TIM WHOlIG.AN TRMV SATURD~AY, MARCHf 4, 190 Institute Makes vances In Social Research G'~ * * * * * * 4' Unique Centers Study Group, Human Behavior Within the ancient walls of University Hall functions the nerve center of the Institute for Social Research, one of the world's most important organizations of its kind. Directed by Prof. Rensis Likert, the Institute is divided into two units, the Survey Research Center, devoted to the measurement of human behavior, and the Research Center for Group Dynamics which attempts to discover ways of changing group behavior. Operating independently, but with mutual exchange of informa- tion and personnel, the two units adequately supplement each other, making possible new advances in the social sciences. Survey Research Center . . Under the direction of Prof. Angus Campbell, the Survey Research Center uses the sample-interview-survey to measure people's atti- tudes, behavior and financial status. The sample-interview survey is in some ways comparable to the commercial poll. It is, however, a more accurate survey technique than that of Roper or Gallup, prin- cipally because the scientific method is used in the selection of ran- dom samples and only highly trained interviewers are employed. SURVEY RESEARCH, using the sample-interview survey tool, has made outstanding studies of economic behavior, human relations and social organization, political attitudes and behavior, and mass communication and research methods. For example, the Center has completed five studies of atti- tudes toward international affairs since 1946. These include: Pub- lic Reaction to the Atomic Bomb and World Affairs (1946); Amer- ica's Attitude Toward Aid to Europe (1947) and Public Interest in World Affairs (1949). A sixth study is now being conducted in the field of foreign af- fairs in an attempt to measure the impact of the announcement of the Russian atomic explosion on U.S.-Russian relations. CURRENTLY THE CENTER is working on the Fifth Survey of Consumer Finances. This survey, actually a report of the distribution of consumer power, has been conducted by the Center annually since 1945 at the request of the Federal Reserve Board. Survey Research is now engaged in a ten-year program aimed at increasing understanding of group production and morale. The program is designed to discover why groups fail to reach their efficiency potential. The Center's activities are not, however, limited to measurement of human behavior and attitudes. Realizing the increasing need for scientifically trained personnel, the Center provides "on the job" train- ing for qualified students doing graduate work in the social sciences. Group Dynamics .. . The Research Center for Group Dynamics, attempting to discover ways of changing human behavior, comprises the other unit which shares an equal place with Survey Research in the Institute. Group Dynamics investigates a variety of groups in industry, government, communities, educational institutions and housing projects in an at- tempt to discover the basic principles underlying group behavior. Such problems as leadership, group structures, communication within groups, inter-group relations, effective group functioning and the training of leaders are carefully studied. GROUP DYNAMICS HAS conducted studies for such organiza- tions as the Atlantic Telephone and Telephone Company, the U.S. Public Housing Authority and the Marshall Field Foundation. More. recent studies have been made, or are being made, for the Office of Naval Research, Michigan Bell Telephone Company and the Carnegie Foundation. Directed by Prof. Dorwin Cartwright, the Group Dynamics Center realizes as keenly as the Survey Research Center that prop- er training in their field of social inquiry is essential to progress. Individual leaders and even whoe groups have been trained In the techniques of improved functioning by this center. Staff mem- bers participate in the graduate teaching program of the Uni- versity and "on the job" training is available to qualified indi- viduals. Further study of group behavior is done at Bethal, Maine, each summer, where the National Training Laboratory in Group Develop- ment is held. This laboratory, which the Institute co-sponsors with the National Education Association, provides an excellent opportunity for laymen to receive training in the field of human relations, specifi- cally in problems of leadership and group functioning. ALTHOUGH A PART OF the University, the Institute for Social Research is largely a self-supporting, non-profit research institute. It is established, however, on an inter-department and inter-school basis. The organization's existence is made possible through gifts, con- tracts with private business or government agencies and grants such as the recent $20,000 grant received by the Survey Research Center from the Rockefeller Foundation. Survey Research completed transfer of its staff from Washing- ton, D.C., where it was a part of the Department of Agriculture in 1947. The Research Center for Group Dynamics, founded in 1945 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, moved to the University in July of 1948 making the establishment of the Institute complete. Slate Open House 4WiHcox Pens Book CODING-Questionnaires forwarded to the Institute by members of the field staff who conduct the interviews, are coded lfy graduate students prior to final tabulation. At the present time 47 gradu- ate students and 27 student wives are employed in the Coding Section of the Institute. Daily Photo Feature Story By ROBERT VAUGHN Photos By ED KOZMA . INTERVIEW-Shirley Heinze, an administrative assistant in the Field Section simulates an interview with Frances Brumm, a typist in the Survey Research Center. Of a staff of 311 interviewers, 121 are now operating in various parts of the nation. _. '. 4 ft COMPLETED PROJECT-Detroit Edison Company executives examine results of a survey con- ducted for the company by the Survey Research Center. In addition to making a study, the Center attempts to show the application of its f indings. Improved employee-management rela- tions are thus made possible by the Center's work. SAMPLE SELECTION-Areas in which a survey is to be taken are plotted on maps and aerial photographs. Interviewers throughout the nation receive this material enabling them to do their job accurately and efficiently. Here, William Mooney and Lysle Sommers of the Sampling Section ft Money-Making Students Must Fill Out Income Tax Forms 9' Any student who earned more than $600 during 1949 is required to fill out an income tax form and pay taxes before midnight March 15, the office of Collector of Inter- nal Revenue warned. Other students who have earned less than this amount may seek refunds equal to the amount of withholding tax deducted from their pay. These students also must fill out a form to receive the rebate. HOWEVER, STUDENTS do not have to stay up all night attempt- ing to fill out these forms. A six man crew in the office of Collector of Internal Revenue is prepared to aid any student in this task. All tax forms may be obtained at the 'U' Asks Reports office, Rm. 207, First National Building. Students may receive this aid from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon- day through Friday. In an at- tempt to handle the annual "last minute" crowds, the office will be open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, March 11. The hours will be extended until 8 p.m. March 13 through 15. "Because, the forms have not changed for the last few years, we haven't had the long line up at the office thatrwe used to have on the last day," remarked Ronald C. Wolf, deputy collector in charge of internal revenue. TAX RETURN aid may also be obtained from 3 to,5 p.m. daily at the Student Legislature's Better Business Bureau, in the Office of Mourn Loss Of DeanLloyd (Continued from Page 1) and understanding trustee of the University's interest in the in- dividual student." MISS LLOYD also served in many off-campus positions. Dur- ing World War II, she was a mem- ber of two national commissions - the Navy's advisory education committee on women's services, and a special Committee on Col- lege Women Students and the War, set up by the A merican Council on Education. MISS LLOYD is survived by her mother, Mrs. Alfred Lloyd, of Ann Arbor; one sister, Mrs. William Jesse, of Chicago; two brothers, Dr. Putnam Lloyd of New York and Frederick T. Lloyd, of Battle An open house for all American and foreign students will be held from 8 to 12 p.m. today, at the International Center, Ed Yanne, president of the International Student Association announced. "It is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in meeting foreign students," he said. A.| 1. Star of Empire, A Study of Bri- tain as a World Power from 1485 to 1945, by Prof. William B. Will- cox of the history department, is being released by Knopf iPublish- ing Company. The volume is intended for the general public rather than class- room study. S S University Instrunient Shop Room 2320 E. Engineering Bldg. ALL KINDS OF PRECISION WORK RESEARCH WORK Special Work of all Kinds STAGE COACH INN Have you any PARTIES, BANQUETS or RECEPTIONS We will solve this problem for you with de- licious meals, either served at our beautiful 2 dining rooms. or taken home. Food prepared LUNCHEONS. andDINNE Served Family Style i Special Student Snacks 9 P.M. 'Til Closing Sib LBERTY FISH & CHIPS 301 East Liberty L..1 I i Eft w w L wve carry ca runm linear A KOSHER DELICATESSEN SALAMI CORNED BEEF PASTRAMER WEINERS SMOKED FISH Kosher Dills in bulk FRESH DAILY BREAD, BAGELS, ROLLS p. o In Ir I, 1. I, I, GM (b. 4i tote DRUG COMPANY 900 South State Street ow :- - - _ __ sW =ssW eem_.Q s w .i w ,w M +, e I