SORORES! See Page 4 itFA6 :43I {/ +.+( n Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 106 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH, 9, 1950 SNOW AGAIN SIX PAGES McCarthy Hits Jessup As Pro-Red Senator Testifies To Committee WASHINGTON - () - Senator McCarthy (R.-Wis.) yesterday at- tacked the State Department's roving ambassador Phillip C. Jes- sup as having an "unusual affinity for Communist causes." Jessup is now in the Far East, assigned to discuss strategy for 'blocking the Communist sweep in- to Asia. TESTIFYING under oath, Mc- Carthy also charged that Dorothy Kenyon, a former State Depart- ment official, has "collaborated" with at least 28 Communist-front organizations. In New York, Miss Kenyon called McCarthy a cowardly liar. The Wisconsin senator's charges were aired at the kick-off session of a Senate foreign relation sub- committee's investigation into his allegations that Red influence is widespread in the State Depart- ment. The hearing broke out into fre- quent uproars as Democratic mem- bers peppered McCarthy with questions. e* s McCARTHY said that Miss Ken- yon was a $12,000 a year State Department employe, holding the post of delegate to a United Na- tions commission on the status of women. He said her "Communist activities" extend back over a per- iod of years. Miss Kenyon, 62-year-old spin- ster, lawyer and Smith College graduate, issued a statement in New York saying: "Senator McCarthy is a liar. He is taking cowardly refuge in his congressional immunity to smear innocent people." She said she had never heard of niost of the organizations the Ses- ator had accused her of aiding. "Some of them I vaguely re- member as being groups before whom I made a speech," she said. "I have made speeches before all kinds of groups, including Repub- licans, for many years." WSSF Blood Pledge Climbs To 100_Pints Returns on the World Student Service Fund blood pledge cam- paign mounted to an even 100 today, as two more groups turned in their first blood lists. This brought the money gained for the aid of needy foreign stu- dents through blood contributions up to $1,500, with each pint worth $15. Added to the slate of enlisted organized houses were Interna- tional House, with one - third pledged yesterday, and Alpha Ep- silon Phi, with 10 pledges so far. Also adding their blood to the student drive were 13 eligible don- ors of the -WSSF Council, accord- ing to Wym Price, drive chairman. Price also urged that students pick up and drop their pledge cards today and tomorrow at one of the WSSF booths located in the League, Union, Administration Bldg. and Angell Hall lobbies. A luncheon meetyig at noon to- day in Lane Hall for students in- terested in lecturing at organized houses has also been scheduled, according to Price. Speaker Gives SceessTips Educating the wife, accepting religion and God, and not desiring too much security were three of the main points listed for success in industry after graduation by Robert J. Morrison, '41E, person- nel director of the Peerless Cement Company. He spoke to the American Insti- tute of Electric Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers last Affiliates Blasted In Forum Debate Teninga, Atchison Champion Greek Cause Against Independent Attack By JIM BROWN Charging that "fraternities and sororities breed narrowmindedness and discrimination," Nick Datsko, '50, president of the Inter-Coopera- tive Council last night asserted that "affiliated groups have no place in our democratic' society." Datsko; one of two students backing the independent cause on the Michigan Forum's innagural debate program over the indepen- dent-affiliated issue, cited the reouirement that a student must be .unanimously accepte.d by a fraternity's membership before being initiated as an "outstanding example of the lack of democracy within affiliated groups." "And living in such small selective groups, all drawn from the same social and economic backgrounds, destroys a person's basic ~~'- p e r s o n ali t y individualities," he added. Doctor Sees Med Blanks Unchanged The admissions committee of the medical school has not yet seen sufficient cause to consider changing the questions on its ap- plication blanks, Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker, chairman of the com- mittee. told a special delegation from the Committee to End Dis- crimination yesterday. Removing the questions that the CED designates as discriminatory would not necessarily prevent dis- crimination, he declared. Further- more, the removal of these ques- tions and request for a picture, which hedasserted were used only for purposes of personal interview and identification, would hamper the work of the admissions com- mittee. He considered this handi- cap to be more serious than the possible damage that could be done by accusations of discrimin- ation. "The story has come to us that it is the CED which is creating the blot on the medical school by pro- mulgating the idea that there is discrimination," Dr. Whitaker de- clared. Far from acting against minor- ity groups, the medical school makes decisions in their favor, he said. "It is my information that in the past few years all Negro ap- plicants who have met the mini- mum qualifications have been ac- cepted, even those out of state." When asked if he didn't feel it was significant that Northwestern University and the University of Illinois "have found it feasible to remove discriminatory questions from their application blanks," Dr. Whitaker replied that it all de- pends on the method of selection used by these schools and what factors caused them to change. Dr. Whitaker emphasized that grades are not enough of a cri- terion on which to base admission. He said the predictive value of pre-medical grades in medical school is approximately 16 per- cent. "We want to find out the other 84 percent." This is done partially through interviews, for which the application blanks provide a guide, he explained. Lewis, Hard Coal owners In Agreement By The Associated Press John L. Lewis and hard coal operators got together yesterday in an agreement reported to follow closely the terms on which the soft coal strike was ended. Right on the heels of the settle- ment Senator Taft (R.-Ohio) de- nounced President Truman's han- dling of the soft coal dispute and told the Senate that Mr. Truman had "encouraged open defiance of the law." Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, announced only the bare fact that agreement had been reached "on all essential points" in the hard coal negotiations. Meanwhile, Lewis got a polite "no thanks" for his offer of a $1,000,000 loan to support the Chrysler strike. * * * DATSKO WAS challenged, how- ever, by Senior Class president Wally Teninga, who pointed out that "when a man enters a fra- ternity he is met with every kind of personality." "Since he can't quit after he has been initiated, a student is forced to live with these some- times conflicting personalities and develop a sense of toler- ance," he added. Nancy Holman, '51, the second independent speaker, charged that "in fraternities and sororities there are group codes which an individ- ual is expected, to conform to- codes which lack sincerity and eliminate individual personality. "Among independents, however, the group must conform to the in- dividual and the development of individual character is emphasiz- ed," she added. Asserting that affiliated groups give students "an opportunity to know one group of people inti- mately," Joyce Atchison, '50, the second affiliated speaker, asserted that "it is far better to know 40 people intimately than to know 200 slightly." Miss Atchison later cited fra- ternity and sorority affiliations with other chapters all over the country as a factor promoting cos- mopolitan attitudes among affil- iated students. Following a brief roundtable moderated by SL president Quent Nesbitt, '50BAd, the four debaters were beseiged with questions from the more than 250 students who visited the Architecture Auditor- ium to hear the Forum debate. World News Round Up By The Associated Press ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.-Four- teen armed forces prisoners died last night and two others were critically injured in a flash fire that swept through a temporary building at Sandia secret weapons base. * * * ALBANY, N.Y.-A New York law banning employment of any public school teacher belonging to a subversive organization was upheld unanimously yesterday by the appellate division of the state supreme court. The decision will be appealed. ** * TAIPEI -China's Nationalists yesterday claimed the biggest suc- cess on the mainland since For- mosa became the symbol of resis- tance last December-the capture of Sikang province's capital, Kang- ting. * * * LAKE SUCCESS - Secretary- General Trygve Lie yesterday suggested giving China's seats in the United Nations to the gov- ernment actually ruling the bulk of the 460,000,000 Chinese people. Booe Fired For Stand On hospital Cuts Ouster Widens Defense Breach WASHINGTON-(P)-The De- fense Department and Rear Ad- miral Joel T. Boone agreed yester- day that Boone had been booted out of his high medical post in the department because of his re- sistance to a cutback in military hospitals. The disclosure honed a new edge on some Congressional temp- ers already sharp over maneuvers in the department, including the ouster of Admiral Louis E. Den- feld as chief of naval operations. DR. RICHARD Meiling, the de- partment's director of military medical services, said he had de- cided the Boone shift was neces- sary as early as last October, just after Dr. Meiling took over. - It did not actually come, how- ever, until Feb. 28 this year, and was not disclosed publicly until Tuesday, just after Boone had testified in a Congressional in- quiry that the hospital cuts were "shortsighted." The Admiral, White House phy- sician to Presidents Harding, Cool- idge and Hoover and a Congres- sional Medal of Honor winner in World War I, was senior medical officer in the office of Secretary of Defense Johnson. s s 4a BOONE GAVE his account of the firing yesterday in a second appearance on the witness stand of a House Armed Services sub- committee which is investigating the plan to close five general hos- pitals and cut down others in a move to save $25,000,000 to $50,- 000,000 a year. He said that Feb. 28 Rear Ad- miral Clifford A. Swanson, Navy Surgeon General, advised him that Dr. Meiling had asked for his re- moval on the ground that he was "uncooperative." Campus Vets May Get More GI Eli fibiity Veterans on campus faced with "GI eligibility time" running out in the middle of a semester may be able to get additional eligibil- ity under a VA mid-point-of-se- mester ruling. Under present regulations a vet- eran receives full tuition, supplies and subsistance if his eligibility time covers one day beyond the mid-point of the semester. * 4- * HOWEVER a veteran may be able to get the extra days needed to go beyond the "mid-point" by arranging for a refund with the VA of his "leave subsistance." The "leave subsistance" is granted automatically to veter- ans at the end of a semester for a period of 15 days, unless he specifically requests not to get it. The "leave" is then deducted from his eligibility time. "By buying back from the VA a single unit of 'leave' for which he received subsistance, a man could get over $200 in schooling for about $45," according to Richard Cor- rell, Director of Veterans Service Bureau. * * * "WITH MANY of the GI Bills running out, a lot of veterans will be hunting around for just that extra time to bring them over the half way mark of the semester." Veterans who think they may be able to arrange the refunds should contact the Veterans Ad- ministration, 310 Jefferson, De- troit, Correll said. Sander May Go Trial To Jury -Daiy-sert Sapowien DIRECTORS MEET-Members of the Michigan Union Board of Directors look over a student petition calling for direct election of the Union's president and recording secretary. Seated left to right are Merlin C. Townley, Robert Seeber, William Wise (chairman), Prof. Merwin H. Waterman and John A. Lindquist. Standing are Jim Smith, Paul Ridc r, William Tattersoll, Prof. Albert Clark, Hugh Cooper, John Huss and Chester Cooper. Nears End; Today Hawaiian Students Give Su port to Statehood Bill By JOAN WILLENS General misunderstanding and prejudice are the major reasons for the delay in the passage of the Hawaii statehood bill, according to ten Hawaiian students, who un- animously favored the adoption of the measure recently passed by the House of Representatives. Two years ago, a similar bill was passed by the House, but died in a Senate committee, because of a Communist scare, which was and still is unfounded, Glenn Kaya said. * * * DISBELIEF in the danger of Communism in Hawaii was shared by all the students interviewed. Americans seem to be afraid of the large oriental population in Hawaii, several students de- No New State, E;x pe rtSays There is little likelihood that either Alaska or Hawaii will be ad- mitted to the Union during the present session of Congress, Prof. Joseph Kallenbach of the political science department declared yes- terday. "Although the House has given its approval to both territories, the Senate will no doubt block their admission," Prof. Kallenach said. He pointed out that Southern Senators will oppose Hawaii's statehood because of an aversion to the complex racial make-up of the population. Alaskan admission will not be granted as it would mean the en- trance of another over-represented state in the Senate, he explained. "And if one is denied statehood, the other will be also," Prof. Kal- lenbach ventured. "As the Senate refused to act on an Hawaiian En- abling Act in 1947, the House has offered Alaska as a political coun- terweight to the Senate. Alaska is expected to vote Democratic and Hawaii Republican." clared. Refuting this fear, Mrs. Netta Paulson, '52, said that most of the Japanese and Chin- ese, who constitute 40 per cent of the population, are "thor- oughly Americanized" second and third generation citizens. "When the statehood question came up before the war, our loy- alty was questioned because of the large number of orientals, but since then our loyalty has been more than adequately proved," Tai 'Choy Yim asserted. THE FACT that Hawaii is com- posed of so many racial groups would be an advantage for the United States, because it shows that all races can live and work together, George Ariyoski said. Hawaii has more than the required population, is politi- cally and economically mature, and has an educational system above the United States aver- age, so there is no reason why it should not become a state, Tai Choy Yim said, voicing the unanimous opinion of the stu- dents. "We pay huge federal taxes and yet don't receive the full benefits from federal laws. We have no representation in Congress, and don't even choose our own gover- nor," Glenn Kaya said. * * * "THE UNITED STATES laws affect us just as much as they af- fect residents of Michigan, so we ought to have some voice in shap- ing these laws," Robert Vakuda said, explaining that Hawaii has one delegate in Congress, without a vote. "Statehood is actually just a completion of the democratic pro- cess which we have been taught all our lives. In schools at home we have learned to expect independ- ence and representative govern- ment," Ed Ching said. Genro Kashiwa observed that the fact that Hawaii is predom- inantly Republican may be ano- ther obstacle in the path of its becoming a state during this ses- sion of Congress. Union Board Authorizes Conference By BOB KEITH The Michigan Union Board of Directors assented last night to meet with representatives of a student group seeking to bring about amendments to the Union Constitution. At a special session, the Board agreed to discuss a petition sub- mitted by the group calling for direct election of the Union's two top officers. * * * THE PETITION was- circulated by Herb Leiman, '50, and signed by 236 students. It proposes amendments which would provide for election of the Union president and recording secretary by the or- ganization's entire student mem- bership. Convening after an informal dinner in the Union Founder's Room, the Board resolved itself into a committee of the whole to meet with Leiman's group. Date for the meeting was set for March 16. In a special statement, the Board named Jim Smith, presi- dent of Men's Judiciary Council and member of the Board, as chairman of the committee of the whole. * * * - "THE committee recognizes the possible desirability of changing the Constitution and hopes to dis- cuss the petition in that light," the statement continued. It said that the meeting with Leiman's. group will be held March 16 because "this is the earliest date on which a quorum of the committee could be ob- tained." The proposals presented by Lei- man's group aim at altering the present method of choosing the two officers. They are now ap- pointed by a Union "selections committee" composed of the Dean of Students, three faculty or alumni members, and three stu- dents. Presentation Of Evidences Completed Arguments, Jury Charge Remain MANCHESTER, N.H.-M)-Pre- sentation of evidence in the his- toric Sander "mercy death" mur- der trial was completed late yes- terday. The windup came amid clashes of words and medical opinions on how the cancer-riddled Abbie Bor- roto met death. S * * * THE CASE IS expected to go to the all-male jury today after final arguments by counsel, and the judge's charge. Dr. Herman N. Sander is being tried for first degree murder on charges he killed the 59-year- old housewife and family friend "with malice aforethought" to end her suffering. The mild - mannered country doctor frankly admits giving her air injections but claims she was already dead at the time-a claim that has brought conflicting medi- cal opinions. JUST AFTER both sides an- nounced all their evidence was in chief defense counsel Louis ~ Wyman made a motion for a dir- ected verdict of acquittal-a rou- tine procedure in New Hampshire murder trials. The motion was de- nied. Verbal fireworks flared during the day as attorney general Wil- liam L. Phinney hammered at Dr. Robert F. Ford without shak- ing the defense medical expert's testimony that air injections could not possibly have killed Mrs. Borroto. The prosecutor called back as rebuttal witnesses his own two pathologists-both of whom ex- pressed opinions earlier that Mrs. Borroto died of air embolish in- duced by the injections. DR. ROBERT MILLER, white- haired state pathologist, disputed the claim of the 35-year-old Dr. Ford that an autopsy showed a blood clot on Mrs. Borroto's arm would have blocked the vein. Under sharp cross-examina- tion by Wyman, Dr. Miller ad- mitted that he had not studied the microscopic slides on the vein until last week. And the state medical expert admitted he testified the first time before examining the slides. A dramatic touch to the trial came when the vein of Mrs. Bor- roto's left arm-the arm in which the injections were made - was brought into the courtroom for the state pathologist to examine. Quad To Hold Debate on Bias "Round Two-University Legis- lation on Discrimination" will be the bone of contention at an in- formal discussion, sponsored by the East Quad Council, at 7:30 p.m. today in East Quad's south lounge. Ray Litt, '52E, East Quad Coun- cil president, yesterday invited Student Legislature's Human Re- lations Committee, all campus house presidents and members of the new International House to participate' in the parley. Discussion will be led by Tom Walsh, '50L, and Gordon Mac- Dougall, Litt said. Members of Delta Gamma, Kap- pa Kappa Gamma and Sigma Del- ta Tau sororities have already been invited to the discussion, he added, in addition to residents of the three women's co-op houses-Mur- iel Lester, Harold Osterweil and A. K. Stevens. FRATERNITIES TAKE NOTICE: Open Rushing Plan Receives Favorable Comment By DON KOTITE The sorority "open rushing" set- up-whereby each rushee is re- quired to visit every house on cam- pus-has evoked a generally fa- presidents is necessary before such a system could be put in effect, "Jake" Jacobson, IFC president, added. "IFC's execu- tive committee has been work- Nickie Sotier declared her house as a whole thinks open rushing is "a fine idea. Through such a pro- cedure we have an opportunity to meet girls regardless of religion, bettering relations between sorori- pha Epsilon Phi said it was all for the idea as a house and that the setup "should continue." * * * with pertinent data on member- ship and finances. Finding fault with the short 15- minute period rushees were obliged to stay at each house, Judy Davies