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March 08, 1950 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-08

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See Page 4

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Latest Deadline in the State



Coplon, Gubitchev





Lewis Asks
Merger of
Union Funds
Wants Measure
To Fight Industry
Lewis today proposed a financial
alliance of labor unions to help
each other in fights with industry.,
He suggested that the opposition
is already ganged up.
. The United Mine Workers chief
made his direct proposition only to
Philip Murray and his co-steel
workers, but he brought in prom-
inently the idea of letting "cer-
tain other unions" in on a joint
war chest for strikes. Murray had
no immediate comment.
* * *
LEWIS advanced his suggestion
in a letter to Murray returning un-
cashed a $500,000 check which the'
steel workers union had sent as a
contribution to the UMW's soft
coal strike just ended.
Simultaneously there were
these related. developments in
government moves to do some-
thing on labor-management re-
Congress to pass a law for a nine-
man commission to study long
range problems of the coal indus-
try, which the President described
during the strike as "sick." Mr.
Truman also made it official that
with the strike settled he no long-
er wants the authority, which he
asked just before agreement was
reached, to seize the mines.
2. THE administration, through
Secretary of Labor Tobin, went
all-out against a move in Con-
gress to apply the anti-trust laws
to labor unions. Tobin contended
that such legislation would dam-
age labor-management relations
and return labor to the days of
"government by injunction."
Doctor Tells
Court Sanders
Is NotGuilty
noted Harvard Pathologist testi-
fled yesterday the air Dr. Her-
mann N. Sander had admitted in-
jecting into Mrs. Abbie Borroto's
arm had nothing to do with her
Dr. Richard F. Ford, one of the
few doctors who has made an ex-
tensive study of air embolism, gave
this testimony at the "mercy
death" murder trial of the 4year-
old country doctor.
Dr. Sander is charged specifi-
cally with killing the cancer-rav-
aged woman by injecting 40 cubic
centimeters of air into her veins.
* * *
DR. FORD, who is head of the
Department of Legal Medicine at
Harvard, said:
1. Air could not have been in-
jected into Mrs. Borrot's vein on'
the left arm as the vein had col-
lapsed. (Both sides agree the
injections were made just be-
low the elbow of the left arm.)
2. 40 cc.s of air could not kill
a human being-regardless of
tthe person's weakened condi-
tion; a fatal dose would be at
least 200 or 300 ces.
Dr. Sander told the jury he made
the injections on the spur of the

moment when "something snap-
ped" in his mind-even though he
"knew" Mrs. Borroto was dead.
WSSF To Open
'B1ood Gift' Booths
Pledge booths enabling students
to sign up to donate blood to the
World Student Service Drive will
be set up on campus tomorrow and
The booths, to be manned by
Alpha Phi Omega, national ser-
vice fraternity, will be located in
the Union, League, Administra-
+nn R Tilrlinn annd Anaall -Hl

Peace Is Russian
Aim - Mrs. Robeson
The Russian people are not preparing for war, according to Mrs.'
Paul Robeson, who has recently returned from a tour of Europe and
Speaking under the auspices of the Arts, Sciences and Professions
Council and the Inter-Racial Association yesterday, she declared that
the Russians believe that war means death, and therefore they are
preparing for peace and a more abundant life.
RUSSIAN DEVELOPMENT of atomic energy is purely for peace-
ful purposes, she said. The recent atomic explosion in Russia was
merely an experiment to see whether a river could be diverted to
improve irrigation in a dry area,

Mrs. Robeson explained.
"The Russians don't want to
waste atomic energy in destruc-
tion when it can be used for con-
struction." The Russians will
make atomic bombs only to de-
fend themselves, she added.
In discussing the lot of the Rus-
sian people Mrs. Robeson said that
* * *

Plane Crash
Kills Fifteen
By The Associated Press
MINNEAPOLIS - (R) - At least
15 persons perished yesterday
when a Northwest Airlines plane
roared into a residential district
to crash and explode while trying
for an instrument landing during
a blind March blizzard.
The crash came shortly after the
ship took off from Wold-Chamber-
lain airport for Seattle, according
to the Civil Aeronautics radio con-
trol tower.
THE PLANE'S last stop before
heading for Minneapolis was at
Madison, Wis. The Northwest Air-
lines office there said the plane
came in with 10 passengers and
three crew members. Five passen-
gers got off at Madison and five
more boarded.
No passenger list was immed-
iately available at Madison.
NWA identified the crew of
tonight's ship as Capt. Don
Jones, pilot; William McGinn,
co-pilot, and Mary Alice Ken-
nedy, stewardess. All are resi-
dents of Minneapolis. The flight
was No. 307.
The plane, bucking high winds
and a snowstorm, plummeted into
a quiet residential section at Em-

House Group
Votes Down
Parochial Aid
Rejects Federal
School Bus Fund
By The Associated Press
Federal Aid to parochial and
private schools was rejected 16 to
nine yesterday in the first big test
on the issue in the House Labor
The vote came on a closely res-
tricted point: whether federal
money should be used to help pay
for bus service for pupils of such
schools in states which deny their
own public funds for that use.
It gave emphasis, however, to
frequently expressed doubts that
the House will pass any bill with
aid for religious schools in it, and
to the idea that the religious con-
troversy might kill off any bill at
all in this congress.
COMMENTING on the religious
school aid fight yesterday before
the House group's vote, in New
York a Catholic spokesman said
critics of the church's position on
federal aid to education have mis-
represented and obscured the is-
The Right Reverend Mon-
signor John S. Middleton, New
York Archdiocesan secretary for
education, reiterated Cardinal
Francis Spellman's assertion
that the church does not seek
public funds for general support
of parochial schools.
But the cardinal does feel,
Msgr. Middleton said, that paro-
chial schools, as much as public
schools, are entitled to govern-
ment supported auxiliary services,
such as bus transportation.
THE ADVERSE vote on the is-
sue immediately raised questions
on whether the measure will even
get out of committee. Represen-
tative John F. Kennedy (D-
Mass), author of the rejected
amendment, told reporters:
"This definitely means that
some of us are not going to be so
strong for the bill. So far as I am
concerned, I won't vote for the
The issue came up as the House
committee started rewriting a
Senate passed measure to provide
300 million dollars a year in fed-
eral money to help states finance
their schools.

See Verdict
Warning to
Both Convictions
Will Be Appealed
NEW YORK-(A)-Bright little
Judith Coplon and her glum Rus-
sian ex-friend, Valentin A. Gubit-
chev were convicted yesterday of
plotting to spy for the Soviet Un-
ion at the height of the cold war.
The government hailed the ver-
dict as a warning to subversive
Both defendants, who had been
free in bail, were jailed to await
sentencing Thursday at 10:30 a.m.
* * *
MISS COPLON, 28 years old,
formerly a $4,479-a-year political
analyst for the Justice Depart-
ment, faces up to 25 years in pri-
son plus a $10,000 fine. This is in
addition to a 40-months-to-10-
years sentence she received after
a previous spy conviction in Wash-

-Daily-Biurt apowitcn
DEBATERS-Shown here in a more peaceable moment, before their clash on the Young Republican
"Opportunity St,.te" labor plank are, left to right, George Simmons, '50L, Floyd Marks, '50L,
Young Democrat debaters; Marvin Esh, '50, moderator; Howard Hartzell, '52, and Harold Ward,
'52, Young Republican debaters.
aL * * * * * * * *
Y Debates YR Labor Platform


The labor plank of the Young
Republican "Opportunity State"
platform underwent fire 'from a
Young Democratic attack in a de-
bate last night in the League
Supporting the 21-point labor

plank were YR members Howard
Hartzell and Harold Ward, while
the YD attack was forwarded by
Floyd Marks and George Simmons.
Not being a formal debate, no
definite decision was reached.
* * *
IN OPENING, Hartzell outlined

Union Board Discusses
Election Petition Tonight

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
neither she nor her brother, who
lives in Russia, have ever seen or
heard of a slave labor camp.
THE RUSSIANS have every op-
portunity to criticize Stalin or
anything else, an opportunity they
are constantly taking advantage
of, Mrs. Robeson said.
Democracy in the Soviet Union
means that everyone has the right
to vote and an equal opportunity
in industry, she asserted.
In giving her impressions of New
China, Mrs. Robeson said that
land reform is the most important
Royalists Leading
In Greek Election
ATHENS, Greece - WP) - Con-
stantin Tsaldaris' Populist (Roy-
alist) Party held its slight lead
over the Leftist National Progres-
sive Union as late returns from
Sunday's Greek parliamentary
elections trickled in last night.
Returns from 3,595 of the 4,015
precincts, as reported by the Min-
ister of Interior gave the Popu-
lists, led by Constantin Tsaldaris
(Royalist) 263,320 votes, and the
National Progressive Union's Gen.
Nicholas Plastiras (left) 250,079


erson Ave. South

and Minnehahal

Faculty Vetoes
BERKELEY, Calif. - (AP) - Uni-
versity of California professors
voted 900-0 last night to refuse to
sign a non-Communist oath im-
posed by the Board of Regents.
,They acted at a tnree and one
half hour meeting of the academic
senate for the northern section.
The oath called for signing by
all university employes-12,000 in
all-by April 30 or resignation.
The 900 professors-there are
1,109 in the academic senate -
unanimously denounced the spe-
cial oath as improper, discrimina-
tory, "unjust and a violation of
established principles of privi-
lege and tenure to dismiss with-
out a hearing loyal members of
the faculty."

First Fire Drill Dampens'
Residents of West Quad

World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS - Strike-battered Paris
yesterday faced the threat of a
utility walk-out that could cripple
the whole city. Both non-Com-
munist and Communist unions
joined in calling for a general
strike-of indefinite length-in all
gas, power, and electric plants in
the entire area. It would take ef-
fect Wednesday midnight.
* * *
WASHINGTON - President
Truman sent Congress his plan
yesterday for a long-range study
of the coal industry which he
has called "sick" in both its
general economy and its labor
relations. At the same time the
President put it on record that
he considers the "emergency"
over now that a new contract
has brought peace in the soft
coal diggings, aind no longer
wants authority to seize the
* * *
1,000 Chinese Communist troops
yesterday was said to have landed
on Hainan, second largest island
left to the Nationalists. Two hun-
dred Reds were killed and most of
the remainder have been taken
prisoner, the agency said.
* * *

A student petition calling for
direct popular election of the
Michigan Union president and re-
cording secretary will be discussed
by the Union Board of Directors
at a special meeting tonight.
President Bill Wise, '50BAd,
called the meeting after studying
the petition last week with Herb
Leiman, '50, who circulated and
submitted it.
will ask the Board to form some
type of committee to go over the
petition with Leiman's group.
Signed by 236 students, the
petition calls for amendments to
the Union Constitution which
would provide for election of the
two top officers by the Union's
entire student membership.
The proposed amendments must
go before a general meeting of
Union members for final approval,
but Wise and Leimnan have agreed
Alumni Given
Phoenix Posts
Renville Wheat and Murray D.
Van Wagoner, both University
alumni now living in Detroit, have
been appointed to the Phoenix
Project's National Special Gifts
Committee, George W. Mhson,
chairman of the committee, has
Wheat, a partner in a Grosse
Pointe law firm, will serve as na-
tional chairman of foundations.
Van Wagoner, a former governor
of Michigan and military governor
of Bavaria and now vice president
of a Detroit manufacturing con-
cern, has been named national
chairman of advanced gifts.

that certain portions of the pro-
posals require further study and
discussion before the general meet-
ing is held.
Although Wise regarded the
amendments as "not adequate as
they now stand," he said he will
be "more than happy to ask the
Board to study them with a stu-
dent group as soon as possible."
Leiman welcomed the opportun-
ity to meet with Board members
as a "highly significant step to-
wards solving the question of elec-
Acheson Says
Aid for Korea
A Necessity
WASHINGTON - ()P) - Secre-
tary of State Acheson told Con-
gress today that unless American
aid continues to bolster South
Korea there is "no hope" for sur-
vival of the little post-war repub-
Korea has been menaced by
Communists within its borders
and from Red-occupied North
Acheson underscored what he
termed the need for new help to
keep the republic alive, but he
told the Senate Foreign Relations
"THE THREAT of Communist'
overthrow appears at least tem-
porarily to have been contained."
Acheson appeared before the
Committee to support the Tru-
man Administration's proposed
$100,000,000 Korean aid pro-
gram for the 1951 fiscal year be-
ginning July 1.

the precepts of the YR labor plank
and stated their belief in the Taft-
Hartley Act, "with just application
and revision." He said that one
purpose of the plank was to prove
that the Republican party is not
"anti-labor." In a blast at Tru-
man's "coercive" tactics toward la-
bor, he said that "it is just as bad
to try to run labor as it is to run
the industries."
Simmons, speaking for YD,7
asked that certain inconsisten-
cies of wording in the plank be
explained, and that as many of
them. stand, they are entirely
He continued that although the
Young Republicans were nomin-
ally for the Taft-Hartley Act, the
fact that they propose revisions to
it automatically in their platform
invalidates their claim of support.
* * *
WARD, a YR member, count-
ered that the plank was far from
inconsistent, and that any am-
biguity encountered was simply
conjecture. The revisions suggest-
ed to the Taft-Hartley Act are not
planned to change it completely,
he said. It should have an amount
of flexibility, he added.
The last speaker, Marks, speak-
ing for the YD, suggested that the
only way to judge the Republicans
was from past actions, and re-
ferred specifically to the Republi-
can 80th Congress.
He also pointed out "definite in-
consistencies" in the plank, such
as the YR stand on discrimination
in union membership.
The moderator for the Debate
was Marvin Esh, '50, a member of
the varsity debating team.
Auto Accident
Victims Better
The condition of three persons
seriously injured in a midnight
automobile crash which took the
life of Joanne Chapel, '50, early
Sunday, was described as "slightly
improved" last night.
The injured are:
Katherine Teetor, '51, Stephen
A. Hunter, a February graduate of
the University, and Robert E.
Boomer of Detroit.
Funeral services for Miss Chapel
will be held in Birmingham today.

Gubitchev, 33 years old, an
engineer who still holds the
rank of third secretary of the
Soviet Ministry of Foreign Af-
fairs, can get up to 15 years and
$20,000 in fines. He is the first
Russian convicted of spying in
this country since the cold war
Lawyers for both defendants
said the convictions will be ap-
A federal court jury of six men
and six housewives returned the
verdict at 11:45 a.m. (EST) after
failing to reach agreement last
night. The jury had been out since
3:34 p.m. yesterday.
BROOKLYN-BOft Miss- C p.
lon, an honor graduate of Barnard
College here, paled slightly but
showed no other sign of emotion.
Only a few hours before she had
been bright-eyed and cheerful.
Before she left the courtroom
she hugged and kissed one of her
court-assigned defense lawyers,
Leonard Boudin. Then she em-
braced her brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Cop-
Gubitchev, blond and scarcely
an inch taller than five-foot Miss
Coplon, stared stonily ahead when
he heard the verdict. A slight
flush tinged his cheeks as the jur-
ors, twice polled, intoned "guilty
. . . guilty . . . guilty."
In the six-week trial they
flatly denied any spy plotting.
Their story was that they met
secretly in New York because
they fell in love after a chance
meeting at the Museum of Mod-
ern Art. Miss Coplon said her
love cooled when she learned
Gubitchev was married.
The Jury, however, believed the
Government's version-that they
met secretly in New York so that
Miss Coplon could slip the Rus-
sian secret FBI reports and other
data from her Justice Department
offices. The Government did not
charge that any papers actually
passed between them.
Coplon Case
Starts Cycle
The conviction of Valentin Gub-
itchev andJudith Coplon as R#.S-
sian spies is just one of many
more such trials to come during
the course of the cold war accord-
ing to N.M. Efimenco of the politi-
cal science department.
Efimenco said that Russian pro-
tests of an alleged U.S. govern-
ment frameup in the trial were
"The protests were entered by
the U.S.S.R. as an attempt to dis-
avow Moscow of any accusations
of spying."
"Any nation engaged in a 'cold
war' would try to obtain confiden-
tial information through its
agents and has the right to try."

More than 1300 residents fled
from the West Quadrangle into
a drizzling rain at 9 p.m. yester-
day as the first fire drill alarm
ever rung in the structure was
The drill was called a success by
James Robertson, chief resident
advisor. "The men filed out in
orderly fashion and the evacuation
of the quadrangle took only three
and one half minutes," Robertson
* * *
HOWEVER, the alarm system
completely failed on the fourth
floor of Allen Rumsey house. Men
lrine cm hote-riridnr hering a

other colleges last year that end-
ed in loss of life.
Fire drills are a common and
regular occurence in most womens
dormitories here, especially in such
older and less fire resistant struc-
tures as Betsy Barbour and Helen
* * *
offered was by Don Correll '51 who
said the alarm system could barely
be heard. "It was a blazing suc-
cess," Correll stated. "That alarm
wasn't loud enough to wake a
mouse out of a light sleep."
Correll was attending a house

First Forum Debate To Be 'Greek' Issue


The independent-affiliated issue
will break out into the open to-
night at the Michigan Forum's
inaugural debate program at 7:30
p.m. at the Architecture Auditor-
T m.a* * *a
THE FORUM will feature a

Stockwell Hall will
dependent colors.

carry the in-

Patterned after the "Town
Meeting on the Air" and the in-
nationally renowned Oxford Un-
ion, the Forum will feature 10
minute talks by each member of
the opposing teams, followed by
a 15 minute roundtable dis-

early last spring, the Michigan
Forum is designed "to provide a
medium for the free exchange of
views on controversial matters of
current interest."
Originally it was planned that
individual campus clubs and as-
sociations would challenge other
grouns to debate questions of

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