THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 194 TI1URS~AY, A1~H 9 1..: Sorores! Freedom and Teaching "And, my dear, we just pledged * * * IT WAS LAST FRIDAY night when she walked past several of the sorority houses. A universal, sorry, groan rose from each of the structures; although from one such building came a shudder and, unmistakably, a sigh of relief. "She didn't come our way," the sigh seemed to whisper. As the girl advanced up the paving, the tempo of her step quickened with every movement. This process of acceleration continued for only a short time 'before she had opened from a walk to a slow canter to nigh a full gallop. Proceeding at this alarming rate for near- ly a block (indeed, it seemed her lungs must burst), she veered abruptly, as if pulled- by an invisible magnet, and dashed up the Tri Tri Tri sorority sidewalk. Traversing this area in but a split- second, the runaway filly took the porch steps in a single bound, and it appeared that she was intent on shattering herself against the closed surfaces of the solid front door, having at it with excessive speed. But hurrah! Just before the foreboding collision became reality, the door miracu- lously swung open, and, without missing 'a stride, our subject whisked inside, threw open both arms, collapsed and was folded to the breast of the nearest sister. As the door closed behind her, the roar of a 50 cannon salute split the air, bugles blew, drums beat, candles flickered and wavered, the stars stood still and the Tri Tri Tri house shook to its rafters to the joyous shrieks of teary-eyed hellos. There never was such a mewing and puk- ing since Shakespeare observed the baby in its nurse's arms. ". .three hundred of the sweetest girls you've ever met." * * * REALLY, ladies, is all this absolutely es- sential? -Rich Thomas T HREE EVENTS have shown me, in the past semester, that the freedoms glibly thrown about ,so often, especially freedom of thought, have, to some extent, been cur- tailed. First, in a basic history course, the professor said that he used to assign the Communist Manifesto as outside reading for the course, to give students a glimpse of the first Marxian principles, but in modern times this would endanger his position and brand him as a red, so the assignment is no longer made. Receiving the comment from a student that one particular textbook was practically worthless in the study of modern interna- tional politics, an instructor said that the criticism had been made often. He added that another text, assigned as outside read- ing material, was much better, but that it was written by a left-winger, and the de- partment would be censured for making it a required purchase. A final instance was just recently, when a well-known, well-liked professor, about to explain Russia's policy from the Russian point of view. spent a minute explaining that he was not a Communist, or in sym- pathy with the cause, or connected even slightly with Communism. Because of a few loud-mouthed pub- licity seeking alarmists have been allowed to inflame the public mind with their red brandings, these professors have become afraid to speak their minds out without apology and explanation. This has a bad effect on the professors themselves, but it also has an effect on their students, who are striving to get all the view-points and sides to every issue, instead of the most accepted one. The quality of teaching is definitely lowered as long as this state of mind persists, and students are receiving inferior education. -Harry . Reed. "I Repeat -- We Must Face The Issue Boldly----" -- F e 4 Statutory Strike . A, ^4", . :.., s .rn 'r % J , F^ THE ECONOMY-CRIPPLING STRIKE of the United Mine Workers once more raises the question of whether workers in basic industries should be granted the right to strike. People in such essential industries as public utilities, along with those in the service field, can create social as well as economic havoc when they decide to walk- out. The right to strike, however, is the only way that any laborer has to pres- sure uncooperative management into pro- viding him with adequate returns for his work. It must not be taken away. Governmentsback-to-work orders, or out- right seizures, defeat the aim of the strik- er. In these cases he generally is forced to bargain with the government without any pressure on it. Government in turn rams agreement down the throat of a manage- ment that probably would have tried to outwait its employes. There are economists who do not like the idea of forbidding anyone the right to strike, but yet would prevent workers in positions necessary to the public well being from leaving their jobs by making these people afraid of striking. This supposedly would be accomplished by firing all strik- ers; rehiring them only as new employes and thus depriving them of their seniority and its benefits. In reality this is nothing short of a denial of the strike right. The statutory strike would provide a way out of this dilemma. Under this plan, pro- posed last year by Prof. Richard A. Mus- grave of the economics department, and Le- Roy Marceau, workers in basic industries could strike and keep on working. The plan would not allow workers to leave their jobs, but would impose finan- cial conditions by means of a Federal tax on both labor and management that would approximate those of a strike. The money collected would go into a public trust fund. This fund would be used either for special public services or distributed as the involved parties wish. Under statutory strike labor and 'manage- ment could thus pressure each other for years without stopping the production of essential goods or services. -Vernon Emerson 44h. m sm. -- 0,94 a 4'M ,&, wap~,rd Xettee TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Friday Spell from "Parsifal"; and the Ride of the Valkries from "Die Walkure." Tickets are available at the Uni- versity Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Two Band Concerts, Hill Audi- torium, Fri. and Sat., Mar. 10 and 11, 8 p.m., University Symphonic Band, William D. Revelli, Conduc- tor, honoring the American Band Masters Association, meeting in Ann Arbor for the 16th annual conference. Edwin Franko Gold- man, Erik Leidzen and Henry Co- well are among the guest conduc- tors ivho will take part in the two concerts. Both are open to the public. Exhibits Museum of Art, Alumni Memor- ial Hall: Eugene Atget's Magic Lens and The Arts Work Together, through Mar. 15. Brooklyn Mu- seum Third Print Annual, through Mar. 22; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. Exhibition of Advertising De- sign by Lester Beall of New York. Preliminary sketches through fin- al presentation. East Gallaries, Rackham Bldg., through March 11. Sponsored by College of Architec- ture and Design. Events Today Congregational - Disciples - Ev- angelical and Reformed Lenten chapel, 5 p.m. in the Guild house chapel. "Today, thou shalt be with me in Paradise." WSSF: Open meeting for all students interested in soliciting for WSSF, 7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. U. of M. Theatre Guild: Read- ings tonight, 7:30 at T.C.B., for Ben Jonson's "Volpone." All parts open. Michigan Education Club: Open meeting, 7:15 p.m., League. Dr. T. L. Purdom, director, University Bureau of Appointments, will ad- dress the club on "Employment Opportunities." American Society of Civil Engi- neers: Joint meeting of the Mich- igan Section and the U. of M. Stu- dent Chapter, Union. Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Meeting, 8 p.m. Prof. E. F. Brater will speak on "Hydraulic Model Studies." Michigan Crib: Meeting, 8 p.m., Kalamazoo Room, League. Speak- er: Mr. John Rae. Topic: "The Young Lawyer." U. of M. Sailing Club: Business meeting and shore school, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering. U. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker for tonight was with group of eXperi- mental livers in Denmark this past summer. Coming Events Canterbury Club: Fri., 12:10 p.- m., Holy Communion followed by a luncheon; 4-6 p.m., Tea and Op- 1 en House for .ll students and their friends; 5:15 p.m. Evening Pray- er and Meditation. Union Opera Ushers: Male stu- dents are needed to work as ushers for the Union Opera's "Lace It Up," to be held at the Michigan Theater, Wed., Thurs., and Fri. nights, Mar. 29, 30, and 31. Tuxe- does are required, but not stiff shirts. Anyone interested in work- ing one, two, or all three nights, call the Union, 2-4431, ext. Union Opera. U. of M. Sociological Society: Party, 2 to 5 p.m., Sat. Mar. 11, 307 Haven Hall. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Membership Committee meeting, 4:15 p.m., Fri., at the Foundation. All solicitors are requested to turn in money collected. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Sabbath services, Fri., 7:45 p.m. Fireside discussion led by Dean Hayward Keniston, C'ollege of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts. To- pic: "Your Professor . . . Friend. or Foe?" Graduate Mixer: 8:30 p.m., Fri., Mar. 10, Rackham Assembly Hall. Geological - Mineralogical Jour- nal Club: 12 noon, Fri., Mar. 10, 3054 N.S. At 12:30 p.m., room 2054, Dr. Clarence L. Moody, Division Geologist for the Ohio Oil Com- pany, and president-elect of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, will speak on "Coastal Plain Igneous Rocks." I.Z.F.A.: Executive council meet- ing, Fri., 4:15 p.m., Union. University Museums, F r i d a y Evening Program: Exhibits in the Museums Building, open from 7 to 9 p.m. Motion pictures: "Water Birds," "Thrushes and Relatives," and "Home Life of the Ruby- throated Hummingbird," 7:30 p.- m., Kellogg Auditorium, auspices of the University Museums, through the courtesy of the Audio- Visual. Education Center. Exhibit: "Water Colors of Michigan Mam- mals," by Richard P. Grossenheid- er. Rotunda, Museums Bldg. German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30 p.m., Fri., Michigan League Cafe- teria. 41'' t~t t1I -t Red Cross THISMONTH, in store windows, schools and movie houses all over the nation, the Red and White banner of the American Red Cross is being proudly displayed, as the national Red Cross fund raising cam- paign begins. In every city and town volunteer soli- citors are knocking on homes and busi- ness places asking for contributions to continue the valiant work of the Red Cross. For over 67 years since Henri Dunant first founded the organization in the midst of a war, the familiar blood red sign has spread the world over, bringing with it mercy and care. Daily, our nation's headlines carry the tragic tale of a flood, fire or other tragedy, with thousands homeless and in need. And below stands always the now familiar 'sen- tence, "Red Cross personnel and aid were rushed to the scene." This year the American Red Cross is undertaking a $67,000,000 campaign to carry on its valiant work. More than $35,000 is to be raised in Ann Arbor, with the University goal placed at $7,400 When the solicitor comes to your door, or when the donation box is placed in your hand, remember that the Red Cross comes as an emissary of the American people, standing ready if disaster strikes at your own home. -Herbert H. Cheston. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER THOMAS L. STOKES: The Issue of Peace AIM Fracas '. . To the Editor: HEARTFELT THANKS to Cal Klyman for refusing to "Take up the valuable space of The Michigan Daily . . . disproving frenetic statements." Perhaps, Mr. Klyman, disproof is both diffi- cult and impossible? To wit, I quote from Tuesday's Hayden House Howl: on the current squabble: "... the problem came when no one could be found in Hayden who favored AIM enough to write an article in defense of it. Cal Klyman of Cooley offered to write an ar- ticle supporting AIM. He passed the well-known buck to AIM's president Mary Failer. The master- piece produced was barely dis- cernible. Your editor got lost try- ing to wade through it. Conse- quently, AIM is not given a voice in this issue through no fault of our own." Welcome, Mr. Klyman, to An- derson House's next open meeting where you will be given a voice. Please approach cautiously, and come well-armed with choice epi- thets similar to those used by Mr. Failer and yourself in last week's "frenetic" smear campaign. Let's hope that by the time our "debate" rolls 'round AIM's leadership will either volunteer or be forced to clean house. AIM is a valuable service asset to the campus inde- pendent and, less dictatorial tech- nique and somewhat petty poli- tics, it is capable of a far better job. -Mel Wachs * * * Deficit Finance... To the Editor: THERE are two points I would like to make in replying to Mr. Jasper Reid's reply to my letter. 1-What you say regarding the burden, as conceived by econo- mists, of the public debt happens to be a gross distortion of opin- ions not frivolously arrived at by many responsible economists. 2-History is something that has happened. It is of small im- portance whether or not one ap- proves of its course. The fact that for Alexander Hamilton the debt was a means of helping the busi- ness interests is irrelevant. If he, or someone else, had not helped the business interests, it is con- ceivable that the United States might still be an essentially pas- toral economy. -Jacob C. Hurwitz WASHINGTON -Occasionally it happens that an issue to which little attention is given in January of an election year blooms up into the overwhelming issue by the time of the balloting in November. It is forecast here, without much fear of contradiction, that such will be the case this election year in connection with the issue of peace or demolishing war that has come to absorb our people in the few weeks since President Truman announced his de- cision to go ahead with production of the H-bomb. Its development into the No. 1 national issue is manifest already in the volumes of discussion in Congress and outside-by political leaders, prominent public figures and scientists-which has brought forth various proposals for a new approach to settlement of our differences with Russia so we can get disarmament and interna- tional control of atomic weapons. The issue has been intensified rather than assuaged by President Truman's "sitting tight" policy. It is getting hotter by the day. IT HAS NOT YET become a partisan issue, and may never become such. If you scratch Republicans and Democrats you find human beings underneath who are disturbed over the peace or war issue irrespective of their politics. It may be significant, however, that the most agitation for a new and positive approach has come so far from within the Democratic Party in an obvious effort to move the President which, itself, may indicate that some Democrats are worried that inaction may have an adverse po- litical effect. It may mean something that the two Democrats who have spoken out most emphatically and most authorita- tively are up for re-election this year. Nevertheless, both have a natural compui- sion to speak, for the reason that they are so close to the problems involved and therefore so conscious of them-Senators Millard Tydings as chaiman of the Armed Services Committee and Brien McMahon as chairman of the Joint Congressional Atomic Energy Committee. Each has spo- ken twice recently in the Senate with well- calculated proposals to break the impasse. Only Harold Stassen among prominent Republicans has thus far spoken out at length. His proposal for another top-level conference with the Russians, in which both Republicans and Democrats would be in- cluded, is significant because he has a wide following among young people, including war veterans, of which he is one, himself. He is, it is presumed, a candidate for the 1952 nomination, as he was for that of 1948. He is, too, one of the few people in the country who has seen Josef Stalin and talked to him, face to face. TN CONGRESSIONAL elections the empha- sis normally is on local issues, so-called, though altogether they produce a Congress that must deal with national issues. But peace or war is a local issue; in the end, in fact, an individual issue. It is the one issue that embodies all others. It is like trying to shout over a hurricane to talk about cutting down expenses of government, reducing taxes and voting welfare measures, as long as so many billions have to be siphoned off into armaments for a seemingly endless "cold war." President Truman already, has decided to make the Congressional election a na- tional election, as shown by his plans for "whistle-stop" tours, one in the late spring, and others in the autumn. le will openly seek a "national mandate" in the Congres- sional votinz. It is forecast that he will be compelled to speak out on the all-absorbing international issue, with the additional forecast, though with less certainty, that sooner or later he will be found offering a new approach. For public pressure will continue, and he is no political novice. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) International Center Tea: 4-30-6 p.m. Weekly DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 r' 1 (Continued from Page 3) For further information call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lectures University Lecture. "Recent Con- tributions to the Geologic History (of the Gulf of Mexico" (illustrat- ed). Clarence L. Moody, Division- al Geologist, Ohio Oil Company, and president, American Associa- tion of Petroleum Geologists; aus- pices of the Department of Geo- logy. 8 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 9, 2054 Natural Science Bldg. Lecture, auspices of Alpha Kap- pa Kappa Medical Fraternity. "Psychosomatic Problems in Medi- ,cine." Dr. Walter C. Alvarez, Mayo Clinic. 8 p.m., Fri., Mar. 10, Rack- ham Amphitheater. Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m., Fri., Mar. 10 at the Observa- tory. Speaker: Dr. A. Keith Pierce, of the McMath-Hulbert Observa- tory. Subject: Modern Develop- ments in Diffraction Gratings. May Preliminary Examinations in Education: All applicants for the doctorate who are planning to take the examinations will notify the Chairman of the Committee on Graduate Studies in Education, 4019 UHS, immediately. Concerts The Chicago Symphony Orch- estra, Fritz Reiner, guest conduc- tor, will give the final program in this season's Extra Concert Ser- ies, Sun., Mar. 12, 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Program: "Leonore" Overture No. 2 (Beethoven); "Pa- ganiniana" (Casella); Schumann Symphony No. 2; and a group of three numbers from Wagner's op- eras: Siegfried's Rhine Journey from "Gotterdammerung"; Good Beacon Association: Social and discussion, 8 p.m., Rm. D-E, Lea- gue. IZFA Study Group: Meet at the B'nai B'rith Hillel House, 8 p.m. Topic: Israel and the American Jew. AVC: Membership meeting, 8 p.m., League. Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.- m., International Center. Graduate School Record Con- cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rack- ham Bldg. TELEMANN: Suite in A Minor for flute and strings; Kin- caid, Phil. Orch., Ormandy. MO- ZART: Sonata No. 24 in C for violin and piano, K296; Milstein, Balsam. BEETHOVEN: Quartet No. 10 in E Flat, Op. 74; Budapest. MOZART: Divertimento No. 17 in D, K334; Lener Quartet, Aubrey Brain and Dennis Brain, horns. La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, League. Undergraduate Botany Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1139 N.S. Speaker: Mr. Louis H. Zardal, "Flora of the Brooks Range, Alas- Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor Al Blumrosen.......... .City Editor PhilipDawson......Editorial Director Mary Stein..........Associate Editor Jo Misner...........Associate Editor George Walker........ Associate Editor Don McNeil..........Associate Editor Wally Barth....... Photography Editor Pres Holmes.......... Sports Co-Editor Merle Levin ........... Sports Co-Editor Roger Goelz....Associate Sports Editor Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed. Allan Clamage................ Librarian Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian Business Staff Roger Wellington.. ., Business Manager Dee Nelson.. AssociateBusiness Manager Jin Dangi........Advertising Manager Bernie Aidinoff...... ,.Finance Manager Bob Daniels......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. '1 OJPIERfA F1'I We could talk about the genius of Mozart or about the transcending powers of great music over the confused centuries of human life, but after experiencing the opera buffa, "Cosi Fan Tutte" last night at Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre it isn't just that simple to express the resulting personal delight. The plot deals with two lovely ladies who have their fidelity toward two handsome gentlemen tested through the usual farcical masquerading and mixing of lovers. The antics are perpetrated by an old, mischievous gentleman who believes that all women are subject to worldly temptations; and a spir- ited little maid who believes in adventure and money. With the combined talents of the univer- Labels and Liberals BARNABY -------. MOST INDIVIDUALS are afraid to be as- sociated, in any manner, with liberal organizations; one brave individual dared to express this regretable fact in a recent let- ter to the editor. The purging of Communists (past or present Communists) from organizations all over the country has made many people afraid of expressing their real beliefs. This University, like the nation itself, is filled with fear: fear of a "leftist" label. Recently an aspiring reporter said, "I wish I had though ahead before I joined organization; it may ruin my chances for a job this summer." They are attached too readily. And the effects of them are bad for the individuals involved and for the nation itself. Public pressure against members of Comniunist groups is great. By labelling any group "Communist," we force indivi- duals to hide their liberal beliefs and keep them from ever associating with slightly "leftist" people. Liberals keep a notion active and changing by putting political and moral issues before the public. If "labelers" continue to perse- cute liberals our nation will be losing for the liberal is a necessary part of its vitality. And so, Mr. Washing Machine Pixie; My Fairy Godfather wants you to come to a meeting tonight at midnight- arnab! Wha you doing.- a c. ai c ? r C L Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, asked me to call all the Pixies to a meeting in the living room tonight- -- SO, Mom! I have fo felt the Ice-box Pixie! I HAVE fo-- ,fr c ackmortĀ¢ , ' r -1 ! 1