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March 03, 1950 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-03

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TRMAY, MARCH 8, 1950

I i -

FUIDA _...MARCH 3. ,....,

Residence Halls Council

THE SEEMING aversion of independents
to active participation in campus af-
fairs makes the veto of plans for an inter-
dorm council by residence hall presidents a
wise move.
Arguing that AIM and Assembly are
too weak to properly care for the com-
bined needs of the independent, several
dorm leaders urged the formation of a
third independent group that would co-
ordinate the actions of the residence halls
in matters of common concern.
By setting up another weak organization
these people surely ,could not have hoped to
remedy any shortcomings of AIM or As-
sembly. And the new council would have
been weak.
The old "weakest link" proverb applies
well. As dne of the house presidents noted,
many of the residence halls are poorly or-
ganized now. The independent tends to have
an inherent distaste for campus activity
even in a group that is designed to increase

his own well being. And if there is no uni-
fying spirit in dormitories, an organization
using them as a foundation would stand
little chance of success.
On the other hand appointing a council
of AIM and Assembly representatives to do
the coordination job will fare little better
for the same reason.
Already AIM has proposed plans for
increasing its contacts with the individual
independent so as to bring wider partici-
pation by these men in furthering their
own welfare. As a plan of action this
may be a good idea, but it seems doomed
to, failure.
Just as an inter-dorm council would have
been unsuccessful because individual houses
do not function properly, the council of the
two existing groups will do no better. The
independents on campus seem quite content
to be unorganized, and to work out any
problems they have for themselves.
-Vernon Emerson



Washington Merry- Go -Round


WASHINGTON -The Circus Saints and
Sinners in New York took good old
General Harry Vaughan over the hurdles the
other day, and also included a few side-
swipes at yours truly. In fact, they wrote a
column, "Washington Merely-Go-Wrong, by
Phew Drearson." And in the spirit of good
clean fun, I reproduce "Phew Drearson's"
column forthwith and herewith below:
"It will be denied, but I have it on the
best authority that there is a serious split in
the White House family between President
Truman and his military aide, Major Gen-
0 M
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


The Weekend

In Town

EVENTS OF INTEREST around campus.
ONE-ACT PLAYS, presented by the De-
partment of Speech. 8 p.m. today at Lydia
Mendelssohn. See review this page.
CHICKADEE, with Mae West and W. C.
Fields. See review this page. 8:30 p.m. today
and tomorrow at Hill Auditorium.
HOLIDAY INN, with Bing Crosby and
Fred Astaire. Tuneful, dancey hit of several
years ago. Today and tomorrow at the
ric March. Spectacular in the J. Arthur
Rank tradition, fairly engrossing, but don't
count on it for an accurate account of his-
tory. Today and tomorrow at the State.
mentary relating squalor of life in post-war
Berlin. Through Sunday at the Orpheum.
ABANDONED. Fairly sloppy film about
unwed mothers and their problems. Through
Sunday at the Michigan.
JOLSON SINGS AGAIN, with Larry Parks.
Rehash of THE JOLSON STORY, with all
the Maestro's songs that didn't get into the
first picture thrown in for good measure.
Sunday at the State.
SWIM MEET. Big Ten. 2:30 and 8:30
p.m., today and tomorrow in the IM Pool.
See sports page for story.
HOCKEY, vs. Michigan Tech. We split
when we played them on their home rink.
8 p.m., today and tomorrow at the Coliseum.
BASKETBALL, vs. Purdue. They're in the
ninth spot in the Big Ten, and we're in the
eighth, so it's anybody's game. 7:30 p.m.,
tomorrow at Yost Field House.
ASSEMBLY BALL. All campus semi-for-
mal on "Kandy Kingdom" theme. Frank
Tinker's music. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., today at
the Union.
UNION. Membership dance 9 p.m. to
midnight, tomorrow.
ADVERTISING ART by Lester Beal, ad-
vertising designer. Through March 11, East
Gallery, Rackham.
The Skeptic
"NO MAN ever quite believes in any other
man. One may believe in an idea ab-
solutely, but not in a man. In the highest
confidence there is always a flavor of doubt
-a feeling, half instinctive and half logical,
that, after all, the scoundrel may have some-
thing up his sleeve. This doubt, it must be
obvious, is always more than justified. for

eral Harry S. Vaughan. The cause of this
cleavage is your correspondent, whose offer
to apologize to General Vaughan rocked of-
ficial Washington yesterday.
"From sources that I have hitherto
found to be absolutely reliable, I have
learned that I offered to withdraw all I
have said or written against General
Vaughan if President Truman will with-
draw all he has written or said, especially
said, about me.
"Last night a closed meeting was held at
Blair House. Present were Truman, Vaugh-
an, and others of the Missouri crowd. The
President, who, at the time, was holding
three aces and a joker (George Allen) in-
sisted upon standing pat. Vaughan, accord-
ing to my informant, tried to get the Presi-
dent to accept my apology, but the meeting
broke up at midnight with the general ap-
parently losing the decision and $42.60.
* * *
"IT CAN NOW be disclosed that I have
held several clandestine meetings with
General Vaughan, and that he has been
largely successful in convincing me that no
personal animosity was reflected in the
President's apparent designation of me as
an S.O.B. Vaughan, who is very familiar
with the folklore of his native state, tells me
that in Missouri the initials S.O.B. are gen-
erally accepted as meaning Sweet Old Bung-
ler, as applied to one who, with good inten-
tions in his heart, inadvertently does or says
the wrong thing.
"While I am entirely willing to accept
this interpretation, I felt that I was still
justified in demanding an apology from
the President, in view of the fact that
these initials are, in more enlightened sec-
tions of the country, associated with words
that have an entirely different connota-
tion, reflecting upon the birth or ancestry
of the designee.
"Right here I want to say that I was not
in the least disturbed when the President
nominated me as an S.O.B. What did hurt
me deeply was that the Senate was ready
to unanimously confirm the appointment.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
At Hill Auditorium .,..
CHICKADEE, with W. C. Fields and Mae
IT'S HARD TO IMAGINE three funnier
people than Chaplin, Fields and La West,
and when they all appear on one program,
that's a significant event.
Chaplin leads off with "The Paper Hang-
er," "Triple Trouble," and "Shanghaied"
which are practically indistinguishable as
to content, but what's more important, in-
distinguishable as to laughs per minute.
Chaplin wreaking havoc in a kitchen,
Chaplin as a house-painter (shades of his
infamous double), slapping paint on every-
thing in sight, Chaplin picking a pick-
pocket's pocket in a flop house, Chaplin
anywhere, doing anything - manages to
make any corner of life his particular
Probably somebody will or already has
written a psychological "treatise explaining
that the reason people laugh at Chaplin
is because he symbolizes the frustrated little
man, subject to all the vices but getting
small chance to indulge them, and when we
laugh at him, we are in a sense, laughing at
ourselves. What counts, however, is that
wP tin liah ad hor

WASHINGTON-Very little has been said
since the British election about Winston
Churchill's dramatic appeal, at the height of
the campaign, for another top-level meeting
among the British, ourselves and Russia .to
seek a basis for peace.
Whether this surprise issue had any ef-
fect on the surprising showing of the Con-
servative Party no one, of course, can say
with any authority. What can be said,
however, with certainty is that he touch-
ed a very responsive chord among his peo-
ple and aroused their interest in further
explorations for peace.
Among the gifts of leadership - and Mr.
Churchill has demonstrated that he posses-
ses them in rare degree - is the ability to
discern the aspirations of people, to give
them voice and to translate them into ac-
tion, if possible. This rises above mere poli-
tics, as we think of that craft ordinarily, to
* * *
WHATEVER EFFECT Mr. Churchill's pro-
posal may have had on the British elec-
tion, the British election did have an effect
on it. He will have large power and influ-
ence in the British government now, and it
is presumed he will use this to pursue his
campaign proposal. As he said himself, with
pardonable pride, it went around the world.
It has, truly, projected him into a new role
of world leadership that might become al-
most comparable to that during the war, and
we all know how great that was.
His readiness for a great adventure in
behalf of peace contrasts with the chilly
negative attitude of our leaders who thus
far have failed to rise to this critical hour.
There's the same yearning for action for
peace among our own people as among the
British people, and among people every-
where. We know that. We are not a people
who like to sit by sedately, hands folded
patiently in our laps, nor are we a people
who like to sit and glower at our neighbors.
We are a dynamic people, and we like to act.
That is shown by our restlessness now under
polite diplomatic cautioning just to sit tight.
The spiritual might that took us to victory
in war could be just as powerful for peace.
* * *
OUR PEOPLE took it through the war, and
they have taken it for five years in a "cold
war." They could keep on taking it if it
would get us any closer to peace. But build-
ing up armaments has never yet brought
peace. It isn't done that way. There is no
use of us making martyrs of ourselves just
to prove that we can be martyrs, particular-
ly if, at the end of our demonstration, we
are no closer to peace.
Nor can we make much headway by in-
sisting constantly on our own complete
and untouchable self-righteousness. The
beginning of wisdom for us would be to
admit some mistakes - and we have made
them. President Truman, himself, did so
frankly and candidly when he said in his
interview with Arthur Krock of the New
York Times that it had been a mistake to
cut off Lend-Lease with Russia when we
did. In the long backview of history it may
turn out that we made a mistake when we
were the first to go outside the United
Nations and act independently in the case
of economic and military aid to Greece
and Turkey - the "Truman Doctrine" -
right at Russia's doorstep. Now the Presi-
dent is insisting that everything must be
done within the UN.
We in this country came out of the war
with the belief that we were going to have
a different world, and perhaps most other
people did, too. Idealistic? Yes, perhaps.
Now we do have a different world - and not
the sort we expected. We created it our-
selves when we dropped the atom bomb. That
is our responsibility. That is the burden
we bear. It is heavy. We can bear it. But

not the way we are going about it now. It
will take a new approach.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

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(Continued from Page 3)
Camp Positions:
Representative of Camp Q-Gull,
Lake Charlevoix, Mich. (coed, pri
vate) , will be at the Bureau of
Appointments Wed., Mar. 8, to
interview candidates for the fol-
lowing positions: camp nurse, wa-
terfront, experienced g e n e r a 1
Representative of Camp Kitan-
niwa, Hastings, Mich. (Battle
Creek Camp Fire Girls), will be at
the Bureau of Appointments on
Tues., Mar. 7, to interview appli-
cants for the following positions:
camp nurse, waterfront, experi-
enced general counselors.
For information and appoint-
ment concerning the above an-
nouncements, call at 3528 Admin-
istration Bldg., or call ext. 2614.
Academic Notices
History 178: Class will not be
held Fri., Mar. 3.



) I

I, '
t L o t 4a
S L MPS RS" ; FGA,$ R /
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are notin good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

History 180: Class
held Fri., Mar. 3.

Boom Town


will not be


C.E.D. . .
To the Editor:
IT WAS recently stated in a let-
ter to the editor that the Com-
mittee to End Discrimination had
committed itself to participation
in the University Hospital assault
case. The statement is untrue and
seems to have confused some peo-
ple concerning the organizational
structure and objectives of the
The Committee to End Discrimi-
nation is a coalition group com-
posed of delegates from over thir-
ty-five recognized campus groups:
religious, social, fraternal, and
political. It was originally formed
to "coordinate, integrate, and ini-
tiate action against discrimina-
tion on campus." This broad ob-
jective and recognition of its need
is implicit in C.E.D. function.
It was decided in an October '49
general meeting that the C.E.D.
should concentrate its activities
upon seeking the removal of po-
tentially discriminatory questions
and requests for photographs
from the application forms of
the Michigan Medical School. It
has engaged organizationally in
no other activities since that time
and will continue on that basis
until it decides as a group to do
The C.E.D. has a strong case.
According to the President's Com-
mission on Higher Education,
"Discrimination in the admission
of college students because of race,
creed, color, sex, national origin,
or ancestry is an undemocratic
practice which creates serious in-
equalities in the opportunity for
higher education. The Commis-
sion is opposed to discrimination
and believes it should be aban-
doned. . .
The question is, therefore, "if
there are no quotas or other forms
of discrimination, why are these
questions asked of prospective
student?" As the Commission puts
it, "Indeed it can almost be said
that the request for certain in-
formation constiutes an all but
prima facie case that such infor-
mation is likely to be used for
discriminatory purposes. . . . It
is clear that all such information
needed for educational purposes
can readily be gathered after the
student has been admitted, rather
than before." (Vol. II, p. 38)
The C.E.D. is not charging (and
has not charged) that the Medi-
cal School practices the quota
system in their admissions poli-
cies. We do maintain, however,
that suspicion of such undemocra-
tic practices is likely to continue
as long as potentially discrimina-
tory questions are asked of stu-
dents prior to their admission.
Further, we are in accord with the
principle that public institutions
can ill afford the continuance of
practices which engender charges
of discrimination.
C.E.D. efforts have been further
justified by enthusiastic petition
support from thousands of stu-
dents and faculty members and
favorable, highly enthusiastic re-
sponse from such famous leaders
as John Dewey, Eleanor Roosevelt,
and many others. Support of this
nature is coming in daily.
As a student at the University

of Michigan there axe several
things which you can do:
1-The C.E.D. is open to any
recognized campus organization.
If your group is not a member, at-
tempt to get it to join.
2-Any student at Michigan is
urged to join in the work of the
3-Come to the weekly meet-
ings on Fridays at 4:15, Union.
-Executive Board,
to End Discrimination,
Leah Marks, Secretary.
* * *
British Policy ... *
To the Editor:
W HY DID you give so much
space and prominence to Miss
Willens' report on Kamel Shair's
opinions about the British, in Sun-
day's issue of The Daily? Could it
be that you share those biased be-
A knowledge of the political and
economic trends throughout the
world, especially in Arabia, Bur-
ma, India, and China, should dis-
courage you from airing the dia-
tribes of foreign students against
the British. This has occurred
more than once in The Michigan
Daily. Free speech in America
does not imply the right to use
our press as a sounding board for
their vilification of nations friend-
ly to us.
Mr. Shair states that the back-
wardness of his people was not due
to their dumbness, but to the man-
ner in which the British fooled
them in matters of admiristration.
How ridiculous such statements
are is quite apparent when we con-
sider that the conditions he men-
tions have been prevalent for cen-
turies preceding the advent of the
British in his country.
Apparently Mr. Shair is com-
pletely oblivious to the important
benefits resulting from the devel-
opment of commerce and industry
in his country, brought about prin-
cipally by British initiative and
capital investment. Does he also
overlook the important fact that
through the expenditure of Bri-
tish blood, sweat and wealth, the
national freedom of his people was1
preserved against the encroach-,
ments of Hitler's armies? Such1
bitter denunciation of the British+
people is poor compensation for
the sacrifices they have been sub-
jected to for these last ten long
In conclusion, may I point out
that it is not in the interest of,
Britain, America, or any other na-
tion to obstruct the road to pro-
gress and peace. This is self-evi-
dent in the fact that European
and American seats of learning
have for many years opened their
portals to numerous students from
many foreign lands..
-Leonard F. Field
(EDITORS' NOTE: We are glad to
print another view, besides Mr.
Shair's, on the controversial questionE
of British colonial policy. In reply to
Mr. Field,ahowever, it should'bespoint-
ed out that Daily writers express their
opinions on the editorial page, not inj
the news, that the primary reason
for Miss Willens' report was the "hu-
man interest" involved, that the space
and prominence given the report (500
words and a picture on page 6) was
proper for a "feature" story of thisc
type, and that there may be some
value in finding out what Arabs,Bur-
mese, Indians and Chinese think
about British policy even though the
U.S. and Britain are allies.)

Speech 156: Dr. Muysken's $
o'clock class (Individual Differ-
ences) will meet in 205 Mason Hall
beginning Fri., Mar. 3.
Botany I Make-up Examination
will be given Tues., Mar. 7, 4 p.m.,
1139 Natural Science for students
with excused absences from the
Fall Term final examination.
Doctoral Examination for Rolfe
Alden Haatvedt, Classical Studies :
Latin;'thesis: "Coins from Karan-
is," Sat.,.Mar. 4, 2009 Angell Hall,
9:30, a.m. Chairman, J. G. Win-
Makeup Examination in Eco-
nomics 51, 52, 53, 54: Thurs., Mar.
9, 3 p.m., 202 Economics Bldg. Any
student expecting to.take this ex-
amination must leave his name
with the Departmental Secretary
before the examination.
. College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: Students in the Col-
lege are reminded of the Faculty
regulation regarding the dropping
of courses: "Any course dropped
after the end of the third week
of the semester will be recorded
with the grade of "E". Exception
will be made only in extraordinary
Events Today
Baptist Students will leave the
Guild House at 8 p.m. for a visit

Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Open
house and tea. Evening prayer,
5:15 p.m.
SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30-6 p.m.
Lane Hall Lounge.
Westminster Guild: 8 p.m., Meet
at Church for Snow Party.
Wesley Foundation: 7 p.m.,
Meet at the Guild and leave in a
group for the hockey game. Square
and social dancing in the student
lounge after the game.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Membership committee meeting,
4:15 p.m., Fri., Fondation. Solici-
tors bring in all money.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday evening services, 7:45 p.m.
Dr. Valeria Juracsek, department
of psychiatry, "What Makes for
a Successful Marriage?"
University Museums: Human bio-
logy featured in Friday evening
program. Exhibits open from 7 to
9 p.m. Motion pictures: "Heredity"
and "Human Reproduction," aus-
pices of the Museums, 7:30 pm.,
Kellogg Auditorium, Dental Bldg.
Exhibit in rotunda, Museums
Bldg.: Water colors of Michigan
Mammals, painted by Richard P.
Grossenheider, St. Louis.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., League, cafeteria.
C.E.D.: Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Un-
All students: Briefing meeting
for students interested in solici-
ting for W.S.S.F., 4 p.m., Lane
Coming Events
Saturday Luncheon Discussion:
12:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Make reser-
vations at Lane Hall before Fri-
day, 6 p.m.
I.S.A.: Open House, 8-12 p.m.,
Sat., Mar, 4, International Center.
Phi Sigma: Meeting, Mon., Mar.
6, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Speaker: Dr Richard J. Porter,
associate professor of protozoolo-
gy, School of Public Health. 'Re-
cent Advances in the Study of
Malaria or - Malaria-like Organ-
isms." 7:30 p.m., Installation
meeting of new officers.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, Sat.,
Mar. 4, 1 p.m., 500 BMT.
Postponement. U. of M. Socio-
logical Society: Party, 2 to 5 p.m.,
Sat., Mar. 11 (instead of March
4) 307 Haven Hall.
All students: Briefing meeting
for students interested in solici-
ting for WSSF, 2 p.m. Sat., Mar.
4, Lane Hall.








to the

Anna Botsford Bach Home
they will have a program.



i1 "' J 11 1


Progressives ,
To the Editor:
THE ARTICLE on attorney 0.
John Rogge in Sunday's Daily
mates him appear to be a crypto-
Gomifiunist or at least a' fellow-
traveler. However, many of us
who heard him speak (I sneaked
in) nust have felt new hope in
the. noderation of his remarks. He
refrained from making sensation-
al charges which we have learned
-rightly or wrongly-to associate
with the Progressive Party. And
I am confident his judicial res-
traint was not a political gesture.
For instance, he refused to
charge American big business with
really wanting a war with the So-
viet Union. Unlike the more ve-
hement elements in the Progres-
sive Party, Wallace and Rogge,
people who as high government
officials came in contact with the
leading politicians and business-
men of the nation, have a good
understanding of the motivation
of the big shots.
Rogge is sensible enough to give
people the benefit of the doubt
and not make them blacker than,
they are. Let us have some charity
ev6n in politics and not envision
people sporting great big horns
until we have no alternative.
Social reformers must be parti-
san. They cannot afford to be ob-
jective and "above the battle." But
on the other hand they should also
make some effort at realism and
understanding. It takes all sorts
of people to make a world and
some of them who may not be for;
us may not be against us, either.
It may be easy to classify othersa
in terms of pure black and white
(or red and brown, or red and
black), but as college students we
have been taught that the neat-
est, simplest statement is not al-
ways the correct one.
There might still be hope for a
flexible rather than dogmatic pro'-
gressive party. Personally, I don't,
anticipate another left-of-center
United Front coalition until Rus-
sia and the United States are on=
the same side again. That won't be
for a few years yet.
--John Neufeld 3



,' '1
In attempting the Temptation and Death
Scenes from Shakespeare's "Othello," in
their one-act bill, play production students
last night tried one of the most difficult bits
of drama to produce, and largely succeeded.
The effectiveness of the tragedy of the play
is imbedded in the success of the character-
'ization of the largesse and nobility of the
Moor, and although Nafe Katter (under-
standably) did not quite achieve the ma-
turity and depth of character necessary to
Othello, his technique and projection did
catch enough of Othello's character to pre-
vent the play from descending to the bloody
melodrama possible in the final multiple
murders and stabbings.
Most successful as Iago's wife, Emelia, was
Beverly Ketcik. Her portrayal of Emelia's
rise to meet her test of loyalty and honesty
amounting to near-greatness was beautiful
to see.
Probably the best "gentlemen's gentlemen"
outside of P. G. Wodehouse, strode across
the stage with uproarious melodramatic

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff...........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............. City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein........... Associate Editor
Jo Misner. . ............ Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Wally Barth....... Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin........... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz....Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach....... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith...Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Clamage.................Librarian
Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl.........Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The, Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of repubiication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, asosecond-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mrailr$6.00





U.S. and Britain are allies.) -John Neufeld

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