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March 07, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-07

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TT 3 DAY, 1 IJitCfl 7; 190.


WITH VISIONS of smiling faces and firm Subsidies & M
handshakes whirling through his de-
bauched brain, the grizzled rushing chair- WASHINGTON - In recent years we have
man leaned back in his swivel chair and been trying to regain the once proud
contemplated the brightly painted walls of position of our merchant marine on the seas
his abode. which we lost over a century ago with the
A younger disciple, reclining on the rug passing of the clipper ship.
near our hero's feet was heard to murmur In formulating methods and means, it
something about "But do you think these was decided that subsidies for our ship-
new pledges have ambition enough so that ping lines would be necessary if we were
they will ever amount to anything?" to compete, because of high wages in our
country as well as other costs affecting
The occupant of the swivel chair exhaled construction and operation of vessels as
a film of blue smoke from his wine-dipped compared with other maritime nations.
cigar and replied in a loud, clear voice "Son, Many years ago Congress established a
their ambitions burn with a hard, gem-like subsidy policy.
flame!" That meant and still means, of course, that
Having imparted this ageless wisdom, he the taxpayer must foot this subsidy bill,
flicked a bit of lint from his immaculate which he has been doing. In the course of re-
grey flannels, and returned to dreams of current controversy in Congress over the
warm, sandy beaches where sheer lethargy subsidy system and changes in it from time
reigned supreme. to time, the shipping industry necessarily
-P. S. Brentlinger became very active here and has built up
OC .
At The Michigan ... A t The State.. .
MONTANA, as differentiated from TEX- JOLSON SINGS AGAIN, with Larry
AS, COLORADO, ARIZONA, NEVADA, Parks, Barbara Hale, and William Demar-
and so on, with Errol Flynn and some est.

"Sonie Day

We Thinkum Up Better Sysiem"

erchant Marine



WARNER BROTHERS, near the end-of-
its-rope on the role call of states, has
at last hit on Montana for the scene of its
latest horse opera.
Drigging a flabby Flynn, a sleepy Alex-
is Smith, -and several thousand head of
cattle and sheep onto location, they have
turned out the abortion currently show-'
ing at the Michigan. Flynn likes the sheep;
Alexis likes the cattle, and out yonder in
Montana, the two apparently don't mix.
Sluggishly grinding out the minimum
number of reels, the film features such se-
quences as this: Smith and Flynn stand 15
feet apart, she telling him that if he takes
another step, she'll shoot. He does, and she
shoots. Then, with Flynn writhing around in
the dirt and blood running from a sizeable
phoulder wound, she throws herself along-
side and asks him why he had to be so stub-
Result? Rejuvenated by the bullet and the
drugged Alexis hovering over him, Flynn
pops up and with vise-like grip proceeds to
give the lady fair a one-minute bussing.
-Fran Ivick
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

As MOST of you know, Jolson Sings Again
gushes the later-life story of America's
Favorite Singer right up to and including the
film itself. It tells how Al promised to give up
singing because his wife wanted him to; how
Al playboyed around, giving heartache to
friends and parents; how Al fought back in-
to stardom after everyone thought he was
washed up - did so in order to sing the "old
songs" for the "kids" overseas; how Al mar-
ried his nurse (his wife divorced him be-
cause he sang again; and how, finally, Al
discovered that people still wanted to hear
him sing again, and so, to please the public
he taught Larry Parks how to contort his
body, lift his eyebrows, and say "Sonny boy"
as if he had cotton batting in his throat.
The little girl in front of me said, "Mo-
ther, is all this true?" I wished I could
have had such qualms. In a sense all this
was true and I blushed in the dark to see
it made public; I have always felt that
sentimentality is fitting, but only after the
person had died. Before that, to see it
gives me an eerie feeling.
There is excellent reason, though, to see
and hear Jolson sing his songs. His voice'
hasn't been injured by age or loss of a lung.
I don't feel pangs of social conscience wherg
he sings Mammy; he's a good entertainer. I
only wish the point of view in these songs
hadn't been used as the basis for filming the
story of his life, and just how and why he
-S. J. Winebaum

one of the most powerful lobbies in Wash-
ington, vying with others, such as the oil
lobby which just now is trying to weake,
the Federal Power Commission's regulatory
authority over natural gas at the expense of
the consumer.
The average American still seems to hav,
little interest in our merchant fleet, and
consequently pays little attention to what
goes on here in regard to it, even though it
affects his pocketbook. If queried by one of
Dr. Gallup's agents, he probably would say
he was for "a strong merchant marine" and
let it go at that, not bothering to pry into
how the subsidy system operates and wheth-
er it is costing him more than it should.
That would be hard anyhow, since it is most
He would do well now, however, to look
into a bill before Congress, very little
publicized, that would increase his contri-
bution as a taxpayer by technical wrinkles
in tax laws affecting ship lines that would
reduce their own taxes and in a way, ac-
cording to the Treasury Department, that
would discriminate in tax treatment in
their favor and against other industries.
This bill, already approved by the House
Interstate and Foreign Commerce Commit-
tee, currently is the subject of hearings be
fore the Senate Interstate and Foreign Com-
merce Committee. It is in the form of
amendments to the 1936 Merchant Marine
Act which provides certain direct subsidies
also, as does the pending bill. In the House
it was sponsored by the late Rep. Bland}
(D., Va.) and its Senate sponsors are Sena-
tors O'Conor (D., Md.) and Magnuson (D.,
* * *
THE MEASURE is being severely criticized
in government quarters involved in
various phases of shipping policy.
Secretary of Treasury John W. Snyder
flat-footedly opposed it because of its tax
provisions which broaden tax deferment
sections of existing law. He pointed out
that, among other results, they would per-'
mit application of the 25 per cent capital
gains tax rather than the 38 per cent cor-
poration tax in some instances contrary to
present practice, and also that accelerated
depreciation allowances, up to 15 per cent
in any one year, would permit a vessel to
be written off in six and a half years, in-
stead of over the normal expectancy of 20
years, at the treasury's expense.
Budget Director Frank Page opposed the'
bill as not in keeping with President Tru-
man's program and asked that it be held 1,
until completion of a study of the whoklt
merchant marine problem now under way.
He, too, singled out the tax provisions, even
questioning whether provisions in present
law represent sound government policy, and
adding that in general "tax benefits whic
constitute an indirect subsidy are not con-
sihtent with sound fiscal policy, and it is be-
lieved that, wherever possible, they should
be eliminated rather than expanded."
A MOST SIGNIFICANT analysis came
from the General Accounting Office, a
sort of watchdog for the taxpayer, with a
covering letter from Comptroller Genera
Lindsay Warren, head of that agency, who,
it may be recalled, recently issued a report
very critical of the methods of the U.S. Mari-
time Commission in fixing subsidies in which
he charged substantial over-payments to
several big shipping lines,
While he approves of subsidies as es-
sential to maintain our merchant marine,
he is against, "disguised subsidies." The
memorandum he submitted said the tax
provisions of the bill "possess all the evils
inherent in disguised subsidies.
"So long assuch legislative benefits are
conferred, enlarged and extended in scope,
no one will ever be in a position to say how
much the establishment and maintenance of
a merchant marine is costing the taxpayer."
And that is, after all, fairly important.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
same thing whether union leaders want it
or not.
IDAHO POTATOES-Here are two inter-

esting things about the potato surplus: '
1-Idaho potatoes aren't glutting the mar-
ket like Maine spuds.
2-Acreage quotas aren't going to limit
the potato crop much. Farmers simply use
more fertilizer.
- Maine farmers have now increased their
yield to 450 bushels per acre, whereas the
national yield is 211 bushels. Thanks to
fertilizer and insect sprays, however, the
national average next year will be 240 bush-
els. Meanwhile, top Idaho spuds have been
selling for $2.75 to $3.50 per bushel while
Uncle Sam is paying a support price of
around $2 for surpluses. So it's not in Idaho
that potatoes have been piling up.
HOT WAR-It didn't leak out, but the
cold war almost turned into a hot war last
week. Yugoslav troops were on the verge of
invading Albania, which would probably
have precipitated a counter-attack by Rus-
sia. But U.S. Ambassador George Allen in
Belgrade got wind of Yugoslavia's prepara-
tions, went to Marshal Tito and told him
that, if Yugoslavia did invade Albania; the
United States would be forced to denounce
him before the United Nations. This cooled
Tito off and he called off his troops.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters whichtare signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publicationrat the discretion of the

C' C'

(Continued from Page 3)

Mrs. Robeson . .

est Quad Food .. .

Washington Merry-Go-Round


WASHINGTON-In a recent conference
with Congressional "big four" leaders,
the President made it bluntly clear that he
expected them to finish passage of the fed-
eral. aid-to-education bill, which already
has passed the Senate.
"I'm depending on you to get a satisfac-
tory bill through the House during this ses-
sion," Truman told Speaker Sam Rayburn
and House majority chief John McCormack.
The President added that he wouldn't
attempt to dictate the terms of the bill
regarding such controversial questions as
free bus transportation for parochial stu-
"The Democratic Party," he said, "has
promised aid for our schools and I am de-
termined that we will make good on that
promise. You bring me a bill down here and
I'll sign it."

pleted yet and has certain blind spots,
The Navy has also been assigned to work
with civilian authorities in order to throw a
dim-out switch down the Pacific coast as an
emergency, anti-submarine measure. A sim-
ilar program will be worked out later for the
Atlantic coast.
' * * *
THE PLANS being drafted include some
unpleasant news, but military leaders
believe they should be faced now.
In case of atomic attack, key civilians
will be trained in each city to care for the
dead and wounded and restore the city
to emergency operation. Mobile units will
also be trained to move into an atomic-
blitzed city and aid local authorities.
Biggest need will be a huge blood reser-
voir. Another problem concerns the pres-
ent humanitarian concept of aiding most
critical cases first. In mass destructions,
it will be more important to concentrate
on aiding those who have a better chance
of surviving. This tragic problem is al-
ready under study by medical experts.
A huge national war game, testing mili-
tary-civilian teamwork from coast-to-coast,
is also proposed.
LEWIS VS. MURRAY - The good old
American spirit of free competition may be
fine regarding some things but it was partly
responsible for the coal crisis. Harry Moses
of U.S. Steel's giant H. C. Frick Coal Com-
pany put his finger on this during closed-
door talks when he refused to give John L.
Lewis a bigger wage increase than that
given Phil Murray's CIO Steelworkers. Whezi
rank-and-file union members see a boost
going to a rival union, they demand the

To the Editor:
(Mrs. Paul Robeson) will
speak at a meeting under the aus-
pices of the Arts, Sciences, and
Professions Council and the Inter-
Racial Association.
The size of the attendance at
this event should prove to be a
measure of the intellectual sincer-
ity of all of us who verbalize with-
in charmed and closed circles
about the virtues of peace, human-
ism, liberalism, etc. There is an
alarming tendency to retreat from
discussion of the vital problems
of the day that confront us and
to express the anxieties in an im-
mobilizing and incoherent manner.
The opportunity for exchange- in
the free market place of ideas is
as yet with us. It is our good for-
tune in having this learned and
profound woman to report to us
the observations of her travels in
China and Russia. If it were only
for her excellent reputation as an
anthropologist, author and lectur-
er, this event should attract those
thinking people on campus. How-
ever, the academic community is
also here provided with an oppor-
tunity to take part in a construc-
tive forum on the problems which
deeply concern us.
-Lloyd Barmblatt
* * . *
AIM ..., e
To The Editor:
FOR A MAN who has sat on the
council as a representative (?)
of his house for a semester and
a half without uttering a word,
Mel Wachs has certainly spouted
forth with much profound erudi-
tion in a recent Daily article.
But rather than take up the
valuable space of The Michigan
Daily and the equally precious
time of the reader disproving
frenetic statements, I challenge
Mr. Wachs to debate his views be-
fore the men of Anderson House
at an open house meeting at their
-Cal Klyman
Association of Independent Men
* * *
To The Editor:
that we read his last letter to
the editor with the greatest of in-
terest. Perhaps he misunderstood
my attitude towards deficit spend-
ing. I think it is a fine think to
have deficit spendi'ng. Here's why:
It seems that various economists
hold that the national debt is not
a real debt to be paid, since we
owe it all to ourselves anyway. So
all we have to do is give every per-
son in the United States $100,000
in 5 per cent bonds. That way we
can all retire on an income of
$5,000 a year. After all, if one per-
son can retire on 5,000 a year, why
can't we all do the same thing?
Prices won't rise under this plan,
because we can also establish an
O. P. A. to keep them down.
Isn't it ironical, though, Mr.
Hurwitz, that Alexander Hamil-
ton's fiscal policy, including the
blessings of a debt, was formulat-
ed for the express purpose of help-
ing the business interests? Do you
support that, also?
-Jasper B. Reid

To the, Editor:
THURSDAY'S article about the
food service building stated
that it has been inspected by vi-
sitors from every state, as well as
England, Canada, Sweden, etc. .
May I ask, have these visitors
visited the residence halls and
tasted the final results? True,
the food service building has many
wonder physical facilities, but are
they capable of performance that
will satisfy the ultimate student
Many people are unjustly plac-
ing the blame for the residence
hall conditions upon those im-
mediately in charge. Anyone who
is acquainted with these people,
such as Miss Boelts who is in
charge of the West Quad, realizes
that they are doing the best job
possible with the tools they have to
work with. I believe everyone
working for the residence halls up
to and including the position held
by Mr. Shiel fully understands and
knows the various complaints
made by students living there.
Furthermore, I believe all these
people are doing everything pos-
sible 'within their authority to
satisfy the students.
However, there must be some
group or. person further up the
line that is responsible for our
sorry conditions when there exists
such great potentials.
I fully resent all statements
such as that by Rev. Fr. Frank Mc-
Phillips who points out that stu-
dents enter college for training
and that anyone in training must
subject himself to obedience.
Prof. Frank Huntley charges that
students voluntarily subjugate
themselves to the loss of some
rights when they enroll in a uni-
versity. (Statements from Jim
Brown's article in Feb. 26 Daily.)
I want to ask, if this University
is for training, and if an impor-
tant part of this training is teach-
ing a person to know how to ob-
tain and keep his rights, can we
not then best teach these things to
the students by permitting them
to obtain and enjoy their own
If our modern society requires
first subjugation to parents, then
subjugation to schools, a Univer-
sity graduate upon being eligible
for full rights will be unable to
comprehend their use. He may
then allow himself to be again
subjugated to some other authori-
-Nistor Potcova.
.* * *
Poesy.. .
To the Editor:
ART, or Humour Among the
Hip ho a teller of tales
Is old Professor Frankena
A snappy tale will he tell he
Of Stevenson and Botticelli.
Weak in art was the former
From Granma Moses to Anders
But coming on the latter's Ven-
"Better than I have not seen
This I say is really good.
It is art without a wrinkle."
It took his wife to set him right
Relates Frankena with a twinkle.
-Jack Marlowe

'fore February graduates may ap-
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Bldg.
Bureau of Appointments! Camp
Representative of Camp Kitan-
niwa, Hastings, Michigan, will be
at the Bureau of Appointments,
Tues., Mar. 7, to interview female
applicants for the following posi-
tions: camp nurse, waterfront,
general counselors.
Representative of Camp Q-Gull,
Lake Charlevoix, Michigan, will be
at the Bureau of Appointments,
Wed., Mar. 8, to interview appli-
cants for the following positions:
camp nurse, waterfront, experien-
ced general counselors.
For appointments call at 3528
Aministration Bldg., or call ext.
Tues., Mar. 7, 8 p.m., Medical
Wed., Mar. 8, 8 p.m., Ballroom
dancing.class; Canasta class.
Thurs.,Mar. 9, 7:30 p.m., Polon-
ia Club; Camera Club.
Fri., Mar.10, 5:30 p.m., Turkish
Club meeting.
Sat., Mar. 11, 3 p.m., Music
hour; 4 p.m., Movies, America
(Midwestern states); 8 p.m., I.S.A.
Open House.
Dr. Frances JIg, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Child Development of
the Yale School of Medicine, will
lecture to classes in Speech Cor-
rection at Kellogg Auditorium, 8
to 9 a.m., Tues. and Wed., March
7 and 8.
University Lecture in Journal-
ism. "The Makings of a Good
Copywriter." WalternWeir, presi-
dent, Walter Weir, Inc., New York
City; auspices of the Department
of Journalism. 3 p.m., Wed., Mar.
8, Room B, Haven Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for David
Allen Park, Physics; thesis: The
Fourth - Order Self - Energy and
Self-Charge of the Electron in
QuantumaElectrodynamics, 2 p.m.
Wed., Mar. 8, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. Chairman, G. E.
Foreign Language Examinations
for the A.M. in History. 4 p.m.,
Fri., Mar. 17, Room G, Haven Hall.
Students taking the examination
must register in 119 Haven Hall,
by Mar. 13.
Geometry Seminar. Tues., Mar.
7, 3 p.m.,.in 3001 A. H. Dr. Ken-
neth Leisenring will speak on "The
Division of Space by Hyperplanes
with Certain Coincidences."
Mathematical Logic (Phil. 114)
take-home finals from last semes-
ter can be picked up mornings in
1213 A.H.
Zoology Seminar: Tues., Mar. 7,
4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheat-
er. Dr. Roberts Rugh, Department
of Radiology, Columbia Univer-
sity. "The Effects of Ionizing Ra-
diation During Embryonic Devel-
Mathematics Colloquium: 4:10
p.m., Tues., Mar. 7, Rm. 3011, An-
gell Hall. A. J. Lohwater: "Con-
cerning the Points of Linear Ac-
cessibility of a Jordan Curve."
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
4 p.m., Wed., Mar. 8, Rm. 101, W.
Engineering Bldg. Mr. Samuel K.
Clark will continue his discussion
on shells of the form of a surface
of revolution with "Part III. So-

lution of the Differential Equat-
ions of Bending for a Spherical
Shell of Constant Thickness."
The Chicago Symphony Orch-
estra, Fritz Reiner, guest conduc-
tor, will give the final program
in this season's Extra Concert Ser-
ies, Sun., Mar. 12, 7 p.m., Hill
Auditorium. Program: "Leonore"
Overture No. 2 (Beethoven); "Pa-
ganiniana" (Casella); Schumann
Symphony No. 2; and a group of
three numbers from Wagner's op-
eras: Siegfried's Rhine Journey
from "Gotterdammerung"; Good
Friday Spell from "Parsifal"; and
the Ride of the Valkyries from
"Die Walkure."
Tickets are available at the Uni-
versity Musical Society, Burton
Memorial Tower.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 5:15, p.m.,

Evening Prayer and Meditation;
7:30-9 p.m., Bible study seminar
on,-St. Paul's Epistle to the Ro-
Congregational ,Disciple Evangeli-
cal and Reformed Guild: Tea, 4:30
to 6 p.m., Guild House.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Choral Union: Regular full re-
hearsal, Haven Hall.
Science Research Club: Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m.
Program: Isotopic Nitrogen in Or-
ganic Chemistry, Wyman R. Vau-
ghn, Chemistry Department; Rate
of Mutation in Human Genes,
James V. Neel, Internal Medicine
and Laboratory of Vertebrate Bio-
University Council of Arts, Sci-
ences and Professions and Inter-
Racial Association cosponsor a
rally and discussion, 7:30 p.m.,
Kellogg Auditorium. Mrs. Paul
Robeson, anthropologist, will talk
on "China, Russia and the Peace."
Cercle Francais: Meeting, 8 p.n.,
Hussey Room, League. Films:
"French Canada"Lin English).
Student Players: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., League. Election of officers.
Opera. "Cosi- fan tutte," by Mo-
zart; presented by the Department
of Speech and the School of Mu-
sic. 8 p.m., Wed. thru Sat. and
matinee on Sat., 2:30. Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater. Special student
rates for Wed., Thurs., and Sat.
matinee. Tickets onrsale 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Mendelssohn box office.
Call 6300 for reservations.
Undergraduate Psychology Club:
Meeting of psychology concen-
trates, League (Garden Rehearsal
Rm.), 7:30 p.m.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Rehearsal for chorus and prin-
cipals, 7:15 p.m., Union.
A.I.M.: Closed House Presidents
meeting, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 3-C, Un-
Chess Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
U. of M. Young Republican
Club: Meeting for general mem-
bership, League, Chapel, 7:30 p.-
m. At 8:30, a debate with the
Young Democrats on "The Labor
Plank of our Opportunity State
Platform." Open to the public.
Quarterdeck Society: Meeting
7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-S, Union. Movies:
"Damage Control."



I.S.A.: Meeting, 7:30
ternational Center.

p.m., In-

League Dance Classes: Men who
(Continued on Page 6)





A PLAN TO FORM a chain of aircraft
spotters across the United States has
been drawn up in the national Defense De-
The idea is for the public to do less wor-
rying and more preparing for possible atomic
attack. To this end the general public will
be briefed on how to escape danger and stop
panic, while civilian minutemen will be
trained in peace for possible duties in case
of war. I

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George. Walker.........Associate Editor
Don McNeil ........... Associate Editor
Wally Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes .......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.......Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed,
Allan Clamage.................Librarian
Joyce Clark.........Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager
Bob Daniels ......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to theuse forrrepublication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00.




One of these is a civilian aircraft warn-
ing net, stretching in an arc across 25 nor-
thern states from North Carolina to Cali-
fornia cutting across the middle of Illinois,
Ohio and Indiana. Civilian volunteers will
be trained, then kept on a stand-by basis
at key posts to scan the skies for enemy
planes. This is necessary to supplement
our radar screen which hasn't been com-








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