-
tion feelings."
That's the way Gordon Mac-
Dougall, summed up his views on
the University bias question as
he and Tom Walsh, '50L, last
night addressed listeners at an
East Quad - sponsored informal
discussion in the Quad lounge.
SPECIAL guests at "Round Two
TTnniTvrc T. o-islatinn on Dis-

lature Human Relations Commit-
tee members and residents of the
new International House.
Altogether nearly 100 persons
heard the speakers and flung
questions at them during a post-
discussion get together in the
snack bar.
MacDougall expressed disap-
pointment at the fact that "not
one affiliated group belongs to
Committee to End Discrimina-
tion," declaring, "on that basis,
they actually seem not to want to

deplored the fact that it only for-
bids University recognition to en-
tering organizations with restric-
tive clauses, and fails to reckon
with discriminatory groups now
existing on campus.
MacDougall demanded a "de-
finite time limit" for removing
bias clauses from constitutions
of those fraternities and sor-
orities having them.
By enforcing a deadline, he felt,
those organizations desiring to ad-

REALIZATION that "all of us
oppose discrimination" is appar-
ent, Walsh declared, but he main-
tained a valid solution is possible
only through legislation initiated
by the students, via either Student
Legislature or student organiza-
But on the other hand, he
pointed to "the difficulty in se-
curing affiliated groups' coop-
eration with SL's Human Rela-
tions Committee if pressure to
remove discriminatory clauses is

sion between
such a case.


individuals and;
stand defeat in

* * *
HE WENT ON to suggest two
projects which he thought might
alleviate any strong discrimina-
tory feeling among students:
1. Revision of the intramural
athletics system structure along
competitive lines-providing for
game schedules between dorm, af-
filiated and "iidependent" inde-
pendent teams, rather than intra-







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